i <7<4te Form erly The Southern Oreqon M in er $3 per Yeer 2 Y ean lor $5 ô fa o tt NEWS REVIEW 4.00 PER YEAR ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON (grizzlies Play In Oct. 25 i Marshfield , E. E. Vail States Ashland To Get New Rost Office State’s Jayvees Here On Saturday A shland high school G rizzlies are m aking a 400 m ile round tu p | to M arshfield this F riday to m eet Oregon S ta te ’s Ju n io r V arsity ' the M arshfield team in a rion- football team , undefeated in two I conference football game. starts, will m eet AI S im m o n ’s . $1* Ì Standard Oil Makes Pictures of Ashland Remember to Vote November 5 I hursday, October, 24, 1946 * K Voi. t j , No. }4. Biegel Makes Report on Streets, Sewers Norin C. Dimick, P o rtland pho-! to g tap h er, was in Ashland T u e s -1 daY taking colored moving pict-1 ores of d ifferen t scenes in Ash- ' land for a S tan d ard Oil film. SITE NOT DESIGNATED IOK S9S.000 BUILDING STREET SIGNS ARE EN British Twins Are Enrolled at S. 0. C. ROUTE; GOLF COURSE Federal posiai agencies a n ­ I o aiuaiiu W UMJK SnOl.H Ol the LEASE NOT YET SIGNED nounced this wee k th a t when ath Falls Pelicans also won ovei O.VU p.fll. The S outhern Oregon college M ain, « t ^ t L ithia park, the dry construction of F ederal buildings the A shland club e a rlier in the S treet signs, a new com bination decisively defeated Mon- ,cc Pla” t and the U’P of the su m ' th e ln ^ tro L o n ar ^ | U^ e n o club SoUi’ P °w er Shovel and ditch digger, was resum ed the A shland Post season. 53 to 0 In the R aiders first j £ “y and a stre e t flusher, are present- Coach F rank O Neil s club will u, m<, appearance last S atu rd ay .! ^ rn<#st Haycox, Oregon author. were p,.i,gr ■ nrf T i**» office was one of the first on the n |nd f dU i Niy b^ i g’ ly *n the Pr°cess of being obtain- be out to avenge these tw o s e t­ This was the first college gam e ,s Wr’Vng .the. ,s cenari" th at will twins f list of construction jobs. h ft? u. f lIr d ’ a n d u The ed in the n ear fu tu re by the City Tw elve new post offices were backs. According to dow ntow n w hich A shland fans had seen foi g” ,w' lh t.hli‘ idm Dimick stated in E n e l n I i " »a n w b r° ught “ P of A shland according to a rep o rt q u arte rb ac k s the A shland club i ^e planned to o m e to Ash- T e e h ^ ? n ’ n - approved tor Oregon, including if it gets clicking, will very like­ eight years ? u dni g Lhe madfc at clt>' council Tuesday >y P re v fn i.H iv t h u .r, e. , land next coiort.d sPlln K with th h, irty £ Technical College at H endon be- Elm er Biegel one at C entral Point, and one to ly 3 3 I rtvlously his year the Sou-1 m | n u te p lctlm the . w win the game. O 'N eil's outfit repluee the 55 year old Ashland has show n In the Yreka an d the ther fore com ing to the United States. The lum inous stre e t signs will . . . would he shown locally postoffice. I hen father, an engineer, who is be em placed as soon as they ar- L akeview gam es an e n tire ly d if­ H um boldt S tate and Chico S tate E. E. Van, postm aster, stated ferent brand of ball. teachers. clt,Zen.' dec*d e d u to rive. Invoices have alread y been th at no p artic u la r site has been retu rn to this country in o rd er J received on them . A total of 5558 The pre-gam e dope from the designated W hen fedeial co n stru ­ to retain his citizenship. The will be erected cam p of the B eavers indicates ction Is again resum ed a $115,000 N ybergs picked A shland as the th at Coach Al C ox's yo u n g sters, The shovel will be used in stru c tu re will be built. ideal sm all com m unity, although street and sew er construction ___ ________ have been displaying the s a m e ! they have no connection here, operations. The flusher will be Viiil expects that a governm ent Queen Dorothy E lhart o f Jobs T°.f 'n a k ‘ng easy v to? c h ' building Inspector will visit A sh­ D aughters reported that tw e n ty -' d< W,nh‘ ™ ey ‘olled °Ye r P aste™ According to Dorothy M orris and intend to m ake th eir hom e utilized to clean the streets. here. The twins, aged 17, are e n ­ land in the near future, and fu r­ three couples were present for • Six and one-half m iles of sew ­ < the Alpha K appa C hapter of E.S. th er inform ation m ay be av a il­ the Jobs D aughters jam boree and Vr,.° d L ^«ffversity of A. will have a pledge cerem ony rolled in the low er division of er lines have been laid and this able at th at time. and banquet som etim e next week the college. extending of seweYs w ill co n tin ­ fun night w hich was held a t the g ’n •4aVveeB- 4,1 to 8. The A shland postoffice was d e ­ Masonic hall S atu rd ay evening. ue th ro u g h o u t the w inter. *n U niversity ol Oregon at the Lithia Hotel to install six FIVE CONCERTS SLATED signated a first class postoffice Two and one-half m iles of The hall was decorated in the ««m e the B eaver squad piled up new members. Ju ly 1, 1045 in 1045 Ihe pustof- hallow een m otif and the program , <‘ye touchdow ns in the second The sorority had a coffee and FOR WINTER MUSIC SEASON streets w ere paved this sum m er Jackson county civic music as- and this work will begin again in fice did a $40,000 business. to m ake a new Bell field record hour Monday evening at sociation __ ___ I which was prepared by M ary Lou 4 directors reported Mon- j the spring. the Womens civic club house w ith Hahn, also carried out the sam e po*nt,.sc? ' lng record. , Both team s follow the theory all m em bers and the following day th a t the annual m em bership j Three steel arches have been , . th at a wide open brand of foot- six guests present: Euge n 1 a cam paign, w hich closed S aturday, j placed over A shland C reek One R rcfreshm cnts of doughnuts baH ls tx.8t and frw n th<> v,ew Moore, Leah Bonham. C larice w as v ery successful. a 14 foot span, at H ersey s tre e t’ and cider w ere served. The pat- polnt of the fans ,t js The directors rep o rted th at a lb and tw o 11-foot spans on W ater Homes, S hirley Kaegi, C larice ! Tin- W ashington School Cub rons and patronesses for t h e , __________________ ___ _____________ available space in the high school ' street. N evada stre e t is in line L atim ore and Diane . Patterson. Pack com m ittee met last night evening were: Mr. and Mrs Mar- SERVICES HELD ______ TUESDAY On Novem ber 16 a m ajority of au ditorium was sold. Since re- for a 14-foot span. m the W ashington school and __ w plan w to go to Eu- ce*Pt-s - . . f i v e ; A t - present the city - - - - is asking the ..._____ m em bers w ere so satisfactory, m ade final plans for the Pack vln M iller, Mr. and Mrs. Jak e FOR SARAH UPDEGRAFF W eitzel, Mr and Mrs. Ja c k Zitter-1 F uneral services w ere held at gene to attten d the Sadie H a w -1 concerts w ere selected for the for bids on a 28-foot concrete ex” m eeting to be held next Tuesday Mrs. Ed Hahn, and Mrs. P at ! the L ltw iller chapel T uesday, k in's dance und State C onvention com ing season, and as soon as ! tension o n th e bridge w here Win- n ight at 7:30 in the lower hall ol cob, Dunn. __________________ options have been confirm ed the burn Way en ters th e Plaza i O ctober 22, for Mrs. S arah M. | of the E.S.A. the school. artists will be announced U pdegraff, who died O ctober 20 --------- Biegel also