Formerly Th« Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year* (or $5 «7/te Srmikvm Óneao*. . ««enlistment J* r „«efedes In The Army Vi*1 * Are Permanent Warrants NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND. JACKSON (XXJNTY. OREGON 3.00 PER YEAR Ihursday, January 18,1947 Voi. i j . No. 46 DR. STEVENSON SPEAKS l in n le a d s d isc u ssio n DURING WEEK OF JAN. 6 AT WESTMINSTER MEETING Dr Elmo Stevenson, president ( Leland Linn, superintendent of, ¡of Southern Oregon College, was public schools in Ashland lead a principal speaker at the Profes­ tin- discussion on "Religion and Cul-Ore lumlx-r company en- Education” at the first of a series O. J. Bjorlie, Ashlund high sional and Business Women’s Club in Klam ath Falls on Monday .school vocal instructor, was sel­ night, January 8. Dr. Stevenson j 1 Fir Milling and Planing com pany of meetings of the Westminster Club of the Presbyterian church, of Ashland were included --imong last Sunday evening, in the ected at a recent meeting of chon spoke on higher education leaders and organists, to direct On Tuesday, January 7, Dr the four successful bidders at an Manse. OFFICERS CLUBS TO BE the United Choirs Easter pro­ Stevenson was the prlnel p a I Oregon and California Lands ad F The Westminster club is a ASHLAND ELKS WILL PLAY CONVERTED TO SCIENCE HALL AND CAFETERIA gram, which is given annually on speaker at the annual meeting of ministration timber sale held In group of college students and HOUSE OF DAVID TEAM Central Oregon Kmianls Clubs In A shland’s Elks basketball team Portland, January 7, E K. P eter­ college-age young people. Eastei evening at the Methodist Bend. Two new buddings, a combin­ will meet the only authentic ed cafeteria and home economics church. Mr Bjorlie is a capable- Wednesday, Jan. 8 Dr. Steven son, district forester reported this House of David basketball team, lab and a Science hall, combin­ week. leader according to the choir d ir­ son was in Medford where he on the Medford high school floor, ing physics and chem labs with John and McGrew brothers, spoke to the Jackson County Thursday, January 23. The House ectora, huvmg studied both voice, classrooms and classroom facili­ Medford, and Timber Products, Medical Association at the Hogue of David team is on the northwest insli umenlal music and duectm g Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dunn, Ash- ties have been granted to South­ Medford, were the other two suc­ under Dr. Christianson, the fam ­ River Country Club . larid, opened a Consignment Sales leg of their annual tour of the ern Oregon college by the Feder­ cessful bidders. The four com­ nation and have a strong club. ous directoi of St Chats' choir, panies bought a total of 10,200,- Center Saturday, January 11, on The Ashland Elks team were al Works Adm inistration, Harris vir Bjorlie has liad previous ex­ highway 99, one and one-half 000 hoard feet of douglas and Southern Oregon independe n t Ellsworth, United States Repre­ perience in directing glee clubs sentative from Oregon, notified white fir, sugar and ponderosa miles north of Ashland. Accord­ champions last year. and orchestras. ing to Mrs. Dunn they sell house- Dr. Elmo N. Stevenson, president ang,. 'pine, and Incense cedar located In Officers of the Bellview gi A line program lias been a r ­ ■old goods, farm machinery, and of the college today. ranged and rehearsals will start for 1947 Include: Master, Waltei four different areas in Jackson other merchandise on a consign The buildings were form erly an county. Total sale price was $123,- as soon as the music arrives, pro­ Davis, overseer, Kay Inlow; lee m< -nt basis. officers club and an officers mess 300 an acre. turi-r, Ida Church; stew ard, Louis bably Thursday, January JO at at Camp White. Moving is ex­ Fir Milling and Planing’s hid Mr. and Mrs. Dunn operated Mrs. E A. Woods will be hostess pected to begin im m ediately‘and 8:00 o'clock at the M ethodist Pank.v; ass't stew ard, Fred Engle; on the incense cedar was $4 12, the Plaza grocery for two months chaplain, Amy True; treasurer, to the Ashland study club, next it is hoped that they will be in church. Tills ycurs program will lx- the Mary Stenrud; secretary, Elsie per thousand hoard feet, and on during 