Fortnorly The S o u thern O regon M iner $3 per Year 2 Yoari tor $5 VÀc So+dhe/iH. Úlefjo+t NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON J.UU HEH YEAH c ¡shop Suggests rear bowl Uame L L K S A D M IN IS T E R F IN A L H jT E S FO R LON C O L L IN S Roy Peck Accepts Transvox Offers Rath and Williams * Attend ((inference I uggì stin g th .it A sh lan d sh o u ld Yreka, wno hud been a rnembei neeting of D is­ : Jackson I the A shland Elks. a g e r of KWIN since the inceptio n tilc t seven of T Oil Klmaslers in ter- slty and S o u th ern O regon colli have ,i l 'cui Howl ¡nut e m p h a siz e Jt o u n a a - a t the high school Held in M id- H o w ard O uen, Ivor E rw in , ol tile station April 1, 1946, a n ­ i c c ie a tio iia l udvtiiiliigcs an d >ith national, which .as held 1saiviF* I ford. y ois, a t a lilie s, H aro ld Bi:.hop, (h tc e to r oi G ordon Pickeli, Ronald P arks, nounced ttii week th at in- had 1 day in Eugene. lo rd la s t Mi. :> U lstad g ra d u a te d fror. P iy .'. ic . i I e d u c a tio n ¡it S o u th e rn Buzz H am by, K en B obbins and subm itted ins re; ignatlon to the The t Jcl nquet at 6.30 p.m». was A sn ia n d h ig h school and is active v e d one bourd of direetoi . of the Rogue ' tiie h ig h lig h t o if the O rego n college, told m e m b e rs of C lin t B a u g h m a n m ad e th e trip . a c - 1 sslcin c n a u n ia n Valley B roadcasting com pany, e f­ I corning to Rath rho reportted on at S.O.C. in the pep squad, w rite , til»- I,'hunihei ol co m m erce a t the >41 c h a ir- I fective N ovem ber i. T u e sd a y lu n ch eo n th a t SO C was I th e conference VO A shland 'T oast- a colum n lor th e "S isk iy o u ", pions to get h er tiegi ee at the 1 P eck stated th at Tie would be a lre a d y m a k in g p la n s for a I m asters Monday it then r ?en on here in S eptem ber 1945, upon these forum s. plan w e re c a rrie d out, placed in M ed ien N ext w eeks m eeting of the club I was unable to atten d the funerai B ish o p 's su g g e stio n w as h e a l t ­ the w ar years. P eck’s release from the Navy. Bc- Lyle is m arried and has two i fore going w ith KWIN the P eck ’s w ill have H. A. Thom as as toast-1 w hich was held in Chicago. jne in tne Ashlanc h o spitals a hy e n d o rse d by B e il K n n sey , children, a boy and a girl. hospital. operated the statio n ery store th at m aster; Em m ett W itham as topic w ho h ad p re v io u sly i(c o m m e n d S m ith said th a t a census of m aster; Ray Harrison, Medford i d th e sam e th in g to Win. H ealy, is now know n as the M art. Jack so n county polio taciiities will act as critic, and it is hoped s e c re ta ry of th e c h a m b e r of c o m ­ had in d icated a to ta l of 5G beds tt th a t a five m inute speech will be merce. av ailab le in Jack so n co u n ty for presented by a m em ber of the E E. V ail w ill p re sid e a t n ex t the care of polio p atien ts, one M edford club, T u e sd a y 's m e e tin g of th e Ash p nysical th erap ist, an d six iron hind C h a m b e r of C o m m erce, a c ­ Angus B ow m cr's S outhern O re ­ JACKSON COUNTY HEALTH lungs. Mr. and Mrs. Thom as D H er co rd in g to D r. W. W. W eller, p re An A shland Elks basketball gon college production of Noel ASSOC. BEGINS BROADCAST shey of M edford have purchased sld e n t of tile o rg a n iz a tio n . T he team S ta rtin g today. O ctober 31 ,at j was authorized at Iasi C ow ard’s "B lithe S p irit”, will be p ro g ra m has n o t yet b een a n ­ w eeks E lk ’s m eeting and p ra c ­ presented in the college au d ito r 7:30 P. M., the Jackson County th e A shland A uction Yard fro r Jos. C. B urns and had th eir first nounced for th e lu n ch eo n m eet tices began this