i Formerly Th* Southern Oregon Minar S3 par Year 2 Yaar* tor $5 ¿O' NEWS REVIEW J.00 PER YEAR ASHI A M ), JACKS. C O U N I Y. OKI (.< >N £ Ov * A ’ Reenliatment Grada« In The Army Ara Permanent Warrants Thursday, February 6, Voi. i j No. 47 Metz Will Open Federated Store On Safeway Site H. I. GIER IS NEW P H A H M A C IS T AT LA MARRBS H. J G ier of P o rtlan d joined 1 the personnel of L aM arre Drug .store this week G ier was p re v i­ ously In charge of tiie p re scrip ­ tion d ep a rtm en t of Estes and Pow ers drug store in P ortland, February’s Dates Mr. and Mrs. Burger To Appear in Talent LEG IO N A U X IL IA R Y MEET M O N D A Y EVEN IN G Hospital Action P ast presidents of Post 14 A m ­ A new form of e n tertain m e n t erican • Legion au x iliary •mil Bitiie study for ch ild ren and honored guests and speakers at I n C , U ■ “ ■»HCl j young people is being conducted nonored .ta ch S atu rd ay afternoon at 2:30, th e ’ rt g u iar M onday night meet-1 ¡<>t the Talent City Hall. before co'ming to Ashland. lira. m g of the Legion auxiliary, F e b - ' M ODERN D EPA R TM EN T D elbert B urger assisted by his ru a ry 3, in th e Legion hall. P ast ! G ier will join him in A shland as STORE IS PLA N N ED I wife, is conducting “C h a l k presid en ts included L aura Apple- soon as living accom m odations THREE M AN C O M M ITTEE | ta lk s ’ which are composed of white, Celia B erninghausen, Ora SUGGESTED BY BOARD C arp en ters, cem ent w orkers, are found. Bible Stories d raw n in colors up­ Duffield, M ildred Frazier. M arie C harles A. Haines, M. D. sold and p ain ters are busy rem odeling A L R ecom m ending th at the M ayor on blackboard. These stori e a F reem an, and Mrs. C atherine tlie in terio r and ex terio r of the his in terest In L aM arre Drug brought before young people by H fath, a c h a rter m em ber. The appoint a th ree m an com m ittee to form er Safew ay store on East store to his associate, E. J LaM ar color and p icture are in trend past presidents told of the early supervise and operate the city » 1 • « VARI Main w here the F ederated store re, this week. Dr. H aines has been '9«7 with the system of teaching, that history of the club and about hospital, W alter Redford, and the 1 associated with L aM arre Drug will i>e located, 1 Î 4 J 4 7 » what is seen with the eye is not moving into th e Legion hall in H enry Metz .ow ner and o p era­ lor the past tw o years. o th er tw o m em bers of th e city forgotten n early as quickly as 1926. 9 lb il 11 ') *4 ») tor of the F ederated store re tu r n ­ council's realty board, H erb Fisch ifc '7 I» 19 M 11 11 what is tau g h t by voice. ed this week from a trip to Sah During the business session, M 15 iti »7 iS 1 9 There is no adm ission charge to the G irls S tate project was dis­ born and H arold M errill rep o rted I' rancisco w here he conferred these en tertain m en ts. All children cussed and plans are being m ade to the city council a t T u esday’s w ith executives of B utler Broth and young people are invited. to send some A shland high school council m eeting. ers, a nationul d istrib u to r of dry The A ltar society m et at tht I here wil) also be music, singing girl of high scholastic standing to goods products. The F ederated No action was taken on the p ro ­ and prizes. store will handle B utler B rothers hom e of Mrs. W illiam B B lack- the Silver Creek camp. M em bers posal. Also suggested was the m er ut 101) 4th street, Tuesday February 7 and 8; H um ­ The B urgers have volunteered products. also voted to send cig arettes and possibility of leasing the hospial boldt v . SOC at college gym their services for this work be­ Metz stated this week that the afternoon, F eb ru a ry 4. P lans were p arty favors to the v eterans at to a p riv a te operator. m ade foi the d in n er dance th at cause they are in terested in February 11; A m e ric a n new sto re will he com pletely th e Roseburg hospital, w here the will he given next T uesday night M ayor T hornton Wiley also in ­ young people and desire to see Legion Stag party m odern and will be d e p a rtm e n t­ au x iliary has a d ep a rtm en t com ­ stru cted th e police d ep a rtm en t to at the Womens civic club, by tile them reared In th e Gospel, as alized into dry goods; piece February 12; Birthdate of m ittee w orking daily. At th e next statio n a p atro lm an a t th e L in ­ taught in the