4 VZte Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year* tor $5 ASMI A M ). IA< K M )\ C O U N T Y . OREGON Stiles To Preach Thirty Schools Expect To Attend invitational Meet IN S T A L L A T IO N OF NEW TR A N SM ITTER COM PLETED W IL L BE H ELD AT SOC G YM M ARCH 5. G. 7, & 8 .¿ > * « * ^ Thursday, February 27, 1947 Grizzlies Have Two Left; Elks & SOC Out With but two qame» re­ maining to be played in the 1947 basketball series the tempt to pull a few chestnuts Ashland Grizzlies w ill at- out of the fire here Tuesday when they play Grants Pass at the Jr. High gymnasium, and again Friday when they meet Grants Pass at Grants Pass. Grants Pass has won both previous games. The SOC raiders lost out on a trip to Kansas City when they lost Tuesday to Linfield. 70 to 55. with but two losses in 25 starts and neither loss to Linfield the Raiders were favored in pre game dope. Chico State w ill meet the Raiders here this weekend. Ashland Elks also lost Tuesday on a chance to enter sAAU tourney. Ashley Chev­ rolet won in a game played in Medford. 64 to 40. It was the deciding game of the District 9 finals to determine what clubs would go to Port­ land for the finals. Good Jobs -01 " ‘T Voi. 13, No. 51 Two Credit Bureaus Will Operate Locally R E T A IL TRADES BUREAU A ND SOUTHERN OREGON BUREAUS TO OPEN Bond Replaces Dunn S tu d en t' and faculty of S o u th ­ ern Oregon College will play host At Plaza Market O perating un d er the Auspices to basketball players from high G H. Bond, A shland becam e of the R etail T rades B ureau of tin- new pai t ow ner of the Plaza the C ham ber of Com m erce a cre­ schools m Coos, C urry, Douglas, m eat m ark et it was announced d it bureau is to be in stalled in Harney .Jackson, Jefferson, Jo se ­ this week by Ben Dunn, who phine. K lam ath and Lake co u n ­ has sold Ins sh are of the m arket. A shland in the n ear fu tu re accord ties at tbe IVtli A nnual B asketball F ran k B arthouse and Bond will ing to plans w orked out this week T ournam ent to be held in the o p erate the m ark et which is lo­ by H ugh M cK eever and m em bers week. cated next to the Plaza G rocery ol R etail T rades bureau. SOC gym nasium on M arch 5, 6, R einholdt, who retu rn ed T ues­ at 57 N orth Main. day from u business trip to P o rt­ 7, and II .Invitations have been In ad d ition to the R etail Trades land w here lie conferred with Bond has been in the m eat cred it bureau Mrs. A nne Gorby extended to more than fifty class F ederal C om m unication C om m is­ business in A shland for three of the C red it B ureau of S o u th ern B" high schools in S o u th ern O re ­ sion officials and equipm ent sup years having w orked in th e G ro­ O regon announced th a t they are gon and N orthern C alifornia. S ix ­ ply executives, stated th a t u per ceteria and the Plaza previously. plan n in g to open an A snland teen entries have been received iod of 10 days was usually re ­ ¡Before com ing to A shland he branch M onday m orning in the at present time. T hirty schools are q u ired to test equipm ent and worked as a butcher in Los A n­ A shland hotel building. Evanqelitt J. E. Stiles, who will expected to enter. Harold Bishop, m easure antennae. geles; Y akim a, W ashington, and Physicial E ducation D irtctor a t The office will be in charge of N orth Dakota. R esults of th e testing are re ­ begin a serial of meetings Sun SOC will direct the tournam ent. Win. M yers, Joyce B atem an will ported to the FCC and perm is­ day, March 2. at the Assembly of Dunn m ade no announcem ent be secretary. D uring the tw o R. W McNeal, in stru cto r at sion is requested to program test, God. Concerning his fu tu re plans. S outhern Oregon, originated the years 1940 to 42 th e agency o p er­ R einholdt said. A fter this p erm is­ invitational tourney in 1928 and ated a cred it bureau in A shland sion has been received the stat