VnU óf Dreg«« i - w « / TZ» StodJt&ut Qutyo« NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAH Fire Department Gets New Truck ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON STEVENSON WILL BE IN WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA Dr. Elmo S tevenson, P resident of S outhern O regon College, has accepted an inv itatio n to be In ­ cluded in "W ho's Who in A m eri­ ca ”. This recognition com es to those who have achieved d istin c ­ tion or m ade outstanding c o n tri­ bution In our national life. Dr S tevenson is well know n for his w ritings, which include three books on n atu ra l and zoological subjects. Stevenson has also been re a p ­ pointed one of the national asso­ ciate editors of ..The A m erican Biology T each er”. He Is one of three such editors from the West Ashland F ire D ep artm en t's new fire truck will be ready for any em ergency F riday m orning ac­ cording to C lint B aughm an, fire chief. The truck arriv ed from the fac­ tory the fo rep art of this week and I n presently in a garage being serviced for operation. It wus m an u factu red by the Fold Motor com pany and has a M ercury m o­ tor. The b M ayor and Mrs tw elve concessions will be th e Thornton Wiley, and C ity S u p er­ m ain attractio n s at the W ashing­ intendent E lm er Biegel and wife, ton school carnival, which will be a regional m eeting of attended held, D ecem ber 7, from 8:30 until the League of Oregon cities, at 9:30 p in. It will be sponsored by the M edford co untry club W ed­ the W ashington school P. T. A. nesday evening, D ecem ber 4. Soap, shortening and nylon D inner was served a t 6:30 p.m. hose will be sold to the highest at the co u n try club. Following bidders during the auction. H un­ the d in n er m any civic Interests dreds of prizes will be offered to w ere discussed. R evenue discus­ w inners a t the various conces­ sions w ere p ro m in en t at the W. C. B aker and Paul O Wea sions. Hotdogs, candy, and h om e­ m eeting as cities are being called ver, 311 B S treet announced this m ade pie will be sold throughout week th at they have the d istrib u ­ on to provide new an d e x p a n ­ the evening. torship for this area for Insul- ded services as a re su lt of in ­ Funds raised from the C arnival creased population and th e loca­ wool insulation. will go to the P. T. A., the G irl tion of new Industries in o r near scouts, the Cub scouts and the B aker form erly operated a cities. stu d en t body. trailer agency at 565 Siskiyou Dr. and Mrs. W. W. W eller and Finance C hairm an for the a f­ while W eaver has been affiallated Sponsored by the A shland Y. with the Home M odernizing Co, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam H ealy w ere fair Is M rs W. P. W right and the also in attendance. o th er follow ing com m ittee c h a ir­ M. C. A. the S ou th ern Oregon T erre Haute, Indiana w here he District Hi-Y and Tri Hi Y O f­ m en have been appointed. handled Insul Wool sales prom o­ B eauty Shop, Mrs. B lanch Wat- ficers Training C onference will tion. be held in A shland this y ear on rus; G ift Shop, Mrs. L arry Basey; T h u rm an Bland and Irv in B ak ­ Sunday, Decem ber 15th. Balloons and N olsem akers, Mrs. er, are in stallers for the firm. A1 Sim pson’s b ask etb all R aiders The conference wil lbe held in M ildren T hornton; D art Game, tak e the floor this F rid ay n ight in the Ju n io r High School building Mr. E. Y. M itchell; Fish Pond, C. R Bowm an, C ounty S u p er­ a practice gam e w ith th e A shland Mrs. B ert Davis; Coke, Candy, and will be attended by re p re ­ in ten d en t of Schools and Dr. El­ Elks which will be held at 8:00 p. sentatives of clubs from G ran ts peanuts, Mrs. J. K endall; W hite Pass, K lam ath Falls, Medford mo Stevenson, P resident of SOC, m. at the College gym nasium . E lephant, Mrs. J. M. S u th erlin ; were in K lam ath Falls Tuesday C harles D eA utrem ont, D arrell