4 Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year» for SS LOO PEH YEAR a Lions Planning Trip Friday To Central Point gon Mbrary 7/^ ÔteÿO+l t (JM Y. ( >RI GON GUN CLUB TO BE FORMED BY LIONS IN ASHLAND Bank Deposits Reach 1Q47 Com m ¡tfnp High of six Million w «irai nee Don M aeW hirter, m em ber of the Lions club bus been appointed Bank deposits In th e F irst Nat» chairm an of the com m ittee in tonal hank of P ortland, A shland charge of organizing an A shland branch w ere $6,766,827.59 us gun club. T he club will he org an ­ D ecem ber 31, 1946 according ized by the A shland lions club . . , , . , , .a press release m ade by E. B. . . . i M acNaughton, Pre blent of tht once It is started. , . institution Loans totaled $718. P resto q W aterbury and J. Q 1079. 97 Adams will assist M aeW hirter In One year ago the call figures getting the club started. It is totaled, deposits: $5,232,877; and hoped th a t la te r the club wil) i n ­ lonas $185.822 clude skeet and pistol shooting All persons in terested in this Cut) are urged to m eet in the city hall Ja n u a ry 17. I hursday. January 9, nt --» » in" rh e A rm y A re Perm anent W arrants '947 NEWSOM HARRISON DIES IN YREKA. CALIFORNIA Voi i j, No. 4$ Directors State H arry H a rris >n received word 1 last week th at his brother, New- Com m ittee m em bers of the city » a » ‘- n . <>' V reka council for 1947 w ere nam ed last C alifornia, had died Ja n u a ry 1, I hursday afternoon at a special at the Siskiyou county G eneral Will Aid Pointer*» In .session of the city council last hospital in Y reka. He was buried j Startinq New Club T hursday afternoon, J a n u a ry 2, in the fam ily plot in M o u n ta in 1 Equipment Will Be at the City hall. The special ses­ View cem etery in A shland, Sat- ( Shipped February 5 Lions club m em bers from Ash sion was called because M ayor urday, Jan . 4. At a board of d irectors m eeting hind, M edford and G ru n ts Pass Thornton Wiley left for K ansas H arrison was born A ugust 5, of the Rogue Valley B roadcasting will converge on C entral Point In City Missouri, Monday m orning, 1888 in A shland and resided in Co. late S unday afternoon, J a n u ­ therefore could not have atten d ed so u th ern O regon until 1930, w hen num bers F riday evening, to In­ he w ent to Yreka. the reg u lar session. ary 5, at th e L ithia hotel te n ta ­ stitu te a new club at the city. He is su rv iv ed by his widow, Herb Fischborn and Jo h n Nos- tive plans w ere m ade to p u t Extensive pluns foi the new lei were sw orn in as new m em ­ Ina H arrison of Y reka; four sons, KW IN on the air by M arch 1st. club's d u n ter night exercises A shland Elks basketball team bers of the council by J. Q. C harles H arrison of B erkeley, According to R obert R einholdt, will play the M edford G roceteria Adams, city recorder. Follow ing Scott H arrison of th e U. S. M ar­ have been m ade and it is ex p ect­ statio n m anager, b etter tra n sm it­ team, T hursday night, Ja n u a ry 9, com m ittees w ere appointed for ine Corps statio n ed a t C am p P e n ­ ed th at some 30 m em bers from ting eq u ip m en t and a larg er m ore a t the S outhern O regon college 1947: Finance, D augherty, W eit­ dleton, C alifornia, Dick of Yreka the A shland den, fifty from M ed­ com plete p la n t will be installed education gym nasium . of A. R. M oltner, m anager of tin ford and fifty from G ru n ts Pass zel and Redford; light, W eitzel, and N. H. Jr. of Yreka. He also as soon as new eq u ip m en t a n iv e s will be present. T he A shland Elks are last Nosier and M errill; w ater, F isch­ leaves one sister, L aura Pierce of S hipping date for eq u ip m en t local theaters, and his assistant. Also p resen t to give the new Gordon G ateley, W illiam E. H ea­ y e a r’s S outhern O regon in d e­ born, Redford and N osier; street, A shland; his b ro