it was continued by H ow ard H. which, according to Mrs. G orby ion can proceed w ith regular Obson and Jea n E b erh art d u rin g was closed because of lack of program testing on regular sch e­ the tim e they w ere in charge of help. However, Mrs. G orby p o in t­ dules for a period of 30 days. On athletics at S outhern O regon Col­ STANDARD CLEANERS ed out th at the A shland accounts conclusion of tin- 30 day program lege. Al Sim pson, p resen t R aider SPORT NEW SIGN and files had been k ep t in the test period the FCC determ ines coach, will assist Mr. Bishop. S tandard Cleaners, operated by M edford office and th a t during A. R. M ottner, m anager ol the , The first gam«' will be called I. R. B arksdale and Arch B ark s­ w h eth er or not to Issue a license. the 30 years of o p eratio n the T eachers’ salaries throughout R einholdt also stated that an o ­ V arsity th e a te r for the* past two for W ednesday afternoon, M arch dale, installed sidew , . , a new _, . . „ alk state w ill be raised consider- M edford office had served the th er tran scrip tion service had years announced this week ihdt j 5, an d each team will play in the slgn W ednesday. The in s ta lla -1 ably next y ear over the $2305 A shland area. been added to the station's s e r­ effective M arch 1, he was resign­ first round on th a t day. Team s T he A shland C redit bureau the painting was done by ¡average salary received this year, vices. In ad d ition to the World ing ills position w ith the Lippert playing in the finals will play R. M. DeMille. according to Joseph L. F ad er of w hich will be o p erated u n d er the B roadcasting com pany’s tra n s ­ th eater interests. R ert K ennerson, five games. A shland, p resid en t of th e Jack - auspices of the C ham ber of C om ­ cription service the station has Honolulu, Hawaii, will take Mot- Team trophies for First, Second, son C ounty Division of th e O re­ m erce will be in charge of a staff signed a co n tract w ith C apitol tn e r’.s place. Third, F ourth, and Fifth places w hich is being assem bled this gon E ducation Association. which will perm it a w ider v a r­ M ottner who was with George will be aw arded to the w inning Inform ation received from the w eek according to Wm. Healy, iety of recorded music. A. H unt theaters in Medford prior team s. Each m em ber of the w in ­ state association indicates a con-j secretary of the C ham ber of Com ­ Two o p erato r announcers were to com ing to A shland, m ade no ning team will receive a m edal, tinued u p w ard trend, F ad er s a id .' m erce. Once the local agency is added to the staff this week, statem en t concerning his future the m em bers of the all sta r team S ta rtin g salaries of $2400 or m ore fully organized and in operation Tom B rucanovitch and C harles plans o ther than to say that he will receive ribbons and the o u t­ West Coast trailwVys will be per y ear for teachers w ith bache- 1 it w ill apply for affiliation w ith Field will be on hand when the intends to stay in Ashland. Be­ standing player of the to u rn a ­ perm itted to operate in trastate lo r’s degrees hav e already been I the N ational C redit bureaus. statio n reopens. fore going into the th eate r busi­ m ent will receive one aw ard. Bus Service in the S tate of Ore- adopted by school boards in Red- Roland Parks, district com m is­ e on according „ to L a judgem ent ness in 1942 M ottner was with morid Salem , B eaverton, A storia , Tnond, Mason, E hrm an Co., Medford. Hi sioner of officials will be in landed dow n F eb ru ary 25 by and Pendleton. S alary schedule Renzema Will Sing resides w ith his wife and tw o ‘charge of the officials Oregon P ublic U tilities commis- adoptions w ill be determ in ed by According to Bishop the to u r­ woner George H. Flagg. Here With Quartet children. Danny and Donna at ' m ost school boards th ro u g h o u t. A 1:30 