Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 03, 1946, Image 1

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    *7Zte SruiUt&Ht
Formerly The
S outhern Oregon
$3 per Year
2 Year* for $5
$50.00 in prize«
Enter your photos of
Ashland scenes in the
Harvest Festival pho­
to contes.
| hurtday, October J, ,< 946
Voi i j , No. j i.
Harvest Festival Here This Week End
Donaugh Visits
Local Democrats
Curl D onaugh, D em ocratic c a n ­
did ate for governor, m et w ith
A shland D em ocrats a t the L il h iu
Hotel W ednesday m orning.
Mr. Donaugh who has been
stum ping the state for the past
two w eeks by air, bus and p ri­
vate car plans to go to LaG rande
and B aker Thursduy.
Donaugh bus been U. S. A tto r­
ney for O regon for the pust
tw elve and a half years and was
longer in th at capacity than a n y ­
one in the state. He was ca n d i­
date for dem ocratic sen ato r in
1948. From 1930 to 1934 he was
dem ocratic state chairm an and
d uring th at tim e he handled Roo­
sevelt's cam paign for piesidency.
He goes on record us su p p o rt­
ing the Basic school fund support
bill and says if he is elected will
appoint new m em b erstif the Ore
gun S tate Liquor Commission.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E Thom pson,
C. M. Frazier, E. E. Vail, Ivor E r­
win. Mr. and Mrs. C arryl Wines,
Mr. Avergis, E. J. LaM arre, B ert
M iller, S. J. Bailey, and Mr B ail­
or, w ere am ong the A shland peo­
ple who talked w ith Donaugh.
Among the A shland people
who atten d ed the fall light opera
season in M edford this week
were: Mr. and Mrs. Logan Nin-
inger, Mr. and Mrs. R obert Dodge
and daughter, Ellen Rue, Miss
Edith Bork, Miss F lorence Allen,
Mrs. Phillips, V ernon C arm enn,
Jacq u e Lowe, P uuline Ulstad,
C larence R ykken and daughter,
Betty, Mrs. Dom Provost, Mr.
und Mrs. C. E. C orrey, Mrs. M ar­
gie C lark, M arjorie and Louise
Flineuu, Miss D orothy U nderk-
hofer, Vera B aker, Mr. and Mrs.
John von K uhlm an, Dr. and Mrs
E. P. Borden.
Prewitt’s Furniture
Store Opens Tuesday
Judging Exhibit Entries
F irst Event on Program "
★ ★ ★
I liu n d a y m o rn in g the f ir s t o f a series o f annual H a rve st Festivals
in A sh la n d , began w ith the J u d g in g o f e xh ib its at the A rm o ry . F rid a y ,
O c to b e r 4, w ill be fille d w ith street sports e n te rta in m e n t, a c a rn iv a l,
the A s h la n d -K la m a th Falls fo o tb a ll game, and a F ire w o rks display.
w in d u p
F estival
w ill
ta k e
S aturday
w ith
C h ilrre n s street parade at 2 p .m ., a log sawing contest at j : jo p.m .,
anti various e n te rta in m e n t and street sports going on d u rin g the day.
Miss Ida W illard and Miss
Agnes W hite left last F rid ay to
re tu rn to college. Miss W illard
dll atten d O regon S ta te at C or­
vallis. This is h er senior year.
Miss W hite will atten d W illam et­
te College in Salem ,this is also
h er senior year.
CPA Halts Work
On Two Buildings
A re p resen tativ e of th e CPA
this w eek notified D ave W hittle
of W hittle T ran sfer and Fuel
C om pany and G eorge E. M iller
th a t they would h ave to stop
w ork on th eir new b uilding p ro ­
W hittle was building a new
storage w arehouse on F o u rth st.
