O f* pû Vfti5 Merry Christmas To All! *74« Stm thvut ô+oaost Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner S3 per Year 2 Y ean for SS NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAR h h is •s ii •sf si h *• I 8 2 I h it II sf •is 5s « t « g s I s •>8 f Si s w w AW Reenlistment Grade» In The Army Are Permanent Warrants ASHI A N D , JACKSON C O UNTY, OREGON Thursday, December 26," 1946 Grizzlies Play C. P. January 3 Ja n u a ry 3, the A shland G rizzlies play C entral P oint on the P o in t­ e rs floor to open the 1947 co n fer­ ence season. A shland, w ith only one r e tu r n ­ ing letterm an will lie outclassed by the C entral Point squad w hich has seven from the first 10 left from lust y ear w hile the B ears will huve the edge on the P o in t­ ers In experience as an " A " Volume I j. No. 43 KWIN DIRECTORS AWAIT REPORT ON FIRE DAMAGE ! Legion Sponsoring New Year’** Dance Plans To Rebuild W ill Be Considered A t Next Directors Meeting Plans for rebuilding A sh lan d ’s rad io statio n KWIN which was totally destroyed by fire F riday H arold Jo rd an , Ken M iller, and m orning w ere discussed by the C h w d m a i school, Leo Z upan are on the building board of directors at a m eeting The A shland J. V.'s will trav el and decorating com m ittee for the held F rid ay evening. to C entral P oint to play the p re ­ A m erican Legion New Y ear’s D efinite com m itm ents concern­ lim inary to the varsity fracas. eve dance. The dance will be ■I a a. tin night before Chris/mot, a /a « all through the house ing the rebuilding are not being L ast S atu rd ay night the A sh­ held in the A shland A rm ory and a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; m ade, aw aiting the full rep o rt land G rizzlies tripped the L eban­ dancing will s ta rt a t 9 p.m. and from the insurance ad ju sto rs and !b e stocking, uere hung by the chimney with cere, on P ioneers 32-20 in a nip and continue into the New Year. the state fire m arsh a l’s office. I " if? ' Nicholas ioon would be there tuek affair on the S outhern Col­ W illiam E, H ealy and R obert These rep o rts H arold M errill, vice Ih e cbddreu uere nestled all snug in their beds, lege m aple In which the B ears L ugar are on the e n tertain m e n t p resid en t of the Rogue Valley led in every q u arter. , , e vtstons o f sugar.plums danced through their heads- com m ittee. Door prizes will be B roadcasting Co. said, will be re ­ S ta rtin g the gam e the G rizzlies And mamma in her kerchief, and I in m y cab, given w ith en tertain m e n t through tu rn ed to the board of directors trailed during the first q u a rte r Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nab, out the evening. a fte r th e statem en t of “proof of but dropped in a cripple to lead A legion executive com m ittee loss,” has been m ade. A t present w ten „lit on the fawn there arose such a clatter, a t the end of the first m arker assisted by Colonel P resto n B. 1 ‘¡»rang from m y bed to sec what was the matter m em bers of th e board of direct- 9-7. W aterbury are stu d y in g plans ore and the staff of th e station Away to the window I flew like a flash, in the second q u a rte r the F ro n ­ and m ethods of sponsoring p u b ­ I ore open tin- shutters and threw up the sash are p rep arin g a re p o rt showing tie r boys sta rte d hitting on all lic dances in A shland each m onth. the total loss. ¡he moon, on the breast of the new-fallen snow, five and w ere but one point be­ A vailability of eq uipm ent will (•ace a lustre o f mid-day to objects below; hind a t the m idw ay m arker. i also d eterm in e w h eth er or not the tt hen what to my wondering eyes should appear Com ing back at the half, ’station will be re b u ilt at this th e L ithians sta rte d h ittin g th e ",,n‘ ,ur, r ‘ »d eight tin y reindeer, (time. R obert R einholdt, station bucket and held a 3 to 5 point W sth a little old driver, so lively and quick, m anager is a t p resen t in P o rtlan d lead through the rem ain d er of I knew in a moment it must be S/. Nick. checking on equipm ent. He is e x ­ the gam e More rapid than eagles his coursers they came N ext M onday and Tuesday, D e­ pected back T hursday. T he previous night the Pio­ A ".