4 f Form erly The Southern Oreqon Miner S3 per Year 2 Yet r* for SS 00 PER YEAR *Z4e SfutiketiM . Ô leao+t $50.00 in prize* Enter your photo* of t Ashland scenes in the ( Harvest F estival pho- { to contes. NEWS REVIEW A SH LA N D . JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON Ashland’s Killy Baiîcl Off To Convention i m * .ay, September a6, i .>46 Voi. i j, No. n Harvest Festival Plans Completed Airs. S. J. Bailey Is Elected PTA Prexy The E xecutive C om m ittee of the J u n io r S enior P.T.A. m et T uesday evening a four o’clock at tin- Ju n io r high cafeteria. The m eeting was called to o rd e r by Mrs. S. J Bailey as vice president In the lack of a p resid en t it was recom m ended th at Mrs. B ail­ e y b e elected president and Mrs Z ittercob vice president and p r o ­ gram chairm an, to com plete the officers for the com ing year. Follow ing the filling of the Momber* of Ashland's fam ed K ilty Band a* they appeared during offices, discussion centered a- the Fourth of July Parade held here this year. The band is leaving round plans for the years p ro ­ this w eek end for San Francisco and the N ational A m erican Legion gram , m em bership and budget. The first m eeting of the Ju n io r C onvention. S enior P.T.A. will be T hursday evening, O ctober 17. P rogram will cen ter around the Basic School S upport bill. Eight m em bers of the executive com m ittee w ere present at the m eeting. Whittle Elected Toastmaster Head Ashland Travels to Lakeview on Friday A sh lan d ’s football squad will m eet L akeview in 'th e si second gam e of the tall season, F riday evening at 8 o ’clock at Lakeview . This is the second scheduled gam e lo r A shland, A shland hav- mg won from C oquille , ......................._ on the home field last F rid ay n ig h t 33 to U. L akeview tied H enley last F riday m gnt and according to tne gridiron Ians, n e ith e r team ha m uch o.i m e Dali. A h lan.i's sec­ ond string play ers should get a good w orkout F rid ay night at Lakeview . Exhibits, Parade Dollar Days, All To Be Presented Ì Dave W hittle, acting p resid en t ! of the Ashland T oastm asters club was unanim ously elected piesi d en t of the organization tit thi F estival Will B egin • reg u lar m eeting he|d M ondaj Thursday, October 3, night at the Lithia colfee siio p . Will Close S atu rd ay W hittle had been instrum ent..! in organizing and m ain tain in g t.-.i A shland s H arvest Festival club was considered b y to , will open T hursday, O ctober 3, b eis presen t as being the propel and run through S atu rd ay , O cto­ individual to be the first p re si­ dent of the ch artered o rg an iza­ ber 5, w itn ta n n ex h ib its, a loot- tion. o a il gam e, a firew orks display, Lyndell N ew bry, who has been stree t gam es, a p arad e, window acting secretary of the o rg an iza­ displays, a thousand dollars tion was elected as secretary. w orth of d ollar day prizes, and a Roger Rath was elected deputy governor; Jo h n von K uhlm ann, Included am ong the A shland oig h arv est dance to wind up the vice president, and C larence W il­ girls who left for college last festival. liams, serg ean t at arms. H ero F ischbci:., „ m eral c h a ir­ week w ere N inon King, M arilee . Roger R ath in a 10 m inute Erw in, Delores E rw in, and C ara- m an of the Festival annouced soeech explained the plig h t of lee Haines. th is week th a t T hursday m orning the m eat packers under the pre- Miss King, who is the dau g h ter would be sp en t in receiving e x ­ M embers of A shland's far fam leopard skins according to Me­ s»pt OPA controls. Rath used the of Mrs. R uth King is atten d in g hibits a t tne A rm ory. M ayor ed A m ercan Legion K ilty band N an are authorized to be dis­ chalk talk m ethod of speaking. the U niversity of O regon at E u ­ Ih o rn to n Wiley is in charge of til e leaving this week end for played only by Scottish regim ents Doyle Seely acted as T o astm ast­ Boy Scout troop 12 began th eir er, von K uhlm ann was topic gene. This is h er senior year. the