♦ *7(4« S& uUt&U t ô ïta a a t Formerly The Southern Oreqon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year* lor $5 The U. S. A rm y Has NEWS REVIEW J.00 PER YEAR ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON A Job For You Thursday, November zK, 1946 Voi. i j , No. }9 Raiders Win First Pear Bowl Classic Christmas Season Begins Saturday In Local Stores MEMBERS OF CATHOLIC CHURCH HAVE SOCIAL The C hristian M urtyr society of the C atholic C hurch held a social at the W om en's Civic club T uesday evening, Bing o a n d All A shland churches m et to ­ bridge w ere played by the peo­ g ether at the N azarene church ple present. Mrs. C harles S m ith and Mrs. T hanksgiving m orning for the L. P. W ilm eth w ere in charge of annual union T hanksgiving s e r­ the social. vice. The R everend G eorge M. S hum an, m inister of the Prestty terlan church, delivered the m es­ sage Miss Ninon King, d au g h ter of O ther A shland m inisters wtio Mrs. R uth E. King, 364 Hurgu- p articipated in the service |n dine street, was nam ed one ol the "Senior Six", at the U n iv er­ eluded, the R everend A. J. Bd- w ards who gave the Call to W or­ sity of O regon, last week ship, follow ed by the Doxology Phi Beta K appa, nutional scho­ hy the congregation; In v o catio n lastic honorary, m et on the Uni by the R everend G ordon Litjd versity cam pus last week to say; hym n; responsive reading m ake its annual selection of the lead by the R everend Earl F "Senior S ix ”, which are those Downing; hym n; scrip tu re by stu d en ts m ain tain in g the h ig h ­ Ray F letcher; P ray e r by th e R tv - est grades throughout th eir four erend E. P. B orden; and a s p e ­ years at college. cial offering for the re co n stru c­ Miss King w as selected for her tion of churches destro y ed by intellectual in teg rity and ach- war, and for relief of th e needy vem ent. in w ar-ravaged co untries was conducted by Dr. G. W. Bruce. Union Services Held Thursday VAN DYKE NAMED ON VETERANS COMMITTEE R epresentative F ran k J. Van Dyke of Jackson C ounty has been nam ed on the com m ittee to draft a legislative program for veterans' benefits. The com m ittee has been in ­ structed to m ap m eans for a d ­ justm ents to care for v eterans who can not work. AL SIMPSON DeAutremont, Riggs Score Twice to Win C entral W ashington College has Lead u n til F o u rth Q u arter B eginning the first of th e a n ­ nual series of P ear Bowl classics w ith a 13 to 8 w in over C en tral Unofficial openinq of W ashington College of Education, Holiday season Nov. 30 the R aiders of S o u th ern O regon With event* to follow | college y esterd ay com pleted th eir VFW Post To C hristm as season begins in , season, one of 12 team s left in Celebrate Christmas the nation, u n b eaten and untied. A shland S atu rd ay , N ovem ber 30. P layed on a w et m uddy tu rf tw o days afte r the Thanksgiving Veterans of Foreign W ars of at A shland High school’s W alter tu rk ey d isappeared from the Ashland and M edford will stage P h illip s field ,the first annual their annual C hristm as jam boree table. M erchant m em bers of the P ear Bowl gam e was a how ling and dance at the M edford arm ory C h am ber of C om m erce have co success for both the h ard fig h tin g Dec. 21. o rd m alcd th eir C hristm as m e r­ R aiders and for th e sponsors of There will be a nam ed band to ch an d isin g cam paigns so th at the th e P ear Bowl classics. M ore play for dancing th ro u g h o u t the m ajority of stores begin the th an 3000 fans braved th e rain entire evening w ith prizes for C hristm as sales tom orrow . and m ud to w itness the fracas the best dancing couple. S anta Ilighligiits of the Holiday shop which n ev er w arm ed up until th e Claus