described im prove­ Mrs. E. J. LaM arre, Angus m ents to the hospital w hich in ­ Bowm er. Mrs. R obert Dodge and cludes flooring, painting, and the a t Mr«r. UpTegraff was born J a n - W endell L aw rence w ere on the building of new stairs in various uary 1, 1858, in P olk C ounty, m J com m ittee in A shland to sell portions of the building. lowing hoys w ith achievem ent a- M ildred Ager, local photo Oregon. In 1880 she was m arried S o u th ern Oregon College has m em bership cards. The lease which w ould tu rn the wards: Bobcat, Jim m y G andee, grapher, announced this week to A. W. U pdegraff who preceded received a gift of a large U nited golf course over to the C ham ber hei in death in 1886. Bruce M errill, Jim m y S u th erlan d , th at the M emory Lane studio of Com m erce was p resented at She is survived by tw o d a u g h t­ States flag from Mrs. A lam edia ‘Rnwinpr Will I-foln G raham C u rry ; W olf, G a r y w ould open S atu rd ay , O ctober 26. C rites G erking of W oodburn O re- I> U " ” 1,1 the Tuesday n ig h t m eeting but K night. Bob K ram er; Bear, Sid- The studio is located at 214 East ers, Mrs. W. D. Foster of K lam ath was not signed because of a pol­ n v Knox; Gold and S ilver At- Main, and Is com pletely equipped Falls and Miss F lorence U pde­ gon in honor of Eugene C rites, a icy of not signing any legal doc- ows, G ary K night, Bobby K ram ei w ith the latest com m ercial photn- graff of this city. One g ra n d ­ m em ber of the class of 1941 of According to a statem en t m ad e' um ent in the^ absence of tEe cr V daughter, Mrs. Dora E. Foster, S outhern Oregon College of E du­ S idney Knox, Jack Edw ards, and K 'aphy e q u ip m e n t Bob M yrick M rs A ger is being assisted by and one brother, F rank Zum w alt, cation and Ronald Crites, F irst dram a deD artm ent at S ou th ern S r S e n T T t therign ^ t i n g ° " " L ieutenant, A ir Corps, who was The pillow ing fla u nts m ake up i h er sister, Bonnie C onrad, who also survive. Oregon college, the M edford C iv­ T he Rev. E v erett McGee was killed on Nov. 17, 1945. the Pack com m ittee; O M T horn I will be receptionist and also ic T h eater m ovem ent is well on P resident Stevenson, who ac in charge of the funeral and in ­ ton, O. R. Edw ards, A J. Wuti us, | tinting artist. S ylbia Sm ith will its w ay and will become a p e r­ cepted the gift on behalf of the term en t was m ade in M ountain Mr and Mis. L. K. G rant, J. A i assist In the dark room by doing m anent and valuable co n trib u ­ college .stated th a t the gift was W lrth, Mrs. A E P eters. Mrs. W. jth e p rinting and enlarging work View cem etery. tion to so u th ern Oregon. flow n for the first tim e at W alter J M yrick, Mrs. B E W right, and i M rs- Ager will handle the actual A shland S h rin ers took p art in B ow m er is going to give all Phillips Field on S atu rd ay , Oct. J L. Fader, Cudtniatter. photographic operations herself. JOHNSTONS SEE VIVIAN a sh rin e cerem onial at Reno, Nev possible su p p o rt and aid to d ir­ 19, 1946 to open the gam e be­ Boh W endt of S outhern Oregon The studio has been decorated JOHNSTON WED AL DUNN ecting the dram as chosen by the ada S aturday. Mr .and Mrs. V erne Joh nston tw een S o u th ern Oregon College th eater board. W college who has been assisting the 11 color m otif of dusty rose and The H illah tem ple band, drum ‘H oliday” has blue. It covers an area of 18 x 43 atten d ed the w edding of his sis­ of Education and M onmouth. The been chosen as the n ex t p roduc­ corp, p atro l and o th er S h rin ers cub program , was also present. feet. ter, V ivian Johnston, to