S' 4 Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner S3 per Year 2 Year* lor S6 *74« <<»* NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAR Full House Hears School Program 0**po*. A8HLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON Jackson Co. Lincoln Banquet Jan. 12th Dews Named As The annual Jackson county Lincoln club b an q u et wil be held . Rhodes Scholar Ja n u a ry 12, at the Hogue Valley I country club. This was decided | By Reviewers W ednesday noon, D ecem ber 11,' S c h o o ls d is m is s fo r XMAS VACATION FRIDAY The Ashland public schools will Close Friday, D ecem ber 20, for a C hilstm as vacation. School will resum e M onday .D ecem ber 30, and will close again for New Ifears Day. T here will also be a » r i n g ’ vacation for the week of April 7. ‘ Each school presented a C hrist ihas program this week. The "Evening of C h ristm as M usic” Was presented in the ju n io r high auditorium , Tuesday evening, Dec em ber 17, by the m usic d e p a rt­ ments of the ju n io r and senior high schools. T h u rsd ay afternoon, Dec 19, the Lincoln school will have a C hristm as program in the college auditorium . T h at evening there will be a C hristm as p ro­ gram in the W ashington school. f liu rs d jy , December 19, 1946 Reenlistment Grade* In The Army Are Permanent Warrants Voi i j . No 42 Safeway Closes Local Store Christmas Eve A capacity audience at the ju n ­ ior high school auditorium T ues­ day evening heard the annual (SOC Siskiyou) "Evening of C hristinas M usic" ¡“ 1 a luncheon m eeting of com m it No Available Building OtioSen as one ol six to uttend presented hy the instrum ental tee m em bers, at the Jackson hotel Causes Store To Close BLIND STUDENT WILL and vocal d ep artm en ts of the jun in Medford. H enry Enders, p re ­ O xford U niversity in England on GRADUATE SPRING OF '47 the coveted Rhodes Scholarship, lor and senior high schools. An sident of tlie club, presided at Safeway grocery store will F ran k D eLisle will be among Edm und Dews, prom inent local en th u siastic response to all of the m eeting the "1947 Ashland high s c h o o l ' ^ 1^°“ , ChriSt,mas ueve"ir’« because • . , ... , , . trip fr» r th p K iiilH iv x r * hno H om er Billings was nam ed to Instructoi .along w ith three oth th e num bers w ere given by thi duates who will be aw ard ed a di- th e lease for the building has the speaker's com m ittee, and En era from Oregon will have the ru n out. According to H. C. Robe­ audience, which filled the audi ploma. He has passed the general ders will he chairm an of the pro­ advantage of 400 English pounds torlurn to near capacity educational developm ent tests son, m anager of the store, as soon sterling ,lhe eq u iv alen t of ap ­ gram com m ittee. Doyle Seely was The program started off w ith which will en title him to this as a su itab le location can be found the S afew ay store will re ­ "A M erry C hristm us” presented nam ed on the publicity com m it­ proxim ately $1000 for study at award. the fam ous institution. by the com bined junior and sen tee. DeLisle left high school to join tu rn to A shland. Dews was interview ed last S a t­ lor high bands, under direction of M em bers of the firm will be In addition to Enders, o th er of­ the arm y and w hile overseas he E rvin Lesser, instrum ental dlr ficers of the club from Ashland urday along w ith 20 others a t th e statio n ed in nearb y Safew ay took p a rt in the d riv e to G er­ stores. Robeson plans to com m ute ector. This was followed by a are Robert Dodge, second vice U niversity C lub in P o rtlan d by many. W hile he was in Belguim a can d lelig h t procession by the ju n ­ president; and Rose Galey, sec re­ the review ing board headed by m o rtar shell exploded n e a r him, to