p.m. dessert w ill be s e r­ n am en t is strictly invitatio n al The com pany, which now o p e r -, the state w ith in the next m onth i ved to the ladies of the A shland Raym ond Kenzema, A shland, 164 Van Ness in Ashland. The ru ral teachers of J a c k s o n ! S tudy club at th eir n ex t m eeting K ennerson, who lias been with and has no bearing on the dis­ ates in terstate service only will will ap p ear w ith the N orthw est C h ristian college Male Q uartet an air line in Honolulu, was a s­ trict or S tate "B" cham pionship. have until M arch 15 to file its C ounty have recom m ended a w hich will be held at the hom e of S atu rd ay night w hen they appear sociated with L ippert theaters Is is concerned p rim arily w ith so­ proposed schedule and tariffs, m inim um of $2700 and stand Mrs. J. W. McCoy on N orth Main. cial education ra th e r than \ '1th The order perm ittin g the hauling strongly u nited behind this re- It will be guest day for th e S tudy at the C hurch of C hrist in an prior to the war. the determ ination of cham p io n ­ of b e tw e e n towns passengers in com m endation according to Mrs club. evening of m usic The program ship clubs This is the sam e basis Gr^gon is effective on th at date. H arriet KitemiUee. S a la ry -Com- will liegin at U 0 p.m. in Uiu old Mrs. W alter R edford will be in on which it was founded by P ro ­ According to W. C Simpson, m ittee ch airm an for the group. building at the corner of Second charge of refreshm ents. She will fessor McNeal, and w hich it func-i G eneral traffic m anager, it is the te I B street M edford and A shland teachers be assisted by Mrs. R obert Dodge, tioned on w hen it was operated intention of the com pany to ftir- are w orking on salary schedules Mrs. H allie Endicott, Mrs. L. G. Renzem a is the son of Mrs. M att S ears of S ears Electric, by Hobson and E berhart. | nish A shland w ith freq u en t in tra ­ to recom m end to th eir re sp e c tiv e ! Sharyon, Mrs. I. F Andres, and Anna Renzemn 399 East Main, announced this Bishop pointed out th at alii state bus service as soon as equip- boards which will have m inim um J Mrs. G. M. Frost, week th at as an added service to Class B high school b a s k e tb a ll, ' m ent perm its. req u irem en ts of $2400 or b e tte r,” I A t th e m eeting „ of th e stu d y Miss Shannon Loans custom ers of his store, a radio clubs in S outhern O regon and j I The present A shland term inal F ad er stated. ................... club w hich was held this week re p a ir service had been installed. northern C alifornia counties had I for W est Coast T railw ays is the Clippings To Taylor The a t th e hom e of Mrs. L eland Linn, Rudio rep air section will be been invited, regardless of th e; ¡Steakhouse, owned and operated The "S teakhouse” has put on Mrs. R obert Dodge spoke o n .th e Miss C leo S h a n n o n f Jackson- u n d er the personal supervision of playing calibre of the team . i by Tex Harris. Flagg ordered a new front. Tex needed the addi- 'm odes and custom s of E lizab e th ­ ille, te a c h e r of hi tory and a I W alter G illette, who w asT orinerly ¡Trailw ays to provide off street |tio n al roorn to keep up w ith his an days w ith p a rtic u la r em phasis m em ber of Phi A lp h a T h e ta , th e ¡w ith the Veil W alker com pany (and undercover loading and u n ­ , increasing business. placed on the background as it n a tio n a l h o n o ra ry h isto ry f r a te r ­ ¡of Medford loading facilities at m ajor points j Russell H erbert of H erberts p ertain s to S h ak esp erian p la y :. n ity , has lo an ed Dr. A rth u r S. G illette will have at his dispo-1 ' along the route. ¡G rocery is back East visiting and A short topic, “E arly H istory cf T ay lo r of the S outhern Oregon sal one of the most com plete re- ' No statem en t hus been m ade as .m eeting his lady friend from T ran sp o rtatio n in th e W