i *7<4c g w t h & u i Formerly The Southern Oregon M iner S3 per Year 2 Years for $5 NEWS REVIEW ASUI A M ), I \< KSON ( ' >1 \ I Y, OKI ( , O \ 3.00 PER YEAR Hospital Policy Of Payments Is Now In Advance HIGH OPERATING COSTS CAUSE CHANGE SAYS MGR. Ö ieaatt Tornado Meets AHS Grizzlies Friday Medford Black Tornado will play the Ashland Gris- slies at the Ashland Junior High School gymnasium on Friday night. This will be the second lime within the week that the two teams have met. the first resulting in a vie- _ tory for the Medford club. 48-28. at Medford Tues­ day evening. The Junior Varsities of both schools will meet in the preliminaries. College Student * Confesses Tues. i I Thom as C lifford M ansfield who I was arrested S atu rd ay m orning. F eb ru ary 15 ,by A ssistant chief of police C. C. Williams, a rw?'/ft icei Thom as A G hea. in the men» dorm itory on the S outhern O re­ gon college cam pus confessed T uesday th at he had stolen $1,000. from the office of S outhern O re­ gon college early S atu rd ay m o rn ­ ing. M ansfield was held by city pol­ ice until T uesday m orning, F eb­ ru ary 18, w hen he mode the statem en t to the police th a t htf had stolen the m oney from the S outhern Oregon college office,, because he was short of money! and w anted to continue his sciiool work. M ansfield claim ed th at he had tried to get a loan from the college several tim es recently, but had been unable to do so. He w aived p relim inary h earin g in justice court, grand ju ry hearing, ju ry trial and will appear d irec t­ ly before Ju d g e H. K. H anna. M ansfield was taken to M ed­ ford Tues., Feb. 18, by A ssistant C hief of police C larence W illiam s, and w ent into circuit cou rt on D istrict atto rn ey 's inform atio n. and plead guilty to the larcency charge, from a public building, Ju d g e H anna postponed passing sentence until F eb ru ary 24, 9:30, in order th a t he m ight have m ore tim e to study the case. M ansfield is being held in the county jail in M edford, aw aitin g the verdict. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO AID OREGON TOURISTS A shland’; cham ber of com ­ merce will have c irri nt in fo rm a­ tion on auto courts, m otels and other facilities handing tourists, ready for d istrib u tio n at the end of this week, according to a re- m ade by the S hasta-C ascade f , T h u rsd ay , F e b ru a ry 20, 1947 Milstein To Play Vol.13, No. 50 Students Rally To Support Teen Age Club Project LIONS APPOINT SEVEN MEN TO STUDY NEED Current indications point to a heavy influx of tourists and v aca­ tioners this year, W illiam Healy, m anager of the A shland C ham ber of Com m erce, rep o rts . S tu d en ts of the A shland High school are plan n in g on electing five m em bers of the stu d e n t body to a Teen age club com m ittee, a t F rid a y ’s stu d en t body m eeting, M ilton M orrison, w ho has been w heelhorse of the Teen age com ­ Com m ittees w ere nam ed at m ittee stated today. Tuesday nights m eeting of the The com m ittee w ill also include Am erican Legion A uxiliary for tw o stu d en ts from th e J u n io r high the Legion b irth d ay p arty to be Nathan Milstein concert violin-- school, and it will m eet w ith the held around M arch 15. M ildred ist .who will present a concert at Lion’s com m ittee of seven m em ­ Frazier, program com m ittee; H el­ the Medford High school auditor­ bers to stu d y the p rogram w hich en Loomis, m enu ;and Cloma ium, Friday .under the auspices I. R. B arksdale, of the S tan d ard w as proposed by M orrison, Don Songer, kitchen. This p arty is an of the Jackson county Civic Mus­ C leaners announced this