4 ,0e Formerly Th* Southern Oreqon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year« for 96 NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAR 25 Potential YMCA Directors Nominated Monday ASHLAND« |A< KSON C O U N TY , OREGON W. O. YATES. COMPLETES ELECTRICIANS SCHOOL S. Zarka Opens W illiam O. Yales USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Yates Sr. <>l A shland, O regon has com plet­ In New Location ed a course of instruction in tin1 J r ., FELLOWSHIP GROUP WENT XMAS CAROLING MONDAY I h u rsd ay , J a n u j r y a, 1947 Reenlistment Grade« In The Army Are Permanent Warrant« Voi i j , No. 44 Commerce Chamber to be Revamped in ’47 , M embers ol the M ethod! s t j Youth Fellow ship w ent caroling S teve Z arka, ow ner of S tev e's on Monday evening, Dee. 23. They E lectrician's Mate School, G reat Service, began operation of the visited nineteen hom es of the of th e Meth o d i s t LilkeK »III new S uper-S ervice S tatio n , i o - i c h u ^ and at each hom e sang 21 to Bo Sele.Ard at Yatifi. who en tered Naval ser- ra te d at the intersection of East ast vici- in 1945 .received his recruit Main and Siskiyou, Ja n u a ry 1, everal C hristinas Carols. Follow ­ January Annual Mot-tinq New By Laws; Community i n g the caroling they g ath ered at train in g a t the Naval Training 1947. Cooperation Planned To the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross T w en ty -five nom inee» for 21 C enter, San Diego, Calif. Benefit Entire Area Personnel of the new un it in ­ pouts on the board ol director» ol Before en terin g Naval service clude Zarka, A rth u r Lucke, R ich­ Eliason on W im er S tre e t w here the A shland YMCA w eic nam ed he atten d ed S outhern Oregon they enjoyed gam es and refresh ­ A reorganization of the Ash- a rd P eters, M erle Henson, Lou m ents Mr. and Mrs Jo h n Bill r-a ri c . R eynolds, assistan t lan a C nam oer oi Com m erce io by tin- nom inating com m ittee ol College of E ducation M organ and C harlie Bounds. Tin- ings, sponsors of this group w en rnana^e r Uie W estern Division, give it uie etiiciency o ? a muci- Ute YMCA w hich m et Monday station will operate on a 24-hour present, and Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Uniteu S tates C ham ber of Com- ern corporation is now underw ay evening. Rotund P ark s is c h a ir­ basis. m erce, spoke to the C ham ber of and win be com pleted u uring me m an of the nom inating com m ittee Bruce, pastor and wife. C onstruction of the 193x40 foot Com merce at the reg u lar Tues- first m onth of 1947 Leland Linn, Allen McGee and s tru c tu re began May 5, 1940, on & day m eeting held at the A sh lan d : Dr. Eric W eren are other m ember» Mr and Mrs. Ray B radley, W aiter W. Weiler, presi- H. B. Fischborn, new ly elected site which was form erly occupied Huy F le tch er ift mk-retaiy. P ortland, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. t h e ^ - A S HiS SPteo h 8treSSed d evnl 01 lne C nam oer, reported councilm an, was selected as com ­ by a Flying A service station T he p resen t board, w m eh con A. Reedy 73 H elm an road, over Sista Of 12 m em bers, was renom ­ m unity chairm an in A shland ow ned by Mrs. Lulu Crosby. the holidays. Mr. Reedy is Mr US a m ajor in d ustry should rec “ 8tren* ln e' “ ng for the J a n u a ry M arch of Dime- The building was designed by B radley’s m other. inated. A ccording to F letch er the cam paign. Selection of Fischborn ognlze the need of a strong agri- n . V ™ ° IganiZa' Increase to 21 diK-ctors is being Z arka and is com prised o f five Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sheldon anu cu ltu ral program . „ oc f l o o r i n g com m unities. was mafic by V e in S m ith, Ash- m ade in o rder to com ply wltti n a ­ units, a general service and lu b ­ son were d in n er guests S atu rd ay ,.Tu,n , . VvorK plan s w ith Jacksonville and, Jackson county chairm an tional YMCA practice». ricating room , a truck and auto evening of Mr. and Mrs. C arryl S t a i r f h V rn h ag°i U nited and T alen t will oe sougnt in ora- for the N ational Foundation of • At the an n u a l m eeting which re p a ir snop, a p a rts room, a sec­ Wines. n,C5 C om m erce.” el th a t m e e n u re area can b e e ­ In fan tile Paralysis. ond floor oil and storage room , will be held som etim e in Jan u a ry tle pointed out, began em phasiz- j lit irom u nited action Mis. S. M. Lugar, P o rtlan d , vis­ S m ith also selected J Fred En and an office and gasoline pum p ited during the holidays at th e