Al Dunn flag will be flown from the South tion. boarded ch artered greyhou n d Among the equipm ent which F riday, O ctober 18, in St. P a t­ e m Oregon College of E ducation buses F riday afternoon for Reno. flag staff on im portant national I is in the shop ls an Eastm an ricks catholic church, at Antioch, S atu rd ay they took p art in a days in honor of Eugene and printer. Pako dryer, K eith p o r­ C alifornia. parade at 1 p.m. a fte r w hich they Miss V ivian Jo h n sto n is well Ronold and all o th er m en who trait cam era, a series of Model- saw a high school football gam e Final respect was paid to C a d - ' Jn g M<7rst” M 6o"T ight87a‘’B ard- know n in this com m unity. She gave th e ir lives in an endeavor to and an o th er p arad e at 7 p.m. w nlladi- Ellis _._L. at 2 _ o d ■ < o > c k ,n<„ J riday j well M cAlister K eg-Lite, a B urke g rad u ated from S outhern Ore- m ake the world a b etter place in T hree speakers, Ben Lom bard, The local sh rin ers re tu rn ed to afternoon, O ctober 18, 1946, at I Jam es enlarger, and local atto rn ey ; W illiam Healy this city M onday m orning. Includ a Speed S °n College of E ducation and which to live, tin First P resb y terian church, Mi G raphic cam era. rap C ham ber of Com m erce secretary, ed am ong those who m ade the tau g h t in m any of the schools in Ellls passed aw ay T uesday m orn­ Mri rs. A ger’s husband, L. E. the valley. and Jack Stevenson , N ational trip w ere; H erb H uston, Phil ing at 8 o’clock, O ctober 14, at Ager, will also hove his surveying A m erican Legion rep resen tativ e, S tansbury. Sam Jo rd a n and C het his home on Siskiyou boulevard. office at 214 East Main. appeared before the A shland Post W alters. The deceased was a retired j M embers of th e C ham ber of of the A m erican Legion Tuesday farm er. He had bqrn a resident THE REVEREND DOWNING (MRS. JOY ENTERTAINED Com merce will eat venison at the evening. of A shland for the past 14 years SPEAKS AT RALLY MONDAY Lom bard discussed the bills SOROPTIMISTS WEDNESDAY next regular m eeting w hich will He was born in Dolgelly, Wales The R everend Earl Downing w hich will be voted on at t h e ' Mrs. R ichard Jo y sang tw o take place T uesday noon at the on May 14, 1865 and cam e to A m ­ spoke at an Evangelistic rally at N ovem ber 5 election. He em - solos before the Soroptim ist club n>- i i c , „ i - . I L ithia coffee shop. The venison erica 62 y ears ago at the age of the C hurch of C hrist, in M ed­ phasized th a t everyone s h o u l d ................ W ednesday noon, at th e L ith ia 19. His m arriage to Miss Nellie ford .Monday, O ctober 21. vote. Healy requested th at the L e­ Coffee shop. The tw o num bers Powell took place in D enver on O ther persons from A shland gion co-operate w ith the C ham ­ she sang w ere “Jea n n ie W ith The Decem ber 25, 1895. who w ere present at the Rally ber in any project w hich was for Light Brow n H air” by Foster, and was Phoned to A shland this m orn been J in o J n c e d ^ 06™™ h ° S nOt Mr. Ellis was very active in w ere: W. F. H ollingsw orth, Mrs. the good of the entire com m unity. “O! No J o h n ” an English folk an n o u n cea-________ the P resb y teria n church of which Ed G ettling, Mrs. Mae Russell, tng by his nephew , Leslie B ark- He suggested th at a m yrtlew ood song. hi- was serving as an elder at Mrs. R alph Foster, Sr. Mrs. Roval’ low, who was in the hun tin g par- THREE ATTEND JACKSON placque and a w eath er station be M argaret Ram say, vice p re si­ the tim e of his death. He was G ardner, Mrs. Jam es Tucker, M r. ty - w ............. erected in the Plaza to replace dent