Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 22, 1946, Image 1

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Formerly The
Southern Oregon
$3 per Year
2 Year* for >5
City Council To
Inspect Hospital
*7«4c Sotdhvm û+eyo+i
A sh la n d '* ch a p let o l E p silon
fcigma A lp h a at th e Vveuiie*uuy
m e e tin g h eld a t th e C ivic club,
p la n n eu a h am b u rg er and slu m ­
I liursdry, August 22, 1946
Three Year* In The
Equal* Four Year*
Voi. i j , N o 2 j
| A shland building contractors
m et w ith the city council T ues­
d ay n ig h t and urged th at a u n i­
form building code be adopted,
R equesting th a t the city take b er party for S atu rd ay evening -
and on W ednesday n ig h t the con­
over and o perate tiie hospital at at N ed Creek.
tracto rs m et ag ain to discuss o r­
Rosalee S ta u ffe r .president ol
the curliest possible m om ent, Dr.
ganization of a co n tractors asso­
► ie em u, presided at the business J
C harles Humes, speaking to Uu m eeting and eight m em ber* weei
C ity council, T uesday evening, on present: They w ere P au lin e Ul-
P lans For Noon M eeting
The co n tractors are planning to
On Monday Are Quite
behalf ol the doctors of A shland, stad, D onna F rasier, Guyle M or­
If contractors can be found who HOME OF LESTER PRICE
invited the council to visit the n s, td a d y s Muck, P hyllis Caton, will be w illing to bid on th e P l a - 1 Mr. and Mrs. L ester P rice of study the p resen t city building
hospital T uesday afternoon and B etty Sm ith, ltosalee S tauffer, /.a project, in spite of c o n tin u a l-' A shland are the paren ts of re d ­ code and to co n tin u e d iscu ssio n 1
All retail m erchants of th e city
study the situation, liuines p o in t­ and Dorothy M orris. Ice cream , ly rising prices of m aterial* and i headed tw in boys born S atu rd ay of the _________________
of A shland are urged to a tte n d
ed out tiiut the responsibility ol cake and punch w ere served a l ­ shortage of help an d e q u ip m e n t,! tnorning. The first baby, G erald ' I L . - J u n
I l m i n iiw r
the m eeting of the new ly o rg a n ­
hospital o peration iiad lallen on ter the business m eeting.
I there is a good possibility t h a t 1 David w eighed six pounds four I
t l c l l Oc 17UW IlIIlg
ized R etail T rades B ureau, M on­
tiie physicians and surgeons ol
I the project will be com pleted th is ' ounces and the second baby,
a t noon, A ugust 26, w hich
A shland, and that tins interfered
Thom as w eighed five pounds
will be held in the city hall, W il­
w ith th e ir actual professional
A shland’s M inisterial A ssocia­ liam E. Healy, secretary of th e
I b ia te Engineer If. H. Baldock tw elve ounces.
d u ties to th eir putients.
tions’ radio p rogram titled "The organization, stated this w eek.
i inform ed city officials W ednes-
"The p resen t hospital is 38
C hurch In Y our H om e’’ at 9:15
W illiam F rank Rt. 1, Box 345,1 day th a t although the state high- BABY BOY BORN TO MR.
Sandw iches and cold d rin k s
year* old and the equipm ent is C entral Point, Oregon, was up way com m ission would not visit AND MRS R. MEDLOCK
A. M. for T h u rsd ay , F riday, and will be fu rn ish ed by th e C h am ­
37 years old," liuines pointed out set S atu rd ay night ab o u t the fact A shland this week th a t th e Plaza
S atu rd ay ; A ugust 29, 30 and 31 at ber of Com merce. This w ill p e r­
in speaking of tiie bam , toilet, th at A shland "Police had pu t his job was still on the list of p ro j­ born to Mr. and Mrs. R aym ond 9:15 a.m. will be u n d er the direc m it th e e n tire noon h o u r to be
and kitchen facilities.
friend, 'B lackie” S m ith in jail on ects which w ere to be su bm itted Medlock W ednesday m orning. He Borde*!!, ' X V T rthned N e iíh b o n deV° ted tO lh e business a t h a n d ’
I weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces.
lie also m entioned th at the a d ru n k e n driving charge, f rank for bids.
