Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 11, 1946, Image 1

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    *74» Souiltetot Cfteq&H.
2 year« lor IS
A shland . J ackson
Bond Issue Goes
Up For Election
Tuesday, July 30
S7SO.O00 For Water Bond«
And $50,000 For Airport
To be On Ballot
Eldon S cripter and Hugh M t-
■ K eever announced this past week
th at they had sold the Mobiloil
statio n at 388 Eust M ain stre e t
io Ralph Beach und P aul K ilter
I Beucn was associated w ith
S crip ter before the w ar in a s ta ­
tion at Oswego; S crip ter is going
, to be ussociated in the fu tu re
| w ith M cKeever in the M arshall
, Wells store.
Bigger & le tte r
July 4 Next Year
Directors State
This Y » u i Celebration
Nets Profit To Continue
Chamber's Activitie«
couaty .
O regon
T hursday . july
Joint Installation
Will Be Held Thurs.
11. 1946
Teachers Are Selected
For 1946-1947 Session
Jo in t installation of Rebekahs
and Odd Fellows will be held on
T hursday evening at the Odd
Fellows hall. The following offi­
cers will be installed for the Re
Mrs. Dorothy Dickey will be
installed as Noble G rand; Mrs. COLLEGE BEGINS WORKING
Violet W hittle, Vice G rand; Mrs. ¡ON VETS HOUSING UNITS
Alice G owland, R.S.N.G.; Mrs. I City eq u ip m en t w ent to work
Vivian D alkenberg, L. S. N. G.; i Tuesday to aid S o u th ern Oregon
Mrs. Lona D am eron, R.S.V.G.; i College in clearing land for v e t­
Mrs. Verona Abel, L.S.V.G.; M y­ eran s housing construction. One
rtle M ayberry, Ju n io r P ast Noble barracks and seven fam ily units
G rand; C onductor, Ju lia Seiters; are to be constructed before the
Mrs. Rogers, W arden; C haplain fall term begins.
Lena B reedin; Inside G uardian,
The units will be ready for the
Aria M agness; O utside G uardian, fall term . The FPH A is su p erv is­
Mae L indner; R ecording S ecre­ ing the w ork .E nrollm ent this
tary, Cecelia B erninghausen; F i­ fall is expected to exceed 450,
nancial Secretary. A lta Nichols, and the space m ade av ailab le by
T reasurer, L ura A pplew hite and the new buildings is alread y a l­
M usician. Nellie M adden.
located to veterans.
Board Of D irectors Fill
Vacancies M onday; Lesser
Replaces Jack F rancis
M em bers of the B oard of D ir­
The staff for the A shland
A shland voter« will go to the
ectors of the A shland C ham ber
schools is p ractically com plete
poll» on Ju ly 30 to vote on the
of C om m erce are planning to
lor 1946 1947 according to L eland
proposed $750,000 w uter txind Is-
huve a bigger F ourth of Ju ly
P. Linn, su p erin ten d e n t of the
<ued und the am en d m en t to the
B eginning Ju ly 14, A shland's a discussion held M onday at the
C ontracts to fill sev eral
city c h a rter auth o rizing the Muy- , M inisterial A ssociation
will a- L ithia hotel. C om m ittees will be
vacancies w ere voted
by th e
iir und the council to issue $50,- guin sponsor Vesper Services in nam
ed by Dr. W W. W eller,
000 in m unicipal airp o rt bonds.
the L ithiu P ark.
cham ber president soon.
According to W illiam Briggs,
Services will be held each S u n ­
lu e s a a y evening.
city atto rn ey , who has ju st re tu rn day evening at 5 p.m. a t the band in a net p ro fit of $2,575 T icket
Tne school bands will be d i­
cd from P ortlan d the city can staond. Music will be provided sales for the ball gam e and the
rected by ra v in C esser who com es
f ex p ect an in terest ra te of a bit by all of the churches and the accom paning prizes brought in
to zism and w ith the stro n g en-
' less th an one and one half per m inisters will each take ta rn in the most m oney. 12,000 visitors
|u o rse in e n t of th e U niversity of
cen t on the w uter bond issue. presenting the serm ons.
flooded the city on the F ourth to
PHIL STANSBURY REPLACES j uu cgon, w here be is fin ish in g his
The city is now puying four and
R everend
W ilingson, enjoy the parade, ball gam e, and
I worn for a m aster s degree,
a half per cen t on its present pastor ol the B aptist church, will band concert.
