, W ood, Pap- » 7 q u a n tity . Fuf ■d rough aket«' Uatv «f Or*” f ™ ’ ■P°k,M > 2 .0 0 PER © wüisss « ® æ » î Stasa YEAR ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON IHURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1946 Music Concert by S Ä , H' “ « W GUADE SCHOOL WILL BE NAMED The 48th annual meeting of the Noted Artists Is Church of Christ was held Mon­ AFTER FORMER SRFERINTENDENT day night in the church sanc­ That the new elem ent a r y : Reports showed increases school in Ashland will be called Presented at SOCE tuary. in attendance, giving and m em ­ the “George A. Briscoe School” SEVERAL CASES IN Southern Oregon College, Ash­ land, April 22, A concert by three outstanding m u sic ia n s w e r e presented at the Colloge auditor­ ium on April 23. The concert featured Caro­ line Andrews, coloratura soprano Richard Werner, violinist and Uruno Pellegrini, pianist. All are seasoned artists of high rank. Miss Andrews started her careei in light operu leading soprano in toe original New York Co. of Student Prince on Broadway. She has been leading soprano at the Capital Theutre and Radio City Music Hall. She has had exten­ sive concert and ^adio exper­ ience. Mr. W erner has played with the New York Symphony under Nicolae Sokoloff and other orchestras of the East as well as for radio. Mr, Pellegrini had an extensive musical career in Italy, his native country. After serving in the arm y in World War I he came to the United States where he has followed music in the capacity of accompanist, operatic coach and teacher in Metropoli­ tan New York. The concert was sponsored bv' the Southern Oregon College and the Ashland Branch of the Am er­ ican Association of University Women. ‘" S X " On Easter Sunday noon, imme­ diately following the morning preaching services, Sylvit Brekke became the bride of A rthur Humphreys. The bri d e a n d groom came from Sacramento, and attended the Easter services in the M ethodist Church. The ceremony was performed by Dr. G. W. Bruce, minister, while the couple stood before the candle-lighted altar, center e d with the Cross in the Little Chap­ el. Floral decorations had been arranged by Mrs. Cora Bruce. The bride and groom were a t­ tended by Charles O. Jones and Doris Poling, close friends. Im ­ m ediately following the cere­ mony they left for their new home in Sacramento, California. VOL. i j NO. 9 Ashland Civic Leader Passes Suddenly Sunday JUSTICE COURT THIS WEEK was announced last eveni n g Justice of the Peace Nelle Death of Mrs. Gordon when when the entire school Burns has had a busy time the MacCracken Brings Close board called at the Brisco home fore part of this week. A ppear­ To Active Career to confer with the form er Super- ing before Justice Burns were intendent. George A. Briscoe was tj,e following- Death Sunday morning closed ,n charge of the Ashland schools chas „ a rla n j ohnsorli drunk an active and useful career to ma«Mi i year Period from 1911 to and disorderly, $10 and costs and one of Ashland’s best known club 1939. H.s services as a school man a 3O.day suspended jail sentence, women and civic leaders, Mrs. covered exactly half a century as ^ „ ¿ ¡ n g good behavior Gordon MacCracken died early he put in 22 years as superinten-, Thos Edwin L inle ' tt lar. Sunday morning of a heart a t­ dent at New Albany, Indiana. ceny, $25 and costs. Being unable tack. Mrs. MacCracken had not The first fall that Mr. Briscoe to pay the fine, he was commit- been ill and the past week had was superintendent in Ashland ted to the county jail to serve out keen .especially active in DAR th»- present High School building the fine. work in which she was especial­ ly interested. Saturday evening was completed and he r e c a ll James Everett Ray, paid $2 50 that the students and faculty and cogtg on a charge of having she and her family had had their Easter dinner in order th at moved the desks and equipm ent an OVerheight load on his truck, to the new location during the; Carlos Eusworth Morrison for the son, Charles of Klam ath Falls could be present. The heart a t­ 1 hanksgiving vacation. Prior to exceeding PUC declared weight, that time the High School occu- paid $5 00 and costs tack came later in the night, and pied part of the present W ash-j Warren Linwood Gibbs, for Lee S. Robbins is the new she failed to rally from it. ington School. At that time clas- failure to stop, paid $1.50 and manager at the restaurant locat­ Mrs. MacCracken was quite ses were being held in a school costs ed a t 55 North Main street, prominent in social circles, and building in the Lithia Park s e c -. Cited to appear this week in known lately as Casey’s Cafe. Mr. took a leading part in civic and