ex h ib its which are divided San Francisco and the N ational which have served in India, the M arilee E rw in, d au g h ter of Mi. into seven sections w ith 300 su b ­ A m erican Legion convention. I.ochiel C am eron regim ent being fall season m eetings M onday m aster, and W endell Law rence and Mrs. I. C. Irw in is also in classes. The seven m ain sections evening, w ith a m eeting held at served as critic. The trip is being m ade possible one. n er senior y ear at college. She include: Vegetables, F ru it, C an­ the J u n io r High school. by the A m erican Legion, the A variety of clans and regim en- is atten d in g O regon state. Delores ned Foods, Flow ers, Baking T here w ere tw en ty -fo u r m em ­ C liam ber of Com m erce, and m em I lal insignia is worn by the band E rw in is a J u n io r a t S an Jose N eedlew ork, and A rt. H erb H us­ hers of the barpi itself. A total including the insignia of the Roy- bers p resen t Tom Laird is the state in C alifornia. ton has been in charge of the d e ­ S coutm aster. Laird was a sco u t­ of 14 bandsm en are m aking the ai S tu a rt, the S eaforth, Cam eron, Miss H aines, who is the d au g h t corations for the A rm ory w hich m aster for this group before b e­ trip. H erb Moore is m anager of | and C ordon. A shland’s new ly formed A ctive ,e r D r -and Mrs. Chas. Haines is to be used as an ex h ib it hall. Ila- g i o u p a n d J . s s S im p s o n is -j l u . |, a lld w l |l le a d th e O r e g o n ing called to the arm y and he re ­ C lub will m eet tonight at th e ’ 15? atten d in g th e U niversity of Judges will begin judging the sum ed the m astership last spring president. ! delegation in the various parades ( C alifornia a t B erkley. This is h er exhibits a t 2:00 P. M. T hursday w hen he was discharged from the L ithia Coffee Shop The band was organized in 1930 th a t are a p a rt of the convention Arm y. Earl Schilling, president of the ilrst year. H er brother, K eith afternoon. They are being select­ and has been a spectacular fea-1 pageantry. The first p arad e will club, will appoint com m ittees to H aines is atten d in g S outhern ed by E arl N ew bry. The arm ory lu re of A shland festivities since, be the F orty and eight p arade on will be open du rin g T hursday w ork on the H arvest Festival. O regon college. th at time. Sim pson is the last I S unday. T uesday the band wiii only to Judges and exhibitors. The A ctive club will have charge m em bei of the original group o f j again m arch in the national par- F riday m orning a t 9:00 th e A rm ­ of all the concessions at the F esti­ officers. G erald G u n ter is the last j ade when all L egionairres will ory will be opened to display the val and will sell hot dogs, coca of the original playing group to I parade. exhibits and announce the prize cola and o ther soft drinks. still be w ith the band. The band will re tu rn a week All teachers of the public winners. T hree prizes are being a w a rd ­ T w en ty -th ree A shland wom en At present four W orld W ar II i from this S aturday, school of A shland, and all teach- ed each class. F irst prize w in ­ v eterans are playing w ith the o r - , Included am ong the m em bers I atten d ed the annual m eeting of 4 c I zw lr ro /"Lx™ » v . l rs and stu d ents in th e S o u th ern ners in will receive $1.00. Second k O d g t E O m m a n d t r Oregon College of Education, gam zation and will m ake the San ; o{ the band who are m aking the dlsV.lct, , 12 oi th e R ebekah lodge Francisco trip. Four m en from S an Francisco trip are C harles Medford S aturday, S eptem b er M. P. D unn was installed as Wltd M ethodist affiliation or p re ­ prize w inners will receive 75c and P o rtland are being added to R’1’ ! P latko, D rum M ajor, O rm y God-1 2 • held at the I O O F hall. Re- E m inent C om m ander by his fa th ­ ference, are invited to be guests th ird prize w inners will get 50c. ro ste r to m ake this trip. Two a,'e ! dard, pipe m ajor, Eddie R andall, P1 esontatives of eight lodges in er, George