Formerly Tho Southern Oregon Miner S3 per Year 2 Year* lor $5 *74» SotM tem Chopo*. NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON ,uu h EH YE/ x R Sale on Football Reserved Seats Begins August 15 P E A R H A R V E S T B E G IN S IN E A R N E S T A T N E W B H Y S A cco rding to E arl N cw bry, p ic k in g a n o p a c k in g of th e firm B a rtle tt p e a rs of th is y e a r's crop s ta rte d M onday B a rtle tt picking is e x p e c te d to he o v er hy the Dead Indian Road Being Repaired Hay cox Discussed .s Committee Meets I hursday, August i j , 1946 Three Year* In The Army Equal* Four Year* College Voi ij , No. 24 Harvest Festival Is Planned For October R obert Dodge, ch airm an of the C ham ber of C om m erce ban q u et com m ittee and m em bers of the J. K. M erritt, road su p erv iso r com m ittee m et at the C ham ber of I first week in S eptem ber and pi ai | jo r ppr tjon of Jackson county Com m erce offices Monday night I h arv est as a whole hy the end ol announced this week th a t repair- to plan for the ban q u et and to m id-O ctober. ing of the Dead Indian road be- discuss m ethods of publicizing October 4, 5, and 6 Will The F estival will em phasize th e Capacity For Reterved S ufficient labor has been sign gun Monday and would be a jo in t the affair which will featu re Ear- Be Set Aside For Farm ag ricu ltu ral resources of A shland Seating Will Be 450 i ed to cure to r the h arv est and operation w ith loggers .mill o p e r - ; n est Haycox, Oregon author, Celebration in Ashland and th e su rro u n d in g area. F arm Say School Authorities packing work and several orch ­ ators and logging tru ck d riv ers Haycox ,who has become nat- exhibits, com petitive contests of ard ists have erected tent» to care aiding in correcting the had con- j lonslly famous as an au th o r of A shland folks are going to b e ' Football season in A shland will for the w orkers . ditions on the tw enty-five m ile W estern stories was reared in sm oking corn cob pipes p r e t t y ! fru its and vegetables, w ith ju d g ­ get underw uy w hen Coquille and aw ards, w ill be p a rt of | road. I so u theastern Oregon. M any of doggone soon if p resen t plans for j ing m eets th e A sh lan d G rie z h e s h e re /- v a » n •„ „ x the show. A big h arv est p arad e th e lum ber m ills in the A s h - . his stories have O regon-N evada publicizing the first A shland I Septem hei 20 at 8 p.m. on Wal- C ily S DiliriCS A FC is being planned, an d prizes will 1 land area will fuinish tw o w ater | border country for th eir locale, H arvest F estiv al are okayed at be given for th e ou tstan d in g ter Phillips Field, Couch F rank ¡ llfr liz s ftlp w trucks and drivers, and the coun- > The story which has brought him th e m eeting of th e C ham ber of floats. Prizes will also be given to O'N eil announced this week. ' ► ’t t KHlX, DUlllCB Season ticket sales also got un-1 D airies of the City of Ashland ty will furnish graders in order , to the atten tio n of S ou th ern Ore Com m erce rep resen tativ es which local m erchants who have th e dvrw ay this week w ith a ducat ‘ w ere facing a potential m ilk hot- to bring the road hack up to a gonians is “C anyon Passage.” will be held T uesday night, A ug­ best h arv est window. This story which is w ritten about u st 20. good for the four hom e g a m e s ! tie shortage this week and were useable condition. A flow er show is being a r ­ The F estival itself will be held ran g ed w hich will be held in con­ At a m eeting held last F rid ay early day Jacksonville has been selling for $4.00 tux included. ; urging the custom ers U) please producted as a technicolor m ovie here O ctober 4, 5, and 6, a n d ! The four hom e gam es include the scrape1 through the bottom of the 1 night at the Steak House, re p re ­ ju n ctio n w ith th e Festival. Coquille gam e and gam es wilh barrel and tu rn up w ith sonic sentatives of the m ills, logging and is presently being show n in m em bers of the C ham ber of C o m -! A t p resen t no plans are being m erce which are sponsoring the co n tiacto rs and county re p re se n ­ various Oregon cities. K lam ath Falls. Yreka and Med additional m ilk bottles. for a livestock show, a l­ “C anyon P assage”, will be affair state th a t these will be red readied ford. T ickets may be obtained O perators of the S ilver Crest, tatives m et w ith the gypo tru ck though