th er H arry of w hich has been ord ered h as been club Its official send off will be ly, secretary of the cham ber ol pendent cham pions, and a r e Nosier, D augherty and W eitzel; A shland, one grandchild, C harles set for F eb ru a ry 5th. T he eq u ip ­ Hay Je u b of C oquille, district m em bers of the so u th ern division fire, M errill, Fischborn and D au ­ H arrison Jr. of B erkeley and his m ent is being ordered from Q u in ­ president und "Izzy" Halin, a dis com m erce, F rank J. Van Dyke, of the county Independent loop gherty; realty, Redford, M errll m other and fath er-in -law , Mr. cy, Illinois. trict officer from Eugene. O ther George G reen, and A ndy A n d er­ this year. T hey defeated a Sams and Fischborn. and Mrs. Tom Hoover of Yreka B uilding plans are p resen tly d istrict officers are expected to son atten d ed a d in n er Monday Valley team last T hursday night being studied by statio n officials •All city appointm ents w ere con­ evening at the Rogue valley conn be presen t also. by a score of 101 to 38. j who stated th at th e old building firm ed by the council. City S u p ­ The new Lions d in at C entral try Cut) w hich was given by Rob ' will be razed and th e foundation erintendent, Elm er Biegel was ei I I,. L ippert, new ow ner of the Point has been organized w ith a used for the new building. again nam ed electric d ep artm en t ix verette In tersta te theaters. Lip m em bership of tw enty. Bob Lugar, o w ner and m anager M em bers of th e board of d ire c t­ su p erintendent; Earl H o si e r; pert heads the O regon-C alifornia At the n ex t regular m eeting ol stree t d ep artm en t s u p e r i n t e n ­ of the A shland A utom otive m ach­ ors p resen t a t the m eetin g in ­ theater group, which purchased the Lions club here in A shland ine shop on N orth Main, p u rc h as­ cluded: H ow ard W iley, M ark dent; fire chief, C. J. B aughm an; the S o u th ern Oregon college has the A shland and M edford theat ed the am bulance service from H am acker and H erb H ild of assistant fire chief, H. D. M cNair, kctbull team will lx* guests of the »•rs last week H lllah Tem ple, A ncient, A rabic firem en, John Kiel and Neal th e L itw iller F u n eral hom e this Corning, C alifornia, H arold M er­ Lions. The following week the DR. WELLS WILL ADDRESS O rder, Nobles of the M ystic H eard; chief of police, C. P. T al­ week. This service will be know n rill, R obert Ingle, R obert Dodge, High school grizzlies will be e n ­ MEDFORD GARDEN CLUB S hrine, held th eir annual election ent, assistant chief of police, C. C. in the fu tu re as the A shland A m ­ C hester C orry and F ran k J. Van bulance com pany. tertain ed by the organization. Dyke. Jo h n Billings, sec retary - Dr. W ayne Wells, ornithologist of nobles and appointed officers Williams, patrolm en, W illiam O ’­ L u g ar has had six years special trea su rer, w as u n ab le to a tte n d for the year 1947, at the M asonic at S outhern Oregon College, will Brien, Thom as A. Ghea, H erbert train in g and experience in the the S unday afternoon m eeting b e­ speak to the M edford G arden tem ple ln A shland, Ja n u a ry 3. Hayes, and Edw ard M itchell; city am bulance service. He was in cause of illness. P otentate, Paul D. G reen, Eu club, F riday m orning, Ja n u a ry 10. judge, C. O. P resnail; city a tto r­ the am bulance business in D en­ gene; Chief R abban, Earl T. N ew ­ KW IN station w hich w as lo cat­ Wells will lecture on Oregon ney, William Briggs, cem etery ver, C olorado from 1939 to 1940, ed at 1180 H elm an road, w as d es­ Mrs. Sam McNair, who is in birds, and non-m em bers of the bry, A shland; A ssistant R abban, su p erin ten d en t F ran k David. at w hich tim e he joined the tro y ed by fire early F rid ay m oan­ Oscar F. K ittredge, A del; Q rien charge of the Red C ross sew ing club are Invited. R