For marly The Southern Oregon Miner S3 par Year 2 Year* (or St Ashland »«. Medford NEWS REVIEW JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON 3.00 PEH YEAR Grizzlies Meet Medford Friday A shland's G rizzlies will tangle F riday night w ith their decades old rivals, the M edford Black Tornados. The gum e Is slated for W alter Phillips field at 8:00 p in. The P ear City aggregation will he out to m aintain its season's record of no losses und hut one tie, while the L lthians have a lot of avenging to do. G etting a good sta rt ut the beginning of the se a ­ son the G rizzlies have dropped to a low spot In the conference stan d in g s w hile M edford is tied for conference chum pionship w ith Roseburg. DUNHAM GET8 GO AHEAD SIGNAL ON ALTERATIONS H C. D unham of A shland, who owns the S urplus goods store on R iverside in Medford h u d a $1500110 alteration, for the store, approved by the district construction review com m ittee of CPA, Monday. The sam e day three ap p lica­ tions for new construction, In A shland, w ere denied by th e CPA They w ere the A uto court, Luke- vlew Rancho, for $4800.00; s to re , It 1 Khriner, $5700; a n d s to re , H G Travis, $700000 Friday Night MODEL RAILROAD SOCIETY HAVE NEW CLUB SITE Jackson C ounty model railroad society m em bers huve already started rem odeling the building on the county fuirgrounds, which j they just recently ucqulred the use of for th eir club, They have started construction of two model railroad displays for op«-ratlon during the 1947 county fair. An ex tensive O gauge layout will be m oved soon from the hom e of C. M. Bailey, In A shland, to the new building. As soon as the model displays are set up the club will announce a visitors* night. Any model ra il­ roaders Interested in joining the society are Invited to any of the m eetings. I huriday November 7, 1946 V o i. i j . N o . j 6 Nosier, Fischborn New Comic'bncn | | \ | n q | p r a n J F i SC h b o m New City Councilmen DAUGERTY IS RE-ELECTED; REPUBLICANS IN CLEAN SWEEP IN COUNTY LEHFELDT FAMILY PLANS TO RETURN TO OAKLAND Mr. and Mrs. Erick L ehfeldt and sons, L inus and Gene, are leaving this w eek for O akland, C alifornia w here Mr. L ehfeldt plans to resum e his trad e of steam fitter. For the past nine m onths Mr. L ehfeldt has been p ro p rieto r of the A shland G eneral H ardw are which he sold recently to A. E. W oodward . MacWhirters Scene of Hallowe’en Party The new hom e of Mr. und Mrs Don M acW hirter on Taylor street was decorated w ith pum pkins, witches, skeletons and fall flow ­ ers last T hursday evening when the M acW hirters en tertain ed the following guests at a H allow e’en party. A buffet su p p er was se rv ­ ed at eleven o'clock afte r an even ing of dancing. Am ong the guests w ere Mr and Mrs. Al S nider, Mr. and Mrs Bill S nider, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snider, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. La M arre, Mr. and Mrs. Lim ey W il­ liam son, Mr .and Mrs. B ert Kim- sey, Mr. and Mrs. O w en G ragg, Mr. und Mrs. C harles Besondi, Bill Allen, Mrs. H elen P aden, H arold M errill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zlttercob, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yates and daughter, Sally, Doyle Seely, Herb Huston, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy M cLoughlin of M edford. Walter Phillips Field Soroptimists Will Have Holiday Recess Soroptim ists at th eir reg u lar PROVOSTS WIN ROGUE m onthly business m eeting held VALLEY GOLF TOURNAMENT W ednesday at the A shland coffee Taylor Demonstrates Dom Provost and Dom Provost, Ball at S. 0. C. Coaches, players, as well as Jr. won the team low gross score basketball fans, w ere on hand In the father and son golf to u r­ last T uesday evening to witness nam ent held last S unday at the Hogue Valley C ountry club. shop voted to recess for three m eetings in D ecem ber and J a n u ­ ary. M em bers of th e club will not m eet D ecem ber 18 and 25 nor J a n u a ry 1. T w enty-six m em bers of the o r­ ganization w ere presen t a t the luncheon. A vote of thanks was given the C ham ber of Com merce for the m ineographing of the Soroptim ist by-laws. Jo h n Nosier, H erb Fischborn, and Jo h n D augherty w ere select­ ed by A shland voters to fill th e three v