Bible. goods; w om en’s, children's, and A ltar society and the M others Abraham Lincoln m eeting of the au x iliary the mem coln school crossing and C hief of club. A tu rk ey d in n er will be W alter B urger, son of Mr. and m en's w ear;"shoes, and gifts. February 14; V alen tin e's Mrs. Burger, is now attending hers wil lm ake green hats for the Police T alen t has assigned C. B. H arry T ravis has leased the served, Tuesday evening, follow ­ day ed by dancing. Bible school in Florida and ex- R oseburg hospital St. P a tric k ’s Jen n in g s to th a t post. site for the F ederated store. day party. February 14 and 15 .Central An inform al discussion of p a r k ­ Mrs. Eugene Jl Love and Mrs. peocts to e n ter this field of work, According to Metz the target R efreshm ents w ere served by ing m eters, p arking lots, cleaning Point vs Ashland Grisslies W illiam E. Healy will he co-host­ when he g raduates from the d ate for opening is set for the Hazel and Anna Johnson at the up of alley right-of-w ays co n clu d ­ at Tr. High gym. school. esses lor tiie M arch 4lh m eeting Jater part of March. close of the m eeting, and the ed the m eeting. ol tiie C atholic A ltar Society. It February 18; Naval Reserve Tvwiiidi u i h u b s c u w hat nai they inev w ere __________ - wom en discussed grove returns fro m LO M B A R D SPEAKS TO will be held at the hom e of Mrs. Recruiting show sponsored M IN N EA PO LIS MDSE M A R T going to p u t in th eir box lunches I R ELA TIO N S CLASS AT SOC. Love at 15« 3rd S treet. by Chamber of Commerce Mr. C harles Grove, m anager of for the box social and dance, S a t - i p „ „ « „ m . . ~ , Ben I Lom bard, a tto rn e y at February 21 Medford vs W estern Stores re tu rn ed this urday evening, F eb ru ary 8, at the , law, was guest speaker at P ro f­ Ashland Grizzlies at Jr. week from M inneapolis w here he ( ivic club house. Ray F letcher, secretary of the essor Loren M essenger's class in High gym. attended the G am ble-Skog m o A shland Y.M.C.A., an n o u n c e d fam ily relations, at S outhern February 21 and 22; Eastern M erchandise M art. According to this week th at W illard Rouse, O regon college last week This I Mr. G rove production of consum ­ Oregon Normal vs SOC at general secretary of th e .Olympia class is held for young m arried college gym. 'd products is rapidly increasing Y.M.C.A. would ap p ear in A sh­ students, or those contem plating I he M arch of Dimes cam paign and the flow of new m erchandise m arriage. February 22; George Wash­ land T uesday evening, F eb ru a ry to r A shland closed S atu rd ay night is expected to reach this area 11, at the M ethodist church, 7:30 ington born 1732. "Grand Lom bard spoke on legal res­ w ith a M arch ol Dimes to u rn a ­ w ithin the n ex t sixty days. In fo r­ A shland’s A m erican Legi o n p.m. to speak to a rep resen ta tiv e Ola Opry", National Barn ponsibilities in th e m arriage con­ m ent at the SOC gym w here tiie m ation cu rren t at the M inneapo­ Post No. 14 K ilty band and sev ­ group of the com m unity’s young Dance show at the Armory, tract, and em phasized th at th e l A shland Elks m et the S outhern lis m eeting indicated th at a level­ eral bottles of “far fam ed L ithia men. sponsored by Chamber of state's in tere st in the m arriage | O regon college Freshm en, in a ing off of prices is also in hte off- w a te r” will be , presen t at the Commerce. ---- — UIC Rouse is official rep resen ta tiv e co n tract was g re a te r than th at of basketball gam e, and the W ash­ Jng. 11947 P o rtland Rose Festival, if i for Y’s m en in this area. He will the people involved. Ixm ibard's ington school five m et the L in ­ February 28; Chico state vs plans which are p resently being ¡speak on the o rg aniation of a Y’s talk was followed by a period of coln school team in a p re lim in ­ SOC at college gym. 1 m ade by the C ham ber of Com- n»en club in A shland, for m en be- questions and inform al discus­ ary basketball game. Interm ission 1 m erce and K ilty band m em bers tw een th e ages of tw en ty -o n e to sion fe atu res included Hie J u n io r high go through. th irty -fiv e. school tum bling team u n d er the W illiam A usland Is chairm an of W hen Hal Powell, d irecto r of ---------------------------- direction of W illiani Bender, and the box social and dance which tourist prom otion for the O regon Will tw, rtS,,,.