est," w a ; College history d ep a rtm en t a pair shops in this urea. A com- ' yet concerning loading and un- Rome, Italy. given by Mrs. Elda A nderson. valuable collection of old new s­ plete p arts stock will be carried. oading f: cillties in Ashland. Mrs. McCoy is p resid en t of the paper clippings dealing w ith some Equipm ent available includes the A shland people contributed a I organization. in terestin g aspects of th e early I latest in precision testing equip- total of $1625.17 in the 1947 March Mrs, O. Jo rd an of C hiloquin I history of the A m erican West. ' m ent. The shop has a com plete of Dimes cam paign, V erne Sm ith, has been visitng at Rose K errigan SHARYON REMODELING Included are some of the original technical library available for re ­ Jackson county chairm an for the home on Beach street retu rn ed to PORTION OF HOME accounts of the fam ous M ountain search. I National F oundation for Infantile . K lam ath Count!'. L. G. Sharyon, d istrib u to r in M eadow M assacre th at took place ¡P aralysis reported at a m eeting Ray (Red) H arpham has re ­ this area for Davies clothing, is in U tah in 1859. Those interested , of polio w orkers held at the Hotel tu r n e d from O akland, C alifornia S tating the fact th at local pre- . rem odeling a portion of his hom e in A m erican historical docum ents Holland in M edford last T h u rs­ after visiting his parents. sidents officers of P a re n t on G resham so th at he will hav? m ay exam ine the clippings a t the day night. Chas. E. (Ted) C rippen form er T eacher's and organizations w ere re- an office av ailab le for his client-:, S O C . history d ep a rtm en t offices. I Sm ith, who m ade an official re- S.O.C. stu d en t is back from a sponsible for th e success or fail- 1 The fo rm er fro n t porch is bein ; Jones Jew elers which cli. has been ¡port to Eugene Hall, O regon re- trip south. ure of the organization Mr.s glassed in. a firtex ceiling is be- si lo p erated in A shland Since 1936; p resen tativ c of the foundation, Mr. B irdsall form erly of South- W illiam Healy, ch airm an of the in 8 installed and it will be a sep ¡w ill close its doors at 65 N orth stated that the net for the county ern C aliforna has ju st com pleted fo u n d er’s day p rogram i n - , a ra te u n it of th e house, I M ain on M arch 1st according to of Jackson was $14,443,05. Ralph his new hom e 671 Beach street. PTA troduced at th e T hu rsd ay m e e tin g ! Boyd Jones, p artn e r in tlie busi- Sw eeney, tre a su re r of the drive. Mrs, B irdsall and son flew to i V.O.N. S m ith, Mrs. C harles ‘ • ness. pointed out th a t this total would Medford by plane and are now : Mrs. usuctt, Mrs. C. L. B ergstrom , i | Reason for the closure was giv- be increased som ew hat by several ¡busy arranging the home furnish- M Mrs, E tta Schilling, and Mrs. H .' C huri i of C hrist basketball en as the Illness of J. B. Jones, sm all contributions w hich are vet Ings, H. E lhart. past p residents w h o d team w alked off w ith cham pion­ to be banked, G uy Bates form erly w ith Me-1 1485 Siskiyou, sen­ w ere present. Several oth ers w ere ship h o v r in the YMCA C hurch ' ior p a rtn e r in the jew elry store The net total in 1946 for Jack- N° ir Bros and now of S pokane., le a g u e finals held S aturday night w hich form erly operated in the son county was $5,885.57, and the~ W ashington spent the day here. not at the m eeting. Perm ission to raise gas rate O thers in troduced inclu d e d, a t the J u n io r high school gym na­ Peil building. 