if an aren a and proper show n here on the 15, 16, and 17, le tte r days on an y o n e’s calender. d riv ers and discussed w ays and from O'Neil or t h e y m ay he B ellview , C loverleaf, M illers, and stable space can be ob tain ed the W ith prom ise of being the big­ show ing of livestock will be a Ixiught a t the A shland S porting I C herry Knoll dairies w ere le a v - ' m eans of getting the road back according to A, R. M ottner, m an ­ ager of the Varsity theater. H ay ­ gest ev en t held in A shland for p a rt of the Festival. ing slips at each custom ei's horn» into useable condition and keep- Goods store. G am es aw ay from home are requesting th at bottles be re tu rn 1 mg it th a t way. Al Bounds, who cox will be speaking here a t the several years, com m ittee m em ­ M ayor T h o rnton W iley has su g ­ w ith G ran ts Pass, L akeview , ed in order th u t the dairies havt m et with C ounty Ju d g e J. B. sam e tim e the picture is running. bers will go to any end to put gested th a t a cow m ilking con­ R eaders of C olliers m agazine this festival over. They state th at enough hotties to proceed with I C olem an e a rlier in the week, said Roseburg and M arshfield. test, en try lim ited to city folk th a t the county w ould cooperate are fam iliar w ith H aycox’s serial inasm uch as th e Jack so n county be p a rt of th e en tertain m en t. This years hall club according the next days business. how ever, he pointed out, th e I stories which often ru n in th at fa ir seems to be in a very deca­ to O’Neil, will be one of the Farmers Will Be Guest* d en t state the tim e will be ripe, 1 county had asked th a t loggers m agazine. heaviest team s th at A shland has D uring one evening of th e cele­ rig h t along w ith th e harvest, to drive m ore slow ly and cu t th eir Mrs. C. M. L itw iller, Dr. Elmo put on the gridiron in recent b ra tio n th e m erchants of th e speed dow n to 35. Stevenson, O tto W ilda, Ben Lom- p u t on a big festival w hich will com m unity will p resen t th e fa r­ years. The m em bers of the 40- The d riv ers who had been call- bard, Roy Peck, C hester Corey, d raw people from th e entire m ers w ith a banquet. rnan squad have been w orking in A t this ed together by W G. M cG innis | D oy|e Seeley, W endell Law rence, county and portions of s u rro u n d ­ b an q u e t a local fa rm er will be a the pear orchards ,the forests, and ing Oregon counties and N o rth ­ M ayor T hornton Wiley stated claim ed th a t there was no overall Bill Healy .and Dodge w ere pre- the farm s in the S outhern Oregon guest of a local m erchant. This, area und they have all been p u t­ last week th a t he d id n ’t lav o r the speeding on the road, first, b e - 1 sen t at the M onday evening ern C alifornia. it is hoped, w ill create b e tte r nam e of S outhern cause of the im possible condition m eeting. ting on weight. Most of the team proposed fa rm -u rb a n relationships. are juniors ,and are m em bers of R oute which the S tate H istorical of the road w hich prohibited the The U nited S tates D ep artm en t 4-H FAIR AT BELLVIEW society and the K lam ath Falls speeding, second, because of the lust years reserve group. of A g ricu ltu re has alread y in d i­ IS TERMED A SUCCESS T hree regulars, Ed Bcare, Louis C ham ber of Com m erce had tack- 1 w ear and te a r on the trucks w hen cated th a t it was h eartily in fa ­ T he jo in t fa ir w hich was held v o r of th e plan, as has th e C ounty l.anger, and J e rry M itchell, are ed onto the A pplegate trail s e c -1 excessvie speeding is com m itted, T hu rsd ay a t the ran ch of J. F. ex ten sio n service and th e N atio n ­ ! Mill* Gave $15,000.00 retu rn in g to the field this year; lion of the Old Oregon Trail. Engle in B ellview fe atu red th e al G ard en Club. According to M ayor Wiley the! It was pointed out a t the m eet- B eare ami L anger are backs and farm products and stock of the A pplegate p arty cam ped in A s h -, ing th at at the tim e the road was 1 M itchell is an end. Dollar Days. Too S everal of last year's Ju n io r land on Ju ly 4, 1846. The Apple- • opened Jan tzen , S ugar P in e and | A shland's tax levy for the V alley View an d th e B ellview W illiam H ealy, secretary of the high squad who have moved up I gate p arty blazed the trail th ru o th er m ills tried to open a n d ! com ing year will total 51.3 m ills 4H clubs. The