Form erly The Southern Oregon , M iner S3 per Year 2 Y ear* for S5 S — *7Zte So+dhehn (bl&josi NEWS REVIEW J.OU PER Y E A R City to Actively Back Trailways Council Decides OT* c*1* A S H L A N D . JA C K S O N C O U N T Y . OREG ON B E L L V IE W B IR T H D A Y C E L E B R A T E S W IT H W A L T E R D A V IS C LU B Fig Leaf Shortage Causes •e ¡Cupid To Leave Fountain I hursday, August 8, 1946 D O W N IN G T O S P E A K S U N D A Y A T VESP ER S Three Y eari In The A rm y Equals Four Years College Volum e 13, N u m b e r 23 Re-Opening Golf bourse Is Okeyed «y City Council R everend Earl D ow ning of the C hurch of C h rist will give the serm on at th e vesper services at Lithia P ark S un d ay at five o’­ clock. Dr. G. W. B ruce, pasto r of the M ethodist church, gave the ser­ mon last S unday. He used as his M ayor Thornton Wiley will a p ­ topic "I B elieve”. Recreational Committee p ear before the Public U tilities R everend G eorge Shu m a n, Of Chamber of Commerce P resb y terian m in ister, lead the M eets W ith Association. com m lsaion in Salem , S eptem ber song service w ith Rev. Gordon 10, on behalf of the T railw ays The city council T uesday ev e n ­ Lindsay reading th e scrip tu re Bus com pany, and will urge the from St. M arks gospel after ing approved th e plans presen ted com m ission to approve the a d d i­ which R everend Earl Downing to them by the R ecreational Com ­ lead the congregation in prayer. m ittee of the C ham ber of C om ­ tion of in tra state passenger ser­ m erce to reopen the A shland golf vice to the T railw ays present course. The council’s action was service. tak en on condition, how ever, th a t the form er Golf A ssociation, This was decided at the re g u ­ w hich controlled th e course at lar m eeting o f the city council a fte r W ulter B edford hud m ade Local 4H club fa ir will be held th e tim e of its closing, give its a m otion th a t the city council A ugust 15 at th e J. F. Engel approval to th e -plan. The golf association, w hich is su p p o rt T railw ays. Council m em ­ ranch in Bellview w here it was bers voted to su p p o rt the m otion also held last year. Bellview headed by Jo h n D augherty, clos­ and Muyor Wiley suggested th at and Valleyview 4H club m em b­ ed the golf course a t th e b eg in ­ he help p resen t T railw uy's case. ers will show stock and com pete ning of th e w ar because of lack for en try prizes. of play. R epresentatives of T railw ays Jo h n Collins, who heads the m et w ith th e council and p re sen t­ According to Mr. Engel who is ed th e ir case, explaining why d irecto r of B ellview 4H club ac t­ C ham ber of C om m erce’s re c re a ­ in tra state service would aid both ivities the purpose of the local tional com m ittee, will m eet w ith T railw ays and the com m unity. fairs is to encourage show ing of D augherty and o th er officials of stock and farm products a t the th e golf club F rid ay noon a t th e fall fairs th ro u g h o u t the country. L ith ia to ffe e shop to m ake a r ­ The local fairs give the 4H m em ­ ran g em en ts for the tran sfer. The arran g e m e n t w hich is bers a chance to p ractice h an d l­ uk ing stock for show ing and aid in so ught by th e recreational com ­ Elks and th eir fam ilies will getting the stock ready for the m ittee w ill p erm it the C ham ber picnic A ugust 14 at Jackson Hot of Com m erce to re n t th e course bigger shows. A P P L E W H IT E S T A L K W IT H Nea ly one hundred people a t ­ Springs. T he picnic will begin at for $1.00 p er year. Ben L om bard SON W H O IS IN G E R M A N Y _ , . z , M em bers of the B ellview 4H 6:00 p.m. according to Ken Bob­ tended the M ethodist annual is to m eet w ith Wm. Briggs, city Mr. and Mrs. G uy A pplew hite club are p lanning on atten d in g Fellow ship d in n er at the Jack- bins, secretary. atto rn ey to p rep are a lease. Cyril S ander, chairm an of the local fair at A ntelope this According to Robbins the p ro ­ son Hot Springs picnic grounds had