Uelv o < O rete« *7Áe Formerly The Southern Oreqon Miner S3 per Year 2 Year« (or $5 S o 4 iih e /i^ i ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON Lincoln Schoo, Fire Loss Exceeds $10,000 Plunk B einq M ade F or I- u rg en cy C ldsaroonit; Bids W ill Be Let • .1* 1 c o n u i.c im . , ¡1 it uegi ce* L in c o ln school fir ( a ily I in ,1', E n glish at tine Iowa S tale U11 m o rn in g I -vi 1. 00 A ugust H er record >» as l.y .1 fra c tio n nt a p o in t be­ Dam age is expected Io < x u .• $10,00«. F K F a il w c a tl.o i, Me l lo w the top student. H er g ia u u a i w o rk was o f such q u a lity that lo rd co n tra c to r, has been win k mg w ith the a djustors in m aking | she received m uch fu v o ra b le 11 the IJ n iv e rs it an e stim a te Bids w ill be let, ac c o g n itio n fro m taculty. c o rd in g to L e lan d L in n , ..opt rin te nd en t o f schools as soon a . p is Bible ch airm an of the I X R etail for i i t e stu d en ts of the A sh l-.n d ” ' an<* “ ‘Ual d ! '“ W“ rk in the City Hall ! * M onday’s m eeting saw m an j ! ew m erchants present. A m om I , them w ere Thom pson of Dough ! J erty G rocery, C layton Cullen o J C layton Motor Co., V ruinan who £ opening a H ardw are store, Knight and K endall of the Plaza A shland w a te r users were noti C abinet Shop and L ugar of Ash fied this week by Elm er B itgei land A utom otive Parts. No opposition was’ show n to city su p erin ten d en t, th a t re stric t­ the suggestion th at solicitation 01 ed w ater use for irrigation wouid lunds, unless approved by the re be necessary for an unspecified tail trades bureau, should be al-1 period of time. F allow , is presen tly check lowed. W illiam Healy, new ly a an i - K ■ 1 ing leaky faucets and plum bing pointed secretary of the trades bureau, pointed out th at a com ­ in all business houses and resi­ m ittee would be appointed to . dences in the city. T here will be exam ine each solicitation and if ' ? recheck m ade later to see if approved wnnlri be k,. given ,.i___’ a . c a rd , ! let -r-u • approved would --------------- from the R etail trades b u r e a u ' u Thls 18 esssential at this tim e of which would h ave to be show n tb e y e a r’ Clt-*' oificials stated be- before any soliciting could be cause of the lowerir.-; of the wat- done. - e r supply in the reservoirs. It was also unanim ously voted j ----- -- rrigators Will Ration Water Use 7, Knox is Ready To Regin Building To Discuss Hospital Problem Sept. 3 Members Of Council See Hospital Tuesday, And Indicate It Needs Help Most im p o rtan t business on the agenda of the n ex t city Council m eeting will be the problem of the com m unity hospital, m em - I bers of th e city council stated this week after touring the hos­ pital T uesday with Dr. C harles Haines ,and Dr. H arvey Wood. T hat m uch of th e kitchen eq uipm ent and the Kitchen itself was obsolete and in ad eq u ate th at the plum bing was outm oded, and th at the building in terio r needed a facelifting and m uch rem odel­ ing was pointed out by Dr. Haines, present supervisor of the hospital. The nursery, heating plant, one w ard, and p articu larly th e plum b ing are the facilities m ost in need of correction. The X -ray m achine is not ad equate for p resen t d e­ m ands. A shland physicians are o p er­ ating the hospital on a three m onth individual non p ro fit b as­ is. Dr. Haines is the p resen t su p ­ ervisor. The fire begun in the .second I story cafeteria from a defective I electric light cord. 