1946 later selling to Wtn Monday, January 20. Mrs. James place on the campus and ready seventh given by the United Davis; gate keeper, Henry Lind the white fir, $4.87 per thousand. Reagan They have been build­ H. Edgar will give the book re­ for use, April 1. Choirs, and will m aintain the sey; ceres, Ida Woodward; Pom­ Cal Ore received the ponderosa ing and remodeling home in Ash- view for the afternoon, and Mrs The Science building will be per land the past several months be- W alter Redford will have the same high standard as in the past ona, Anna Engle; Flora, Elsie pine with a hid of $10.25 placed on the west side of the thousand feet. 1 fore going Into the consignment short topic. when such woi ks as “Holy City", ’arperter; lady assistant steward campus behind the gymnasium -------------------------- I business. Mrs. Nell Henry; home economies and "Seven Last Words" were The study club met January 6 and the cafeteria will be located ¡ mhs . winston attends given. All choir singers in Ash­ chairman, Anna Engle; home ec­ at the home of Mrs. Elda A nder­ near the tennis courts. An addit­ land are urged to take part in onomies committee, Nell Dunn son. Miss G ertrude Engle, vice- ional 8000 feet of floor space will meeting md Mrs. HayeS; agricultural com this worthwhile work. Six Junior high school teams \ Mrs. Mabel Winston, state pre­ president of the club, was in be added to the colleges present nlttee chairman, Ross Applegate; charge of the business session. legislative committee chairman, arc entered in an intram ural sldent ol the American Associa­ Mrs. E. A. Woods read a letter building facilities. tion of University women, met basketball tournam ent which be­ Ralph Billings; musician, Alta from Mrs. Louise Perozzi, who, Nichols; executive co m m ittee, gan January 13, in the Junior with other state officials of the with her daughter, is traveling club in Eugene, the first week in high school auditorium . The fol­ The Presbyterian basketball Henry Enders, Wade Wallace and lowing Is a list of the team m emb­ January. Plans for a statewide through the South American team will play the Congregation­ Archie Kincaid; recreation com ­ Otto Wilda, instructor in com­ ers taking part in the tourna­ meeting of the A. A. U. W. in countries. Mrs. J. H. Hardy, pre­ al basketball team next S a tu r­ mittee, Rachel Dankworth and sented the book review and Mrs. position, mechanical draw ing and ! March were made. ment. , day afternoon, January 18, at the Mrs Neal Henry; publicity chair Mrs. Winston, also presided at Will Dodge the half-hour topic. other courses, was elected a t a Team 1 - Watson, Gene Daly, Junior high school gymnasium In man, Ida Church. reveiwed, “Our recent meeting as local presi­ Grossman, Fowler, Ritzin g e r, ia committee meeting of Dean’s , „ Mrs. Hardy „ Ibe YMCA league game series. Son Pablo” by Alvin Stemple, and B Dunn. Bill Wine« of women, at Linfield college on ^ ° n ,H a „ by Alvin and and Darley Darley dent of the campus chapter of the Church of Christ team will play Coach. Saturday. January 4. Gordon. Mrs. Dodge gave a re- American Association of U niver­ the Methodists, and the Nazar­ „ „ ... ah - ! ___________________ ;sume of the address she had sity Professors. ene will play the Episcopal team, Mr. Wilda is organizing the lo­ « t « nm 2 w ¿ng' p dd-e An e n ’, heard recently by Neldja Izzad- Saturday afternoon also. Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Rensfleld, Wenker, P errine^ Bar- lden, who has been speaking all cal group in order to strengthen Last Saturday afternoon, J a n u ­ Hannah Crumm were held W ed­ ger and Wally Barnett; Carlo« over Jhe nation in behalf of thè the professional status of South­ ary Il ,the Nazarene team defeat­ nesday afternoon, January 15, at Schm idt Coach. Arabs on thè Palestine question. ern Oregon College teachers. ed the Methodists with a score Litwlller funeral home. The Rev. Joe E. Early, prominent Eugene Team 3 - Utter, Canfield, Keith of 9 to 4, while the Presbyterians A. J. Edwards delivered the ser­ Bayne, Clark, Henning, Fredin- S r e Z a « » won from the Episcopal hoys 17 mon. Interm ent was made In the burg and Nelson; Stanley Hans- ¡ C e te p r to 12. The Church of Christ team Mountain