week Wolfe, and H arry K annasto. The annual affair. the opening of a new dry clean­ ic association. program includes such points as K atherine G rossm gn gave a re ­ ing service available to S outhern selecting a site an d building a port to the A ux iliary m em bers of O regon college students. C am pus su itab le building w ith m oney ob- her trip to Salem last y ea r to the C leaners, located at 1527 S iski­ I tained eith er by donations or a G irl’s state cam p K ath erin e su g ­ you boulevard, will he operated bond issue, selection of su itab le gested th at th e au x iliary plan to through the Duncan M aytag com ­ personnel to staff th e club, and Yvonne ir u a x of Trail, Oregon, send two girls this year, as the pany. has resigned os ed ito r of th - S o u ­ selection of a g uiding com m ittee camp is w orthw hile. C lothes for cleaning can be left Dr. A rth u r S. Taylor, of S o u th ­ th ern Oregon College publication of rep resen tativ es of v arious civic a t the M aytag com pany and may clubs to guide th e project. ern Oregon college was guest the Siskiyou, due to the pressure b e picked up there. M orrison spoke to the Lions of h er studies. H er resignation speaker for th e evening. Host­ RESTAURANT OPERATOR esses Veda Zupan, Hazel Johnson was accepted by the S tu d e n t club T uesday n ig h t and received IS ARRESTED LAST WEEK and Jea n ette W illiam s served re ­ C ouncil w .th a general vote of the prom ise of th e club a t large Thom as W. Lyle, who has o p er­ freshm ents after the business ses­ com m endation for th e w o r k of assistance. P resid en t H erb w hich she had done. M argery H uston nam ed a com m ittee of ated a re sta u ran t m A shland for sion was com pleted. the past several m onths, was re ­ P auline F innell donated two N ew ton of A shland has been a p ­ seven to in v estig ate the problem m anded to the Jackson county canes to the au x iliary in an sw er pointed tem p o rary editor by the and to aid the teen-agers. O w en G ragg .operator of T w in P lunges jail last week under $2,000 bail, to a plea from the P o rtlan d V et­ S tu d e n t C ouncil . offered the use of th e dance p av ­ after he w aived p relim inary h e a r­ erans' hospital. ROBERTSON'S GROCERY ilion and barbecue p its a t th e ing in justice court. SOLD TO PETERMAN'S n atato riu m until m ore su itab le Lyle was arrested lust week on CHESTER W E N D TC A LLE D R obertson’s grocery, located a t q u a rte rs could be found. a com plaint filed by T. W. H um ­ FOR TURY DUTY 304 N orth M ain stre e t was sold A ccording to M orrison the Teen phrey of M edford and Jack last w eek to Mr. and M rs. I. J. C hester W endt’s nam e was Age club w ould be p a rt of the Harold N ewton will preside at Young of A shland .th at Lyle is­ d ra w n by the C ounty sh eriff to P eterm an , form erly of Y reka. Mr. sued two fake bills of sale on a ap p ear on the ju ry panel for the next Tuesday's m eeting of the P eterm a n has been a m ark e t op­ C ity R ecreational program , w hich trailer and car which he did not F eb ru ary term of the circuit Ashland Toastm as t e r ’ s c l u b era to r in Y reka for several years. is still in th e fo rm ativ e stage. It w ould provide a place for the own. court, storting M onday, F eb ru ary which will be held at the Steak- teen-agers to coke and dance to ! house. Roger R ath will assign the 24. a ju k e box w ith ping pong and two m inute topics to the memh-1 At the opening of court on the era who will be criticized by | pool and o th er leisu re am u se­ first day of a term , the hour is Doyle Seely .Earl Schilling. Ed ( m ents available. ten o'clock. On