4 Form erly Th« Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Y eari tor $5 _ NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAR March of Dimes Tournament Will End Polio Drive ASMI A N D , JACKSON C O U N T Y . O R EG O N “Artie” Monax Has Ixrst His Shadow Community Chest fleets H. Enders Gt I hursday, January j o , 1947 SENIORS HEAR ABOUT FRANK SCHOLARSHIP Inform ation concerning t h e Aaron M f rank S cholarship Foundation, Inc. has been given to all Seniors in the Ashland high chool, according to Earl Rogers, Principal. Rogers stated th at none of the seniors had m ade ap p lica­ tion for the scholarship as yet and doubted if any of them would. I his is the tw elfth y ear th at >< niors in Oregon high schools have been invited to en ter thi Aaron M. F rank scholarship com ­ petition The scholarship carries a m axim um of $1000 and m ay tx extended over four years, to any institution of higher education in Oregon -’lÂment The Arm y Are P erm anent W arrants Voi: i j No. 48 Chief Talent Suggests Study of City Traffic S unday, F ebruary 2, A rctoniys 1 m onax, will determ ine to his s a t­ H enry Enders, A shland busl isfaction and beliefs, w hether or ness man and rancher, was elect not that portion of the world in the noU hcrn latitudes will u > • ed president of the new ly organ! Saturday Night Affair six niori w eeks zed C om m unity Chest com m ittee REALTY COMMITTEE WILL At SOC Matches F (B J N B (,I w i n t er or at a m eeting held M onday night INVESTIGATE HOSPITAL GROUND HOC w hether Elks A SOC Frosh spi mg at the C ham hci of C om m erce of­ SITUATION e an im p o rtan t m eeting and u rg -jb y four delegates: L arry T rib ett, e rty and J a k e W eitzel are o th er Frank O'Neil. The prelim inary show n Grove will buy new stocks c,ulrch ed all F ru it G row ers to attend. stu d en t body president; P auiine m em bers of the com m ittee. will begin at 7:30 p.m. for the local store He plans to BILL BRANDT BURIED” Ulstad, social ch airm an; Y vonne! c ity Ilo s a itt’ re tu rn F ebruary 4. IN ASHLAND MON., JAN. 27 Truax. SISKIYOU editor; and another rep resentative from th < / C oncerning th e m atter of tu rn - In term en t of the body of BI 11I ( ) il e n ( I n e r ' l f i p n e n n B randt who passed aw ay T hurx-I J * ? 1 U P e r d » e d S O n stu d e n t body. ing *-be city hospital over to the Music a s­ day, J a n u a ry 23, w as m ade In t h e ’ark-son C ounty Civic Musa T he form al wm«- of th e een v er C ham ber of Corr.mcr i, th e Ma ’- M ountain View cem etery in Ash sociation will m ake it’s 1947 d e­ tion will be taken up by a d is -!or ’’'pferred fhe m a tte r’tef thfe tfftee M em bers uf the new spaper clu b i but by presenting the N ational cussion group, the purpose o f l m an realty com m ittee for study, land, M onday, Ja n u a ry 27. of the F ourth, Fifth, and S ix th ' B ran d t was born in Norfolk. Male q uartet. W ednesday even which will be to solve the pro- Fir. W alter R edford heads the grades of the W ashington school ( T w enty-one m em bers of the N ebraska, on A pril 4. 1886, and ing, F ebruary 5, at the Senior blems of each college represented. realty com m ittee which will m ake visited the plant of the New s | Board of D irectors of the A shland an investigation of th e p resen t has m ade his hom e in the Valley high school auditorium in Med­ Review, W ednesday a fte rn o o n .1Y.M.C.A., w ere elected Sunday. for the past 31 years. ford The q u artet consists of Giu- situ atio n which was b ro u g h t to Miss M argaret Liningcr. jo u rn al-I Ja n u a ry 26 ,in the P resbyterian 110 G ari and A ttilio Baggiore, te n ­ a head last w eek when a com ­ ism supervisor accomp a n i e d ¡church, by m em bers uf the Y.M ors, Vernon Sanders, baritone, m ittee of local doctors requested them . • jc.A . present at the m eeting. and Bruce Mackay, bass. th at they be relieved of any part A rt Schneider and Elm er V The W ashington Jr. P aper, M em bers of the new Board of Gari and Baggiore. tenors, of