Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 10, 1946, Image 1

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    Formerly The
Southern Oregon
M iner
S3 per Year
2 Year* tor 85
ô it/ÿO H
T hursday, O c to b e r io , 1946
$50.00 in prizes
Enter your photos of
Ashland scenes in the
Harvest Festival pho­
to contes.
Voi. 13, No. )z.
h o L L t b H a c k ia V T U u n l
r.iiective T nursuay, o c io o e r 10,
j A W. W oodwaiu 01 a n verton,
re.m u i in i ceum g pi ice* on m eat
I O r e g o n h a s arriv ed in A s h l a n d to
nein* a ie oeiiig loueti oUcK u'/<
assum e m e m anagem ent ol tne
nil* win p e r u in n a iiiu iiu l e s ia u i
A shland G eneral H ardw are, th at
an t ow ners a cnance to piace
ne recently purchased from Eric
011 a t pi ices in n o r m a l relation-
*m p
10 me
rest o l m e to n u s
iviedturd Jum oi mgn to o tu an J Mrs. W oodward will poin ¿Vlr.
wm cn arc oeing served.
team at 3:00 p.m. on W aiterl W oodward us soon as he is able
hillips Field.
1 to find living facilities. Mr. and
As yet no com paritive scores P
Mrs L ealeldt and fam ily are 1 PIONEER SOCIETY HOLDS
have been m ade to ra te the two c o n s id e rin g r e tu r n in g to O a k la n d , •9TH A N N U A L MEETING
spend tne wee* end w un re la ­ learns although M edford lost to C a lifo rn ia
Today in A shland the South-
Howard Wiley, Finance chair* tives in rciuiiiaui ra ils.
„__ u _____________
C andidates for the job of City
Klum utn halls last week, w ane
e rn O regon P ioneer association is C ouncilm an appeared before the
m an ol the n su ia n u lioy bcuut
iviis. Elton itam say and daughl A shland bowed to Grants Pass
Holding its 69th annual m eeting. Lions
. liinK Pll.h
in .« b v evening
.. v ,./,,™ and
D istrict will head the u riv e toi e i s p e n t m e w e e k e n d w ith i»ns. last week.
club T
. .
Professor R. W. McNeal ot tne sta rte d the local political pot
tunds lor tne Asniumi tioy x o u u rtainaay s iiioiner, ivir*. *<>auut
acco rd in g
b o u tn ern Oregon college is to will begin W ednesday linger.
• n . s‘m m ering as eacn ex p lain ed
G ran t ano Jack K em nitzer, it is
speak to tne assem blage aitei
m orning Oct. to w ith a kick oil
wh a t his political p latm o re had.
alm ost certain th a t Don Daly,
b reak fast a t the Lilhiu Coffee
d v ic
M arshall Woodell, who had
S ta n le y lla n s c o m , R o d n e y T w e - will stu d en t spoke at the reg u lar Club.
shop at 7:30 a.m.
w ith d raw n from the race earlier
d e ll ,Joe K id w e ll, b o b N e lso n , m eeting of the Soroptim ist club
Election of officers will be on in the week and J. R. P u tm an ,
1 nifty five business m en and
Monte R obertson, b ill Wines, W ednesday noon at the L ithia the agenda
rep resen tativ es ot Scout ac tiv i­
. c-. ■ 1 1 j
1 incum bent, w ere not present.
$12,uou.uo was raised in cash M ervin U tter, Gene boss, Je rry th at food in F inland was strictly
Mrs. R obert S trickland, Mrs. j ohn D augherty, incum bent, H ar-
ties will cunvass the business
Longer and bob M adden will be
Dick Joy and Mrs. G ordon Lee
district during the one day cam ­
on me Held at the opening w his­ rationed, the ratio n being 12 lbs. H ayes will present m usical n um ­ old Jo rdan, S. S. Davies, H erb
paign which has us its goal $2,000. ing w nen m em bers oi tne C hurch tle.
of flour or bread a m onth, ‘/alb
Fischborn, and Jo h n N osier w ere
C hrist assem bled at the a un
ih e executive com m ittee lor the ol
tne speakers.
O ther m em bers of the squad of butter, ',2 lb. m eat, ‘/2lb. su g ar
drive includes Wiley, Dick T n tes
are: John Austin, P hillip H en n ­ and no coffee. Fresh vegetables DODGES AND VAN DYKES
All the candidates w ere agreed
J V. Weitzel, C arryl Wines, and
ing, K enneth M ontgom ery, D e and fish w ere not rationed but ATTEND OPENING DINNER
on the urgency of im proving the
Doyle Seely.