a ten m inute talk by oyer- j Thursday. T h irty m em bers will seas telephone com m unications A m erican V eterans Club Inc. gram will include free sw im m ing lust S unday afternoon. Following a baseball gam e w ith Earl S chill­ the d in n er the afternoon was from th eir son Sgt. W arren Ap- ¡n A shland announced th a t the atten d the fa ir w hich w i l l ing cap tain in g u team composed spent in discussion and fellow ­ plew hite from S tru ttg a rt, G er­ club had w ritten to G overnor be held at the A lb ert Bigham A rn all of G eorgia this week re ­ ranch. of single m en and non fathers ship. According to Dr. George m any early M onday m orning. He ex ten d ed birth d ay greetings q u esting th a t the individuals res­ Beach and R etter's M obilgas and A1 Sim pson fielding a team Bruce, pustor of the M ethodist church ,this occasion seem s to to his m other and said he was ponsible for the m u rd er of four statio n a t 388 E ast M ain stre e t com posed of fathers. was burglarized F rid ay night. Ivor E rw in will supervise a become m ore popular each year. living in »he form er residence of negroes in G eorgia be brought to a S tru ttg a rt brew er, w hich was a trial. A ugust 2. T w enty-five dollars in spike d riv in g contest for women, I w onderful place to live. S anders stated th at "We realize sm all change was taken. and Hap G illette will supervise Sgt A pplew hite re-enlisted in th a t these m u rd ers are perhaps E n tran ce was m ade th ro u g h a a rolling pin throw ing contest for ' the arm y for three years and has th e resu lt of the irresponsible back window which h ad been the g en tler sex I been assigned to the finance divi- election of such nationally dis­ A t the re g u la r m eeting of the left open. City police have tak en Les G ru n t will supervise a sack tion of the arm y of occupation in graceful figures as R ankin, Bilbo B ellview G range T uesday ev en ­ fin g erp rin ts and have fo rw ard ed race for ch ildren in the first eight I G erm any. and Talm adge, b u t it rem ains the ing th e G range discussed the th em to th e Oregon state police grades, and will also be in charge responsibility of every citizen to Franchise for the T railw ays Bus laboratory for study an d co m p ar­ of a pie eatin g contest for the Southern Ore. League S tandings ... _ .. , forcefully express him self on any Co. and they w ent on record to ison. children. w on Lost Pet m atter th a t m ay soon develop in­ give the T railw ay a franchise. Past E x alted ru lers will race R oseburg 900 : 9 1 to a direct th re a t to each of us. each o th er in a special relay C rescent City A t the social h o u r th e G range 9- 2 This is such a th re a t and we ap ­ en tertain ed by H e s t o n which will be conducted by How ­ Ashland 7 4 5^01 S ixty-five children enrolled in peal to th e o th er citizens of this was G reeves who show ed several rolls ard Oden. 7 'G ra n ts Pass 4 th e Daily V acation B ible School com m uuity to w rite the atto rn ey - of colored film th a t he had tak en A fried chicken picnic supper Medford 4 6 i f a t Lbe C hurch of C h rist the first general, G overnor A rnall or the in S outhern Oregon. G reeves S ta n d ard C leaners a t 163 East will com plete the evenings en ter- Tri-C itv 9 2 ,„2 tw o days ol the school .The president expressing th eir out- owns a reso rt in P rospect, Ore- M ain installed a new steam gen­ tainment. Gold Hill 2 9 nuo scn° o1 M toe C hurch ol C hrist the ragtF af. this d isreg ard of law and gon. e ra to r this w eek in order- to d o C entral oint 10 10 :9s” , « r s t tw o ahys bl the school. Tne o r d e r ” 1 Mr. and Mrs. W illis B yrd, M r aw ay w ith th e outm oded use of Roseburg, the league leading j ScIlool >Whicn began M onday, will __________________ and Mrs. A llen B yrd, Mr. and saw d u st in the butaaer w’hich had te a m in T h e S o u th e rn O reg o n cwnvinue Un u i r n a a y , A u g u s t to i \ Mrs. C larence B ak er and Mr. and previously been M -nishing th e hasebaH J e a g u e will play J h e ln a l n lg n l lne ^ 0 0 1 will U r . EIlTH) b t e V e n S O O for the plant.W Mrs. Tom C arter w ere appointed h eat ,, M R u eynolds i j c, „ A Antnnir. shland Elks ]ast on gcheduled W alter Phillips A ccording to Aiu *e i installing n s ia n u ig w as v u i m n - -’ Texas has leased the A shland the ,, , j m i s . R oyal U ardner is supei - Dr. Elm o Stevenson, president A ugust 20 8 be d pleted W ednesday. A 550 gallon Hotel coffee shop from Mrs. Nina RaZPf ' d thu seasi’n/ , The R oseburg club has suffered inU.n d e n t ttw n in d e rg a rte n ue- of S o u th ern Oregon college of oil tank w ill fu rn ish th e fuel. The C ourtney. The tran sfer was e f­ bu t one loss during the season | pal uuenl> Wlss E tna U avls oi tne Education spoke at the re g u la r' w m n n n r r u n it is know n as a C layton steam fective M onday. m Mr. Reynolds is »md let live ¡viuiKiuy. i. iny u u iu n in th at vvhnn thn Pm cennf r’j f v r ' w generator. It will aid in th e o p e r­ session of Soroptim ist Interna-1 ROTARY CONFERENTF K V “ ’,n ‘ “ nd '~ k b . « ’ • .¡ S ’ tional W ednesday noon at th e . A shland r , *^5”? MON. ations of th e cleaning estab lish ­ m et M t h l y ^ u b A ssem bly m en t as it is m ore effecien t and Reynolds who has has just just b e e n , *9 a Ra/ P e P’a Led waiu u t t n e Intermediate. Assist- Lithia coffee shop. Reynolds who during the earlier p a rt of the “Scholarships are needed f o r L rtv onthc2??i??e of J °h n Daugh- practical. released from the a 'n»y is a I season the Elks took a loss of 6 an is in the school are Mrs. May w orthy college stu d en ts,” S te v e n -1 evey in „ GiT8b 8tlJre t M° nday World W ar 1 and II ve er .m He t() „ , f thp Roseb c,ub win> itusseil, Mrs. M yron M iles, P h y ­ son said, in telling ot the n e e d , reoortori t h &nt Wm.’ P ° dge u s Oow ning, N ancy Belle H oll­ has sp en t the m ajor portion of th j„ S unday it w j„ p ractica|, y for aid in assisting stu dents to ° ? tb e recen t R otary h *8 cu rtain s for the E l k s ow ay, Mrs. aaek M cN erney, Mrs. - luucuu’ 1 dJ ^ lcl conference and o th er Ro- ness. For 15 years he as -s P ’ ¡chances to e n ter the league play earner s o u th , and Mrs. Iv a n D a ly , com plete college. He pointed out tary projects and policies w ere ru n t F. D ow ning .m inister of tne th at two th ird s of the expense of discussed. vising chef of Nationul hotels | ojfs which consists of 15 d ifferen t 1 *' win for the Elks will, how ­ cnurch, is uirecioi and boys hand going to college was borne by Light refresh m en ts w ere serv ­ th e state and one th ird by the hotels. He was also w ith the S ir ' ever, m ean a reprieve .and a pro­ w ork supervisor. It — is ...... this one th ird th at ed to the A ssem bly by Tne senool is still open for en- - student. - - ---- - -» m m - j Mrs. v Jo h n Francis D rake in San Francisco bable chance to com pete in lea­ G. D. and R. O. L ugar, fa th e r rollinent to all betw een the ages ¡often keeps w o rth y ¡individuals gntery a ite r th e m eeting, for six years. and son, announced this w eek gue play offs for the cham pion- j from going to college. ol lour and fourteen. th a t th ey w ere organizing the 1 ship. In many cases ,he stated, a $74 ! c ™ NE A T H A N AS P LA C E S A shland A utom otive M achine Co B ert M iller, president of the I tuition scholarship is a great help S TO R Y IN N A T IO N A L M A G and th at th ey w ould be located at Elks ball club, urged all who V eine A thtanas, A shland free 83 N orth M ain in the sam e b u ild ­ . in getting a stu d en t started in could m ake It out to the ball college. lance w riter, has placed a story ing as th a t occupied by O. S ab­ gam e S unday to come as the local | Dr. Stevenson rem arked that w ith Science and Mechanics, in ’s A shland A uto P a rts com ­ club will be playing th eir last _______ _ the C ham ber of there was a serious shortage of w hich ap p eared in the A ugust is­ pany. O