obert Dodge was appointed to rooms In A shland, rep o rts that Mrs. O tto H eckert of Jac k so n ­ ta i Guide, H. H erm an M ayberry, the park board to fill the vacancy U nited S tates N avy .He was chief ing, D ecem ber 20. T hey first U , . . , , , .p h arm ac ist m ate in th e n a w and the W om en’s civic club m em bers ville will he guest sp eak er at the A shland; T reasu rer, Geo. W. i t . ie s.g n íd ' 86 had SpeClal am bulance tra l" in e- s ta rte d broadcasting in A ugust Dunn, A shland; R ecorder, R ufus «signed and S eventh Day A dvent i s t afternoon session of the club. 11946, w ith Roy Peck as station E. D etrick .A shland; F irst Cere church m em bers are at present m anager. The M ayor review ed the fin an ­ monlal M aster, A rth u r R. L eavitt, the organizations which are sew ­ MRS. MILLER ELECTED R einholdt, presen t m anager, cial condition of th e city and p re ­ ing for the Red Cross. M edford; Second C e re m o n ia l STATE COMMTTTEEWOMAN sta te d th a t th e new u n it w ould M embers of the civic club met Mrs. V. D. M iller w as elected M aster, Eugene H. T ardy, G ran ts sented plans for 1947. ,b e equipped in such a m an n er W ednesday afternoon and sewed sta te com m itteew om an at the Pass; M arshal, L. C. T aylor, M ed­ fTEVENSON ADDRESSES N ational gu ard d rill pay need th a t FM in stallatio n s could be on dresses and sunsuits for little Jackson county dem ocratic cen­ ford; O rator, Jo h n E. B lair, Lake- COUNTY MEDICAL GROUP not be rep o rted as a p a rt of e a r n - ! m ade. hoys to he sen t to refugee c h ild ­ tral com m ittee m e e tin g l a s t view; C aptain of the G uard, Rob­ __________________ Di Elmo Stevenson, president ing by v eteran s who are d raw in g I ren All of these garm ents are cut T hursday evening, Ja n u a ry 2, at e rt A. Thom pson, K lam ath Falls; of S outhern Oregon college, a d ­ subsistence w hile tak in g educa- EXTENSION UNIT MEETS out in M edford and are sent to the Hotel Medford. T rustee, R alph E. S w eeney, M ed­ dressed m em bers of th e Jack so n tion or on-the-job training, Wll- IN TALENT CITY HALL A shland to be sewed. A program of organization and ford, A ssistant O uter G uard , Wll C ounty Medical society, W ednes­ liam J. B ender, V eterans Adm in- T alen t E xtension u n it m et Mrs. M cNair .stated that she expansion w ere planned for the ham J W allace, A shland . day evening, J a n u a ry 8, at th e istratlon train in g officer for th is ' W ednesday m orning, J a n u a ry 8. (area .said today. in th e city hall. F oreign exchange imped m any m ore organizations next tw o years at this m eeting, R epresentatives to the Im p er­ Rogue Valley country club. would help In the Red C ross sew- The Jackson county dem ocrats ial Council Session at A tlantic This was an annual b an q u et o f ' Drill pay will not be included j®n d a stu d y of English wom en mg. explaining that last year plan to p resen t the voters w ith a City New Jerse y are Illustrio u s the m edical society and d in n er ' n the $175 and $200 lim itatio n s 1was discussed. tw en ty -th re e sew in g ' organiza- strong ticket at the next election. P otentate, Paul D. G reen, Past was served at 6:30 p.m. at t h e ’fixed bv congress on com bined, A potluck luncheon w as served tioiis were operating in Ashland and provide adeq u ate sup p o rt t< P otentate, M arshall E. C ornett, co u n try club. 