Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 13, 1946, Image 1

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    Unlv of ()r«K°n library
$2.00 PER YEAR
City Budget Gets
A $4249 Increase
To Aid Employees
Crosby Fan Call»
Bing; Gets Police
One of Bing Crosby's fans
lunded In jail Wednesday morn­
ing at two o'clock, when he in­
sisted on calling the Hollywood
crooner from the Southern Pac­
ific Dx-pot in Ashland.
Charles D. Roberts was picked
up by Ashland police at two o’
clock Wednesday morning after
telephone operator called police
and reported that a man had
been trying to call Bing Crosby
and also talked incoherently on
the telephone. On investigation
Roberts was found to be A.W.O.L
from a veterans hospital. He is
being taken to Jackson County
jail in Medford for mental obser
C of C Sets Up
Committee System
Ten Elks at Oregon
i State Convention
Ten Elks from the Ashland
Lodge are leaving Friday morn
tog at 4:00 for Baker where they
Will attend the Oregon State Elks
dhnvention. Transportation is be
furnished by Howard Oden
and Will Dodge.
The party will include Ken
Robbins, Oden, Ralph McCul­
lough, Roland Parks, Gordon
Pickell, Dodge, I. R. Frideger.
Herb Huston, Ivor Erwin, and W.
D. Parker.
The convention will take place
on the 14 and 15.
, i 946
VOL. Ij. NO. 16
Sorophimist Chapter
Received Charter
Announcing this week that
much of the future business of
the Ashland Chamber of Com­
merce would lie handled through
10% Increase In Pay Will
Women's Civic Club Hears
permanent committees, Dr. W. W.
Affect All Employees
Dr. Stevenson At Charter
Weller, president of the Cham­
On City Payroll
Night Ceremonies
ber of Commerce, made the fol­
City budget for the tiscal year
lowing committee appointments
Mern Provost’s name is the on-1 Charter night was held Wed­
of 1946 and 47 will be $42,477.00
ly one on the District 5 ballot nesday at the Civic Club House
it wus announced by members of
According to officials of the
for the school election Monday, for the newly organized Ashland
the budget committee for the city
Chamber this system will mean
of Ashland, Wednesday. The
June 17. The election will be at chapter of Soroptimist Interna­
that various committees will
raise will help take care of the
the City Hall from two o’clock tional association.. Twenty-six
meet weekly with William Healy,
charter members from the Ash-
10% increase in salaries of city
P. M. until 7:00 P. M.
secretary, and plan the particu­
_ Mrs. Provost has served this land area, led by Mrs. Velna
employees which was also grant*
lar activities which are that com­ REEDS MOVING TO YANK
last* year filling ou“t° the term Tor Weitzel; local president, took the
ed at the meeting.
mittee’s responsibility. This me GULCH FROM ALAMEDA
vows of membership.
R. - I. —
Flaharty yho resigned.
Meeting with the City Council
thod will not make it essential
The program was opened by
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reed, pre­
Tuesday evening the budget com­
that the entire membership meet
singing of the International
mittee composed of Henry End­
but it will permit wider indivi
' Anthem folowed by the Flag Sa­
ers, chairman, W. D. Whittle,
dual participation in Chamber of
lute. Kathleen Thompson, presi-
hanie on Yank gulch near Talent
Harry Morris, Clyde Caton, Fred
Commerce affairs.
| dent of the Klamath Falls club,
next week, according to J. F
Taylor, and Bob Ingle agreed up­
Members of the Retail Trade Emmett, who is Mrs. Reed’s fath­
| opened the meeting. The Rev. E.
on and passed the proposed bud­
committee include: E. J. LaMarre, er. The Reed’s had originally
| P. Borden gave the invocation.
get which is $4,249 above last
Lions of Ashland, meeting chairman, Dom Provost, Carryl
The Red Cross Learn to Swim
Mayor' T. S. Wiley greeted the
years budget of $38,228.
Tuesday night at the Lithia hotel Wines, Harrry Travis, I. F. An­ planned to move this week but campaign which has been under­ new group and wished them
According to J. Q. Adams, city heard two speakers, Wm. Healy, dres, J. A. Langtry, H. R. Mc­
way at Twin Plunges will close
raporder, individual taxation secretary of the Chamber of Keever, George Reed, and James a major operation and it was this Friday at 12:00. The pro­ much success and a long life in
community affairs. Ida Odell,
should not be affected by the rise Commerce and Dr. Elmo Steven­ Mackie; The Aviation committee
gram has been a pronounced also of Klamath Falls, made the
ake the trip.
in the budget. The assessed val­ son.
includes Kenton Robbins, chair­
success with 280 students from response.
uation for this year will be high­
Healy spoke on “Ashland, Past, man, Lloyd Selby, Jack Enders,
Ashland, Medford, Talent, Cen-
Officers were then installed by
er than last years $2,701,205.63, Present and Future." and Dr. Jack Francis, and Doyle Seely. Oden and Irwin To
tral Point, and Phoenix partici- Rose Poole, Klamath Falls, Mrs.
and the raise in the budget will Stevenson told of the plans for Publicity: Wendell Lawrence and
Weitzel was officially installed as
be met by this rise in valuation. the enlargement of Southern Doyle Seely. Membership, Bill New York in July
, nAn^ ards Wl1!
between president, Miss Margaret Ram-
The county assessor’s office is Oregon college.