will visit the arm o ry th at ping season will Include a S anta final q u a rte r w hen C huck De Au- evening and give aw ay gifts d u r­ C laus on the streets each S atu r trem o n t cut loose and m ade a 40 ing the floor show. day afternoon who will take let yard end run around the left side Elwood "P a t’’ Rost of the A sh­ iers from children A C hristm as of his ow n line good for a to u ch ­ land post with Don C hapm an of down. tree in the Plaza, sponsored by Medford will be in charge of sp e­ the Lions, and a free picture P reviously the SOC team had A1 Simpson, form er A shland cial events and publicity. They show D ecem ber 21, also sponsor­ Hiqh school and M edford High been behind 2 to 0 because of a plan to m ake this an annual e v ­ ed by th e Lions school coach, who. in his first safety w hich occurred in the first ent in southern Oregon. year of college coaching brought q u a rte r w hen D eA utrem ont a t­ A su rvey of local stores indi the S o u th ern O regon college fo o t­ tem pted to kick out of his ow n cates th at th ere is m ore effort ball team th ro u g h an eight gam e end zone, fum bled, and th e ball being expended this year to m ake w as recovered by C entral W ash­ season, u n tied and undefeated. this a norm al C hristm as than d u r ington. mg any o ther y ear since 1941. Mr. and Mrs. R. W W allace Two disappointed men, W ill­ C h a rte r night will be held Dec­ T he Ellens b u r g c l u b - led C ertain types of consum er goods will be honored by a reception iam Floyd Nelson, 38, and H ar­ th ro u g h o u t the first th ree q u a r t­ are still scarce and shoppers are em ber 2, 194(1 ,for the local T o ast­ a t the hom e of Mr. W allace’s p a r­ ers and several tim es th reaten ed , udvlsed to begin shopping early, m asters club, according to an a n ­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben G ertson, old Jo h it Davidson, 26, both of Ashland, w ere arrested S atu rd ay but th e S outhern Oregon college nouncem ent by the clubs p re si­ E. E. Vail, postm aster, has alsr 1223 Iowa, M onday night at 8:00. night by Medford city police for line held and th e ball was given advised C hristm as sh ip p ers that dent .Dave W hittle. The m ee'in g Mrs. W allace is the form er having a ten gallon jug of liquid Mrs. Ernel S tearns, ch airm an first to one team and th en the m ailing should be done early, the will be held at the A shland cof­ M argaret W illiam son. H er hom e in th eir possession which had of th e an nual sale of C hristm as o th er tim e afte r tim e as each fee shop at 6:45 p.m. Postoffice D epartm ent expects a is in S cotland, she arriv ed in T he o rd er of business at the A shland last w eek a fte r a trip been stolen th at evening from the seals in A shland, announced this failed to m ake the l'O y ard s in record loud of m ail this year. week th at she had m ailed out four dow ns on the slick field. c h a rte r night m eeting will be as through C anada. She and Mr C hungking Inn. Nelson is being held in the 2,263 letters containing seals to The ball gam e opened up in follows: Invocation by R obert W allace m et w hile he was se rv ­ Dodge; Welcome, Dave W hittle, ing overseas, and they w ere m ar- county jail in lieu of $100 bail residents of A shland. This is an the fo u rth q u a rte r w hen De and Davidson was released on his increase of 300 over the nu m b er A u trem o n t m ade SOC’s first p resident of the A shland club; | ried in the B ritish Isles. ow n recognizance. score, and a few m in u tes la te r of letters m ailed out in 1945. O tto Ewuldson of M edford will A t p resen t the W allaces »re The jug contained o n ly , soy A shland IL itanans did not m eet preside as T oastm aster; table living at 1323 Iowa. Mrs. S te arn