M edford, for the present. form er G overnor C harles A ior und senior high choruses, w ith tary and treasurer. Two locations are being consid­ which caused him to lose his ey e­ Sprague, a brass q u a rte t furnishing the ered at p resen t for fu tu re loca­ sight. A lthough blind he has Dews was g rad u ated from the music. The com bined choruses TWO MOTORISTS KILLED com pleted several courses and tion in A shland. The Safew ay A.lhland senior high in 1939. In then sang two traditional season­ IN SISKIYOU MOUNTAINS has scheduled a heavy program policy has been to lease, ra th e r According to D eputy C ornor C. 1041 he earned a ju n io r college al num bers, "B reak Forth, O th a n to build, and this is one of for him self . Tuesday evening, D ecem ber 17, M. Lit wilier, two C alifornia m ot­ certificate from SOC w ith a re c­ B eauteous H eavenly L ight” and th e reasons w hy they are seeking m em bers of the Lions club and "Carol of the B ells”, under the orists w ere killed tw o m iles south ord of straig h t A ’s. a location. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM AT their wives m et at th e A shland of the Siskiyou sum m it on the He was g rad u ated from S ta n ­ buton of O. J. Bjorlie, vocal d ir­ SCHOOLHOUSE THIS FRIDAY Pacific highw ay, S atu rd ay , Dec­ ford university In 1943, receiv ­ fotel dining room at eight o’clock, ector. Jack so n v ille’s grade school s tu ­ ing his AB degree “w ith great far two hours of m usical e n te r­ d en ts will have th eir C hristm as The ju n io r high chorus then em ber 14. tainm ent Jack W atson, of KWIN, The dead arc Mrs. Frieda Meh- distinction, an honor aw arded followed w ith three num bers program F riday afternoon at Ip "Carol of the S hepherds,” "The ler, 22, of Lodi .C alifornia and only the top five per cen t,” ac ­ presented several num bers w hich m. C hristm as skits and m usical Included a professional dancer her brother-in-law , Jacob Meh- P lan s for th e Jackson C ounty cording to a tra n sc rip t of his re c­ Sleigh" and "I Heard the Bells on ler, 36 B ellingham , W ashington, ord. W hile at S tanford, he be­ ohd a haw iian dance band. At n u m b ers will be included in the P. T. A. m eeting to be held J a n ­ C h ristm as Day". program . u ary 15, in Jack so n v ille a t 10:00 The Senior high band then p re ­ Em anual, 26, husband of the dead cam e a m em ber of Phi B eta K ap ­ ten p.m. a buffet luncheon was S teve W hipple will d irect the served. , o’clock, w ere m ade at a m eeting sented "A doranius Te" and “San woman, and his b ro th er Reuben, pa. school band in several num bers Mr. and Mrs. W inston M arks, of th e county P. T A. executive Dr Stevenson, president of ctu s” and this was followed by are In the A shland C om m unity and th e chorus un d er th e d irec t­ the presen tatio n of tw o num bers, hospital w ith injuries. The m ot­ SOC, said th at Dews was "th e Mr. and Mrs. Leland Benford, and ion of Im ogene Sm ith will be on board th a t m et Tuesday a fte r­ noon, Dec. 17, in the R ecreation "Behold, A B ranch is G row ing,” orists w ere en ro u te to Lodi, C al­ outstanding scholarship possibil­ Mr. and Mrs. Lim ey W illiam son the program . i hall of the housing un it in Med- and "A ngels We Have H eard on ifornia a fte r atten d in g the fu n e r­ ity In the history of the school.” w ere in charge of the program . The Rhodes S cholarship w as »ford. H igh" by the junior high girls al of the father of the brothers in W ashington. established by the w ealthy S outh trip le trio. | A nom inating com m ittee was A frican statesm an and financier, 'a p p o in te d at the m eeting held T he ev e r p opular boys q u a rte t Cecil Jo h n Rhodes, to prom ote p resented tw o num bers "The ¡T uesday, and Mrs. C. M. F