T uesday a t South ium Nov. 4 and 5. Public H ealth association will pre auction W ednesday evening. ing. Miss N anette C uddie w ill have Sent over KWIN, the first of a ern O regon college gym nasium , Mr. and Mrs. H ershey are na M em bers of th e S oroptim ists A t th e m e e tin g h e ld last T u e s ­ Ken Robbins, m anager of the the p art of E lvira ,who re tu rn s series of 13 radio dram atizations tives of M issouri and have lived voted W ednesday to give the day m e m b e rs an d g u e sts w ere from the dead to h a u n t her fo rm ­ en titled , "The C onstant In v ad er.” on a ranch close to M edford for learn said Tuesday. h o sp ital $100.00 v, hich could be tn .itc d to v en iso n ste a k s w hich The new program .which will Jea n E b erh art will coach the er husband, C harles, and his p re ­ w e re fu rn ish e d by Don O 'B len club. Earl Schilling will be p u b ­ sent wife, R uth. C harles is played be h eard each week at the sam e the p ast tw o years. Mr. H ershey used a t the discraiio n -o f th e hos­ has been an au ctio n eer for m any ties. by Je rry M cDougall and R u th ’s tim e, is based on tru e stories th at years and has also been in the p ital au th o rities. A ccording to of- licity director. ficidls of th e o rg anization tnis Hank A nderson and Bob Hard- p a rt is taken by M arilyn Young d ram atize the m any ways in livestock business. m oney will proha-ny be used to w hich the A m erican people have y, both m em bers of the 1938 O re­ Hayes. aid in th e b uying of th e a n a e sth e ­ Mr. and Mrs. H ershey are the Jo h n G rubb is w orking on the joined in the nationw ide fight gon national cham pionship bas­ ketball team are expected to be scenery for the production and against tuberculosis, according to paren ts of one son, Jo h n T., w ho tic m achine. A t the m eeting W ednesday Elwood H edberg is the chief elec­ Mrs. C laude Thompson, publicity : ( ceivcd his discharge this w eek G eo rg e C liffo rd S m ith , V alley- the m ainstays of the club. chairm an of the Jackson C ounty from the U nited S tates N avy in w hich was held a t the L ith ia view la n n h a n d was arrested O th er squad m em bers will p ro ­ trician. - n Diego. He sp en t four y ears in coffee shop m em bers h ea rd a re ­ W ednesday afternoon at the bably include D elbert Jones, | B lithe S pirit ran for several Public H ealth association. the navy and m ost of th a t tim e I p o rt by Mrs. N orm a E rw in who hom e of Bob W agner, w here hi­ C harles W arren, Lee F'link. P a r­ m onths on the stage in New York w as a delegate of th e local club he had overseas duty. ts em ployed. Sm ith was charged ker Hess, Buzz R obertson, and ' City and according to New York Mr. and Mrs. Jos. C. B u rn s are ’ a t th e D istrict m eeting held in critics was an o u tstan d in g p ro ­ in police court T hursday m o rn ­ Al Sim pson. living on th eir ran ch out of A sh- : Was h m g ton. M em bers of the club are hoping duction. S everal U. S. O. show s ing w ith failure to re n d er aid at laud at present, b u t Mr. B urns Six m em b ers oi th e org an iza­ tin- scene of an accident. He was to form a S outhern Oregon has ! carried the play overseas and it R. M. Kent, secretary m anager lined $37.50 and costs and s e n t­ ketball league w hich will co r­ was recently m ade into a m ovie 1 of the T alent Irrigation district, plans on opening an o th er auction j tio n ijin o u n c cd th a t th ey had m ailed bundles to N orw ay to aid enced to 30 days In jail which respond to the baseball league production w hich has been shown w ith m em bers of the board of : yard in this v icinity soon. in tne re iie i of th a t country. w as suspended on paym