tion as wel las in one of the j ustice court were Clarence An- Robbins comes here from Los patriotic efforts, no t only in Churches. In his first A shland. thony Plymell, no operator’s li- Angeles, and took over m anage­ community activities but state­ High School graduating class cense Thos. Clifford Mansfield, m ent of the cafe this week. He wide as well. there were 24 members. I 0Verwidth load: Theodore R. and his wife have been in the She was especially active in Mr. Briscoe's long tenure in Kinney, no PUC perm it and over restaurant business for many work of the Daughters of Am er­ Ashland was outstanding in the sizs load. George Maurice Moser, years in Los Angeles. ican Revolution, being organiz­ State of Oregon. His excellent ad­ overwidth load; Peter Schlappi, Some remodeling is being done ing regent of the Mt. Ashland m inistration of the school system W inston Nunes, the not e d here was widely recognized and failure to operate on right side in the cafe here, but will of nec­ chapter. She has served on num ­ essity be brief due to lack of erous state committees and m any speaker from the Isle of Trinidad he was elected to to responsible of the road. materials. New neon signs are honors have come to her for her is now conducting a series of places of leadership such as the being installed and in the next work. meetings at the Assembly of God State Text Book Commission. few days will become the Sports­ Church each night at 7:30 P. M. She has been active in work . ... During his regice the present m an’s Cafe, Mr. Robbins stated. of the Auxiliary to the American Mr. Nunes t • 1 school u , was 1. 1» and j the ■ has a . unique u • m • inistry „ / Lincoln built Also coming to Ashland with Legion, served in the Civic club, At the weekly meeting of the in several respects. He is of Port- , Junior , u High remodled ,, . as well „ as Uffese th e son of nf a h i uh 1 . . .. Lions club Tuesday evening a Mr. and Mrs. Robins is one of the and has long been a member of ugese descent descent, the a high many other improvements effect­ large num ber of members enjoy­ best known chefs in California. L. D. Haskew, Executive Sec- ' governm ent official on the Isle of ed. the Ashland Study club. She has ed two rpels of moving pictures, Featured on the menus will be been active in all of the organiza­ retary of the Committee on Trinidad. Be became a Christian Teacher Education of the A.C.E. ¡as the result of missionary la-1 “ e staled that his predecessor, presented through the courtesy hot rolls and Parker House rolls, tions of the Trinity Episcopal will speak to the student body oflbors. A university graduate, h e ' Cameron, who was in Ashland of H arry Chipman, and giving a specialty w ith the new owners. church here and is a m em ber of ----------- o —------- the Southern Oregon College on later became chaplain of the n o -' ^or a^out ten years lives in Ark- the highlights of the football sea­ the U. S. Daughters of the War Wednesday, May 1, Mr. Haskew torious French Devil’s Island. On ansas- The School Board when son of 1945. Milo Grubb, w.th th of 1812. will appear before the high coming to America he has spoken ^ r ' Br*s,cc^ first^came Ashland high school projection machine, She served as president of the school assembly and will address before the largest audiences, in was as f°li°ws- W. F. Loomis, G brought the pictures to the screen Auxiliary of the Jackson County the city, county, and college city-wide union 'services and W. Gregg, J. P. Dodge, C. B. Guests for the evening includ­ Fire departm ent was called to Medical Society. She has compil­ Larnkin, G. G. Eubanks and the ed three members from the Med teachers on the work of the Com­ youth for C hrist rallies. He is ---- --------— — the Gracey home on Mountain ed a complete history of the Soc­ also an excellent musician, play- c' erk’ F. Pohland. mittee on Teacher Education. ford Den, who spoke in behalf avenue Sunday evening at 5:30 p. iety, bringing it down to date Mr- B,iscoe Bves with his wife of a member of their group for m. Dr. Haskew will visit the Uni­ ¡ng with equal facility the violin, with the names of all of the phy­ at 542 Siskiyou. He takes an act- district president, and Frank J. The family was away from sicians of early days down to the versity on May 2, the Oregon piano and trombone. SubjecU for the balance of the ivc interest m the activities of Van Dyke, who spoke briefly on home a t the time. The fire orig- present time. Because of her ach­ State College and Monmouth on the third, find the Portland area week are: Thursday, "H aircut in the com m unity and. the affairs ihe governm ent's food conserva- , inated in the kitchen and. a n un- ievements, she