Uuiv al r« qon, W ash i u ij Ion a n d N orth« rn C alifornia! M arch 24 to ele. t new offic' is. Miss S tau ffer is Inc p iesen t p re ­ Doris Mlllei and C hestci Rupp, h a v e b e e n o o liiie d of plan s for) sident ol Ihe club. seniors, in the A shland high l i n e e m o to r bo.il . i a.-ing reg attas | T h e c lu b m et M uih E i ,' e v e n it ,-., school, have been selected to re ­ to be held a t E m igrant lake this M arch 3, ut the civic club house, •sp'ing This lax ■ L located a b o rt Tenting Started This p resen t A shland Lodge No. 944 t«vi in a reg u la r b u sin es. «essm n. miles south of /Asliland. B.P.O. Elks in the annual O u t­ John vonK uhim ao, p, P h y s k a t E ducation d ir­ b o m b . building i» u seab le according to Ehanon on W im er street .for Cof­ T h e ball S atu rd ay evening to the left. ecto r a t SOC. Al Sim pson, coach Beigel. fee and sandw iches. They went closed the spring affair a t SOC will aid Mr. Bishop. Business offices rem ain in the to th e hom e of th eir sponsors. Bishop pointed out this w eek sam e position, on the south side Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n B illings on th a t the to u rn am en t is stric tly in ­ of the building. T ranscription North M ain stre e t to p resen t the v itatio n al and has no bearin g on room, storage room, and news B illings an engraved baby cup as th e d istrict or class B ” C h am p ­ room are ut the rear, or w est side a token of th eir appreciatio n for, ionship. of the building. the services rendered to th e F el-i R. N. Fletcher, Y.M.C.A. secre­ The staff, which is presently- Roland L. P ark s, p re sid e n t of low ship organization by the B ill­ tary of A shland, was elected v ic e -, w orking out of room 410 in the th e S o u th ern O regon O fficials a s­ ch airm an of the organization of Roger Rath, c h a rter m em ber of H enry Enders, chairm an oi of th the i .»hu, i,,,«..i ...in , . . rien ry tim e rs , cn airm an e ings. | x reb u ilt stiidio this w'eeken'd ‘h*'U k B v i‘-’' v G range executive board • p i . , n i , Jackson county council of so c ial the A shland T oastm aster's club sociation, is in ch arg e of the of- was elected president, of the pub liciatin g at the to u rn am en t. O f­ will be in charge ot the program lie speaking group at elections ficials, P ark s stated , will be c e r­ n u . , , al the n ex t m eeting of the G range - r n u B a r^ ha,n -"’‘L w hich will be held M arch 18. held Monday night. R ath succeeds tified O regon S ta te association S unday evening the very near Louise McNair A shland' roKidino in Be,,< b •s ,rt‘c * are n” w j t elneshm ent com m ittee ut Dave W hittle, first president ol m en. The assignm ent of officials b; the y ear old organiation. . u lhe M arcn 18 m eeting will include m ean th , a t Ed S ingm aster was elected , tiie association - - - - - will ..... ----- ------ Af , Bca‘ b Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Go'llis, Mr. Mr I n d T ‘" ‘he Appl.gat«-. and M r«« Tom C arter, Mr. ana Vice president; Don H inthorne, b ettç r bran d of officiating w ill b«. M|M and d M ^ i - h “ .11" , eterR; Mrs. Floyd C arter, Mr. and Mrs. se tre ta ry -tre a su re r, P rice Hen- P °ssible, P ark s said, and it wiL non. serg ean t at arm s, and W h itip clin B Bishop and Sim pson t M m i, s - J C hurch, and Mr. and Mrs. Mi, and Mrs. R obert Dodge; Mr. ip B C a r n e n te i- I ¡give m ore tim e and a tte n tio n to and Mrs. C a n y l Wine»; Mr. a n d ) £ m eeting of the I so u th ern p a rt of the state will I D uring the m eeting a co n stitu ­ tie, deputy governor. Installation cerem onies will be 1 ,b e d t ^a *Is ol o p eratin g the toui tion was adopted and officers participate. Mrs. Ow