Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 18, 1946, Image 1

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$ 1 .0 0
Ashland Lumber
Company Sold to
Medford Group
The Ashlund Lum ber Corn-
puny, a long established retail
building m aterials concern here,
was purchased recently by G. C.
Collins, C. B. Collins, and John C
Collins of Medford. Mr. John C.
Collins is now active m anager of
the yard and will reside in Ash­
The Ashland Lumber Co. yard
is located on Oak street at the
•ruJioad tracks, just two blocks
North of Main Street. The new
owners plan to completely remod
el the sales room and offices, and
will carry a much more complete
and modern line of lumber, paint
hurdw are roofing and all other
building m aterials to better serve
the people of Ashland.
Mr. John Colline, the new own
er and manager, was formerly
with the Medford Lum ber Co. in
Medford, and has just come here
from Charleston, W. Va., where
he was employed as a chemical
engineer by the Carbide and C ar­
bon Chemicals Corp.
Jackson County
Gets $140,910
For Lchool Fund
Nazarene Church
3uys Poston Home
Theft of Large
The Church of the Nazarene
has purchased the home of Dr Sum Reported by
and Mrs. R. E. Poston at 811
Iowa 8treet, as a parsonage; the Californian Sun.
deal was completed yesterday It
It understood that possession Is
to be given June 1.
The attractive home Is most
conveniently located tor schools
and church and Is a desirable
acquisition to the church plant.
The Postons have already
purchased a lot on Roca street
and expect to build a new home
later on.
Vshland Schools
Jet Vacation
Friday, April 19
Ashland puDlic schools will
observe a one day spring vaca-
lon as there will be no classes
Friday, April 19.
The only other scheduled
holiday before schools close on
May 31 Is Memorial day. Senior
high school commencement ex­
ercises are scheduled for Wed­
nesday, May 29, while junior
high exercises will be held dur­
ing the morning of the last
day of school.
Lahr Attends
County Meeting
Car Stolen, Recovered;
Money Missing From
Cuholstery Cache,
Owner Says
Theft of $70,000 was reported
to city police Saturday night by
Richard Anderson Talbert of
Presno, California.
Anderson, who was stopping
at the Llthia hotel on his way
to California from Portland, first
notified police that his car had
been stolen sometime Saturday
evening. He indicated th at “sev­
eral thousand dollars” was hid­
den in the upholstery of the car.
He had left It parked by the
Hilt quarantine station and
other law enforcement agencies
were notified, however members
of the city police department
recovered the car 15 minutes la­
ter on A street between First
and Second streets. The uphol­
stery of the car had been torn
and a search of the car revealed
no money.
Upon questioning by city po­
lice, Talbert said that he had
left a total of $70,000 In the car.
He reportedly locked the car,
but left one window down and
a duplicate set of keys In the car.
Talbert said he had recently
sold his coin-operated amuse­
ment game business In Califor­
nia and had been carrying the
money with him during his trip
to Portland.
Three more cases of dumping
debris along Oregon highways
heard in Justice Nelle Burns’
court this week. Assessed fines
ranging from $2.50 and costs to
$5.00 and costs were John C.
Kessler, Veach Marion Grimes
and Henry Steward. The fines
were paid and the debris cleaned
up, according to the direction of
the court.
Mrs. Burns again calls a tte n ­
tion to the Oregon law which pro
hibits dumping trash along the
highways. "W t ask the co-opera­
tion of citizens of this area, in
preventing this practice,” stated
Mrs. Burns. “Right now we are
hearing more and more about
‘Keeping Oregon Green.’ Let’s
also ‘Keep Oregon Clean’ by not
dum ping trash along the high­
Also heard in justice court
were citations for Hugh Glass
fined $2.00 and costs on a charge
of operating a leaking and sifting
garbage truck. Edwin Henry
Nicholson, no operator’s license
$1.00 and costs. W arren C. Simp­
son, no operator’s license, cited,
Jerry May Morrow, no operator’s
license, cited.
No Communicable
Diseases Shown
Here Last Week
Washington School
to Have Paper Drive
May 13 to the 17th, Monday
through Friday are tne dates set
lor tne Washington School Paper
Townseople are urged to save
and bundle their cartons, papers,
andrnagaines in preparation for
the drive.
No other school in
Ashland is holding a drive this
Because present shipping re ­
quirem ents are more strict no
Only bundles properly tied and
boxes of paper will be accepted,
segregated are acceptable.
Paper, books, and magazines
must be tied separately and in
approxim ately
inches high.
Cardboard cartons and corru­
gated paper may be accepted if
cut and bundled in newspaper
size bundles.
Patrons are warned against
holding paper for boys and girls
who do not take their names and
Some confusion has resulted in
past paper drives because the
children forgot their pledges.