s is assisted by Mrs. B arnny Riggs, playing fullback, sauce. T h u rsd ay because of the T h a n k s­ topics, Roger R ath; E valuations, Rob. Stough, who is trea su rer of punched th e ball over from the giving holiday but next weeks G arry R obertson, p resid en t of the the drive. L ast W ednesday ev e n ­ tw o y ard line for an o th er score. m eeting will be held at the usual K lam ath Falls club; In stallatio n ing m em bers of the wom ens J u n ­ Jim m y J a n d re a u converted for tim e according to Will Dodge, of officers by Ray H arrison, M ed­ ior civic club h e l p e d M r s . the e x tra point. p resident of the civic o rg an iza­ ford, past L ieu ten a n t G overnor W ith the score 13 to 2, in the S tearn s and Mrs. Stough fold M em bers of the A shland Active tion. Joseph L. Fader, p resident of the seals and p u t them in the R aiders favor, Coach Al Sim pson of A rea 3; acceptance talks, A sh­ se n t In a fresh ball club, b u t tw o S everal m em bers of the club land officers; address, Elwood club are planning to hold -a joint the Jackson county Oregon E du­ envelopes. plays afte r the change in lineup are planning to uttend the c h a rt­ H edberg past p resid en t M edford session w ith the M edford A cti­ cation Association, announced C hristm as seals will be on sale been m ade, Ed B artlett, ering of the Y reka club which club; p resentation of ch arter, vians this F rid ay »ight in M ed­ this week th at county delegates the first of D ecem ber at the loc­ had ford .according to Earl Schilling, will be held this S aturday. C arl H asenkam p, d istrict G o v er­ would m eet w ith te a c h e r s al postoffice. The 1946 seal show s q u a rte rb ac k for th e W ildcats p resident of the local civic o rg ­ throughout the state on N ovem b­ from W ashington took the ball on The follow ing S atu rd ay the nor; and acceptance of ch arter, anization. a lam plighter lighting his lam p his ow n 40 y ard line and m ade a er 29 and 30 in P o rtland. Dave W hittle A shland club p re ­ R otary club Is sponsoring a R um ­ against a sta rry blue sky and is Schilling urged all m em bers to wide sw eeping 60 y ard run, o u t­ sident. Mrs. M aude Robinson of Med-1 m age sale at the J. P. Dodge and atten d statin g th a t R obert Moore ford and V ictor Hay of Eagle sym bolic of the retu rn in g hope distancing every SOC m an on the sons fu rn itu re store. Kotarians of the w orld a fte r the d a rk years T he following A shland m en N ational Vice P resident, is p lan ­ field, and scoring an o th er six are req uested to bring things will be received into the T o ast­ ning to flv to the m eeting from P o in t will re p resen t Jackson of W orld W ar II. points for th e W ashington club. county at the m eeting. which can be resold at the sale. m asters club as c h a rte r m em bers: S acram ento and th a t Moore will The Seal sale in Jack so n co u n ­ Sim pson re tu rn e d th e original Proposed public school legisla­ Proceeds of the sale will be used Dave W hittle, president; Jo h n go over som e of the problem s ty is conducted by th e Jack so n sta rtin g lineup to the field and to buy playground equipm ent for von K uhlm an, vice president; w hich each club has found since tion will be a m ajor topic of d is­ C ounty H ealth A ssociation, w ith th e E llensburg club failed to con cussion at the tw o-day m eeting the ch ildren of A shland. Lyndel N ew bry, s e c re ta ry -tre a ­ th eir inception. each com m unity having its own vert. of the R epresentative council. su re r; C larence W illiam s, s e r­ com m ittee to d irect local sales. W ith th ree m inutes left to play- geant at arm s; Roger R ath, de W. J. (M ickey) B oatright of Mr and Mrs. W arren D o u th itt These funds are used