*7«4« g a 4 4 ¿ it& u t Form erly Th« Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year* for SS NEWS REVIEW J.00 PEH YEAR A SH L A N D . JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON John Nosier to Present Plan For Revolving Fund Rem em ber to Vote LOCAL ELKS ATTEND BANQ UET IN POHTLAND d. S. BUTLER PKESENTS Y.MCA SIMO N ovem ber 5 T h u rs d a y , O c to b e r 17, 1946 Voi i ) , No. j j . County Fair Site May Be Moved To Ashland E xalted Kulei H ow ard Oden and Leading K night R alph Mc- C ullouch of the A shland Elks lodge atten d ed a banquet anu m eeting of tn<- P o rtlan d lodge last T hursday. G orm an bond, local elk, who bus been a p atien t in a P ortland Will Speak At Tuesday hospital for the past week also M eeting of Cham ber of atten d ed the banquet. Com m erce On N ew Idea All three m en re tu rn ed to Ash- W ESTM INSTER CLUB PLA N S A HAYRIDE FOR FRIDAY Jo h n Nosier, candidate lor city lund thi- first of this week. W estm inster club of the F irst councilm an, will ue the speukci P resb y teria n church of A shland ai me noon m eeting ot the A sh ­ is p lanning a Hay ride which will land C h am ber ol co m m erce ac­ be held F rid ay night, O ctober 18. cording to an announcem ent n> M em bers w ho are p lanning to go Membei William I truly executive secre­ Final plans for the annual will m eet at the* P r S t e n f n tary ol the enum ber. bob Ingle m em bership cam paign of the M anse at 132 N orth Main at 6:45 iilit net uh ch airm an of the m eet­ Jackson C ounty Civic Music a s­ 1 p.m. ing which will be held at the sociation, w ere m ade M onday | The club will have the hay rid e lu iln a coffee simp. evening w hen a d in n er was field | at Dr. B ert Elliots farm which is Nosier will p re sen t his propos­ at the M edford C ountry club, • w est of M edford T ran sp o rtatio n with association officers anu ed C om m unity R evolving lund G. S. Butler, retired A shland business man. presented John B ill­ to the farm will be furnished m em bers present. w hich lie suys will com bine the The W estm inster club L an or- Alan M eiffner, national re p re ­ ings, president of the YMCA w ith a check for $1000.00 last w eek at best featu res of a C om m unity tu d d o en n tc ganization for college s stu ts Butlers hom e on G ranite. Roland Parks, vice president of the YMCA C hest w ith those ol a p erm anent s e n ta t iv e ol C iv ic C o n c i l i Sci and college age young people. was w ith B illings at the tim e the presentation was m ade. vice, Inc., gave the principal talk linance lund for com m unity s e r­ According to the D irectors of the YMCA the program w ill get un- i t - * vice groups. The plan also oilers M onday evening. He will help in derw ay next m onth w ith the arrival here of Ray F letcher, Port A lilt * A p p C H F B e f o r e a m eans of huvm g a com plete the local cam paign. 4 f U The Jackson county association Tow nsend. W ashington. YMCA director. A request has been m ade z ' com m unity recreational program . by B illinqs that anvone w ho has office space or eau ip m en t available C O U F t 0 1 M O f lO F is a non-profit, cooperative or- Ur. W alter W. W eller, p re si­ ganization which brings to Med- Y'ou,d «jreatlv aid the program by inform ing him so that an office i l t l U l l l f C I U I I I U ber V I I ol II C U III’ «• 1 . , ■ Y d en ol i the C I ham Coni m erce bad asked N osier to m ake ‘ - " d ■ Y a r ‘,sts, or i ™ '1, could be set up. a study ol a program w h ic h ! otf «alionaJ and Tickets Now On Sale For Civic Concerts H A R V EST FESTIVAL PP.OOF OF P L A N S FEASA BILITY SA Y C. OF C. DIRECTORS T hat A shland m ight become hom e of the Jackson C ounty r a i r is m ore than ju st a prob- W ldlam Healy, execu- ‘he C ham ber of °/P m e,ce announced this week. _ Healy, who had conferred w ith rnanager ot th e Jack- i,. .