I At>r*r'y *74« Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year* for $5 S tm ik e /u t Öneaost NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAR A S H LA N D . JAC KSO N COUNTY. OHECON ---------------------------------------------------- — - ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------- _ Thursday, July j j , I i 94t> 946 ---- - - ‘- J . juiy ---------------------------------------------- ’ _ Three Year* In The I Army Equals Four Years ( College , V«l- 'J . No. 22. Water and Airport Election Tuesday I. A 1^. I Radio Station AwaitsllCarter Monument i 5 S ÎS S 2 ¡Y,0!:"«0" T'1'“ Q™««- K t .........Million Dollars in Bonds FCC Ok To Broadcast * “ WILL BEGIN OPERATIONS AT MOMENT TELEGRAM COMES An early pioneer, w ith his buckskin sh irt and pow der horn, jackboots and long rifle, s u r­ m ounts the drinking foun tain in the Plaza, shading his iron eyes with an iron hand, as he peers — eastw ard. He was intended to be looking west but Main St, eel Bill Alves, toaantone soloist, runs east from the Plaza, so, in prom inent in S outhern Oregon order to face the town, he looks m usic circles was p resen t in sev east. This m onum ent was presented eral baritone solos w ith the band to the city by the estate of E ar- T hursday evening. P revious to the wur Alves had sung w ith the band. The concert which was present ed T hursday evening, Ju ly 25 follows. Bill Alves Sings With Band Thursday KW IN personnel anxiously u- wuitod word to go on the air from the F ederal C om m unica­ tions C om m issiion as they con­ tinued testing th ro u g h o u t tnis week. With facilities, program s and personnel all keyed up and a- w aiting the OK telegram , Hoy Peck .station m anager stated th at the m inute the- Rogue Valley Uroudcasting Co. Inc. got the telegram th at program s would begin. L isten ers in the A shland area S em per Fidelis Sousa who have been hearing the tests C aravan O v ertu re Ellingson nightly, are also anxiously w a it­ W hen Irish Eyes A re Sm iline ing the opening of the broadcast­ „„ Ball ing. O perating on 1400 kilocycles, 1 he Old R efrain K reislei 250 w atts am p litu d e m odulation The D esert Song Kornberg the station will serve A shland , Bill Alves - B aritone Soloist and su rro u n d in g area. G loria M arch Losey O pen house will take pace T he W edding of the Rose Jessel S eptem ber 1. Jack and the B eanstalk C am s Bill Alves - N a rrato r T he Teddy B ears Picnic B rattan M arche from the Love of T hiee O ranges P rakofieff M idnight in P aris B ennett The A m erican Legion A uxili- vonciuerors C onquerors Marrs M arch Ticke ary will sponsor a covered dish S ta r Spangled B anner picnic for Legion m em bers and PanglCd B anner riette Hine C arter and Henry Beach C arter, early settlers of th eir fam ilies at the L ithia P ark I „ picnic grounds S unday, Ju ly 2 8 |- . „ G eorge B. Hull and Carl Ashland. a t 4:30 p.m. Tin- A uxiliary will D alkenberg attended a m eeting H arriette and H enry C ai tor lu rn tsh coffee, cream , b u tter, . ^ e board of directors of the cam e to A shland from Elki; ler, •b read , and ice cream . M em bers S outhern Oregon baseball league Iowa and with the son, E rn est V. are asked to bring their ow n ser- ,n G rants Pass Sunday, C arter started the first b. nk vice, th eir ow n su g ar and a hot* Dr. and Mrs. E. N. T errill re- 'h e re in May 1884. dish, sulad or cake. The com m it-i tu rn ed S unday from P ortland A fter both Mr. and Mrs. C arter tee in charge of arran g e m e n ts is w here Dr. T errill attended the died th eir children and g ra n d ­ Mrs. F ran k Van D yke, Mrs. F red ------ . . . . .. which was held there children decided to donate this convention T aylor and Mrs. C haarles Spind- last