Phil S tan sb u ry was una n i- | ser has h ad m uch professional
w a te r bonds. Briggs recom m end­ deliver the m essage Ju ly 14.
Jim m y Olsen, II, was guest of
m ously elected com m ander of i experience and nas been on th e
ed th a t the city o btain the money
C ham ber secretary Wm. Healy
vv an d KUIA staffs, fie p la y ­
Local Soroptim ist C lub m et in A shland A m erican Legion post at |
for th e proposed bond issue w hile
t tru m p e t in tne T acom a
low in tere st rates are available.
sold 85 tickets in door to door a t the L ithia Hotel Dining room. day at Legion hall. He replaces I oyinpnony and in tn e U niversity
The m oney can also be re in v e st­
selling during three days.
S everal letters w ere read from Jac k Francis who is leaving in of Oregon band. I ne P o rtla n d
ed in gov ern m ent bonds at a
Jam es M ackie sold the w inning d ifferen t S oroptim ist clubs all the fall for W ashington.
I ice in tiw and f ollies as w ell as
higher rate of in terest. The m on­
P etitions signed by 1220 re si­ ticket for the 1946 Ford to D. R. over the U nited S tates including
tne P aram o u n t 1 n e a te r band are
ey will be used to provide an dents of Jackson C ounty w ere in ­ Rom inger of T alent
one from Hawaii. Also a letter of vice com m ander to replace S ta n ­ o th er groups w ith w hich he nas
ad eq u ate w ater supply for 7,000 cluded in the 39,960 certified sig­
th an k s from the A shland C ham ­ sbury. N om inations will rem ain perform ed. Jo h n Slc-hn of th e
n atu re s which in itiated the Basic
W inning float in the parade ber of Com m erce was read. The open until n e x t m eeting.
u n iv ersity or O regon says th a t
Airport Gets Federal Aid
School S upport F und Bill to be was the Elks Lodge float on cham ber th an k ed the S oropti­
Jack Francis, P hil S tansbury, Lesser is a n ex cellen t conductor.
On the airp o rt issue the F ed ­ voted on at the N ovem ber 5th which
Q ueen M arietta Hanscom m ists for the p a rt they took in Ken Robbins, and Dr. George Mr. Lesser recen tly carne to Ash
eral governm ent will m atch the election, according to Mrs. B arry
h er court rode; the A rm y th e F ourth of Ju ly celebration Hull plan to atten d th e state Le­ lan d and was highly pleased w ith
cities m oney w ith a contribution | H. George, chairm an of the spon- and
R ecruiting jeep driven by S /S g t and would like for them to as­ gion convention in P ortland, Ju ly tn e prospect of w orking here.
of 25% on tne cost of the site anti I soring com m ittee.
W eldon S ta u ffe r pulled the float. sum e this d u ty every year.
sp an isn in the S enior H igh
15, 16, and 17.
50% on the cost of developm ent
F ortm illers placed second, and
The work of obtaining the sup-
will be tau g h t by Miss F lorence
M em bers of the local club were
The am endm ent w hich will be
Boy scouts en try third.
P ry b il of tne U niversity o f Iowa.
invited to K lam ath Falls, T h u rs­ VERN SMITH NOW WEIGH-
placed before the voters will au ­ i p o rt necessary to place the "equ- the A fter
the ball gam e the A m er­ day to a tten d the re g u lar m eeting MASTER FOR COUNTY ROADS H er ability is sucn tn a t she was
thorize the m ayor and council to al opp o rtu n ity for every school ican V eterans
com m ittee held a
Vern S m ith, form er deputy elected to P h i s ig m a lo ta, N a t­
th eir club. D elegates from the
provide an airp o rt bond re tire ­ ch ild ” m easure on the ballot was
control rally in the city- of
sheriff is now a S tate W eighm as- ional H onorary in Uanguages. As
m ent sinking fund into which net I accom plished througii the co-op- price
ark at w hich F ran k Van Dyke, N ational convention a t Estes ter for C ounty Roads.
a college stu d e n t Miss P ry b il
rev en u e from the airp o rt o p era­ eratio n of the O regon C ongress of p Mrs.
