Form erly The Southern Oregon M iner $3 per Year 2 Year* lor »5 SOC IN T H E NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YE A R A S H L A N D . J A C K S O N C O U N T Y . O R EG O N " J A N U A R Y T H A W " T O BE P R E S E N T E D IN N O V . Southern Oregon To Play Portland At Grants Pass "Ja n u ary T haw ,” a sprightly three act com edy by William Itoos, has been selected for the annual an n iv ersary play to be presented by the Associated s tu ­ dent body of Senior high school the latter p a rt of N ovem ber T ryouts wci-r held O ctober 27 211, 20 with Mrs Vivian Collins and Miss Louise Brown assisting Miss Virginia H am m ond, director of the play, in choosing the cast The cast of the play includes: C urtis Vail as H erbert. Gage R uth Ager as Mur) Gage; Harbar. M essenger as B arbara (¡age; Bar bara W illiam s. Sarah (¡age; Mai gle M essenger, Paula (¡age; C har les Eliason, Jo n ath an Rockwood M arlys Wilcox, M athilda Rock wood; G eorge F ullerton, Matt Rockwood; Harold Colvin, Georgi Husted, Erw in W ilkinson, Mr Loomis; Bob Phillips, Uncle W al­ ter; M arilyn Beure, F rieda; Bob G riffith, Carson. PE A R B O W L T h ru sd ay , N ovem ber 14, 1946 YMCA Program Gets Sturt W ith Secretary’s Arrival Voi. 13 N( DR. W O O D S E N T E R T A IN S M E D IC A L S O C IE T Y HERE j Dr. E A. Woods entertained 37 Pear Bowl Game Ana Stadium Plan io üe Discussed m em bers of the Jackson C ounty , M edical society at a dinner at the ¡A shland H otel, W ednesday even ing Dr. Russell G. Barrie of Hay Flgtcher, new ly elected Y. ed Id s college work at Des Moines M edford p resented a paper. S outhern Oregon college's u n ­ M C. A secretary, arriv e d in College in Iowa, and started his beaten and untied football team M em bers of the A shland last week to assum e his Y woik in Des Moines and left will m eet the U niversity of P o rt­ , her of Com m erce /Hi discuss then- to become the secretary in land's Jutiloi varsity at (¡ra n t's duties. Mr. Fletehei has a tem p o r­ [P ear Bowl gam e hieii will charge of the boys work in B u rl­ Pass d uring the evening of S a t­ bably be held in A b land fh a ary office at the high sch o o l, ington, Illinois. H r held sim ilar M em bers of th« urday, N ovem ber 10. This is the building and can he co ntacted i positions in I.a C ro .s e, W ineonsin school sw ing band Ashland high giving day and t ill ccnsidi a which is prac- last scheduled gam e of the se a ­ there, according to Leland L in n ,¡a n d Spokan«. W ashington When firing daily u n d er the leadership com m unity stad iu m at the n ex t son, Coach Al Sim pson suid, a l­ m eeting of the Cha nber w hich high school su p erin ten d en t. the war brok • o u t h e went hack of C u rtis Vail, are p reparing for though th ere Is a possibility th a t M em bers of the board of d ire c t-¡to New York lor special training th eir first concert, T he concert will be held Tuesday noon a t the an o th er gam e will he played on ors and officers of the Y. M C. A ln U.S.O work and has been f< will he ht-ld in th Civic club A shland coffee shop. T hanksgiving day. W illiam H ealy, -ecretary of the met last week with Mr. F letch er lowing this type ol work since house at an as yet unannounci The A rm istice flay gam e w ith cham ber of com m erce, an n o u n c­ and discussed club and g ro u p , Mr and Mrs F letcher are now fu tu re date. San Francisco state w hich was ed th a t W endell Law rence would plans for the coining year. ¡at home at 41 Fifth street They The program will include old helil in M edford found the S im p ­ S e e ie la iy F letcher com es t o ; have a m arried daughter and a and new favorites ranging fri rom act as ch airm an 'a t the m eeting. son coached squad com ing out on Jac