Baugh, Kyle Steinple, w ere seasonal. Clothes w ere even
iwr .and Mrs. R obert Dodge and w ater system . D au g h erty and
M em bers of the Lions club will according to the R everend E a n N orm an b a k e r, B ert R itter, K eim m ore scarce th an food and m any Mi. and Mrs. F rank Van Dyke Jo rd a n suggested th a t m etering
people suffered in the extrem ely
curry the larger share ol respon­
T hat brings the total co n trib u ­ bayne, R ichard R eynan, Jo h n Cold w inters of th a t country. were presen t a t the opening d in ­ w ould help.
sibility in soliciting funds us the tion
Woods, Jack Wilsc and Bill Miles
ner 01 the Rogue R iver Valley
Davis, D augherty, and Jo rd a n', club s p o n s o r s Troop 12.
Many children w ere unable to a t­
struction oi a $40,000.00 plant, of grade seven; S tanley Adam s, tend school because of lack of Knife and Fork C lub held Tues­ pointed out the poor traffic con­
m em bers ol the board of trustees Eddie Allen, H arry B aker, R ich­ ■hoes. Housing, too is scarce, fam ­ day evening at the Rogue Valley ditions th at existed, D avis recom ­
ard B urnett, K ent B anye, C harles
m ended p ark in g m eters. The o th ­
ilies living in space w here th ere C ountry Club.
A llen M. McGee, m em ber ol Culiner, Jn n in y G rossm an, H ow ­ was scarcely room to spread th rtr
F ran k D rake Davidson was the e r two tav o red tru ck routes.
the M ethodist b o ard of T rustees, ard Roberts, H enry Metz, W ins­
guest sp eak er ,and spoke on the
Davis recom m ends th e w ard
Pilgrim G uild of the C ongrega­ presented tne C hristian enuren ton M itchell, P eter Polk, C harles beds on floor.
subject, •‘A m erica’s Ten M en of system and a m unicipally ow ned
tio n a l
C h u rc h m e t
W ednesday with $270.00 w orth of donations R ettm an, P at Sollee, Tel W eitzel,
Destiny, M isleaders or L eaders.” pow er plant.
afternoon at Ihe hom e of Mrs. on behall of the m em bers ol the L ester Zim m erlee, Dick H all and m oral is good and people are
Mr. and Mrs. Van D yke are
Nosier cam e out for increased
ithodu D urlee at 705 P ennsyl­ M ethodist church.
m em bers of the House and Meals residential areas, a strong city
Allen, W allace B ernett, K eith
vania street w here*the group be­
com m ittee.
wide recreational program , plus
Bond, B laine H arper, Don C on­ term ined to build a better world.
gan the 1946-47 study project
city assistance to SOC.
Mrs. O wen G ragg was a guest
ner, C eroid Davis, Bob Edw ards,
which has to do w ith India.
Fischborn pointed out th a t the
Dale Landing, Rodney Long, Ted Of the club. T w enty-five m em b­
W endell Law rence, editor of
lu m b er in d u stry was one ot the
the News Review, who travelled
m ajor industries ot the com m un­
son, Jam es S aunders and Carols
extensively th roughout India and
ity and th a t the city should aid
S chm idt of ninth grade.
the F ar East w hile a m em ber of
in increasing in d u strial e x p a n ­
Visitors in the home of L. F.
P rim al y classes of tile Lincoln
an A rm y inspection team , spoke school
Elm a at 34 Union, last week w ere
Tne en ro llm en t at S outhern
to the group about living condi­
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Elam of Visa
building it all goes according to
tions and native religions in In ­ schedule,
« “ n f
Hrst two w eeks of reg istratio
er H olgren of Tulare, Calif., and has soared to m ore th a n 500 s tu ­
Mrs. L arkin G rubb, president in ten d en t of schools announced
Mr. ----------------
and Mrs. ------
Elm or Fredrick-
this week. These are the classes 1 . T . hursday,
- - Oct.
. 17 a t 8:00 - p.m. ----
dents. This n u m b er rep resen ts a
pro tern
the .w
, r ff,
, o is n com pleting
1. im,
h ich m eet in the dow nstairs 1 l‘ie Ju n io r-S en io r PTA will m eet son of Venice, Calif.
