® w î î â k i >2.00 PER YEAR ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON Tower Erected u for !?'- St“rts n j - M <• * factice Monday Rad o W Station Hcrci H,'‘iida' b,*nd piacnc«» <»r th«- I U I I W I I » V I V Ashland city bund started Mon- M A N Í EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR ASHLAND DURING MUSIC . WEEK . .. , . ... . .. IHURSDAY, MAY 9, i 946 Shirley Wilcox Re­ ceives DAR Award Volumc 13, Number 11 High School Band Miss Shirley Wilcox h i g h f i p t c T i l I* 0 0 f t l l f i n f f school senior was last week pre , I I I I CC i l u t l 3 l & day night, with Jack Francis, dir- ector of the high school band m l M M“ ’ L° u^ * ° odruflf 8tead of lts usual rollca11 bad sented with the annual DAR Boys Quartet and Horn Solo­ charge. Rehearsals will be held Music week has alweys been a group singing also, directed by aw ard at an assembly program ist Also Take Top Honoré in the music room at the h i g h ' ï i i “ 1 part thlngs ,n Ash' Mr8‘ R L Crosby with Mrs. Lit- by Mrs. J. H. Harker, regent of At Eugene Meet school, instead of the city hall a Th,S yt? r f° r many reasons ( wilier at the piano. The Ashland Mt Ashland chapter. as has been th.. custom. therc are not many Public con- Civic Club at the instigation of The aw ard is made to a student as has been the Ashland high school band re ­ Mr. Francis emphasized that certs but almost every organiza­ its president Mrs. Celia Berning­ chosen by faculty and students ceived a three rating in the an- tion, has honored music week at hausen, presented a delightful on basis of qualities of citizen- , rehearsals will start promptly at its nearest meeting. Most of the program under the direction of ship, leadership loyalty, pa trio - 1 ^ irif comp^tltlon h^ld a t 8 o’clock and members are re and dependability. Shirley ° f ° J egOn ® \Eug- quested to be present in time to churches have recognized music ¡Mrs. Carrie Winkler. There were tism has been active in all school a fU ene last Friday- The local band- in notice, sermon, or special group singing, piano numbers by have their instrum ents und music , Jack ^ n c i s as director music. The schools have done a Mr. R. Berninghausen and Mrs fairs, she received the W alter ' arranged. Christian citizenship award a n d . ^ t ^ tO P the * great deal for the advancement Stella Corthell, and Songs by Elmer Biegel, Jr. has been of music although most of their song queen, member of band, a elected librarian and general aide activities have of necessity taken Mrs. Sara Peters. On Saturday, May 11th Chapt- Qu.ll and Scroll student council U° n W‘th mUch larger schools- 10 the director Also receiving top ratings were place before or after the actual ! er A. C. of the P.E.O. sisterhood representative, member of Inter­ the boys quartet, directed by "music week”. gave their annual Mothers’ Day national honor society and edi­ Miss Wilma Froman, and compos­ Washington began by giving a party. In celebration of music tor of the Rogue News. ed of H arry Kannasto, Bill Bis­ lovely concert on April 23, Lin­ week the entire program will be sell, Arnold Wilkinson and Jerry coln school will have a special musical. On May 14th the Alpha P. Talent and daught­ Vern Smith, Ashland candidate assembly program, Thursd a y, Chapter O.E.S. will have their er, Charles Mitchell, with the quartet a one Mrs. Machal Stansbury re ­ for sheriff on the republican May 9, with upper grade and pri- M other’s Day tea with a musical turned to their home here Tues­ rating and Maurice Bailey, horn ticket, is scheduled to make a hb»'/ choruses chhor,U8es and and solos solos- The program planned by Mrs. Sara day evening' Mr. Talent had been soloist, who also received a one five m inute talk over KMED on high school has more than done Peters rating. in a Portland hospital for tre a t­ Thursday, May 16 beginning at its part by winning four firsts in While in Eugene the quartet ment. He has returned much im­ The Service Clubs meeting this 5:55. Mr. Smith has had a long District contest held in Ashland. and Maurice Bailey was asked to proved but will be confined to week are having special music and active career in peace offi­ The boy’s quartette, Maurice The churches have always co­ his home here for some time yet. sing and play over the Eugene cer’s work, and only at the be­ Baily, horn; Gloria