k W atson, KWIN en tertain - A shland from P o rt T ow nsend, j son who is entering college aftei "L ittle B row n J u g ” to ‘ Tr rum pet the long end of a 24 to 0 score, W ashington, w here for the l a s t ' having hi en in the service. The Blues" Two o th er nurn b e r s m en t director, w ill p re se n t sev- for th eir six th victory. two and a half years he has been F letcht -•rs are m em bers of the which the band will play ar< era! m usical num bers. (Jene F arthing, who received a At the m eeting held last T u es­ in charge of the Y.M.C.A. and the B aptist church and take an active ‘S u rre n d er D ear” and “W aiting broken shoulder in the gam e will day H ealy re p o rted on the con­ U S O . The new secretary recelv- part in com m unity affairs. lor the T rain to Come In ”. not he able to play the rest of ference of executive secretaries M em bers of the group include: the season. Louise F liniau, Bill Bissell, H ar­ of Oregon C ham bers of C om ­ The U niversity of P ortland ry K annasto, Skip Rush, Bill m erce which he atten d e d last week in P ortland. Juyvees have no p artic u la rly o u t­ M ontgom eery, Edith T u rn b u 11 S outhern Oregon College d e ­ He stated th a t the S h akesper- standing record this y e a r and p re ­ B arbara G ertson, Bud Kincaid. According to Mrs. Rob e r t ian festival w as d efinately slated gam e dope indicates that the b aters retu rn ed this week from a Dodge, local chairm an of the Micky M cKeever, Lois Hays for n ex t y ear and th a t the C hau- SONS will probably finish the speech conference held at C or­ M em bers of the A shland Elks I Jackson C ounty Civic Music as- K ath erin e Grossm an, Cliff N eil­ taqua shell could be utilized for vallis. The squad, consisting of season unb eaten and untied son. M ary Alice Young, Curtis G ene S m ith of G ra n ts Pass, Joe and their friends will a tten d th e sociation, artists and the d ates of Vail, S hirley Balfour, I a belle the purpose. Two d iife re n t state A nnual Elks C harity S m oker their appearances for the five Tobin, P ortland, Bob Le v e r, associations u ill help in u n d e r­ W illiam s, F rank Hile. ahi w riting th e festival. G reenville, Pa., John W aterbury, which will be held S atu rd a y concerts have been announced by A shland, Fred H eryford, B utte night, N ovem ber 16. Doors w ill Seth M. B ulbs president of the L ithia w ater is n.iw being sold open at 7:00 p in . according to association , com m ercially in P o rtlan d , he Mary Lou Hahn, senior, was I Falls, Jea n n e Sw ayne, M edford j H ow ard Oden, exh alted ru ler. The national m ale q u a rte t is to said; he also asked th a t th e R e­ chosen by the A shland H ig h 1 and .W alter Neel, M edford, d e b a t­ Door prizes will Include tu r- tail T rades B ureau p re p are a re ­ school stu d en t body, T uesday a f- . ed on the topic: "Resolved T hat I keys, an electric phonograph and ¡a p p ear Feb. 5; N athan M dstein, B ehavior in the M aking", a ternoon, to receive the annual D. ' Labor be G iven an A ctive S hare la com bination radio-phonograph. 'v io lin ist, will appear Feb. 21; program of in tere st to parents p o rt on a C hristm as opening. Robert Weede, baritone, March 5; In the M anagem ent of Industry". W hen the state leg islatu re con­ A R. aw ard. The crab d in n er will be serv ed W inifred Heidt, contralto, March g en erally and to P.T.A. study venes the C ham ber of Com m erce The debaters w ere u n d er the This contest is sponsored ea ch , I at 11:00. E n terta in m en t will con­ 22; and Leonard Pennario, p ian ­ groups in particu lar, will be will receive daily rep o rts of C ap­ y ear by the D aughters of the guidance of Mr. Leon Mulllrjg, sist of th ree boxing bouts w hich ist. May 