to direct in the ball gam e Jim m y Jan d re a u puty governor; Jo h n Collins, R ob­ San Francisco form er n a v a l. and son, N athan .M edford, at- local sales. These fu nds are used started to carry the ball on line ert Dodge, R obert H ardy, W ill­ m an paid a visit to W alter J. I tended a d in n er a t th e ap a rtm en t to m ake chest X -ray service a- bucks, over th e E llensburg left iam Healy, Price H ennan, Don K errigan B oatright has been a | of Mr. and Mrs. C layton C ullen vailable to all people, to carry gu ard position, and w hen th e H inthorne, Virgil Jackson, W en­ visitor to A shland before. the m essage of how to p re v en t w histle blew ending the gam e. last W ednesday dell Law rence, H ow ard M artin, tuberculosis; to m ake su re our Jan d reau was punching th ro u g h Guy E. L eonard. W ashington, Earl Schilling, Ed S ingm aster, ch ildren do not have tu b erc u lo ­ for five and six yard s each play. D. C., field secretary of the U nit­ Doyle Seely, H arold Thom as, sis an d to teach them how they Jo h n n y G ray, w as in ju red e a r­ ed S tates ch am ber of com m erce, Em m ett W hitham , and H ow ard can p rev en t tuberculosis in th eir ly in the gam e b u t was able to re ­ will be the sp eak er at the C hant- Wiley. com m unities w hen they grow up. tu rn to help bolster the second l>er of C om m erce luncheon n ext ary defense. T uesday noon a t the A shland cof­ This is the eig h th gam e w hich fee shop. Leonard Is an au th o rity S o u th ern O regon college has won on C om m unism and will speak this year, beginning the season on “C om m unism and B u sin ess”. A shland's high school band E rvin Lesser, band in stru cto r for P. T. A. stu d y clubs for the with a 20 to 0 win over Chico P resid en t Elmo S tevenson of Doctor W. W. W eller will p re ­ S o u th ern O regon college announ- will p resen t its w in ter concert Lincoln School group plan to m eet state; follow ed by a 14 to 7 w in the public schools. side at th e n ex t T uesday m eeting. t ced this week th at the veterans Dec. 6, 1946, at the J u n io r high once a m onth, on th e second and over H um boldt state; the third The full concert program will M em bers of the S o u th ern O re­ I dorm itory for m en would be open school auditorium . The concert third W ednesdays respectively, gam e w ith M onm outh was a rout, ap p ear in next weeks issue, Dec. for discussion on the them e, "Be­ gon College football team w ere the first of the year. 56 to 0; the closest gam e was will be u n d er the direction of em ber 5, 1946 . guests of the m em bers of the havior in th e M aking.” This dorm itory will accomo- w ith Oregon state Jr. V arsity, 9 A shland ch am ber of com m erce at P.T.A. for the Lincoln school to 7; the gam e w ith the U n iv er­ ' date six ty -fo u r men. A cafeteria I. last T u esd ay ’s m eeting at the Ash WORLD EVENTS I. S. 'iamecik p rim ary grades met W ednesday sity ot Oregon Jr. V arsity ended serving the dorm itory will be land coffee shop. afternoon, N ovem ber 20, at the 12 to 7; SOC won over San F ra n ­ March I read y very soon a fte r the first of M em bers of the team Introduc­ the year. school building w ith Mrs. A rch cisco state, 26 to 6; and finished IL PRELUDE AND* FUGUE ed them selves to the cham ber ]. S. Bach B arksdale. Mrs R aym ond Lining- up the seasons schedule w ith a m em bers and m ost of them gave er, Mrs. G eorge Mason, Mrs. H 31 to 7 win over th e U niversity No. 6 of Eight Short Organ preludes and Fugues a few rem ark s about the pear A. Thom as and Mrs. Elmo S te v ­ of P o rtlan d Jr. V arsity. The Post III. SECOND C O N C E R IO Serge/ Rachmaninoff enson as hostesses. bowl gam e or them selves through season gam e w ith C en tral W ash­ out the