ent of which functions in this area. The here in Ashland. i directors, who include Hom er T ickets are on sale at the M art Moore of Bellview .Ralph Wilcox PO 3TG FFIC E STATES AIR league would include Roseburg, line. MAIL SCHEDULE FASTER SARAH REED, FORM ER S m ith was the d riv er of the G rants Pass, Crescent City, A sh­ in A shland and a t P ru itt's in of P hoenix, and R alph Jennings E.JE. Vail .A shland p o stm a ste r,' R ESID EN T. DIES. MONDAY, M edford, and K lam ath Medford. autom obile th a t struck A E. land, I oi Talent. a**end the annual ! pointed o u t jtm t b i : ' I JtVXygrdl Services . w e re h e ld MUJU buhl in fro n t .of tile Steak Fulls fall m eeting of the Rogue Valley house a t 12 o’clock m idnight, Last years Elks club w ent to Port , ★ Mrs. R. E. Goode of Fowler. Irrigation association at the C ourt ness, reducing ine air-m a il rate j I W ednesaay, O ctober 30, in E u ­ land to the state A m ateur A th le­ I C alifornia is visiting for several House in G rants Pass, N ovem ber Ì from 8 cen ts to 5 cents p er ounce [ gene, for ,virs. S ara n Reed, io. m- < ictobcr 28. I and sim u ltan eo u sly offering bet- er re sid e n t of A shland, wiio p ass­ M an sfield rec e iv e d m a d in ju r ­ tic association tournam ent. The ! w eeks in the hom e of Mr. and Gth. ' te r and fa ste r service. A lowei ed aw ay at h e r hom e in Eugene, ies and a possible concussion. An S outhern Oregon league last year Mrs. A. H DavenhlH. Mrs. Goode This m eeting is open to the price req u ires one thing to su c­ M onday m orning, O ctober 28, oi am bulance was called and he was was com posed of tw o team s, A sh­ is a sister of Mr. D avenhill. public and anyone interested in ceed— larger volum e. On the p e - ' a h e a rt attack . taken to the local com m unity land and Medford. the su b ject of V alley Irrig atio n is sen', schedules, air-m ail deposited Mrs. R eed was Lorn in M ichi­ hospital. invited to attend. in the Post Office before 5:15 in gan, m 1875, and la te r cam e to According to bystanders the the evening will be in San F ra n ­ zvsnland, w h e re sue lived io r in - d riv el of the autom obile th a t hit cisco, Los A ngeles or S an Diego teen years. S he m o v ed to E ugene M ansfield stopped his car, got for delivery the n ex t m orning, or b t . cii j e a u Jgo. out and looked at M ansfield’s Irving E. Vining received word in m ost oi the E astern cities on iSne is survived. thi e u prone body th en rem arked, "that lust week th a t his brother, Ralph The v eteran s housing project at E arl Rease, form erly of Ber- the second day. d au g n ters, Mrs. T h elm a R eeder, tie would have to park his car," 1'. Vining, had died O ctober 22, 1 . S outhern O regon College opened i kely, C alifornia, is opening a THE NEW 5c RATE PER m s s M yrtle Reeci, Mrs. J o h n W. and got in it and drove from the at bis hom e in G lendale, C alifor­ i up tins week witli six teen veter- | w elding shop in A shland, he a n ­ OUNCE REALLY ADDS W INGS ..»ms, J r.; t.nree sons, U»aude P e r­ scene. nia, of a h eart attack. I ans and th eir fam ilies m oving in ­ ry, R aul F inney and R on Reed, Mr. Vining was born at K irb y ­ to th eir new ap a rtm e n ts this n o u n c e d this week. The simp will TO YOUR MAIL. J. M cCO LLU M Y ELL located at 162 A iida street. m e r e are 14 g ra n d ch ild ren and ville, Jo sep h in e county, Feb. 23 week. It is expected th at tw elve be Rease, who atten d ed school in K IN G A T S. O. C. 1866, and was a m em ber of a L A. xviitcheii re tu rn e d to his Jo h n n y McCollum of M edford prom inent pioneer fam ily of m ore units will be com pleted A shland is the son of the late E. hom e in C lear L ake, C