1 Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year* tor $5 •e^ So+ dlte/u t Öietjo+t NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAH ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON Thursday, September u , 1946. Win A Prix* With A Picture Call 5541 Voi. 13 No. 28 Church Of Christ Burns Wednesday Ernest Haycox’s Life Reads Like A Story Fischborn Names Festival Aides Festival Chairman Fire Leaves Only Walls Standing; Is Total Loss Herb Fischborn, general c h a ir­ m an of the Fall h arv est festival, this week nam ed the m em bers ot the eight m ajor com m ittees M c C alls are leaving AUTHOH OF "CANYON PASSAGE" WILL SPEAK HERE which will handle the testival ASHLAND THIS WEEK MEMBERS OF CHURCH AT ANNUAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BANQUET MON. arrangem ents and keen the show- The R everend and Mrs. C la r­ TO CONTINUE TO MEET running O ctober 3, 4, and 5. E rnest Haycox, prom inent O regon w riter, who is to speak here ence F. McCall left this week foi The Festival is being sponsor­ T hree fires started in sep arate at the A nnual C ham ber o f C om m erce banquet Monday night at 0:30, C larem ont, C alifornia, w here it the Elks Tem ple, is a native of Oregon. According to Haycox, he ed by the C ham ber of C om m erce they will visit Mrs. M cCall’s I P|aces *n the C hurch of C h rist at and is being presented this fall as was born in P o rtlan d in 1899 and was reared in the w e s t sister. From C larem ont they will Second an d C streets by p y ro ­ a good will gesture on the p a rt In speaking of his early life. go to M ississippi to visit theii m ania-m inded ch ildren w ere the of the com m unity of A shland to­ Mr. Haycox said d au g h ter. They will visit th en cause of a fire w hich b urned th e LORENA McNAIR VISITS w ard the su rro u n d in g farm area. son a t Rapid C ity, S outh D akota, building to the ground W ednes­ "My early -experiences were in THIRTY NINE CHAPTERS It will em phasize the ag ricu ltu ral w here he is pastor of the C on­ day afternoon. logging cam ps, shingle nulls, and Mrs. Lorena McNair, Worthy resources of this region. One child, Jac k Hall, 4, who gregational church. on ranches. 1 did vunous jobs for G rand M atron, of the E astern C om petitive contests of fru its The McCalls sold th eir hom e in was trap p ed in the belfry of th e S tar, will leave tom orrow for and vegetables, various farm e x ­ a living w hen young: new sboy, A shland to a C alifornian and do church was saved by F ire C hief M adras, Oregon, w here she will not plan to re tu rn here. McCall C lint B aughm an. The little boy bellhop, d ishw asher, p eanut conduct a district m eeting of hibits .judging of ex h ib its and a- w ards will be p a rt of th e p ro ­ was pasto r of the C ongregational was u n in ju red b u t was unable to butchering on train s ,and tru c k ­ four towns, Bend, Prineville, gram . A h arv est p arad e is being C hurch for four years here and tell who had set the fire o th er ing b urlup bales in a w arehouse. Redm ond and Madras. planned, andw indow s will be d ec­ th an to say th a t it was a boy who interim pastor tw o years. Jo in ed the N ational G uard in She will leave S atu rd ay for orated in the harvest m otif. Earl The R everend McCall spent rode a blue bicycle and who 1911» and was on the M exican P ortland w here she will atten d a N ew bry was appointed to take th irty years as a m issionary to w eighed ab out 50 pounds. border w ith my o u tfit in I91o. 1 reception for Mr. C. H. G reen charge of the judging F irem en w ere p reparing to ru n J a p a n and M arshall Islands. HERB FISCHBORNE, general was in Erance (14 m onths), With W orthy G rand P atron, at the Ma Jo h n D augherty, C harles T a l­ chairman