M ayor T hornton S. Wiley and and he was told th a t is was not
City A ttorney W illiam Briggs because of lack of m ateria ls th at
w ere in Salem last week re p re ­ his project was stopped b u t be­
senting the City and presented a cause his building h ad n o t been
resolution passed by the city classified as essential a t this tim e
According to W h ittle he had
council favoring T railw ays a p ­
plication for in tra state rights. been uninform ed concerning th e
M ayor Wiley also carried sim ilar need for a p erm it for buildings
resolutions from the A shland costing over $400, and h ad bought
Lions C lub and from the C h am ­ non p rio rity m aterials for b u ild ­
ing in the open m ark et. The
ber of Com merce.
Only M ayor Wiley testified be­ CPA rep resen tativ e told W hittle
fore the P ublic U tilities Com m is­ th a t the buying of th e m aterials
sion, hearin g the T railw ays case. w as not in violation of C PA con­
The tw o m en drove to Salem and trols b u t th a t th e use of them
. was. W hittle is p lan n in g to get
back on Friday.
th e proper p erm it as soon as is
Mayor Wiley Appears
Before PUC Friday
Ju d g es for the exhibits have
beeji selected by Earl N ew bry, i
sen ato
r from Miss
A shland’s new est en try into the state
ty. They
M ary coun-
M e - 1 G O n C e S S lO n a ilT e S
retail business field is the P re ­
w itt F u rn itu re and H ardw are uarn in , N eedlew ork judge; Miss
M embers of the Ashland A cti-
Store at 137 N orth Pioneer, which M arian A dy, A rt; b o b H ardy, vians club m et Tuesday n ight at
opened T uesday m orning.
oaking; A nay btevens, v ege­
Due to shortage of building mat tables; R alpn Koozer, canned the Elks tem ple to appoint booth
erials the store has not yet been goods; and F. C. R eim er, fruit. com m ittee m em bers. Two booths
com pleted but Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hie judge for the Low er ex m p it will be operated during the Fall
P rew itt plan to have it com pleted nas not oeen selected.
H arvest festival. One booth s e r­
P rizes will be aw arded for the ving hot dogs, soft drinks, candy
They will carry a com plete new best decorated w nndow s F riday
M illers new re s ta u ra n t location
bars, and coffee will be set up
line of fu rn itu re, ‘h ard w are and afternoon.
Second and East M ain stree t
electrical appliances and will con­
S atu rd ay the childrens parad e
. .
Wfls halted for the sam e reason.
tinue to handle the used fu rn i­ will form at the Ju n io r high will be m obile unit which will
Tw enty one Soroptim ists m et
The JVW store, a i the en tran ce
ture and articles as the Plaza school at 2:00 p.m. C ontestants to u r th e city.
W ednesday noon a t the L ith ia to L ithia P ark , C laycom b build-
Trade Shop did.
should a rriv e at the assem bly
According to C layton C ullen Coffee shop. It was decided t h a t 'i n g and G eorge K nox’s building
The form er Plaza T rade shop point betw een 1:00 and 1:30 p.m. vice p resident of the organization each m em ber w ould m ake up a on th eiP laza w ere all passed. A c­
is being rem odeled and redecora­ The p arad e will be led by the Dick De Mers and Howard Miles bundle of clothes or canned tood
The B uilding Finance com m it­ ted in order to b etter display fu r­ Motor Police, the Flag, m ajoret- will be in charge of the booth and send to N orw ay to help in cording to J. V. W eitzel, his build
ing was passed by the C PA re ­
tee of the C hurch of C hrist an niture. Mr. P re w itt stated th at I tes and the High School oand. at the A rm ory on Friday.
th a t w ar ravaged co untry.