aliio rn ia next week, th u s opening the e n ­ M. Rease, form er A shland b u ild ­ w as elected yell king for the c u r­ so u th ern Oregon. He was m ar­ tire veterans fam ily project of e r and contractor. His wife is also tills w een, a lte r sp en d in g tw o ren t school y ear on T uesday in D istrict G overnor Iv an S te w art w eeks wi»h his o a u g n te r an a one of th e most actively contested ried to Miss H ortense Russell on tw en ty -eig h t units. from A shland, ne A udrey Morris. of Salem w as guest sp spe eak er at T w enty of the a p a rtm en ts are cam paigns ev er conducted at M arch 18, 1891. Mr. and Mrs Rease has been w elding for 25 tlte R otary club today noon, at lam ily , Mr. and M rs. B e rt Davis. Vining have lived at several three room units, kitchen, living years. S o u th ern O regon College. He was w ith B erkely steel | the L ithia coffee shop. McCollum dropped leaflets places up and dow n the coast, room, bedroom , and bath. Four construction, and W estern Pipe but m aintained a sum m er cottage G overnor S tew art w as accom p­ ap artm en ts will have tw o b ed ­ and steel doing field work for tnc from an a irp la n e hist M onday anied to A shland by Mrs. S te­ noon at the S. O. C. cam pus, to at Lake of the Woods for m any rooms, and four a p a rtm en ts will i past few years. w art, who was en tertain ed w ith a , be kitchen - living room a rra n g e ­ ad v ertise his cam paign for cheer years. F u n eral services w ere held in m ents, w ith the living room do­ I Rease stated th at he planned to | tea at the hom e of Mrs. Will specialize in portable welding leader. G lendale, C alifornia last Friday. ing double du ty as a bedroom. both electric and oxy-acetylene. , Dodge, this afternoon from 2:30 1 o'clock until 4:30 p.m. U n d er th e g eneral chairnia n- The ap a rtm en ts are com pletely * At C hiloquin an d B eatty, The R otary assem bly • cotnpos- ship of D uane M onroe, plan s are O regon are the places lor the furnished, and re n t is rated ac­ ! ★ Don Basev of G ran ite street ra p id ly sh ap in g up for th e u n p re ­ K lam ath Indian tribe to vote. El­ cording to the v e te ra n 's ab ility to is taking a trip to S o u th ern C ali­ I ed of the directors an d m em bers cedented H om ecom ing festiv ities of ro tary com m ittees, w ith G ov­ fornia. I pay. ection is to pick two delegates to to be held at S o u th e rn Oregon ernor S tew art will m eet at the re p resen t the K lam ath s in W as I home of P resid en t W ill M. Dodge College from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2nd. F riday night a t 8:00 o'clock on ington, D. C. at the 80th C on­ Tlie com m ittee u n d e r M onroe, I this evening. the M edford high school field gress. i D irectors of the club are R. L. including P rofessor L oren M ess­ Coach A1 Sim pson's sons of South Burdic, John P. D augherty, Will enger. Dr. A rth u r T aylor, and Dr. ei n Oregon college will m eet the Dodge, H enry Enders, J. H. H ar- W ayne W ells, has alread y a n ­ U niversity of O regon Ju n io r v a r­ : dy, Jack W alker and O. N. W ray. nounced th at some cf th e H om e­ sity. ' Elm er Biegel, Joe L angtry, Geo. com ing featu res w ill include a Honor roll for the first six So fa r this season the Sons I G reen, Jak e /W eitzel, Dave W hit­ H om ecom ing A ssem bly of s tu d ­ V. D. "B ert" M iller, Jackson ’ who is ru n n in g for Labor com m i­ tle, and G erald W enner, who are en t body an 1 alu m n i in the col­ have played lo u r and won four. w eeks at the A shland Ju n io r T heir last win took place in A sh­ High school was announced this county D em ocratic cen tral com ­ ssioner, M iller stated th a t Peoples com m