The first item of business w hich
I * 11 •
present X -ray equipm ent was out becam e so incensed ab o u t w hat
hood C ongregational church of
It has not been adv ertised a s 'r
i n n -----»
will be brought before the m em ­
inoded and indicated to the coun­ he evidently thought was a m is­ y et, Baldock stated, how ever B e llV ie W 4 H B e e f
A shland .
cil the type w hich would m eet carriage of justice th at he finally plans are to do so in the n ear f u - '
The program for M onday, T u es­ bers of the re ta il trad es bu reau ,
day and W ednesday, A ugust 26, is the election of a ch a irm an of
the approval of the local doctors. w ent dow n to the city jail to get lure. T here has been som e rum or
the bureau. O th er business in ­
At p resen t the hospital is leas­ B lackie out.
th at the project w ould be shelved
The B ellview 4H B eef C lub u n ­ 27, and 28 will be conducted by cludes: C learance cards issued to
ed to Dr. liuines and Dr. R alph
F rank ended up in jail w ith but this evidently is b u t error.
der the leadership of J. F. Engel
Poston. O th er doctors are p artic i­ B lackie”.
The state highw ay com m ission, judged them selves to th e ch am ­ of the C hurch of C h rist of Ash- sol*citors; ban on w indow cards;
uniform opening and closi n g
pating in the utilization of the
including T. H. B enfield, c h a ir­ pionship in the Jackson county ja n j
hours; ap p o in tm en t of com m ittee
m an of the com m ission; A. W. livestock judging tour held S a t­
to com pile statistics on wages;
Dr. Poston bus stated th at p re ­
Schaupp, com m ission
m em ber; urday th ro u g h o u t the county.
discussion of proposal to ap p o in t
sent conditions w ith regard to
M. R. C hessm an, com m ission M embers of the w inning team are
secretary as labor relatio n s re p re ­
getting and retain in g help also
1 m em ber; H. H. B aldock, state Ted W illoughby w ith a score of
sen tativ e of retail m erch an ts; a p ­
All churches w ith p erm a n en t highw ay engineer; K. D. Lytle, 502, Don K err w ith a score of 498,
■nuke it h ard to o perate the ho*
A nnexation of B ellview to the p o in tm en t of a com m ittee to
pastors or p erm a n en t places ot division engineer; "J. M. Devers, Don Nichols w ith a score of 491 city of A shland w ill ap p ear on
pi tai.
The city council plans to visit w orship are requested to n etity chief counsel; H. B. C laisyer. see­ and Bob W illoughby w ith a score th e ballots in th e N ovem ber e le ­ d ra ft recom m endations for spring
opening and C hristm as c e le b ra ­
the hospital on T uesday a fte r­ the Rev. A. J. Edw ards, 811 Iowa rotary; H. G. Sm ith, construction of 467 as altern ate.
ctions. The City en g in eer is p re ­ tion; ap p o in t com m ittee to re ­
noon. M ayor T hornton Wiley in S treet, A shland, Oregon, in o rd er 1en g jneer; q w . N euner, assistant
High scoring individual of the
com m end p lan of “dressing u p ”
a p rep ared statem en t, W ednesday th a t a listing may be m ade o l i counsej ; M anley F. Robinson, di-
te rrito ry to be an n ex ed in o rd er
1 rector of travel inform atio n de- contest was B etty W illiam s of th a t council action m ay be tak en business section. Discussion of
said th a t the policy of the city these churches.
m ethods of adding to facilities of
A ccording to the Rev. G. M. p a rta ie n t; W. H.- Lynch, Public V alleyview w ith a score of 554, a t th e n ex t m eeting.
has been to su p p o rt the hospital
place was won . by
local stores in o rd e r to red u ce
- M
... ary -
in every possible way and th at S hum an .pastor of the P re sb y te r-i Roads ad m in istratio n division en- second
R esidents of B ellview have re ­ traffic to M edford. A ppoint a
the city of A shland had invesb-d lan church, the A shland M inister- gjneer; A. R. Lindbecy, O regon
planning on j o u rn a ,
re p resen tativ e,
h av e
W ^ te ^ C ah ail^ of quested th at th e an n ex atio n tak e com m ittee to recom m end p la n of
jn the hospital $25,000 for im ­ .a! A ^ i a U o n
vocational train in g in high school
p rin tin g a directory of t h u i tr u s been touring w estern, ce n tral and A ntelope won th ird place w ith a
provem ents und equipm ent.
to assist stu d en ts d esiring to e n ­
Wiley em phatically stated th at w hch will be placed in hotels, eastern Oregon sections to check
ter retail w ork, ap p o in t co m m it­
Second high scoring team was
he and the council are well a- auto courts ,and o ther business Up On contracts w hich h ave al-
tee to stu d y proposal for e sta b ­
Beef . . C lub
ready ------
been — let.
w are th at the city m ust have a houses. The inform ation w hich ------„
, the __ A ntelope
, ied by
lishm ent of re ta il cred it b u reau
hospital and th at they are wilting the Rev. E dw ards is collecting is
The com m ission had originally Albert Bigham w ith the follow-
in A shland.
to cooperate w ith the physicians needed for this directory.
planned to visit A shland on W e d -' in8 scores: W alter C ahail 516.