Wenn e r, radio station. Mrs. Floyd Price of Leaven­ ginning of the present prim ary twirler, and the band. In the N.’ operated in music week activi­ Medford high school band, dir­ worth, Washington arrived in campaign, resigned from the W. competition in Eugene the ties by special mention, by ser­ Mrs. F. L. Robison of Oakland, ected by 1. A. Mirick, form er dir­ Ashland Tuesday morning to sheriff’s office, where he served boy's quartette, Maurice mons on music or with special California, came last Friday to ector of the Ashland band, placed look for a place. They are former as Chief of Criminal investiga­ same music. This year in two churches spend a week with her son, Will, Baily and Gloria W enner won residents of Ashland having only tions, in order to make the race superior rating. The band which the sermon dealt with the sub­ here. She is contem plating mov­ xirst in the "B” class, besides sold their home on Weightinan for Sheriff. He has a wide circle has done outstanding work un­ ject of music in the church. The ing to Ashland to live and is look­ winning several other first place ratings. St. a few months ago and are of friends in Ashland, and they der the direction of Jack Francis Rev. Mr. Downing of the Church ing for a location here. now homesick to get back here are being urged to listen in on won a rating of good in the of Christ used as a sermon topic to live. his talk. Northwest competion at Eugene ‘The Ministry of Christian Music’ Funeral services were held F ri­ Mr .and Mrs. A Hanel of Sac­ in which they chose to enter class The Rev. A. H. MacDonnell of day, May 3 for Melvin J. Bron­ ram ento, California were busi­ A where the music was more of Trinity Episcopal Church will son, who died Tuesday ,April 30. ness cullers in Ashland Thursday. a challenge to them. Their classi­ preach on a sim ilar topic May Dr. George W. Bruce of the W. J. Hughs of Oaklund, Calif- Methodist church was in charge fication according to size of H. S. 12th. 01 nia was m Ashlund Saturday Special music was used in of the services. Interm ent was is class B. By voluntarily putting The Board of Directors and the looking for a location. themselves in class A they were honor of music week in the Con­ made in the IOOF Cemeterv. Chairmen of the several commit­ Mrs. Perl Kerby and Mrs. H. o ---------- tees of the Ashland Rotary Club in competition with the largest gregational, Presbyterian, Bap­ L. Moore were shopping in Med­ Newcomers to the Ashland high schools of the state. They tist, Methodis t a n d o t h e r l m et in regular m onthly business ford, Friday. business district are Walt De­ ? 'd not Yin , as high a Place churches. session on Monday evening in Luke Davis of Colsten was in Boers and Maurice Aird, who they would have in class B but the home of J. H. Hardy on Sis­ The music teachers have held town Monday attending to busi- came here from Eugene. They feI±_that they sot more out of it kiyou Boulevard. The principal student recitals as close to music ne«s. have bought the building at 30 They will give the town’s peo­ week as possible. Mrs. Frieda business of the evening was the Neighbors of Woodcraft met South First street, and took over ple a chance to here these well- Hartley held two piano recitals election of officers for the com­ Tw enty-three members of the Monday for the usual banquet May 1 to open an agency for trained groups in a concert just before music week. ing Rotary year. Medford Toastmasters club m et which they hold once a month, Plymouth and Crysler cars. The which m ust be postponed until The following were elected of­ Mrs. Kay Hufman presented Mrs. Mabel Roberts and Mrs. building was under lease to the May 14. In addition to the band her son Donn Hufm an and Suz­ at the Lithia Hotel Monday even­ ficers, to be installed July first. ing w ith several Ashland men, Beth Wimer were the committee Sw artz Motor company, and the under Mr. Francis, there will be anne La M arre in vocal recital President, Will Dodge; Vice P re ­ in charge. After lodge, Mrs. Wim­ new concern, to be known as choral groups under the direction April 25. This week on May 8, with a view to forming such an sident, O. N. W ray; Secretary, organization in Ashland. The er und daughters gave a short the Lithia Motors, besides buy­ of Miss Wilma From an a very Marilyn