week for the Oregon A ssocia­ m onum ent to the city and d ed i­ ler. cate it to them. tion of C hiropractors. <> Mr. and Mrs. C arter have th ree grandsons liviing in this vicinity, they are H. C. G aley of A shland, George R. C arter, C ounty C lerk in M edford, H enry, B. C arte., M. T B ailey, .industrial engi-1 tw in ‘brother of George R. of n eer of the S outhw est D istrict C rescent City, C alifornia. Also of the B onneville pow er adm inis-1 The second of the sum m er Mrs. E. V. C a rte r .wife of E rnest in iking W a“ w S ? n " d lM t vcspcr services conducted by the C arter lives in Ashland nd s"udv eopl? ‘ The C hilcote’s cam e to Ashland land and vicinity was m ailed on from K lam ath Falls and theii W ednesday of this week. A shland I councllm en children atten d ed school here, subscribers greeted th e event ev en t r ®I^ ain oney, “ some of tbe me ; >400,000 w ill be rein v ested in gov T heir m any friends in A shland w ith g reat joy. ern m e n t bonds. This w ill aid, will reg ret to learn of the death c a rry - - Rnvd Thnmno t d .i j | council m em bers state, in carry of Mrs. Chilcote. Mrs. Chilcote is survived by ! visiting his cousin, K en to n nRob-1 b e ^ k e n u°p I t an* in te re stC? a t ^ of sr husband. ;,nd bins and fam ily ilv this w eek 7? taKen up a t an in tere st la te ot h er husband, E. M. Chilcote and 1*2% w hereas gov ern m en t bonds th ree children; R u th Mae T hom p­ t w ill re tu rn tw o or b etter. This son, Eugene; and A nn Chilcote I m oney w ill th en be on h an d to and R obert Chilcote both of K la­ increase av ailab le w ater as the m ath Falls. ! city grows. $1 will not be sp en t F uneral services w ere held at i except by public approval. th e F irst M ethodist church in ■ Reason for th e p re sen t low ra te K lam ath Falls, W ednesday, Ju ly v,. u . .7. .. i ° f in tere st according to W«+. i at ,5L3O .o'clock a n d interm ent h o u r-H C lub C am p toe J a c k - ' Briggs, city atto rn ey who discuss- was in L inkville cem etery. b o u n ty opened J u ly 22 a t ed the m a tte r w ih the state Lake of the Woods w ith the fo l­ treasu rer, is the fact th at m u n i­ lowing m em bers atten d in g : M il­ cipal bonds are tax free a n d thus d red Z ittercob, J e rry M ickle, find a read y m arket. Doris Stevens, V irginia Stevens; The a irp o rt issue is m uch the Dornthv iTnriorU^fo.. iur„ • • p e 88y H ollingw ortn, Bill Holi- sam e. The m onies w hich are voted will be retain ed at the pre- The* Rnnnoviii p j i Leland W ilkinson presided. K e \. v ailing low ra te of in tere st u n til I h< B onneville P ow er adm inis- G. W. Bruce read the scriD ture Doctor and Mrs. R alph Poston w i t h e r . andn MVSM E VR Bm-den ed t e l / n ^ n b ^ ^ E l k s ^ X ^ d the fed eral agencies will m atch «leMien, d " i8 PUb *C ? 'O,ks ProP*ct irom Luke 10:25-37, which Icm i- iT fm ? h t^ ¿ o rH o n ^ V ^ h 3' ^ 0 ^ Si* the basis for tbe serm on bv and two children, R alph and th e m oney. The governm ent at w . tht po ition of the N orth Rev. B orden on the subject •Four Je a n e tte flew" to Los A n g c le s fe .il leave T hursday m ornm g f, "h ree B e h ^ w P T a " S p OD sored p re sen t will pay 25 p er cent of Jn d n H T’A- sPo? iorea th e cost of th e site and 56 p er ^ C o u ^ D m n "nr by M“n On A Hoad " I n h'is serm on M onday and from ther_ •e Mrs. V a m p Adam s to atten d a w e k s ren will session of the S u m m er 5 c a m p I .vr,- T ^ i ^ j ? F ^ T , . . T cen t of the cost of construction. Coulee Dam p io ject he called atten tio n to the hurt Poston and the two children win ¡» cmhjh oi me s u m m e r Conterenro« lead er of I C onferences sponsored k,. bv ,k the ° i? u 1-..,J A. -. k ’ Engel fig 1 *cauel ui the 4 ■* W