acant seats on the city council table. N osier and F isch­ born led the balloting, w ith Nos­ ier d raw ing 875 votes, Fischborn 778. D au g h erty who was an In ­ cum bent, received 720. H arold Jo rd a n led the also-rans w ith a to tal of 541 votes, J. A. P utm an, the second in cu m b en t ru n ning received 532 votes. S. S. Davies received 520 and M arshall Woodell, who had previously a n ­ nounced th at he did not care to be elected received 382 votes. JACKSON COUNTY VOTE E arl T. N ew bry, who w as r u n ­ ning unopposed on both D em o­ cratic and R epublican tickets, re ­ ceived 7546 votes from the p re ­ cincts w hich had rep o rted in by W ednesday evening. F ran k Van Dyke and O. H. Beng B ecause of the A rm istice day ston, both unopposed and ru nn in g According to Al Sim pson, S ou­ holiday T oastm asters w ill not for th e low er house on a com bin­ ation ticket, received 6216 and th ern Oregon College of E duca­ Mrs. R uth A bbott, who has m eet this M onday, Dave W hittle, 6278 votes respectively. tion's football team will m eet m anaged the Li th ia hotel banquet p resid en t announced today. Ju d g e J. B. C oleem an received th eir sixth opponent, the San room, for the past four m onths, 5822 votes to be re tu rn ed to the Francisco S ta te college, on M ed­ ceased operation of the re sta u r­ office of county judge. J. E. ford fi<-ld A rm istice day. ant last week. G ribble, D em ocratic candidate, The S. O. N. S. are the only The following clubs th a t have I polled 2823. unbeaten and untied college In held th eir luncheons and dinners R o b ert F. Lytle, V alleyview Oregon and on«1 of only 23 left there are presently using the C lub 1 ran c^ e r’ had 5619 votes as ag ain st th ro u g h o u t the nation. They have The F o rtn ig h tly S tudy following places: The Toastm as 1 the 2778 votes cast for C arl J. defeated Chico, H um bolt, M on­ ters club which m eets M onday t was hostess M onday to the Ash , niltcnn *«,<» race for county m outh, O regon J u n io r varsity and evening, m et at the Steakhouse, I ^a n d S tudy Club, at the hom e of ( npr Oregon S ta te juniors. this past M onday. The C ham ber i Mrs. R. L. Crosby .A d essert was 1 Roy Peck spoke on the U nited In th e contest for sheriff, H ow ­ B asketball is off to a flying of Com merce T uesday noon l u n - i serve<^ at 1:30, w hich featu red The next scheduled gam e will be on the G rants Pass field, S a t­ N ations assem bly m eeting, T u es­ s ta rt at S outhern O regon College cheons will be held at the A sh-I au tu m n colors of green and gold, ard G au lt .incum bent R epublican day evening, before the Lions i this week. H arold Biahop, in candidate, h ad received 5790 u r d a y , N ovem ber 16, w ith tho club, at the A shland hotel dining charge of health and physical land Hotel dining room. Lions I w tth a corsage on each tray. votes Dick Baize, M edford police­ S O.N.S m eeting the U niversity Mrs. W illiam S n id er reported club held th eir T uesday evening I room. m an, who w as ru n n in g on th e «*dudtion, has announced th a t all of P o rtlan d ju n io r varsity. m eeting at th e Ashland Hotel. on le a foods, w ith a background D em ocratic slate, -.had- re ceiv ed I The safety com m ittee, headed m ale college stu d en ts at S.O.C Lust Friday evening, on the story of th e com m ercial fishing Soroptim ists also held th eir W ed­ M edford field the S outhern O re ­ by Dog O ’Uleneas, discuflaed w ays have been invited to p articip ate nesday noon luncheon at the Ash­ along the Pacific coast from C al­ 3153 votes. and m eans to protect the school T he basic school su p p o rt bill In an in tram u ra l basketb all le a ­ gon team tu rn ed back the U ni­ land Hotel. R otary club luncheon ifornia to Alaska. versity of O regon ju n io r varsity children and o th er p edestrians on gue. A lready eig h t team s have w as held todav at the A shland I She told ab out the history of received 4507 votes in fav o r of the B oulevard. The possibility of been form ed and entered. the m easure and 3449 votes a- eleven by 12 to 7. hotel. ! the canning in d u stry and the pre- gainst. The ru ra l school d istrict C harley Jan d reau tossed an having traffic signals and tunnels V arsity basketball players are According to Mrs. Edith S te v - ' sent day m ethods of freezing bill received 4453 ag ain st and aerial to D eA utrem ont in the end w ere both taken up before the ineligible for com petition in the ens, the Lithia Hotel coffee shop salm on, clam s, crabs, and oysters. 