I $2.00 PER YEAR ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY jo, 1946 A LU M N I ASSOCIATION W ILL HAVE BANQUET FRIDAY EVE American Legion Friday night at 6:45 at the Elk* temple the Ashland High school Has Memorial Day alumni association will hold their annual banquet, Jack Williams, alumni president, announced this Ceremonies Thurs. week. Healy Takes Over C o f C Post June I Volume 13, Number 14 "BOOTS A SADDLE" RIDING ACADEMY OPEN ON MT. AVE Twenty riding horses will be available at the latest addition to Ashland’s riding academies, “The Boots St Saddle.” it was an­ nounced here this week by the proprietors, Burley and Hart. The acedemy is located one block north of Bear Creek, on Moun­ tain Avenue. —--------• - YMCA Speakers Present Picture To Local Groups A covered dish dinner will be followed by an entertainment F ormar Magasina Editor program. Logan Nininger is To Coordinato Chamber of Billings Leads Off On METHODIST GIRLS CLUB chairman of the program com- Commarco Activities Educational Presentation HAVE TWO OUTINGS Memorial day was observed in “ ‘“ T ’ “ * With who resigned May 1 and who is ings to the Rotarians, Gladys can Revolution, Daughters of iH^ a * o n s o f now in Medford, but not affiliat­ ness would be called the Ashland Billings to the Jr. Civic Club, Union Veterans, and the Worn- * ' p,anta and an,mals- ed with Chamber of Commerce Cab service and that it would op­ erate on a 24 hour a day sche­ Jake Weitzel to the Presbyterian en’» Relief Corps joined the pa I The avera«e citizen, the sight- work there. Church, C. M. Litwiller to the rade at the East Main street en-1seer and ,over of the out of During the past month Mrs. dule. Rates will be 50c to any Graduates of the 20th class to Nazarene Church, Don Spencer trance to the cemetery I doors' will be pleased with a non Kenton Robbins has been acting places within the city limits. Coin has but recently returned complete schooling at Southern to the Congregational Church, At the cemetery the program °f #Uth as secretary and the board of di­ from Portland while Berge is a Oregon college will attend bac­ Bert Miller to the Baptist Church began with the high school band, * J * »ti Per8°7>1/ X^ r rectors announced that they ap­ under the direction of Jack Fran- u? “ ¡“ ***“ “ en,c la?d' For preciated the work that she had discharged World War II veteran. calaureate services in the college G. B. Icenhower to the Assembly auditorium, Sunday, June 2, 2:30 of God, R. W. Gardner to the cis, playing America. Dr. Geo. WJ ° 1,ke ^ punish them done during the interim period. Church of Christ. Roland Parks p.m. Dr. Weller announced that the W. Bruce gave the invocation, S t o n e «> to the Episcopal Church, and The Reverend Victor Phillips followed by Dick Martin who re- animals’ , convenient Board of Directors of the Cham­ of the First Methodist Church, Carryl Wines to the Lions. cited Lincoln’s Gettysburg ad- ’ „5 5 / 5 k?ys are printed at the ber were planning to have a At the conclusion of the intro­ Klamath Falls, will deliver the dress. Floral tributes were plac-| d f lhe book' forum meeting of the entire gen­ ductory speaking period the local address, speaking on “The Mas­ eral membership sometime dur­ ed in the proper locations by the j • o "77 YMCA association is planning on Next Wednesday morning at tery of Self.” ing the fin t part of June in or­ organizations represented during I s lO n S b e n d i n g ’ ir H C K Invocation and benedicti o n beginning an intensive drive to der to introduce Mr. Healy to 4:00 a.m. the Ashland High School band will board a special­ will be given by The Rev. George put the organization over the top. the community. ly chartered Greyhound bus and M. Shuman of the First Pres by- At this time it is planned to have Frank Van Dyke and Bob the city council delivered the Meeting in regular session on leave for Portland and the Roseiterian church, Ashland. Music professional assistance from the main address at the cemetery, Tuesday night the Lions voted to Dodge are presently looking for Festival. The band will be under will be by college instrumental national YMCA headquarters aid speaker. Members of the board this was followed by Taps, and I ddray the expenses of George the direction of Jack Francis, and vocal groups, under the dir- in the drive. the