Earl Schilling, p resident of the
Clarence McCall announced iiia t P” ' lH’n ° f th« SChoul and m clude ,
the J u n io r Hi C afeteria for the ' Mr. Elam and Mrs. Fredrickson 900% increase over tn e corres-
ponuing period ot a y ear ago, A ctive club of A shland, w ill lead
tlie first, second, and third g ra d e s .'
m eeting of the school y e a r ,' UIC bro th er and sister ol L. F. ano n early doubles the in stitu ­ the m em bers of the cluD in a d is­
the next m eeting of the organiza-
M onday, Octobe r 21, is the d a te 'M rs . s J Bailey, p resid en t stat- ‘ E |am
tions lo rm er ail tim e high lo r the cussion of w ays and m eans to in ­
tion is to be m u ' i . n 1 11/ ill' i_
I .in n n ln
. .
f°r fbeir re tu ir rn n tn
to Lincoln.
( . ^ 0 .
crease the m em bership of the
They like this p a rt of the state iall q u a rte r in 1935.
N ovem ber 13. Mis. Lillian Hilt
o th e r classes are expected to
Th,s w ,n be a 8et acquainted
T here are 347 m en and 163 organization a t a m eeting to be
is secretary, and Mrs. Ithodu Dur
be able to re tu rn to the build- m eeting and there will also be a very much. They all w ent n o rth women.
th an 400 re g ister­ held T hursday a t 7:00 p.m. a t the
fee is treasurer.
mg soon after. P lasterin g will be i discussion of the Basic School to see m ore scenery of our state. ed in low More
w ork follow ­ L ithia hotel.
com pleted in the building this | law by Ben Lom bard. All p a r -,
A financial rep o rt w ill be p re ­
week, and by n ext week the flo o r' ®nts and teachers are urged to
sociation, also a state director. pre-engineering pre-ousiness, pre sen ted on th e H arvest F estiv al
in the low er hall will be finished.
Mr. H olgren is a retired ran ch er lo restry, pre-law , lib eral arts and dance and th e concessions in con­
The space which was form erly
and Mr. F redrickson is a photo­ science, m e r e are 110 students ju n ction w ith the dance.
G ordon Peterson and Mrs. Lee occupied by the cafeteria has
F u tu re activities for the club,
registered in teacher education.
B erry, whose b irth d ay w ere both been converted into a classroom
• ___ t ____ v
t o u r h u n d red ot the stu dents are to be considered.
M onday, O ctober 7, w eie e n te r­ because of the addition of odjB C ifinS D U ncheO tlS
C layton C ullen, vice _prq*ideni
Mr. and Mrs. Joe SauCfS and arc new, and 122 are re tu rn in g
tained" at a b irth d ay d in n er th at m ore stu d en ts to this year's t o t a l ’ Tuesday the C ham ber of Corn-
son, Billy, are visiting Mr. and students. F inal en ro llm en t figures of th e organization stated th at
evening at the hom e of Mr. and en ro llm en t
1 m erce will hold the first of a ser- Mrs. Don Sheldon.
They are should reach around 525. R egis­ any one in terested in the A ctive
Mrs. O llie P. Peterson.
Glasses are presently m eeting ! les of open juncheon m eetings at tn e n d s of the Sheldon's from El­ tratio n closes on S atu rd ay , Octo­ club would be welcome to attend.
G uests present for the party in the C hurch ol the N azarene
ber 12, at the college. T nere are
i u _ .v i
. • .-i the L itm a coffee shop. S ta te Sen- gin, Illinois.
w ere Miss Phylis Ross, Miss Jean ‘he r - : . . library,
the Ju n io r high a p,r £ ai-j N ew bry will preside,
still some housing facilities av ail­ ROGUE NEWS WINS RATING
H arden, Don F la h arty , Tommy school, and the S enior high rTunk Hull secretary of the Jack -
The Rogue News of ’45‘ and
M ansfield, Mrs. Lee B erry and SC A° ° ' j
46' achieved the In tern atio n al
daughters, Nina and B etty, Joe
According to Mr L inn an open wlU speaR on the proposed 3%
F irst Place A w ard by the Q uill
Peterson and Mrs. W ayne P e te r­ house will be held at L.ncoln sales w x w hich W1f, a7 on
Scroll C ritical Service for the
son and tw o children.