of the club, was in charge ith Dr. ............................... S um erlin. It is und- COUNTY C. OF C. STAG also a m em ber of the Woodmen and Mrs. G eorge A ndrew s, Mrs. cistood erstood th at h e a rt trouble was A ttending the stag p arty given the the present sign on ~ East M a in ' of the m eeting W ednesday as of the Woijd. A rden Hall and Mr. and Mrs. the cause of his death. by th e Jackson C ounty C ham ber which carries the nam es of th e I Mrs. J. V. W eitzel, th e p resident He is su rv iv ed by his wife, Earl D ow ning and daughters. I w as out of town. Di. b u m erlin and his fam ily ■ of Com merce, M ondav evening, World W ar II veterans. Nellie Pow ell Ellis; five children; Phyllis, Jo an n e and Lois. ____ _________ _______ _____ Stevenson explained the Le-J Je a n n e tte Sm ith gave a short moved to A shland in N ovem ber __ from Ashland w ere W illiam Hea- Colonel A rth u r Ellis, W ashing­ 1941 and practiced here w ith of­ ly, secretary of ch am b er of c o m -! gl° n ’s m ilitary training program rep o rt on the w ork she is doing ton, D. C.; C. H. Ellis, Seattle, WOMEN'S CIVIC CLUB BUYS fices in the S w edenburg building. merce, Ralph Koozer, m anager of aP , su 8gested different m ethods at 2he college train in g girls to be W ashington; Mrs. L aura Snyder, ANAESTHETIC Momhot-c K MACHINE \ir ------ I ? ? r ^ast ^wo years he has had the Bagley canning co. and Tom of Increasing Legion m em bership. C am pfire G irls leaders. M em b u s of he W om ens Civic his office in M edford although Neely, A lham bra, C alifornia; Mrs. Anne M embers of the Legion w ere ?heb piaiv £ e e k ,d° nated1 $250.00 t o 's till living in his residence on Tommy Newton, 18, S o u th ern Sprague, Lakeview , O regon; Mrs. Invited to the A uxiliary p arty Ellen M cReynolds, Eugene, O re­ the city hospital in A shland in G ran ite S treet. In the five years O ctober 30, C om m ander Phil Oregon college stu d e n t spent M onday night in the hills and eq id D in en tV i^ th a d d *d ° r al o l 1 ,t b at be bas l*ved >n this com m un- ' gon and six g randchildren. S tan sb u ry announced. he has m ade a host of fn en d s In term en t was m ade in M oun­ dM ?vw V hm m t0 n P wa ? ng r°°um was found n ear A shland re se r­ nnp«a « * .J ? ? ,.? ? ™ LWde,y' .wbo who_will_be shocked at his pass- tain View cem etery. voir Tuesday, m o rning by a s e a r­ thC lnf ' D r' S u' n " “ n »»» »n ¿Ik and M em bers of the A m erican L eg­ ching p arty organized by m em ­ will have a bers of the college football team . dled n a the m achine w as w hile w orking in A shland was ion iV**,, and “ *‘v‘ A u xiliary w m nav rhtnnhT5i,iCau bon’ and ° x ygen rnn-1 active in the local R otary C lub 1 ,Ha p al l y W ednesday i even N ew ton had been h u n tin g w ith I If your young son comes home his brother, Jack, Ted C lawson theHc procedures USt*d *n anae8* • havina been a a ch ch a a rte rte r r m nf !P.g‘ O ctober at the , 30, 8 o’clock, --------- , _i having been m em em her ber of this week w aving a bit of p ap er Phil W olcott _____ ,...... .......... ,and W infield Rob- this organization at M yrtle P o in t' Womens civic clubhouse. An ex am in ation for S tu d en t The au x iliary m ade plans ----- for about and stating. “I got a five, I erson, all of A shland. He becam e Oregon. D ietitian has been announced by He was born at Lee, Coos Coun this p arty at th eir re g u lar m eet-1 P°P- he’s not talking about fold- 'se p a ra te d from the p arty late the U. S. Civil Service C om m is­ ing M onday evening at the Leg- j ln S money. i M onday afternoon and w hen the I p a re n tf wlerenph>neers% ’tliat! sei-S! JoP .1? 