Formerly Tho Southorn Oregon Miner S3 per Year 2 Year* for SS J.00 PER YEAR Ashland’s Radio Station, KWIH Is Now Operating 74c (Zafr S w M t& u t Ôàeaatt Three Year* In The Army Equals Four Years College NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON Twin Plunges Water Carnival On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Francis are presenting a w ater carnival at Tw in Plunges, F riday at 8:00 p. m. w hich will be free to the p u b ­ lic, Ow en G ragg, m gr of Tw in P lunges announced today. G loria W enner, C arolee Haines, G ene Nichols, B arbara McClary, M arjorie M cClary, Joyce M atsen, Dixie M cCollough, Tad G andee, M onty Robertson, Bill Bissell, Ray G rab er ,and C urtis Vail will be am ong the perform ers. A special exhibition of diving will be presented by Lottie and F red Bun{er. _ Mrs. Francis p articipated in Fishfan w ater carnivals every M other’s day at W ashington S tate College w hile Jack Francis was on W ashington S ta te ’s sw im ­ m ing team for tw o years. I hurxduy, August i, 1^46 Housing Problem Is Studied By Clubs A Statue Honors Jacob Thompson G. S. B utler and the Perozzi fam ily presented the lifesize s ta ­ tue of A braham Lincoln that stands in the L ithia park on the right hand side of the low er Scenic Drive. Don O'Bleness is ch airm an of a com m ittee from the cham ber of Com merce th at will m eet with a rep resen tativ e from each of the lollow .ng clubs: A m erican Leg­ ion, Soroptim ists, Lions, R otary, Elks, C ham ber of Com merce, Mayor of A shland, Civic C lub and the m inisterial association, in order to discuss the housing situation for the S o u th ern O re­ gon College. The Pioneer Hall .Bellview G range building and th e wom en's civic club will be discussed as possible dorm itories or housing units for girls. Voi. i j . No. 23 Voters Turn Down Water, A irport Bonds Gets Nod From Fee On Tuesday Afternoon and Airport Was D ecisively Beqins Operation Immediately Defeated, Water Bonds MRS BRUCE ENTERTAINS Fail By Narrow Margin SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS KWIN w ent on the air T u es­ A t a m n e th irty b reak fast on day ufternoon w ithin a tew m in ­ last F riday m orning in h er hom e a JV6nt. tbe polls T ues- utes u fter receiving word from on ............. Laurel S treet Mrs. G W ’ t ddy and b l e K a r t » e n r d l I the th ree v q i z u o ar- .. - . • i* r m il I ifin C C IU > fz .r the Federul C om m unications B ruce en tertain ed the m em bers t 6 r . m illion bond lssufc io r w ater Commission. ikf tho n .. O___1_ r. , . C U lC l C a n airp o rt. A n arro w m arg in 01 the Who-Do S un d ay School Selby C hevrolet C om pany was Mrs ol 59 votes sPelled d efeat for the Class honoring the first sponsored progrum to be of McM innville and h e r ' sister Wat* r b° nd lssue’ w h d e th e a lr " broadcast W ednesday m orning. Miss Kit Voice of Salem , and Kalph B row n, B eaverton, O re­ Mrs. W. H. Stevens a faith fu l ^ 3 ™ ™ £ piCtUre by a m arg ln gon; Phil Schw ab, SOC; K ippy m em ber of the class w ho is Jeav- A ___ _ _________ St. Dell, Hollywood actress; F ranc A to tal of 709 votes w ere cast mg on M onday for h er old home S nyder, a n d Kichurd P utney, are on the w ater issue, 384 voted a- in Missouri. new additions to the staff a c ­ g ain st and 325 voted for it. On Won Lost Pet Mrs. C K cording to Roy Peck, station Mrs ^ a dMISttu by ttle airp o rt issue 515 people voted C rescent City 9 1 900 Newton m anager. E M, Rd? da M DfciL ry ag ain sl 11 and 185 voted f ° r it- R oseburg 8 1 .889 D i e s i d e n t t h J ^ i P h According to m em bers of the B roadcasting studios at 1160 A shland 6 4 .600 p / ' ih n t ° f tb t cldSS> on behalf city council and M ayor W iley the H elm an Road will be throw n G ran ts Pass 6 4 .600 Stevens X S v MrS- ‘n v ^ b g ation of w Ster su p p lie s Mrs. W. B. W hittle 40 died open