has received m en­ tion program. The Lions cldb a-1 determ ined amount of damage tion in th Oregon Who’s Who as on the fourth of May. From there the Devil’s Barber Shop.” Friday, th at affect his host of friends Board members calling on the greed to help in any way possibl was done the house. “Six Unpardonable Sins.” Satur he goes on to Washington. ont of the outstanding women. ----------- o----------- The fire was caused by an ove day of this week is reserved for former Superintendent w e r e : Mrs. MacCracken was born in On April 20th, Miss Violet heated electric plate that had Chicago, the daughter of Mr. and a great youth rally. Incidentally Lloyd Selby .Berald Wenner, Mrs Mern Provost, Frank J. V a n Stockham, Instructor in Physical been left attached when the fam -j Mrs. William Bolte. She was edu­ Mr. Nunes has spoken at a youth rally every Saturday of the year Dyke, Paul Finnell and Leland Education at Southern Oregon ily left home. It ignited the table cated in the Chicago schools. In P. Linn. College, gave a lecture-dem on­ and the room. 1900 she was m arried to Dr. Gor­ Fürstenfeldbruck, Germ a n y : thus far, the last one being a few stration for the Interm ediate days ago at the large municipal don MacCracken, m aking their Pfc. W arren F. Pritchard, son of Born to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Teachers Council in Medford. home in Chicago until 1915, when Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Pritchard auditorium in Portland. Nosier Sunday April 21, a son The subject was “Stunts and they came to Ashland. The fam ­ Rt. 1 Ashland, Oregon has, a r­ weighing eight pounds, at the Tumbling for Interm ediate Grade ily home has been a t 262 Harga- rived a t the European Theater Community hospital. Work.” Miss Stockham was as­ Starting last Monday, Ashland dine street. Army A ir Forces Reinforcement o----------- sisted in the dem onstration by a has a new type of service with Surviving M |s M acCracken is Depot, and will soon be assigned Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davis of group of students from Phoenix the establishment of the Rapid the husband, Dr. oGrdon Mac- Sgt. Morrison of the Medford to a perm anent station some­ recruiting station, reported Tues­ Modesto, Cal and H. L. Moore Parcel Delivery and Messenger Cracken, and three sons, Chest- where in Germany. spent Monday in G rants Pass on Monuments and markers. *ee service, with Herb Moore and his er Caldwell MacCracken of New While he is at this past, situa­ day th at two re-enlistm ents of business. Burns Memorials. On the P usi. brother in law Ellis Russill in ter­ York, and Charles Gordon Mac­ ted near Munich on the pictures­ Ashland men had been complet­ ested in the venture. The new ser Cracken and Eliott MacCracken. ed. Returning to arm y service is que wooded slope of a Germ an vice features quick delivery of Alpine range, Pfc. Pritchard w ill' Euf£ ne Slade, 480 Liberty st„ Funeral services were held small parcels, messages, etc. have an opportunity to enjoy the m°tb er Mrs. Alice Slade. Slade Wednesday afternoon at the T rin­ A motorcycle and trailer is be­ ity Church with the Rev. A. H. scenic beauties of Southern Bav- J*e’T1! lsiei? as a Prlva*e class ing used in the service, and will MacDonnell in charge. Form erly a prom inent Luft-1 a° ^1V? years, 3 months ser- operate from their headqquarters waffe training school, the Army ^ ^ ^ P a r t of which ^was served in of Moore & Edwards at 343 East the South Pacific. He has been as aria which made the region pop­ Most Oregonians love thier for | received by “Save the M> . tie signed to the ordnance depart est trees and have more than a j Woods” inc. at Box 1450, P ort­ Main. ular amoung pre-w ar tourists. Mr. Russill will be in active Air Forces Reinforcem ent Depot ment. speaking acquaintance with aid- land 7, Oregon, or addressed to Also re-enlisting was W arren ers, cedars, firs, pines, spruce and the United States National Bank, charge of the work, and come is one of the most attractive Oregon State Highway commis­ fields in Europe. A t the present G. Applewhite, 112 Nob Hill, the host of less common trees Portland, Oregon, c/o Mr. Milton here from Portland where he w ^sembly of God Lions Club Enjoys Football Pictures L.1). Haskew to Speak ti) Student at SOCE /ire Damages Home Sunday Pfc Warren Pritchard nerving in Germany New Parcel Delivery Service in Ashland Two Ashland Men tte-Enlist in Army Move Started to Save Oregon’s Far Famed Myrtle Wood Forests Extension of Time Granted Lessees Jandreau of Ashland Sets State Record Sorority Elects Two Ashland Women •'T’ar Upset Saturday injures Three Youth Services Thursday for Wm. Cfann, Portland