The money raised will be used
to purchase a new movie projec­
tor for the W ashington school.
First second and third place
prizes will be aw arded to the
rooms bringing in the most paper
At least 35 tons of paper must
be collected .approxim ately 250
lbs. per puilp ,to m ake the drive
successful. So every scrap of pa­
per in Ashland m ust be saved.
Volume u , Number 9
Janeann Smith
Becomes Bride of
Russell Fowler
At a beautiful m arriage cere­
mony in the Methodist Church at
7 o’clock on Wednesday evening
April 10th. Miss Janeann Smith
became the bride of Russell Ray­
mond Fowler. Immediately when
the organist, Mrs. Frank Davis,
played “O Promise Me” by De-
Koven, the candle lighters, Ester
Fowler and Marjorie McClary
entered the platform and lighted
the twentyone candles. This il­
lum inated the altar and gave
brilliance to the floral decora­
Mrs. Eve Bissell sang "Always”
by Irving Berlin, Mrs. Frank
Davis accompanied on the organ.
To the strains of Loehngrin’s
Wedding March the bridal party
m arched down the aisle of the
church and took their places at
the altar. Wanda Conley, dressed
in pink taffeta, was the brides­
maid. The father of the bride
‘gave the bride aw ay’. The bride
dressed in a beautiful blue gown,
carrying a bridal boquet of flow­
ers, took her place beside the
groom. Dr. G. W. Bruce perform ­
ed the ceremony using the double
ring service ,and when the young
couple had exchanged rings and
sealed their vows, the pastor led
in a prayer of blessing upto the
bride and groom. Lowell Edgar
Fowler, brother of the groom,
was best man.
Imm ediately following the wed
ding, which was attended by
about fifty relatives and friends,
the bridal party w ent to the Fow­
ler home on Helman Street for a
formal reception. The you n g
couple left the same evening for
a honeymoon trip, and will be
at home to their friends in Ash­
land upon their returnd.
Ashland was without a new
case of a communicable disease
The Commanders’ Council,
last week, according to the week­
Salem, April 16—Secretary of composed of Jackson county
ly health report issued for the
State Robert Farrell announces veterans’ organization comman­
that $4,000,000 has been appor­ ders, met recently In Medford.
county by Dr. A. Erin Merkel,
tioned to Oregon counties for the Jake Lahr, commander of Ash­
county health officer.
last half of the state school sup­ land Legion post Joined In the
Measles, with 61 cases in the
port fund for 1045-46.
county led the list of communi­
The law provides that $8,000-
Main topic of discussion by Cora Mason Delegate cable diseases. Three persons, all
000 be paid annually to the
In Medford had dlptheria, and
Miss Carolyn Andrews and her
group was the possibility
counties during the 1945-1947 bi­
| six cases of scarlet fever were re­ husband, Richard Werner, who
ennium. The money is applied
will be presented In concert at
Miss Cora E. Mason, of the ported. *
* to reduction of property taxes hospital open as a veteran’s
Other cases reported last week the college auditorium Tuesday
levied for support of public el­
. the navy next month. No action be a delegate from the Oregon include: Tuberculosis, one case evening, April 23, have returned
ementary and high schools.
Amounts distributed In the was taken by the group, how­ Conference to the W esleyan Ser­ at Butte Falls; pnuemonia, one to Southern Oregon to make
$4,000,000 apportionment In­ ever It was decided th at each vice Guild W eekend in Colum ­ case at Prospect; mumps, six their homes.
Big Hog in Ashland
clude: Jackson county $140,910; commander would urge members bus, Ohio, on April 27 and 28. cases; chicken pox, 21 cases; re­ The daughter of the late Ed
Buffalo, the W orld’s largest
Andrews, well-known in music
Klamath county $132,077.
m eeting will precede the
hog, is to be exhibited in Ashland
letters and send wires to such This
Assembly of the Woman’s Socie­
Baseballs and soft balls and persons as General Bradley of ty of Christian Service of the one case In Medford.
drews opera company, Miss An­ on Friday. This huge anim al
qlovos to match. At Marshall-
drews’ colorature soprano voice weighing 1,465 pounds, will be on
Methodist Church which will
Walls store on tha Plasa. Phone men and representatives in continue through May 2.
was heard here several years ago exhibition on Marin opposite the
when she was featured in a con­ Lithia Hotel. The display is open
Miss Mason is librarian a t the
cert here during a visit in Med­ from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M.. An
Lahr indicated that the Ash­ Ashland Public Library, and is
■Attendant is on hand at all times
ford and Ashland.
land American Legion would associated with the local Guild in
to point out the features. Large
Werner will also be remember­ crowds have been attracted by
probably take some action of the First Methodist Church of the guidance of Coach Jerry
this type at Its next regular Ashland. Members of this organ­ Gastineau, paired off for its first ed In Souther Oregon for his buffalo w herever he has been
business meeting on April 23. ization are all employed women practice game yesterday after­ ability with the violin.
shown. The exhibit will be in
Mrs. LaVern Gilman, petite Lahr
said that Ashland res­ and the Guild seeks to further noon on the local diamond.