singing of the national an­ Fullerton, Tad Gandee and Coach of directors are planning the rest music instructor in the Ashland ection of Wallace Sapp, of the program. The Board of them by the assembled group. O’Neil in order that the three schools. directors at present includes: Dr. might attend the Oregon state The Rev. Earl F. Downing clos­ Members of the band will par­ ed the services with the benedic­ AAU meet in Jefferson bowl, Weller, president; Jake Weitzel, vice president; Frank Culp, E. J. ticipate :in the festival and will Portland this Saturday. tion. World War II veterans made a LaMarre, H. R. McKeever, Henry return here, June 9th. The majority of business The three attended the meet- ! w dean sweep in American Legion Ashland is the only band from Don O’Blenejs, M. R. houses in Ashland were closed ing as guests of the club. O’Neil , elections for 1947 officers which Spaulding, Bob Dodge, Ivor E r -|this district that will be repre- during the day and many local assured the Lions that entry in were held Tuesday night at the wln, Howard Oden and Frank rented at the Portland festivities. people took advantage of the op- the meet would not interfere Commencement exercises at regular meeting of Ashland Post Neihes Klamath Falls nor Med­ Van Dyke. portunity to attend the cere- with the amateur standings of ford are sending bands this year. Southern Oregon College will be No. 14. 1 either of the runy^ra. The following named Legion- held on the afternoon of June 6 ! Wives of Lion members at- GIFTS AND FLOWERS N O T ., in the auditorium o f the admin­ aife»>wui be installed U» Sept tended the meeting as it was TO RE GIVEN AT EXERCISES ember according to Jake Lahr, ladies night „ »»-XT • . . . n . Junior and Senior High school istration building. President Elmo present commander. Commander . McNair, 322 Oak Street, officials announced this week N. Stevenson will deliver dip­ for 1947 will be Jack Franfeis, who has been affiliated with the that gift(* ami flowers would not lomas to graduates in three of First Vice Commander, P h i l Mrs. Nellie May Langston, sis­ McNair drug store on the Plaza be presented to the members of the various curricula of the col­ Stansbury; Second Vice Comman­ ter of Mrs. Clay Barker of Ash­ announced this week that he had the graduating class during the lege: junior college; three-year der, Emmett .Whitham; Chaplain, land passed away Sunday at a been designated as sole dealer in commencement exercises. This diploma in teacher-training; and Dick Berninghausen; Adjutant, Medford hospital. this area for the Rocket airplane follows Ik custom which originat­ bachelor of science degree in el­ Ben Lombard; Sgt. at Arms, Mrs. Langston was born in ementary education. McNair anounced that four Hayfork, California, August 11, The address for the 20th annual ^ ^ n T p o s t is planning Parent Teachers Association ships had been ordered and would ed several years ago. 1881. She leaves to mourn her to Units of Ashland had a joint in­ arrive In the next few days. De commencement at the Southern send four delegates to the State death two sons, Ralph B. Langs­ stallation of officers, Wednesday, Oregon College will be delivered monstrations will take place at ton of Central Point and John W. American Legion Convention in by Dr. U. G. Dubach, dean of Langston of Medford, one daugh­ May 22, at the Junior High the Medford airport. Portland in July. Now that the School cafeteria. The ceremony men and professor of political McNair is a former troop car ter, Mrs. Charles McCoy, Cen­ Post has increased to more than Southern Oregon College, Ash followed a covered dish luncheon science at the Oregon State Col­ 150 members it will send four tier pilot. He served four years tral Point, two sisters, Mrs. Clay with the Army Air Forces spend land, May 17—The Reverend Vic­ lege. The subject of his address rather than three delegates. The Barker of Ashland and Mrs. Ol­ 20 members were present. The following officers were in­ ing 12 months in the South Pa tor Phillip» of Klamath Falls will will be ‘America’s Place in the lie Turnbow of San Luis Obispo, following delegates were select­ stalled for the coming year. Pre­ cific. He completed his tour of deliver the baccalaureate sermon World of Tomorrow.” Calif. Also four grandchildren. ed: Jack Francis, Phil