p resen tativ e because it w as be­
nounces th at gifts and pledges foi the shortage of building m aterials j I he bicycle section will
... then fol-
S atu rd ay th e two booths will
Miss Je a n e tte S m ith spoke of gun before M arch 1st. G eorge
the construction of a new build was holding up the com pletion o t ' low w ith clowns and costum ed
F innish good w ill stu d en t, K nox will use the second floor of
ing to replace the one recently the rem odeling, how ever, he h a d ! characters, the pet division, Bliss
destroyed by fire will be receiv ­ decided to go ahead w ith his Heines drum and bugle corps, Bob Vroman, Bob Lugar, Earl who will ap p ear a t th e college his building for ap a rtm en ts and
ed at a special W illing H earts opening and to begin operations wagon and buggies, und saddle Schilling, G ail W illiams, R. D. n ex t W ednesday. She also told it therefo re was declared essen-
of the practical w ork expected o f ' tial.
service next S unday m orning during the rem odeling. Mr. and ponies, parading in th at order. 1 W arren and K enneth Harris.
education stu d en t at the | M aterials for the C laycom b
The service will be held at the Mrs. P rew itt plan to have it com
prizes 01 $5.00, $300, and $1.00
1 building have alread y been pur-
J u n io r High school auditorium at pleted soon.
are to be aw arded to the best!
Follow ing discussion of various chased and it is n ear com pletion
the reg u lar eleven o’clock s e r­
three contestants in each division V l S l t i n g ' OFI V V P S t C O H S t m atters of business, m eeting a d ­ so it was okayed.
M any o th er co n stru ctio n jobs
Dollar Days
Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce are journed.
T he com m ittee states, "That
I w ere inspected by th e C ivilian
w hile it is d ifficult to m ake e s ti­
M erchants of A shland are of- W
1"« a f \ u ° ^ e! ks ?2sit
' P roduction A d m inistration, w hile
m ates w ith accuracy, it is believ­
fering several prizes ranging 1
‘J ster of th e doctor, Mrs. R uth
; th e ex am iners w ere here.
ed th at $40,000 will be needed to
from radios to floor lam ps, and
r ,a n ^ her# d aujShter,
con stru ct the first wing of the
jew elry in re tu rn for certain dol- .
S<^n ’, i / roP 1 M ara-
proposed building '' The church
J which are presently in ) 1 thon,
Iowa. . This
the first
Coach O'Neil says Fri d a y ' J lar bills
n rOl,Rr?,^3
ln l,S is
n rs i tim
Vme e
now has $14,000
for r con- night
11,000 on
nn hand
nano m
g h t’s gam e here betw een Kla circulation in the county.
.• ,.
e s. s ,ster das Y ^’ted in
l-tm c tio n piH
pi« 1 -io
0 1 a This leaver
ath Falls u n d kn'Rand should: One thousand one dollar bills
,’ T ce»u19 / They have
How ard S. Wiley, chairm an of
100 ,,, !
i s
a be a good close one
have been released in Jackson
Boy Scout fund drive, a n n o u n c e d ; F ive A shland business m en and
large sum fm- our people", states
According to O'Neil, K lam ath
today th at the drive would sta rt two visitors shed th e ir business
Earl F. Do iw ning, m inister of the
suits and donned th e ir h u n tin g
A shland C ham ber of Com merce.
1 5.° ‘he, ^ s » c o a s t O n Mon- F rid ay m orning, O ctober 18.
church, “btit we believe that we
ets last W ednesday w hen
M em bers of the Lions Club,
can m ake a sizeable im pression in their first gam e of the season; for som e item of m erchandise , sjgdh t seeinplat n ^ ng m any o ther
th ey took off for S teens M oun­
on it n ex t S unday."
them 19 to 9, and last F riday, I w hich is now on display in v ar-
civic organizations will p a r tic i-1 2“
“ * . to * h u n t deer for th e n ex t
p ate in the drive. All of th e w ork e a a ys.
Salem won over them by a sc o re ' ious A shland stores.
ers will have a b reak fast at t h e ', S t ,e en,s m ° “ n ta in is . ab o u t a
of 13 to 7.