W. Dunn. P ast G ran d of honor at a covered dish d in ­ Blue, red, and w hite ribbons will o b pipe D1DC sg, set W illiam Woods. pipers from the old P o rtlan d Pol- Woods, G erald Jackson and Josephine counties C om m ander ,at the installation ner on F riday evening, Sept. 27th be aw arded to each prize w inner. E xhibits w ill be displayed from ice Pipers and tw o are from the G unter, Bob M ercer, R. D uncan, i w ere Present. services of M alta C om m andery at 6:30 .The d in n er w ill be held C anadian Legion band. A c c o r d - R A Foster, R. R. Finnley, and | Mrs. Nellie M adden and Mrs. No 4 .K nights T em plar last week in the din in g rooms of the church -.00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on F rid ay mg to Sim pson this will give the < C harles M acK intosh, pipers; H .. D orothy Dickey of the local lodge a t the M asonic Tem ple. w hich is located on the co rn er of and from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on band a total ol eight pipes, a bass D M cNair, bass drum m er, P aul en tertain ed delegates S atu rd ay N orth Main and L aurel S treets. S atu rd ay . E xhibitors will have to O ther officers installed were: drum , three side drum s, and a Hyers, R obert Fulton, Billy El- m orning w ith piano duets In the George W. Neilson. G eneralissi­ The ladies of the ch u rch will be rem ove th e ir ex h ib its im m ediate- afte r 6:00 p.m. S atu rd ay eygn- d iu m m ajor who is six fe e t an d (ia lt an d j „ hn M cN urty, side afternoon the A shland Chapter mo? ’J o h n P. DaugMfcrty, C aptain in charge of the d in n er. six inches tall. • drum s. Em il K roeger is going to presented a m em orial program . G eneral; George W. D unn, Treas- There will be special e n te rta in ­ Those present from A shland u rere; R. E. D etrick, R ecorder; A new leopard skin has been act as m anager in place of Moore, m ent du rin g the afternoon and procured from Scotland for H. D. Jak e L ah r and Emil K roeger will w ere: Mrs. Louise Perrozi, Mrs. Vern A. T urpin, Senior W arden; evening at the A rm ory o n 'F r i ­ McNair, the bass drum m er. T h e s e , be the color guard for the band. D orothy Dickey, Mrs. Verona F red A. Purdin, Ju n io r W arden; day and S atu rd ay . Roy P eck is Abel, Mrs. Alm a S ten n ett, Mrs Rev. A. H. M acDonnell, E xcell­ in charge of this en tertain m en t. A nna M yer, Mrs. Millie Sm ith en t P relate; Elliott B. M acCrack- Adm ission to th e arm o ry will Mrs. Emily Rogers, Mrs. Ju lia en, S tan d ard B earer C hris A. Ren be 25c for ad u lts and 10c for S eitters, Mrs. B eth W im er, Mrs. I ken. Sw ord B earer, W illiam H. According to C hief of Police children. Lena D am eron, Mrs. A nna Ball, j Bishop, W arder and W illiam J Mrs. G race C ram er, Mrs. E th ei I W allace, S enünel. E lm er Q B e ig - 1 m e^t' would1 like ev ?n t w Ä ¿ K " ^ lla r DaysL’ Election of officers for the Min- M itchell, Mrs. V ivian D alkenberg el. retirin g E m i n e n t C o m m a n d e r " FJ.en, L ^ hlch ls. beinß sponsored D alkenberg isterial Association will be held .re t*‘ ing ,E.n?’ne^ t C om m ander m erchants and em ployees as well by local m erchants will begin Mrs. A nna Hess, Mrs. C arrie ' next M onday, S eptem ber 30, at PreSCnkerimWlth . PaSl Co n\ ’ i as o th er A shland citizens t h a t 1 and this will last th ro u g h S at- F uneral services w ere held 1 the Assem bly of God church ac­ W inkler. Mrs. Nellie M adden, P_oliEe . dePartn ?en,t is m aking Mrday', 51,000 in prizes is being Munday m orning, S eptem ber 23, cording to the Rev. George S h u ­ Mrs. Mae L indner, Mrs. Hazel G rand C om m ander R alph E. re g u lar patrols w ith th e m otorcy­ offered for d ollar bills w hich for Mrs. Nora L. ’1 nom as who Neff, Mrs. Alta Nichols, Mrs. A r­ Sw eeney m aking the p re sen ta­ cle and on foot m aking arrests have specific serial num bers. The died at the P ark View C onvales­ m an, p resid en t of the association. ia Magness, Mrs. Mollie May and tion speech. The Basic School S u p p o rt bill