other days the Singm aster, H arold Thom as and M orrison stated th a t th e Teen hour is 9:36 u.m. agers had considered th e A rm ory Jo h n v onK uhlm an will speak. X Bob H ardv was to astm aster a t I C ham pionship gam es m th e Y. and th a t he w as go in g to m eet P ast presidents of the P aren t M ember* of Zuluinm Tempi#; ¡this weeks m eeting. Wm. Healv j M„ CK A league w ith C ity A tto rn ey Will i a m No 13, D aughters ol the Nile, T eachers Association, w ere guests 'acted as Tonicm aster. Price Hen- wlU be played in th e Ju n io r H lgh Briggs to discuss possibilities of Topicm aster, P rice Hen w ere hostesses to m em bers of the T hursday evening. F eb ru ary 20. „ .... nen was critic, and speeches w ere gym nasium . S atu rd ay evening, utilizing the stru ctu re . Miss C aroline B rannon w ith her m ade by Don H inthorne, W endell F eb ru ary 22. The public is in v it­ lodges from G ran ts Pass, K lam ath at the 50th anniversary F ounders' C hurch Y outh C enter Falls, Tulelake, Jacksonville, and Day program of the P.T.A. at the m other, Mrs. B rannon, e n te rta in ­ L aw rence and Lyndell N ew bry. ed to atten d th ese gam es. T here S atu rd ay n ig h t the B aptist will not be any adm ission. ed w ith a w edding show er last M edlord S atu rday, F ebruary 8, Ju n io r-S en io r high school. ch u rch is opening its Y outh C en­ Am ong the past presidents p re ­ W ednesday evening, F eb ru a ry 12, DR. STEVENSON IS GUEST G am es to be played include: ter u n d er th e d irectio n of M r .and at 2 p.m. Mrs. H arry Travis, queen, p re ­ sent w ere Mrs. Phil S tansbury, for D elores S aunders, who was SPEA KER AT BANQUET M ethodist vs P resb y teria n Mrs. Dick M errim an. Miss Vera C ongregational vs N azarene sided during the business m e e t­ president 1945 - 40; Mrs. L arkin recently m arried. P resident Elmo N. Stevenson of S egsw orth is re cre atio n a l d ire c t­ Mrs. A rnold C hapm an, Ida May S o u th ern Oregon College was T alen t F riends vs C hurch of or ,Mrs. F ern R uth, lib rarian , and ing, w hen plans w ere m ade for G rubb, 1944 - 45; Mrs. C harles the visit of the S upiem e Queen, M uscutt, 1942 - 43; Mrs. R. L. Roniinger, Mrs. H am ilton, Louise i principal sp eak er T hursday even- Christ. Mr .and Mrs. C harles Rhoads wil M arch 1st. Mi’s. N ate Bates of C rosby, 1941 - 42. 1940 - 41; Mrs. M arcus, N adine Hayes, D arlene lng, Feb. 13, a t the F ath er and S atu rd ay , F eb ru a ry 15, the be in charge of refreshm ents. A shland and Mrs. F ran k Yannice C. E. Schilling, 1939 - 40; Mrs. C hapm an, K ath erin e K arr, Mrs. Sons Boy Scout ban q u et at the C hurch of C h rist team finished A lounge .reading room, large of G ran ts Pass, presided at the H. H. E lhart, 1938 39; Mrs. Hugh B ouldin, Jo an Bouldin, jEpiscopalian R ectory in Medford. the season w ith a record of five recreatio n room w ith ping pong tea table, du rin g the social hour. C harles B ergstrom , 1937 - 38 - 36- Bonnie Taylor, Mrs. E dna Cook. Dr. Stevenson, is an Eagle Scout, w ins and no defeats. T he F rien d s tab les m in atu re bow ling anti Mrs. P rice H ennan ,and M r s . 