— — ---------------------
L ithia Hotel the m orning of O c t-'. h u n d red m **es from B urns. Ore-
The G rizzlies d id n 't let the Co- P o llC fe I l e p i i r t l Y l d l t
gon. The m en going w ere Jo h n
ober 18.
quille eleven hove a score in
The Rev. E v erett McGee, p ast­ their opening gam e They travel-
The C rater Lake Council is Nosier, Bob Van Vleet, Dr. W. W.
or of the C hurch of C hrist, Phoe­
w orking on th ree new u nits of W eller, M arion M ann, H arrison
U nder the direction of C lar-
T. G rim sley, R alph W aterm an
nix, spoke over KWIN S eptem ber ed to Lakeview last F riday and
illiam s, , ________
assistan t _____
chief of
___ W
The L ithia B akery was again the A shland Boy Scout org an iza­ from Los Angeles ,and Don B race
30, O ctober 1, and 2nd, for the won 32 to 7.
The gam e will be broadcast Police, a broadcast honoring the j open to its patrons Tuesday, aft
of Yoncalla.
A shland M inisterial Association
over KW IN w ith Bill Healy and new spapers of A shland, was p r e - ' e r being closed to red ecorate and are six units, fo u r boy scout
at 9:15 a m. each m orning.
The Rev. A J. Edw ards, pastor W endell L aw rence doing the play sented W ednesday evening at due to a shortage of sugar.
According to C. G. Wolf, pro
of the C hurch of the Nazarene, by play account, N ew bry Orch- 8:15 from the studios of KWIN.
The program is a re g u la r feat- p rieto r of the bakery, they will
A shland, will be on the program ards sponsoring the broadcast.
T hree of the first stringers re- ure presented by the Police d e­ furnish pastries th at w ere popu­
()< t 3. 4, and 5th.
M em bers of tne Y outh F ello w ­
B eginning M onday, O ctober 7 ceived injuries in the Lakeview p artm e n t and as the w eek of lar in the past and have a few
group of th e M ethodist
new ones.
A nnual Booster n ight for B ell­ church sp en t last S un d ay on a
and speaking th rough the three
days of the seventh, eighth, and
field trip in the Modoc L av a Beds
n in th will be the Rev. Alice ed ankle; F red W ilkins, right j nient felt th a t it would be a good ly redecorated w ith new floures- evening, S ep tem b er 30.
n ear Tule Lake. Jo h n B illings
M em bers and th e ir frien d s a t ­ who
Wooley, pastor of the M ethodist
sp en t several years in th at
La Blanc, right guard, w ith a bad; forcem ent agencies and the poL The sugar was obtained through tended the covered dish d in n er
church. Talent.
. hold-
- the efforts of ’ e A shland C hain­ w hich opened the m eeting. F ol­ area as an education advisor for
The daily program s are a p re ­
the CCC program acted as guide
S tartin g lineup for the Kla- ing dow n crim e.
lowing the d in n er the S tate M as­ for the group.
| ber of Com merce.
sen tatio n sponsored by the A sh­
ters address was read by G lenn
land M inisterial association. The
Included in the p arty w ere B ar
C enter, G eorge F ullerton; left
Inlow, and G eorge A ndrew s talk - b ara
program is titled "The C hurch in
and C harles Eliason, Je a n e t-
» « I. “ “
Your Home."
De ean Boyer, left tackle, Je rry
Bob Jenson was deer hunting D ecker; rig h t tackle, J e rry Ran-
th at the G range can play in the
The p arty v isited the scene of
j dies; left end, Bill M ontgom ery;)
S atu rd ay on W agner Creek.
developm ent.
C aptain Jack 's last stan d , th e
rig h t end, J e rry M itchell; left
A tto rn ey Ben T. Lom ba r d C anby cross, th e caves of th e
half, Ed B eare; q u arterb ack , H ar­
spoke at the re g u la r G range m eet S kull, W hite Lace, and C h ry stal
ry K annasto; fullback, Louis Lan
ing T uesday evening on legisla­ cavern. They also stu d ied the
ger; lig h t half, F red W ilkins or
tive m atters to be voted on in Petroglyphs.