In ad d itio n H ealy stated th a t
and surgeons of A shland .
nesday to inspect the P laza p ro j-
488, J a n F reem an
Local pinball and slot m achine com plete details and ex h ib its of
Wiley also pointed out th a t just A a I I a a a lAflll
ect as Pa rt of th e ir d uties w hile 478> B ernice B igham 468, alter-
recently the hospital had been VvllwlLw W ill Uwl
on tour, w hich include stu d y in g S3!?* . ir^ Place was won 'Y the athletes w ill have to get th eir e x ­ th e D ollar days for the H arv est
m odernized and renovated at a
¡projects w hich have been au th - Bellview Pig C lub led by C. P. ercise elsew here as W ednesday festival will be m ade a p a rt of
cost of $3,000 and th at during th e ' C a s I a w a I Dlsl A A ifl
Gassoway w ith the follow ing m orning the ra ttle of kne clicking the m eeting.
« a «
1 m
period w hen the city obtained airCUvial D lU t. HlU
In addition to the Plaza p r o je c t' «cores: M aryann G assow ay 469, balls and th e w h ir of th e slot . . .
m onthly ren tal all receipts
the state highw ay
d e p a rtm e n t M ary Lou W illoughby 466, Ver- m achine no longer was heard on A s h l a n d Sch O O l M e n
A shland city streets.
1 4 -1
the hospital hud
been turned |
COL- plans to w iden the railro ad over- non Tenny 465.
back into the hospital plus thous- i LEGE—O rd ers to proceed have crossing a t Tolo.
C orrection o f , Classes judged included Jerse y j c h ie f of Police c . p . T a le n t,
A shland schoolm en
who a t­
and# of additional dollars from been given on the F.P.H.A. vet-1 the slide conditions on th e P a - , cows provided by D elb ert Mon- acting upon orders from G eorge
I eran s project, No. 35358, on the cific highw ay are also on th e gold, A ngus heifers provided by Neilson, Jack so n county d istrict ten d ed th e conference of school
th e city tre a su ry .________
I S o u th ern O regon College cam pus, scheduled plans of the highw av L eonard F reem an, Polled H ere- atto rn ey , notified 21 A shland ad m in istrato rs n ^ l e m M onday
T w en ty -eig h t fam ily
dw elling com m ission.
‘ ford cows provided by R alph houses T uesday evening th a t the and T uesday w ere P resid en t E l­
units and six ty -fo u r dorm itory
O regon now has ap p ro x im ately Cook, H ereford hogs provided by s ta te ’s atto rn ey general, George m o Stevenson, C. R. Bow m an,
. pernsey
. by N euner, had issued a le tte r sta t- and L eland P. Linn. T he m eeting
units will be erected w ithin the $53,000,000 available for th e th r e e ! George . K irby .G
H? R? *Westerburg"*i,'south’dow n i in ^ , ,th at the operation of slot w as called for th e consideration
n ex t six ty days. The com pletion y ear highw ay program .
The body of Thom as B.
m achines, one arm ed bandit, and of
1 of these units will com e too late I
—------------ ----------
c u rre n t
problem ^.
ew es by George Nichols.
pin ball m achines w hen used as S peakers included G overnor Earl
gett 42, was shipped to Miasis-1
re jjeve
fa n q u a rte r housing L e i f i o n T o C /O nsidpi*
s.ppi this week a fte r he was ,ofld A „ units h a ^e
applied Z , *
" ,
V O flS lU er
gam bling devices was in vio la­ Snell, S en ato r
W ayne
was Jens Svinth, Josephine coun- tion of state statutes.
ih e n cityCja ilFr,<lay
h 'S ** d t | ,o r and «ddHm nal housing has M a l i y I l a n S T u e s d a y
. [ 1 ty
Supt. Rex P u tn am , Dr. H arold
M any com plaints th ro u g h o u t B en jam in of th e U. S. Office of
B aggett was picked up b? Io-
A sh lan d 'citiz en s have re s p o n d -!