'File cafeteria was com pletely burned out Oth ; »■r rooms on the second floor were dam aged by sm oke and flames. George Knox announced the Miss Edith Bork, principal, will week that work will soon begin confer w ith Linn on her re tu rn on his new building at the cornel I F ran k D eitrick and B arney K. hi-re this week as to w hat will of Oak S treeet and East Main. Bussey, both of A shland, accept- be done for em ergency class I he new building will house fed the oath of en listm en t in the room s re p air shop and foui R egular A rm y and w ere sw o ru Insurance coverage is good ac­ his shoe business locations, w ith six >n by M /Sgt. W ayne W. M orrison co rd in g to Linn, he also ex p res­ o ap ther en ts upstairs. He hoe shop I of the M edford recru itin g office, sed the school boards apprecia and artm three o th er businesses w hich Bussey who is 18 lives a t 145 tion of the way the firem en Business Firms will have a footage of 76 feet, S herm an S treet, and D eitrick, h andled th e situation. ,w ill face East Main and th< who is also 18 lives at 872 S isk i­ From East Main fourth business location will be you boluevard. chants will not tak e the cards out n V', D B ert M iller of the M iller on Oak street. Knox estim ates w hen they are void and afte r all “ e a lty com pany and W. C. Mc- the cost of the building to around a m erchants w indow is to display *n n *s ° f M ac’s Shoe shop moved 40,000.00 I?“ _.T er5h andi?e > not advertise a ! f.r on? i h eir presen t locations this Knox tore his building down ? rC(Ua a d an ce- H was su g ­ w eek to m ake way for the dem o­ several m onths ago upon the or S m ith ’s shows, a carn iv al a t­ gested th a t the m erchant could lition of th e building w here th ey der of the S tate highw ay com ­ traction, will be presen ted by the wdhin7 1 / ard s and P ic a r d s have been housed. P lans are to A m erican Legion, S eptem ber lo mission. It was thought at that H ..\ L ,o .i i'i'H ,m ‘,in ’ t o -ow nv' " » ¡tim e th at the Plaza project would ithin his store, perhaps by the i p u . t . . a re sta . . . u . ra n t in th ------------------ a t location H. ssl aid L um ber com pany was he started this fall but has been cash reg ister or some o ther ob- w hich will be operated by Mrs. to 15 a t the J u n io r High school grounds, according to an an n o un ­ appointed general chairm an vious place. ! S adie Miller. ii... n ... »„ I u- . I oi I learned later th at there will be a ine llu iv e st F estival winch win The B ureau will also plan a ! M cInnis who has been located cem ent m ade this w eek by Jak e L ahr, com m ander of th e Legion. be held in A shland O ctober 4. 5. i ah nf ih., h u .in * .. location program to dress up the store ' a t 339 East M ain since Ju ly 22, College Student» W ill Jo e Hancock, advance agent ■'.de.n Of fh« r i W . Well‘ r - pre- space in K nox’s building has al fronts and w indow s of local busi-1 1935 is P a n n in g to move to 542 Reach 750 Mark. 250 for the carn iv al told the Legion ,....... 2 ° * 11 C ham bei ol C o rp -r e a d y been allocated. ness establishm ents in o rd er t o 1 £ stre e t opposite th e S outhern Additional Turned Away inerce. attract w indow shoppers and in-1 P ac’I*c Depot. T here has been a th a t five rides, 20 concessions Fischborn .who was form erly R egistration of out of state s tu ­ crease shopping traffic. ' shoe. shop on East M ain at th at and various side show attractio n s connected w ith the C al-O re luni- dents at S outhern Oregon College ------ „„ Plans for the n e x t m eeting will Pa rticu lar location how ever, since w ere included in the carnival. P lan s w ere m ade for th e c a rn i­ bci com pany, will appoint alt ol Education have been closed. I he m ade afte r M cK eever’s arriv al 1 1921. M cInnis bought the shop val at the Legion m eeting held com m ittee heads and will su p e r­ according to Dr. Elmo N. S te v e n -! f,r,m th e East. j from L oren Agee. je 3Jieuuoi3a[ auo a.