^,he a',il a"J called them by name cem ber 30 and 31, the Red R aid­ n ee rs had dropped the M edford M ark H am aker and H erb ert ers. S. O. C.’s basket ball sq u ad____ ________ „ ut N ow , Hasher! nou Dancer! now, Pran&r* now; Vixen' Black T ornado 39-24 Hild, ow ners of 51% w of u the a stock O n C om et! on, V apid! On, Donder and Btftzen! to play° Li°nftoidl Conitoge.' ° regon\ th e corP oration are expected to Cut Ison was ¡Ufch tor the locals Io the t o p o f the porch, to Use top of the wall! atten d the n ex t m eeting of the w ith 11 tallies and Jack Evans, This will be the second series board of directors of th e Rogue A on dash away, dash away, dash away all!" ballhiiw klng guard of the P io n ­ of scheduled gam es for the R aid­ Valley B roadcasting com pany. At Jry l,* ,es ,hat W o r e the wild hurricane fly eers, w ith 14. ers. The first series was played th a t tim e it is expected th a t sp e ­ « hen they meet w ith an obstacle, mount to the sky, w ith Pacific U niversity, Decem ­ cific plan s will be m ade So up to the house-top the coursers they flew; ber 20 and 21, S o u th ern Oregon R obert R einholdt, statio n m an- ^'i/h the sleigh fall of toys, and St. N ich olas’ too. College won both gam es the first gam e being called off w ith two ^ e r ,, Ii e B ulbs, Ed B arn ett, and And then m a tw inkling I heard oh the roof gam e being called off w ith two m inutes left to play, because of |i,lo y d R ush are m em bers of the i he prancing and pawing of each little hoof. unnecessary roughness by the ?^a ^ who are being retained S outhern Oregon College facul­ /li / drew in m y In-ad, and was turning around, F u tu re plans of the o th er m em b­ ty m em bers dispersed for the hol­ Pacific U niversity. The score Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. idays, m ost of them com bining stood at 49-36 in favor of S. O. C. ers of the staff who include, Mrs. He was dressed all in fu r from his head to his foot, business w ith pleasure as they w hen P ark e r Hess, the um pire, R obert D unn, Mrs. Lew is Ritchie, And bis clothes were alt tarnished w ith ashes and soot; left for o ther parts. Dr. and Mrs. called the gam e to halt. The vvr a ci iicill. A Ilv ' Chas. M cFarland, Chas. Fields, A bundle of toys he had flung on his back. Second gam e was also won by the I B ichard DeM ers and Jam ------- es R ussell Elliott flew to S acram en ­ Red R aiders by a score of 55-42. | S trick lan d has not been announc- And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. to on the first leg of th eir trip to Wes P eters and C harley Ja n d re a u ied- Ely, N evada, w here they will v is­ His eyes how they twinkled! his dimples bow merry! it w ith relatives. Dr. E lliott plans of S.O.C. w ere high scoring m en T em porary offices are being set H/s cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry. to spend p art of his vacation at for th eir team . Thogerson netted i up in the L ithia hotel building. His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow; Reno, w here he will renew old 13 points for the Pacific U niver­ $31,000 Insurance Coverage And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow. sity. contacts at the U niversity of N e­ The building which housed the I he stump of a pipe be held tight in his teeth, vada. $50,000 p ro p erty was located at And the smoke, it encircled his bead like a wreath. 1180 H elm an roact. F ire broke out Mr. and Mrs. A ngus B ow m erj H e bast a broad face, and a round little belly in the in terio r of th e building a- let I by ear for Los A ngeles w here That shook, when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. ro u n d 2:30 a.m. F riday. The Mi. B uw m er plans to w ork on his Rogue Valley post, all wom en's clocks w ere stopped at 2:40 a.m. He was chubby and ptump— a right jolly old elf— edu.-M ional film series in co-op- ch ap ter of the A m erican Legion, according to F ire C hief C lint And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself. cia lto n w ith m ovie studios. Mr. held its first m eeting at the M ed­ B aughm an. Leon M ulling will also be in Los A wink of bis eye, and a tw ist of his head, Rollin Redifer, form er A shland ford A rm ory D ecem ber 12. Mrs. A ngeles visiting the speech clinic Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. LaM urle Beck W itt was named police officer called th e fire d e­ at the U niversity of S outhern He spake not a word, hut went straight to his work, tem porary com m ander, and Mrs. p artm e n t upon discovering the California. And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, G eorgia H em m erling, tem porary fire at 3:25 a m. By th a t tim e the Miss M arion Ady is going to A nd laying his finger aside of his nose, ad ju tan t. building w as compl e t el y in San Francisco to observe the a rt flam es. And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. A d in n er m eeting has be cen ter there. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd plan n ed for Ja n u a ry 6 at t Insu ran ce coverage totaled $31- He sprang io his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, P en.dngton have gone to visit Jacson Hotel and all w om en v e t­ 000. T he only undam aged portion And away they all flew like the down of a thistle; fr ie rd s in P ortland, and Mr. an a eran s of the Rogue R iver valley of the p lan t was the tower. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, Mrs. G ieun M atthew s will leave are urged to atten d and be in ­ Happy t.hrist mas to all, and to all a good-night!" shortly lo r San Jose, C alifornia. form ed concerning the new Miss M arie F erraris has gone to w om en s group. It is pointed out P ortland. Mrs. Mabel W inston is th a t wom en from m any branches going to S an Francisco, Miss M yr­ C om m ittee m em bers for the of service. Waes, W aves, M a­ tle F unkhouser has gone to Riuge rines corps and nurses of both the Elks Ladies Sm oker th at was field, W ashington to visit tiei arm y and navy, are eligible for held S atu rd ay evening, D ecem ber inothe” 21, at the Elks hall, included: I m em bership in this group. Door com m ittee, H erb Huston, This is the second all w om en’s Joe King, A rdis W arren, Ben A shland boys will have a iod. All gam es will be played in post of th e A m erican Legion to Lom bard. be organized in Oregon. chance to play b asket ball as a 't h e Ju n io r high school gym , un- D inner com m ittee, S. R. Schuer- resu lt of plans now u n derw ay fof d er the supervision of the Ash ASHLAND TOPS LIST IN man. Don M cW hirter. W illiam Y. M. C. A. CONFERENCE D orothy E lhart, retirin g h onor­ a Y. M. C. A. C hurch B asket B a ll1 land YMCA. Regan, A ndrew J. C urry, Eldred League, for boys, according to R. The Senior Hi-Y club as a p art R. N. Fletcher, d irector of ed queen of Jobs D aughters, will Colver, Robert Lugar, M erritt Y. M. C. A., received a letter be honored w ith a form al ball, N. F letcher, secretary of th e Y. |o f its C om m unity S ervice pro- Paris. C. G. Wolfe, Wm. P. J a ­ M. C. A. gram , will furnish the necessary F riday, D ecem ber 20, from D ecem ber 28, a t the L ithia hotel cobs, H arold Jacobs and K eith This league will be sponsored referees and scorekeepers for the th e Associate S ecretary of the ballroom , by m em bers of the Jobs Haines. by the Y.M.C.A. and the churches gam es. area council Y. M. C. A., s ta t­ D aughters. Miss Jea n C lary, hon­ Dance com m ittee. Bill Allen, Eligibility rules of the League ing th a t A shland’s “Y” coun­ ored q u een for the new year, is of the city. It will be composed Bill H am pton, H enry F. H ertager, cil, w hich was held last week, C hairm an of the dance com m it­ of tw o divisions—an A division re q u ire that all boys playing on Chas. W arren. had the highest atten d an ce of tee for the affair. M ary Lou H ahn for boys 12 to 15 years of age, team s in the League atten d S u n ­ B lackjack and poker games, and a B division for thè younger day School at least th ree times any council in the P ortland is program com m ittee chairm an Jim H arker. boys 9 to 12. each m onth. area. for the form al dance. T u rk ey com m ittee, Ed Dunn, Local churches are enrolling C hurches en terin g team s in the At the council held in Dnm Provost, I. R. F rideger, Les Mr. and Mrs. M. P. D unn, Mr. boys now and the team s will be League are P resb y terian , M eth­ P o rtlan d th ere was an a t­ G ran t. F ran k O’Neil, J a k e S ch af­ and Mrs. J. R. C lary, Mr and Mrs. com plete and ready for the prac- odist, C hurch of C hrist, Episcopal, tendance of 83, and at one fer, R alph McCullock, Gordon M. E. M iller, Mr. and Mrs. J. tice gam es w hich will be played n g ieg au u iim . N azarene o..u and the vu C ongregational held in Tacom a, W ashington, P icked, Roland Parks. P. A. Ben- W eitzel, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. . ... , ., , . lon tWo S atu rd ay afternoons, sta rt- ¡It is estim ated th at th ere will he! th ere w ere 82 present, and ford, G ordon Miller. E lhart will be the p atro n s and m g on Ja n u a ry 4th afte r th e ia t least four team s In each divi- A shland topped the list w ith Bingo gam e, L ark in G rubb, A1 patronesses iui for the p er-lsio n . m e evening | ¡C C hristm as holiday vacation per-Jsio 88. Snider. Raiders Planning Linfield Games SOC Faculty Members Vacationing Women’s Legion Post Organized $ & .1 Is Is Si i& -M & Ä ÿ & is Si f- » » II 11 Elk Ladies’ Smoker Is Saturday Evening Ball for Retiring Queen Saturday Eve Y. M. C. A. AND CHURCHES WILL FORM BASKETBALL LEAGUE S’ ? M f IS 11 » S»