Young, soprano was pre- group was headed by Treasurer, Dr. G. W. Bruce. Mother's day program, present­ ing the building have taken over talented youn Ashland musician sented in a recital at the college, , I Ashland Dave W hittle >>« .Tjiere w^s much, Hjscwskjon-of ing each mother present with a the business from the Swartz and director of the how famous assisted by Franc Snyder a plan-J Medford group was under the ^ otary projects, and it K likely corsage. « Motor Co. •The-upper flo8r of th e'boys ’q u a rte tte ’ and very talented young com -, direction of C. E. Hedburg with that in the near future the Ro- Mr. und Mrs. J. E. Leverich of building is leased to the Selby, The College is busy building ist poser. This was the only con- ~ Dr. J. - S. - Heatherington — - as°toast- tary Club of Ashland will enter Klam ath Falls were in Ashland Chevrolet company .which uses’up its choral and instrucental cert given in music week. Mrs. master. Lynn Cram, Frank Hull into some Pr °iects of interest to Wednesday while here they pu r­ the space as a body shop and groups after the war-tim e slump Hufman had planned to present Jr. and Jack Frost were the m ain the community of Ashland. Boys chased a home and expect to storage, and this lease will be Its contribution to music week fs Elaine Sutherlin in recital this speakers and §irls seemed to be deepest move here about May 14. continued until its expiration. special assembly music week also, but due to the many The Ashland group included ° f the R° tary ° fficer8’ Attending the all day confer­ In speaking of their coming. The Clubs giving special at- events scheduled for the week K and they are seeking ways and ence of Jackson County’s Chapter I h ,e ’ DeRoers stated that tention to music week at their unconnected w ith music week, Mr. W hittle as chairman, Price means of contributing to the plea­ of the American Junior Red they had a chance to get the nearest meetings were two on she has postponed Miss Suther­ Hennan, Angus Bowmer, Don sure and im provem ent of young Cross in Medford on Saturday, Chrysler agency here and decid- April 29th. The Ashland Study lin’s recital until May 16. These Hinthorne, Dick Trites, Lyndel life. April 27 were - Miss Hattie Elder, ed to buy the building to take Club under the direction of Mrs singers, altho’ young have given Newbry, John C. Collins, Howard Following the business session Sponsor of Lincoln School Junior T n the, agcney- They haveJ n- Imogene McCoy had group sing- their listeners a real musical S. Wiley, Bob Hardy and K e n , Mrs. J. H. H ardy served lovely Robbins. Red Cross and eight children of stalled a large am ount of shop jng. The Fortnightly Club ¡refreshments to the men. The in -tre a t each tim e they have sung. n illU m p nf a l c n and n r t r l t will i r t l l feature fxxr«4.>«-xx 1 ® * the Lincoln School; Miss Bertha P equipm In commenting on the club, Mr next*meeting will be held on the ent, also Stephens of Lincoln School who complete automotive service. W hittle stated that it was the first of June at the home of Steve spoke to attending teachers on hope of the local men to get a Zarka. “How to Organize Junior Red Cases in Justice court this charter for a Toastm asters club Cross Program s” ; and Otto Wilda week include Dean A lbert Ell- in Ashland, affiliated with the | Jack Bearss a m em ber of the MOTHERS DAY PROGRAM Southern Oregon College repre­ wanger who Daid $1.00 and costs, national organization. The club is 's ta te police force, was an unoffi- sentative on the Jackson County no m uffler. Orlando Guy Shep- MAY 12, 1946 purely social, he stated, w ith the cial visitor in Ashland Tuesday 2 P. M. American Junior Red Cross Com­ perd, improper license $1.50 and aim of improving a m an’s ability afternoon. ELKS LODGE ROOM mittee. costs. Alfred Larsen, no m uffler to talk before dinner parties, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Abbott Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce has $1.00 and costs. Robert L. Lewis, Opening . „ _ , _ „ . and five daughters of 786 Ash- as their week end guest W alter oversize load $2.50 and costs and Exalted Ruler .....Howard W. Oden I l i . and Mrs. Frank D. Skid- land street, left Thursday ofr Elk- E. Rouch of Joliett, Illinois. Mr. no PUC license $10 and costs. ,r ., . . . . . . more of Weed, California, were