— «... ...... ■ . vocal solos by F red RoSs, b u r p ■»- will be given by A m erican Leg- A dvertising club, w as in A shland ' tone. Total receipts from the N ext T uesday evening t h e ' *on ««»embers, S atu rd ay evening, th e first week in Jan u a ry , he T h e C h u rc h of C h rist hasket- m em bers of the A shland L io n s , F eb ru ary 8 ,at th e Civic club conferred with W illiam Healy, hall team an d T a le n t F rie n d s | “ tournam ’“ ' "-«■ ents ‘•nis w e re $107.50. M em bers of T alen t G range are H erb hischborn, r isen horn, chairm an ol club and th eir wives will m eet at I house. Mrs. R obert B erninghau- secretary of the C ham ber of Com ­ church team will play for league slated for a potluck d in n er, T hurs th e S outhern O regon college so-*sen was appointed program chair- merce, concerning A shland being day evening, Feb. 6. Each fam ily cham pionship, in the Y M.C.A. the d rive announced today th at church basket ball league, next the total am ount of m oney which cial room for a box social which m an f<»r the social by P hil Stans- represented at th e Rose Festival. group is to bring a p re p are d dish will be held a t 6:30 p.m. bury, com m ander of th e local Them e of the gran d floral p a r­ of food, m eat, salad, vegetable, S atu rd ay , F eb ru ary «. in the J u n ­ has been received to d ate for the The funds w hich are o b ta in e d club. Jak e L ahr will assist Mrs. In fan tile Paralysis fund am ounts ade to be held F rid ay m orning, or desert. In the p a st the resu lt ior high school auditorium . The from the sale of the boxes win B erninghausen on the program Ju n e 13, in the City of Roses, will M ethodist and the C ongregational to $1449.62. The M arch of Dime» he used to send Lion m em bers to com m ittee. Leo Zupan will be be a V acation in the O regon has been a feast of ex cellen t team s and th e N azarene and Pres dance held Ja n u a ry 25, at the q u ality consisting of the best the O regon convention w hich will com m itteem an in charge of the C o u n try ”. » h y terian team s will also play S a t­ Elks hall netted $208.50. T heater dishes of th e best cooks. j con trib u tio n s totaled $206.00 The he held this spring. M em bers of prizes given th ro u g h o u t th e even­ Fifty floats will stress th e n a t­ urd ay afternoon. The re g u la r :busines6 m eeting the convention com m ittee include ing. ural beauty of the N orthw est and will follow th e d in n er and in ­ Scores for last S a t u r d a y ’s Lions club gave the fund $90.10 Dr. W. W. W eller, B ert Kim sey Colonel Preston B. W aterburv land the S oroptim ists gave $10.00 the m any vacation attractio n s. gam es are as follows: clude the in itiatio n of new m em ­ and Carl E lhart. will auction the boxes, S atu rd ay One week of en tertain m en t, bers and th e re g u lar o rd er of C hurch of C hrist 2« N azarene 11 ¡F o rtn ig h tly study club donated At this w eeks m eeting of the Talent F riends 10 C ongregational $2.00, anti the A m erican Legion Lions club Dr. W illiam B racker, evening. D ancing by a ju k e box Ju n e 9 to Ju n e 15, is scheduled business. will follow the box social. w ith the parade one of the h ig h ­ The program w ill be a special 7 Post No. 14 gave $10.40. Total a- t.. E. E lhart; Boh R einholdt, B ax­ Money taken in from this social m ount from the A shland schools Presbyterian 1 M e th o d is t ( f o r f e it ) ter K avanaugh; and W inston will be given to th e labor camp lights. A diversified program fe a ­ one and Include a V alentine n u m ­ am ounted to $135.56. Business and tu rin g nationally know n e n te r­ ber, a skit, and a special event Mr. and Mrs, Lyndel Newbry professional men co n trib u t e d I W alker w ere in itiated into the at D ayton .Oregon. This cam p is tainers is nearing com pletion and not to be disclosed u n til its a c t­ organization. p opulated w ith 141 fam ilies th at will be announced soon. This p ro ­ ual perform ance. The lectu rer of Valley View road, spent the $402.75, w ith the "w ishing w ells” are tran sien t farm laborers, and gram will be presented nightly w ants everyone to b rin g a V alen ­ w eek end In Salem visiting Mr. bringing In a total of $277.34. BURDIC INITIATED IN are living in very flim sy built through Rose F estival w eek fol­ tine. N ew bry's parents, S enator and F red Engel, chairm an for the SIGMA TAU SOCIETY houses. T h irty -tw o of these fam ­ lowing C oronation of the Q ueen Mrs. Earl T. New brv. W hile Sen- d riv e in Bellview, reported $185.