Snider, chairman, Clyde Caton,
12.00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. by Jack say( vjce
presently working on valuations;
New officers for the club will Eldon Scripter, Toy L. Trammel, of the Elks in Ashland, and Ivor Knight, Oakland, California, who say, vice
no figures are presently avail­ be installed at Ladies Night Herb Huston, and Walter McCoy; Erwin, past Exalted Ruler are has been conducting the classes.
which will be June 25.
industrial, Lloyd Selby, chairman
Students who have completed the
The increase in salary of 10 per
Herb Huston, Bert Kimsey, Don O'Blenness, Herb Fischborne ional Elks convention in New various phases of instruction will retary and Blanche Huffman, as
cent is to assist city employees and A1 Snider who are delegates and Roger Rath; real estate, Hen* York City in July.
be given awards as Beginners,,
The Ashland lodge usually Polliwogs, Intermediate Swim­
in meeting the rise in living ex­ to the State Lions convention re­ ry Galey, chairman, W. D. Jack-
Directors are Norma Erwin,
penses. The council also voted to turned late Tuesday evening. son, George Reed and C. A. Pitta; •ends one delegate to the Nation­ mers, Advanced Swimmers, and Nelle Burns and Amy Reed.
set up a retirement plan for city They will present a comprehen­ Southern Oregon College, Dr. A. al convention but this year they Life Guards.
I Presentation of the charter was
employees. This will be operated sive report on the convention S. Taylor, chairman, Earl New- plan to send two, as Erwin, last
Mrs. E. E. Stearns of Ashland i made by Etta Cunning, Baker,
in conjunction with the state next Tuesday evening.
bry, and Dr. R. E. Poston; recep­ year's ruler, did not attend be­ has been registrar for the classes president of the northwest re­
gion. Mrs. Weitzel accepted the
public employees retirement plan.
tion, Paul Finnell, chairman, F 1 cause of war conditions.
The employee, the city, and the
charter on behalf of the local
S. Engle, Wilbur Bushnall and
state will all contribute to the
club and the 26 charter members
Dr. Blanche Rice.
fund. This will be effective as of
were then introduced by Mrs.
Legislative, Earl T. Newbry,
July 1. Employees will retire at
Sabo, Klamath Falls, ex­
Doctor W. W. Weller, president chairman, Frank J. Van Dyke,
Jean F. Eberhart, who has been tension director of this area.
the age of 65 except for fire and of Ashland Chamber of Comm­
negotiating with Howard Oden
Dr. Elmo Stevenson, in the
police personnel who will retire erce, said this week that a re­ and Clarence Williams; transpor­
tation, roads and highways, How­
at 60.
for several weeks, announced to­ main address of the evening ,told
creational committee would be ard Oden, chairman, Ralph Keo-
The Balfour-Guthrie property day that he had purchased the
appointed sometime within the zer and O. E. Sabin; finance, located at the foot of Oak Street Ashland Sporting Goods store the Soroptimists that any civic
organization in Ashland could
next week.
Gerald Wenner, C. Sommers, is presently under consideration from Mr. Oden. He will begin have three aims: Recreation for
Doctor Weller mentioned that Frank Culp and Ben Lombard; by the City of Ashland as a site operations on July 1.
all children; Beautification of
one of the first activities of this agriculture, Henry Enders, chair­ for an airport. Mayor T. S. Wiley
Eberhart has been head coach side streets and stronger support
committee would be to plan on a man, T. E. Fowler, P. R. William­ hat appointed Elmer Biegel, Wil­ at Southern Oregon College for
for local schols.
golf course and to work with the son and Ralph Koozer.
liam J3riggs and Lloyd Selby as eight years. He was on military
Guests were introduced, Klam­
City Superintendent El m e r City on the organization of a
Building and Construction com­ a rogimittee to op- leave during the W*r at which ath Falls chapter which sponsor­
Beagle announced this week that municipal golf course or make mittee has been appointed with tiofleft the land?
* J«»
time he served as a naval phys­ ed the local group had 15 and
the City of Ashland had arrang­ the course available' to private W. D. Jackson, chairman, Jake
Approval has been granted by ical training officer.
Coos Bay had three.
ed for a parking lot at the corner Interests.