hart, Indiana to visit w ith Mr. Dr. Elmo Stevenson Rouch is a brother of Mrs. Bruce Wm. Delaney, improper lights, Tribute to Mother up Tuesday afternoon and visited Abbott’s parents and other rela- This is the first time Mr. Rouch $2.00 and costs, and a charge of wRh Mr. Skidm ore’s mother, tives. They plan to e gone sever- Address by Chair Officers has visited the West Coast, and not having a registration c a r d ! Mrs. Helen Skidmore. Mr. Skid- al weeks, driving down through Stanley Robbins more manages the theatre at Arizona to visit other relatives he was deeply impressed with was dismussed. Robert Leland Es(Juire ......................................................... Ashland’s scenery and fruit and Tayler, violation of basic rule, That Wonderful Mother of Mine Goodu in Weed enroute to Elkhart. gardens. He hopes to return for cited to appear. Chas. Frank Joan Wyant a longer visit. Chambers, no vehicle license 5 Gordon Pickle Mrs. Nelle Burns is expecting and costs and no O perator’s lic­ Esteemed Lecturing Knight ..................................... her daughter and son in law, Mr. ense $1.50 and costs. Hollis Pos­ Rock-a-bye Baby .......................................................................Anonymous and Mrs. Bernard Krug soon, ton paid $10 and costs on a Joan Wyant from Reading, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. charge of larcency and was given ....Roland Parks Krug moved there when M r.' a 15-day suspended sente n e e , Esteemed Loyal Knight Krug received his discharge from pending payment of fine and Mother Machree ............ Olcott and Ball Oregon state police, traffic en- “The chief purpose of the pol- the army, but finding that they good behavior. Donn Hufman forcement officers of Oregon ' ice safety check is to emphasize like it much better in Oregon) Mrs. G. Bromley of Klam ath Esteemed Leading Ralph McCulloch Clties’ and sheriffs will partici- in the minds of motorists the im- than in Pennsylvania, decided to Falls was in Ashland Wednes- pate in the nation-wide Police portance of keeping their vehic- Mother of Mine .............. come here to live. day looking for a location. Tours Safety Check program, starting j ies in safe operating conditions,” Donn Hufman Wednesday, May 15 ,it was an- State Coordinator Niles said Mrs. Cay Hufman at piano nounced today by Chief Harry i -The check is not intended to be Exalted Ruler Niles, head of the Portland a thorough vehicle inspection. Howard W. Oden bureau of police and state coor R ather it is intended to disclose Chaplain ....................................... Rev. A. H. MacDonnell dinator for the police safety pro the more obvious defects and to | gram. call them to the attention of the With the new Y.M.C.A. o rg an i-,p u t on a full time man and in used by the training center, is This is the second annual pol- driver, while the officer explains 8 Perfhec‘ed in Ash-1 1926 a budget of $3700 was raised that it seeks to develop confi- ice traffic accident prevention the dangers of operating vehicles land, the early history of th e 1,., D ... „ / „ , organization has been recalled by W' ™ a Iters, wbo was the Boys dence by encouragement and not CiimPa' fin' staged in every town, with such defects. A new-style physical fitness by force. Instructors seek to de- and state in the nation with ‘With vehicles on the average Homer Billings who has been act- Secretary at Eugene, was hired program for arm y ground forces velop the exercise along the ’aw enforcem ent officers in many ' eight years of age, and with little ive in the work of the organiza­ as the first full time man for this was developed recently at the friendly, competitive Canadian provinces also partici prospects for new cars in the im- tion. He points out that the first community. At present Walters infantry replacem ent traini n g lines of a . i game w ith little “regim entation.” pating. , mediate future, it is highly im- organized work was on a County is one of the key men in the Los x S u r “ le.. “ A” isli"8 lhe »“>* coordinator i portant «hat drivers keep their basis during the period of 1920 Angeles Association. After w ork­ by p h y s ta ? tra c in g e der the L e c tio n o t Col l e s i o n i keep 'M edford Tr,bone directing the campaign in Ore- «“ d mechanical Condi- to 1923. Cash Wood was