of the Fall Harvest Fes­ hoses into th e attic of th e b u ild ­ my reg im en t, lo2nd In fan try , in sonic Tem ple, which will be giv ­ ent, and Ben Lom bard will be Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hughes and ing w hen the Hall child was seen lutU-lini). Fished com m ercially en by his F riendship C hapter. the com m ittee in charge of the tival, named the committees for fam ily of B urbank, C alifornia re ­ by spectators a t the window of the festival this week. i l l A laska, 191». W ent to Heed M onday Mrs. M cNair will leave parade. tu rn ed to th eir hom e S unday the m in ister’s stu d y w hich is in College, P o rtlan d , lor one year, P ortland to visit th irty -n in e The com m ittee w hich will be a fte r a weeks visit w ith his the belfry. L adders w ere ru shed and g rad u ated Horn the u n iv e r­ chapters of the E astern S ta r in responsible for the exhibits will brothers, Mr. D. J. H ughes and to the window and B aughm an sity of O regon in 1923. H onorary E astern O regon D istrict. All in be headed by M ayor T hornton fam ily of E ast M ain S tre e t and broke out th e glass an d lifted the degree, D octor ol L ite ra tu re , la-*o all, she will have sixteen m eet­ Wiley. M em bers of the com m ittee frig h ten ed child to safety. J. J. H ughes of B. Street. Lewis & C lark College. W orked ings. Mrs. M cNair will be gone 1 I include U V IU V IU 1 M 1 I U ayor J \ .! k llu J 1 T hornton VV Wiley, The Hall child told how the Lincoln school stu dents will on a n ew spaper as ponce re p o rt­ about two and a half w eeks and Dr. W. W. W eller, R alph Koozer, o th er boy had set a robe on fire e r in 1923. 1 sold my fu s t story will re tu rn to A shland around H arry M orris, Lyn N ew bry, Ed- m eet at the college auditorium , in th e choir loft, an d of an o th er w hile still a t the U niversity. In tbe first of O ctober. She is trav win Singm aster, G. H. W enner, M onday, Septem ber 16, and will fire w hich w as sta rte d n e a r th e receive th eir room assignm ents 1923 1 w ent to New York, tru n k ­ eling by private car. and L ark in G rubb. fro n t of th e church. F irem en at th at time. ing th at the best place to be loi E xhibits will be displayed in found m atches and p ap er sc a tte r­ a beginning w riter, and rem ained D efinite plans have been m ade the A shland A rm ory. The com ­ ed n e a r a side en trance, in d icat­ on tlie indecent edge of s ta rv a ­ m ittee which is in charge of the for housing of the Lincoln school A ctivian club of A shland will ing plans to s ta rt a th ird fire. tion lor two years before moving stu d en ts during the rem odeling exhibits includes H erb Huston, have c h a rte r n ig h t on S atu rd ay , F ran k Hall, fa th e r of the child, back west. 1 was m arried to an Bob Lugar, Jo h n Collins, Ken period which will be going on S eptem ber 14 a t the W om en’s is an edger for Robin and G ordon O regon girl w hile in New YorK,) d u rin g the fall m onths. Robbins and Lee B urns. Civic Club house, according to Jill M arie Chord, of B aker, Ore. | F ran k F airw eather, M edford Earl Schilling, p resid en t of the and arriv ed hom e a fte r th e fire S treets of A shland will be dec­ had b u rn ed itself out. Mrs. H all "S ettled dow n in my home Final plans have been m ade for orated in keeping w ith the F es­ contractor, is going to handle the club. w as in M edford, and the four tow n of P ortland, in 1925, ano the opening of school at the A sh­ tival xpirit. C. C. W illiam s, Eldon reconstruction of the recently F ran k Van Dyke will act as y ea r old boy was being tak en have rem ained here since. Two land Ju n io r High School on Mon S cripter, and Eric L ehfeld t are burned building, and du rin g the children, Jim , 15, and M ary Ann day m orning, S eptem ber 16, at 1 m em bers of the street decoration Phase of reconstruction it will be T oastm aster and w _ ill introduce care of by his o ld er sister. 