View cemete |,iven him on the Siskiyou staff i com, Coach. won by a score of 8 to 4 from the 4 - Ivan M orris Oakk* L , Mrs., Crumm was IWrn In Polk «U T . team m L ( ‘ . h r h T w e d e » »’y « ¡ a » 'e " ^ er y a f° n Dr. M Elmo bv N. ' d Stev- iic k . D ««» Thursday night's m eeting of Congregational hoys. + “ entfilfy. Missouri on June 5, 1875. Klavana, Walters and Wines She is survived by the following Pickell M n n t . R r h r r i . n n 1 f,,r hundred dollars. Early menl“ers of the National Guard Talent Grange will feature the Monte Roberfon. Coach. “ ¿ ¡ a n d individuals interested in a showing of a motion picture spon members of the Ashland Hi Y children: Chester Ferguson, Ten­ Team 5 - Kidwell, Austin Kent at the end of each school year J ? u.n ¿ I ub will meet at the City sored by a local feed and seed club were officials of the games nant, California; Frank Ferguson Saturday. Eldon Durham was Keo Tinto, Nevada; William G Bayne, Oden .Haynie, C arter and for the next four years, to th e :baR F n d a y night to discuss plans company. The picture will start Garold Davis: Dale Landing. Coa Siskiyou advertising and busi- , r , or8anfz^n8 an Ashland gun at eight o’clock sharp and the scorekeeper. Ferguson of Attalia, Washington: ch. ness manager. , club which will utilize the old showing will be open to the pub­ Mrs. Hazel Troxel, Elk Creek. National guard pits lic. Team 6 - Harper, Rogers, Don California; Mrs. Otis Cogswell, J. Q. Adams, Chief of Police C. The regular meeting will follow Keno .Oregon. Also one brother, Robeson, Frazier, Rettman, Long MRS. W. D. LUTZ Talent, Col .Preston J. Watcr- the picture and will incluoe ousi- ARRIVES IN PHILIPPINES Will Crawford. Walla Walla, Wa„ and Metz; Bill Allen, Coach. Results of the Intram ural tour­ Miss Betty Jean Brittsan was J and 20 grandchildren and 18 Among the first pioneering de­ bury ,and Dòn McWhirter are ex- ness and initiation of new mem nament being played at the ju n ­ pendents who recently arrived at pected to be the nucleus of tht hers. A representative of the given in m arriage to H erbert I great great grand children. Luther Russell by her brother, 1 Mrs. W. W. Bell 500 Ashland ior high auditorium are as fo l-. Camp O’Donnell, Tarlae, Philip­ new organization. Anyone inter­ County Experim ent Station will be at the regular m eeting to ex­ Marlon Jam es Brittan, Sunday street who is visiting her daught­ lows: Landing’s team won th e ir 1 pines was Mrs. William D. Lutz, ested is invited to attend. plain the work of the station. morning, January 5, at the chapel er in Texas is expected to return first game; Allen’s team won wife of Captain William D. Lutz, t a d z w b u b b « « . . . . . their first game also; W ine’s team executive officer of the 88th Field r 5 ÎÎ? m ^ S E™ Î ENTS of Rocks and Roses In Medford this week. lost their prelim inary but won The bride was gowned in white Gerald Dudley, Los Angeles, their second game, Wednesday A rtillery Battalion, 12th Infantry ° F SON BORN IN CUBA Ensign and Mrs. Dale Jorgen­ Division. brocaded satin with a finger-tip who has been visiting Mr. and Schm idt’s team lost their sen are the parents of a son, Geo­ length veil held In place with a Mrs. Harry Dudley, 86 Taylor, noon Mrs. Lutz, who is the former "Dad's Night" will be held tiara of pearl orange blossoms. returned to Los Angeles this first game. Monte Robertson’s Jean C. Neil, of Ashland, Oregon, rge Dale, Jr. according to a cable­ team won their first game, Wed­ gram received here Sunday, J a n ­ Thursday, January 16, at the J u n ­ She wore a gold locket, which is week. He is a nephew of Mr. and is a graduate of the Univer­ uary 12, by Mr. and Mrs. George an heirloom in her fathers family, Dudley’s. While here he visited nesday, January 15. sity of Oregon, Captain Lutz, a King .Mr. and Mrs. King are the ior High school cafeteria. It is and carried a bouquet of white Baker, Oregon with his cousin, A. of Miami. Florida, j parente o ^ M rs . * Jorgeifsen^ the being sponsored by the Junior- Mr and Mrs. Charles McFar- former resident 1 l i a t . o nf - thp TTnlfPrl . S t.too ’ipatciiw Ul Mi&. JI and pink carnations. P niPSz.ntlv 11«.inn i„ I f l o IS a e r a d U1C Senior PTA and will be part of H. Dudley, of Phoenix. land are presently living In Kla IS a graduate Of the United States 7 former> B — , . Ki ... this weeks regular meeting, ac­ Miss Bessie Blanche Maneil was _. . 