en G ragg; Mr. and Mrs. G range which was held Tuesday nam ent. elected for the year. This council held in April. Harold Jo rd an , Mr. and Mrs. Ben a series of three m ovies concern­ At the n ex t m eeting w hich will ■ will m eet reg u larly on the th ird Lom bard; Dr. and Mrs.' George ing public health w ere shown. Mrs. M arg aret C. W hittle wit.i be held M onday night at the T hursday of each m onth. H ull; Dr. and Mrs. Elmo S te v e n ­ Lithia coffee shop, W illiam Healy h er d au g h ter, Miss Virg i n i a R obert M. K ent, secretary m an ­ son and d au g h ter; and Mr. and ager of the T alen t Irrig atio n d is­ will be T oastm aster; P rice Hen- W hittle, will leave this m onth on Mrs. W endell L aw rence w ere few tric t told the group ab o u t the non. t: piem aster: Don H inthorne, a six w eeks trip to New York L. J. Holbrook, form erly of of the A shland people am ong the need for m ore w ater in this area critic: W endell L aw rence will and W ashington, D. C., retu rn in g audience at the W ednesday night and recom m ended th a t sprinkle, H olbrook's fu rn itu re store. M ed­ m ake a 10 m inute speech, and to A sh lan d by way of A labam a ford, becomes the new p art ow n­ concert of R obert Weede, held in system s for irrigation would aid five m inute apcvcnes speeches will C harles M inehart of O akland w in be oe Mrs. W hittle's hom e was original e r of the Top H at drive-in, e f­ Medford. in saving som e of the available fective M arch 10, according to C alifornia, will serve as te m p o r-1 m ade bv H ow ard M artin. Lvndell ly in A labam a, and she will visit relativ es w hile there. w ater. Woody Johnston, p a rtn e r in the ary m an ag er of the V arsity tin at- N ew bry, and Harold New ton, er .He has tak en the place of taken D uring the evenings en tertain enterprise. m ent Val Inlow played tw o h a r­ Holbrook, who has recen tly Bert M o ttn e i, who resigned Ins monica solos; Ross A pplegate and been operating a reso rt at F lo r­ position last week. M inehart is Ray Inlow presented a / k i t ; and ence, Oregon bought out V ein m anager of the S tudio and Round L yda C ath erin e Davis sang two Jo h n sto n ’s half in terest last week. Up th eate rs in San Francisco, and M arch 16, local cam p fi The H olbrook fam ily will live in wilt ru n th e local th eate r until groups T uesday evening m em bers and solos. begin o listrv alio n Ol the ap a rtm en ts behind th; drive- the p erm a n en t m an ag er is nam ed. N ational will guests of A shland A m erican Leg- »« ----------- v—7s-------x The an n u a l A m erican Legion Cam p Fire week. They ion Post No. 14 will m eet a t 't h e D r . B r U C e I s G u e s t in. V ern Johnston, who, w ith fils It was e a rlier announced th at have scheduled a program of sev- B irth d ay d in n er w ill be h eld F r i­ bro th er, began o p eratin g the B u t K en n er son from Honolulu e ia l events. A m erican Legion hall on W inburn i „4? x i , _ day, M arch 14, at b:30 p.m. at the way for the annual Legion slag I III l v l ‘\ . I M ill 11 d rive in last y ear is planning to would m anage the V arsity tlu a t- fi 'ire girls -vili Civic club house. All m em bers Ashland Cam o rem ain in A shland. p arty and past commaniTer's p a r­ er, but th ere have been changes sponsor a b azaar M arch T? Dr. G. W. Bruce, m inister of as «>1 tne Legion and th e A u x iliary ley. in the plans. th eir first project to raise lu n d s are invited to a tte n d and to bring the local M ethodist C hurch, spent W alter J. K errig an and Mrs. D inner will begin at 7:00, and last w eek w ith fifteen o ther Meth to buy a p u relv ed heiiei to sen guests. T he affair is sponsored K errig an have re tu rn ed to th eir MISS