to the public on Sept. 1, M edford 5 4 .556 200 m g a w a y ’ ¿ tft * 3 * ° ' i ° r the CJ t y u°f A shland wiU co n ’ a t which tim e open house will be T hursday m orging in a local hos­ Tri-C ity 2 8 held. pital. She had been strick en ill 200 z,. y g tin u e and the council w ill seek Gold Hill 2 8 while in San Francisco and had 1 ne guests w ere seated around an o th er m ethod . of m eeting the C entral P o in t 1 9 .100 gone im m ediately to the hospital C entral P oint will m eet the four-som e tables each centered ‘ need for m ore w ater. w^th d e lic a te -b o u q u e ts of flow-1 T he M ayor sta te d th a t he felt here upon her re tu rn from the A shland The statu e was presented as a at 2:30 p Elks .m / .n here Vhe n * n ex e x t t Sunday T o ^ h e 6rs .from tbe ? ruce" gardens.'Fo'l- ’ as 'th o u g 'h ' the" a k £ > rt“ issue h id S hrine convention which she had m onum ent to Jacob Thom pson, I iî^e *- n O<-Xl ex t to V16 lüw inë tho hroalr/oal linorill-nt In larn h Th„nnnv,,n I. • - 10 m e lowing __1....... £ i _ j attended w ith Mr. W hittle. the b reak fast a social I i I been decisively settled, enjoyed by the women. C ause of death was a ttrib u te d landed in P ortland ,„47 st‘ason. Roseburg will follow ' wo th e P ointers in the last scheduledl CLERICAL WACS NOW N EED ­ to a stroke. F uneral services will fitting ED IN EUROPEAN THEATER Miss Irene Theresa Szybczyn- be conducted by the Rev. A. H. have b iie n ^ r e c W d ^ ^ 'V h e ''m e n i e r ^ S ^ ^ u c T t " 1 ' disorderly Conduct F o rm er W AC’s now h av e an ski of D uluth, M innesota and M acDonnell of the Episcopalian cam e than w est the in statu search o p p o rtu n ity to re -en iist in the at L itw iller’s funeral who C layton E dw ard C ullen of A sh­ hurch new life e of of t h a e I L u ? h^ . ? l k s , h ° ld. one v,.c to ry over » H n g S .> 1 0 f i n e th e C entral P oint outfit, and if for oooigiuttciii assig n m en t m in th E uro land w ere m arried S atu rd ay , home. n „i_u m i. t j Corps w m e r.uro G re at E m ancipator. In his hand they continue playing as they m o u d c C onner, T alen t was ar- pean T h eater of O perations ac- Ju ly 20, a t the C hapel of the She is survived by her husband he holds a scroll .sym bolizing h is i,.,..,, in i«.E Z ^ f n H Urv y r?lg?l t ln th e V1C‘- I cording to Sgt. C. C. S o u th erlan d , Rocks and Roses in M edford w ith and tw o daughters, Mrs. Price love o l tru th an d f r e e d o m . m d ' - . h e ' Pufn’ te r" W finori tin n n K in £ s ho,me and was rec™ iting NOC for A shland Wo­ the Rev. D. E. M illard perform ing H ennan J r. of A shland and Mrs. easy The m onum ent was carved i n 1 m eat r-om ier rm ed $10.00 on T uesday m orning m en w ith clerical backgrounds the double rin g cerem ony. Elwood H edberg of M edford, and Italy by ap Italian sculptor, W M ., and cost »50.00. "thsi d ,.',» According S to " B b ert a ” M iller c»b S presi- ‘.n . j , y r e o r d e r s office for are p articu larly desired The bride wore a w hite satin her p aren ts Mr .and Mrs. C. M. .. —............................... 'd iso rd erly conduct. C onner was __________ ' gown designed w ith a yoke o f W ilton, of W ilton, Calif. tim e S. B utler w ho Hues s , 41 I Ä ““ P real lace and seed pearls and a G long train. H er fin g er-tip length G ran ite stree t is 93 years old and b e/u ties h. I, L h r , i veil fell from a tia ra of pearls was born in Jacksonville. ,Ore- ^ o L e n d ,m T h / o c a n tlfl? d I fashioned into orange blossoms gon in 1853 ? °PJen d a ie - The gam e Wil1 be M ajor C lyde Young is re tu rn ­ played on the M edford field un- and she carried a bouquet of ing to the A rm y as soon as ord- gardenias w hite carnations and 4 Li j z-i i nr j | ? 