Jo h n G ribble and Carlos P ark , C olorado an d will give a
Sm ith was defeated in last took p a rt in dram atics, chorus
tion will go. It fu rth e r provide.«
orris pleaded for price control
an d orenestra.
th at the council be em pow ered S tate Association of Sc h o o i M easures.
Mrs. M argie C lark m ade a cov­ M ay’s p rim ary election by How­
Six hundred signatures
Miss Louise B row n, w ho sp en t
each y ear to include In the a n ­ Boards, the O regon Education m
ere placed on a petition asking er for the clu b ’s flag out of clear incum bent for sheriff.
this last y ea r w orking on h er
nual tax levy a sum equal to and Association and Ronald E. Jones. w
for controls.
M asters degree a t th e U niversity
not to exceed tw o m ills on each
The day was quiet according them.
of Iowa, is re tu rn in g to A shland
d ollar of assessed valuation of
to local police. No arrests w ere I
to take over h er lo rn ie r position
pro perty for the m aintenance of
in the English d ep artm en t. Miss
a irp o rt’s sinking fund.
V li gim a H am m ond is also r e ­
The H am by site w hich has
^F ran k Van Dyke was elected
tu rn in g to the s ta ll hav in g sp en t
l»een approved by the CAA is u n ­
s ta rt of the last half of the n in th ch airm an of D istrict No. 5 a t a
m e last y ea r teaching in the
der consideration as a location.
Discussion of the p a r t the the Elks picked up three run s to
board m eeting, Ju ly 9.
M edford J u n io r High. Miss H am ­
Lions club took in the F o u rth of gain a red, w hite, and blue, vie- ’
Dyke succeeds Lloyd Selby 156 w ere ag ain st the increase of m ond w ill h ave classes in English
¡Ju ly celeb ration ju st held in A sh ­ tory over the G rants Pass Mer who will rem ain on th e board. of
one m ill in the special election and m ath em atics and w ill coach
P aul F innell, G erald W enner
land, an d the possibilities of the chants in the ball gam e here on
M onday, Ju ly 9 to increase dram atics.
¡club p artic ip a tin g in fu rnishing the fourth. S tands w ere jam m ed and M ern P rovost are also m em ­
P hysical education and a r t in
fu n d allo tm en t to a total
bers of the School Board.
ju n io r H igh w ill be handled
Joe W illiamson, proprietor of , scholarships for w orthy stu d en ts w ith the holiday crow d which
of th ree and one half m ills. The
at S o u th ern O regon College w ere cheered the ball gam e and c o l-!
by Mrs. G ladys Cook who has
the Talent Hardware, painted the th e m ain them es a t the w eekly lected hundreds of dollars wor4th . ' Mrs. W illiam Healy and d^ugh- ¡o u tstan d in g m ajo rity of 144 votes been teaching y i th e C oquille
clearly passed Ufcr-isstte.
| building which houses his store ’ m eeting of the Lions club Tiifcs- of prizes.
I ter M ary P a t arriv ed this weok
The add itio n al levy w ill in ­ A m ior High. Mrs. Cook is a g ra ­
last week.
from S eattle to join Mr. Healy, crease the p re sen t budget by duate of S o u th ern O regon C ol­
secretary of the A shland C ham b­ »¡3000 annually. M ayor Thornton lege and has ta u g h t in Jack so n
The old B ap tist church w hich ! H erb H uston presiding. R eport? EARL NEWBRY IS SEEKING
'o f the various F ourth of Ju ly
e r of Com merce. They are p re ­ Wiley pointed out th at this will and Josephine counties.