Mrs. Celia A. B erninghauser . for p ark in g overtim e, double serial nu m b ers will be announced cent hom e last F riday m orning, parking, and o th er m otor vehicle at each individual store. S eptem ber 20, a fte r an extended will be discussed. A re p resen ta­ Mrs. Mae Eib, P ast Noble violations. tive of the M edford M inisterial F o o tb a ll and F ire w o rk s illness. G rand and D istrict chairm an of A ssociation will also be present Jo h n D augherty,, h ead of the F rid ay n ig h t at W alter P hillips Mrs. Thom as was born in S ey ­ to tell about a possible Jackson A shland lodge, now a residen t of city stree t com m ittee is p re se n t­ h eld the A shland H igh school m our, Iowa on D ecem ber 1, 1881 ounty religious survey to be Los Gatos, C alifornia, sen t a te l­ W orkm en are busy this week ly in v estigating the possibility of grizzlies w ill play K lam ath Falls and has been a resiuent nl A sh­ C egram to the d istrict m eeting of­ reroofing the educational p a rt of m ore p ark in g lots. He will m ake in w h at dow ntow n q u arterb ack s land for the past tw en ty -fo u r held in J a n u a ry or F ebruary. fering h er congratulations the C hurch of C h rist for tem p o r­ his recom m endations to the M ay­ say will be one of th e best foot­ years. THREE A SH L A N D BOYS ary use. Only the roof and ceiling or and the council as soon as the ball gam es of the c u rre n t season. She is survived by her h u s­ ENLIST IN REGULAR ARMY of the u p stairs rooms w ere b u rn ­ su rv ey is com pleted. Im m ediately follow ing the foot­ band,Jesse Thom as, A shland two T hree A shland boys enlisted C hief T alen t stated th a t if ball gam e spectators w ill be tre a t ed. W hile the walls and furnish- children, C lark Thom as ol Med- this m onth in the A rm y, they are. ings w ere sm oke and w ater dam - D au g h erty ’s recom m endat i o n s ed to w hat is acclaim ed to be one lord and Mrs. B etty Vinson ol Leonard M. W illiam s, 19, son ol aged they w ere not in ju red in j w ere accepted th ere would be of the m ost lavish display of A rth u r Teeland, two and a P o rtland; and three brothers; A. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard N. W ill­ m ore p ark in g - space. T alen t also firew orks th at A shland has ev er y ear old son of Mr. and Mrs. : any o th er way. - G. C arey, Lovelock, N evaua; Jac iams ol 116 Lincoln street, en list­ half W alter T eeland of 585 Allison St Thls re Pa,r will give the ch u r- ’ poined out th a t if alleys w ere seen. ob Carey, Des Moines, Iowa, and ed S ep tem b er 19 for 18 m onths. fell out of the car w hich his m oth ch a place to house P a d of the repaired and im proved m ore m er The F irew orks is a tw o -hour W illiam e Carey, A rkansas. C alvin A. Hovland, 18, son of er was driving S unday about a i S unday sch° o1 and a place f o r 1 chandise deliveries could be show w hich will be presented the In term en t was m ade in Mrs. M yrtle H. H ovland of 215 m ile north of P hoenix m idw eek m eetings. I m ade in the re a r of stores ra th e r and handled by a co m petent op­ M ountain View cem etery. 5th St., enlisted S eptem ber 4 for T h „ „,„0,11 .......... i ■ _ i W ork is also progressing in re- than in the front. erato r furnished by the Fire gainst the re ar d o o i a n ^ d T a m e - m oving the burned p a rt of the .1 “This will aid g reatly in pro- w orks com pany. Mrs. W. E. T udor and son, D el­ ltt m onths. building. Lights have been in- ' hibiting "D ouble P ark in g ,” Tal- S atu rd ay the arm o ry will re ­ Jac k C. C anfield, 18, son of oDen throw ing him m ih . bert of Dorris, Oregon visited this in e n t H n u - a / i a b n t m n#V i stalled th a t w orkm en m ay come ent said, and will m ake it m ore m ain open for visitors and at week w ith Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Enid C. C anfield of Rt. 1 Box h o s n i t a V „ ¡ v l n to a Med i° rd after su p p er and give tw o o r , convenient for all concerned.” - ch ildren w ill be staged on M ain