( ’ l,unty tali, stated th a t Hull th ,e plan ° n the ba' L S ¡ at M edford was rap id ly be- r g thfc in d u str»al cen ter of at’*son county and th ti a t A shland was as rap id ly becoming the hub of the ag ricu ltu ral area. M ayor T hornton W iley, p ro m i­ n en t orchardist, is also strongly behind the idea an d will w ork th e Local Boy Sings on Haven of Rest Show w o u ld s e r v e th e d u a l p u r p o s e o. *Ti x r ,h e A’ h ,“ d a ? - elim in atin g countless solicitation sion to these concerts is by m em ­ bership card only and anyone in ­ cam paigns for funds and would terested m ay join the association u i . m i penult the setting up oi a C harles T urner, one of th e e n ­ program of com m unity re c re a ­ by getting a $6.00 m em bership terta in e rs on the H aven of R est re c e iv e d hi« firs t X « o.?,, 1 ty f a ir w e re in d ic a te d by th e card from Mrs. R obert Dodge, tion. Angus Bowm er, Mrs. E. J. La to t o V c h a m h ^ 'T r sp o n sored . by A shland’s Hoy Scout financial P » rogram which will be at the M erit badges « were c ie a aw w arded a iu e a io At th e m eeting next T uesday M arre, Dr. G eorge Hull, The drive c . u , . , .... of i tbe C ham held W ednesday was a sue- ! Pu ,Ior school au d ito riu m j J e rry L an g er on the subjects H a IH ber of C ♦ om m erce ....... which .......— Nosier will point out the d isad ­ M art, A shland C ham ber of C o m ­ cess w ith a total of $957.00 »n 1 ^ ¿ ldSy at 7? ° p ™ has PareI\te Textiles, Scholarship, C arp en trv H erb h horn t ^ ° . w ecks ago vantages of individual o rg an iza­ m erce or the S outhern Oregon T Ashland, according to B ookbinding a n d A n i m a l r n 4 , . ' ’ f?ei b ils th b o rn , ch airm an of the cash and m any o ther pledges yet residing advance publicity received h e r e .! tr? BoZ M a d d e n re c e vedI j M ' FeSt*ValJ pointed ° u t in his re c ' tions doing th eir ow n soliciting New» Review 1 to be fulfilled, H ow ard W iley, The program h a, been on the J it Badge f o i X k b m d i n / w “ n ^ faet th at the and will also explain how some financial ch airm an stated today com m unities have attem p ted to r now now for 13^ years, featu rin g g | I ton ton M itchell received 8a a M erit tlV/ <■ 1. , h ?d sbow n thLe possibili- air ior 13 years, featu rin M itchell icvetveo M e r i t ♦» u , . The follow ing persons solicited overcom e these disadvantages the qu artet. Personnel of the > badge for F arm Home planning 1 A sb,a.n d as a F a ir center. money for the fund: Dick T rites, group w ith the C om m unity C hest p ro ­ include i First im i » Mate a i c Bob oou 1 t B u r ruce u c e S m it h w a « n iu a n L ith ia P ark, w hich is w idely W ilbur B ushnell, O wen G ragg, and the Crew of the Good Ship badges or? S talk in e F a r m r? Uu ed by farm ioiks th ro u g h o u t gram . C. M Litw lller, C. C. Williams, G r a c e - a n ic s D o p C ar? h ? Ch; lhe count> 35 a Picnic ground, M r s M arberry B row er, d a u g h t­ According to the studies which Doyle Seely, Ben Lom bard, Don F riday nights program will be Pork production ’ >g dn w ouid be a v aluable ad ju n ct and N osier has m ade the draw backs e r of Mr. and Mrs. Allan B row er O'Bleness, Jo h n Nosier, Hugh largely m usical w ith the q u a rte t c .. . J . !a draw ing card for th e Fair, o' singing gospel selections. 