fficials of ; gam e on home territory. i C om m erce announced this week elem entary teachers and th at the sue. The sto ry is titled “Wood- G. D L ugar, w ho has been in Wm . A. Bowes, Oregon com- ’ th a t the C ham ber was sponsoring scholarships w ould aid in alle- lr*g »s F u n ,’ and is illustrât- ■ the autom otive m achine in d u stry m issioner of Public W orks stated i a cam era contest lor A snlana viating this shortage. uz'iK Photographs taken for several years is well know n at a m eeting at the L ithia Hotel ■ rO V O S l O n K C S O r tS j s h u tte r bugs. Purpose of the con- C oncluding his rem arks he . r B bshnell. ¡in A shland hav in g w orked in W ednesday night th at A shland .te s t according to secretary W il-, stated th at A shland could help T h n M .11^ .who is m anager of this region previously. R. O. L u- had no problem at present of un- l ) ” t l r u w u iu r r o v o s i, zvsm ana w a s : **a m H ealy is to find photos school by offering whole M art s m usic d ep artm en t, has gar, who has been associated w ith controlled residential and indus­ bt'. uA sedi h V ? to show îhfFVh Hf, Clted flgui? s n th °^ WriÎ- iB sev e ral fillers and C ontinental A ir lines as traffic trial developm ent on the borders am ong the directors reappointed I w h‘ch . to the L a k e o f t h e W o o d s home ! m aterial ab o u t A snland and the to show th a t th e college was A sh­ r,JIe r . artlf ,es f° r . various new s- d isp atch er in th e D enver office is of the city. land s s " n u u m m b b e er r 1 1 business. Esti- pap eis and m agazines. also know n here. ners association at a well a f - ! su rro u n d in g area. ! M Bowes w ho represents the gov­ ow ~ , T he M achine com pany w ill op- ern o r on ru ral planning was in tended m eeting ol' the association ' Ju d g es w ill be W ilbur Bush,-1 m ating i h at .each stu d en t spends i n e a r r - r u . last week at the I ik e of the’ n e d . Dr. Elm o btevenson, and i S3 00 a day in A shland for board, LEAVE 1 en as soon as all eq u ip m en t has this area m aking a survey. Rec­ held W oodsU odgl All^the o ff ic e r and M rs- Jacob WeiteeL Photos w dl ™om ’ and incidentals, and th at rriD u h SUMMER CAM P been received and installed. Floor om m endations will be m ade to the directors of the year 1945 were i be judged on the basis of cam-1 th ere are a p o ten tial 1000 stud- , F a "JP g irls, from A shland : space is presen tly being allocated state leg islatu re this fall concern­ ' leva teennique, su itab ility ol the I ents com ing here over a period of e it tn u rstla y m orning for Cam p for pro p er in stallation of opera- ing county zoning which will re-elected The m em bers of the association Ph ° to for engraving and p rin tin g ' »ne >'ears S300:° ° dollars B a-u-W a a t Lake of the Woods tional equipm ent. prevent u n reg u lated fringe d e ­ ------------------- approved a n i n c r e a s e in the dues ! and eye in terest. would be sp en t here. S alary bur- The cam p w hich is sponsored velopm ent on the edges of com ­ from $5.00 to $15.00 annually. I PrizA h« ®ec- get for t e a c h e r ^ m unities. Mrs. M arion Reilly, Council is b m n ^ ! d df r o m X g e , M c C o y form erly of A shland, was am ong Road im provem ent into the lake .™ d Pr ‘ze ^ ' 50- and tb lno Pr“ h Ashland T h i t m e l n ° ’ th the p arty of five who met w ith was discussed and the state high- j *5 d0 , re n . Prlz«s of $100 each A shland T h at m eans th at better ust 8 to 15. ill be given for the ten n e x t 'J han 400,000 in r e v e n u e is Mrs. B ert Davis, secretary of M ayor T hornton Wiley, S tate w ay com m ission and the K lam ­ 'w best pictures. , b rought to A shland y early by tht the A shland Council, announced _______, ______ , Ja c k D. McCoy, K lam ath Falls Senator Earl N ew bry, and other ath county court w ere tendered A ccording to Mr. B ushnell i f ' college. ii ^°how ‘n g girls w ere in ' was fined $200.00 and $2.50 costs votes of thanks for the road im­ interested