Chipm an. M onday, Mrs. Chip- 30A, also enlisting in S eptem ber, P . and given a thorough ibree ,hr«w» hours hnnra inhr>r • School zones are also being p at- tw o o'clock a novelty p arad e for labor m an and Mrs. H arry C hipm an, was a high school stu d en t at Pros exam ination w hich revealed o n-j Buildim? _ and f in n ____ n o a p ______ n m m it ' rolled and the C hief asks the street. Jo h n D au g h erty is in ly slight injuries. He was released tp E u ild in « and fin an ce com m it pect w hen he enlisted. M edford, were in Dorris. are w orking on th eir assign- • cooperation ol all citizens in try - charge of the parade. $100.00 in the sam e day. Mr. and Mrs. Horace B u rn ett of | ed tasks. T entative plans of the >ng to avoid accidents in these prize m oney will be aw arded Eugene are house guests ol Mr. finance com m ittee are to begin I zones. various children whose floats and unu Mrs. George Dunn. Mr. B tn- I the d rive for funds on S u n d ay ,! .. ¿ .-g „ -rr:------ z r r costum es are considered o u t­ n ett served on the sta ll of tbe 1 O ctober 6 w ith a special m oney- I Robbins of San Bru- standing. W ith The E ighth Arm y Eugene R egister-G uard tor m any raising service 1 no> C alifornia is v isitin g h er son. Also on S atu rd ay $100 in prizes In Sapporo, Japan (D elayed) K enton Robbins and fam ily. She will be aw arded by various m er­ years and is now retired. and Jin n ie Speece, fo rm er­ Sgt. A lbert S tratto n , 20 year ly Ted was joined by her husband, E. S. Mrs. A rnold L. Sm itti of San- chants whose w indow s are a d ­ operators of the S teak House Mr. G and Robbins, W ednesday, who wil! judged the best decorated. The R alael, California will spend this old M? paratro w . f l o i n p er, m n son n of f 185 ra a t 325 East Main, havp taken over visit here for a week. Robbins is week with his m other, Mrs. Thor- S ? T e x p S '“ ™,'i B y K ath arin e G rossm an m ittee in charge of window on a vacation from his postoffice com a Cooper, and sister, Mrs. George Tile 194o-41 school y e a r got oil decorations is headed bv Bob hom e in the v ery n ea r future. AI 1t.rm in a , jn Me.ltorfl Vd c> bu duties in San Bruno. M arlin. Ingle. to a good s ta rt M onuay m orning present, he is w ith the 511th Air-1 e rm ,n ai in “ edtord. Ken Jones, son of S. C. Jones, Mrs. E. E. M iller, of Sebastopal, $50.00 iq prizes is also bein'* Mr. and Mrs. S p eete have liv- Sept. 16, w ith a g en eral assem bly Signal Division C om pany and of .to the - ed in « "» th e m O fegon for eight m m e lib rary caned by principal, who has been assisting his fa th e r C alifornia is p resently visiting borne ith A irborne aw arded to the individuals wh 1 operate the B illings A gency here |1 ± d A ,\ „ nS a S o * rt N n u t f ^ n ^ a r s an d will now m ake th eir Earl Rogers. He opened the m eet- 1 her d aughter, Mrs. J. E. G ow land have the best historical displav is atten d in g the fall session of R obert Dodge is in charge of th of 381 Mt. Ave. Mrs. M iller was tinned in Sapporo, Nokkaido, in M edford. They have one mg w im m e in tro d u ctio n of new the w hich is the capital apita of the n o rth ­ U niversity of Oregon. He is com m ittee. brought to A shland by her daugh teachers. Each responded w n n a : of the Ja Jap p an i ese hom e is­ d aughter, M ary Lou. m ajoring in Business ad m in istra ­ ter and g ran d d au g h ter Mrs. E tta ernmost Don M cW hirter is heading th ——— ------ — — ------- short im prom ptu speech. Mr. Mrs. C harles C ook, who h a s , Linn, su p erin ten d e n t of tbe Ash- tion. M. Nelson and Miss V irginia N el­ lands. He is construction team sports com m ittee w hich will ’ chief which consists of all signal been a p atien t at the C om m unity ! tond pu b k schools addres" son, who have since re tu rn ed to circulating th roughout the to v -> construction w ork in the division Hospital has been moved to the sed the stu d en t body and expres- C alifornia. du rin g the days of th e Festh* 1 He entered the arm y at Ft. hom e o f h e r M-mrin i i »m uem oouy anu e x p i t s Tow n Talk staging im prom ptu sports even .M aude sed his w ishes for a very success- Mrs. O tto W ilda re tu rn ed t0 Lewis W ashington, in Novem- P°„T_e ° L h®r , slsteI ’. 