37; and Mrs. V. O N Sm ith, 1930 B etty D orm an, and M arilee Thor- , and has been closely associated church of T alen t finished in sec­ o th er gam es, and a sn ack b ar art- M. P. D unn w ere hostesses for the -31 - 29 - 30. eson, b rought gifts for the new w ith scouting for m any years. He ond place w ith only one defeat. av ailab le in the basem ent of is on the ex ecutive board of the N azarene and C ongregatio n a 1 church. afternoon. Mrs. C. M. Bailey, present p re ­ bride. C ra te r Lake Council, and offers churches hold th ird and fo u rth sident of the P.T.A., presided d u r­ M orriso n stated , concerni n g I' an evening course a t S outhern places in the team standings. ing the business m eeting, which such cen ters as th e B ap tist churc.r O regon College in Boy Scout Bob G riffith, Bill Bissell, H arry th a t th e T een-agers felt as though was followed by com m unity sing­ L eadership. Stevenson spoke on K annasto, J e rry M itchell, C u rtis th ey w an ted som e p articu l a r ing. Mrs. W illiam Healy was in Miss B eatrice W ines wore a th e su b ject of hobbies. Vail, Louise L an g er ,and Eldon place w hich was en tirely th eir A shland persons nam es th at w erecharge of the Founders Day can- ! crow n of red carnations and D urham are am ong the boys th a t ow n and w hich th ey could opei- d ra w n by th e C ounty sheriff for die lighting cerem ony. i w hite gardenias, S atu rd ay even­ I are helping officiate, keep score ate and run. the ju ry panel, for the F eb ru ary Mrs. W. M yrlck review ed the 'a n d tim e for th e chu rch Y.M.C.A. The C h am ber of C om m erce re ­ term of th e circuit court startin g book ,"T h ere’s No Place Like i n g , F eb ru ary 15, w hen Glen ; W ade, J e rry M itchell and Don I league ball games. creatio n al com m ittee is m eeting M onday, F eb ru ary 23, include: Hom e”. Ellsw orth, m em bers of the bas­ Jackson C ounty S heriff's posse K. N. F letcher, secretary of th e M onday night, an d m ay discuss Victor J. York; Naomi H. Van Mrs. Jac k Z ittercob was in ketball squad, honored her as and Ladles M ounted troop will Y.M.C.A., rep o rts th e follow ing plans concerning th e T een-agers D yke; Hazel B. W eren; M. A. cha rgt. of the refreshm ent com queen and Misses P at Williams celebrate th eir an nual d in n er and boys are in top place for in d iv i­ set-up. W yatt; and C larence E. W alden. mittee. und B arbara M essenger as p rin ­ dancing p arty at the Rogue V al­ dual scoring record in th e Y.M. The opening day of court the A S ilver Tea will be held in Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Sheldon, hour is U ii o’clock. On all other conjunction w ith the m eeting cesses of the basketball squad, at ley co u n try club T hursday. F eb ­ C.A. C hurch league. the V alentine dance following the ru a ry 20. M ethodist, Bob M yerick; P re s­ Hull, Iow a ,and Mrs. A nna Foster, days th n >ui is 9:30 a.m. The tea is p a rt of the annuol ce r­ A shland-K lam ath ball game, in M em bers of th e posse who p a r­ byterian, H arvey Woods; T alen t S andpoint, Idaho w ere w eekend em ony honoring F ounder’s day. the senior high gym nasium . ticip ated in the production of F riends, Ronald H otchkiss; C on­ guests a t th e hom es of Mr. and T raditional V alentine them e “C anyon P assage” will w ear the gregational, N orm an B a k e r ; Mrs. G reen and Mr. and Mrs. Don w as carried out in the red and sam e costum es th at they wore C hurch of C hrist, Roy Rogers; S heldon . w hite decoration of the aud ito r­ for th e movie. D inner will be p re­ and N azarene, K ent Bayne. ium , w ith m usic for the dance ceded by a cocktail p arty and Dr. W alter Redford ,new 1 y furnished by a ju k e box. The pro­ dancing afte r d in n er w ill be in S nider coffee com pany w hich elected chairm an of the local Red gram Included several novelty the m ain dining room. has been in operation in A shland Cross chapter, has notified the dances, n um bers by the swing Any m em ber of the posse or since 1936 was sold this w eek by follow ing persons to be jaresen t band and the boys quartet. troop m ay invite a guest. Jim T alen