6 Mrs. Frank Nelson ,1101 Siski­ math Falls where McFarland Is M ilitary Academy. The Jorgensens are in Cuba cording to Mrs. C. L. Wolff, pub­ the bride's maid-of-honor and you, returned Sunday from K la­ an announcer with radio station Captain and Mrs. Lutz plan to Buddy R. Cole of Sutherlin, O re­ math Falls where she had spent KFLW. He was formerly with remain in the Philippines until where Mr. Jorgensen is with the licity chairm an for the group. A Naval air forces. covered dish supper will be serv­ gon was best man for the groom a few days on business. KWIN Ashland. Dec. 1947 . ed. The Reverend D. E. Millard per Mr .and Mrs. Carl Wysong re ­ RETIRED MAN b lE S formed the ceremony. Program chairm an for the ev­ turned Saturday from Portland SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 A reception followed the wed­ ening will be E. E. Vail, Ashland C. Guy Crosby, died Sunday, r postm ________ „ ding at the home of the bride’s where they had spent last week aster, , ___ Roland Parks will January 12, at his home on Palm ¡show movies to the group, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roe Mag on a combined business and plea­ avenue. He had only lived i n 1 ness, 1116 Oak street, in Ashland. sure trip. Ashland for the past two years, The couple are making their coming here to retire from St. I home in the Bellview district. Open-house lor the public at the w eather but will be complet- Helens, Oregon. the Lincoln School in Ashland ed the same as the work has been "QUEEN OF HEARTS" TO Crosby was born November 26,1 Ashland Elks will meet the Next Monday evening, Janu- has been scheduled for F rid ey ,' done on the entrance. BE CROWNED FEB. 14. 1883, in Sac County, Iowa. He is Weed Foresters in a basketball Bob McLean, publicity chair­ ary A20? 1neY!y e,e5tvd ?ffl' erS oi J a n - 17? Leland^Llnn, super.'men- The space which the cafeteria survived by his widow, Clara game to be held at SOC gym at p.m. Friday evening. . The man of the SOC Valentine ball, the Ashland branch of the Am en- dent of schools announced this formerly occupied has been used Crosby; one son, Gaius Crosby of 8:00 ---- *-................. z «.«»—.*.s ? ViH ue week- The open bouse will be for additional classroom space as St. Helens; a daughter, Mrs. L. C. Weed d u b is composed of form er announced this week that the As­ can4l __ -- a _ 1 . __ I kv 1 rr V» W -. J .4-- - 1 . _ - ___ sociated men students would at the W ashington school b u ild -' held in connection with the 7-30 enrollm ent in that school has in ­ Carpenter, Salem; a sister, Mrs. ¡high school and service players. mg .The new officers are Chair- , P. T. A. session that evening. The As a prelim inary to the main have a formal Valentine's ball on creased approxim ately 60 since G ertrude Sm ith of Rapid City, February 14, in the gymnasium of man, W alter Redford; vice-chair- building will also be open until last year. With the building fill­ South Dakota. Also two grand­ game the Elks second string will man, Allan McGee; secretary; six o’clock that afternoon for any ed to capacity the construction of children survive. play the Ashland Active club. Southern Oregon college. Howard Wiley; treasurer, G ord­ visitors that do not find it con­ additional classroom space will Highlight of the dance will be Funeral services were held the coronation of the "Queen of on Miller, home service, Mrs. Sam venient to go to the evening ses- soon be a must, according to Linn. Wednesday afternoon. January 15 McNair; Disaster, William E. slon. Hearts" during the Intermission. The date for the open house at the Litw iller funeral chapel The queen will be nominated by Heaiy O ther committee chairmen I Extensive work has been done was held up for several weeks for Crosby, with the Reverend members of the mens association will be announced at the M on-|On the building since the fire Linn said, because of the diffi­ Gordon Lindsay, delivering the Raiders of SOC will journey to and will be selected from the day evening meeting they are,w hich occurred early in the morn culty of getting the