razier peace and bring ab o u t enlight- D rum " and "God Rest Ye M erry, Clarence W illiam s acted as of A shland is ch airm an of th e inent and uplift of m ankind. The Toastm aster at this weeks m eet- G entlem en." anti then "Silent program com m ittee for th e coun­ gift exchange will ty m eeting. scholarships N ig h t”, followed, w ith the a u d i­ -------------- — are . . . for a . period of ¡ng of the speech im p ro v em en t, . A C , hristinas , three years and ca rry approxl- 'group. Dave W hittle was T o p ic -ilaKe tne place of a re g u la r p ro ­ ence joining in singing the chorus. Mrs. F ran k Van Dyke, Mra. m ate $1000 yearly. I m aster. Jo h n Von K uhlm an, L y n -! ^ram at P\°„iai y clu,b -T h u rsd ay- The sen io r high girls sex tet sang I E arl Thom as and Mrs. C. M. F ra ­ Dews will leave for G re a t B ritairr ¿ell N ew bry, and Roger Rath D ecem ber 19, according to S. C. "O Holy N ight" and the verses of zier atten d ed the executive m eet- n ex t fall to take up ids studies at Bpoke on Speechcraft. I Jo n es’ Pro«lam ch airm an for the "S ilen t N ig h t”. Finul num bers on „ U M I o w V m onth of Decem ber. Mr. J o n e ^ ing Tue„sd ay afternoon. C hildren of the com m unity ¡O xford university the program was the presentation Bob H ardy, Price H ennan, Em- stated th a t he had cancelled th e | ~ w , ------ of four n u m b ers by the senior are invited to the C hristm as p a r­ m ett W hltham , and Jo h n Collins reg u lar program scheduled for ! J ™ FOR W J. evening, b e tw e e n 1 high chorus, "G loria In Excelsis,” ty Tuesday njtade two m inute speeches T hu rsd ay in order to have the QUACKENBUSH FRIDAY "Vigil," “Sleeps Ju d ea Fair," und five and six o’clock, w tdeh will F u n eral services will be held gift exchange p arty. at the M embers of the organization < "B eautiful S aviour." The reces- be held in the Pla The R o ta n á n Z e n te rto m e d th e ir WlU1T night w hich — rtU' furnish V. D "BerT MiUw announced 1 sfonaf. "H ark the H er nW Angels th^- Lions club v n orsrl u rk n i-o »V»lo tiraolr ♦ k n t he» u /a u n l n n n i n i ’ , W ill i l d c l S O IllC tim C in the n ear wives last F rid ay evening. Dee- < Q u ^ k e n b U sh w f T alent, > t, the this week th a t he was plan n in g I S ing” w ith the brass section a-1 C hristm as tree, w hen and w here em b er 13, to a se'ven o’clock d i n - ' ¥ tY ,,le r F u n eral ch aPel at 3 o - gain furn ish in g the accom panl- candy and eats for all the kids to construct a real estate office | future, ner, at the B ellveiw gran g e hall. ,c ock p r n ’ on the lot betw een F o rtm iller’s j m ent was th e concluding part of and w here they m ay also enjoy F ran k Van D yke was m aster of Q uackenbush died a t his hom e the program . ja n hour of e n tertain m e n t, com- d ep artm en t store and the m edical cerem onies for th e occasion. P n D ecem ber 18. He was born, building. Tliose who saw' the m usicale P 'cte w ith S anta Claus. The tree Jo h n D augherty, C lyde C a to n ,! A u §ust 4- 1867 at M elrose, Wis- M iller plans to begin co n stru c­ w ere unanim ous in praising t h e |w as Greeted this week by the Bob H ardy, O. N. W ray, H enry iconsin He w as m arried to Ella efforts of the school choruses and em ployees, and has been tion as soon as m aterial is a v a il­ M others of the C am pfire girls Enders, M arcus Woods, R. L. Bur- F arrin g to n , F eb ru ary 11, 1888, at able. The building will be of nicely decorated in the regular hand w ere guests at a tw o o’clock tea, die, H. C. Galey, J. V. W eitzel W est Salem , W isconsin, hey mov- m odern design, one story high S atu rd ay afternoon, D ecem ber 14, seasonal decorations. A Lions Club com m ittee, head- approxim ately 16x32 feet. It wil at th e Ju n