hospital m anagem ent opera- w hich is published by the group D irectors who will form ulate pol- m ade their operatic debut in the Ayres purchased th e H am by p ro­ t ons and th a t the C h am ber of M em bers of the A shland C ham ­ runs six issues a year. M em bers | icies and d irect the work of the T eatro Reale dell opera in Rome, perty, which is located at th e foot Com m erce tak e over the in s titu ­ of the club who toured the News I Y.M.C.A. in A shland during the ber of C om m erce and Phoenix and both Sanders and Mackay of Oak street, in N ovem ber of tion and o p erate it. Review plant included next three years included John businessm en will m eet and dis­ m ade their debuts w ith the San 1946, to build an airport. Schneid W illiam Healy, ex ecutive sec­ er reports this w eek th at a gran M arcene Robison, Lois D ow n­ Billings, Leland P. Linn, Rev cuss m utual problem s at a d in ­ Francisco Opera com pany. re ta ry of the C ham ber of Com ­ ner T uesday at the G ladm or cafe ite topping on the landing strip ing,, Je a n e tte McDonald. W anda G eorge M. Shum an, H om er B ill­ Mrs. Robert Dodge and Angus merce, has stated th a t th e C ham ­ Oden, Nancy G rab e r, M a r y ings, Mrs. Edith Good, C. H. in Phoenix. This is the first in a B ow m er w ere in charge of ticket of the airp o rt has been com pleted. ber w ould be w illing to operate series of d in n ers which will be Speece C olette Perrine. Verne Wines, C. M. L itw iller, Eric Wer- sales in Ashland last fall for the The strip is about 2,000 feet by 75 the hospital if th e lease w hich i; Dunn, F ran kie Tou'nsend, P aul- en, A llen O. McGee, W alter Red­ held w ith businessm en in com­ Jackson C ounty Civic Music as­ feet. p resently m ade out to th e com ine Davis, Billie Davis, Donna ford, Joseph Fader, Mrs. Jacob m unities about A shland. Schneider said, th a t the next m unity doctors, w ere tu rn e d over sociation. Mrs. Dodge reports that Trips to T alen t ,and Jackson­ D unkeson. Evelyn Millet. C la r - 1 Weitzel Leslie G rant. P. H. Stans- 111 tickets w ere sold in Ashland project for the airp o rt included to th e com m ercial organization. m eeungs eetings w with ence Nicks, M arvin Robeson, a. bury, Dr, Dr G. B. Hull, Dr. G eorge ville, and d in n er m nn this y ear in com parison w tih six ­ the construction of a shop and A t T uesday nights m eeting Don hf the en try , in order that per­ was riding was G eorge Lauhuch ience seated on all four siues. B ellview A nnexation of M edford. According to Lau- extension of the work for the sons en terin g the library will get com ing year a view of the open fireplace n t ! bach's report to (he police he was M atter of annexing a portion of The Rev. George M. Shum an, the back of the room. driving north about fifty miles an Mrs. Henry G aley will present Bellview to A shland has been d e ­ The m agazine section has been I flz x T « IV Ip H fn r rl hour and m et an oncom ing car Leland P. Linn, and D w ight O j the book revelw at the n ex t m eet­ layed pending the passage of ce r­ w ith b rig h t lights driving on the Welch, Associate S ecretary of the rem odeled so th at all magaxines ing ot the A shland study club tain bills in th e state legislature are in one palce now. instead of ’ As,h la n d ® lady Elks wiH to Pacific N orthw est A rea Council w rong side of the yellow line. next M onday afternoon, F e b ru ­ of the Y.M.C.A., gave short talks. throughout the library. New stack , M edford Tue«l®y . F reb ru ary 4. ary 3 ,at the home of Mrs. Elda which will m ake th e proposed a n ­ nexation a sim p ler process. shelves wei e in s ta te d . Reading attend , h e la r«est s° e 'al The m eeting closed w ith a w or­ Anderson. Mrs. Jam es H. Edgar O ther business which was ta k ­ tion of the year given by the ship service led by m em bers of and study desks have been placed* will be hostess for th e m eeting, the Tri Hi Y and Hi Y Clubs of in places that would give them Lady Elks of M edford at, the