5 . b ro adcast over .station KWIN, itol activities. Speech supervisor and Dr. A rth- A m erican R evolution, (¡iris chos- 1 A shland, ev ery W ednesday a fte r­ are being put on by Max L tlliard. Mr. B ulks pointed out th at be Dr. Elm o Stevenson said plans en for the aw ard a re judged on us S. Taylor. W hile in C orvallis, M em bers of the com m ittees in ­ cause of M edford's geographical noon from 1:45 to 2; 15 beginning are being m ade for publicity for M ulling atten d ed a forum for d ir ­ dependability, service, leadership ectors of high school and college clude: crab feed, F red T aylor, S. situation, artists are forced to tra ­ Nov. 13. The program s are m ade S o u th ern Oregon college, a re ­ anil patriotism . R. Schuerrnan, Jo h n H ughes, vel the night before and the night possible th ro u g h the courtesy of creational program for A shland debate. Each high school in the state is | Dutch P a rk e r ,and Bill A llen; after the concert, resulting in station KOAC at C orvallis, w here youth and a traffic safety p ro ­ eligible to e n te r one girl in this J A Y W A L K IN G W A L K E R H IT E n tertain m en t, Win. Briggs, Rol- three n ig h t’s consum ed for one this series of broadcasts o rig in at­ gram . contest Miss Hahn will be re ­ BY A U T O ON E A S T M A IN ' and P arks, and C lint B aughm an; concert and resulting in booking ed, according to Mrs. Elm o S tev ­ q u ired to fill in a questionnaire Hom er W alker, 72. was stru ck T urkey raffle, Ed Dunn. H enry difficulties . enson, p resid en t of Lincoln PTA. V e t e r a n s V i i k l “ ' ‘ sent out by the S ta te S u p e rin te n ­ by an autom obile w hile crossing who arran g ed for the broadcast. , , Enders. Ike F rideger, G erald dent of Schools and in the spring East Main street W ednesday even The P are n t Education Com m it- . D|)(?I1S A t S . O . C . W enner, and G ordon P ickell; of this year on«1 girl will be p ic k ­ ing. The accident occured b e­ tee of th e Oregon C ongress of! The V e te ra n s V illage a t S o u th - Bingo gam e. L arkin G rubb, Buzz ed by the S tate S u p erin ten d e n t's tw een Fifth and S ix th streets Hamby, Tiny Jones ,and Al S n id ­ P are n ts and Teachers has plann e ra O regon College is now open office to represent Oregon. when W alker stepped out into er; Gam es, Ralph M cCulloch, 1. ed these program s. L eaders in the I an d v eterah stu d en ts ith th eir The w inner will be a guest of the path of an oncom ing ear d riv ­ F. A ndres, Jess S m ith; T icket educational field have p rep ared | families are in residence. T he the con tin en tal congress In W ash­ en by Mrs. E dna T herm an, Kt. t i l e m anuscript» ^vhich •••ill b e . P raj : C om m ittee, Hap G illette, Iv o r ington, D C. aometimc in the I. Box 73. read by various' m em bers of the ap artm en ts Erw in, and Fred Neil. tS /T i; V. en ty o — First concert appearan ce of the f these ' a re sp ring All expenses will be paid W alker, who was not in the staff of S outhern O regon College. th ree room ap artm en ts, kitchen, Jim H a rk er will be cashier and A shland high school band will be by the D A R . crossw alk .when the accident oc­ Ken R obbins and Oden are con­ held D ecem ber 3 ,E rvin Lesser, S tudy groups are expecting to living-room and bedroom ; four D arlene Hale and Adele S h el­ curred was taken to the hospital. m eet once a m onth .choosing the are tw o room a p a rtm en ts; an 1 su lta n ts on all com m ittees. d irector announed this week. don w ere also chosen last w eek A prelim in ary exam ination indi The concert is being given in o rd ­ W ednesday best su ited to th eir four are four room ap artm en ts. bv the A shland High school ( e .jtecj th at he m ight have a frac- e r to raise