Dick Trites, who is com pleting
school w hen he e n tire work of ltle N ovem ber ballot and will ex-
his second term as A shlaand
in is tim e of the y e a r alw ays lo u rth tim e w ith a total of 815
A driv ers License E xam iner is
Scout D istrict ch airm an was a- sees an outb reak in g ol Uyed and out of 1000 possible points.
scheduled to be on duty in A sh-I >L
tO1 lp !e *Vd
t1',5 Wlb give Will do to sm aji businesses,
C onstructive com m ents suggest
gain nom inated ch airm an at a peroxided hair. D orothy E lh art
land .Monday, O ctober 14, 1946,
v ;s .t th(, huildina
I A ccording to W illiam Healy, m eeting of the D istrict com m ittee anu Ann P irtie seem to be lead ­ for the fu tu re an increase in s tu ­
at the City Hall betw een the
secretary of the C ham ber of held Tuesday evening.
ing this w itn form erly blond d en t co ntributions to the e d ito r­
hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., ac-
Dr. and Mrs. Russell E lliott and ! C om m erce these m eetings will be
Vern Sm ith was nam ed as Dis­ tresses now titian. We h eard G eo­ ial page and an enlarging of c riti­
cording to an announcem ent re- baby are staying at the hom e of a weekly fe atu re of the C ham ber trict Com m issioner; Doyle Seely, rge F u llerto n com plaining to Dot
eeived from the S ecretary of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. W agner u ntil ol C om m erce and various mem - Public R elations ch airm an; W il­ tr ia l she was trying to steal his cal evaluations in the fields of
S ta te ’s office.
! they are able to find a house or bers of the organization will pre- liam Healy, O rganization and E x­ glam our. A nd speaking of Geo­ literatu re, m usic, and fashions.
Persons w ishing licenses or per a p a rtm en t to live in. Dr. Elliott side in tu rn .
tension ch airm an; Les G rant, rge, only last w eek we n ad a visi­ It is pointed o u t th at the R ogue
m its to d riv e are asked to get i n ! is history instructor at S outhern
H erb Fischborn w ill m ake a 1 L eadership and T raining chair- tor lrom M edford, rem em b er L il­ iMews devoted too m uch space to
*kUCj w,*
, tx ,ar,r ' l’?e r , we O regon College.
rep o rt T uesday on the CPA b u ild ' m an; H enry A ndres, C am ping lian M cDonough? Lit grad u ated gossip and featu res dealing w ith
ahead of the scheduled closing
Mr and
Marc Wood of ing codes fig h t w hich is taking and A ctivities ch airm an ; Dr. E. lrom high school here last year individual personalities.
hour in order to assure com ple- Moline, Illinois are presently vis- place at G ra n ts Pass. The board G. E v erett; A dvancem ent C hair- and is now w orking in th e Med-
Special on 12 ring m uffin tins.
ion of th eir applications w ith a m ng Mr. and Mrs. F red Taylor, of directors had been w ith h o ld -' m an, Hugh M cK eever; Finance lord telephone oflice. Everyone
m inim um of delay.
Mrs. Wood is a cousin of Mrs. ing any action until this rep o rt C hairm an, H ow ard Wiley.
was glad to see ser aro u n d again. 18c, 25c, and 40c at M arshall
Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have had been delivered.
j The A shland com m ittee m emb-
Now th a t the q u ota of cheer Wells on the Plaza.
puschased a hom e on B stre e t
! ers will head the d riv e for funds leaders have been chosen, you
Monuments and marker». S e e , w hich will tak e place here next can see them or hear them , p ra c ­ eled to the recen t L akeview
and will m ake th eir hom e in A sh­
Burns Memorial». On the P la«. W ednesday.
ticing every evening a fte r school game. Some of them even w en t in
C lair Good of M edford visited
in the library. Seems this prac a pick-up and th a t is a long cold
his m other, Mrs. Violet Good,
tice pays off from the sw ell rou- | trip. T hat ' really shows school
tines they had w orked out a t the , sp irit and how m uch everyone is
For the first tim e in a long his­ Tuesday of this week.
K lam ath gam e last F rid ay night. Dehind the football team . Inci-
tory of financing The F irst N a t­
Mr .and Mrs. H arold Black of
B arbara M cClary and Jo h n B eare dentally, everyone who atten d ed
ional B ank of P o rtlan d a t the Chicago .Illinois are visiting Mr.
close of S ep tem ber had m ore and Mrs. John Reed of 137 N orth
are welcome to the group and all the Lakeview dance a fte r the
than $100,000,000 outstanding in Main. Mrs. Black is a sister of
are deserving oi co n g ratulations gam e com m ented on the frien d li-
loans, according to a rep o rt to Mrs. Reed. The B lacks have pur-
I on the new yells they w orked out. ness ot the L akeview ites and
by Cora Mason
Mrs. W illiam S n id er gave the 1 ft really puts pep into o ur as- w hat a good tim e they had a t the
the com ptroller of currency* G e r-j chased a home on Siskiyou boule-
Mrs. C arroll P ra tt en tertain ed book review on “In d ep en d en t I sem blies to have M arlys pop up dance.