'e arn in g w here subsistence can be at noon- the candidates. C hief R abban Earl T N ew bry paid. B ender explained. The VA 1 requires all exservicem en d ra in ­ and Rajah K ennett P. Law rence HOME EXTENSION UNIT ing subsistence u n d er th e G. I. WILL MEET JAN. 15 MAYOR AND MRS. WILEY M em bers of the Home E xten- bil1 to rep o rt th e ir earn in g s from WILL ATTEND ASSEMBLY W iv e s o f th e m e m b i of the TO THE EDITOR sion un it will m eet Ja n u a ry 15 at j productive labor, M ayor and Mrs. T hornton S. A shland chapter, T o a s tm a s te r 's , , , , Final rites w ere held at the Wiley left M onday for K ansas the B ellview G range, for an all •» Til v i t 1 The follow ing le tte r w as re ­ Hasl; is in ^ P S l l O I l C l u b H o n o r s International w ere guests at the L ltw illei funeral chapel M onday C ity, M i,K,uri. t o u t t ™ d l h c G e n -ld;>'r " ,ee’in,e, c e iv e d from H erb Fischborn, A sh ­ reg u lar m eeting ot the club M on­ afternoon, Ja n u a ry 8, for Emma land ch airm an of th e F o undation '» i R o b e r t D u n n day evening, J a n u a ry 6, at the Elizabeth K erby. Mrs. K erby died era! B oard n o t i n g of th e C h u r c h ^ " “ / ' * * ' ’ 7 ™ for In fan tile P aralysis. of the N azarene, w hich opens bp dlscussed 1 Mrs. R obert D unn, the form er A shland hotel dining room. The J a n u a ry 3 at her hom e in the Vj , ' H , d M Miss Donna Frazier, was honored D ear Sir: club conducted th eir usual p ro ­ W agner creek district. She had Ja n u a ry 10. M ayor W iley re p re -| M will . „ , u . d w ith a su rp rise show er M o n d a y * I shall ap p reciate u it u if you w in gram In o rd er that the ladies pevn jn jjj health for some time. sents the n o rth w est d istrict, in- , , eluding Oregon, W ashington. Ida- . C h u lch Wl11 be hostesses for ( Ja n u a ry 8 by m em bers bC kind enough to Publish the would get ai Idea ol the p ro v e -, M rs ElIllna K erby was born in hn M r.n .n n n D akota's and the d ay ' and Urge each m em ber !ot Epsilon J a n Sigm u a iy a b* by m em -------- of , A lpha, at bers the ‘° llow ing a --------, p P®a l to th e citizens d u re of th e M onday evening Jackson county Oregon, A ugust 6, ho, M ontana, the to bring a salad or dessert. __________________ (civic clubhouse. Mrs. D unn is a blS « » « " ^ t y in th e in te re st of Wyoming. m eetings. , , , 1873 and had spent her en tire lift e In fan Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Elam and (m em ber of the new ly organized .th i thC la n tile ti,e P araly sis Fu n d M ayor W iley has been on the Dave W hittle, president of the jlc ie ,n tde valley. She is the wid- C am paign. general board of his church for g ra n d d au g h ter w ere guests at a club. club, welcom ed the ladles, then ow o, WH1|am F Kerb y who pre- L ast w eek the fam iliar w ishing m any years and has atten d ed this steak d in n er last T hursday even- tu rn ed the m eeting over to E d ; ceded ht.,. ln dealh Club m em bers discussed plans w ells of th e In fan tile P aralysis ing at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. to sell tickets on a radio th a t w ill S ingniaster who was toastm aster. She is survived by five ch ild ­ assem bly every year. --------------------------- W illiam Bush. S in g m aster Introduced Don H in­ ren: G eorge K erby, Mrs. Leora be given aw ay at one of th e b as­ F o u n d atio n again m ade th e ir a p ­ F ordyce A shcroft, v eteran s a d ­ thorne, topiem aster, who called Som m er, and Mrs. Eva T aylor of k etb all gam es at S o u th ern O reg­ p earan ce on th e co unters of our T uesday evening, Ja n u a ry 7, a on college in the n ear fu tu re. R e­ stores, business houses, and in on each m em ber of the club for a Route 2, Mrs. Em m a Crowl, m inistration re p resen ta tiv e is on two m inute talk. C larence W il­ G rants Pass, Mrs. Mabel S tennett, du ty at the A shland guidance roof on one of the tent houses’at freshm ents w ere served afte r the the local ban k and post office. The vigorous, n ever ending liam s and Jo h n von K u h h n an n C rescent C ity; tw o brothers, M ar­ center at S o u th ern Oregon col- the Elam saw m ill w as destroyed ousiness session and th e show er. gave five m inute speeches. Roger lon B rin er of Coquille and A n­ lege