money to buy ad d i­ ’interests. E nrollm ent an d report’ All of th e a p a rtm en ts are com ­ ulty as D.A.R. candidates. I tured skull. The accident was tional in stru m en ts for the high blanks m ay be obtained from pletely furnished, w ith w a te r and I w itnessed by B. F. Donn, 59 Six- KOAC. school. garbage disposal su pplied , the , th street. The program on Nov. 13 w ill I veteran* provide their own fuel T hird period social econom ics According to Lesser this would class w ere given the ra re treat then perm it m any stu d en ts to em phasize th e pre-school group. I and electricity. R ent is on a ra te d O V E R L O A D C A USES L IG H T S W ednesday m orning of hearing stu d y other in stru m en ts and it Mrs. K ath erin e Read .D irector of : basis, each v eteran s m onthly fee TO G O O U T IN A S H L A N D M arietta B aughm an give what will allow additional stu d en t par-i the N ursery School at Oregon depending on his incom e, w ith Lights w ere out in A shland for S tate College, has p rep ared this i deductions allow ed for children, she im agined was a duck call, ticipation in the band. The D irectors of The Pacific an hour and a half W ednesday talk. I __________________ ab etted by F red W hited. How ever The concert will open w ith a T elephone and T elegraph C om ­ evening w hen the 11,006 volt line H arry Travis, d irec to r and Mr. G astineau, a duck h u n tin g m arch “L ithia P a rk ”, which was The program on Nov. 20 will pany announced, follow ing their w ent over the insulators because level I t 1 o w ner ° f th e G reyhound Bus ser- m eeting on N ovem ber 7, 1046, of too m uch load and burned up a u th o rity was a Wjit doubtful if composed by Lesser. O ther n u m ­ stress the prim ary age it could ever be used for decoy will be given by Dr. Elm o S te v ­ vice atten d ed th e football gam e bers will include R achm aninoff’s that P resid ent N. R Powley had the sw itches in the su b -statio n on purposes. A nyw ay, it provided a enson of S outhern O regon Col­ in M edford, M onday. “Second C oncerto”, and B ach’s been elected C hairm an effective A shland creek and N evada street. good laugh for the class. lege. On Nov. 27 the adolescent "P relu d e and Fuge". Ja n u a ry 1, 19<7. Chas. E. C rippen of Beach St. A ffording to Elm er Biegcl, city M usic on (he lighter side will needs will be p resented . The advancem ent of Powley re su p erin en d en t the electricity in visited his folks a t G ran ts Pass. D avid C hickering seem s to cognizes his outstan d in g career in the area around A shland was have a knack for coining to Bio­ be such com positions as "Scenes Bob Elder, Ju v en ille officer ofi his th irty -n in th y e a r of telephone tu rn ed back on at 11:30 p.m. and logy class fourteen m inutes late from the S ierras," “Casey Jo n es,” Jack so n C ounty paid a visit to 'Boogie Woogie ban d ,” "The Peer- A shland and re tu rn ed to his j service and the m any im portant that in A shland was tu rn ed back each m orning. less,” "On the S quare,” and hom e in Medford. E ld er is doing co n trib u tio n s he has m ade to the on at 7:30 p.m. M ary Lou H ahn being congra-J “W orld E vents”, com pany and to the public, dir an excellent job both here and | tu lated by friends on w inning | ectlng alw ays, as he has, the tele M edford. the D.A.R. aw ard afte r the stu-1 phone organization in the five An executive co m m itte e'o f tite M argaret Cardiff, Pierce, Idaho dent body voted on the faculty-1 Pacific Coast states on the p rin ci­ A m erican Legion m et T uesday visited o r . and Mrs. J. W ard selected candidates. Now she w ill: ple th at public in t' .est com es evening in the Legion hall to Of all the ills have a chance to com pete for the 1 F