- W illiam S. B urdic, son of Doc- ilies are veterans ato, N ew bry is attending the ses- «0 had been given to the drive as of Rosaría, m ythical land of roses, ¡ n i t i X d f i t 8' cR L £ UrdiC’ w a s ! — m ittee uw e m m em em bers oers in- O th er ' vom com m in- Tuesday, Ju n e 10. sion of the Oregon state le g is la -L f S atu rd ay .F eb ru ary 1 initiated into Sigm a Tau, n atio n -1 d u d e: R obert Lugar, decorations ture, his son has taken over man-1 _ i ■ A parade route o v er six miles a g e m e n t of the N ew brv packing! .¡iin ’ "V" v ected «»un- «il engineering honor society, this ¡Alice Peterson and A nn K roeger’ of P o rtlan d ’s streets is being a r ­ p lan t and orchards. L, i ’ sc,ecled as com .nun- week at O regon state college in refresh m en ts; O tto Peterson, spe- ranged. Car-i Lee Haines arriv ed i n K T " ™ “ A sh ,a n d , fo* l? e i-oivallis B urdic is a ju n io r in cial m usic; and S hirlev B erning In keeping w ith the them e, M em bers of the A shland Post engineering at the college. j hausen, publicity. “V acation in the O regon C oun­ No. 14 of th e A m erican Legion C aliforr*a, to spend the betw een « Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weitzel and San Francisco on a com bined try the Rose Festival Association who atten d ed the D ep artm en tal sem ester vacation w ith her par C ounty ch airm an for the N ation has announced plans for a “F esti­ ex ecutive m eeting held at C entral en ts Dr. and Mis. C. A. Haines ul F oundation of In fan tile P a ra ­ lam ily are spending the week in business and pleasure trip. val Vacation C enter". S everal P oint last S atu rd ay included Mr lysis. S m ith also selected J. F re d Miss Haines is attending the Uni blocks of a dow ntow n P o rtlan d and Mrs. R ichard B erninghausen versity of C alifornia in B erkeley Engel, Bellview rancher, as com p ark will be set aside for portray P hil S tan sb u ry , H.R. Jo rd a n , Ken inunity chairm an for the B ell­ this year. ing th e N orthw est’s various v ac­ M iller, Em il Kroege*». and Ja k e view area. ation spots. Lahr. F riday afternoon Dr. H arvey The Oregon S ta te Highway- P reviously d ep artm en tal m eet­ Woods and Dr. R alph Poston ac­ Commission, P o rtland C h am b er ings had been held in P o rtlan d cepted a hot pack m achine th a t of Commerce, and th e O regon b u t in honor of th e new C en tral was presented to the A shland A dvertising Club are cooperating P o in t Legion hall the m eeting V eterans A dm inistration offi­ Disabled veteran s eligible for C om m unity hospital by V ern fully w ith the Rose F estival A s­ place was shifted to S o u th ern cially announces th at P resident education or train in g undvr P u b ­ L egionnaires and ex-veterans S m ith, ch airm an ol t h e ' Jackson T rum ans recent proclam ation end lic Law 16 face no specific d ead ­ sociation in m aking th e C en ter a Oregon. county ch a p te r of the Infantile will m eet at the Legion hall n ex t ing hostilities has no effect on line b u t they m ust com plete th e ir featu re attraction. Em phasis was placed on th e T raditional events w ill include: fact th a t “for the good of the T uesday evening, F eb ru a ry 11, at P aralysis Foundation. T he m ach­ most of the law s adm inistered by train in g w ithin 9 years a fte r the ine, one of three given in Jackson 7 ;00 p.m, for th eir annual stag Ju n io r Rose Festival, conducted Legion" also. m ean t for the good county, is a $350 piece of eq u ip ­ V eterans adm inistration, accord­ end of th e war. su p p er and party. by the P ortland grade school of the pntire com m unity. Post, ing to W illiam B ender, of the In nonservice-connected death 1 W illiam Briggs, Paul m ent th a t will be used in polio V eterans ad m in istratio n at Sou­ children; the y o u ngsters' parade ow ned m eeting places w ere d is­ and disability cases rig h ts d e­ Byers, Ja k e La hi Will- cases will be held S atu rd ay m orning cussed, and com m anders w ere th ern Oregon college. pending on w ar veteran s statu s __ ¡am Johnson and B ert Ju n e 14; the 59th an nual Rose urged to em phasize the place of Forem ost am ong these is P u b ­ alone such as hospitalization F reem an are in charge of all a r­ Show and the 9th annual Air th e Legion