1 « ichard Sm ith received M erit Fischborn stated. th e S atu rd ay m orning the H aven of u ' f geS for s b eep F arm ing and I Jo h n D augherty, p re sid e n t of ques Rest program will go on a nation- Sm ? ? s h iP u ^ ed S}arn es re ' th e A shland R iding A ssociation, total al hookup over the facilities of » d a 6 ™,1 bad8es for A eron- stated th at he felt su re th a t the be radio station KWIN. ¿V „ A irplane stru ctu re, and m em bers of the association w ould t h e y ____, ___________, ...... ......... The H aven of Rest group is S ta lk \n £ , Ted W eitzcl re- co-operate fu lly in any w ay th ey o v erallo tted to these organlza- roded will g r a d u a t e d m S . of ’4 7 ? £ SablnL ? ni1 sy ste™ including th e ,c° ‘- C hurch of C hrist, The C hurch of | w ards- Tommy Laird, scoutm aster i C om m erce, the city council, the it includes 52 trainee,. * ’ and ” *nry E£ d ers' J a k t the N azarene, The Assem bly of of TrooP 12, was clerk of th e R iding A ssociation and o th er lo­ The com m unity revolving lund • Weitzel and G erald W enner con- God, a nd F aith T em ple 1 court. cal groups w ill m eet w ith the as Nosier Mill explain it Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. R obert Vrom an tacted the com m ercial district Horace Iceland. SOC county co u rt an d o th er co u n ty stu d en t, will allev iate this difficulty. The left S unday on a buying trip to o th er t han the m ain street. w a s p r e s e n te d as the ngw assist­ officials to p o in t o u t th e ad v a n ­ lund will be ad m in istered by San Francisco. They plan to re ­ an t scoutm aster. tages of hav in g th e fa ir m A sh­ ti ustees appointed by the board tu rn the la tte r p a rt of the week. CUB PACK ¡6 WILL BE V isitors w ere R ichard Johnson, land. «1 d irectors of the C ham ber o t ! V rom an is a p a rtn e r w ith his REORGANIZED THIS FALL T here has been no Jack so n D eputy S h eriff Don C ruse of S tanley K night, and H enrv M ill­ R eorganization of Cub Pack 16 Com merce. These trustees will bt fa th e r Al V rom an in the North C ounty F air for sev eral years and becam e a reality M onday night K lam ath county is looking for a er. authorized to accept gifts and do- j Main hardw are. the fairg ro u n d s and the b u ild ­ w h in interested paren ts and hidden $afe m the Dead Indian nations and will a iso allocate ings w hich are on th e o u tsk irts m em bers of the Scout D istrict county which was last seen by ( | v & 1Z ~L T - 1 1 1 ^ m onies to various com m unity o r­ of M edford are p resen tly in a com m ittee m et at the J u n io r high Lee Bragg, M edford who was illg l! | 0 r l2 V ganizations which need a specltic — w — — J ru n -d o w n condition. They are a l­ ¡_ O” ■ ■ school w ith C lifford W illiam s h unting deer in th at area. am ount for operating expenses. so u n d er lease by the U nited packm aster. K lam ath county officials s ta t­ Once a y ear a cam paign will S tates A rm y w hich precludes Dick T rites, Hugh McKeever, ed th at they have no recollection be put on to raise m oney tor tne th eir use. of any m issing safe b u t will m ake and J. V. W eitzel, m em bers of the needs of the tund, m e city will C harles De A utrem ont and Ar- d istrict com m ittee aided in te a search for it to o b tain num bers This w eeks Ju n io r high league SU R PR ISE HOUSEW ARM ING also be asked to co n trib u te to the and o th er id entifying data in an b a u ie wilt fe atu re the A shland FOR fund all m onies now received lor nita Black, both of A ,hland, organizational m eeting MR. & MRS. VIC STU A R T Pack m eetings will be held effort to locate its last ow ner. Ju n io rs vs K lam ath Falls Ju n io rs recreatio n al purposes. U t h e r w ere elected presidents of the Mr. and Mrs. Vie S tu a rt who gnee m onthly and the dens will A ssociated Men S tudents and A s­ on A shland's W alter P hillips m oney will be torm eum ing Horn