luncheon. I heme from the 1 lord Movement M others of u p p er g rade ch il­ ington clim axed th e season w hen Miss L ottie B urger was one of Dr. W. W. W eller, p resid en t of d ren met W ednesday, N ovem ber IV. DANZA CALABRESE Pietro Morelli 27, at the school building w ith the R aiders won 13 to 8. the local cham ber, introduced the tw elve wom en pledged Into the Jim m y J a n d r e a u , S n u f f y Italian Folk Song Arr. by Charles Roberts following m em bers of the c h a m ­ U niversity of O regon w om en's Mrs. R. L. M acKay, Mrs. Leon Sm ith. Jo h n Gray, Chuck D e­ ber of com m erce who paid tr i­ sw im m ing honorary, the A m phi­ H unt, Mrs. Jack M cN erney, Mrs. ON THE SQUARE Prank Panella F ran k C ulp in charge of a rra n g e ­ A utrem ont, B arney Riggs, Jac k bute to the team : Ivor Irw in, R. bians last week. Lutz, F red K annasto, Ron P ink - March W. McNeal, H ow ard Oden, B ert m ents. Miss B urger is a senior at the ham , Tad G andee, Tommy N ew ­ M iller and Mr. K arns of the U niversity and is m ajoring in ton, Gale Jones, B yron Boyce, INTERMISSION V eterans A dm inistration. physical education. She is the Bill R obertson, S tan Sm ith, K eith d au g h ter of Mrs. Frida B urger, VI. SILVER JUBILEE Husen, Bill Shere, Neal A rant, Albert A. EraJcneck A shland. i Gordon P eterson .W innie R ober­ March V irginia Alley. Lois C h risten son. Bob Shier, Tex G atlin, Ted VII. CASEY JONES T. L. Seibert an J E. N ew to n son, M ary C orthell, B etty H oll­ Clausen, Don F lah arty , Jac k C ounty School su p erintendent, A Musical Dramatization of The Greatest of all ingsw orth, and P au lin e U lstad. Newton, Jack B arn h art, D arrell C. R. Bowm an, announced last all of A shland, w ere elected as Copeland, J e rry Edw ards, Lee Railroad Songs. . .Arr. By Harold Walters week, th a t in the p relim inary W arren A pplew hite, who Is eligible, m em bers for Sigm a Epsi- Reynolds, Nails G orm an, Bob data g ath ered in the recent a n ­ now stationed at S tu ttg a rt, G e r­ VIII. SCENES FROM THE SIERRAS Dad,I Bcnnctt ion Pi. w om en’s hon o rary shol- Rogers, and Dick Skow are a- nual census th ere Is an indication m any, called his fa th e r Guy A p­ A Tone Poem astic so rority at S o u th ern Oregon mong the play ers w ho m ade up of an increase of pupils in every p lew hite N ovem ber R, In honor college, last week. the 1946 R aiders team . school d istrict in Jackson county. of the la tte r’s b irth d ate, which IX. I.ITHIA PARK E. Lessed 1946-47 officers of th e sorority! According to H arld Bishop, The census was taken the last is in October. This is the second First Public Performance of this March 'a re : P resident, V irginia Craw D irector of Physical E ducation at week of October and it will be call the A pplew hite fam ily have ! ford; vice-president, M ary Cor-1 S o u th ern Oregon college the new NEW WORLD SYMPHONY after the first of the year before received from W arren since he X. A n to n in Dvorak j thell; S ecretary and T reasu rer,! P ear Bowl stacnuin will probably arrived in Germany. a final tabulation! is made. Finale From The fourth Me cment i Violet Parkhurst. be com pleted n ex t year. Miss King* Is One of “Senior Six” Toastmasters To Get Charter Mon. Reception To Honor Scottish War Bride lx>cal Two Ashlanders End Up In Medford Jail Mrs. Stearns Is Head of Drive kotarians Skip This Week’s Meeting Activians Plan Trip To Medford Friday County Delegates Will Meet This Week Leonard Will Be Guest Speaker Veterans’ Dormitory Open First of Year High School Band Concert Scheduled For Dec. 6th I’TA Clubs Will Meet Every Month Miss Burger Is In Amphibians Bowman Announces Increase In Pupils J Five Local Girls Elected to Siffma I Warren Applewhite Calls From Germany