MARJORIE McNAIR will be followed by an evening odist m inisters at to Holland. They will send the uy the A m erican L egion A u x il­ M anzanita iary. of en tertain m en t. Dr. A rth u r S. Bi-ach vacatio iin:', and m aking hom e on Beach stre e t afte r v is­ AN N O U N C ES ENGAGEM ENT B eatty, x S p prague Rive izV'" ia g u c m v er, | Miss M arjorie M cNair announc heifer , . to Holland as th ere a n Taylor is ch airm an for this years plans for the fu rth e ran c e of the iting Mrs. H elen Loomis, R ural Route v« rv 1 v few of (he p u reb red anim al 2, box 462 is in ch arg e ol seating event. M em bers of the com m ittee w ork of th eir churches. Each K lam uth Agency and C hiloquin, ed her en gagem ent last S atu rd ay . K errigan reports over ten inches ' M atch 1, to a group of her friends - — » •— — «i «vin«,? . W lllia.n Briggs, Paul m orning during the w eek one oi ()f kHllUf T . fi Lm»r 1 xx i«• ' oi at fi a 11 luncheon p arty at » «L 1 Ml? Ju n io r high. W ashington, a rran g e m e n ts and m em bers are The the . Rogue ion’l nnd'B ei tLFreem^.n lil,n J ° ln ‘ ' the m inisters led the devotions in of snow at Lakeview , and Lincoln g ro u p ; of th e cam p req u ested to co n tact Mrs. Loomis Valley co u n try club. She will be A eeoidinp J A nu , ' L ittle Chi'P el b-V Ih,- Sea which fire girls will hike to the new and inform h er how m any will , m arried to Jam es S. Cum m ins, be in th eir p arty , « r /Y 'n ' ing nt0 co,P rnanckl P hil is ow ned by Rev. Dr. R ,y S Ison of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. C um ­ site given to them by V erne . tunsbury all m em bers and vet- Dunn, pastor of Rose C iiy Park M onday night, M arch 3, the Leg D ecker, S atu rd ay , M arch 9. mins, 2447 H illcrest road. Med- ion A ux iliary m et in re g u la r ses­ m n u V X h V™ d ntO ia tte,!id Kth *S C hurch in Portl -nd. and who was I ford, in ea rly spring, C um m ins is sion w ith Mrs. N eva Wood, p re ­ annual a l'y affair. The p arty ho«t of to the Ihe m lirout» in» Vi*K*n schedl,led f° r F had eb ru been ary One in is te r Each / J w e ev, a > sei I an arm y v eteran and is w ith the sident, in the chair. M ilton M or­ ( C alifornia-O regon Pow er Co. Miss 11 but had been cancelled. rison. and Lew is L an g er spoke to mon, which was openly and A ngus L. Bow m er, will direct ‘McNair ___ is the d au g h ter of Mr. the g ro u p ab out th e "T een-A ge ' .fran k lv discussed by th$ m inist­ ( ) NeU| 's "A h W ilderness’ Friday , and Mrs, Jam es j! MeNaii of 165 Young people of th e B ellyle f club project. .M orrison req u ested ers. Dr. Bruce returned to ids and S atu rd ay , M arch 14 and 15, ¡Alm ond .A shland Soroptimists Vote HA<5<5 rnreii.V----- ou [grange are holding a "teen ag e” th a t th e A u x iliary aid in th e p ro ­ home in Ashland on F riday morn In the Lithia hotel b a llr o o m .--------* “ Mr a n d L t a* ™ Pi,rtv - T hursday. M arch 13. at the ing of last week This play will run for a lim ited and M r?d p in n v 1 ni P o ® ' M'a G ran «e h al’ bl Bellview. M mb- ject and pointed out that several Aid To Brownies a t the Legion hall. tune each F riday and S atu rd ay Mrs I n ChUH.ecB ivr'e ' Soroptim ists voted at the Wed- x •’ Mrs. Travis Reigns at Spring Ceremony Bombing of Ashland Coming Wednesday Fellowship Group Give Billings Gift R. Fletcher Elected Vice-Chairman Enders In Charge March 18 Meeting L. J. Holbrook Buys Interest In Top Hat Stag Party For Legion Tuesday R. Rath Elected Toastmaster Head ¿Minehart, Temporary Manager of Theatre Legion Auxiliary Sets Dinner Date Campfire Group to Observe Birthday ‘Ah Wilderness” On Stage Friday Bellview (»range To Have Teen Age Party two men are brothers. ¡elusion of the m eeting f