Stansbury, at the Southern Oregon College R. C. Groesbeck of Klamath Funeral services were held at sidents: City Council, Mrs. Frank duty with the Army last Jan June 2, 2:30. The speaker's sub­ Ben Lombard, and Dr. A. S. Tay­ Van Dyke; Washington, Mrs. uary. Falls will represent the Oregon the Perl Funeral Home, Wednes lor. Alternates will be Kenton ject will be “The Mastery of State Board of Education Arthur Peters; Lincoln, Mrs. El­ on day, 2:00 P. M. with the Rever mo Stevenson. Vjce Presidents: Robbins, Dr. George Hull, Herb S e lf’. the program. end Stanley Parrish of Central City Council, Mrs. W. W. Reagan; Moore, and Emil Kroger. Music for the occasion will be Music provided by college stu­ Point officiating. Interment was The next Legion meeting will provided by the College Instru dents will feature Franc Snyder Washington, Mrs. Jack Walker; in Siskiyou Memorial Park. be held Tuesday, June 11. mental Ensemble, directed by Lincoln, Mrs. Miller: Junior-Sen­ in piano solo and will include Wallace Sapp, and William Alves numbers by the college orchestra ior, Mrs. C. M. Bailey: Secret­ will be heard in vocal solo. Mem­ aries: City Council, Mrs. C. M. First president of Ashland’s bers of the College Instrumental and the college choir, directed by Frazier; Washington, Mrs. Carlt­ Wallace Sapp of the department newest civic organization, The on Elhart; T.incoln, M rs. R. Soroptimists, is Mrs. J. W. Weit Ensemble are: Virginia Alley, of music. Portland; Norma Elder, Williams Nickes; Junior Senior, Mrs. Car- zel. She was elected president at ryl Wines. Treasurers: City Coun­ the regular meeting held Wed­ Oregon, Hazel Parman, Port Or­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Butler of Summer softball gets under­ Ashland’s provisional Toast­ cil, Mrs. Harvey Woods; Lincoln, nesday noon at the Lithia hotel. ford; Bennett Loftsgaard, Algo­ Medford called on Mr. and Mrs. ma, Oregon; Paul Aikins, Mary L. E. Ager last Sunday and the way in Walter Phillips field on masters club meeting in regular Mrs. Tom Carter; Washington, Other officers elected at this session at the Lithia Hotel Mon­ Mrs W. D. Morgan; Junior Sen­ time were Miss Margaret Ram­ Corthell, William Robertson, Les­ two families motored to Klamath Monday night, June 3, with the lie Segsworth, Catherine Summe, Falls to visit friends and rela­ entire net of the proceeds going day night heard Roger Rath, Bob ior, Mrs. Elmer Beigle. say, Vice President; Miss Jean­ The P.T.A. voted a send a note ette Smith, Corresponding Sec­ and Henry Williams of Ashland. tives. to help defray the expense of Dodge and Bob Hardy. Rath Baccalaureate exercises will be sending the Ashland band to the spoke on “Food Processing,” of appreciation to Mr. Green and retary; Mrs. Phebe Green, Re­ Portland Rose Festival, How­ Dodge, on “Interior Decorating” Mr. Wines of the local newspap­ cording Secretary; Mrs. T. E. held in the auditorium of the ad­ ministration building. ard Wiley, president of the soft- and Hardy on “The GI Bill of ers for the many things that they Huffman, Treasurer. Rights.” have done for the P.T.A. Super­ ball league announced this week. The area in which the Sorop­ The Monday nite spectacle will Rath spoke for ten minutes intendent Linn gave a talk con­ timists will serve and draw mem­ Junior high homeroom 9A 4 begin at 6:45 in the Plaza where while the other two members cerning the proposed basic school bers will be Ashland and vicinity enjoyed a huge ice cream and all six league teams will assem­ talked for five. Lyndell Newbry, tax fund law. Corsages were pre­ ity, Bellview, Neil Creek, Upper cake picnic in Lithia Park Mon­ ble preparatory to marching to topiemaster for the evening, sented to the outgoing City Valley, Talent and vicinity, club day evening after school. The high school field. Council officers and by each Pre­ The parade called upon all the members for officials announced. feed was presented to the stud­ will be led by the high school impromptu two-minute talks on sident to the incoming officers of Plans were made for a Charter ents and their teacher, Mrs. Bet- band. different phases of the OPA and the four units. A gift was pre­ night banquet which will be ey Walch by the Chamber of Mayor T. S. Wiley will hurl sented to Mrs. Dom Provost in held on June 12. Klamath Falls business