ittee chairm en, will also be lege auditorlurrt or l Oct. 30th. On Nov. 1st the D ram a d e p a rt­ land S atu rd ay n ight w hen they w eek by Roland P arks, principal. m ittee chairm an, Frank, T hom p­ was well posted on labor p ro ­ present for the m eeting. m en t of th e college, u n d er the The following stu d en ts w ere in ­ son, and Jo h n Sim pson atten d ed blems and w ould m ake a good defeated a bone crushing Oregon d irectio n of Profess"'; A ngus L. S late Jay v ee team , 9 to 7, in a cluded am ong the group th at a m eeting of tlte C entral co m m it­ labor com m issioner. C oncerning the race for office Bow m er, will p re se n t Noel Cow- th rill packed gam e th at kept m ade the honor roll: S eventh tee in M edford M onday evening o rd ’s sophisticated play “B lithe spectators on th eir toes th ro u g h ­ grade, R uth Taylor. Eighth grade to prepare a D em ocratic prom o­ ; in Jackson county M iller ex p lain ­ Ja u in ta Howell, A rth u r O stra n d ­ tional cam paign for the election ed th a t civilians as well as v e te r­ S p irit”. . out the en tire four quarters. E ighteen candidates w ere ini ans are entitled to a county judg 2nd. w ill see S atu rd ay . No In w inning over Chico state, er, Rosem ary Stevenson; N inth N ovem ber 5, i T heta D elta H um bolt state, Oregon College of G rade: H aroldine A rney, K ath- M iller, who has been central who will conscientiously work tiated into Ashland lodge No such activ ities 944, BPOE W ednesday evening Phi. M en's Hm tv Scholastic Education, and the OSC Jayvees, ry n Beck, Ellen Brower,* M arian- com m ittee ch airm an for the past for th eir full interests. “Jo h n C ribble," he said, "i This w as one of the larg est chi a for Alunan® F ratern ity , lune the Sons have chalked up a total ne C lary, D onald C onner, Joanne six years, advised the com m ittee ses of 1946; H ow ard Oden, exalt F aculty, and nu of 96 points. The four opponents i Downing, Donna Fader, Nina at the M onday night m eeting that th a t m an." ed ru ler presided. "Dick Baize,” according to Mil On the evening o t Nov. 2nd. G raber, Norina G w inn, B etty he was not going to accept office have gath ered but 14 points. P resent at the cerem ony v; th e college's vauntpd Red R aid­ A lig h t line consisting of S tan M iller, B arbara Riley, M ary Ann as county chairm an for the next ler, is fully com petaxt to ban lie D istrict Deputy, G rand Exalte; ers will take the field ag ain st the Sm ith, C lyde Blevins, G ene Far-, R obertson, R obert Sim pson, Zel- term . His term of office is con­ the office of county sheriff. ruler, R obert C. Gile, R oseburg I U niversity of O regon’s J u n io r only needs Io m eet him andW rlk ma Stone, Peggy Taylor, M arilyn Ihing, G ordon Peterson, Dick cluded a fte r this election. District D eputy Gile, 'w h o ! s ' I w ith him to realize his lntegi i v. Skow, Tex G atlin, and J e rry E d­ W alker, and R ichard Wilcox. 1 “Six years as county chairm an His actual law enforcem ent e x ­ been active in the Elks program | V arsity, in what prom ises to be a stellar football gam e, a t the According to P ark s the sm all is long enough,” M iller stated. w ards have been able to hold perience and business train in g a for m any years, is tre a su re r of high School stad iu m in M edford. heavier lines th ro ughout the sea­ num ber of seventh graders on The concensus of opinion of the the M edford Police force qualify the Oregon S tate Elks associa ' ■ B etw een th e halves ef this gam e, the honor roll d u r i/g the first son. a tru stee of th e Ro: eutg th e new ly form ed g irl’s P ep C lub Blevins, how ever, in ju red his six w eeks is characteristic. The county cen tral