and Ashland. Spot Gam e, Mr. O. R. E dw ards; to atten d a m eeting of the school Copeland. Jo h n G ray, Jim and The conference program will R lng-the-D uck; Mrs. J. C. A ndre- Include discussion groups on executives of southern Oregon. C harles Jan d reau , Tex G atlin, sen; B asketball throw , Mr. Les club, school, life problem s, w or­ They ev aluated this y e a r’s T each­ B arney Riggs, W infield Roberson. G ran t; Movie Com edies, Mr. Rol- Wes Peters, and Bobby Hoefs are ship services, training sessions e r’s C onference and Institute. The M ethodist C hurch a n ­ und P arks; Food Concession, Mrs expected to give the Elks a rough for club officers w ith a confer­ nounces th at on D ecem ber 10th at G. M. S nyder; D ecorations, Mrs. tim e on the m aple floor. ence luncheon held in the Ju n io r 0:45 P. M. they will offer to the G raves; A uctioneers, Ben L om ­ High School C afeteria S unday public a tu rk ey dinner, and an bard and G orm an Bond; Signs noon. inspiring program . The tu rk ey and Posters, Mr. W. P. W right. will be furnished by the church, The principal address of the K enneth Reed was Initiated In­ and those atten d in g are re q u e st­ to the A m erican legion post no. conference will be given by Dr. ed to bring a hot dish, bread, 14 at c m int m eeting of legion Elmo Stevenson, p resid en t of the rne P h hilharm ofi F irst show ing of the new Kai- The ilharm onic Society of S o u th ern Oregon gave th eir first Iser autom obile w as held W ednes- Southern Oregon College. b u tflr, dessert and table service. posts i r C entral Point, T uesday Rev. Dr. Ray S. Dunn, pastor evening, D ecem ber 3. T here w ere Leaders for the conference dis­ w in ter concert W ednesday e v e n -¡d a y evening at the show room s of W endell Law rence, editor of cussion groups and train in g ses­ ing, D ------ of Rose C ity P ark M ethodist 28 o th er initiates from C entral ecem 1— ber ‘ 4, in the au d ito r­ the C layton Motor com pany loc­ C hurch In P ortland, one of the P oint and M edford. The C ave the ‘News R eview ”, spoke to the sions include, W alter Redford, ium of th e M edford senior high ated at N orth M ain and C hurch. most o u tstanding preachers in Ju n ctio n initiatory team co nduct­ W omens civic club, W ednesday Roland P arks. Leland P. Linn, M ore than 1,000 people visited ___ school. This w as the first presen- O regon M ethodism is to be the ed the cerem onies th at sta rte d at afternoon, D ecem ber 4. L aw rence the Rev. George M. S hum an, a n d lta tio n of the chorus and orches- the show room s du rin g th e ev e n ­ spoke on his trav els to India and R. N. F letch er ing to inspect the new autom obile speaker. tra of the society. 8 p.m. C hina in 1944-45 w ith the U nited Special m usic num bers will be Cecil K ollenborn, Y. M. C. A. The follow ing persons from according to C layton C ullen, m gr Lila W arren. Verona Able, H el­ S tates arm y. offered by C hester W illiams, Mr en Reed, and C arol S h arp w ere S ecretary of K lam ath Falls, Ben A shland took p art in th e debut. of the M otor com pany. Also on display was the Luscom be Sil- Mrs. J. Q. Adam s, Mrs. P earl H. Schm idt of the M edford Y. M. and Mrs. Paul Byers, and others ■.......n G ordon M allory, C larinet; M aur- v air airp ,ane w hich js d istrib u t initiated the A shland the in A shland legion Crouch and Mrs. A nna C row son C. A. and D w ight O. Welch of ice B ailey, French horn; Irvin Kvctypne ia Invited w ere hostesses for the - T * the Pacific Northwest Area Coun Leaaer, Harry Kannasto. trumpet; ed by the com pany. U p ie .