in th e com m unity life lic Law No. 346, the G. I. Bill. dom iciliary car and b urial allow ­ ran g em en ts for the affair. Briggs V eterans A dm inistration states ance will be accorded only to Mail Show Ju n e 11 and 12; and of the W orld W ar II veteran. is com m ittee chairm an. C om m an­ A m ajor discussion centered that the date of the official term ­ those who served betw een Dec. 7. the spectacular Golden Rose Ski d er Phil S ta n sb u ry said th at all A covered dish su p p er will be ination of the w ar ra th e r than the 1941 and the date of th e P resi­ meet, S unday m orning Ju n e 15, about the A m erican Legion J u n ­ v eteran s and m em bers of the held at the Bellview grange, F eb ­ cessation of hostilities is the det on the slopes of Mt. Hood. ior baseball program . M any of legion w ere invited to atten d ru ary 18 ,at 6:30 p in. All m em ­ erm in in g factor in establishing d e n t’s proclam ation Dec. 31, 1946. th e Posts th ro u g h o u t the nation Also affected, are arm y and this an n u al p arty . bers are requested to come and the deadline for the educational C oast G u ard C adets and Navy receive uniform s and eq u ip m en t bring a covered dish according loan and re ad ju stm e n t allow ance for these clubs through the local m idshipm en. T hey no longer have Ford dealers. to Mrs. S tanley C hurch, program provisions of the GI Bill. an activ e d u ty statu s for the p u r­ A q u a rte t of negro m en will chairm an. The 4-H club will p re ­ JUNIOR BASEBALL The sam e ruling applies to vo­ poses of law s ad m inistered by the offer to the public an hour of sent the program for the evening. cational reh ab ilitatio n under P u b ­ A shland P o st No. 14 is planning VA. T herefore, th eir service after P ast Noble G rand club of the A rchie K incaid .was presented lic Law 16 for disabled veterans. Dec. 31 .1946 as cadets or m id­ singing on Sunday evening, Feb. on en terin g a league com posed of 9th at 5 p.m. at the M ethodist team s from G ran ts Pass. M edford, R ebekah Lodge will sta rt a se r­ his past m aster pin, last T uesday U nder the GI Bill loans may sh ipm en m ay not be credited for C hurch. JPhis q u arte t is directed K lam ath Falls, and Y reka. Ken ies of card p arties on Lincolns evening, F eb ru ary 4 ,at the be g u aran teed or insured by VÀ v eteran s benefits. and m a g g e d by A. F. P r u i t t,, M iller ..«» has been Bppoiniea appointed Cnair chair b irth d ay , F ebruary 12, at the Odd G range m eeting. P ast M aster up to 10 years a fte r the end of T he VA ruling specified that fellows hall. Bridge, pinochle and G eorge A ndrew s talked to the the war. Education or jo b -tra in ­ w artim e rates of com pensation form erly director of th e C o tto h 'm a n of th e J u n io r baseball pro- o th er gam es will be played, after m em bers on “plans and purposes ing m ay be started up to 4 years will continue to apnlv to service Blossom Singers who appeared ' gram . Boys from ages-SMo 17 will which, refresh m ents will he s e rv ­ ol the G range". Carl H enry and a lle r the w ar; and read ju stm en t connected disability and death an n u ally in this church. They will p articip ate in th e program which ed. Prizes are to be aw arded to Mr. and Mrs. Block played m usic allow ances for discharged v e te r­ cases for m em bers of the arm ed sing the Negro S p iritu als and will begin in Ju ly . w inners in th e various gam es, and for the m em bers to dance to after ans ex p ire 2 years a fte r the end . forces until the official te rm in a ­ other gospel hymns. A silver of-| According to Miller the Junior fering will be taken-for the baseball program fits in well with a door prize is to be aw arded. re fresh m e n ts w ere served. of the w ar, tion of th e w ar quartet during the evening. I community recreational program. Dinner, Dance to be (»¡veil Tuesday Eve werelllpM Pftl* PlirihAF Study by Council I Y’s Men Organizer 'OHUng 1 Uesday March of Dimes Total Over $1400 Kilty Band May Attend Festival Wm. Ausland Heads Region Box Social League Championship To Be Decided Sat. Lions Box Social At College «Tuesday Talent - «Tdllgt* GranCTP Plan« I ldnS A Potluck Dinner Legion Members Attend Meeting 6 . 1. BILL HOT AFFECTED BT PRESIDENT’S PROCLAMATIOH Legionnaires To Have Stag Party y Bellview Grange Planning Supper Noble Grand Club Will Have Parties Negro Quartet Appears Sunday