a®» U*|r M .uo PER YEAR Y M C A Association Looking for Right Man ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON Thirty-Six Athletes Get Letters Monday* Memorial Service Sunday for Vets TH U R SD A Y , MAY 2 j, 1 «,46 Few Voters Exercise Rights Last Friday •r t Voi. i j . N o .ij Ashland’s Radio Station KWIN For Call Letters Thirty-six baseball, basketball Votes cast in last weeks pri­ and track letters were awarded to mary election in Jackson county Ashland high school athletes and This Sunday May 26 there will were few. Officials stated that managers at the nigh school As­ be a Memorial Service in the only 20% of voters registered sembly, Monday. Baseball awards voted. Board of Directors To Hire went to Ed Beare, Don Cullop, Methodist Church at 11 o’clock. In the two most hotly contest I U11 Tim e Secretary As Youth M A Y O R 'S P R O C L A M A T IO N Will Operate at 1400 Jim Gunter, Tom Fraser, Jim The American Legion and the ed seats in the primary Ashland Kilocycles on Normal A c tiv ity Coordinator. Whereas at this memorial sea- Jandreau, Jerry Mitchell, Bill Legion Auxiliary, The Veterans men came off second best. J. B Wave Band In order to serve the young *on- we think of those who have Montgomery, Gordon Peterson, of Foreign Wars and their Auxi- Coleman, with a slim margin of Dom Provost, Glen Speece, Hugh | l* arYi The Women’s Relief Corps, votes nosed out Ralph Bill­ Call letters KWIN and a fre­ people of Ashland the newly K‘ven their ,iveH that we might Van DeWalker. Daughters of the Revolution, 337 formed YMCA association is <,njoy the blessings of freedom, The following basket ball let- .th< ings, to win the Repub­ quency of 1400 kilocycles have ¡and t^le Daughters of Union Vet­ lican Ashland, nomination for cou n t y planning to hire a full time sec- und rotary who will work with youth Whereas the poppy of Flander’s ters were given Gordon Peterson, erans> will be guests of honor at judge. This will pit Coleman been assisgned by the Federal c’-1 Beare, Jim Jandreau, Len serv*ce. They have been in- against John Bribble in the gen­ Communications Commission to groups from grade school up to Field has become a symbol of Ed “ * ’ Dom 'vited to bring their flags to the eral Williams, Calvin Hovland, our loving remembrance of those elections. Gribble was a lone colege age, oficiáis of the A sh­ Provost, Ray Kannasto, Jim Mer­ church, that they may stand in candidate on the Democratic bal­ the Rogue Valley Broadcasting land YMCA arjounced this week. heros, and Co.’s radio station here in Ash­ Where as the American Legion riman and one manager award to memory of those who gave their lot. Officials who include John land, Roy Peck, station manager lives for our country, and for the Bob Phillips. In the only other hotly contest announced this week. Hillings, president, Roland Parks, Auxiliary and Veterans of For­ cause of world freedom. Track awards were as follows: ed seat in the primaries, Howard vice president, and Eric W eren, eign Wars will be selling poppies Peck stated that local radio sets The choir of the Methodist Gault, secretary-treusurer, will meet *n °ur on May 24th und 25th, Ed Beare, ack Evatt, George Ful­ Church incumbent sheriff, edged would be dialed to 1400 kilocycles will offer a special Mem­ lerton, Tad Gandee, Ray Graber, Vern Smith, Ashland resident, in order to receive the station, with John O. Welch, Associate and Anthem and other music out Area Secretary of the YMCA this Whereas the proceeds from this Calvin Hovland, Jim Jandreau, orial by gathering 800 more votes for which will begin testing opera­ will be provided. The pastor, Dr. Friday at 12 o'clock noon at th e lsule wiU aid lhe orphans und Bob LeBlanc, Lewis Langer, Jim G. W. Bruce will give a memor­ the office of sheriff. Smith glean­ tions the first part of July. Junior high school. The locul widows and the disabled veter- Merriman, Gordon Peterson, Bob ial sermon on the subject, “We ed 1278 while Gault picked up Logan Nininger, Ashland, who Patton, Len Williams, Don Wolff 2078. This matches Gault against recently returned from the Navy Board of Directors will discuss ans a^ wars, Remember." Dick Baize, Democratic candidate has been designated as Commer­ with Mr. Welch at that time prob-, Now Therefore, I hereby pro- manager award to Don Nichols who was unopposed in the pri cial Manager. Miss Donna Fra­ lerns incident to fulfillment of a claim May 24th and 25th as Pop- and a trainer letter to Jim Rose. There will only be one letter Bertha Pierce Dies maries. full-time Y program. py Days in our city and urge all zier will be stenographer in the 'i?bt Ashland