now is being used ax a Q uaker com m ittees w ere heard, w ith SENATE PRESID EN TS POST
Mrs. M yrtle C h ap m an who has
Earl T. N ew bry, incum bent sently residing at the L ithia hotel [ help m eet risiin g costs of p ark
m eeting place also received u ' tre a su re r Paul F innell reporting state sen ato r from Jackson coun­
been atten d in g College h ere in
' th at all expenses w ere paid, the ty, is seeking the presidents post
new coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berning-
of add itio n al help and m ore A shland w ill teach in the fields
I cluub cleared some 450 dollars in the O regon state senate he dis­ housen drove to the Lookout on use
of English an d social science at
j from the th ree concessions o p era­ closed this week. N ew bry, who King M ountain Sunday. W hile
the Ju n io r High. Mrs. C hapm an
ted by the club last T hursday. is unopposed in the N ovem ber there, they picked several bou­
¡has had eig h t years of teaching
As was pointed out by the p re si­ elections has 12 pledged votes quets of rhodendrons and bear
| experience and com es to A shland
d en t ,the funds w ill be used in for the p residential chair. S ixteen grass w hich w ere used to decor-
j w ith a life certificate from O kla-
Mrs. Della Poole, 82, was b u r­ the various ch aritab le activities are tan tam o u n t to election.
! iioina.
ipte th e dining hall a t the R ebe­
ied T hu rsd ay in M ountain View -of the cluub.
kahs m eeting T uesday evening.
One of the m ost beautiful and I Two A shland teach ers to jo in
cem etery. She has been a re si­ i P rese n t as visitors from the
The B oard of D irectors and
largest subdivisions in th e Rogue I the Ju n io r H igh staff are Mrs.
d en t of A shland for 27 years. G ran ts Pass den w ere p ast pres- com m ittee chairm en of the A sh­
C arleton B. A bbott, 784 A sh­ R iver Valley is C arter H eights, M ildred Rogers an d G aylord V es­
She died T uesday, Ju ly 8.
sident E rnie Vehrs and Sid W ikle
R otary club held th eir reg ­ land St., preached two serm ons which is located on the hill be- tal. Mrs. Rogers w ill teach hom e
S urvivors include two sisters, w ith Mrs. V ehrs presenting a u land
la r m onthly m eeting at the S unday at the Hood Ri v e r tw eetn the pack and T errace Ave economics an d o th er sub jects in
Mrs. B ert Hoben, D etroit, Mich, plan of the G rants Pass group in hom e of Bill Dodge on Tuesday C hurch of God. He was accom ­
th a t school. P rio r ,to h er w o rk in
and Mrs. W. J. W right, Lansing which the th ree clubs at A shland, evening,
These lots are now being sold P hoenix she ta u g h t in th e A sh ­
M ichigan. Mrs. Ida Poole, A sh­ M edford and G ran ts Pass should
session Mrs. Dodge serv ­ A bbott and tw o of th eir children. by ow ner's C hester E. C orry and land schools. Mrs. Rogers is a t ­
land, is a sister in law , as is Mrs furnish as m any scholarships for business
-O _——
R obert E. Dodge. They v ary in tending su m m er school at O.S.C.
en w ith v ery delightful (
M attie A kers, Bend. Elford Poole, w orthy stu d en ts in S outhern refreshm ents.
The n ext m eeting
Mr and Mrs. L eonard Swen- siz from n in ety feet to tw o acres I G aylord Vestal received his ed-
A shland is a nephew .
O regon as possible. Dr. Elmo of this group will be A ugust 5th 1 son, L ib erty St. are en tertain in g
• ucation in th e A sh lan d schools
She was the widow of Francis S tevenson was called upon to a t the hom e of John D augherty, H arris Stout, Mr. S touts sister in extent.
land afte r teach in g at Condon,
Poole. They cam e to A shland 27 give the facts in the case, and he
and h er son, from O akland, Calif. acres in ex ten t and is so divided ¡Oregon spent sev eral years in the
years ago. Mrs. Poole was born stated th a t the scholarships re ­ past p resid en t of R otary.