io r high school c a fe te r­ and Phil S tan sb u ry took p a rt in ed to M edford in 1906 and th e n a quiz contest d uring the even- to T alen t tw o years later, led by H ans Lassen, has been be concrete block construction. ia. ing, w hich had been p rep ared by! He is su rv iv ed by his widow ; The front of the building will busy w ith the plans for the en ­ Holly corsages, m ade by the i Mra. F ran k Van Dyke. th ree d au g h ters, H elen Kim e, P resid en t Elmo Stevenson of terta in m en t and W ednesday Mr. have beveled corner w indow s an girls, w ere pinned on each m o th -' —,_______________ M edford, Hazel Sm ith, Y reka: a m arquee. Lassen stated th at all the plans S o u th ern Oregon college an n o u n ­ er as they en tered the room. Nor- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mae acobson, Dorris, C alifornia; At p resen t M iller is conducting C andy and nuts ced this w eek th at Eugene Bow­ are com plete. ma Lea Davis was m istress of WILL PRESENT PROGRAM 1 tw o sons, P au l of alent, and G uy his real estate business at his have been secured in large q u a n ­ m an had joined the college fac­ cerem onies. The P resb y terian C hurch will of K lam ath Falls; a b ro th er, Jo h n ulty, as in stru cto r of m athem atics tities and S anta Claus has n o ti­ home .416 L iberty. N ancy D unkeson gave a read- Pr^sent its C hristm as program on of M edford and 12 g ran d ch ild ren fied Mr. Lassen th at he will be and physical sciences. ing "If M other W ould L isten to S u n d aY afternoon at 5 p.m. This and seven g reatg ran d ch ild ren . B ow m an leaves a post as V et­ present on th at evening to hand Me.” Mrs. L ucille M ackay sang y ea r the m em bers of th e Sunday- T he R everend E arl D ow ning eran s ad m in istratio n training o f­ out the bags of candy to all the two C hristm as num bers, "N ight School will present "A P ag ean t will preach the serm on, and in ­ ficer at th e U niversity of W ash­ kiddies who are at the party. of N ig h ts” and O Holy N ight.” of the N ativ ity ” w ith the cast re- ington to come to S. O. C. Al Sim pson’s Red R aiders are Mrs. Della W eber accom panied at Pieser>ting all the groups of the term en t will be m ade in th e M ountain View cem etery. Bowm an, a Navy V eteran, has ready to em b ark on a tw enty- church school, from beginners the piano. Ills A. B. degree from the U ni­ four gam e schedule, a fte r a few M'isses M ary P at Healy and prim alJ sta d e n ts a c tln 8 as FREE SHOW AT VARSITY versity of Oregon, and an M. A. w arm -up gam es w ith the A shland Koanna P eters poured d uring th e A. f - ° a ? ~cac as ^ s e THEATER FOR CHILDREN Bill W ines was elected presi Elks and the Mt S hasta A m erican degree from the U niversity of dent of the Ju n io r Hi-Y club hours from tw o to four o’clock. / A0'1 .1 . e ast bji pub '*C B ert M ottner, m an ag er of the Idaho. He Is a m em ber of Phi Legion team s. _________________ j is cordially invited in ad d ition to L ith ia and V arsity th eaters, a n ­ B eta K appa ,and has ten years of T uesday evening, D ecem ber 10. Dec. 20 and 21 the R aiders take CONGREGATIONAL VESPER the parents and friends of the nounced th at th ere w ould be a teaching and ad m in istrativ e e x ­ w hen fourteen boys from the Ash on Pacific U niversity at A shland, SERVICE THIS SUNDAY church school pupils. free show for th e kiddies at the perience in the public schools and land stu d e n t body met w ith Mr. Dec. 30 and 31 sees the R aiders at A C andlelight V esper service V arsity th e a te r at ten o’clock a m. colleges of Idaho and W ashing­ G aylord V estal. O ther officers are M cM innville for tw o tilts w ith will be held at 5 p.m. at the C on­ on T uesday m orning, D ecem ber ton. He is expected to a rriv e in M onte Roberson, vice-president. Linfield College. Jan ., 6 and 7 gregational church, on Siskiyou 24. A shland w ith his wife and tw o Dale L anding, secretary, and Ted It’s E astern O regon College of Blvd, n ex t S unday D ecem ber 22. M i l l I n W i n t e r I e r m “T h u n d erh ead ” will be th e fe a ­ child ren in tim e to assum e his W eitzel, treasurer. Education at La G rande: Jan . 