Weitzel, H. R. Morris, J. Q. the Civil Aeronautics authority
Donn Hufman and Suzanne
of first and C Street, which
The committee will also work Adams, and Clarence Homes, t
MP use of this site as an airport. signed by the college may re­ Lamarre each sang three songs.
would be open approximately on on plans for an entrance-way
Sale price has been set at $25,000. place Eberhart as head coach, They were accompanied by Mrs.
July 4th.
into the Lithia Park on the Pla­
however, Dr. Elmo Stevenson, Catharine Hufman.
The property is approximately za, which would advertise the
of the college, made no j
125 feet by 150 feet and will have park to tourists who are travel­
this week.
space for seventy cars, parking ing through town.
BrAm HUt; In Lead
Howard Oden plans to leave in
will be free. At present, build­
Another activity of this com­
Ocfc Street wiped out the Hilt July for the Elks National con­
ings which were on the lots are mittee is to coordinate youth act­
Mrs. Lorena McNair, of Alpha threat in the softball league Wed­ vention, and will make no ar­
being removed. The buildings be­ ivities.
Chapter No. 1, Ashland, was nesday night when they shut the rangements for other business
longed to Mrs. Grant Davis.
Beginning with a “Kick-Off
elected Worthy Grand Matron of Hilt club out 7 to 0. This gives until his return.
Beugle also stated that the city
Mrs. John Murphy is in Port­ the Oregon Eastern Star Tuesday Oak street the lead in league
Breakfast’’, at 7:30, Wednesday
was planning to carve a parking land this week representing the at sessions of the Grand Chap­ standings with 3 wins and no
morning, June 19, at the Lithia
lot out of the area behind the I local grand chapter of Eastern ter which are being held this
the Ashla n d Y.M.C.A.
Lithia Hotel and was only wait- Star. Verone Wold is taking her week in Portland. The 57th an­
Committee will begin its first
Charles Warren, center fielder,
ing for Mr. C. C. Cooley of Grants place at the city light and water nual session is being held at the is sparking the Oak Street out­
membership drive to organize a
Pass, who is owner of the proper­ department.
strong “Y” program in Ashland.
Masonic Temple in Portland.
fit this year. Backing him up is
ty, to complete signing of the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morgan,
The breakfast will featu r e
Mrs. McNair succeeds Mrs. Ha­ Jim Jandreau, who returned Mon
necessary papers.
Two business houses in A sh -, George Cole, p r f e s s i o n a l
209 Oak Street, and Mrs. Elsie zel Graham of Tillamook. Instal­ day from Portland where he
McMillan of the Cozy Apartments lation will be Thursday night at played ball with the Up State All Jand received notification this 1 Y.M.C.A. campaigner, who is
Mr. and Mrs. Neiman and Mrs. on North Main spent Tuesday which time Alpha Chapter will Stars. Charles Jandreau, also a week, from the county clerk of coming to Ashland in order to
Ashton of Oakland, California ar­ morning in Medford.
present a special drill in honor member of the Oak Street club, Jackson County, of the accept- organize the membership cam-
rived last Wednesday to spend
ance of the assumed business paign.
James Mackie was in Medford of Mrs. McNair.
is playing a bang-up game.
until Saturday with Mr. and Mrs Monday morning, on business.
Members of the finance com­
Tied for second place in league
Mrs. McNair is the widow of
D. D. Sheldon and G. S. Green mittee who will work directly
Walter Herbert. Mr. Neiman is a
Mrs. Lurline C. Nye, Ashland, Hal McNair, former Ashland standings are the Noselcats and
nephew of Mrs. Herbert.
received a degree of Bachelor of druggist, who died three years Newbry Orchards, each with one will continue to operate the jew­ with Mr. Cole include Allen Mc­
Mrs. Alice Kent has rented her Science at the 20th annual com- ago. She has now taken over his win and one loss. Steakhouse and elry store at 272 East Main as Gee, Carryl Wines, Joe Fader
home on Allison street and plans mence at Southern Oregon Col­ interest in the McNair Bros, drug Millers are trailing with two los­ “Sheldon Jewelry”. Mr. Sheldon and Roland Parks
has been operating this store for
in leave soon for Klamath Falls, lege.
At the breakfast two squads
store. She is a Past Matron in
Ted Sommers fished at Dia-
Robert C. Kinne was arrested the local Eastern Star chapter, a ses.Howard Wiley, president of the the past few months under the will appoint Generalissimos of
mond Lake over the weekend for speeding June 8, posted ten past queen in Zulemia Temple. league, said today that John Cot­ above assumed name and Mr. the individual squads and pre­
Green has recently become a pare a contest wherein each
and returned with some fish run- dollars bail, which was forfeited Daughters of the Nile.
ten’s Lumberjacks were being
in the business.
ning over three pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brubak­
squad will attempt to get the
Twenty members of Alpha withdrawn because of the addi­
“The Siskiyou Publishing Com­ most membership.