ald W enner, m anager of the A s h -, vard and are planning to reside
the F o rtn ig h tly S tudy C lub on People.” by H alldor Laxness, who ! w ith some clever yells.
j R ight now the band is m aking
land branch stated. The ex act here in the future,
loans and discounts figure re tu rn
Mrs. R alph B urgess has ju st re ­ O ctober 7. D essert was served w rote th e novel of his own Ice- 1 Pep assem bly F riday was good plans to go to the R oseburg-A sh-
ed in a bank call am ounted to tu rn ed from a tw o weeks vaca­ from a tea table decorated w ith landic people. He was born in from the ov erh eard rem ark s o f 1 land gam e in the n ear fu tu re.
$100,153,744.58. At the sam e tim e tion w hich she sp en t in Los A n­ fall’s yellow s and orange. M em­ R eykjaric, Iceland, in 1902 and stu d en t body. It was one of the i P lau d its to Mr. Irv in Lesser for
the bank reported a deposit total geles visiting h e r father, Mr. bers w ere given favors of b u n ­ lived p a rt of his yo u th on a farm . best program s we have had this the success of the s tu n t p erforin-
ches of fresh sage leaves, which, nearby. His schooling was in h is 'y e a r w ith Bob G riffith doubling : ed in spite of the w ind and the
of $517,971,941.60.
C harles Hazelrigg.
the hostess explained, w ere a n ti­ hom e tow n and his first novel everyone up wih his h u m o ro u s! mr. Lesser we teel is destined to
These figures reveal a su b stan ­
tial grow th o fthe bank's business , Jim M illard has gone to Y reka cipatory of th at Thanksgiving was published w hen he was 17. m onologue concern P riscilla P u - 1 sta rt a new fad am ong the fash-
turkey, and th at no one need lack fle has since trav eled extensively, cklew ortz—V ery original and cle-1 ion conscious boys ot AHS w ith
in the th ree m onths from Ju n e 30
R ichard L atim ore and P erry seasoning.
to S eptem ber 30. Net gain in d e ­
w riting sh o rt stories, essays, p o e -, ver, and effectively aided by Dor- ; nis plaid shirts, have you notic-
Vice P resid en t Mrs. William try, a play, and several n o v e ls., is M iller at the piano. Doris h a s ! ed?
posits am ounted to $12,377,288. A yres ju st retu rn ed from a h u n t­
S nider took the chair in the ab ­ Only part of his w ork has been already en tertain ed at tw o g irl’s
In th at th ree-m onth period, the
jjm Dodson and Ben D eH aven.
Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Long sence of Mrs. Eric W eren. The tran slated into English.
governm ent
w ithdrew
League m eetings. S everal oi the of the U.S.M.C. are hom e for a
$18,500,000 of tem porary federal have gone to N am pa, Idaho, roll call response w a^ m ade up of
This story, by a tru e son of Ice- K lam ath Falls visitors in the a u - , week's leave. They both atten d e d
deposits, which indicates the w here he will a tte n d N azarene c u rre n t events.
land is of sm all free holders of dience w ere enjoying it quite as high school last year and enlisted
bank registered a gain of $30,877- College this year. Mr. Long is j Mrs. C. D. E lhart talked on the Icelandic countryside. It takes m uch as our stu d en ts we noticed, m the M arines in August. T here
the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. | the U. S. D ep artm en t of Agricul- one from the earliest settlers, the
These chilly m ornings in the was a lot of hand-shaking, back-
288 in local deposits.