have ju s t recen tly m oved into Field .T hursday, O ctober 17, at th eir new hom e at 112 M aple, sp o rting events w hich would be sociated W omen S tu d en ts last m eet each week. 3 p.m. p u t on u n d er the com m unity rec- (y ! csday’,,,October 8, a t S outhern ; w ere su rp rised by th e Pacific A ccording to com par a t i v e Telephone & T elegraph Co. M ed­ reutional program w hich Is a p art Oregon College, according to an announcem ent m ade by P resi­ of tiie fund. Mr. and Mrs. A ndrew B. W il­ scores this should be a skirm ish ford exchange em ployees S a tu r­ d en t Elmo N. Stevenson. The revolving fund will be an son j u st recen tly pu rch ased the w orth anyones mone y. B o t h day evening w ith a h o u se w a rm ­ O ther officers of the wom en's essential p art ol a com m unity g are; H , s, Medford The Rev. A. H. MacDonnell. W iggins P o u ltry F arm on S tra w ­ team s defeated M edford by four ing p arty. ___ telephone ___,_____ ___ iH fr i-n lid n n rn tn a m . \ u ational t l( in ; il ■ . „ __ The folks gave Mr. recreatio n program N V icar of T rin ity Episcopal church berry L ane from Mr. and M is A touchdow ns. The startin g lineup -w s. Should be about the sam e as last. and Mrs. S tu a rt a gift for th e ir au th o rities, according to Nosier B ? ^ k i n ^ 's ? s ^ r e t a r y ? ‘Beltv* Hoi will speak to the A shland radio R. Wiggins Mr. an d Mrs. W ilson came »o lwieek®,'vith tbe excePtio n .of Mei - new home. Salads, sandw iches, have recom m ended th at such n n gsw orth, A shland, treasure! audience over station KW IN on ihland from R ichm ond, ond C alif ' ln L wbo ls ineligible be- relishes and coffee w ere serv ed to A shland from Richm Calif the A shland M inisterial associa­ program s be supported by com- and B arbara Roberts, Coo, Bay J the group. m unltles and be conducted by se rgeant a t arms. tion's daily broadcast during the ornia and are the p aren ts of two cause of low grades. The lineup will be Don Daly, M r- S tu a rt is an em ployee of train ed leaders. The lu n d w ill - O th - er officers for the m en's m ornings of O ctober 17, 18, and children, S andra Je a n and R on­ S tanley Hanscom / Rodney Twe- ibe Pacific telephone com pany. -------- j ________ ald Allen. - , provide for this. 19. group are: E dgar M cLain, Ash Mr. and Mrs. W iggins are liv- 7?11’ Joe K idw ell, Bob Nelson, M edford exchange. The Rev. L eland W ilkinson Receipts from playoffs of sports land, vice-president; F red Ross ev en ts staged under the re cre a­ K lam ath Falls, secretary; and pastor of the F irst B aptist church ng in an ap a rtm e n t on M ountain M onte R obertson, Bill W ine,, MATT D E N N IS RECORDING Gene Ross, J e rry Langer, Bob tional program could m ake the D arrell C opeland, A shland, tre a ­ will follow the Rev. M acDonnell A venue. WITH CAPITOL RECORDS M adden and H arry B aker. fund n early self-supporting. surer. All are veterans of W orld and will speak on O ctober 21, ___ . .. T „ hu .„ rsd „ „ j ay lllc „ A ollJdJJU L ju !11 n M att D ennis, form er resid en t of Last the shland 22, and 23. W ar II. iors d e fe ated lw e d fo rd ^ u n 'to r'to g h i A s h la n d ' is d oin8 vocal w ork for The program is a daily event FIN A L TA X PAYM ENT DATE 26 to 0 on the local field I C apitol record com pany. He has at 9:15 each m orning except S u n ­ WILL BE NOVEM BER IS • a five y ear co n tract w ith this day. It is titled “The C hurch in N ovem ber 15 is the final date A rth u r K reism an, in stru cto r i n , MRS. ELAM DISCOVERS com pany and does the recording Your H om e”. for p ay m en t of 1946-47 county English and G erm an at S o u th e rn 'O L D SCHOOL FRIEND in Hollywood, C alifornia. taxes. O