6r ihe bg h ts som etim e afte r the ers from th e N in th C orps area stephanotis. Ashland Couple Wed H 8 of A ugust if it can be arrang- Hq are received here. He w ill Miss Szybcznski was atten d ed E rnest Haycox, fam ed Oregon i re tu rn to d u ty w ith a p erm a n en t Miller, who had also been deal- by Mrs. F rank J. C ullen and au th o r and w riter of the photo­ Miss Dorothy May W iggins and P ",g colored ball club call- The city council has been asked com m ission as M ajor in th e F ield Mrs. John Douthit. Mrs. C ullen play "C anyon P assage”, will wore a frock of acqua and c a r­ speak to m em bers of the A shland Douglas E m m ett K erby both of th.e W est Coast House of Dav- to tease the golf course to the A rtillery and will h ave a tem p o r­ ried a colonial bouquet of roses, C ham ber of C om m erce and th eir A shland w ere m arried F rid ay ld said 1 . be was u n able to get C ham ber of Com m erce for a per- ary com m ission as a Lt. Colonel. com pleted his w o rk a t the carnations and sw eetpeas and friends a t the annual C ham ber of Ju ly 26 at 7:30 P. M. at the C hap- ? ga |ne w ith the colored team , lod of 10 years at a cost of $1.00 „ He * c£,mp and Roses in Med- b^ 'ause of u n av ailib ity of open Per year. j P °st office on W ed., J u ly 31. Mrs D outhit wore pustel blue and Com m erce d in n er which will be ford. 1 ‘V1VU I dates at the M edford Ball park. The council is expected to act I A t tbe 111116 of his release last carried a sim ilar bouquet. held S eptem ber 16. The bride was given in m a r­ ¡on the the retiu req u est est ‘at h e ' n n e e x x t t meet-1 m eet- sprl,ng c - he, h e}d th e tem p o rary The bride wore an aqua color- Iun a t 't the w ho is also a m em ber riage by the groom 's brother, of Haycox, eddress w ith w hite accessories' w ’S^ r e? te rta >r* d ln8- 11 the lease is g ran ted the I ra n k of colonel and was an A n ti­ the state lib rary board ol F rank J. C ullen, and Jo h n W. trustees, is one of the nations nd an orchid corsage and h e r 13 b rid ge f3?,1 W ednesday after- recreatio n com m ittee of the | ~ lrc ra lt group com m ander. He hopes to receive some schooling D outhit was best man. h er atten d a n t, Miss M aryetta th o f°!iOiiring _fuests: Mrs- ’ '-b am o er of C om m erce w ilt auto- best know n w estern authors. He and be assigned to th e w estern Following the double-ring cer- is Baughm arx aUo wore an aqua m a? „ ond/, ,rsL.N orm an Por- i m au caliy become the first board also w idely knbw u on the jpfle- emony a reception was held at Chttrch.' i n i an a Mrs. o . J* C hurch; ¡of _____________ d irectors ol __ th>-gel£ , ciut>. an a p a rt of the U nited States. F rank “ a ° a fte r dinnt“' dress w ith w hite accessories. the hom e of Mr and Mrs. _______ d and Mrs - B arton and son ' will serve for one year. Ja c k The R everend D. E. M illard J. Cullen, b ro th er and sister-in- of Bay City M ichigan have been | Collins is head ol the recreatio n - perform ed the cerem ony and R obert Dodge is chairm an ol law of the groom. sang "B ecause" and “A lw ays” v ip tin g at the B ert F reem an al com m ittee. The golf club will Mr. and Mrs. C ullen are on a the banquet com m ittee. bome. The B artons are form er elect its ow n directors in suc- preceding the cerem ony. B ert M ottner, M anager of tht wedding trip at the O regon C oast i t idents of A shland. ceeding years A bout tw enty friends and re la ­ and on th eir re tu rn will live i n , Varsity T heater, stated th a t "Cat Ail im provem ents m ade by the Ashland w here C ullen is ow ner y ° 11 P assage’’ will play here in tives including the brides p ar- ents, d 'M . Roy o U c cluD l11 b® tu in include td over the to of the C layton M otor Com pany, j Septem ber. Elks ball club got back into «»f Ash Mr. lan d a , n an d rs the g rL m W s i o p i a n r s - ’X f ^ t i " ' » i n " h T X T w ^ in ® . T ,|g ine u y- W This will Hr. and Mrs. Noble, L akeview ' ciuo iiouse phui lnc^ ae dle j th e ir preseason strid e a t