First N ational’s increased loan Long on A shland S treet and he tu re R esearch C enter a t B eltsvil­ Vikings and N orsem en, to the. lib rary its very com forting to slapping and “Gee, I t’s good to
volum e is outstanding. Loans and and Mrs. Long visited with his le, th irte e n m iles, out of W ash­ g eneration of the first w orld w ar have som eone like N orm an Kla- see you back", flying around the
discounts reported to the com p­ p aren ts for three weeks in A ug­ ington, D. C. These laboratories years. The account of tales o f , vano around to lend his letter- lib rary _ M onday _ ______
m orning w hen
seek the solution to the many sorcery and evil curses th a t have m an's sw eater. We see a d iffer-j the fellows dropped in for a visit,
troller —Ju n e 30 am ounted to ust.
been placed on the land follow en t girl w earing it each fo u rth ( Mrs. R alph Ham es. the office
$80,186,019.13. Thus, in the th re e -. Miss M argaret Ram say w ent to problem s confronting grow ers
n t h period
n e r i n d since
s i n c e th
t h at
a t time,
ti m e , by
bv ' S San
a n Francisco
F r a n c is e r , T o uesday
o e rto » m
ottonri w hether it be questions about
through th e them e of the strug-1 period. Nice; chivalry is not dead. | secretary p u t her sh o rth an d skill
m o onth
to attend
funerai of hj,,. aunt. Mrs. lilies, onions, or livestock. They gle of one m an and his fam ily t o ! The band’s new m ascot has not to good use th e o th er day w hen
increased activity in business
loans, real estate m ortgages, and S arah Poat. She plans to re tu rn have m ade studies of w eed killers su rvive and raise sheep against i been officially christened yet but she su b stitu ted for Miss B a rtle t
and prom ise com m ercial p ro d u c­ great odds, on the b arren moors we think everyone enjoyed his jn 8th period sh orthand. E very-
in stallm ent cred it loans the bank hom e this week end.
has increased its outstanding c re ­
Mr. and Mrs. W esley Webb of tion of 2, 4D by 1947 w hich wil* of Iceland. He discovers th at t h e ; antics at the gam e F riday n ig h t , One know s Mrs. Ham es as the in-
dits by ap proxim ately $20,000,- O rville, C alifornia are visiting : m aterially aid in the elim ination lone w o rk er will n ev er escape i We can ’t give credit to the I dividual to w hom they pay their
Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Lowden of weed pests. By crossing types, from a life of p o v erty as long as ! “horse", as we couldn’t find out stu d en t body ticket and book
they have produced a great v a r­ as m an is m an ’s w orst enem y and w ho was in it, but the stu n t w ent t fees.
This rapid advance in loans is this week.
I over very well. Also unofficial I C urtis Vail is busy these days
iety of tom atoes, corn and other not his protector.
ra th e r recent in developm ent. In
Miss ¿ B ,.ari
1940 the average loan figure a - ' Mlss
a r? O’Conne
D 'C o n n e r r o o f f vegetables. Sm all w hite turkeys
“Independence is the most im- as yet is the rum or th at the j try in g to get sw ing band function
m ounted to but $46,483,000. I n ! Council Bluffs Iowa was a w eek w ith less bone and m ore m eat p o rtan t thing of all in life. I say Horse
will m ake his appear- ing again, calling evening reh ear-
1941 it stood at $55,713,000. E|y • eTn£ Suest °.f Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Verne
?. Means of for my p art, th at a m an lives in ance at all of the gam es after safs an d generally m an ag in g
1943 the fugtire had declined t o ' . b n8Ob- Miss O C onner is a cou- stabilizing vitam in content of vain u n til he is
independent," this w ith the band.
1945 w ere fairly substantial, and sln ()* Mrs. Johnson.
The team cannot ever say th at I
_________________ _
butter, bees developed th at m ake says B jarter, the hero of the
Special on 12 ring m uffin tins.
$46,325,000. A dvances in 1944 and
Special on 12 ring muffin tin», m ore honey, and an infinite var- story. He Ives his life out, fig h t-¡th e stu d en t body doesn't back
in the first six m onths of 1946118c. 25c, and 40c at Marshall iety of new developm ent c o m e , ing to rem ain an in d ependent them up at the out-ot-tow n ioc , zac, and sue
tlie level hud risen to $75,480,000. Wells on the Plesa.
i from this interesting center.
games. In fact; quite a few trav- Wells on the Plesa.
Wednesday To Be
Day Set For Boy
Scout Drive Here
Jr. High To Meet
Medford Thursday
Council Candidates
Begin Campaigning
SorOptimistS Hear
Finnish Student
$ 12,000 Raised For
Church of Christ
Missionary Society
Begins India Study
Lincoln School
Opens on Oct. 21
SOC Registration
Up 900 Per Cent
Junior-Senior PTA
Will Meet Oct. 17th
Dual Birthdays Are
Feted at Petersons
Activians Consider
Adding New Members
Commerce Chamber
Tri tes Re-Elected
Boy Scout Chairman
$100 Million Out
In Bank Loans
fortnightly Club Discusses
Research and Reviews Book