and Mrs. J. M. H ardy will review en up at the T uesday m eeting in ­ Elks club. cluded a C lean Up Day, suggested non- open space. L ark in G rubb, president of the A shland High School. the short topic. by the W om en’s Civic club. L uncheon will be served at The Board of D irectors has in A shland G un Club, will present S tudy club m em bers w e r e EDMUND DEWS IS GUEST Sidew alks in certain areas of 12:30 o'clock and will be follow- the m em bers of the new ly formed stru cted S ecretary F letcher to guests of Mrs. J. H. H ardy last the city to increase city m ail d e­ SPEAKER AT S.O.C. jed by a musical program and issue m em bership cards to any organization w ith th eir m em ber­ Monday afternoon, Ja n u a ry 26. liveries w ere requested by the Edm und Dews, Rhodes Schol­ bridge, pinochle and pool. ship cards, F riday evening, J a n ­ and all contributors who have Mrs. J. W. McCoy, president of Postoffice. arship w inner, who is at present R eservations can be m ade by u ary 31, at the re g u lar m eeting not received them . Persons whe the club, who had been absent loing g ra d u ate work at U.C.L.A. The Plaza project, w hich will calling Mrs. Crain, 5175, evenings, which will be held at the city gave during the Y.M.C.A. cam ­ for the past three m onths p re ­ come up for bids F eb ru ary 4 was at Medford. was a guest lectu rer last week in hall. G ru b b was elected tem por­ paign and have not received th eir sided at th e m eeting. R espect was studied. If bids are presented and Physics at S outhern Oregon Col­ Y.M.C.A. m em bership card are ary president of the club F riday DR. CHARLES HAINES HAS paid to Mrs. E. V. C arter, who accepted the council hopes the asked to phone John Billings. lege. Dews spoke on meteorology, NEW ASSOCIATE evening, Ja n u a ry 17. died this week, and who was one project w ill be com pleted by Ju ly a subject w ith which he is lam - P resident of the B oard of D irect­ A proposed set of by-law s and Dr. A. F. W alter K resse, form ­ of the founders of the club in 31. liar, having served as a lieuten- the procedure of affiliating w ith ors . erly of Medford, took over his 1902. Mrs. M arcus Woods rev iew ­ int in the United S tates Air Corps I F ire C hief C lint B aughm an a l­ th e N ational Rifle association, new duties this week as associate ed. “No tim e for tears,” by Lora so m ade his report. The F ire de­ w eather Service. Mrs. C harles G rove and Mrs. will be offered the m em bers of of Dr. C harles A. Haines, in the Wood Hughes. Mrs. Ellis A. Peil p artm en t an sw ered 431 calls, 123 the club, by officers F riday ev en ­ Eloise Mackie spent the w eekend Mrs. A rlene D unkeson and hei M edical A rts building. Dr. Kresse review ed the Rhodes Scholarship. of w hich w ere fires. In K lam ath Falls; Mrs. Grove daughter, Nancy Dunkeson, went practiced m edicine in Medfo-d ing. Mrs Peil m entionel th at Edw ard Fire loss in A shland totaled T here will he a board of d irec t­ visited T ipi d au g h ter and son in to P ortland Sunday. Mrs. Dunke- for a period of 22 years. D ws. in structor at S o u th ern O re­ 134,864.85. Inspections m ade by ors m eeting at seven p.m. F riday law, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. S m ith .'s o n took her dau g h ter for a medi- Dr. K resse has tw o sons, one gon college, had just recently re ­ F ire C hief B aughm an total 1098. evening, preceding the club m eet­ and Mrs. M ackie visited Dr. and leal checkup in one of the Port- in the service, and the other at ceived one of the Rhodes schol­ F ire perm its issued am ounted to ing. j Mrs. M. Cooper . | land hospitals. the University of Oregon. arship. 225. Soroptimists Appear Before Judge Burns News Review Club Leads City League Fellowship Dinner Held In Social Room Male Quartet Will Newspaper Club Visit News Review YMCA Board Elected Sunday Landing Strip Is Now Completed Meeting at Phoenix Planned for Tuesday Lady Elks Will Gun Club Will Meet Friday Night 4 Mrs. Galey Will Give Book Review