p arties W ednesday. According to the C ham ber of provem ents th at have been made. arran g em en ts can be m ade a I Tw enty m em bers of the club eluded am ong this years cam pers, an d -given 30 days in the city jail The fish and gam e com m is­ salon display will be given at • w ere present at the noon meet- Dorothy Rey, B ette Davis, N ancy, by Ju d g e P resnail w hen he was Com m erce if A shland increases , lr|g- D unkerson, P at Bailey, Peggy broúgR t before the city Police to 10,000 people in the n ex t few sions report on the potential the conclusion of the contest. P ictu res m ay be en tered in the Taylor, P auline Davis, Bi me I co u rt on charges of petty larceny. years, fringe control will be nec­ stocking of the lake was p resen t­ contest by leaving them at the I Garden hose, sprmklers, RFP Davis, Norm a Davis, M arion i The jail sentence was suspended essary. On this the C ity Council ed and a com m ittee was appoint­ office of the C ham ber of Com- r? 81 boxes a t M arshall Wells on T hornberry, Lavonne H eckert, on good behavior, provided th e ed to w ork w ith the state fish and com m issioner Bowes agreed. merce. It is preferab le th a t they the P*axa’ Norm a Balfour, Helen B e a re ,: fine and costs be paid, and th at and gam e com m ission to make A udrey S chuster, M ary M a rg a re t1 the stolen m oney be retu rn ed be at least four by seven inches, the lake a fishing resort. White, M arvel Gage, C h ris tin e 1 McCoy w as arrested S atu rd ay R egulations concerning the use though this is not m andatory if Heavilin. C ollette P errin e, Norm a ¡n ig h t afte r he en tered a w om an’s of high pow ered speed boats, the negative is available \ orton. Donna Redm ond, S andra 1 room a t th e Colum bia Hotel from w a te r towed boards, and skiis C lary, Fay Hess, Je a n n e tte K i n - , a w indow and attem p ted to leave Mrs. Olive H ow ard, form erly w a» also considered, and will be ney, Jessie M ackie, P au la Mackie, ¡ th e room w ith the ladies purse. of P o rtland, began operating the studied by a special com m ittee. Jan ice C arter, D onna Nunkeson, j The lady was aw akened and sta rt Depot cafe 552 A S treet, Monday, and P atsy Lou Lane. ed scream ing a t w hich tim e he A ugust 6. Mrs. H ow ard has had Roy M cClary, and daugh ter, M arilyn C h ristlieb will be stru ck h er on the head w ith a several years experience in the B arbara, left W ednesday for cam p d irector again this year. heavy m irror, and e s c a p e d re sta u ran t field. P revious to com ­ G reen R iver, W yoming, w here j Ex-O fficer JO H N BELL re- Mrs. Doug G uiberson, P ortland. th ro u g h the window. ing here she was head chef for Ethelm ae K a n d ie r, Ashl a n d, B efore th e local police arriv ed Bob Dodge, R oger R ath, Lyn Mr. M cClary w ill atten d the fun- new ing old friendships Jack Cody’s and also R alphs on MRS BERTHA HEER recount- Beverly W hitaker, N orth H olly­ McCoy tried to flush tw en ty dol- N ew bry. Doyle Seely and C lar­ eral of his father, who died in Broadway. ¡ng sights recen tly seen in Yel- wood, B etty DeLisle and Mrs. F. , lars of the m oney down the drain. Mrs. H ow ard stated th at the ence W illiam s m et in regular ses­ G reen R iver Tuesday. D uring the tim e Mr. M cClary lowstone. G. Helm are included am ong the I McCoy used to live in A shland Depot cafe would be open from sion of T oastm aster’s club M on­ THURMAN SM ITH injuring o th er cam p personnel and has a long record of convie- 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.. seven Havs day evening. Discussion was held will be gone the P alace Cafe H enry Enders, m em ber of th< ' tions in C ity co u rt over th e past a week. S unday specialty will be concerning fu tu re m eetings of the will be closed. It will reopen for his knee in a p ecu lar wav. business A ugust 15. GEORGE KING w ith the fish Council is ch airm an of the sum th ree years, chicken dinners. She is planning organization. m er camp. Riband P arks, presi- j --------------------------- --------------------------- erm ans p roverbial luck. N ext M onday's m eeting will be on adding fountain service Last chance to see the Elks in JACK YOUNG more rusher», dent, G erald W enner, vice presi- __ _____ L ithia coffee _........ _. simp _ Mrs. Laul*a A ddeson from San- The o w ner of the building is held at the , dent, and Mrs. Davis have been ta B arb ara, C alifornia is visiting Ed R itter. The staff will com prise and will featu re Roger R ath who action, Roseburg plays here Sun- th an ever. If possible. C. M. FRA ZIER propositioning assisting him in gettin g the c a m p , h er cousins L illian and G race six em ployees including Mrs. will lead a discussion on the sub- daY at 2»30p.m. Don’t miss this i last home game. prospects. pro ject underw ay. 1 Lamb. Howard’s sister, Betty Raynolda. ject '‘Inflation". Elks Annual Picnic To Be Held A . 14 Bellview B irthday C lub cele ! bruted the birthday ol Mr. W er Davis S unday ut th e sum m e i hom e of Henry Enders at Lak o' 1 Woods. N ear the Thom pson M em orial W hethei the fountain looks b arer Follow ing m em bers w ere p re ­ sent: Mr. and Mrs. W alter Davis statu e of Lincoln in the Lithia w ithout him than it did with him and duughter Lidu, Mr. and Mrs. P ark is a pleasant fountain. At is a point for discussion.” According to George Dunn, 65 L. 11. P ankey, Mr. and Mrs. Lee one tim e the centerpiece of the Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. K in­ fountain was a little m ale cupid. G ranite S treet, some hoodlum caid, Mr. and Mrs. H enry S ten He stood airily atop the fountain, kids several years ago, disfigured grud, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gowland, w inter, sum m er, and fall, dressed th e cupid so badly th at it was Mrs. C. M. Haynes and Mr. Earl only in C upid’s traditional attire found necessary to rem ove it. Accorne, Mr. and Mrs. P arks of of a birthday suit. The . fountain and the cupid C entral Point, Mrs. S tanley, Mrs Thom as and duughter of O klaho­ w ere donated to the city and the ma w ere all guests of Mr. and park by the D. Perozzi fam ily Mrs. W alter Davis. Miss M arie and G. S. B utler, who w ere in ­ W alker of San Francisco who is stru m en tal in getting the statu e a form er m em ber of the club was of Lincoln in the park. Like the Thom pson M emorial sta tu e of also present. Lincoln the carving of the cupid and the fountain was done in ID A W 1LLA R S E N T E R T A IN S Italy. The cost ut th at tim e a- M E T H O D IS T Y O U T H F R ID A Y The M ethodist Youth F ellow ­ m ounted to $3200. For several years the cupid ship group attended a party at the hom e of Miss Ida W iilars last danced m errily atop the fou n tain Friday. The evening was sp en t in but then one year, according to a playing games. Discussion about pam phlet called "S ta tu a ry ,” and the association of youth and the issued by the A shland Ju n io r higher truils of life held the a t­ High dram atics club, he was re ­ tention of muny of the group moved by a group of tow nspeo­ A lthough Cupid no longer throughout m uch of the evening. ple. The pam phlet states, "O w ing to a shortage of fig leaves, the stands atop the fountain th ere are tow nspeople decided th a t the rum ors th at he still frequents the statu e was en tirely too realistic. | park. One Hundred Attend Methodist Plenic I-H C'ub Local Fair Coming August 15th A VC Requests Justice HI Gt?OFgiil p Robbers Get $25.00 From Gas Station Bellview Grange Favors Trailways Roseburg To Play Elks Here Sundav 65 Children Enrolled «10 in Bible School Standard Cleaners Gets New Generator Reynolds Leases Hotel Coffee Shop Speaks at Luncheon Lugars Will Open New Machine Shop Zoning of Fringe Area Soon Needed Picture Contest to Publicize Ashland Pne/x-fc Ol Dirppfnre IJirtXlUrb ? Sentenced on \ Burglary Count Mrs. Howard New Manager Depot Cafe Up and Down Rath Will Discuss Inflation Monday A Palace Cafe Closes Will Reopen Aug. 15 The Street