the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elton K erby r e J n 1A'uhia,nd last w eek’ They and o ^ e r addiLons. g ’ ’ gam e w ith K lam ath Falls here Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur B ushnell of A shland, w ere p resen t for th e atten d ed the L anding funeral. j S unday and a fte r picking up 12 and fam ily retu rn ed this week j ___ _________ rites. runs in th e firs t th ree innings from th ier annual vacation, to B. L. Lockwood, A shland, col­ Mrs. K erby w ill be a senior in lided w ith a tru ck d riv en by C. the coast. finished the gam e w ell ah ead of A shland high school this fall and L. W atson of Trail S atu rd ay the opposition w ith a score of Dr. R. E. Poston re tu rn ed this the groom was recently released m orning on H ighw ay 62 out of 15-6. week from Ix>s Angeles w here he had gone to assist Mrs. P o s to n 1 A training cam p w ar tim e ro from N avy service a fte r serving Medford. Dam age was estim ated Tex H arris held th e visito rs to Ellis B u rr Russell, 42, ro u te 1, and the children to get air pass- niance culm inated in the m a in tw o years, 18 m onth of which at $150. nine hits. The E lks on th e o th er A shland com m itted suicide a t the age to Ecuador. He received a R obert A nson K err an a w ere in the Pacific theater. The Eldon S crip ter and fam ily (hom e of M r .and Mrs. H erb han d h it ev ery th in g in th e P ark , card from them from P anam a the ¡fia n c e s A ileen Hodgin a t the young couple will live in Ash w ere fishing on the Rogue Sun-1 Moore W ednesday m orning a t a p - ! scorin8 m all of th e firs t six inn- land. day he re tu rn ed here. i hom e of D. S. K e rr on Fordyce daJ; p ro x im ately 3:00 a.m. i inSs- • The 4H club com posed of t h e 1 s tr e e t on S atu rd ay evening, Ju ly Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Renie and R. H. E No one in th e Moore fam ily S hort score livestock and cooking clubs had 27th. The bride is the d au g n ter ox lam ily of K lam ath Falls visited heard I the h « shot c h n t according to De rx.r K lam ath 6 9 4 a sw im m ing p arty at the Tw in Mr. an d Mrs. E. C. Hodgin of a t the D. D. Sheldon hom e over puty C oroner C arlos M orris. The A shland 15 12 1 Plunges last week. L ucille S m ith G reensboro, N orth C arolina. The Sunday. Mr. Renie is a jew eler oody was found by V ernon Col­ was in charge of the cooking club | groom is an A shland young m an Sunday. Mr. Renie is a pew eler lins who is p resen tly a guest at D r .and Mrs. G. W. B ruce h ad at K lam ath. ^roup and Jo h n M orris and Mrs. engaged in the M eat M arket w ith as th e ir house g u ests o v er the tne hom e of th e Moores. Mrs. Tessis W iley and Mrs lary M yers w ere in charge of his brother. The young couple F u n eral services will be held w eekend Dr. an d Mrs. S teve A shland’s latest organized club, Paul Robin of K lam ath Falls the livestock club. m et w hile R obert was in arm y F rid ay at 1:30 at the L itw iller M ontgom ery and Mr. Geo. W. the A ctivians .will m eet T h u rs­ M edford's sum m er band school train in g in the O verseas R eplace­ day evening at the L ithia Hotel visited in A shland and M edford F u n eral home. The Rev. Dr. Wells, g ra n d fa th e r of Mrs. M ont­ M onday . w ith th eir director, Mr. M irick m ent D epot at G reensboro. Coffee Shop, George B ruce will conduct the gom ery, all from B akersfield, U nited S panish W ar veterans services. had a sw im m ing p arty at Tw in D onald K err, on his accordion, C alifornia. The follow ing persons have played “I Love You T ru ly ,” Plunges last week. of A shland, Medford, K lam ath i ’he M ethodist Y outh F ello w ­ Mrs. Moore is a sister of the given th e ir sig n atu re on an a p ­ Catholic young people of M ed­ "L oehngrin’s W edding M arch” plication for a ch arter. Lyn New- fa lls , G ran ts Pass, P endleton, deceased. ship lire having