10 (SOC Siskiyou) C h arter m em bers of the newly and 11, O regon College of E duca­ The p rogram will include a can tu re show w ith o th er in terestin g new d u ties at the college for the W ith a su b stan tial en ro llm en t sh o rt subjects. organized group are Bob M adden, tion at A shland: Jan . 17 and 18, dlciight processional by the choir, W inter term . K enneth W ilkinson, Joe Kidwell, H um bolt S ta te College at A rcata, special C hristm as m usic and a expected next q u arte r at S o u th ­ R ichard B arnett, John Wood. Calif; Jan. 24 and 25, the Eugene pageant of the N ativ ity by the ern Oregon College, the m en ’s CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR S tanley Hanscom , K enneth M ont­ "F irs” at A shland; Jan , 31, and young people of th e P ilgrim F el­ dorm itory which was recen tly CLASS HAS PARTY FRIDAY gom ery, Rodney Long, J e rry Lan Feb. 1, Pacific U niversity at F o r­ lowship, The public is invited to com pleted, will be filled to c a p a ­ Mrs. Alice M ltchelm ore Invited attend. city. This housing unit will fu r­ ger and Bob Vestel. the m others and m em bers of the est Grove. nish sleeping q u arte rs for 64 men. T he A shland Ju n io r Hi-Y club The ch ild ren of th e S unday C h ristian E ndeavor class Jo a Feb. 4 and 5 ,Chico S tate Col­ W hite E lephant C hristm as p arty will become a part of over 6000 lege at Chico C alif; Feb. 7 and 8, school will h ave a special service Plans are being com pleted for a George M cCracken, b ro th er of at the social rooms of the church. clubs all over the nation, who H um bolt S tate College at A sh­ at the re g u lar S u n d ay school hour cafeteria w hich will provide e a t­ have a total m em bership of 200,- land, Feb. 14 and 15, Oregon Col­ 9:45 a.m. T h ere will be re cita­ ing facilities for the m en q u a rt­ John Billings, was w in n er 74 in A large group attended. the draw ing. 000 young people in the high lege of Education at M onm outh; tions, and m usical num bers by ered in the dorm. schools. the J u n io r g irls choir, and a ta b ­ Tw elve v eteran s from A shland Feb. 21 and 22, E astern Oregon Mr, and Mrs. C. M. F razier are College of Education at A shland; leau of th e N ativity, w ith the p ri­ planning to leave n ex t w eek for had th eir nam es in th e T u lelake Feb. 28 and M arch 1. Chico S tate m ary ch ild ren tak in g part. P asadena and the Rose Bowl hom estead draw ing, w hich took place W ednesday at the K lam ath College at A shland. All of the festival. Falls arm ory. This d raw in g m ark A shland gam es will be played at MISS ELIZABETH PALMER A m erican Legion and A uxili­ the S outhern O regon College DIES OF HEART ATTACK MISS KNIGHT ENTERTAINS Verne S m ith of A shland recelv- ed the first public land opening Miss E lizabeth D ow ner P alm er SOC-ITES IN MEDFORD a five y e a r v eteran aw ard for ary m em bers will have th eir a n ­ gym nasium . in the U nited S tates since th e (SOC Siskiyou) died at the C om m unity hospital work In scouting, at the annual nual C hristm as p arty F riday ev ­ close of the w ar, and involves 86 Sally K n ig h t’s hom e on West (arm units v ary in g in size from M onday, D ecem ber 16 .after a b an q u et of the C rater Lake area ening at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic • h eart attack . S he and Miss Grace Main S treet in