18. I'v e w ritten 22 novels and ,8:45 a.m. The registration of all com m ittee. necessary to house the stu dents H arris Ellsw orth, Oregon legis- . F ire C hief B aughm an and the roughly 300 short stories, w h ic h , gtudents will take place on Mon Dollar Day Special elsew here. R econstruction has al- lator, who will speak on "T he | city police d ep a rtm en t are track - have app eared in various m aga | day. No p re-reg istratio n will be j n charge of m erchants activi- re a d y begun and is well under- place of young m en m com m un-1 mg dow n leads in an atte m p t to ity affairs.” I discqver, th e .other., b o y -o r boys ines. Most of these have been 1 u n d erta k en although students (¡eg during the F estival is Hugh ' w ay at present. Am ong the A shland £oung m en | involved. w estern —- and - - - historical. 1 have a an d parents who would like to M cKeever. reccntlv uDnointuri Until*¡»nStructi fi» n ètru ctio n is com pleted - ----------- ?. . . 1 — ■- -------- ------ -- «ivrkevver, recently appointed (airly good Library on the talk o v e r, then* p rn e ia n u p f stun- head of the R etail T rades Bu- the P rim ary classes, which form- who will receive th e insignia of) The ch ild ren gained en try into and do» a great deal of its e n if h les, schedule and any special j-eau A ssisting M cK ever will be e r Iy m et at the school are sche th e A ctivian will be Schilling, 1 the chu rch th ro u g h th e front door in ad d ition I have covered the problem s are w elcom e to the Paul p innell and H enry Metz, d u led to m eet in the C hurch of L yn N ew bry, E rn est W a rre n ,1 w hich alw ays has been unlocked. Loss tQ Exceed $3Q 00Q w est by all m e a n s o f l o c o m o t i o n ; p r i n c i p a l s office anytim e this Dollar Day specials will be avail- th c N azarene on F ourth and B. K en H arris, Jo h n Collins W e n , dell -------------- ---------- practically since birth My par- week. The office will be open able to the tow n’s visitors during streets. Law rence, G ordon --------- M iller, _ F jre c h ie f B aughm an in look­ ents began the traveling anti 1 daily for such conferences from the Festival. According to W illiam , In term ed iate grades from Lin- C harles W arren, V ern Johnson, ing a t the ruins, said th a t the loss continued it. 1 think the record 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Healy, secretary of the C ham ber c° ln will m eet in the J u n io r and K en Jones, Ken Robbins, Roy w ould w ell exceed $30,000. In ­ now stands, m sofur as m otion Peck, Bud Silvers and Ewing Y. su ran ce on th e building and the Many im provem ents have been of Com m erce, 500 one dollar hills S enior high schools. pictures are concerned: Canyon m ade in the Ju n io r High d i n i n g will be placed in circulation p rio ri M embers of the school board M itchell. contents am ounts to $12,000. The Passage, Union Pacific, Stage the sum m er. AU of the floors to the opening of the Festival. !an d the adm in istrativ e section of building w as com pletely g u tted Coach, A bilene Tow n (nam e ot have been refinished and w axed These dollar bills will be redeem - th e schools expressed ap p recia­ by th e fire w hich w orked from book Trail Town) and a few o th ­ to a high polish. Much new a b )e a t the stores in A shland at tion to the N azarene C hurch the u p p er stories dow nw ard. ers 1 have not keep record of. plum bing has been done, includ- g re ater th an face value, or on board and to the Rev. A. J. Ed­ T he chu rch w as 47 years old, "In addition Jam es