a p a rty an d feed ford w ith Mrs. H orton had sw im ­ and “A lw ays”. The young couple, bry, E rnest W arren, Ken Harris, and T hree R ivers Mass., atten d ea at the hom e of Id a W illard on the picnic w hich was held by m ing p arty and barbecue at Tw in w ith D. S. K err as best m an and W lu e sd a y evening a t 7:30. T here endell L aw rence, Jo h n Collins, Plunges last week. Mrs. M ary A. K e rr as brides G ordon M iller, C harles W¿llTen, tbe Col S arg en t Cam p in stalla­ will be gam es, fellow ship, w o r­ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. P ra tt have I m aid stood by the fireplace dur- Vern Johnston. Ken Jones, Ken tion of the group in L ithia P ark ship, and som ething to eat. last Sunday. been en tertain in g Mr. and Mrs m g the w edding cerem ony. Dr. Robbins, Law son E ngle received a d is­ Roy Peck, Bud Silvers Mr. and Mrs. A. D. G ilb ert of C laude H ollard and dau g h ters o f ’G. W B ruce, pastor of the Meth charge from th e U nited S tates and Ew ing Y. M itchell. There In a q u iet cerem ony at the Redding, Calif. - « odist j ;-» ----- u used j ... S acram ento • visited in A shland C hurch the . beautiful ixavy Ju ly 3 a t S eattle, W ashing­ P resb y terian M anse last F riday, are o th er m em bers to be secured. double ring cerem ony provided the w eekend. Mrs. G ilbert Ju ly 19th, F ran k Leroy W hite- ton. E ngle w as a Lt. C om m ander Roy Peck has been nam ed as over is th e form er Alice B. G andee in the ritu a l of the M ethodist tem porary chairm an and Ken of Lassen County, C alifo r­ m the N avy. He an d his w ife are C hurch. Miss C arrie May S m ith has re ­ head Robbins will address the club tu rn nia, took as his bride Miss E velyn visiting his p aren ts, Mr. an d Mrs. ed from h er vacation. The bride was dressed in a and tell them the purposes and Phillips of noxville, Tennesee. J. F. Engle of B ellview now. The civic club is p lanning it«- The couple w K ere w hite linen dress, and wore a activities of the A ctivians. A by M r gardenia corsage. Following the nom inating com m ittee will be annua] picnic on W ednesday C laude H. Long attended and Mrs. K a th ­ w edding cerem ony the w edding appointed to select officers for A ugust 7th . W. D. Jack so n was in Portland ry n Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. W hite- Dr G. W. Bruce, pastor of the cake was c u t by the bride and tne new club to be voted on A ug­ head intend to reside in th e v ici­ on business the first p art of this nity groom, and refreshm ents w ere M ethodist C hurch will give the u st 8. of A shland. The Rev. George week. serm on n ex t S unday at the C om ­ served. B ushnell’s P hoto Shop E rnest W arren has arranged to M. S hum an solem nized the m ar m unity V esper services which took pictures of the bridal party. have the m agician Jones for the riage. are held in L ithia Park. The young folks will be at program T hursday evening. BELLVIEW ITEMS A shland s ch a p te r of E psilon hom e to th e ir friends in the O re­ Services are conducted each B ellview G range held a picnic Sigm a A lpha held a com bination week by the A shland M irtisterial gon Hotel. at Jackson Hot Springs Sunday. tea, in itiatio n and business m e e t­ Mr. and Mrs. A rnold Sm ith of Association a t 5:00 p.m. At the A picnic d in n er was held at noon ing last W ednesday, J u ly 24, at , an Rafael visited his m other. w ith sw im m ing in the afternoon last weeks program the organ Mr .and Mrs. Hugh M cKeever Mrs. 8 o’clock at the W om en’s Civic P earl Cooper over the week was played by P hyllis Downing, and d au g h ter M ickey are leaving end. A bout forty m em bers and th eir Club. fam ilies attended. Dr. Bruce read the scrip tu re les­ early F riday m orning for a vaca P resid en t Rosalie S ta u ffe r p re ­ Mr. and Mrs. K enneth Heap son from the 55th c h a p te r of tion in K ansas w here