3177 for. zone for the first six points. Lim- club. Doyle Seely, R oland P arks league, and will act as officials will reopen w ith in a w eeks time. The m illion m iles of fishing The little Tow nsend act w as py Jo n es' attem p ted drop kick and Bill A usland w ere ajipointed for the in term u ral gam es. Bishop grounds in the South Pacific and sw am ped, votes w ere 6459 ag ain st to aid the present safety com m it­ was blocked. The A shlanders em phasized the fact th a t team s the post-w ar plan to cu rb the and 2022 in favor. w ent over again In the second tee. I will be paired according to ab ili­ Jap an ese fishing fleets in the A total of 5974 voters w ere a- Plans for a public tu rk ey shoot ty and th a t every stu d en t who half, w ith Joh n n y G ray m aking Pacific w ere described. gainst the A rm ory bill, 1500 w ere a first dow n and D eA utrem ont will be announced next week, wishes will have the opporunity Mrs. R ichard Jo y sang th ree for the bill. m aking a 33 yard gain to theO re- according to H erb H uston, Lion to play. num bers: “Jean ie w ith th e Light In Jack so n county th e bill to gon 11. Ja n d re a u then ran wide president. The shoot will p ro b a b ­ All team s will play on a regu­ B row n H air,” "The Last Rose of reg u late fishing received 4935 ly be held in Decem ber. S outhern Pacific passenger ser­ around left end to score. Jo n es’ lar w eekly schedule. The p ro­ Ray Jeu b , D istrict G overnor of gram offers supervised exercise vice from San Francisco to so u th ­ S u m m er”, and “No, John, No!” for and 2821 against, w hile 3700 dropkick was again blocked. She was accom panied by Mrs. voted for and 4095 ag ain st th e The u n iv ersity eleven scored In S o u th ern Oregon Lions, m et w ith of all m en, and an oppo rtu n ity to ern Oregon will be speeded up Block at the piano. bill to perm it C hinam en to hold the last few m inutes of the fo u r­ H erb H uston, Doyle Seely, Dr. keep fit by m eans of a well- 50 m inutes, giving an earlier a r­ The book review was given by real estate or m ining p ro perty. W. W. W eller and repsesentatives rounded routine of play and s tu ­ rival here, effective w ith the in ­ th q u arter. Some 5635 voters w ere not in Plans for the T hanksgiving of the Lions clubs from G rants dy. Bishop added th a t the pro­ au guration of w in ter schedules Miss Cora Mason, who chose Pass, M edford, K lam ath Falls gram m ay also be valuable In on th e S hasta route, Sunday, H ow ard F ast’s “The A m erica, a favor of 31 senators w hile only gam e have not been com pleted. and L akeview , last T hursday developing laten t basketball ta l­ N ovem ber 14th, according to ad ­ M id-w estern L egend”. This is a 1811 w ere for th e odd nu m b er, JR. HIGH SCHOOL PLAYS vice received a t local S.P. offices i novel based on th e life of Jo h n 3788 people voted to perm it leg- l evi- ing, at the Plaza cafe. Y ears ent. KLAMATH FALLS THURSDAY , planning for this region w ere today from J. A. O rm andy, G en- P eter Altgeld, G overnor of 111-1 islative bills to be read. O nly 1779 inois from 1895-1897. A ltg e ld ,' voted against th e proposal of gov- eral Passenger Agent. The football squad of the A sh­ I w orked out. was alm ost a caricatu re of the ern m en t succession w hile 5637 S outhern O regon stan d ard pull- land Ju n io r High School will m an and ch air car which now A m erican legend th at ’ any m an w ere for it. jo u rn ey to K lam ath F alls this GIDEONS PRESENT 300 — — ------------------ Mrs. M abel W inston, Dean of leaves San Francisco on the Ore- can work his way to the top, no | T hursday to m eet the K lam ath BIBLES TO JR. HIGH A pproxim ately 300 sm all New W om en and R eg istrar a t South- gonian, No. 18, at 6:00 P M. will m atter w hat his beginning. This I Falls Ju n io rs in the final gam e T estam ent Bibles w ere presented je rn O regon College, today reveal- be tran sferre d to the B eaver, No self-m ade m an rose from a for- . . » o f the season for the locals. It will be the second m eeting be­ to the stu d en ts of