A ' T V ’U * 8 ' i I P 3SP R e n e w e d f a r
the state had b ro u g h t ab out the E ducation, and J e rry S ay ler of
ea police F riday night at Mer , ed generousiy t0 the cal, to open
° f ,’T l j C d S e ^ n e w e d tO r
enforcem ent of th e ruling. Any th e P u b lic Em ployees R etirem en t
o'* ; j, Con1V’c,,,,n,,,'>'1
' *1rs’ T ’ th eir homes to stu d en t use. S c a re X n hpv m ^ n
I «
gam bling device th a t pays off System .
R M errill reported th a t he was bcdroom s are being re n te d for ^ , e n J hj y ^ e e t in re g u la r m eet­
d irectly or over the co u n ter is il­
causing a d istu rb an ce there.
An qssem blege of 45 ladies legal. Pin ball m achines w hich
$7 50 « , »12.50 „ m onth a
B aggett was placed under ar
1.-st and taken to the c ity ja il, i
$3P5r M l<VoB$'i“ M !
".'11 .be brought from the W om en’s Civic Im prove are used for am u sem en t alone
m ent C lub who w ere led by the are not included in th e ruling.
lie was very calm u ntil around I > p ,,r m onlh „ ls h,
, ,h ,
S X liv
M . ' " C * ' ,h ' P resident, Mrs. Mae Russ e 11
C hief T alen t stated th a t the re
F ive tires and fo u r w’heels
p.m. w hen hem idnight he w as)™ ™ 1 ^ i o II Usek
P '-v e id
e tn housing
ta oda
e d i' i r 1 han i and ch an ^e in • m
« eeting
■ ' - w ere p resen t at C ity Council action am ong establishm e n t s
w hich w ere recovered h ere S u n ­
and around
found dead on the fToor.. He had | tions {,„. veterans a* d th eir fa ,d j. ‘‘^ ¡ n t ^m ta'ilati“ !?0
f° r
the 25 y ear renew ed lease which ation here in A shland w as v ery day are th e evidence w hich is re ­
tried to hang him self with his lies a r urgently needed
Jolnt, installation of 1947 Leg- was unanim ously consented to by good. All businesses notified im ­ tain in g Joseph E. H arroun, and
belt b u t the belt had broken and '
---- ------ —— ------ L
) ion and A u x iliary officers of both m em bers of the city council.
m ediately com plied w ith th e o r­ D uane A. F ran k lin both of A sh­
he had fallen and hit his head
Mrs. S tanley C hurch e n te rta in - M edford and A shland to be held
M em bers of the Civic club w ere der, and h ave rem oved th e m ach ­ land in th e city jail here. The
tires w ere tak en S atu rd ay n ight
on the iron bed.
j ed Mrs. N orm an P o rritt, Mrs. here, S ep tem b er 11,
p rep ared for a b attle on the su b ­ ines from th e prem ises.
from a state car in K lam ath Falls.
T he body of B aggett who was I Josephine T uhey of A berdeen
m ,. „ „ j ivt
ci .
ject of th e renew al of the lease
H arro u n and F ra n k lin m ade
divorced from his wife, was sen t W ashington and Mrs. Nell Sloggv , Mr
Ray n h ai P and because an erroneous im pression
statem en ts ad m ittin g the th eft of
to th e hom e of relatives in Mis- at a bridge foursom e F riday a f t - hn«t«
1 M m ^ G i t . . o r n w n Bond
— . w y ere
- h ad been m ade th a t th e council
the tires and are aw aitin g dispo­
C atu rd a o y evening:
. s Mr. did not favor ren ew in g it. F ran k
d in n e r' S
J. Van Dyke, rep resen ted th e
___ this
_ w eek becam e one sition.
A shland
and Mrs. G eorge Moser, Mr. and
C harles N orm an Johnson, a
'in the* U nited
Mrs. B ud Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs.
h itch h ik er, w as picked up by
S tanley C hurch, Mr. and Mrs.
H aro u n and F ra n k lin and was
w orth to the city of the club and j unused leave on the p a rt of for- found
N orm an P o rritt, M r .and Mrs. the
to be AWOL from Ft.
use to w hich it had been p u t­ m er soldiers and sailors.
M elvin K aegi, Mrs. G race Bogue ting th e clubhouse.
L ew is W ashington since A pril of
and H erm an A ckerm an.
this y e a r .