M edford w as the 60.8 to 141.3 acres. The cerem ony council, held in the M edford J u n ­ club house. H. C h am b erlain had planned a cene of a gay p arty afte r the W ednesday w as sponsored by the K enneth M iller, Harold Jordan ior high school auditorium , S u n ­ and Leo Zupan are on the com ­ The G irl G uards of the S alv a­ trip to C alifornia for the holi­ basketball gam e on F rid ay night, reclam ation b u reau and K lam ath day, D ecem ber 15. R ichard T rltes was elected one m ittee to assist the auxiliary tion A rm y will visit convalescent days w hen Miss P alm er becam e D ecem ber 6. Dancing and dining, Falls v eteran and civic o rg an iza­ w ith chill as the m ain attractio n , tions. of five vice-presidents of the w ith the party. D ecorating com ­ homes In Jack so n v ille and Ash­ ill . H er fu n eral will be p riv ate and w ere high spots of the evening The follow ing A shland m en council, at the sam e m eeting. m ittee for the occasion includes land this week, to d istrib u te b as­ M em bers of the council from Ash Mrs. C. M. F razier, Mrs. K enneth kets of fru it to the p atien ts and her ashes will be tak en to her Isabel G reen, Verlon Jam es, S h ir­ met the qu alificatio n s of in d u s­ land are V erne Sm ith, H enry E n­ Reed, Mrs. Russell D unham , H ar­ sing C hristm as carols. They will b irthplace, Norw ich, Connecticut. ley Vogel, P aul L acanette, G ladys try, experience, ch aracter, capital also visit shut-ins, aged and u n ­ M iss P alm er and Miss C h am b ­ Mack, K enny Braa, P au lin e Ul- and physical fitness: R oger F. ders, Hugh M cKeever, Jacob W ei­ old Jo rd a n and O tto Peterson. A m eat dish, dessert, coffee fo rtu n ate in Jackson county. erla in cam e to A shland in 1917 stad, Nell A rant, M argery New- DeShazer, N orm an E. C h ristlieb, tzel and Dr. Elmo Stevenson. Officers for the coming year an d rolls will be furnished and P ractical gifts of fftod and clo th ­ and b u ilt a hom e here, w here Ion, Je rry Edwards, Helen Storm . Dale E. Coonley, W illiam P. J a c ­ Jo h n n y McCollum, B etty H art- obs, F red rick H. K erby, G eorge w ere elected during the half-day each m em ber Is asked to bring ing will be given to these people. they h ave lived since th at time. Miss P alm er was a m em ber o f 1 lock, Jack Lutz, B etty Clawson, Donald K erby, H ow ard R. Lock- The A rm y recru itin g personnel annual council m eeting and p lan ­ salad, vegetable dish, or jelly. W enner, wood. Donald J. M cCulloch, M ar­ Follow ing the dinner S anta ire cooperating w ith the S alv a­ M ount A shland C h ap te”, Daugh- G ene Sm ith. G loria ning conference Sunday, and re- p ort on 1947 plans of all c o m m it-1 C laus will m ake his appearance tion A rm y in this program by do lers of the A m erican R evolution, Jo h n n y G ray and the hostess, vin A. Ring, Jr., W alter W allace tees of the council were m ade and there will be an exchange o f (nating the service of their ve- Rogue R iver Valley College club Sally K night, w ere SOC-ltes who Seitz, S tan ley D onald S tra u s and and of the Women’s civic club, .attended the get-together. C larence V. Zem ke. during the afternoon. j gifts from a Christmas tree. hides for transportation Lions Entertain Ladies Tuesday Jackson Co. P. T. A. Meeting January 15 Williams Leads At Toastmaster Dinner Lions Christmas Party In Plaza Tuesday Evening azaF Gift Exchange At Rotary Thursday Miller Is Planning i East Main Building Campfire Girls Entertain Mothers Eugene Bowman To Join S. O. C. Faculty Raiders Schedule Announced This Week Wines President of Junior Hi-Y Club Men’s n » Dorm To Be Twelve Veterans Seek Homesteads Verne Smith Gets. Scouting Award Legionairres Plan Party For Friday U.S. & Salvation Army Visit Shut-Ins