\eq oj suejd vise tn«- e n tire program of the son. p iesid en t of the college. Dr. M iller, who has been in the festival. Stevenson also said th at re g istra ­ R ealty business in A shland since plans tohave one legionairre at According to Fischborn the tion of in-stute students would , 1930 plans to find a n o th er loca- each concession d u rin g the c a r­ soon have to be curtailed, due to o. L. Thompson Buys I tion as soon as possible. For the nival in o rd er to help w ith the o peration and functioning of the housing. I present he will o p erate from his show. sim ilar housing Dougherty’s Grocery ! hom e at 416 L ib erty street. Both m en plan tó cease opera- k e S ^ ^ t ^ ™ W< Ch the U niversities o f 1 .5 : , .à u „ Th^ P son' form erly of tion -------- - , location — the m m eetin eeting included such a fushion as to appt al to the appeal th e) ' clo th in g 1-A Red ribbon etoud ? rt‘«on , and O regon S tate Col- LaG rande o7Xn°n ’ f? rm £rly of tion in the present this I j xen up at the g include tarm in g com n lum ty which s u r - ' M arv Johnl of n e x t * eal Shop in A shland. Sm ith will con­ w ard, Virgina and Doris Stevens h d i X X J i L ’ * e n, r h 'S „W,U the Pas* lo u r y y ears m ade no “ ’ “ 1 *" n u 8 “sl U1 n e x l >'ea r S ep tem b er 11 in the Civic C lub Bellview. officials stated, howt-vei" la c ^ ’of o t h e T S / t o tO hel- fUtUFe plans L A nSUb ° Bowm L er, beau . of the This will will be be a a jo jo in in t t in- in- tinue to o p erate the shop at the - h er fu tu re p la n s 1A the ¡'h.oase;. house. This C lothing III, Red aw ard. Nor fu rth e r space will cause the eol- R r * say she would like i laln atlc dePal ‘jn e n t ol b o u th ern | stallatio n w ith both M edford and presen t location for the next 1° resL a w hile and a vaca- college .directed the lesti- A shland chapters taking p a rt th ree m onths, afte r which he will ma G uinn, Valley View; white lege to tu rn m o .n iim -.u 'jv -S I 'h a t she „ S i i , : D e p e n d , ad- move the eq u ip m ent to Medford. aw ard , Mollie G resham , Bell a u ‘ a itio n a . ! l students aw ay view. like to th ank all h er friends f o r 1 e ‘eea lo stagc il a8ain n ex t su m ’ ju ta n t will b e ’ the installing of- A A. M adden has operated the C lothing IV-A, Red aw ard. them patronage. m er. ficer. B oth the au x iliary and the M adden Tire Shop for the past ♦Vaterbury, Adams Mr. and Mrs'. Thom pson who A ccording to Bow ine r t h e Legion officers will be installed. tw en ty -fo u r years and will con­ C arrol Espy, Bellview. C lothing V, Blue aw ard, Allene The au x iliary will fu rn ish re- i ai e presesntly residing in Med- C h au tau q u a shell will h ave to be tinue the sale of Willys cars, ford plan to m ove to A shland as re Paired and his p resen t plans freshm ents and plans at p resen t trucks and jeeps. He will again Owens, Valley View; w hite a- Leave For Portland be a t the N orth Main location wurd, M ary Jea n Henry, B ell­ s?°?i aL a J? lacn i over it, prop and stallatio n cerem onies. afte r D ecem ber . i view. and J. | Cookery II, Blue aw ard, Peggy i ' , dam s left Tuesday a d aughter, M arjorie, who erad u lossmg room s built, place lo r 1 rx ----------- ----------- for P o th rtlan d w here they will dis- u ated from M edford high school *th e spectators in the cen ter H ollingw orth, Bellview; red a ci.