G. mg the need for strong agricultur-1 the election will tak e place and a bhland u , . ~. al com m ittees in local C ham bers L A Z A ChamDfer of Com- gel, B ellview rancher, as com ­ drivew ays. the new d irec to rs will 'b e seated Dewey Lugar home, 512 Eliza­ m unity chairm an for the Bellview of Com m erce ! m erce was in co rp o rated as a com- Every co n trib u to r to the YMCA area F luorescent lighting is used beth. .... i . m ercial club in 1907. its nam e fund is invited -to atten d : this 1 eople con4ng w estw a»d have j was c n a n g e d in 1922 but no R obert Lugar, who has been ill Fischborn and Engel will meet throughout^ B eating will he by m eeting us p artic ip a tin g m em ­ w ith Sm ith and o th er com m un­ B ry an t gas heaters. E lectrical in- with influenza, re tu rn ed to work ' w h k h i 3 neW economlc stflte change in its co rp o rate stru c tu re bers. Voting m em bers, who are f SUp*rl*nposed on the nad been m ade since th e com m er ity chairm en Ja n u a ry 9 at Ihe stalations w ere done by Lloyd at the Ashland A utom otive Ma-1 I L L selected from llw p articipating , three far w estern states,” Rey- I cial club days Hotel M edford w hen cam paign Crowaon of X-L Electric. S m ith chine com pany Tuesday. m em bership, .are. individuals who plans will be com pleted. Plum bing and Sim pson H ard w are nolds continued, "th is necessitates t g re a te r production of ag ricu ltu r- I, M em o e,s wlH m eet this m onth have co n tributed whp huve sig n ­ Handled the plum bing. af com m odities.” 110 consiaer new by-law s, to study ed the declaration ol put pose ol E quipm ent includes th ree a u to ­ the YMCA and w h o ’arc m em bers R eynolds explained - ’ a _p ro g ra,n oi worK- a n a to accept m atic gas pum ps, each pum p con­ to the assignm ents on a reorganized of a C h ristian ch u rch . Memtiers m em bers p resen t th at a b etter com m ittee set-up. nected to a 2200 gallon tank. Tw in of the board of directors are se­ ru ra l-u rb a n relationship was h y draulic hoists in the lu b ricatio n lected from the voting m em ber­ _________ W illiam E. Mealy , sec retary - needed, th a t increased production room. G ravity flow lu b ricatio n ship. A sh lan d ’s "V arsity ” and “L ith - 1 should also m ean Im p ro v ed "stock m an ag er oi tn e C nam oer, saiü tne Jam es G. M ackie, ow ner of the system w ith individual hoses and la ’ th eatres w ere included in t h e 'a n d better crops, and th at t h e ’1" 3" 7 opP °rtuniU es o n ered ^ou- At the annual m eeting plans for m eters, 25-foot pit in the re p air A shland's 1947 YMCA program W estern A uto Store, died in the loom , two 23 foot overhead doors, traasactio n this week w hereby : businessm en of a com m unity tilern U regon today "give rise to A shland C om m unity hospl t a 1 will be studied the O regon-C alifornia T heatre, which is d ep en d en t to a g reat de- 3 ÜOpe ld a l we coulct e tte c t a D ecem ber 24, after a long Illness. and com plete tools and au to m o ­ Inc., purchased the L ev erette In- gree on a ru ra l trad in g area m odern U topia in A s h l a n d M ackie had ow ned the W estern tive re p air equipm ent. th rough a one-year program . This The station will handle F lying terstate Theaters. The transaction, should atte m p t to aid the farm ers S tore for the past five years, com- Is an allu rin g tem p iau o n , Out according to M att Freed, resident w ith th eir problem s. By so doing ing to A shland from C alifornia. A gasoline. m anager ol the O regon-C alifornia i Reynolds R eynolds said, farm incom e one th a t w e m u st avoid.” M ackie had been an auditor M ETA L. T O K F N ^ Of p rim e im portance this year in I beaters, includes also the four | would be increased and th is in K. t,. M iller began -operating lo r Union Oil Co. throughout the USE ON c i ™ BUS RUN ilhtaters ln Medfold- and is the C h am b er’s recreatio n p ro ­ this week the A ssociated service N orthw est for tw en ty years. He one tu rn would aid the com m unity. A m u , ! eaCh in Yreka and Weed M ethods statio n at 185 East Main which of im proving ru ral- gram . H arold Bishop, directo r of and Mrs. M ackie w ere also In A rnold B L ockhart, m an ag er o t, R obert L. L ip p ert heads the w as vacated Ja n u a ry 1st by Steve u rb an relationships, according to , , „ ,, Honolulu for several years w ith tT C y, ? u S Lim 'S’ a n n o u n c e d ¡O regon-C alilornia T h ea ter Z arka Reynolds, include the sponsoring ' Oregon College, head s this com- is group the Union Oil Co. this week th at m etal tokens had which now operates 31 th eatres in of F arm Youth program s such as rn ittee’ and pro g ram s for young The statidn will be know n as g a c k le w o . born Ju ly 13, IS W 'b een placed in use on th e local Ñ o n and C en tral C a iu ò rn ó and a n h old w ill be announced w ithin Ken s A ssociated S ervice and will . Ai.,,„i.,iu m i a __ ... i«............ - n .. ............. L____ .... isu im anu c e n ita l t-aliio m ia and ............. a m a tte r of days. o p erate on a 24 hour basis. Don Ivie, V ein S tew art, . K enne t h In cooperation w ith the College, the C h am ber this y ear will spon­ King, and V ernon Janies will as­ sor a P ro sp ecto rs’ school and a sist M iller in operating the s ta ­ lu i oum c u m e w aa iia n u ie a dv a n u m is u se a n a cnem urgy. w ife and tw o children, Jessie j slogan, “In A shland it’s the w at- tion. second in stallm e n t of th e Tourist Leslie Jacobs, San Francisco th e ­ It is im portant, he pointed out, and P aula of A shland. Two sis- ®T.” On the o th er side are the According to M iller, one fe a­ ters, Mi s. Thom as Kelsey of J w ords “City Bus Com pany, good a te r broker. th at as m arkets become m ore G uidepost Conference. tu re of the station wll be the The C h am b er’s legislative com ­ According to Freed the o p er­ com petitive the com m unities Roseville, C alifornia, and MrS. R. ¡for one fa re.’ m ittee is expected to m ake very ation of the th eaters will c o n tin -. which do the best job of ad v ertis will be X l h . ^ i P7 w b ,c h |S . Rodm an of L akeport, C allfor- A ccording to t L ockhart, th e tok- definite recom m endations to the ue along the present lines for t h e ! in 8 th eir products will receive Ge ning ,,, u ,lh h i,Vy *n t h e 'C h am b er of C o m m erce and re ta ry of the A shland C ham ber bet- of the Elks lodge, Lions club, Mr .and Mrs. Jam es A. S trick ­ burg, C latskanie, and P ortland. S ° L h g| g y m t and A sh lan d , A ndy S tevens of the Masons to of CommeVce, who explained th at a d irecto r of the C ham ber ol land left last w eek for C orvallis, Mr. and Mrs. P h illip E. Meade high school varsity w ill m eejico m p ete for the cup the selection had been m ade by a C om m erce’, and a ch a rte r m em ber Oregon, w here S trickland will at- are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H arold ln ™ e Second g a m e l The A shland ju n io r high band, secret com m ittee which had con­ of th e golf club. tend O regon state college. S tric k ­ Thom as at 580 E lkader street. nfe?hea L ° ° J t hCSe, t,w o , gam es drill team and acrobats will also sidered com m unity service, c h a r­ O ’Bleness headed the com m it­ land has been em ployed as a n ­ Meade and Thom as w ere In the m ark the fifth an nual basketball ities, and com m unity interests in tee w hich conducted the drive for nouncer at KWIN since last Ju ly . I A m ake th e ir appearan ce betw een rm y together m aking the selection funds for S outhern O regon Col- c'h a rles M cFarland, f o r m e r l y ! Mrs Jam es Mackie is in P ort- jam boree to he held in A shland. periods of th e games. O ’Bleness was born Jan u a ry . 6, doge's ac tiv ity fund. He was also w lth KW IN, left th is week for ¡land this w eek visiting Mr. and The jam borees have alw ays fea- Proceeds from th e gam es will 1905 in M inneapolis, M innesota. resp o n sib le for the housing aid K lam ath Falls. u n ?o r nd e ap p “ ^ of th e go to p u rchase a p erm an en t sound ¡Mrs Al S chneider . unior and senior high fives in and public address system for the P rio r to com ing to A shland he which the C ham ber of Com m erce Mr .and Mrs. C. A. Sm ith a n d , Mr .and Mrs. R obert H utchinson th eir first league com petition in gym nasium . At present it is nec- farm ed in C alifornia and Was also offered S.O.C. last fall. He was two children, J e rry and M ary la n d fam ily of Seattle, retu rn ed I A shland. su p erin ten d e n t on several large head of a com m ittee during the B n s ; ; ? “ ' = construction jobs there. He was m arried to Miss Adah, H inton of Sacram ento, C alifornia in Ylima, A rizona, N ovem ber 1928. Importance of Farms To Ashland Stressed Fischborn and Engel Lead March of Dimes Leverette Sells Ashland Theaters Owner of Western Auto Store Dies .Miller To Operate Associated Station Methodists Have New Year’s Dinner Don O ’Bleness Selected Ashland’s First Citizen KWIN Manager To California Meeting Basketball Jamboree Set to r Friday Night Here