Camping gifts for father in­ er of Freeport, Illinois spent from Chapter No. 1 led by Mrs. Edna tional work necessitated by the
clude sleeping bags, Coleman lan­ Tuesday until Friday visiting Mr Daugherty, worthy matron, are fire which wiped out a large pany”, publishers of the South­
According to local officials of
terns, stoves and portable ice­ and Mrs. Walter Herbert. Mr attending the sessions in Port­ part of the Herrin’s mill this ern Oregon Miner, also received the Y.M.C.A. the guidance and
boxes at Marshall Wells on the Brubaker is a nephew of Mrs land.
week. The American Legion club notification that the assumed training of Ashland’s youth will
business name had been accept­ be the purpose of the Y program
managed by Kenton Robbins,
ed. Carryl H. and Marion Wines in Ashland. Roland Parks, head
will replace Cottens outfit.
and Wendell D. and Camilla of the finance committee, stated
-------4»--- • -
Jim Jandreau returned from Lawrence are partners in the en­ this week the following named
people have already asked that
Portland where he played all terprise. ---------- o-----------
they be included in the teams
with the Upstate All Stars. Port­
which will work on the member­
Timber piles estimated at $75,- land All Stars defeated the Up­ AGENCY IN ASHLAND AREA ship drive:
000 were destroyed Monday nite
Roger Cram, former Southern
Mrs. Howard Wiley and Mrs.
by a fire at the Ashland Lumber
Oregon college student, announc­
Mills, formerly known as the
ed this week that he would rep­
mill. The fire was started week in Portland.
resent the Northern Life insur­
I i you have been discharged
Family allowances for your
when a transient, Harold LeRoy
ance company in the Ashland
from the A rm y—if you held a dependents w ill be continued
Jones, 35, Cottage Grove, started
area. Cram was formerly publish­
grade and wish to retain it —if
th ro u g h o u t yo u r e n lis tm e n t
a small fire in the yard for
er and editor of the Jacksonville
Meeting in regular session
you have dependents — then act
only if you enter the Regular
Tuesday night Ashland Post No.
Jones said he banked the fire
now. . . . June 30, 1946, is Arm y before July 1, 1946.
14 of the American Legion de­
before going to sleep, but that it
On June 5. a talkative little cided to sponsor a softball team
the last day on which you can
I f you havfc been discharged
got away and he was awakened
instrument came into our home in the local softball league.
enlist in the Regular Arm y and
from the Arm y and wish to re-
at Sky Lodge, atop the Siskiyou
Kenton Robbins was elected
still take advantage of two im ­ cnlist at your old grade, you
fire was fought by U. S. Forest
Mountain. "It's a telephone that chairman of the solfball commit­
portant benefits . . . retention
must enlist w ith in 90 days after
NOLA SUE ROBBINS vislt- , a is".
Service equipment as it was be­
* e
vv w
a s jv /j
u having
a v iiiy
would v enjoy
all tee and will make preparations
o f your old grade and fam ily
your discharge. And before July
ing J. Q. ADAMS. . . . HERB 1 Our friends call us. Dial operator for the teams entry into league
yond the city’s jurisdiction.
1,1946. T h in k it over. A ct now.
The mill escaped destruction HUSTON counting heads at the and ask for Siskiyou Summit No. Play.
because of the direction of the Chamber of Commerce banquet 1. That's oyr telephone number
Members of the Medford post
wind. Mill operations were not « . . . ALICE GANDEE excited that is. Mr. and Mrs. Owen of the Legion were guests, and
I O il
r ON
stopped by the fire.
John C. about Saturday shopping crowds Gragg. (Twin Plunges)
were invited to attend the Legion
Cotton is the president of the . . . . . MRS ELMER BIEGEL
party and raffle which is
posting books . .. . PHIL STAN­ 1 Camping gifts for father in­ being held this Sunday at Jack-
SBURY telling Medford Legion- clude sleeping bags, Coleman lan­ son Hot springs, A set of fine
P H O F tS s iO N
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, 637 B airres about Bavarian china. . . . terns, stoves and portable Ice­ Bavarian dinner china is being
Street, are painting their house' DR. HULL reminescing about boxes at Marshall Walls on the given away at the party to the
at 837 B. Street
1 Santa Anita.
holder of the lucky number.
Lions Hear Healy
and Dr. Stevenson
Swimming Class
Closes Friday
C of C Recreational
Committee Planned
Jean Eberhart Buys
Howard Oden Store
City Looking at
Site For Airport
1st & C Parking
Lot Ready July 1
Lorena McNair k
OES Grand Matron
YMCA Campaign Starts
Wednesday Morning
Two Businesses
Get OK on Names
3 Million Board
Feet Timber Lost
Up and Down
The Street
U. S. A r m y
Legion Sponsors
Softball Outfit