t G range will m eet T h u rs ­ Wm. Snider, o w ner of the concern for a m eeting M onday evening, C haperons for the V alentine W arren of V alleyview and L aw ­ io Mr. and Mrs. W inford E. B ar- F eb ru ary 23, 8 p.m, in the Ljthia dance w ere Mr. and Mrs. Frank rence Edm onds, who is em ployed day, F eb ru ary 20. Pom ona o ffi­ M em bers of the staff of KW IN cers will occupy th e chairs. B ell­ who are p rep arin g th e Rogue V al­ telt. T he new ow ners began o p er­ hotel ballroom : O ’Neil, Mr. and Mrs J e rry G as-!by th e C al-O re L um ber co. are atio n M onday. A llen McGee, vice president: tineau, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas am ong th e A shland m em bers of view officers will also be present. ley B roadcasting com panies s tu ­ C entral Point m em bers will p re ­ dios and statio n for re tu rn to th e For th e past four years B artelt H ow ard W iley, secretary; Mrs. Medcalf, and Mrs Good. the S h eriff’s posse, sent a sh o rt sk it in ad d ition to air M arch 15, w ere announced has been in the aecounting d e­ Sam M cNair, W illiam Healy, Lee the T alent g ran g e’s degree work. this w eek by Bob R einholdt, s ta ­ p a rtm e n t a t B ear C reek orchards. B ullis ,Sid Reed, B ertha Stevens, S everal new m em bers will be ob­ tion m anager. Mrs. B artelt has also been em ­ R obert Lugar, Mrs. C laude F raz­ ligated. The le c tu re r will p resen t ployed by th e B ear C reek com ­ ier, J e a n E b erh art .and Ned Mars. In addition to R einholdt, Ed a special p rogram on h ealth e d u ­ B arn ett w ill be com m ercial m a n ­ pany as head of the personnel This is the first m eeting called by cation. division. P revious to 1942 B artelt the new chairm an, Dr. Redford ager; Lee B ullis w ill be program At the last m eeting of th e T al­ director; Floyd R ush w ill be chief w as em ployed by the city of A sh­ It will be an organization m eet­ en t G range held on F eb ru a ry 6, engineer, and R alph Click will be land as an accountant. He is a ing for the A shland local chapter R alph Jen n in g s rep o rted for the engineer. g rad u ate of S outh D akota state. Jam es B artelt, th e ir son, is a s tu ­ FACULTY SURPRISES MR. O th er m em bers of th e staff wil! SOC’s Sim pson coached Raiders cap in o rd er to assure them selves ag ricu ltu re com m ittee, H a r r y d e n t a t th e U niversity of Oregon. AND MRS THOMAS MEDCALF will m eet E astern O regon college of a leg on an o p p o rtu n ity to e n ­ H am ilton for th e w ays and m eans be added im m ediately before th e He will aid in the operation off Mr. and Mrs. Thom as M edcalf of E ducation this F riday and S at­ te r th e sta te cham pionship to d e t­ com m ittee; H allie C annon for the station re tu rn s to the air. A t p re ­ the concern du ring the sum m ers. w ere honored w ith a surprise d in ­ urd ay at the SOC gym. in a pair erm ine w h at club will rep resen t Home Economics com m ittee and sent a firtex in te rio r is being in ­ The S n id er coffee com pany is n er last W ednesday evening at of gam es th at will need all the Oregon in th e N ational In terco l­ Delila Jen n in g s for th e legislative stalled at th e offices and m ain studios a t 1150 H elm an road. The located a t 490 A stre e t is the only the P laza cafe at 6:00 p.m., by the sp ark th a t sp ark p lu g C huck De- legiate basketball to u rn am en t at com m ittee. Mrs. M arshall, Mrs. Rice, and w ire base for th e stucco ex terio r com m ercial coffee roasting p lan t faculty of the A shland Senior Au trem ont can give and all the K ansas City, M issouri, later this Mrs. Jen n in g s w ere appointed to