Service. He is atten d in g College
in C oldw ater, Mich. Dec. 12, 1863. qu ired the tu itio n fee of $74 for
th a t each lot has an unobstructed here in A shland and will s ta rt
---_ --O- . -
— .
each scholarship. He pointed ou t
view. From
the top of the teaching m ath in the J u n io r H igh
th a t such scholarships have been
h eig h t’s it is possible to see as in S eptem ber.
furnished a t the o th er tw o O re ­
Clifford W illiam s, who re ceiv ­
far dow n the valley as Table
gon Colloges and have proven
ed his M asters degree from C ol­
very . successful, in th a t they
S tate College of E ducation
out in lots according to the con­ orado
m ade it possible for m any deserv ­
at G reeley, is joining the Lincoln
ing stu d en ts to go on w ith th eir
School staff .Mr. W illiam s has
train ed landscape architect, who tau g h t for ten years in th e
H erb H uston announced this education in college. P resid en t
A lpha C h ap ter No. 1, O rder of In h er steps of succession she was is su p erin ten d e n t of L ithia P ark. schools of th a t state.
week th a t he was reopening the H uston, a fte r considerable d is­
In g rid P y lv a in en is leaving a
D andy Lunch, F rid ay a t 6:00 a.m cussion am ong the m em bers, tu rn the E astern S ta r is planning a first elected Associate G rand C orry also supervised and laid
and th a t it w ould henceforth be ed the m a tte r over to the educa­ reception S atu rd ay , Ju ly 13 for C onductress and e a c h vear ad- out the attra c tiv e roads which position as elem en tary su p erv is­
or a t C rystal Falls, M ichigan to
know n as H erb ’s S potlight Cafe. tion com m ittee, w ith instructions Mrs. Lorena M cNair, W orthy
w ind through the tract.
in the Lincoln faculty. Mrs.
D uring F riday, th e opening to cooperate w ith the officials of G rand M atron of the G rand
Sew age lights gas and w ater
P y lv ain en holds a M asters d e­
day, H uston plan? to give aw ay M edford and G ran ts Pass dens in C h ap ter of the O rder of the E ast­
gree from Iow a S ta te U n iv ersity
free to everyone w ho comes into such a program .
ing to the prom otors.
Am ong o th er business m atters ern S ta r of O regon; J. H. Hardy,
and did her u n d erg rad u a te w ork
th e cafe a cup of S n id e r’s coffee
the club voted to give th e ir m or­ P ast G ran d P atro n , and Edna
R esidential restrictions have at N o rth ern M ichigan College of
w ith S ilv ercrest cream .
been m ade and m any A shland Education. She has had ad m in is­
H uston, has been a re sid e n t of al su p p o rt to the city council in D ougherty, G rand O rganist. The
e ir stre e t oiling program , in as reception w ill be held at S ou th ­
citizens including Ray S p au ld ­ trativ e as well as teaching ex p er-
A shland for the p ast tw o and th
m uch as this has been a m atter
ing. C. M. L itw iller, W illiam ■ence and com es strongly recom -
one half years. He has been a c t­ often discussed by the club. Eric e rn O regon college gym nasium ,
iealy C hris Fakem a, Ben Lom- iiended.
ive in com m unity activities d u r­ L ah felt was in itiated in to the at 8:00 p.m. Lodges from the e n ­
The th ree new teachers at
>ard, B. B arnum . K. L. M iller, W ashington are Miss M arie P re s ­
ing all th a t time.
club as a new m em ber during tire state will have re p resen ta­
Corry and Dodge have already cott, Mrs. Erm a K ru eg er Bohn,
tives at the reception.
Huston arriv ed h ere from Los the evening.
A d irec to r’s m eeting followed
bought land in the area.
Angeles the 1st of Ja n u a ry 1944.
and Miss M arg aret L ininger. Miss
Mrs. M cNair, who was elected
P resco tt’s w ork at P hoenix for
He was first connected w ith the the re g u lar m eeting.