be known by the our citizens to purchase and wear man back, Ed Beare, in basketbal in Lebanon May 19. office. Mrs. Pearl Crouch will be to start the 1946-47 season. Gan­ WRC Also Honors May Births continuity writer. Other opera­ way it serves its youth" officials a poppy to help the worthy cause Ashland’s Womens R e l i e f tors and anouncers will begin to stated has been adopted as the and in memory of those who dee, Hovland, Jandreau, Merri­ Bertha Decker Pierce died have paid the last full measure man, Peterson, and Williams are March 19, at her home in Leban­ Corps met May 18, in the Parish assemble next week, Peck said. Y's slogan. the only men lost on the track on. She spent thirty years of her House at the Episcopal Church The Ashland Y secretary will of devotion to our country. and baseball teams. life in Ashland and was a mem­ at 12:30. A dinner was served and work to coordinate the efforts of Thornton S. Wiley ber of the Brethern Church. the May Birthdays were observ­ Rebekahs Attend .. different locul groups in serving Mayor Mrs. Pierce was born July 19, ed, Mrs. Lula Howard furnishing the youth of this community. In 1872 in Salem, Oregon. Her sur­ the birthday cake. The honorees State Convention order that the program may start vivors include two daughters and were Mrs. Carrie Hersey, Mrs. Mrs. Anna Myre, Mrs. Celia without delay the Board plans to Toastmasters Talk four sons. The daughters, Mrs Francis Darby, Mrs. Minnie Hos­ Burninghouser and Mrs. Vivian hire a man immediately. on Parking Meters .. V. H. Perry of Roseburg, Oregon ier and Mrs. Zet Besler. - — • - • Dalkenberg, delegates of the Clarence Williams, topic mast­ and Mrs. J. R. Lund, Klamath Ashland Rebekah lodge No. 14, Mrs. Payne, Senior Vice Presi­ Home Economic Club er at Monday nights session of Falls, sons, Edward and Paul dent, presided over the business have been attending the Rebekah Ashland’s provisional Toastmast­ Decker of Ashland, Willi a m meeting. Assembly which has been held Meets at Penland’s er's club called upon each of the Decker of Lakeview and Vernon this week at the Medford Armory Will Be Followed by Talent Grange Home Econom members present for a two min- Decker of Jackson, California. in Medford. Commencement Exercise* ics Club met Tuesday, May 14, at ute speech on the subject of Funeral services will be held According to Frank Redden, Wednesday the home of Mrs. Maliel Penland. Parking meters for Ashland. Thursday, May 23, 1:30 P. M. at chairman for the conference, A covered dish luncheon was I Howard Wiley and Price Hin- the Litwiller Funeral Chapel. Baccalaureate services for the there have been from 1200 to served at the noon hour. non delivered five m i n u t e graduating class of the Ashland Interment will be made in the 1500 delegates present at this 90th Mountain View cemetery. The regular business meeting speeches on the subject Myself". , High School will held Sund annual convention of the Inde­ Coming up from the short end was followed by a program with Lydel Newbry was chief critic. I May 26 at 8:00 p.m. at the First of a 7-5 score the Ashland Elks pendent Order of Odd Fellows Mrs. Florence Hartley in charite Claypool of the Medford , Methodist church with the Rev o_.. SOROPTIMISTS PLANNING charge. I Bob ^Claypool gathered three runs in the ninth lodges in Oregon. Mrs. Margaret Mathes, Chairman ' Toastmasters acted as Joastmast- A. H. MacDonnell presiding. ELECTION WEDNESDAY inning to win the Southern Ore­ Highlights of the convention ...... ...... , Davis Soroptimists of the club asked members to er- Miss Annabel will play will hold election nelp ue a quilt, at the home of Plans were discussed concern­ the procesioYal foltewed *by ^the' of of,ilCers next Wednesday at the gon league opener here Sunday throughout the week have been grand reception and ball on Mrs. Evelena Hell, Tuesday after­ ing the application of a charter Rev. Gordon Lindsay reading the rel»ular meeting to be held at from Gold Hill. Tuesday evening, a scenic tour in Toastmasters International. ____ , The Elks picked up 13 hits noon, May 21. Scriptures. Dr. George W. Bruce noon’ at the Lithia Hotel- Nomi- on Wednesday afternoon and a There were 13 members, 1 will offer a prayer and this will nating committee was appointed i ^rom two Gold Hill hurlers while grand parade Wednesday even­ v zv .wuuwcu u.c udLi aiauit-du. at the meetini held yesterday in IJack Colly, Elks right arm, held guest and 2 children present. The BUELINGS RETURN FROM be followed by the Baccalaureate ing. next meeting will be held June SEATTLE TRIP SUNDAY sermon given by the Rev. Leland order to PrePare