Because of the housing sh o rt­
Mrs. L. O. A nderson of River- age at S o u th ern Oregon College land post of th e V eterans of F o r­
eign W ars, the C ham ber of Com-
Mrs. L illian Reibel w ho recent
H v
side, C alifornia sp en t this week
recom- , UJiT06» obtained ap p ro x im ately ly sold h e r home, will tak e a trip
y v ern e A thanas
Som e are m ounted in silver, in A shland atten d in g to business, the clubhouse had , . been
site lor a 200 of the applications, w hich to C alifornia then go to Tacom a,
i t s really
a breatn taking ' som e in gold. T hough m ost of the i She stayed a t the L ithia Hotel, m ended as a p otential
club ( « w . . . ere
to form
er _ servicem
en . W ashington w here she will m ake
scene ,an u n d er-w ate r fairy taie j stones are ra te d as se m i-p re c io u s.1 She plans to visit in K lam ath dorm
w -t
« a r ili
h n iT /A
In « -»
o t v«i 1 * 1 I J i f f n
7 L
. .
in color. The w a te r is a clear blue I they are ju st as decorative as ! Falls, M errill and T ulle Lake be- m em bers will have th e privilege w ith in a m a tte r of a few hours, h er home.
of subletting, if they so desire,
a n a exotic p lan ts grow from uie th eir cousins in the "precious’ Ifore re tu rn in g to C alifornia,
the club house to th e board of
sandy bottom , 'm e re are coral field.
---- — “
education of th e state of Oregon
iro n u s and delicate anem ones,
Some of the stones beggar d e­
for stu d en t housing.
stran g e grasses, and plum es. One scription. T here are cool green
Town Talk
M em bers of th e civic club will
alm ost expects to see a rainbow jad es from M ontana, moss agates
discuss and tak e action on this
strip ed lisn to pop ou t from be­ from Oregon, brow n, green, blue,
p otential use of th e building at
hind, or to catch a glim pse of red paspers from B razil or A las­
th eir m eeting F rid ay night.
News Review
som e su n k en trea su re Dark com ­ ka, plum e agates from all over
p lete w ith chests of treasure. It thé globe. These plum e agates
R eporters
Selection of a secretary to head ly com petitive m ark et. R ath er
is a m asterpiece th a t any artist are Mr. C ham pion’s favorites,
hlpm*11hX'M"C A ’ 1S «V16 blg. p ro ' , th an tak e a m an n ° t of the high-
could brag about.
for one nev er know s w h a t the
blem th a t is presently contront- «,=♦
«$, v .
. .
B ut M other N a tu re was the a r ­ n e x t cut will bring forth.
ing the board of directors of the 6 1 , } b
the Y board has Pl"°-
TOM CARTER sporting a full
tist. A nd she didn t fool around show fairyland gardens, u n d e r­ grow n beard a la K lam ath Falls
C ontractors
in , the
. .
. A . shland
. , area
Y.M.C.A. M embers of the b o a r d , ceeded cautiously, w ith the feel-
with an y th in g as p erishable as w a te r scenes, d esert sc e n e s, Rodeo . . . GORDON PIC K ELL i T h i r S .UK ? P , ±
«W. week , h „ they in « e . a m onth o r tw o lost in
p ain t or canvas.
s h e p u t this m ountains, clouds, all w ith a bal­ w orrying about p laster for his to bid on th e Plaza highw ay im ­ had been stu d y in g the cred en tials s g etting the program s ta r t e d
scene in a nodule of stone so hard ance of color and com position new house on L iberty stree t . . . provem ent project.
of a nu m b er of m en since the would be ex p en d ib le in g etting
tn at only a diam ond edged saw th a t would do cred it to a m aster MILTON M ORRISON and DON
S tate H ighw ay E ngineer R. H. close of th e Y drive w hich took the
rig h t m an.
could cu t it. O utside she placed artist.
W OLFF invalided home w ith poi­
place ea rlie r in the sum m er.
The m an so ught for A shland
a rough coating of w rinkleu inud
While Mr. C ham pion does not son oak afte r fighting fire in
B oard w hich includes: according to the directo rs is one
w hen the road p roject is ad v e rtis­ Jo The
and aged the w hole thing for hold a public open house, he is Siskiyou C ounty, C alifornia
Roland P ark s. Eric whose reco rd w ith gettin g along
some m illions of years. Then J. nonetheless glad to show his col FRANK VAN DYKE dem onstrat- ed som etim e in early S eptem ber W eren, L eland Linn. C ar r y 1 well w ith the ch ildren and ad u lts
J|’. C ham pion of 15n T h ird S treet, lection to any interested people, I ing his best courtroom dem eanor
W ines, Roy Peck, Les G rant, of th e com m unity is u n q u estio n ­
A shland, dug it ou t of its bed. and invites visits from o th er lap- , for the w om en’s Civic club . . .