hen th e OK is given by the Mr anri m .. . n , , ~ P an> ‘the h u rtin g m an’ ‘two leave for Ecuador. Doctor and Mrs. Poston w ere C onferences sponsored by the ,,n boh-iif*1, arJ a stated th a t fed eral agency A shland w ill have ‘¿?I and Ml 8- G erald G astineau heedless m en’ and ‘the heloing Hv m San.1Zk ' th e m oney an d will be prep ared and fam ily re tu rn ed Inst week m an'. T hen during the course of m arried in Ecuador tw elve years C ongregational C onference and n on h(> ¿ V k L / t 16 R e fo rm e d . ¡L w ished to th an k th e clubs to m atch d o llar for dollar. w est i*ncdudinv, M Kh th ‘‘ " 3 'm ' h? ?®rm on he caIled atten tio n to ago, and Mrs. Poston has not Evangellca 1 a n d T hP° j1!>ij rln g \ blS Pr° jecl- A ccording to m em bers of the i n S : w S ,n f h ± ssVho‘v a ? ^ , L u,*;* °_f lhe w.oHd caus? d by m ade a visit to h er hom eland for C hurch of Oregon. 4 H m<:'T,bf rs at cam p will council, the old a irp o rt which jnois. W hile th ere they visited the selfishness and greed of peo­ over ten years. She plans to ' Mr. R alph H. S hum m , business Mr. G astineau's p aren ts and o th ­ ple. He urged his hearers "in the spend a year there. As she left m anager of Pacific U niversity, is according n ? FnPgMlnn l n PIRghUln w as bought on gov ern m en t rec­ m entioned entioned th ished to irector for to En§eb Dan Robin- om m endation sev eral years ago e r relatives. A fter retu rn in g from nam e of Jesus C hrist iat go an nut m m at at she sue w wisnea io the uie d uirecior ior the rne Senior se n io r High High ----- ---— ou t in».» into she sav k«,- friends Cnmn ,, hich k.z,k is k„ia r _____ t h will 1 an d la te r aban d o n ed has m ore the M iddle W est they sp en t a a w orld like ours . today to b be e .,k l? y unnrihv,. in a aii » of her Cam p w held from Ju ly i,on, sta te extension forester, w* today to ., week on the coast. ike the the Good Cond 1 ,t tbat sbe b an d n ’t seen before she 25 to A ugust 1 I u-..« r strUct10” fo restry . Wil- th a n repaid its cost; sm all tracts h elp in g ’ people, like b,a ¿ m i/^ J ^ Ile ft. | M arjorie B ark er has been ap- k * adV,A°f f° r co n trib u ted to this re tu rn and S am aritan of the Bible sto ry .” le’A anted R eg istrar for the Sonin,- lb e. scho01 of agn cu l ure, O regon th e bulk of th e p ro p erty has been ----- Poston also stated th at pointed R eg istrar for the Senior Rev. B orden during the course M rs‘ S tate College, w ill lead discus retained. It is a p o ten tially fine she would get lonely for this High session and D orothy U nder of his serm on displayed the pic­ sion groups. Cal G. M onroe, as­ tu re of a Polish boy w ith a wood- country since she loved it as kofer is to be one of the R ecreat- sistan t state club leader will dis­ in d u strial site. P rese n tly th e H am by or as it m uch as she did her ow n country, ional Directors. f° r a This boy was cuss club w ork. G erald O uster- is also know n, the B alfo u r-G u th ­ A bout 26 m em bers and friends uk “h u r t” by his ow n people in a of th e A shland R iding A ssocia­ hout will in stru ct sw im m ing. rie p ro p erty is the only site w hich L eath er craft will be tau g h t by is CAA approved. In case gov­ tion enjoyed a tw o hour ride riot. T here are m illions ju st like him all over the world, h u rt by Miss A dabee S eiler and clay e rn m e n t fu nds w ere av ailab le it through th e scenic foothills a m en who are heedless of w hat m odeling by Miss Lucile Seiler. w ould be th e site w hich would round A shland last T hursday th e ir actions will do to others. evening. Colonel P. B. W aterbury w ill d ir­ be bought. ect the physical fitness program . The group was pleasantly s u r­ T h irteen m illion R