W orthy G rand M atron the week
the last several years has been
Depot cafe, and la te r w ent w ith
of Ju n e 13 at G rand C hapter in
outstanding. She has her degree
W eyerhauser C am p No. 4 as
P ortland, was born in Missouri
fr o m the S o u th ern O regon C ol­
m anager of th e ir general cam p
and cam e W est th irty years ago
lege, Mrs. Bohn m ade a splendid
store. A fter leaving the W eyer-
as a young bride.
r e c o r d both in College h ere in
hauser com pany he becam e sec­
A shland and as a practice teach-
retary of th e Elks w hich position second class, Route 1, A shland,
I er a t Lincoln. She has been te a ­
ching at W estwood C alifornia. At
he held u n til A pril -, 1946. H u s­ is serving aboard the USS A t­ Hal M cNair, form er Ashland
---— W ashington Mrs. Bohn will teach
ton resigned as E lks secretary at lan ta ,a light ca rrier .which left druggist, w ho died three years
in the in term ed iate grades.
th at tim e and u n d e rw e n t a m a j­ G uam in the M ariannas Islands ago. She has now tak en over his
m ethod to sell anti-freeze at this
A nother A shand individual to
or operation. He is presen tly re ­ on the 15th of June, a fte r a th ree I in tere st in the M cNair Bros, drug
season . . . ED SINGM ASTER join the local staff will be Miss
a six |
cuperating from the operation day visit w hich ended
sporting a red rose bud, grow n M argaret Lininger. She atten d ed
M cNair, w ho also resides in A sh­
and has announced no plans for m onths fruise of the F a r East.
in A shland, not P o rtland . . . . grade ’and high school here as
MEL KAEGI extolling the v ir­ well as the S o u th ern O regon C ol­
The ports visited in the cruise land.
fu tu re business enterprises.
tues of ra sp b erry jam . . . IVOR lege. At presen t she has been te a ­
Before com ing to A shland H us­ included M anila, S aipan, O kin- ; Mrs. M cNair has been associat­
ERW IN’S R ailw ay Express ag en ­ ching p art tim e and atten d in g
ed w ith the O rd er of the E astern
ton had been a t various tim es a aw a and Shanghai.
S ta r for m ore than tw enty-five ' vanced until this y ear she was cy undergoing an unusual rush, LaV erne College in C alifornia.
w holesale coffee salesm an and a
Mr and Mrs. Sam Collis of years. She first held an office as elected W orthy G rand M atron. reason ch erry harvest . . . D R .1 She has done considerable work
studio electrician in th e Los A n­
POSTON try in g to be in two in music and has been p resid en t
geles and Hollywood areas. As S an Francisco visited w ith Mr. i. G rand A dah, then acted as G rand I Mrs. McNair has appointed J. places Ju ly 4 . . . CLAYTON of Sigm a Epsilon Pi.
M arshal. She w as G rand R epre­ H H ardy, Ashland past grand CULLEN sw inging a fast paint
an electrician he w orked on spe­
E. Collis and Ensign Jam es Col­
cial effects and set lighting for lis .who is hom e on leave, one sen tativ e of the G rand C hapter patron, on the Revision of Laws brush . . . MAYOR WILEY gra- ! Minifrige picnic refrigerators
Universal P ictures, Fox studios, day this week. Sam Collis is of Idaho. She also w orked on the com m ittee, and has also ap p o in t- ciously escorting QUEEN MAR­ in two sizes, for fishing, camping,
20th C en tu ry ,and several o th er connected w ith the B ureau of credentials com m ittee of grand l ed Miss Edna D oughterty, Ash- IETTA HANSCOM du rin g t h e 1 picnicking, or hunting, at Mar­
gran d m arch.
ch a p te r of O regon for four years. I land as Grand Organist.*
shall Wells on the Plata.
Standards in San Francisco.
m ajo r studios.
I Vesper Services In
I Park Begin July 14
Mrs. Clark Presents
Soroptimists Gift
1220 Jackson County
Folk Sign Petition ..
Lions Consider
Scholarship Fund
Park Levy Upped
Say Majority 144
Painting Presently
Going On In Talent
Della Poole, 82
Buried Thursday
Newest Subdivision ..
Is Carter Heights
H. Huston Opens
Spotlight Cafe
Carl Dample Leaves
Guam on USS Atlanta
• U p and Down
The S treet