inley at the home of Mr. and first. draw up plans for a new legion lhat mo rt a 1 state aw ard. Mrs. Win. H ealy on C lover Lane Powley will have served tw elve building. The com m ittee is com ­ flesh is heir over the w eek end . years as president on Ja n u a ry 1, posed of W illiam Briggs, B eit At the re g u la r m eeting of] th ere 's not h F riday night saw the football 1047. F reem an, Dr. A rth u r T aylor, Dr. ing m ore de- squads and Mr. B ushnell vainly the Ashland Soroptim ists club | Following W orld War. I, Pow W. J. C randall, Phil S tan sb u ry picable thn n trying to get, together on a pic­ w hich was held W ednesday noon ley was in Los A ngeles and play at the A shland coffee shop the i and G uy A pplew hite. a c o m m o n tu re for the annual. The hectic 25 m em bers of the club who w ere j R obert George B aker, 800 ed a leading part in the develop­ T Sgt. Sam uel Boyt, m em ber Beach street, A shland. C harg e d cold. Yes , a day m ade this a h u rcu lean task m ent and re h ab ilitatio n program present voted to sponsor t h e 1 of the A shland re cru itin g team , com m on cold but the annual staff are happy C am pfire girls groups which are I w ith in terferin g w ith police offi­ of the S outhern C alifornia T ele­ spoke before the club T uesday to announce th at all the players cer and appeared in court w here It is no re- in Ashland. phone Com pany, the principal evening on the facts of recruiting. he plead guilty and w as fined spector of per have at last been "sh o t”. subsidiary of the Pacific Com ­ P lan s w ere discussed for a At present the groups are be-I $50.00 and 2.50 costs and th irty sons - Elda C arlisle had the m isfo rt­ and poor, high and pany. jo in t m eeting of the Legion and ing organized and leaders have P resid en t T rum an une to lose her trom bone after been selected according to Miss days in jail. T hirty d ay s in jail au x iliary on N ovem ber 26, at Pow ley has seen the Pacific low. was _ suspended afte r fine was System grow since he becam e a l­ w ent to b at last week w ith a head the gam e F riday night. Now Je a n n e tte Sm ith who reported on paid ’. which tim e a sp eak er from th e everyone in the band is looking lied w ith it in 1912 from 14,000 cold. D epartm ent of O regon will give the C am pfire girls activities. Miss C harles H erm an D elsm an, Jr. details and plans for the com pul­ To sum It up a person afflicted 1°.° b?_d ¿ h a t 2 ? ™ ^ ? I Sm ith" pointed* out th at em ployees to over 62,000 in 1940; the lead ­ arrested for violation of basic from 500,000 telephones to over w ith a cold sniffles and sneezes, like th a t had to m ar the bands ers will be aided bv sory m ilitary train in g law. by Southern rule, plead guilty in co u rt Nov. snorts and w heezes like Espee e n ­ perform ance on the field th at 3.000,000; from a telephone plant Oregon college girls who are m aj­ 9, 1946 and was fined $10.00 and of $75,000,000 to over $700,000,000. gines m aking the A shland su m ­ night. O verheard com m ents by oring in social sciences. It hits a huge construction pro­ m it. His frien d s shun him as an stu d en ts m ade the band feel very , M arjorie D avis is executive costs. Satn M arcum was a rre ste d for gram of $130,000,000 this year and outcast and he feels like the last gratified and all the w ork p u t : secretary of the C am pfire girls. nickel of a m iss-spent fortune. out, well w orth it for the result. being d ru n k and d iso rd erly and $200.000,000 in 1947. G uardian of the Lincoln B lue­ W hen su re -cu re rem edies bring F rid ay ’s pep assem bly w as a n ­ M ark R. S ullivan, who will su c­ birds is Mrs. Lane. P resen tly as­ plead guilty Nov. 9 in court and ceed Powley, Is now P resid en t of no