Erw in W ilkinson.
E v eret Royce .Fordyce St.
F ran k H all from the Live Oak
The election M onday evening
Mrs. F letcher will m ove to Ash
Jo h n J. K riesky, 460 Blvd.
of Ray F letch er as the A shland j land w ith h er h usband about G range of Rogue R iver spoke to
G. L. Patton ,160 No. Second.
Y. M. C. A. secretary clim axed Nov. 1. They have a m arried th e Grange.
B. L. Lear, 55 T hird St
The Home Economics C om m it­
three m onths of effo rt to get d au g h ter and a son who is e n te r­
Floyd W hite ,188 C entral
P lans w ere discussed by m em ­ ju st the rig h t m an for Ashland. ing college a fte r spending consi­ tee will m eet w ith Mrs. H enry
bers of T oastm asters at the Mon­ The local board has had several derable tim e in the service. The S ten ru d on Iowa S treet, O ctober
day night m eeting to have a m en come in for personal in te r­ Fletchers are m em bers of the 9.
R egistration for voters who
round table discussion on various views and Mr. F letcher was in B aptist church and tak e an active
will vote in this years g eneral
subjects w hich w ould be broad­ A shland M onday and Tuesday, p a rt in com m unity affairs. They
election will close S a tu rd a y at
cast over KWIN.
He m et w ith the board Monday depressed them selves as pleased
7:30 according to N elle B urns
A ccording to Jo h n von K uhl­ evening and it was decided to w ith the A shland com m unity and
city registrar. Mrs. B u rn ’s office
are looking forw ard to living and
The R everend A. J. Edw ards m an, vice p resid en t of the organ­ offer him the position.
A covered dish d in n er and pro is located at 15 N orth Main.
S ecretary F letcher com es to w orking in this city.
The bi-election will be held
of the N azarene C hurch was elec­ ization .the club is also consider­
gram , honoring the stu d en ts ana
Last Ju n e A shland and th e sur- faculty of SOCE, and the teacher N ovem ber 5 and reg istratio n
ted p resident of A shland’s M inis­ ing setting up a sp e a k e r’s bureau A shland from P o rt Tow nsent,
terial Association, M ondav a fte r­ w hich will furnish speakers to W ashington w here for the last j rounding com m unity e n th u sia st­ of the A shland public schools,' closes on O ctober 5, 30 days b e­
noon, S eptem ber 30 ,at the As­ various schools, churches, and tw o and a half years he has been ically backed the financial d riv e w ith M ethodist preference, was fore. Mrs. B urns suggests th at
com m unity organizations, w ith ­ in charge of the Y.M.C.A. U.S.O. to support the Y.M.C.A. program | held in tne Fellow ship rooms of A shland residents w ho h ave not
sem bly of God Church.
He has had a num ber of years e x ­ n Ashland. O fficers are Jo h n | the church last F rid ay evening. A already registered do so at once.
O ther officers elected w ere out fee.
M eetings are held M onday ev perience in Y.M.C.A. w ork and Billings, president; Roland P ark s | good nu m b er of people attended, So far 112 people have reg istered
Vice P resident, the R everend G.
M. S hum an ,of the P resbyterian ening at the L ithia coffee shop I the A shland board tho u g h t that vice-president; Eric W erren, sec- and a program of in terest was since the 24 of Ju ly . T h irty of
church; secretary and treasurer, and are open to anyone interest | his experience would be valuable treas. O ther directors are: Rev. presented. A ddresses of welcome this total w ere reg istered S a tu r­
the R everend Earl F. D ow ning of ed. At last M onday’s m eeting Bob i in launching the new program in George Shum an, H om er Billings, w ere given by A. O. McGee, sup- day and S un d ay of this last
H ardy acted as T oastm aster. He I Ashland.
Dr. George Bruce, Joseph F ader, erin te n d en t of the S unday school, week.
the C hurch of C hrist.