regon College, is the au th o r of W hile touring the Jacksonville KW IN will sponsor a quiz pro­ If pay m ents are m ade in full, gram at the V arsity th e a te r be­ an article th a t ap p eared in th is-m u seu m , Mrs. L. F. Elam, Ash- on or before the final date, Nov­ ginning S atu rd ay evening, Octo­ m o n th ’s issue of the Oregon Edn- lan d discovered an old school em ber 15 .taxpayers are entitled ber 26 at 9 p.m. The show will be cation Jo u rn al, en titled “English, friend in Mrs. Forrester, wife of to a th ree per cent discount called KWIN Kwizz according to , the caretaker. W hen they w ere Roland P arks, principal of the Tool S u b ject for th e F u tu r *'. county officials stated. K reism an pointed out th at to o 'c h ild re n th eir parents had ad Roy Peck, statio n m anager. Ashland J u n io r High, Joseph The K w in quiz program will be Fader, principal of the W ashing­ m any stu d en ts have been soured joining ranches and the tw o girls ■ S h eriff H ow ard G aul t a n- u n d er the direction of Jac k W at­ ton school, and Earl Rogers p rin ­ on English by fancy sonnets etc., had atten d ed the sam e school. nounced this w eek polling places son, radio e n te rta in e r from Los cipal of the high school, attended w hen w hat they really w ere in for the election, w hich will oe terested in was radio or m ath e­ Angeles. W atson was w ith two the S ta te ad m in istrato rs confer­ i held N ovem ber 5. The polls will U.S.O. show s during the w ar and ence in Salem M onday and T ues­ m atics, K reism an says that these stu d en ts can be brought back to a traveled through the C arrlbean d a y . «hT oneT ou? X F ader, who is secretary of the realization of the necessity of The undefeated Red R aiders of theater. Dr. Elmo N. St?venso:i. p c i- The polls for A shland will be English and the im portance of F ive contestants for the show S outhern O regon P rincip al's As­ the Rogue, w ith tw o C alifornia d en t of the Southern O regon a | as follows: A shland B oulevard com m unication by em phatiririg victories u n d er their belt, are will be chosen in the lobby of sociation presented th at groups th eir own fields of in te ris i when lege of Education, adftrcssed i ! k precin ct 1 will vote at th * P u b 'ic baek at S o u thern O regon College the th e a te r before the show and program to the assem bled educa­ teaching English. first general a siem b h ' f ¿,11 L ib rary ; E ast & C en tral A shland, pointing for their com ing tilt will ap p e ar on the stage to an s­ tors. P ark s m ade a report on the school ad m in istrato rs :n Salem , p recin ct 2, City Hall; W est Ash- K reism an, receive 1 his A. M. w ith O regon College of Educa­ w er quostions during the show new com pulsory school a tte n d ­ degree at Boston U niversity M onday evening, on the su b ject land, precinct 3, A shland A uto tion ot M onm outh. This is the break at nine o’clock. Prizes will ance law in Oregon. w here he also served as an as­ of “A C om prehensive Program ol P arts; Oak A shland, precin ct 4 be given to the w inners by local first gam e th a t the Sim pson sistan t in the English departm ent. Education for Oregon Schools”. A rm ory; N orth A shland, precinct coached team will play in th eir m erchants. T he Ashland H ard ­ s e iv iv e u be e n ' Steyenson stressed the neo 5, M adden T ire Shop: East Ash- D uring his arm IV y service w are, Plaza Cafe, The M art. A. own stam ping grounds. tau g h t G erm an and American y a n d ™p jrta n ,-T l,f extend- land p recinct 6, 164 4th street; & B. S ports Shop and the East The underdog R aiders have I H istory for the U.G A F I He ing, our publlc s c n J° ’ system s to ! S o u th east A shland, precin ct 7, Jr. Side P harm acy will sponsor the thus far come up w ith two s tu n ­ plans to w ork on h is d o c to r a te a t S‘rnbraye a l> phases of .