new window sermon. Arcata, California Friday to play F ,rst «ud .water safety .nursing, i„g on August 27. The school has nominees by secret ballot. shades as they had to come from Interm ent was made in the Humboldt college a two game accident prevention. an entire new aluminum sheathe the factory on special order. All Committee chairmen for the af­ activities series. Humboldt lost to Chico Mountain View cemetery. fair are as follows: decorations. junior Red Cross and fund chair- ,-oof as tw o-thirds of the lod was the students have been back in state last weekend, one game by f O I destroyed. All the classrooms and the building since Nov. 1, after Jim Mack; orchestra and g u s ts , m an' , two points and the other by four. Dean Jones; tickets and progVam corridors have been acoustically having met for several weeks in Southern Oregon college so far treated with a new asbestos pro­ the Church of the Nazarene, the Bob McLean; publicity, Russ rem ains undefeated. duct which absorbs much of the City Library, the Junior and the Jacques. “Ah, W ilderness’’, Eugene O’­ SOC, however, goes into the noise. This sam e m aterial acts as Senior High Schools. Committee chairmen for the af­ Neils’ only comedy, is soon to be game as the underdogs because of Southern Oregon college an ­ Insulation and is itself fireproof. fair are as follows: decorations, Classes will not- meet in the presented in intim ate theater lack of height and because of the The lighting of the second floor Ashland public schools on Friday, style at the Llthia Hotel Ballroom fact that the gym at Humboldt Is Jim Mack; orchestra and guests. nounces the appearance of Mr Dean Jones; tickets and pro­ and Mrs. Paul Petri in Tenny­ was greatly increased as part of Jan. 17. Leland Linn, superinten­ by SOC players. too small to perm it a fast break grams, Bob McLean; publicity, son’s "Enoch Arden”, Sunday af- the repair program and the old dent of schools, announced this The cast and date have not j to really take effect, ternoon, January 26, at 2:30 p.m. window shades were replaced by week. With the first semester end been chosen. In intim ate theater Russ Jacques. In the college auditorium The j the type that will let in light ing ing this this week week the the teachers teachers wll wll style, the play is portrayed in the CITY LEAGUE RESULTS Mr. and Mrs. Hansacker have a “ m a u !,n* sp" n"‘,red by the ¡from either the top or the bottom use that day to complete the re-¡center of the room with the a u - 1 In Tuesday evenings Citv tea- moved to Eugene, Oregon to Ashland branch of the American sash. cords for the first term so that dlence seated on four sides. gue basketball games the News make their home. Mrs. Hansack­ A T ? c k e t « ° n' T ’S y W.o n’en T'W rooms , are finished in a the new work can be undertaken This play was presented with Review defeated Metz 36-33; The er has been living with her m oth­ 8 n?1 tb? play can se' ,lght cream co,or with a sea-foam | on Monday. The second semester great success on the west coast .M art defeated Fortm illers 45-33 er, Mrs. Mary Josselyn while her MI m N pv . W «» h a h from .green trim The outside paint Job will end May 29 with spring with Will Rogers in the leading and Fluhrers won over the Ran- husband was In the service, wuss neva west. | has been delayed on account of vacation the week of April 7, role. ' ----- “• gers, 37-35. Two Local Mills Buy Sale Timber Bjorlie To Lead The United Choir College Gets Two Camp White Bldgs.- E. A. Dunns Open * Consignment Center Bellview Grange Officers Named- Mrs. Wood Will Be I Hostess To Club Intramural Cage Starts at Junior High,* A u w Three Ball Games to Be Played Saturday Otto Wilda Heads Local Professors Services For Mrs. A. Crumm Wednesday Rnrlv *2100 fcdNy Civile Gives .>100 To “Siskiyou” Staff d u b Nucleus To Meet Friday Talent Grange Will See Motion Picture r| Miss Brittsan Weds Herbert L. Russell ’ ---- ----- ---------------' V . » » V» I O * I ~ - — - — A M V« V M U O i “Dad’s Night” Will Be Held Thursday Red Cross Officers To Be Installed Lincoln School To Hold Open House This Friday Elks to Play Weed This Friday At SOC Raiders of SOC Off To Arcata, Cal. Petris Will Appear In Enoch Arden S. 0. C. Thespians Will Produce Play