ussians w ere F ear th a t th e rad io to w er of .],e.d *n th*8 lflst w orld w a r and prised w hen th e trip ended at the Mr. J. F. Engle, leader of the KW IN w ould in terfere w ith the m illions of others of d ifferen t n a ­ new hom e of J o h n D augherty, B ellview G range,, w ith John ships lan d in g and tak in g off was Joe M artin, who appears at the traps and step fo rw ard to give Wood, P resid en t of th e R iding A ssocia­ tionalities, all because fa r too T ubbey K inney, Teddy m any people are careless and A shland A rm ory on M onday, dance routines. This enhanced his K inney, M ary Ann and M ilford occasioned last week; how ever, tion, w here refreshm ents w ere heedless an aero n au tical inspector from ab bout w hat happens to Ju ly 29, under the auspices ot tne Prefd*15e and value, enabling him served in an outdoor circle. S in g ­ others G assow ay, R ichard Ricks, A rlene th e CAA v erb ally stated to E lm er uuiers, r>k«.«»k„» c , to secure b it parts in over fiftv ing and visiting concluded a p lea­ . H e said, “T here never was a |lC ham ber of Com m erce is a b u r n !m otlon pictures at U n iv e rs a l, Re* Hale and Em m a Ricks, will visit Biegel, city m anager, th a t the san t evening for the riders. All tim e w hen the w orld was s o { snow m an; although a young m an public, T w entieth C enttiry Fox the 4-H C am p Thursday. angle of glide necessary to m eet w ere en th u siastic about plans for CAA reg u latio n s was over the m uch in need of Good S am ari- years be has appeared netore Columbia, RKO and W arner o th er excursions in the near fu t­ tans, sym pathetic, helpful, and lhe P ub l‘c in various roles for Brothers, but Joe M artin ju st did PORTLAND GOOD WILL to w er an d th a t it would ndt in ­ ure. terfere. w illing ----- and ready to M bear hd t ing u Y lctory C onvention in San F ran- learned the style associated w ith issued to those having business, . L K nJf' B oth C hurch cisco. th a t p artic u la r band and became such as logging, grazing or m in ­ RUSS JOHN SON b eatin e ib r ing. and L ingle have m oved th eir i Am ong those from A shland at- adept not only as a sw ing drum - draw for a room . TOMMY fam ilies to A shland. C hurch m o v -’ tending are Mr. and Mrs. R. E. mer, but also in H aw aiian, Latin. T he A shland creek w atershed PARKER w orking overtim e ♦ ngMt 0 i k ° o h- P loneer and Dingle D etrick, H. H. M ayberry, C. C. society and hotel types of is closed b u t the A shland loop BOB DODGE doing som e le w tOp p hv ^ ? ir!; . . . | W alters, Glen Sim pson, Virgil rhythm s. Joe felt that a band road thru the area rem ains open. distance com m uting . . n • 1 1 so th a t it is possible to travel E E Vail po stm aster request- Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam J o r m ust be versatile and m ust he gies being m ade to C alifir.iia ed th at rural boxhnlders furnish dan, Dr. H arvey Woods, Dr. M ar sufficiently diversified in its of- >r:i:a over the loop from A shland to visitors for our “Hot Sp 11" the postoffice w ith th eir box cus Woods, H. G. Enders, Phil ferings to please all audiences the A pplegate d istrict and hack RAYMOND LININGE1? the ' 11 hi Medford. It is not perm issible num bers to . m . » a „ k r e j , t 1 easier tan sb u ry , Dave For appearances of ^ 1 for mi the uiv S oiuiiaoury, uave W w n hittle, ittle, Pat Hat Hi.r stage ...... ..... ........ of w fascinated interest W:th to leave th e road betw een the iww e a rn e rs to find the a d d r e s -, D unn Earl N ew bry and F rank course, It was alw ays necessary CAROL WOODS, featu red sing ter his pD er^’s liove of city of A shland and the sum m it e ' v a n Dyke. .to r Joe to leave his drum s and er w ith J o * M a rtin * . h . n