fa ir was w ell a t­ into high school will bolster the thc southern section of the state, m aintain the road and used up according to C ounty Assessor C. tended w ith m em bers of o |h e r 4H C h am ber of Com m erce, an n o u n c­ club which O'Neill will field. and to several of the pioneers and $15,000 in opening it, on condi- A. Myers. This includes the lib- clubs in S o u th ern O regon a tte n d ­ ed this w eek th a t in addition to th e o th er arran g em en ts w hich Reserved Seat Sale old tim ers in this area the ro ad ­ tion th a t once the road w as open 1 ra ry levy. C ounty levy through- ing as guests. w ere being m ade the m erchants the C ounty w ould m ain tain it. lo u t Jackson county will be 11.7 S u p erin ten d ent Leland Linn way will be know n as the A p­ of the com m unity w ere plan n in g According to m ill rep resen tativ es I m ills which is an increase of 3.1 announced th at the reserved seat plegate Tra^L____________ on hav in g a d o llar day. p resen t at the F riday night m eet- mill over the tax atio n of 1945-46 sale would total 450 seats and P rio r to th e opening of th e fes­ ' ing the C ounty had not k ep t the In Ashland, because of the lib ­ th at the sa h 1 would begin on or tival 500 special $1.00 bills w ill road in condition. They pointed ra ry levy the county levy will ab out th e 15th of August, The Rev. G ordon L indsay of be placed in circulation. These ou t th a t the road was now in be only 11.5. The rem ain d er is canvassed first for initial sales. th e A ssem bly of God w ill speak p a rtic u la r bills w ill be red eem ­ poorly m aintained shape. Bounds, city and school tax levy. The business section will he who had m et w ith C ounty o ffi­ A shland is second low in tax n e x t S unday at th e 5:00 p.m. V es­ able at th e com m unity stores at The tickets will en title the hold­ cials, stated th a t the county offi­ levy in the county. M edford w ith p er Services w hich are held each g re ater th an the $1.00 face value. er to a reserved seat for the four Each sto re w ill be allo tted so home games. Many seats are a l­ Earl S hilling was elected p re ­ cials had told him th a t one rea- I a total of 37.5 is low. H ighest S ab b ath in L ith ia P ark . These services are sponsored m any of th e bills and th e bills ready assigned and it is expected sident of the reorganized A sh­ son the road had not been cared , taxes in the county are a t B utte ru n n in g in th a t p a rtic u la r sto re ’s that the tickets will go rapidly. land A ctive club at th eir regular for as thoroughly as expected by | Falls which has 86.3 m ills. T alen t by the A shland M inisterial Asso- series w ill be redeem able, only CiatiQtv La$t S u n d ay 's services the loggers was th a t at the p re -j ¡s th ird high w ith a to tal of 78.6 m eeting held last T hursday ev en ­ a t th a t store.____________ ing at the Ix th ia Coffee Shop. ♦ sen t tinse the pear and o rchard j m ills, and Jacksonville is fourth w ere well atten d ed . Dr. G. W. B ruce, p asto r of the M ethodist O ther officers elected w ere crops Which are being harvested high w ith 77.4 mills. The m illage, broken dow n by C hurch p resided Rev. S hum an Bob A rm strong, vice- president: necessitated the use of road equip Bill B lackm er, secretary tre a s u r­ m en t on C ounty roads into the funds is: G eneral county fund, read the scrip tu re lesson which 7.1 m ills; general county school was follow ed by the p asto ral er, Jack W illiam s. A rdis W arren, orchard areas. Loggers present at the m eeting and lib rary , 3 mills; lib rary fund p ra y er by Rev. G ordon Lindsay. M artin H errin, Dale W illiams O scar C. B jorlie of K alispell, Retail m erchants of A shland and Dale Kaegi, trustees; Bud indicated th a t they felt as though .2 of a m ill; m ark e t roads, .4 of The Sum m e sisters q u a rte t from M ontana, was h ired by the local the Assem bly of God C hurch fa v ­ will d o se shop at 9:00 a.m. M on­ Silver, activator; and ’V ern John- th e C ounty was of the opinion a mill, and county hospital b u ild ­ ored w ith a gospel nu m b er e n ­ school board T uesday evening, day and will rem ain closed for son, historian and correspondent th at lum bering in Jackson Coun- ing is 1 mill. A ugust 13, to teach vocal m usic one hour w hile thev m eet w ith The high school levy in dis­ titled, “Hom e S w eet H om e”. Plans