1 Z-f _ I i - ’ her home this week after spend- h fi iin in o "it ^ a rPe r a ^ T alent. Mr. Cook, b u s­ ful school year. ranging from peanut rolling by ing a few days in the hospital I & nj L ° f Mi s>,C,ook , and daughter, 100 y ard dashes. $100.00 in p r * w here she had gone to recuper-1 SjLn? p ^ ? b^r \s?..^',a b ^°1 r?*a.’ bt w,ls Birdie, of C aldw ell, Idaho are Mr. and Mrs. G. W. B ruce had News Review m oney will be aw arded to t' * ate from a cold occasioned by the 1 to 'V?uSl n’u ’V ,(1 aw '?’’ a >so at the bedside of Mrs. Cook. as th eir w eenkend houseguest, w inners of the various oven U,p east to W isconsin from w hich i & WX re landed” o ^ M ,v ' a n d „M,S’ G e° rge R M i" er their dau g h ter, Mrs. R uth R obin­ R eporters and som e of the losers m ay g t she and Mr. Wilda had iust re- 17 I945 a fte r 21 da vs dioa^d^the1 v ’ ° r? R £ n and Mrs E son from Dallas, Oregon. consolation prizes. she and Mr. Wilda had ju st re ­ A d V1- E- U m phellet of Eugene, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. H enry N ewton The City of A shland adm in turned. I .S.S. G eneral A. Mann. A fter his visited over the w eek end at the had as th eir S unday d in n er guests “RUSTY”, C. M. L itw ille r’s tration, in full accord w ith fe Roger R ath is planning on arriv al in M anila, he was a s s ig n -; hom e of Mrs j E G owland, 381 ng a lew » an F r ran n pd to r * t thp 43rd Division and was M » , 7"X > Ve n™ “ ___ Th er ' aY ; ; ; X 7 . ' : ; d J h e i^ d lu ilR e r ^ M .^ R m h CR o h in ‘ cocker spaniel, ca rry in g “Lits" val plans, is p rep arin g to dec* spending few days in San il ♦ h o zl J »«ri I lim o m n nm y-1 « «m n i « ! «on d a »gbtei Mis. Ruth Robin- bank book to the bank. . . . BILL ate th f streets. C. C. W illiam cisco this week w here he wi 1 la te r tran sferre d to the 97th Divi b ro th e r o ’ M V G n t l - n d SNIDER and KAY HUFMAN head of tho street decora,i- 1 visit his son Jack who is in port. ! sion W hen the 97th was dp;lcti- ! in A shland to see th eir m other discussing the housing situ atio n com m ittee. Elm er Biegel, <*;•• ¿ flck ™ teu™ ¿h.! ; v a te d - bp volunteered for the p ar L s £ E M ilk r of S e b S p l l , ’ in A shland.......... DR ELMO S T E ­ su p erin ten d en t, will assist Wi' bury Victory and has but recent- atroops and was assigned to the n r# 1 u e *-’ 01 s,eba?t(.)Pal- iycv » VENSON. laying it on thick, at liam s. T uesday of this coming lv r i t . i r n n d f r o m n » .in in l a n a n i F? assigned to tm C alifornia who is also visiting ly re tu in e d n o m a trip to Jap a n , n t h A irbirne Division in Febru Mrs. Mrs Gowland. GnwinnH Jam es Dale Rowley, A shland, the stu d en t body assem bly Wed-1 w eek the first displays wil 1 be Mr. and Mrs. B. J. K rug, h a v e , ary 1946 In May, he com pleted was cited for violation of the Bas- nesday aftern o o n ................HIGH placed on th e lam p posts m 1 a- m oved to th eir new ap artm en t a t ; his five jum ps from a plane and Gift Silverware and Glassware ic rule and will ap p ear in court SCHOOL BOYS dressed in pa j-1 cross the streets; The H a rv e st Mo 447 Rock S treet, ; earn ed his silv er wings. at Marshall Walls on the Plaza. Sept. 28. I ama tops and sarongs. (Continued on back page) Several Students Leave For College Kilty Band To Appear A t Frisco Legion Convention Troop No. 12 Begins Fall Scout Meetings Activians Appoint Concessionairres Rebekahs Attend Meeting Saturday Dinner Will Honor Teacher’s & Students Father Installs Son Nora L. Thomas Is Buried Monday Traffic Campaign Functioning Now Ministers To Elect New Officers Monday Church of Christ Repaired Temporarily Small Son of Walter Teeland Has a Fall Albert Stratton Leaving Japan Soon Speeces To Operate Bus Terminal Lunch High, School News Police court s