11 ; „ .................. I, R eport cards w ere given to Ash others R eturned to A sh land*they sion for train in g In W ar D ep art­ m ent. V eterans A dm inistration, Mrs. Ella May T rue was buried tlon and the fam ily was p ro m in -' Colonel H arold Jo rd a n ,who ls land high school stu dents on Wed reported he was lost and Public H ealth Service hospi­ Hi A searching p arty was out until M ountain View cem etery ent ln Coos county since settling ' „ can d ld ate for counedm an in the nesday of this week. These re- tals th roughout the country. The Tuesday, O ctober 22, after f u n e r - ' th ere' D r' S um erlin was g rad u at- N °vernbe11',,e Iectm n, also spoke to port cards are for the first six 2:00 a m. T uesday looking for him m axim um salary for the 12-mon- al services w ere held for her at ed from the high school at M yrtle the au x iliary M onday evening weeks period. , N ewton said th at he slept on th training period is $1,470 which L ltw iller funeral home, at 1:30 o’- P°*n t and attended the JJniver- He stated in his platform th at he A grade of “one", indicated on the m ountain, was aw akened at Includes allow ances for subsis­ clock, sJty of O regon p rio r to his grad* favored w ater m eters and also the card m eans the stu d en t has daylight and started follow ing tence .quarters, and overtim e. been superior ln th at p articu lar , the road to A shland. He m et the She passed aw ay S atu rd ay , Oct uation from N orth Pacific D ental d n ^ T th £ ffL, sltu a ,lo n - F u rth er Inform ation and ap p li­ ober 19 ,at her hom e on East College. On A pril 26, 1922 he was I , v< n Lom bard discussed the subject. “Tw o”, m eans very . „ good — i searching p arty on his w ay dow n cation forms m ay he obtained M ain street. ‘ m arried to Irmn *8ht am endm ents th at are to be I I' T hree Irm a Runnh Bunch d n„a au g i,t..r h ter I e elght, a,r,t'ndrnents hree” indicates average ability. 1 th e m ountain. W. • »». H. nunen, Bunch, for for m m anv anv y y e e a a rs r s ' ' v, ovem ber , ---------- 5 I ‘.T o u - r” is a passing «.cuv. grade. “F from the C om m ission's Local S e­ m rs, True ir u e had nad sp en t her en en- t. 1 of w , o ted on„ « in ......... the *’ u « N ' ihu it r i iv \ e e” --------------------- — Mrs, cretary , Mr. Eric W eren. located tire life In A shland having been S u p erin ten d en t of Coos C ounty ?! u°n; He especially explained not a passing grade, but m eans , gQW LING LEAGITF born here May 29, 1869 .She was «ehools. To this m arriage was the basic school law. the stu d en t is failing in th a t p ar- L z lL A U I J B z nt the Ashland Post Office. ticu lar subject, , This weeks standings in league m a u led to Jac k T rue in 1914. horn Lavonne, Mrs, P hilip Lind-1 s o C INSTRUCTOR H A S u az tr ' p,lay as of M onday night finds She is survived by two sisters, 8ay >a hd R ichard who are stud- C L A S S A T C O O S m y Mrs. H attie M. Konop tran sact- the M arshal W ell’s keglers lead- Mrs. B eecher D anford, A shland; phtH at S outhern O regon College H arold Bishop .assistant pro- ed business and visited her nep- I ing. The h ard w are m erch an ts are Town Talk and Miss Eunice G rubb of Chica- and A shland S enior High, fessor of physical education and hew, Frank W. O’Conner, in S a n ' also high for th ree gam e total go, Illinois; three brothers, Lar-1 a period of years Dr, Sum - kin Or'iihh ’ AokiTLT'.* 'T L '' erltn wn«’ Vn b ealtb was In Coos Bay last week Jo se, California last week. O’Con- I w ith a score of 2850 by u iu b b , A shlund Sain G rubb, GFijn was |p Alaska and s to jic s 1