« ™„ cil Y. M. C. A. w ill also serve C urtis Vail, trom bone; R alph A D rivers Licnese E x am in er is thut the com m ittee may know as group leaders. Burgess, Jr. Tim pani and drum s scheduled to be on d u ty in Ash- installing officer for in itia tio n ., convention at ;;Ogue R iver w ere how m any to p re p are for. T here are now nine of these Hi Among those atten d in g the discussed before the principal Y and Tri Hi Y Clubs o p e ra tin g 1 H arlalee Wilson and Dale D re -jlan d , M onday .D ecem ber 9, 1946. ckm an, violins. a t th e C ity H all betw een the Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd M iller and m ass m eeting from A shland were, talk was given. 1 In the high schools of the S o u th ­ The program , as it was p resen t­ hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., ac­ Mr. and Mrs. B ert F reem an, Mr. d au g h ter V rda of A shland, Ohio ern Oregon D istrict and it is est- ed, is as follows: cording to an ann o u n cem en t re ­ are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. F razier, Mrs. Roy ■ Im ated th at about 35 to 40 of SECTION 1 ceived from th e S ecretary of F razier, Mr and Mrs. Emil K ru g ­ and Mrs. Dick L atim er . I these high school young people S ta te ’s office. er, Mr. and Mrs. Ray S harp. Mr. F irst scene, third act, Opera will be present at the conference. Persons w ishing licenses or C arm en. “S m ugglers’ Scene,” by O rder • ÿour C hristinas cards and Mrs. H arold Jordan, Phil M iller’s A uto service opened S tansbury, O tto P eterson, Billy p erm its to d riv e are asked to get Bizet—chorus, orchestra and sex ­ now at th e News Review S atu rd ay , N ovem ber 30 ,at 1401 E lhart, Ken M iller, Bob L u g a r ,1 tet. ‘‘Londonderry A ir”, full ch o r­ in touch w ith the ex am in er well Siskiyou B oulevard. M iller’s will us. “W andering,” by F ranz S chu­ ahead of the scheduled closing Jak e Lahr, Mrs. Carl B eninghau- he a general P etroleum products ser, Mr. and Mrs. K enneth Reed, dealer. bert, and ‘‘Lotus F low er,” by h o u r in o rd er to assu re com ple­ At the D ecem ber 10th m e e tin g . R obert Schum ann, 111< I1C U11U JUO tion of th eir ap p lications w ith a Mr. and Mrs. R aym ond Able, and m ale chorus. The station Is op erated by Geo. of Jobs D aughters at th e Mason-1 Cossack w aar Song, full chorus m inim um of delay. Mrs. F rank W arren. M iller and his son F rederic, who ic hall, the following elected of­ cam e to A shland from Buffalo, ficers will be officially installed: INTERM ISSION P re-reg istratio n for S outhern New York. M iller did au to , Jea n C lary, H onored queen SECTION 2 Oregon College stu d en ts who will i L l i n f h p n n TlIPM painting, body and fen d er repair M arilyn Miller, senior princess; 1. E ntre ’act to Act 3 of C arm en, atten d the W inter Term is now ^ U n c n C O H 1 U e S . work for tw en ty five years in D arlene Hale, Ju n io r princess; by Bizet; 2. “M aid W ith the Flax- un d er way. Seniors will reg ister P rofessor J e a n n e tte Sm ith en . New York ____ ____ and _ his son, * Frederic, M ary Lou Hahn, G uide; a n d 1 en H air,” by DeBussy; 3 E n tra on Dec. 3, v eteran s on Dec. 4 a n d , ter ta ile . d Mrs. Edm unson N o rto n ,¡h as ju st recently . been __________ discharged Shirley W eitzel, M arshal. j ’act to Act 2 of C arm en, by Bizet T w enty m en becam e c h a rte r 5, o th er stu d en ts on Dec. 6. This regional YWCA secretary, and | from the arm y. D uring the time Miss Jean n e L. S w ayne of 1 4 2 “¿ n t° the Ni,g h t’” b\ C ' araCiEd m em bers of th e local T o astm as­ m eans th at w hen w in ter term I stu d en t leaders of S outhern Cre- spent in the arm y he did a lot of opens veteran s need not re tu rn I K°n college, a t a luncheon Tues- auto electric work. T he station C hurch st.. in A shland e n l . s t e d i ^ (W° m e” s voic^ s): 5n Sing ters club M onday evening, D ec­ in th e it s S m i,e- f*u S lum by Gounod, Gounod em b er 2, in the A shland hotel m b ber, er‘ „ b^ u n til Ja n 3 to atten d the begin day noon, In h er hom e will operate seven days a week in the U. S. W om en’s Naval Re- ,v’,7h serve. Inactive on N ovem ber 19.''w lth flute obl,gatto b> ’ D elm ar dining room. n ing of classes. O th er stu d en ts Mrs. N orton has