from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each by fire. The stove in the house P auline Ulstad, G ladys Mack, cam paign ag ain st In fan tile P a ra l­ w as overheated. Rath spoke for ten m inutes • on drew B rlner of R oute 2; one sis­ week day, Donna F razier D unn, G ayle M or­ ysis needs y o u r help. Y our change the subject, “M ilk" W endell L aw ­ ter, Mrs. z\nnabelle Molle, C res­ ris, Diane P atterson, C larice L a t­ dropped into th e w ishing w ells rence w as critic. im er, B etty S m ith and D orothy accom plishes a g reat deal in h elp ­ cent City. T here are also 13 gran Each of the guests received a children and eight great g ra n d ­ M orris w ere presen t for th e m eet­ ing to b attle polio. Polio strik es viciously and w ith o u t w arning. corsage as a gift of the club . ing M onday evening. children. It respects no age, creed or re li­ gion. Epidem ics of In fan tile P a ra ­ MRS TERRILL IS TALENT lysis m ay h it any A m erican com ­ MARCH DIMES CHAIRMAN Mrs. P arth en a T errill, T alent m u n ity a t any tim e. In such cases By Tom m y N ew ton ’ und the b rillian t floor-w ork anc postm istress, was appo i n t e d the N ational F oundation of In ­ Bellview grange m em bers d is­ shooting eye of little C harlie Jan - S o u th ern O regon College M arch of Dimes ch airm an for the fan tile P araly sis m ust come to cussed plans W ednesday evening, F uneral s e n ices w ere c o n d u c t-! oack jn the baskem aH "spoUlglu d re a u - Wes P eters, at b’3 1/ ’ doe. T alent D istrict, V erne Sm ith, th e aid of such strick en com m un­ Ja n u a ry 8, for a pie and card cd by the R everend G eorge M. Iur the fir8t lhne S|nce w uh most ot the backboard w ork ano social to be held at a later date. Shum an, for C harles A rrid Bui- ' Aj Sim pson at the h e lm ’ ot a 1S th e eo n sistent high scorer ot Jackson county M arch of Dimes ities, as it com es to the aid of in ­ Proceeds from this social will be lis, T uesday afternoon, J a n u a ry p„w ertu l SOC live that has cop- thf ^ u i n ,e t It s a toss-up at the chairm an, announced this week. dividuals. It has often been stated Mrs. T errill will h an d le all col­ th at 50% of all any com m unity tu rn ed over to the polio drive. 7, at the L itw iller F uneral home. ped nine stra ig h t wins s„ t :„ - i h i J o t h e r fo rw ard post, w ith h aro They plafl to have it before F eb­ B ullis died at the C om m unity season .A fter a ¡ate sU G due to a d riv in g *'T ex " G atlin and D arrel lections for th at area d u rin g the gives stay s in th at com m unity. 1947 M arch of Dimes cam paign. But beyond th at, the o th er 50% ru ary 1st, hospital S atu rd ay . J a n u a ry 4, continuance ot th eir football sche- C opeland, a sm ooth passer and a and m ore - the m onies collected On the evening of Ja n u a ry 21st, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. L itw iller from o th er com m unities - may aftei a short illness. dule, the R aiders got rolling last good shot, dividing the duties. the M onarch Seed and Feed Co. S im pson’s coaching career e x ­ and fam ily will move into th en be re tu rn ed to us, should co ndi­ B ullis was born in C harles City, w ith a tw in w in over the Ashland of M edford will show a sound W isconsin, May 13, 1866, and was Elks, 51-41 and 37-36, and crush- tends back to A shland high, new home on G ran ite stre e t this tions in o ur d istrict necessitate technicolor film to m em bers of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel lng the Mt. S hasta A m erican Leg- w here he m entored a team th at week. such help. And all m onies tu rn ed the grange. Mrs. Kay H ufm an is in Reno, o v er to the N ational F oundation B ullls, He had lived in A shland lon team , 96-37. Pacific Univer- carried off the state cham pionship All com m ittees for the year for the past fourteen years. in 1944. In tw o years at M edford N evada convalescing from a re ­ benefit all of us in d irectly at all . . . , , , , I ‘s *fy ° f F orest G rove was the next 1947 w ere appointed at the W ed­ He is survived by tw o daught- I vk.tlm> dropping a double header high, his team s fen t to th e finals cent illness. tim es, because a large p a rt of the nesday m eeting of the Bellview ^ ) e r s Mrs. L aura M eyers, S eattle to SOC, 49-36 and 50-41. Simpson a t " sta te ,” in both ’45 and '46. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. H uffm an collection is used for research and Grange. Five officers who we l d ' a n < M ls* Nada B uckley, K lam ath , hen took his charges north to This F riday and S atu rd ay A sh­ will leave this w eekend to spend equipm ent, for new w ays to a t ­ land su p p o rters of the R aiders some tim e in S o u th ern C alifornia. tack, delay and d efeat the M ighty ----- 7 ? Falls; three brothers, S am uel B. M cM innville where thev clnh- Uellview jo in t Installation b e f o r e 'Bullis Jesse BulliS) C()rvallis; und vlHe* w h e ie they club will have a chance to see the club Mr .and Mrs. Don Beach arc C rippler. Such research and e q u ­ C hristm as, w ere Installed W ed-»H arvey B B u„ is of A shland; one bed Linfield College twice, 56-44 in action on the SOC m aple court the p aren ts of a baby boy born ip m en t have m ade possible q u ick ­ and 53-45 .T heir last tw o wins nesday evening. siste r ,Mrs. Melissa H ughes of w ere at the expense of Eastern w hen S im pson’s club m eets the J a n u a ry 8, at th e C om m unity e r and m ore com plete recovery C orvallis. for the victim s of in fan tile P a ra ­ O regon College, w hen the R aid­ O regon college of Education. hospital. Mrs. Mubelle H udspeth re tu rn ­ M onm outh. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. W olfe have lysis. ers had to come from behind to ed to San Francisco S unday after Mr. and Mrs. Allison M oulton, The M onm outh club will be out a new baby son born J a n u a ry 8 Your con trib u tio n s m ade this spending several w eeks in the Jr, and son, W illiam , visited Mrs. add victories num ber 8 and 9. to erase the m em ory of last fa lls !a t the Sacred H eart hospital in possible. The fig h t against polio The first night's score was 52-50, hom e of her son and fam ily, K. A. M oulton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. football defeat at the hands of Medford. m ust go on. W hen you step into and the second gam e ,61-51. Ed D unn Sunday. Miller, Sim pson coached raid ers and pri , Jo h n R. P ltten g e r will leave o n ‘yo u r fav o rite store, your bank or --------------------------- | Mr. and Mrs. F ran k J. Van Sim pson builds his fast-break- gam e dope indicates th at the S atu rd ay for P o rtlan d w here he j post office, rem em b er th a t your Special sale childrens warm j Dyke and family will leave this ing offense around his pair of I gam es this w eekend should be will visit Mr. and Mrs. E arl Ed-1 help is needed in this fight. JO IN mittens and gloves >/a price at week for Salem, to spend the speed -m erch an t guards, C huck th rillers. T ickets are on sale at J sell, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pit-1 TH E MARCH O F DIMES. Marshall Wells on the Plesa. next two monthq. D eA utrem ont and Bobby H o efs,.th e A shland S porting goods. ;tenger. j H erb Fischborn Members Named KWIN Will If 111 ft III 0000 3 Return To Air Elks Will Play Medford Team Thurs. New Theater Owners Entertain Bob Lugar Buys Ambulance Service Hiiiah Temple Has Annual Election .Mrs. McNair Is Head of Red Cross Sewing Veterans Do Not Report Drill Pay Toastmasters Have Wives As Guests Metten . . . Native of Jackson County Dies Monday “ ¡ JIB . SOC Basketball Team Is Bellview Grange Plans Box Social Retired Man Dies In Ashland Saturday Following Gridders’ Steps