C agney has ing tw o new fountains, new’ dish special m erchandise. Each store w ards for the cooperation which th e re a r ad d itio n had been m ade, purchased Bugles in the A fte r­ w ashing tubs for the cafeteria w ill be a n O|t e d so m any of the will m ake it possible for the p ri­ how ever, in 1924. D uring th e past T n ' 4p “ ' po’? ‘swa ?m rI ;ind 8 ,n eE si.n.k i% t,KL a rt rBo,n ; bins 'a n d those particu lar” * bii'ls m ary classes to m eet in th e S u n ­ noon for . p ,. ic tu five y ears th e en tire au d ito riu m M em bers of the A shland Toast- have ju s t finished tw o new stor- Several blackboards have been j w in be redeem able onlv at th at day school suite of the church. rem odeled. A iirtej firtex The P iim arv " r o o m s 'of* m asters club unanim ously voted 1 n had a 9. been De®n rem oaeiea. a ics directly for pictures. 1 am at refinished and new paint has pa i ticu lar store . l n t rrim a ry rooms ot the V1 nd n i„ b. tr> f o r e e n t h e i r n e x t ceiling had been added and oth the presen t m om ent beginning a I applied to m uch woodwork. A j A n exhibit of photographs of Lincoln school w ere slightly d a m -. «jonoay m g n t io 101 ego tn e ir n e x t e r w ork k had been ------- com pleted. The novel of O regon laid in th e new public address system has ;ind about A sh)and w in be dis­ eged by the fire and it is hoped M o ndays m eeting and to atten d chu rch was clear of all in d eb ted ­ th at it will not be too long be- the ban q u et which is being given pel md of the late Sixties. , been installed in the g y m n asiu m ., played during the celebration. by th e C ham ber of C om m erce in ness. “I am a m em ber of the M eth- Special atten tio n has been g iv e n , This ex h ib it will be under the fore the building can be used W ill Meet Sunday o rd er to h ear E rn est Haycox odist church R otarian D elta la u to rcm ove possible fire hazards’ Jire c tio n of W ilbur Bushnell. A ccording to th e Rev. Earl speak. Delta m em ber of S elective S er- All fire hoses have been te s te d , P hotographs th a t are displaveed The T oastm asters plan to stu d y Dow _ , ning, - m in ister of th e church, vice Board No. 1, M ultnom ah ;ltld a ll fire extinguishers clean- will w in be b the prize D riz e w i n n i n g first, f ir s t the w inning the speech given by Haycox a n d ' S u n d ay services will be held county since 1940 and tru stee of ed and refilled. second, and th ird place photo­ ... _ _ w ill discuss his speech at th eir 1 p ro b ab ly th e m orning services Oregon S tate L ibrary. Eleven The teaching staff will m eet graphs in the contest which is Ivliss Cora B aldw in, au n t of next re c u la r m eeting w hich will will he the ju n io r high school books of m ine have appeared in for special m eetings F riday m orn cu rren tly being sponsored by the .. . . Mrs. A rchie Million of 7025 North be held M onday S eptem ber 23.1 and th e evening services a t the the A rm ed Services Edition w ith ¡ng a n d a fternoon. It is estim at- Portsm outh, P o rtland, received Some m em bers of the M edford I S eventh Day A d v en tist church, som ething over a m illion circu- ed th a t the attendance will run C ham ber of Com m erce, honor- m ention and ru n n e r up w ord W ednesday of Mrs. Mil- T oastm asters club are expected A shland churches responded gen- laton. R epresented in some sh o rt well over 300 pupils this year able will also be s h o w n .! lion’s death. to ‘be preserit at the banquet on erously to th e needs of th e congre story anthologies. P resident, Uni- w jth the steady increase in school photographs Photographs for the contest can j Mrs. Million is a form er resi- M onday gation, D ow ning said, as m any versity of Oregon A lum ni Asso- population. W ith the addition of be left a t B ushnell Studio, The i d en t of A shland. H er husband The A shland club is at p resen t m inisters o ffered th e use of th e ir ciation.’’ I the pupils from Lincoln School „ Tickets for the b an q u et a r e , for a w hile the building will be News R eview office, o r the of- was an em ployee of the S o u th ern w o rk ing on plans for a C h arter churches. . „ fices of the C ham ber of Com- Pacific railro ad and the M illion n i e h t R o b e r t H a r d v is h an d lin e E v erett McGee, G eorge An- $1.50 and are av ailab le at the jam m ed to the rafters, P rincipal m erce in th e city hall. W inners fam ily Is one of the pioneer fam- tbp arrangem ents. drew s, and Mrs. Jo h n Schown- C ham ber of Com merce. Roland P ark s said. This eondi will be announced d u rin g the ilies of A shland. ,, 1 ■ o w ald are m em bers of a com m ittee Dr Elmo Stevenson of the tion will be greatly eased by the Festival. The first th ree prizes ' The funeral and b urial will be ^CHOOI ivCj^’l S l F t l l l O I i w hich is in v estig atin g p otential S outhern Oregon College will act re tu rn of the Lincoln pupils to and ten of the honorable m ention m eeting sites. T rustees of th e as T oastm aster at the function. th eir ow n building . i r e p c ia n g e d u n "’ss p re sen ' plans prizes will be cash. church include McGee. A ndrew s He will be introduced by R obert • R egistration of high school stu - and J. A. P u tm an . T. L. O’H ara Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. W ellen Dodge, who is general chairm an dents w ill begin T hursday even- is ch airm an of th e board of el­ Jr., arriv ed at M organtow n, West of the banquet. ing and continue into F rid ay and ders. The b an q u e t is being prepared V irginia recently to m ake theii S atu rd ay evening, it was announ-1 Am ong the things w hich w ere by the ladies of the Bellview home. Mrs. W ellen is the daugh ced this w eek by Leland Linn, lost w ere all th e notes and the te r of Dr. and Mrs. W alter R ed­ grange. L su p erin ten d e n t o f A s hl a n d lib rary of th e Rev. Downing, ford and was just recently m a r­ "Canyon P assage” the movie schools. | T he house of Mrs. Em m a Ahl- about Jack so n v ille and S outhern ried. She is teaching Home Eco­ U sually reg istratio n for high strom , 338 C. S treet w as saved by Oregon will be show n a t the V ar­ nom ics in the U niversity of West O fficers of A sh lan d ’s A m eri- O utgoing Legion officers were: school classes is the week preceu- th e fire d ep artm en t. The house sity th eatre d u ring the period of V irginia and her husband is at- can Legion P ost No. 14 and offi- Ja k e Lahr, C om m ander; W illiam ing th e opening of school, how ­ is not o v er fo u r feet from the cers of the L egion A uxiliary w ere Woods, F irst Vice C o m m an d er- ever, this year ,due to the educa- east w all of th e church. One roof time th a t Haycox is here. Ac­ tendng Law School there. cording to B ert M ottner,^ m an­ fi" YtedtheSdwy eve.ninJ?. a ' Em m ett W hit ham * Second Vice Ùonàl " c o n f e r ^ ë 'w h ic h is 'b e in g ffr“e ,at 109 F o u rth S treet, was Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Snider ager of the th eatre. Canyon 8 « l o c k at th e W om ens £fV.