been visiting M eyers; “D ream s,” by W agner, The program opened w ith Rob­ Miss Sw ayne has th e d istin c­ will have to be on hand on Ja n the cam pus a t S.O.C. to observe and “Italian S treet Song,” from e rt Dodge deliv erin g the invoca­ tion of being the first w ave to 2 to pay th eir fees. C hristian fellow ship activities. enlist in the w om en’s reserve, N aughty M arietta by V ictor H er­ tion .and th en Dave W hittle, p re ­ O p p o rtu n ity for new stu d en ts She is d irecto r of the stu d en t b ert, full chorus. Vocal solo and sid en t of the local club gave the is open a t S o u thern O regon Col service fund for colleges of W ash­ P urchase of the A shland Steam U. S. Naval reserve, inactive obligatto by P hyllis Corliss, welcome, w hich w as follow ed by lege for the w inter q u arter. Hous ington, Oregon, U tah and C alifor­ L aundry by B. M. K avanaugh of through the M edford navy re ­ “P ray er,” from O thello, by V er­ the dinner. ing for ¿5 to 100 m en will be a nia. O akland, C alifornia w a s a n ­ cruiting station. O tto E^valdson of the M edford Lt. J. E. Bayus, officer in di, full chorus and orchestra. vailable, and additional housing nounced this week by J. A. G en ­ to astm asters club was to astm as­ charge of the U. S. N avy re c ru it­ for w om en can be obtained. The try, form er m anager, who, with ter for the evening. Table topics college will have a full schedule A rt F rederickson has ow ned the ing in Oregon, adm in istered the w ere handled by R oger Rath. >ath of enlistm ent. of courses for those who are be laundry for the p ast year. G arry Robertson, p re sid e n t of the ginning o r transfering. R egistra K avanaugh w as m anager ol A ssistant Professor M arion Ady K lam ath Falls club, spoke on ev- F u n eral services for Mrs, R uth F uneral services w ere held at tion for both old and new s tu d ­ Em ily S hell w ere held W ednes­ the M arshall Steel laundry com ­ the L itw iller funeral chapel for of S outhern Oregon College ta lk ­ ulations. ents will take place from Jan. day, D ecem ber 4, at the L ltw lller pany of O akland, previous to Benjam in M. H eath on Monday, ed on C hristm as A rt in the Ray H arrison of M edford con­ to Ja n 18. New courses w hich Schools to the p rim ary and in te r­ ducted the in stallation gtf officers. funeral chapel. The R everend com ing to A shland. Decem ber 2, at 1:30 p.m. Services will be presented this w in ter in Earl Downing, pastor of the were u n d er the auspices of the m ediate teachers of Jack s o n A fter the in stallatio n Elwood elude: P rin t, clay m odeling, cloth C hurch of C hrist delivered the Masonic o rd er and the A m erican county in the C ounty C ourt H edberg, past p resid en t of the ing construction and selection, all serm on. House last week. Miss Ady, an M edford club, gave the p rincipal Legion. offered by A ssistant P rofessor expert In the a rt field, will talk address of the evening. C arl Has- Mrs. Shell died at the C om m ­ H eath died at the Ft, Lewis Ady; personal and fam ily re la ­ on C hristm as paintings to the BN enkam p presented the c h a rte r to unity hospital, M onday, Dec. 2, M ilitary hospital, N ovem ber 27 PEAR BOWL PREM IER tions, A ssistant Professor M es­ at 5:25 p.m. She broke "her hip on He is survived by his wife, Mrs C hapter, P. E. O. on D ecem ber 5: the local club and Dave W hittle senger; H um an physiology, Mr the AC C hapter, P. E. O. on Dec accepted it. O ctober 31 and had been a p a t­ Out in the w arm Thanksgiving Heath and son, Robert. Bishop; social dancing for men mist, em ber 10, and the P resb y terian ient in the hospital ever since. The following m en a ie c h a rte r and wom en. Miss S tockham ; oral Out in a w et and oozy field, RAILROAD SOCIETY HAS Guild on D ecem ber 13. She w as born May 27, 1861 In m em bers of the T o astm asters In terp retatio n , advanced speech O ur P ear Bowl P re m ie r was stag ­ DECEMBER MEETING MON. T erre Haute, Indiana, and had c lub: Dave W hittle, Jo h n von and advanced journalism , Mr. ed Jackson C ounty m odel railroad lived in A shland for the past 14 K uhlm an, Lyndel NCwbry, C la r­ M ulling; salesm anship; contem p­ years. And C entral W ashington’s fate society m et at the club head- ence Williams, Roger R ath, Jo h n orary literatu re, Mr. Krelsm an. was sealed! society m et at the club h ea d q u ar­ Five children survive Mrs. Collins, R obert Dodge, Robert Late evening courses which ters a t the fairgrounds M onday Shell, they are, Mrs. Jessie Neill M. B. M adden, v eteran M ission­ H ardy, W illiam H ealy, P rice will be available to tow nspeople and Mrs, P erry A yers of A sh­ W ith a final score of 13 - 8 evening, D ecem ber 2. This was ary to Jap an , will speak S unday H ennan, Don H inthorne, Virgil as well as stu d en ts include con­ P layed to a loyal, cheering th eir m onthly business m eeting night at the C hurch of C hrist. land; Mrs. Carl M athes of G a r­ Jackson, W endell Law rence, How tinuations of A ssistant Professor crow d- for Decem ber. den Valley .Idaho; Amos L P ay ­ Mr. M adden began his w ork in ard M artin, Earl Schilling. Ed. B ow m er’s S hakespeare course ne, Coquille, Oregon, and F rank To ‘Hail the C onquering H ero’ Jap a n 48 years ago. U nder his Singm aster, Doyle Seely, H arold SORORITY PLANNING A and Dr. E lliott’s course In con­ H. P ayne of Sacram ento. T here strain s leadership a large m ission w ork Thom as, E m m ett W hitham and FORMAL DINNER DANCE tem porary problem s. In addition, O u r, boys left m uddy but u n ­ are also nine grandchildren and Epsilon Sigm a A lpha is p lan ­ was ’b u ilt up in Osaka, Jap a n Howard Wilev. P resid en t S tevenson will present bowed ! 1 g reat grandchildren. ning a form al d in n er dance and D uring the war, the buildings of a course in Boy Scout L eadership In term e n t will be at B onner’s this m ission w ere destroyed by on M onday evenings at seven o’­ F erry .Idaho, w here her husband Now, w ith our stadium in view, jew el cerem ony D ecem ber 18. bom bs Mr M adden will tell how NELSONS HAVE PARTY SATURDAY EVENING The affair will be held at the Wo­ clock. O ur P ear Bowl boys will host is also buried. the work still goes on and what m en’s Civic club. Mr. and Mrs. E dw ard Nelson Special S atu rd ay m orning clas­ the best of 'em; | the plans for the fu tu re are. en tertain ed the follow ing guests ses for teachers in the county You’ll find those "Hard to In almost jig-tim e, folks, w e’ll You'll find those "Hard to The church Invites all to hear at d in n er last S atu rd ay evening. will be held w ith A ssistant P ro ­ Find” Christmas Gifts for those rate -Find" Christmas Gifts for those his message The service begins ¡Mr. and Mrs. W ayne H eard, Mr. fessor Wllda offering Oregon "Hard to Please" Relatives and Along w ith Rose Bowl and the "Hard to Please" Relatives ---- and at 7:30 P. M., and is held at the and Mrs. Bob McKay M r and -------- ------------- School Law and Dr. T aylor o ffer­ friends at Marshall Wells on the rest of 'em! friends at Marshall Wells on the A dventist C hurch at F ourth and Mrs. Ray S tringer, and Mr. and ing O regon H istory. Plaaa. —Pearl R. Crouch 1 P la n . c . Streets, 1 Mrs. Herb Fischborn, Kotariarus Will H ave Rummage Sale Sat Insul-Wool Opens A Distributorship HiY Conference in Ashland Dec. 15 Elks Meet Raiders In First Game Fri. Rev. Dunn Will Speak to Methodists Legion Members Attend Meeting Local Musicians Play in Concert Editor Speaks To Civic Club Clayton Motor Has Kaiser Auto Show Millers Auto Shop Starts Operation Pre-Registration New A t S. 0. C. Miss Miller Queen of Jobs Daughters Toastmasters Receive Charter Professor Smith Has B. M. Kavanaugh Buys Local Laundry Marion Ady Will Be Dec. Guest Speaker Mrs. Shell Buried in Bonners Ferry, Idaho LITHIA BUBBLES Missionary Will Speak Sunday Eve