4 Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner S3 per Year 2 Year* tor SJ *76« SiHiiUm ôfya*. K f NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON 3.00 PER YEAR Increased Cost Of Living Begets Teachers $200.00 ReenUetmen Grades In T '* ' LIBRARY & 8. SCIENCE DEPART. PRESENT EXHIBIT The library und Social Science Departm ent of Southern Oregon College are exhibiting the Dr. A rthur 3. Tuylor collection of curly handw ritten und printed materials, this week. Many of tiie m anuscripts are incunabula- that is, work which was printed before the year 1500. There are also illuminated m anuscripts d a t­ ing back to the Middle Ages, and other interesting specimens of early German, Italian, and Eng­ lish printing. The exhibition is open to the public, and the T ay­ lor collection may be seen in the muin reading room of the library until February 15th. Robert Skinner Meets Tragic Death Edison Stamp on Sale for First Time Thurulay, lcbruary rUT