Ç C om m ander: John> BUlmgs Chap- h e |d th e teach ers the reg ,s - ; callsed by the blaze b u t was Passage” ’ will begin S unday, have retu rn ed to A shland for the elub, In a jo in t installation, M ed -¡lain ; C. M. Frazier, A d ju tan t, and tratio n of high school stu d en ts quickly extinguished. S eptem ber 15 and will close on w inter. They have been spending ford Legion and th eir auxiliary Guy A pplew hite, Service Officer. w in not start until T hursday the sum m er in C harleston, O re­ officers w ere also installed. a n « ovoninn W ednesday. gon, because of Mr. S nider’s D istrict A d tu tan t F ritz N isse n 1 Outgoing A u x iliary officers evening, of P o rt andI w ith Mrs Em ilv Kel i w ere: Mrs B etty F razeir, P res- L inn pointed out th at a n in ; health. k r t d i s t S t ¿re sid e n t of K erbv ldent; M rs’ Neva Wood- ls t Vice ci eased enro m ent in high school Tow n Talk O regonT 'V nslaiied'^the ’f o l l o w ^ A” " by A s h la n d A m e r i r n n I eoinn off Vlce P resid en t; Mrs. H anorah es t° ruH capacity, in n rn er w cers for the^Nomine PHT Francis, S ecretary -T reasu rer; Mis m ack su re that all seniors g e t Bids will be accepted for the News Review Incom ing L e X oHiccrs are: S tella C orthcll C haplain; Mrs. Plaza im provem ent project in Phil S ta n sb u rv com m ander- Don Cella B erm nghausen, H istorian; tion it is necessary th at tney le P o rtland on S eptem ber 24th, ac­ R eporters H inthorne’ F irst V k ^ C om m and- M rs’ R uth C ushing and Mrs. Mary g ' ^ r first. cording to an an nouncem ent m ade n m tn o rn e , r u s t vice u o m m an a H ughes S erg ean t at A r m s M rs T he com plete reg istration sche- by the F ederal B ureau of Roads er; E m m ett W hitham , Second " u.® : , s , . 1 „ rn}s - M1?- j , . i „ «. fnlinw«- BOB LUGAR, THE REV. LEO Vice C om m ander- Em m ett Whit- ®e tty Adams, J u n io r P ast Presi- du2e ls as Iol,u WSj and S tate H ighw ay Commision. vice u o m m a n a e i, ism m eu w n n , . Seniors, T hursday e v e _ n in g , , C. WINE, VERN DECKER, E. H George K nox and H. L. C lay- 5m m ett W hitham , R ichard G. SINGM ASTER, HOW ARD O D ­ comb are both rushing the con­ B erninghauser, C haplain: Ben T. C e Ä np o ^ & S ° ? Me£ f° rbd’ ^ n Î o V f a n d ^ î n i o ^ n o t al- EN, and sev eral o th er g etting stru ctio n of th eir building which ready _registered). F rid a y , afte r Lom bard, A d ju tan t and G uy Ap­ aCndn trCavPe°inj i i S rt!onnS will fro n t on H ighw ay 99 in the A ko “ ’? • Sw T? S . 2 : 3 » " - K M. j « 7 S e C hurch plewhite, as Service Officer M„ present*1 l o r area betw een Oak and W ater A uxiliary officers are: Mrs. lE . £ . fts e n i io r m e installation. Also and a]so ,n the evpn)ng from of C h rist . . . I. R. FRIDEGER streets. Neva Wood, president M rs.1 D itsn c t C om m ander Phil O tter- 7:00 - 10:00 P. M. | discussing the price of T u rkish T here is a possibility th at no Cloma Songer, ls t vice president: ' bein from K lam ath Falls was Sophom ores (Also/ Seniors am ’ , raisin s . . . KEN M ILLER polic- bids will be m ade on the g ra d ­ Mrs. Nancy F ieguth, 2nd Vice here. Tuniors not previously registered) | m g th e carn iv al grounds. . . DR. ing and paving Job of highw ay P resid en t; Mrs. S hirley B erning | A fter the installation of offi S atu rd ay evening. Sept. 14 from R A LPH POSTON driv in g around 99, because of the continually in­ hauser .S ecretary; Mrs. G race cers ,a dance was held w ith the 7:00 - 10:00 P. M. in a b ran d new autom obile. creasing construction costs. C ram er, C haplai;n Mrs. Ora Duf- o rchestra from M errill’s Dream- [f no bids are reiceved the Mrs. Ilda C hindlund of Los i H arley S tevens and sister, Miss field, H istorian; Mrs. Helen land playing. Mrs. M ary Hughes Plaza P ro ject will be fu rth e r de-1 Phil Stansbury, Legion com Loomis. S erg ean t a t Arms; Mrs. Mrs. S tella C orthell and Mrs. __ . ..........-o ___ Angeles is visiting Mr __ and ___ Mrs _____ M ertie, of O regon City, are vis- layed. City officials hope th at mander for 1946-47 who waa in -B e tty F raier, J u n io r P ast Presi- L u ra A pplew hite served on the Don M acW hirter and the R obert iting; D r7 and' Mrs E ?P