-ducation high school; N orthw est A shland, ning upsets - their 20-0 sm ashing prizes for S atu rd ay , O ctober 26. Boston U niversitv tins sum m er. | iï®"1 n u ls 7 y J3cho,cls' ,u p ,b V' P recinct 8, W ashington school; Persons who send in w inning of a stu b b o rn Chico S ta te team , the ju n io r college level. "W e I S outh A shland, precinct 9 390 questions to be used o n the Kwin and a 14-7 defeat of a fighting m ust, he declared, “p ’aco m ore L ib erty ; W est A shland, precinct em phasis on the practical and 10, V alleyview ; Bellview pre- H um bolt S tate aggregation that Kuizz will be given free th eater useful side of education." cinct 14, Bellview school or refused to yield until the last tickets by the V arsity th eate r OCKIE SABIN, the M ayor of The president s m '-sag > was an G range. w histle blew. O ptim ism is ru n n ­ m anagem ent. Mrs. L aw rence P o w e l l began _______________ ___, .......................... Im p o rtan t one, especially for h s | P o lls 'fo r T alen t are: East T al­ ing high in A shland, and from the W arren Hance of Ashland was N orth Main, extolling the virtues M onday to tak e the an n u al school significance to the schools of the en t citv hall a n d W e s t T n lp n t looks of the squad drills, the elected vice president of the la r g - . of th a t end of tow n............. BOB census for A shland School D is-¡state. High SiThoSl building ’ team is being groom ed to func­ est freshm an class In the history) LUGAR w axing his sklls with tion sw iftly and efficiently ag ain ­ of the S outhern Oregon College, ah ' , , . ' Jack so n v ille voting places are the first frost of the year. . . . . All persons over 4 years of a-e M em bers of the Ashland C hap- N orth Jacksonville, C ourthouse, st th eir u p state rivals. last Friday. .Thus far, tw o sta r backs, Riggs Jim Grimes of Klamath Fall*- JO H N COLLIN S nursing a sore and u n d er 20 are listed. M arried ter of Epsilon Sigm a A lpha and and S outh Jacksonville, Citv hall guests m et at » *«« the v. W A ccording to S heriff Howard nnd Bufibcc have been kept out was nam ed the npw nrp«:idpnt j jaw »» vv « h v i r a « trip u i u to the m e o dentist enusi « la j d ie ~ s in this age bracket are h : th eir --------- »«w om « en's afte of the lineup by injuries. But j ean H ickm an and Loree Mon- . ROY Peck planning to s‘ iv no tf> Civic club M onday evening G au lt two of the above voting coach Al Sim pson expects his theith, Jboth of M edford, w ere el- all of S a tu rd a y ‘night MRS h er on the ^ e n s iw ’ l°42fih ne?snT' t EaC? m c m b e r b r o u g h t th eir places m ay be changed; they are squad to be at full stren g th for ected secretary and trea su rer r e - ' E, J LAM ARRE d istrib u tin g w ere Hat d ¿i?S' *,526 pei. om favorite recording and coffee was j the A shland A uto P arts for pre- the M onm outh game. ' .p e ctive ly, X j C om m unity concert aerie! t ic k e if X IM S ' SBT d Wh‘ le they playcd ,he re ’ cj nct 3 and East A shland, ? e- ' ■ ‘ ’ ’ a' cords. I cin ct 6 ,at 164 ^th s tre e t Boy Scout Drive Total Is $957 Two Ashland Girls In Nurses Training Officials Seeking Safe on Dead Indian J f. Ashland Students Head SOC Classes Klamath Thursday Andrew Wilson Buys MacDonnell To Make Local Poultry Farm Daily Broadcasts S. O. C. Instructor Publishes Article KWIN Kwizz Will Take Place Oct. 26 Parks, Fader, and Rogers to Salem Ashland’s Polls Are Designated Raiders Plan To Mangle Monmouth Stevenson Speaks To Oregon Educators School Census Gets Under Way Monday