«« ot [ Don Gray, 6, ’ Hit s r — and at the “ back ■ a tea J w ard, M ildred Z ittercob and Gail cuss the proposed boy’s m ilitary ! and who plans to e n ter eo llep » ' th e snell . . , 11 bv S i a U 1 ’ M w ° ' E“ " R" ey i!l'S D u r in g I « . ,d e ; i )r. Bruce to Speak lT aylor, Bellview; w hite aw ard, den w here tea and in y ttin s Automobile Saturday of P o rtlan d B ernice Therres, Bellview. at Last of Vespers n arro w Cookery III, Red aw ard, C arrol I Riley w h en Espey, Bellview; w hite aw ard, Ada autom obile The Rev. Dr. G. W. B ruce of Mollie G resham , Bellview, Mar- inten Adams tlie M ethodist C hurch will give i gie T herres, Bellveiw. M ain the serm on at the Union Vesper C am p Cookery, Blue aw ard tu rn the la tte r p a rt of the week. m ent shell to to. th at particular o X S ^ Services w hich will be held Sun- Jack Espey and W ade H arnden' Burns Insurance day at 5:00 p m. at Lithia park. I B ellview ; red aw ard, Vernon use. This was brought up a m on­ m ent by an autom obile d riv en by Hazel A. M ichael, 710 Roca St., Sold to Langtry This S unday's services will i Tenney, Sam Bell and W alter Ministers To Ho!d th ago w hen the V eterans of F o r­ Ashland. m ark the close of the vesper ser-1 McCoy, all of Bellview ; w hite eign W ars, through th eir com ­ Mrs M. T. B urns announced Mrs. M ichael im m ediately sto p ­ vices which are annually spon- j aw ard, Ted Tenney, Jam es Espy Election in Sept. T hursday th at she had sold her m ander, Elwood Rost .requested sored during the m onths of Ju ly R ichard Rick, Don Nichols arid Election of officers of the Ash- insurunce agency to Jo e Langtry, th at the city g ran t th e snell to ped the autom obile she was d riv ­ and A ugust by the A shland Min John Woods, all of Bellview. kind M inisterial association will Ashland in surance man. Mrs th at organization. The VFW had ing and ra n back to assist the child. She helped him into Dr. isterial association. take place, S eptem ber 30 ,at the C anning I, W hite aw ard, Mary A s s e m b l y V c & d r t i i k k Present to i S ' S W A ’T C S ’S ? ' planned to rem odel p a rt of the Haines office w here he was tre a t­ The Rev. G ordon Lindsay p re­ Lou W illoughby, Bellview. shell and to use it as an assem bly --- ® the.lr P‘,ht Pa t- ed for cuts and bruises. His chin sided at last w eeks services. The C anning III, Blue aw ard, Mol officers include: the Rev. G e o rg e 1 an,d said th a t she was s"u“re hal1 and lip w ere cut w here his head Rev. Earl D ow ning read the 12 j lie G resham , Bellview, red a- Shum an, president, and the Rev. th at Mr. L an g try w ould serve th e | . .. had stru ck and b ro k en a h ead ­ c h a p te r of the book of Romans, I w ard, M ary A nn Gassow ay and Earl D ow ning sec retary tre a s u r­ clientele of the insurance agency i'lltchell Planning’ light on the car. er. and Dr. Bruce gave the invoca­ M ary Jea n H enry, Bellview. com petently. , t i . • tion. The child is the son of Mr. and L ast M onday the m em bers of , ^ 'l,e a6cncy was established by ^HCeS Oil LilKP Again H om em aking, B lue a w a r d , Mrs. Roy C. G ray, 125 Scenic The Rev. E v erett McGee, pas­ M ary Je a n Henry, Bellview. the M inisterial association met at R n,n«t e » il T . B u r" s in 1935- Mrs. According to H. U. M itchell, Drive, A shland. T hree o th er tor of the C hurch of C hrist at W oodw orking, D alton Lemel.v the P resb . y teria n church ___ to . dis- • bTen operating A shland will have m otor boat children who w ere crossing the Phoenix gave the serm on on the V alley View. 'c u ss business and consider the ♦ho subject “The Lack of Righteous-1 G ardening, Corn, Blue aw ard, ceasing of the Union Vesper ser- e o n tin f n ^ » Ti!106 1, 942 pIans ,0 races n ex t spring a t Em igrant stree t at th e sam e tim e w ere u n ­ J V1 tb e .m o n u m en t! Lake, about five m iles south ol injured. ness.” In the course of his ser-,1 Ted and Bob W illoughby, Bell 1 vices w hich w ere held during ‘ g ncy and her Ju stic e of t h e ! A shland on H ighw ay 66. mnn ha «¡aid ‘■r’hxia.iar.u.. ¡« n oio»- Ju ly and A ugust. The services mon he said, "C hristianity is a view. V n n rX ?