com m ittee concern him for the office of county s h e r­ and lodge: because of his varie ! ex Drill Team of S o u th e rn O regon tire candidates is th a t the iff.” leg in last weeks gam e and is ad ju stm en t from the grade school ing speak for them selves in The m em bers of the central periences in Elkdom he gave ; College w ill display th e ir w ares. probably out for the rest of the w here the pupil is under one te a ­ facts this com ing election," M iller said. com m ittee fully endorsed Karl m essage to the assem bled b ro th ­ An a fte r gam e d ance is being cher all day, to the situation season. According to M iller, C arl Don- K nutson, on the basis th at the ers. H enry F. H ertager, Ben T. plan n ed for e ith e r th e g y m n as­ The backfield has quite consis­ w hereby the pupil changes clas­ Lom bard, W. W inston Re' mi ten tly Included C huck Jan d reau , ses every period and has to e stab ­ augh has had excellent business county court should by all mean: C halm ere George Wolfe, Jo h n W. | ium or au d ito riu m of th e college. h ave a m em ber who is a v eteran experience, he is a tru stee of lish his own study habits resuits Snuffy Sm ith, Jo h n Gray,, C huck DR. STEVENSON gP E A U S Linfield college, a B aptist, and he M iller stated th at K nutson would B urdell, Chas. J. DeAut ' De A u trem o n t and B arney Higgs. in a difficulty of adjustm ent. be fa ir to all people in the count»’ A ndrew J.M u rrv , Wm. P Ja< ’ J TO K. F. ROTAHY CLUB Each six w eeks period the num Insists on a square deal. Coach Jo h n W arren's Oregon Dr. Elm o St^v^nson P resid en t According to m em bers of the Harold R. .Tneobs, Eldred R. C ol­ "L ew is A. Wood," tile head of Jay v ee club will be packed w ith ber in the seventh and eighth of Sou*hern O regon Collene ad- ver, Robert T M a e k a y . R ' 1' I county central comn i c !' the local cen tral com m ittee con grades on the honor roll will in­ a pow erhouse roster of players T.tiger, A. N. W arren. P h ila n '’’ r « th ree deep in each position. W ith crease until the ap proxim ate cor­ tinued, is a professor of econom ­ are proud of the t ” n - of m en ’■ ' Dozier, K eith H aines. Jo h n C. I ath Falls, F riday, at its reg u lar the gam e set for Friday night it rect percentage is reached. The ics at Oregon un iv ersity and is io are ru n n in g for office on the D Desm ond, W illiam H enry H-em" w eekly m eeting. He spoke on th e m oeratlc slate in O n n a position to know the needs of ninth grade alw ays lead the list is possible th at a few men fairly ton. L am bert B a rtlett and G eorge progress at S o u th ern O re^en C ol­ high up on the squad roster will due to the developed work habits the nation and Oregon. He will Jackson county .and they pointed D. Lugar, C asper, Wyoi .1 . was lege and upon the topic of science out th a t Oregon and Jackson be brought to M edford to bolster and the m ore serious a ttitu d e to ­ be an im partial congressm an.” and h u m an w elfare. accepted as a tran sfer. w ard the value of an education. I S peaking of R alph Peoples, county need a change. the team . J'. Lyle Takes Over Ashland Coffee Shop Elks Basketball Team Organized ness.-cy Buys Jos. C. Burns Auction Blithe Spirit” At 3. 0. C. Nov. 4 and 5 Soroptimists Give $100 To Hospital Hit and Run Driver Strikes Mansfield Talent Irrigation Heads To Meeting I. Vining’s Brother Dies In California Veterans Housing Opens at College Earl Reuse Opens Welding Shop Here Governor Stewart Guest of Rotarians SUB Moniecoming 1$ This Weekend SONS Out to Make. It Five Straight Jr. High Honor Roll Totals Twenty-One Democrats Rerietv Slate A t Monday Nite Meeting Eighteen Candidates Initialed In o Elks