180% increase placed Jnckson Mrs. W innie Dye of East Main in A shland and o th er S outhern sium w hen they defeated the i J. B. Jones cam e to Ashland county am ong the first t h r e e ' s,reet *s recovering from a recent M rs C. A. H eath, a ch a rte r m em ­ Oregon com m unities was grantee’ ber of the local organization. Mrs. F riends church of T alent, 31 to 11. from Safford, Arizona in the '30s counties in the state for per capita illness, to the C alifornia Pacific U tilities U ndefeated throughou t t h e ' and had been engaged in the increase honors in total am ount I G ene H astings of the Elks Bar- C, M. Bailey, Mrs. Elmo S te v e n ­ com pany by th e P ublic U tilities son, and Mrs. A. E. P eters, p resi­ season the C hurch of C hrist c l u b , w atch rep air and jew elry busi­ donated. her Shop staff is spending a few den ts of the th ree units in the com m ission of Oregon re p re se n t­ has a record of six wins. Roy I ness since th a t time. ed by G eorge H. Flagg, afte r a com m unity. Rogers scored 15 and Donald I Boyd Jones plans to work i n I ' H erb Fischborn was A shland days in P ortland, Oregon, Mrs. Healy also spoke briefly of seri£ s of h ea rin Ks held last week chairm an for the d rive w hich was i Mr, and Mrs, M organ of th< G resham 10, to m ake most of the M edford w ith G rabow jew elers, clim axed by a dance sponsored College Inn A uto C ourt are now the “ Founders of the PTA Phoebe at Roseburg, M edford, and Kla- points for the team during S a t - 1 as a w atchm aker. ’ by the BPOE, resting in th eir new qu arters. A pperson H earst and Alice Mc­ m ath Falls. u rd av 's game. The new rates, which becam e L ellan B irney. A candle lighting T alen t Friends placed second in effective F eb ru ary 2 4 w e r e cerem ony w hich was particip ated league standings w ith four w in s , in by Mrs. R. E. Van Vleet, Mrs. b ro u g h t ab out by rising costs. and tw o losses. The C ongregation­ Stevenson, Mrs. P eters, Mrs. E xpenses incurred through rising al C hurch tied for third place in I ¡R ichard Cam pbell, Mrs. L. R. freight costs, g re ater payrolls, in ­ B eginning Sunday, March 2, league standings the hard way | creased depreciation, increased ¡Hunt. Mrs. J. M. B aker, and Mrsi w hen they took a tw o point vic­ E vangelist J. E. Stiles will hold a p ro p erty taxes, and replacing I H ealy sym bolized the se v e n tory from the N nzarene church series of m eetings at the A ssem ­ points of PTA: Ideals, Hope. Cour eq u ip m en t destroyed in a disas­ S atu rd ay night giving both clubs bly of God, 485 Siskiyou, the R ev­ tro u s fire at K lam ath Falls, all th ree wins and th ree losses. H e n -, erend G ordon Lindsay announc- w ith Lt Co, H arold Jordan, the boys in th e class perform ed ¡age, C o-operation, Wisdom, D ili­ of w hich would b rin g about an gence. and C om radeship. Blue ry Metz and W alter McCoy w ere w eight m anipulations, ba>- bell o p eratin g loss of $45,093.74 to the yellow candles w ere used. high scorers for the C ongregation-I AcconRng to Lindsay the m in- adJu ta n t of, A sh,a" d Post N»' 14' dem onstrations, Indian club e x ­ ¡and | Mrs. V.O.N. S m ith and Mrs. com pany if rate revisions w ere istry of Stiles is unique in that 1 A m erican Legion, counting cad- al team S atu rd ay . ercises, rope skipping, and spring |C. L, Wolfe poured at the S ilver not allowed. In the o th er gam e S atu rd ay the often so m uch in t e r y t is created ence, m em bers of the post m arch- hand gripping. No protests concerning the tea which was p art of th e cere­ P resb y terian team won from the in his w ork th at his c a m p a ig n s|ed from the A m erican Legion raise in rates w ere en tered at any Wj h A h . , , A fter h the review of training m onies of the 50th an n iv ersary of the th ree hearings. M ethodists 19 to 3. H arvey Woods last for several weeks. He h a s . h a „ p re tu rn ed to the of F o u n d er’s day. R efreshm ents . m . scored 9 to lead the P resbyterians. ju st recently com pleted an eight , , here D istrict Vice w ere served by Mrs. Jack Z itter- evening Legion hall w nere week cam paign in P o rtlan d. Armory Tuesday The P resb y terian club placed C om m ander H arry P inkerton in ­ fourth