th e A shland ed th a t a new personnel and gui- 14, d ep artin g at 5:00 P. M. The J eign-born farm boy to one of th e To honor th e new pledges, a tw een the tw o team s, the P eli­ ju n io r high school by m em bers of dance program has been s e t- u p ; Shasta, No. 328, will d ep art from most influential politicians of his candlelight d in n er, followed by cans having won the first fracas the G ideon Society last F riday. by a faculty com m ittee headed by. D unsm uir at 1:10 A. M. instead time. Six m em bers of the soeffety Dr. A rth u r S. Taylor. The pro-1 of 3:00 A. M. and arriv e A shland the pledge cerem ony, was given 1» to 6. A lthough the A shland Mr. and Mrs. W illiam E. HUI boys w ill be considerably out spoke briefly on varied topics re ­ gram will provide a faculty J at 6:10 A. M., M edford 6:42 A. M. of M edford visited last F riday by the A lpha K appa C h ap ter of Epsilon Sigm a A lpha in the Civic weighed, Coach G ra n t hopes th at la tin g to the w ork of the Gideons. counselor for every stu d en t enrol­ and G ra n ts P ass at 7:50 A. M. In w ith Mrs. J. P. Wolf . Clubhouse, M onday evening, Nov. addition to a faster trip this the boys will re tu rn to the form Mr. H. C. High of M edford was led at S. O. C. Mr .and Mis. Edw in Lloyd R as­ 4. G uidance will cen ter on the change will give S o u th ern O re­ they displayed In trouncing M ed­ in charge of the program . The m ussen of M edford w ere o v er­ Bible presented was a sm all red The dinner, w hich was p re p a r­ gon trav elers use of the B eaver academ ic, social, and personal ford Ju n io r High 26 to 0. G ran ts Pass is solidly in first book w ith an a ttra ctiv e im ita­ areas of stu d en t life. The program w ith its full lounge car and ec- night visitors in A shland , last ed by P hyliss L eigh and Rosalee S tau ffer w ith help from the o th ­ was in itiated u n d er the direction > onom y d in er from San Francisco Friday. place w ith o u t a defeat, w ith K la­ tion leath e r cover. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. B ry an t of er m em bers, was served on a of P resid en t Stevenson. Each s tu ­ to D unsm uir. Effective N ovem ber m ath Falls firm ly in second spot FRED ENGEL ATTENDS d en t will be assigned to a faculty 14 th e n o rthbound O regonian will A lbany, Oregon, visited S unday candlelighted table. M edford and A shland will battle CLUB MEETING WEDS. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. The initiation cerem ony w as for th ird and cellar sp o 1 8. F red J. Eflgel of B ellview a t ­ m em ber, on the basis of the s tu ­ be consolidated w ith the K lam ath Coaches G ra n t and K em nitzer tended a m eeting of the Jackson d e n t’s request. T he faculty ad v i­ for the w in ter season the an ­ F. Em m ett. Mr .and ’Mrs. B ry an t’s conducted by P resid en t R osalee started the season w ithout a s in ­ C ounty 4-H leaders a t 8 p.m., sers will have all the necessary nouncem ent said. T here will be son, Ju lian , is bookkeeper at the S tauffer. Leah Bonham , C larice Latim ore, Eugenia Moore, and gle letterm an or first team er W ednesday, in the county ag e n t’s available data concerning each no change in southbound service B Y grocery store in M edford. Mr. and Mrs. H arold Grlsson B arbara C ary w ere welcom ed in ­ from S o u th ern Oregon. T rain No. stu d en t whom they are to advise from last years squad. office at the court house in M ed­ - including academ ic grades, p re­ 327 will continue to d ep a rt from of T aft, C alifornia have m oved to to the sorority and received th eir ford. pledge pins. vious record, and intelligence G rants Pass at 3:15 P. M., from Valleyview, this week. R ufus Cate, Jr., new ly ap p o in t­ Mr. and Mrs. C harles Latim ore D uring the sh o rt business m eet M edford at 4:10 P. M. and from test results. In addition, the test ed county 4-H agent, presided at have moved to th eir new home ing which followed, a sports A shland at 4:55 P. M. and arrive ing bureau of the college stands the m eeting. at 183 H arrison street. dance was planned for the ev e n ­ ready to serve stu d en ts and fac- at San Francisco 8:20 A. M. K enton R obbins and sm all ing of N ovem ber 18th, for m em ­ ulty advisers w ith such addition- - HOME EC. CLUB WILL d aughter, Nola Sue, w ent to San bers and guests. G ladys Mack and Now you can en list in the R ecru­ HAVE CHICKEN DINNER al d ata as m ay be necessary. | TWO LOCAL BOYS RECEIVE P rofessor L oren M ^ n g e r,! DISCHARGE FROM ARMY Bruno, C alifornia, S atu rd ay , by P auline U lstead w ere appointed iting Service of the U. S. A rm y The Home Economics Club of and if you are qualified, you m ay T alen t G range will serve chicken director of the testing bureau, lsi Wc. R obert M orris, 160 C entral plane to visit K en to n ’s m other on the refresh m en t com m ittee. M em bers p resen t during the be assigned a station in your own d in n er .Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 in charge of all v eteran testing at I «venue, A shland .was recently and father, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. hom e town. This is an o u tstan d ­ p.m. a t $1.25 a plate, at the T al­ the p resen t and he w ill continuel dlschaiged from the Uni t e d Robbins. Mrs. Robbins ’had been evening w ere: P hyliss Leigh, quite ill, but Is m uch b etter now. G ayle M orris, P au lin e U lstead, ing o p p o rtu nity for those who en t C ity Hall In this role. A rth u r K relsm an, as­ S tates Arm y. Theo. G. F ru ed en th aler, of Ash Mrs. K enton Robbins spent G ladys Mack, Rosalee S tau ffer, w a n t security, good pay and a T he club will have a bazaar in sista n t director of the testing chance for an am ple retirem ent. connection w ith the din n er w hen bureau, will handle all n o n -v et­ land, rep o rted to the county sel­ the week end w ith her parents, Donna F razier, B etty Sm ith, and This job can be yours If you are they will sell Item s of needle­ eran testing and counciling. S tu ­ ective service board last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. H arw ood, of Dorothy Morris. qualified and classified as re ­ w ork. d en ts w ho are in p artic u la r need follow ing his re tu rn home from Medford. R ichard P u tn ey , stu d e n t at B ert M ottner, m anager of the cruiting personnel. W ork—com ­ of e x p e rt guidance will be re fe r­ the service. I V arsity th eatre, is In the c o m -; Oregon S tate college, spent last I w ith to congratulate Mr. m ute hom e daily—sam e as civil­ red to the bureau for additional Mrs. Bessie Bridges of Taft, m u n ity hospital w here he had an | w eekend w ith his parents, Mr. ian w orker. T here are only a few Fischborn, Nosier and Daugherty, i ex ploration of th eir abilities, in ­ i anfl Mrs. C. H. P utney. of these openings! See your local Councilmen elect and express a p -' terests, achievem ents, and a p ti­ C alifornia was In Ashland Tues- operation T hursday. Mrs. M illie D onnelly, 107 N o r­ , day and stopped at Dale & arm y recru iting station today— predation for the many friends tudes. Toy tricycle, trucks and steam th Main ,1s leaving this w eek for ( G rim es store to see W. R. Dale. for their support in recent elec - ' ask ab out enlistm ent in the re ­ W illiam L inus S tew art is 111 ¡T he Bridges fam ily may move to shovels at M arshall-W ells on the San Francisco to spend the w ln- tion. cru itin g service. S 0. C Meets S. F. State Nov. 11 Lions Hear About. U .M Assembly the “C huck" T aylor clinic d em ­ o n strated at 8 o’clock in the S ou­ th ern O regon college gym. Basic fu n d am en tals w ere d em ­ o n strated by using tw o squads m ade up of players from S o u th ­ ern O regon college. C huck T a y ­ lor is rated as one of the leading teachers of the gam e and e v i­ dence of his stan d in g in the baa- ketball fra te rn ity is the fact th at his A ll-A m erican selections form the basis for choosing the college all-sta r team w hich an n u ally plays the w orld cham pion p ro ­ fessional team at the Chicago stadium . T here w ere tw enty-six. fath ers and sons en tered in this first of a series of fath er and son golf tournam ents, which are planned for every three m onths. Ix>cal Service Clubs Dine Elsewhere Study Clubs Meet At Crosby Home Intramural Ball Started at S. O. C. S. P. Passenger Service Faster i S. O. C. Institutes i A Guidance Program Four New Pledges in Ifonno Pli.intnf Aipfld IXdppd Clldpiei Reenlist in The Army— Live At Home! Room 1 Postofflce Bldg, Medford. Harold Jordan 1 this week at his home. • Ashland in the near future. Plasa. j ter.