Persons req u ired to reg ister
Leslie G rant, Leland P. Linn, C .1 and by Roy R. Peck, teach er ol
Leland Linn, S u p erin ten d en t of also m ade a five m inute speech
schools spoke at the m eetine on on the subject "W hy I Would lege w ork at Des Moines College M. L itw iller .A llan O. McGee, the S unday schools class of col- include those who have m oved
in Iowa. He started his Y work Roy Peck, F ran k Van Dyke, and lege youth ,and by Jo h n Billings; out of th eir precinct since the
the Basic School S upport Bill. L ike to be a C ouncilm an".
youth w ork sponsor, and bv the last election, w om en w ho have
The association voted u n a n im o u s, E,
, . H. . S ingm aster m ade the in Des Moines and left there to C. H. Wines.
changed th eir nam es by m a rri­
ly to endore the b ill.'
, principal speech of the evening. become the secretary in charge of
M em bers of the B oard of Dir- pastor, D r G. W. Bruce,
The college group m eet in the age, persons who have reached
The association will m eet the , I I I I e spoke on the subject of “In- 1 the boys w ork in B urlington, 111- ectors and th e officers of the Y.
first M onday of everv month, surance and Lloyds of London”. 1 inois. He held sim ilar positions in M.C.A are plan n in g to m eet w ith L ittle chapel tw ice each Sunday, 21 since the last election, those
C lair Thom as of the F o re s t' LaCross, W isconsin and Spokane, G lenn S. B utler, the co n trib u to r a t 9:45 a.m. for the stu d y of the w ho failed to vote tw o y ears ago,
and it was decided the Union
T hanksgiving services will be Service spoke on the lum ber sit-1 W ashington. W hen the w ar broke who m ade the YMCA program S unday School lesson, and at 6:30 , Jhose who will have established
' out he w ent back to New York possible, som etim e d u rin g this for the M ethodist Y outh Fellow - 1 a six m onth residence in the
held at the N azarene chimeh w ith uation.
The n ex t m eeting will be held for special train in g in U.S.O. w eek ,and will p resen t the i sliip w orship hour.
state on or before election day
the R everend S hum an officiating.
M onday evening at 6:15 at the w ork and has been following this thanks and the com m unities to
and not alread y reg istered , and
R um m nec Sale —- R aturdav L ithia coffee shop Interested in- type of w ork since. He will finish Mr. B utler. The co n trib u tio n bv
Mrs. Nelson H oldem an of Tern-j new ly natu ralized citizens. Vet-
Oct. 5, Episcopal C hurch Parish dividuals are welcom e according his w ork in P o rt Tow nsent and B utler totaled $1,000, and was pee, Arizona, visited her bro th er ' eran s are advised to check w ith
House, 42 Second S t, Sponsored , to Dave W hittle, p resident of the take over his new duties in A sh­ m ade on the basis th at th e com ­ C arlton A bbott and fam ily last the re g istra r to see if th eir nam es
week end.
munity raise $4,000.
by J o b ’s D aughters. Open 9 a .m .1 organization .
land w ith in a m onth.
are on the books.
Aetivians Appoint
Soroptimists Send
Bundles to Norway
Service on Sunday
For Willing Hearts
j)r> Bruce’s Sister Is
Klamath Falls to
Play Here Friday
Boy Scout Drive
To „ Take
Place 16th ,10
Hun‘ers V1.'
c u. , , .
Steens Mountain
The Rev. A. Edwards
To Present Program
HOIlOrS Newspapers
Lithia Bakery Open
Again; Has Sugar
Lava Beds Scene of
Grange Has Booster Fellowship Tour
Night Last Monday
Ray Fletcher Selected to
Head Local Y Program
• Newcomers to
Registration To
Close October 5th
Toastmasters Plan
Round Table Talks
Rev. Edwards New
Association Head
Covered Dish Dinner
Held For Methodists