in league standings and the w here the pastor of the church w heie, in lieu oi a re g u la r m eet- vited the m em bers to C entral ' cob, Mrs. Jacob W eitzel. Mrs. M argaret M iller. Mrs. Hugh Mc- review ed CoTon- M ethodist team ended up in the w here he preached stated. "T he i g r o u p Point on M arch 10 for the initia­ ¡K eever, Mrs. H enry Metz, and Preston m eeting was by far the most sue-;®/ J * ’® sV> n j y ^ t 'b u r y s scien- cellar w ith only the deacon and Reseeding of the fairw ays and cessful th at has ever been held in J/R® body y 1 building class which is tion and installation of the Rogue Mrs. Peters. The cake was d eco r­ fi losses to show for the season. ated by Mrs. Metz. held on Mi M onday, W ednesday and Valley W om en’s Post. placing of a top dressing on th e D uring the season the team s his ch u rch .” Eight dollars was co lh ale d at .greens is p resen tly being done at N om inations for officers for high scoring m en were: Roy Rog-1 L indsay said th at the m eetings F riday nights at the A rm ory, The classes, w hich are for boys Post No, 14 will be held at the the Silver tea. A report was m ade .th e A shland Golf course u n d er ers. C hurch of C hrist: H enry Metz would begin at 7:30 p.m. and con- C ongregational: Ronald H otchkiss tinui each night except S aturday. of all ages, w ere developed by last m eeting in April and the on the rum m age sale th a t $66.32 th e direction of Don M cW hirter. W aterbury from the physical in ­ first m eeting in May according to had been grossed. M em bers p re ­ A crew of six men, tw o trucks, Talenl F riends: K ent Bavne. Nnz­ struction courses w hich he d ev ­ Phil S tansbury, com m ander Ele­ sent voted $5.00 for cups and $25 - and a tra c to r are engaged in d isc­ W alter J. K errigan and Mrs aren e: and H arvey Woods, P re s­ K errigan attended the Funeral eloped for use In A rm y physical ctions will he held at the second 00 tow ard scholarship fund. ing th e fairw ay s and preparing byterian. Corsages w ere presented to th e course for play this sum m er O ver 150 people w itnessed the services of Judge Robert B unnell train in g program s during World m eeting in May, R efreshm ents were served bv presidents. p..st presidents. Mrs. i A ccording to Wm. Healy, sec­ C ham pionship '’.''me« S aturday nt the W hitlock funeral parloi- W ar II, Legionnaires observed a n d a com m ittee including Jak e Lohr. Heath and Mrs. Wolfe, . the . pre- re ta ry of th e C ham ber of Com- in K lam ath Falls, S atu rd ay after- _ night. Mark B alfour, Lewis L a n ­ ger, Bill Bissell, George Bales, noon and are now at th eir home com m ented highly on the instant- Emil K roeger, O tto Peterson, Or- sen tatio n was m ade by Mrs. H ea-lm erce the course will be ready Testing <»f an ten n ae mid eq u ip ­ m e n t a t Ktuilmi K W IN , tin- Hogue valley b ro a d c a stin g c o m p a n y 'r A alilund e lu tio n , w ill b eg in M arch •I, Hob K oinholilt* s ta tio n n ia n a g e r , a n n o u n c e d to d ay . T ia n s n u lte i an d e q u ip m e n t ru ck s a n ' p r e s e n t­ ly b ein g in sta lle d a n d co m p le tio n o l in sta lla tio n I e x p e c te d by next 1 40.000 NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAR Reinholdt States KWIN May Begin Testing March 6 Stm thtbM , Ó ieao *. Mottner Resigns Theatre Position I Pedant’s Salaries To Rise in 1948 Trailways Wins nterstate Case Study Club Group Will Have Dessert Sears Opens New Service This Week Ashland March of Dimes Nets $1625 Local Presidents Honored At Tea Jones Jewelers Ceases Business Church of Christ League Champions Gas Company Gets Go Sign On Raise Evangelist Stiles To Hold Meetings Legionnaires Observe Got Waterbury's Boys Group Golf Course Will Be Reseeded and Bill Weber officiated. on Beach street. aneous response to directions as i ville Maifild, and Stansbury. ly. for play this summer.