relief, he finally tries a p an a­ o th er in the series of exceptional sisting Mrs. Lane is Bonnie Hol­ was fined 10.00 and 2.50 costs. The C hesapeake and Potom ac cea in vogue in grandm others stu n ts put on due to the efforts comb, B arbara R oberts, and B et­ Emil Hoffm an was arre ste d for o f the Town group of Bek System com panies day .He anoints his chest w ith of our cheer leaders. Virginia ty M artin. reckless driving, posted $25.00 goose grease, inhales cam phor. Lutz, M arilyn M iller. S hirley w ith h ead q u arters at W ashington, AN D R E W S, R E D F O R D , The Ju n io r High school C am p­ and forfeited it. D. C. S ullivan is well know n Im bibes copious drafts of hot Weitzel and E arline M organ put fire group is to be organized BURNS, and EM METT d isp lay ­ W illiam Hoffm an arre ste d foi throughout the Pacific Coast, h erb tea and tops the procedure on a hilarious stu n t using the Tuesday, N ovem ber 19. A g u ar­ being d ru n k in public place ing a b etter m ouse trap in th eir most of his experience having w ith a foot bath of hot w ater and M edford pep club as their them e. dian will be selected before that posted $10.00 bail and forfeited. w in d o w ..............LOU RITCHIE been w ith The Pacific Telephone m u stard .He then seeks his dow ­ And C harlotte C row son's cat time. A ssistant g u ard ian s include Floyd T. Cobb, d iso rd erly con-« quieting the crowd du rin g the and T elegraph C om pany. Like ny couch. W hen he em erges in stole the show as he posed as the Ivon Keith, Joy K innock, and duct, 11-10-48, posted $15.00 and A rm istice day braw l at Medford. other Bek System officials he the m orn from a m ountain of M edford T iger”. .............. GEORGE HULL recom ­ M arjory Newton. forfeited. covers, we find th at his cold has J u st to get everyone tho ro u g h ­ came up throuh the ranks. m ending Salad Bowl ra th e r than D ennis Cobb, arrested 11-10-46 P ear Bowl . . . CAM ILLA LAW vanished and he feels like a new ly confused, G ordon G w inn, and L arry Basey of G ran ite street W ade C raw ford and Bo y d creation. A lthough W ebster d e ­ D oro'hy E lh art w ere at the gam e left for a business trip to Chilo- ' for diso rd erly conduct, posted RENCE qu ite excited over W IL­ Jackson w ere elected delegates fines a cold as "afflicting the Monday in M edford but not to­ quin W ednesday. $15.00 and forfeited. LIAM CHARLES PEV ESTO R FF to the 80th C ongress to re p re­ sense of sm ell”, It Is not to be gether?? and G eorge was with Pat G raham service officer and C harles F. Adams, failu re to 11............DR J. W ARD», IN I Y sent the K lam ath Indian Tribe. trifled w ith and should receive L illian again, and Ann P irtle was Bud Lillie D. A. V eterans had i stop at step sign, plead g u ilty and and MARY PA T HEALY sp en d ­ A there hut the arran g em en ts w ere charge of the Forget-M e-N ot Sale was fined $10.00 and 2.50 costs, ing S un d ay evening in Talent. . . They are both well know n in the prom pt m edical attention. all too confusing so we ll let you and rep o rted a g reat response j His learn ers p erm it w as also re- . . CLAYTON CULLENS Lus- Rogue R iver Valley having se r­ cold is not to be sneezed at. Uncle Josh ved in the 79th Congress. figure It a ll out. from thç Ashland folks, {voked. combe Siivair stopping traffic. SOC Debate Squad Back From Corvallis sw ing Band Planning’ To Present Concert Charity Smoker By BPOE Saturday Five Concerts Are Announced This Week Mary I Hahn Gets i DAR Annual Award I’TA Will Present Broadcast Series High School Band Concert Is Dec. 3rd HIGH SCHOOLS NOTES New Chairman for Pacific Telephone The Old Timer Says Legion Plans For New Building Soroptimists Aid Campfire Girls O Police Ci .u n News