production. Howard Wiley was toastmas­ appreciation of her many years club, the sponsoring club, will HUGH McKEEVER diligently Commerce as a reward for hav­ the first ball to his battery mate, ing sold $84.00 worth of Fourth Fire Chief C. J. Baughman. State ter for the session, Don Hin­ of service to the P.T.A. and to have charge of the program. seeking the first sign of grass in of July tickets in the nine day thorne acted as critic. Bob Clay­ Mrs. C. L. Wolff, retiring presi­ Mrs. Coral J. Sabo from Kla­ his newly sown lawn . . . BOB contest that concluded last week Senator Earl Newbry will attempt to either knock the cover off the pool, secretary of the Medford dent of the City Council. Reports math Falls met again with the DODGE wondering how to com­ The 13 rooms in Junior high ball or lift it out of the park. Toastmasters group is assisting were given by members who local club. press four years of intensive school sold a total of $429. Each Between the several games the the local organization in getting went to the «state convention, Mrs teacher received a pair of nylon high school band will present started. M. Frazier, Mrs. A. E. Peters, study into a five minute speech Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Haynes hose as a premium as each home drills and music. The majorettes No particular word has been Mrs. Elmo Stevenson, Mrs. Lar­ were at the boat races Saturday. DAVE WHITTLE suggesting room passed the $10.00 quota. will strut their stuff for the heard from Toastmasters inter­ ry Bassey. this column . . . DR. POSTON Jack Rouhier w it h $28.00 national according to local offi­ University of Oregon, Eugene, and BOB INGLE taking five over worth of tickets sold, won two game audience. This will be the band’s last appearance before cials of the club who have peti­ May 25 (Special)—The Associat­ cup of coffee . . . SNIDER’S pirzes; a fishing line for the first leaving for Portland and the tioned the international organiza­ ed Students of the University of boy to sell $10.00 worth of tick­ tion for a charter. Oregon held their annual elect­ no doubt . . . TEX HARRIS ets and a handsome Western Rose Festival next week. According to league officials The Mayor welcomes the fol- ions on the campus May 21 with looking for ball players, cooks, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce were I lowing newcomers to Ashland, David Fortmiller, son of Mr. and dishwashers and/or combination Belt for selling the most tickets. the softball teams have been Ilia LeBrun won a prize for be­ practicing for the coming season dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Calvin Nelson, 176 Harrison S t; Mrs. I. W. Fortmiller, 200 Sher­ of the three . . . BUSHNELL’S ing the first girl to sell $10.00 and the opening series promises F. M. Sexton at the Holland | Hattie M. Brown, Walker Ave.; man ___ street, Ashland, voted , into Hotel in Medford Iasi Friday L. V. Langston, 155 Ohio St.; M office as senior representative . on .. getting a sign hung . . . OWEN worth of tickets while Cecelia many thrills. Teams include those noon. On Sunday the Bruces Babcock, 108 South Pioneer, Ave. (the executive council. Fortmiller GRAGG’S suntan the envy of McCarley won the manicure set sponsored by the Steak House, were dinnerguests at the Leland and Virgie W. Lacy, 1270 Iowa lg majoring in business adminis-ithe high school crowd . . . for selling the most tickets. Jerry Bill Talis, of Hilt, Calif., Clyde G«isler won a fishing tackle prize Catoa, J®hn Nosier, Gary New­ P. Linn home. Itration. Street, I MICKEY GOIN again . . , (or U m apetdiest airly sale. ton and the Newbry Orchard». Observance* Begin at 0:00 With Memorial Service* la Lithia Park O. R. Edwards Buys Out Partner in Shop SOC President Completes Book Mickey Coin With Ashland Cab Service The Rev. Phillips to Speak at SOC Sunday High School Band Leans Wednesday o, lStars >° Portland Commencement At SOC Te Be June 6. World War II Vets Steer Legion in ’47 McNair Becomes Area Dealer for Airplane Sister of Ashland Lady Dies Sunday Install Officers A t PTA Meeting SOC Baccalaureate Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Mrs, Weitzel Is Soroptiroist Head Rath Tells About Food Processing Softball League Backs Band Trip Jr. High Students Enjoy C of C Picnic Up and Down The Street Newcomers to Ashland