H om er Billings, Joe F ader, the ed. He m ust have ab ility to do
He cu t it, ground it, polished it. idarists. In his little shop he has , DR. GEORGE HULL studying
Rev .George M. Shum an, th« Re\ a g re a t deal of organizing of such
If you are fo rtu n ate, perhpps tw o diam ond-edged saws, a bench G e rtru d e ’ S te in ’s obscure poetry
G eorge Bruce, A llen McGee, events as sum m er cam ps, hiking
he will show it to you at h is shop devoted to some half dozen grind- . . . PERRY AYRES and EVER-
The R everend E v erett McGee, C larence L itw iller and F rank p arties, b asketball and baseball
back of his home.
ers and polishing disks, and a 1ETT M cGEE looking at heating pastor of th e C hurch of C hrist Van D yke have rated the ap p li­ leagues, tennis to u rn a m e n t s,
Mr. C ham pion took up the! bench devoted to the m etal w o rk -! units . . . R. H. WILSON staying at Phoenix, w ill d eliv er the s e r­ cants for the positions from sw im m ing w ork and o th er a f­
hobby of cu ttin g stones som e five ing end of the jew elry m anufac- on the shady side of the street mon S unday at Union V esper “b est” on down. A fter ra tin g the fairs of a recreatio n al n atu re. He
years ago, a fte r spending m ost of ture. P erhaps the m ost in te re st­ w hile dow n here from Ruby's Services held in L ith ia P ark.
applicants, efforts have been m ust be th e type of m an, who
his life as a m ining engineer. ing fe atu re is the display cases K itchen . . . . The OAK STREET
The R everend G ordon L indsay ’ m ade to secure all possible infer- ; will inspire boys and girls to bet-
W hile he delights in the "teenies” w here he has garn ered a tre ­ TA N K ERS redeem ing their play- spoke last S un d ay on th e sub m ation on them and to m ake a r I ter living. He w ill organize
as he calls the stone ju s t describ­ m endous m ineral and rock col- ing statu s. . . . JIM HARKER an ¡ect, “The D ram a of the G ospel.” ran gem ents for h irin g th e p r o - : groups in both the school and
ed, he also cuts and polishes ev- lection d u rin g half a cen tu ry of ticipating cold w in ter w eather.
Phyllis D ow ning played the or- p er one.
, com m unity for boys and girls.
ery th in g from local agates to B ra- trav elin g as a m ining engineer. . . . JO H N COLLIN S w ith a swell i gan for the services and accom-
M any o th er cities, including j M em bers of the board state
zilian jad e into beautiful jew elry. B ut for my m oney, th at first new office. . . . A ttendance at -vuiied “T he C h ristian H arm on-
n, hv K lam ath Falls, are sta rt- j th a t th ey are anxious to s ta rt the
He m akes ring sets, brooches, ] stone I described to you tops local auctions continueing to in- izers Q u a rtet from the C h ristian ing Y program s w ith th e result program im m ediately, b u t will
pendants, an y thing in short to be- < them all. You have to see it to crease............C. of C. Sec'y Heal- C hurch,
who sang “Saved by th a t A shland is bidding for the | not ru sh things a t the sacrifice
deck m ilord or m ilady,
, believe IV
I y ’s enthusiasm a t high pitch.
, Grace.”
1 few w ell train ed m en on a high- of g ettin g a good mi^p.
Baldock Says Plaza
Project N o t Shelved
Retail Merchants
Will Meet Again
on Bureau Problem
Ministers by Radio
Frank Tries to Get
Friend Out; Gets In
Club County Champs
Churches Planning
A Public Directory
Be’lview Anschluss
To Be On Ballots
DA Calls Turn On
Gambling Devices
i Attend Lonierence
Jail Suicide’s Body
Sent To Mississippi
Civic Clubhouse Lot
Tire Theft Involves
Two Ashland Youths
Former GI’s G e t........
-eave Pay Blanks .. ..
o ta
Local Contractors ....
Urged to Make Bids ..
Everett McGee Will
Jneak at Vespers