™ ’ . , , I M itchell has received assurance way of life. It is unique, because ‘ ---------------------------- will close S unday, S eptem ber 1st. F ran k J. Van Dyke re tu rn ed it is divine. It is entered in to 1 w ith a serm on by the Rev. G. W inJfn . r y ’ » ° 1as been ln the from some of the o utstanding from P o rtlan d M onday. W hile . u ia n ie business in Ashland racers in Oregon, W ashington Bruce of the M ethodist church, i5.„:^__yea.r s ,P ans to conduct the and C alifornia to p articip ate in th ere he was able to a tte n d p a rt not by election as one joins a '/ludeilts to Remain ♦ ----------- — d U U V r tlU U I H id p a i l lodge, b u t by the experience o f , . o . A discussion was also held L i i e i n z x o “ O-mess at his p resen t lo catio n ,' the spring races, which are sche- of th e PGA golf to u rn am e n t regeneration. Its m ain em phasis In SChOOl Till 18 about the Thanksgiving season 42 East Main. (d u led for th e first S u n d ay in winch was held last w eek in the is upon being right and doing and m em bers are planning to Rose city , April, May and June. ’ ' S tudents are now required to m ake this one of the finest and Mr. and M rs .'P e rry F u rg erso n I The fe atu re attra ctio n of the Then Rev. M eGcen continued rem ain in school until the age of best T hanksgiving seasons ever. and tw o sons from K ansas City, 1 season will be the appearan ce of Town Talk by saying “M any factors contri- 18 or until they have com pleted Ella W orthington of Oswego, M issouri are visiting his mother^ bute to the leal C hristian exper- high school.” Leland P. Linn, j SPENCER IS RESTING by national w a te r skiing cham pion. Mrs. W ilm er H ilt and Mr. H ilt tence, such as prayer, the study su p erin ten d en t of schools in A s h -! WELL AFTER ACCIDENT Miss W orthington skiis b a c k C r e s c e n t ^ R v ^ 'v k i M / f ^ arta r ° f of the Bible, sacrifice, and ser- ] land stated this week in sp e a k in g ! Don S pencer assistant Dost N ew s Review w ards w ith one ski w hile hold Ashland1 S m d / J 1 « u f *5 ; s „ a ‘c„h( T c ^ ? , i b" , h c d [, ..... .....» f i , m g ,h e rope w „ h one loo,. ¿"„“g r e g ' S S R eporters I He said every C hristian ought I The age limits w ere raised by k r k J i n 7he head w ith a^sorHne and Mrs. R obert S n id er j fo n ^ W a y le ^ a rV e T a f f a m i £ « £ Mr to ask him self three q u e stio n s,' the last session of the legislature, ease at H erberts s to n c e nl m is FARLOW checking foi F ,rst Is my life acceptable t o , C hildren who can not profit bv , .estin g at^the hosn?taTand s in two children childien a are ie v visitine and two is itin g ' Jack so n v ille K.W.I.N. caliine Bob's brother, W illiam and fam- Mrs. R. A S carbrough and w ' u o w d u'*ng thls ch d d ren w ere business visitors in w hile a group of m en w ere mov- | ing the Plaza d istrict a fte r ten a. my life com pletely consecrated ’ ship on the parents may be ex- ing m , , the he e case , s e - from (ro.m th m e . , sm m e e | „ . ♦ to r* ( God and a n r l t to n His I l i a Kingdon)?’ UT i »-»rrz-lrxm 9 ” ____ H. Fisch born Is Harvest Chairman Legion Sponsors Show Sept. 10-15 Housing Problem Stops Students From Registering 4-H Club Members Win Many Prizes rT „ m “ Actors To Tread ooarus Next Year Madden Sells 'lire Shop To G. V. Smith cf/h ê cused under certain regulations. to the storage plant.