w ere discussed to m ake [ ty was not a p erm an en t business, The serm on w as given by Rev in the A shland J u n io r and S enior m em bers of the C ham ber of application tricts Ivhich do not m ain tain high for th eir c h a rte r., Chamber Offers Aid Earl D ow ning of th e C hurch of High Schools for th e com ing y ea r C om m erce’s retail trades bureau M eetings will be held each W illiam Healy, secretary of the school* will be 3.9 mills. The B oard of E ducation also I C hrist. He took for his su b ject I C ham ber of C om m erce spoke to com m ittee at the city hall in or- T hursday at 7:00 P. M. M the q u estion from th e scrip tu re, h ired Mrs. H. B. Collins of M ed­ dcr to elect and set up a per- O ther young m en about town ‘ the rep resen tativ es p resen t and “W hat th in k ye of C h rist?” In ford as Social Science in stru c ­ m anent retail trades bureau. W|1O are interested in the p ro je c t! pointed out th at the C ham b er of; an in terestin g w ay Rev. D ow n­ tor. E. J. L aM arre is head of the jnciutje; John M urphy, G ordon C om m erce w ould be glad to help B jorlie comes to the A shland ing called to th e w itness stand C ham ber of C om m erce's retail M iller, Jac k W illiam s, Lyndell, and was p rep ared to handle ju st the enem ies and friends of Jesus, schools w ith nine years of teac h ­ trades bureau com m ittee. O ther Newiiry, Jo h n Collins, Chas War- such problem s as the poor condi- ■ such as th e P harisees, C aiaphas, ing experience. He received his m em bers include: Dom Provost, I (?n j ohn Collins, Chas W a rre n ,' tion of the D ead Indian road. He ■ H arry Travis, I. F. A ndies. J. A. I C hester Corey, Jea n E berhardt, requested th a t in the fu tu re any I Rogue Valley B ro a d c a s tin g P ilate, Ju d as, and th e C en tu rian , schooling a t St. O laf College in L angtry, H R. M cKeever, G eorge R en H arris W endell Law rence, action be cleared through t h e : com pany has m ade application to and Jo h n th e B aptist, P eter, M innesota and tau g h t last y ea r Reed, C. H Wines and Jam es I y ern A thanas, Ken Jones, Keith C ham ber of C om m erce office in (operate a F requency m odulation Thom as and several citizens. a t th e C ounty High School at Haines, Bill Healy, Virgil Jack- o rd e r th a t it could be c o o rd in a -. station w ith th e F ederal Corn- Each one told in his w ay his op- K alispell, M ontana. Mackie Mrs. Collins has also tau g h t for T he retail trades bureau will son Leo Z upan, Bill B lackm er, ted w ith o th er plans for develop- m unications com m ission in Wash- I inion of C h rist ,but not one had several years in M ontana and re ­ function as a dep artm en t of the J a k e Lahr, Ken Robbins, Arch m en t of the road up Dead Ind- ington.^D^ C. according J o word . any th in g to say ag ain st Him. T hen Rev. D ow ning asked this ceived h er degree from th e U n i­ ian. received here from W ashington. C ham ber of Com merce. The b u ­ B ark sd ale, Jo h n Billings. H ealy also suggested th at the I According to Roy Peck .gener- question of his congregation, v ersity of S o u th ern C alifornia. reau will have as its im m ediate Mrs. Collins serv ed as an offi­ gypo truck d riv ers take some a c t- ' al M anager of KW IN, if and i “A re you re ad y to consider this program the setting up of u n i­ form opening and closing hours, ion on petitioning the S ecretary w hen th e FM channel is approv- q u estion and to tak e sides for or cer in th e WAC d u rin g th e war. Eldon C orthell is rejo in in g the of S ta te to change the present ed. station eq u ip m en t will be rig- , ag ain st C hrist? Has He m ade any the study of em ploym ent, u n i­ form total w eekly w orking hours. m ethod of estim ating w eight of ged to m ake possible sim ultane- ■ difference in your life? He w ants A shland school staff an d will Otis Pierce. World V a r I vet- log loads to footage ra th e r than I oils broadcasting over both FM i you for a friend and follow er. Dr teach science a t th e ju n io r high Special atten tio n will be given ......................... ......................, _____ to m odern m erchanxlising trends, eran w anted to end it all so he by w eight. H ealy pointed ou t th a t and AM tran sm itters, perm ittin g I you th in k Him w o rth y of y o u r school. Mr. C orthell ta u g h t for a X 1— : _ X - ■ - i 1— *. 1 tx * » ♦ xx ¿z-x 6 1 a rx