secretary ing in Ashland three years he and most of the activities were in resigned and was followed by B. W aterbury of Ashland, ac- t t « _ x ____xx. . / «xxxx &on win be the Safety Division, uon‘ Secretary of State Farrell re ­ Medford and Ashland, although M att Thompson for three or four cording to an article appearing office of Robert S. Farrell Jr., ports that traffic accidents soared groups met in some of the sm all­ years and later by Percy Bullock. recently in the Army Times. skyward to new highs during the er towns. When the county org­ The depression made a Y secre­ Aim of the W aterbury course I Beginning May 15, law enfor- first three months of 1946. The anization disbanded, Ashland h ir­ tary impossible and since then is to develop “in the soldier the At " an held S atu rd ay ,' cement officers will a | first 90 days of this year saw 94 , , c — election ---------- ..x.x. — conduct ---------- — ed Weston R. Henry on a part the Hi-Y and Tri-Y clubs at the . . . physical and m ental efficiency, May 4, a t the Southern Oregon safety check on all motor veh-1 traffic deaths, he reported time basis and he sponsored a Senior High have been carrrying essential to utmost m i l i t a r y College, the following officers -f ! icles stopped during routine law "The record for the first quar- summ er camp and other activi­ on with the aid of the Field Re­ health, strength, endurance, agil- the Oregon History Club were enforcement activities. The check ; ter of the year thus is about 25 ties. Henry was followed by Cleo presentative from the Northwest lty, coordination and self-reliance elected for the Spring Quarter: wdl consist of an inspection t o 1 percent over the fatality record V. Howell, who worked as the Area headquarters. through a program of progressive j Beth Stelle, President, Shady check condition of the tire s,1 for the same period of 1945 ” Far- Ashland secretary for the next That there is need for a full vice brakes, lights, windshield swipe, irell said. “The police safety two years on a half-time basis, as time m an in Ashland is the opin­ training^ m arked by variety and Cove; Alita Luchterhand, nresident, Ashland: Anna La’ -a hore and otber conditions that check is one of the first nation- he was also in the employee of ion of Mr. Billings. He is much interest. The course is divided into five Honts, Secretary Medford- M-s can be seen bY officer, wide programs inaugurated to local schools. He did an excellent interested in the revived organi­ sections with the objectives of Foster, Treasurer, Ashland, P r A check list will be m ad e'o u t carry out the program discussed job in both fields. zation and believes that it will strength, aggressive spirit, team- A. S. Taylor of the History De- and one copy will be given the at the President’s highway safe- Mr. Billings says that the Ash­ be a w orthw hile community pro­ woi k, confidence and endurance, partm ent serves as advisor to the operator while police keep th e 1 ty conference in W ashington land Association then decided to ject the article stated. Chief asset, at dub. ‘other copy. early in May.” I1U U IV Towering over Ashland today is the 20U-foot steel antenna for the new rudiu station, the Hogue Valley Broadcasting Company, a license for the stution being grunted several weeks ago. The tower is located ut the foot ot llelinan street und Tuesduy wus completely installed with red blinker lights for warning signals being installed und complete. The tower eretion wus under contract to C. H. Fisher of Portland, with most of the electrical work being done by local concerns. Work is progressing on sche­ dule, Koy Peck, m anager stated Wednesday, John Simpson, local contractor und who has the build­ ing for the station under contract, has the most of the walla of the station up. Much of the broad­ casting equipm ent is in storage here and with the completion of the building, instulution will be under way soon. Sheriff Candidate to Talk Over Radio Rotary Club Elects Officers Eugene Men Buy Garage Building Toastmasters Slub Met in Ashland Elks Club to Hold Mothers Day Program State Police’ Traffic Enforcement Men. to Hold Safety Check Program May 15 Early History On YMCA In Ashland Noted As New Organization Formed Army Paper Tells of Waterbury Exercises History Club at SOC Elects Officers 1 s"retary °'sta,e