they will A ugust 6 will be the date of the sented P au lin e U lstead, Doris Isaiah, w hich w as.follow ed by visit friends and relatives. Eldon from G rants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. n ex t B ellview G range m eeting. H unsley and D onna F ra sie r w ith the pastoral p ra y er by Rev. G or­ S crip ter will ru n the M arshall Donald H eap also from G rants H eston G rieve of U pper Rogue pledge pins. Pass and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Witt don Lindsay. Rev, G eorge S h u ­ Wells store w hile they are gone. of V alleyview visited Mr. and G range will be a guest and. will ----------- $ Business was conducted w ith m an of the P resb y terian C hurch show his colored m oving pictures the P resid en t reading letters and Mrs. L eonard S m ith Sunday. PAUL FIN N ELL superintend- invitations from o th er Epsilon gave the serm on on the subject, JUSTICE COURT NEWS of C rater L ake and o th er local Mr. W. J Collis has purchased ng operation a t th e Plaza. . . . . Sigm a A lpha chapters. P lans "The W hite M arket”. It was E van L. Moore, no trailer li­ a new boat and expects to get in scenes. PAT DUNN inviting friends to w ere discussed for a picnic and right to the point, dealing esp ­ cense, 1.00 and costs. a lot of good fishing this season. help him build a basem ent. . . . slum ber p arty at Neil creek in ecially w ith the spiritual m atters Donald L. Basey, passing w ith M r .and Mrs. Joe Wills are e n ­ KEN M ILLER dream ily dancing the n ear future. which cannot be bought in any insufficient clearance; 2.50 and terta in in g Mr. and Mrs O tto F . the REV PIU S BÂUR stu d 'black m ark e t’. C h aracter and costs. A fter the business m eeting Mrs Walzel and Capt. and Mrs. C. P. ing up Main street. . . . . GUY Phillis Leigh, social ch airm an soul condition, salvation, can be Glen E. Davis, no tail light; H aynes of Houston, Tex. Mr. W«1, 1 • ---- ,.......... — *’*'• , M rs- F',° r enec Van Etten. de-^n A PPLEW H ITES gleam ing white had “w ithout m oney and w ithout cited. w a zel is a R em ington Rand of girls of A shland high school in ouse. . . BERT KIM SEY per- poured tea from a b eau tifu lly d e ­ price,” so the preacher ch' said quot- Jam es M cBurney, no operators d ealer in Houston. C ant H avre* 1945, was m arried to Mr. Hens \ corated table w ith ce n te r piece of » tv An new duties. . . . FRANK gladiolis. ■ the old prophet. license, cited i plans to e n te r the U niversity of B ollinger of Prineville. Ci c DAVIS w ith th ree law n m ow er w ill' u The * services e . , v next j S unday r» S ’ ? u rn e s s and Rich- 'T e ■’XRS xas L I^nw ear" Ju lv 25 Follow ing m em bers w ere p re ­ aw "school"next school next y vnar .Tlllv 95 . . . . . “OL’ RED" EDW ARDS sent, G ladys Mack, G ayle M orris, he at 5 o’colck and Dr. G. W. ard O. Hoyt, both cited for en- Mrs B levins nnz? z ° i ,, , Mrs. Bruce of th e M ethodist C hurch tering closed forest area w ithout G rants Pass w ere n ° viiT u u°UP m W'n !Ve in P r,n c ‘ folding papers. . . . . ROGER B etty S m ith, R osalie' Stauffer. CRAM back at w ork after a con­ Mrs. P hillis Leigh and Dorothy will (IV. the sermon. permit 10.00 end costs, each , Sstord.v ' Shl’ nd O” olo vet f S vention in Seattle. Morris. Elks Tangle With Central Pointers Mrs. W. I). Whittle Dies Unexpectedly Clayton Cullen Weds Duluth Miss The Flkc hold’ Rririir« SJ1H Pino Haycox To Speak Here Sept. 16th. Soil Course Up To City Council At Medford Chapel dross with uthifn Air und RA r>r> _1 __ I :i. Clyde Young Awaits Orders for Army Duty z> Elks Hit Stride Again; Beat K. F. An Army Romance Ends in Marriage Ellis B. Russell lakes Own Life Activians Again In Action Here rt’hitehead-Philiips Wedding July 19th Dr. Bruce to Speak At Vesper Services Sorority Has Tea find Initiation Up and Down I he Street Dean of Girls Weds Prineville Resident 'I ’s i