is up and stuccoing will begin in betw een S acram ento and P o rt­ high school. T he table was decor­ speed th at Bobby Hoefs can m us­ spring. land. F o u n tain supplies, extracts, ated w ith yellow daffodils, and te r .to say noticing of the neces­ If th e team s sp lit this series, m eet at th e hom e of Mrs. H allie the n e x t few days. L. E. Ferg. sity of the rest of the club hitting both will have a chance to e n te r ¡Cannon to w ork out dates and forem an for S cotty F airw eath er. and spices are also handled by yellow candles. th e O regon playoffs ,if e i t h e r ! arran g em en ts for the dinners, the is in actual ch arg e of th e co n ­ Earl Rogers, principal of the th e net. th e com pany. On an E astern Oregon tour e a r­ team loses both gam es its cur first of w hich will be held S u n - ' stru ctio n at the plant. Som e of th e A. A. Snider, father of Wm. has high school, gave a toast to Mr. day, F eb ru ary 23 ,at th e City hall j electrical eq u ip m en t has already been associated w ith the business. and Mrs. Medcalf, new lyw eds, lier this season the EOC M ount­ tains. T he F rid ay n ight p relim inary in T alent. Roast T u rk ey and dress 1 been installed. Electrical w ork is He is p resently in C harleston, and then presented them w ith a aineers lost a couple of close ones Oregon. F u tu re plans of eith er of linen tablecloth w ith m atching to the R aiders and th e y ’ll be try ­ pits th e SOC frosh ag ain st the ing will be served from 1:00 p.m. u n d er the direction of T row bridge an d F lynn, electrical contractors. i to 5:00 p.m. napkins. ing h ard to overcom e th a t h an d i­ G rants Pass high school. the Sniders are in d efln ita P atien ts entering the A shland C om m unity hospital will hence­ fo rth have to pay one w eek's cost in advance, according to R obert Lugar, m anager of the institution. Thai policy is in line w ith m eth ­ ods of hospital operation th ro u g h ­ o u t the nation, Lugai pointed out. M edford's C om m unity and Sacred H eart hospitals are inaugurating the sam e policy M arch 1. The move has been found nec­ essary by th e hospitals because of tfie large n um ber of unpaid accounts, and the continually de- creasirigly sm all m argin betw een income and expense which is b e­ ing caused by the rising o p e ra t­ ing costs in today's inflated econ­ omy. Deposits on m edical cases will be £¿5.00, on obstetrical cases $35.00; and on surgery cases, $50. L ugar pointed out the fact that the A shland in stitution had e x ­ trem ely high operating costs be­ cause of the tw o floors w hich re ­ q u ire dual staffs. O ther costs of operatin g a hospital a ie high b e­ cause of the services rendered such as the 24-hour nursing care, p lan n ed m eals, three tim es daily, laundry, housekeeping, janitoi service and incidentals. All these costs have risen during recent years and the high percentage of unpaid bills has added to the cost. L ugar stated that a determ ined effo rt will be m ade im m ediately to collect unpaid bills which w ould aid in m eeting the o p erat­ ing costs of the institution. Daughters of Nile Entertain Feb. 8 Standard ('leaner» jOpen Campus Shop Auxiliary Plans Annual Party Siskiyou Editor Resigns Position Newton To Preside \t Toastmasters YMCA Winners Play Feb. 22 .A. Proxies Honored Thursday Delores Saunders Receives Many Gifts 'acted “ Beatrice Wines Is Basketball Queen Five Called For Jury Duty in Feb. Sheriff’s Possee To Celebrate Wm. Snider Sells Coffee Company Dr. W. Redford Calls Meeting Talent Grange To Have Turkey Dinner Raiders Meet Mountaineers This Week In Ashland Ä I KWIN Staff Now Being Organized