Accompanying them in their Ashland one day Friday, April
English War Bride, with her six idents also
be asked to take their interests. National and in­
Among new players reported concert next week will be Bruno 19. so if you would like to see a
months’ old dau liter Loraine imilar would
showing promising ability was Pelligrini who has also come to hog that weighs nearly % of a
Katherine Ruth, has arrived to
Christian social relations and Jack Colley who tried his hand southern Oregon to live. He ac­ ton, be sure to see buffalo. The
make her home In Ashland.
missionary activity, the national at catching. He is expected to aid companied the Werners here cute little monkeys will delight
Mrs. Gilman left Southamp­
organization contributes to pro­ Bert Larson at the position.
and this week-enu was joined by the kiddies.
ton, England, on March 28, com­
The new baseball suits, which Mrs. Pelligrini.
jects in the United States and
ing over on the S. S. Uruguay.
gives support to work in the Far arrived this week were shown to
She arrived in New York on Apr.
The concert will be presented FISHING SEASON IN ROGUE
East, South America, and other the players, and discussion was jointly by the college and the STARTS APRIL 27
6 Mrs. Gilman reports a pleas
parts of the world. The local or­ held about a suitable emblem Association of University Wo­
ant trip across, discounting two
Local fishing fans are rem ind­
ganization participates through for the team. Finance commit­ men. The public has been invited ed again that fishing season,
storms In one day. She exper­
ienced no sea sickness and en­
the national organization which
vO attend.
which opens in most of the
joyed the voyage and the over­ of Southern Oregon college, was works through the woman’s org­ Bert Larson, chairman, Clyde
streams of Oregon on April 20,
land trip from New York to
anization of the Meth o d i s t
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Royer does not open until April 27, one
den, Ivor Erwin, Gordon Miller
Chicago and thence to Sacra­ ing In the Douglas county sen- Church.
and children of M yrtle Point week later in the Rogue River
and I. F. Andres.
mento. She considered the train .or and vocations day. Seniors
were in Ashland, Saturday. Mrs. and its tributaries. H iatt and Fish
trip, however, a bit stuffy.
Monuments and markers. See
Mr. Gilman met her In Duns Douglas county gathered in Burns Memerials. On the PlasL schedule Its first game ol the Royer is a form er graduate of lake will open on April 20, and
season next Sunday, with an of­ S.O.C. and has been teaching the the stream s of the Klam ath W at­
mulr and they motored to Ash­ Roseburg to hear and confer
with businessmen and repre-
fer being made to Butte Falls past few years in M yrtle Point. ershed.
Throwing and batting practice She expects to attend summ er
The state fishing regulations,
At present they are at the sentatines of the various branch­
will continue at the college gym school and was looking for an printed in booklet form are now
home of Mr. Gilman's parents, es of the state system of higher
this week at 7 p. m.. tonight apartm ent.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gilman of education.
available at sporting goods stores.
Wednesday and Friday.
The morning program was J
Nursery street. They will be at
home to their friends a little la­ devoted to career conference and I
presentations. The afternoon I Six of the proiessors a t Sou­ ASSEMBLY OF GOD
ter at 112 V2 Nutley.
Mr. Gilman has been dis­ was given over to discussions on thern Oregon college are listed CHURCH BUYS PROPERTY
A real estate deal was complet­
charged from the armed service the colleges of the state. Dr. in the high commencement
and came over some time ago. Stevenson represented the col­ speakers leaflet Just released by ed W ednesday wherein the Ash­
the Oregon State Board of High­ land Assembly of God Church,
Mrs. Gilman expects to like! leges of education.
Eighth Army Hearquarters, One problem confronting this
er Education.
her new home and the friends
became the owner of the proper­
Subnerlbe for The Miner today.
These people and their topics ty a t 326 East Main. The proper­ Yokohama, Japan, April 15 — occupation Army police depart­
she has met In Ashland.
ty is located at the rear of the :u.R)— Cpl. Melvin L. Conley of ment is the directing of traffic,
Angus Bowmer, assistant pro­ church and will become the par­ Ashland, Oregon, a member of according to Lt. H. R. Van An-
fessor of English, “Handfuls of sonage. The property was owned the 519th Military Police Bat­ del, traffic officer One hundred
by Mrs. Hull and consists of 12 talion, Is working in the occupa­ soldier traffic policemen are on
Roy McNeal, associate profes­ rooms in four different ap art­ tion Army’s "police force” that duty throughout the day, guid­
sor of georgraphy, “The Moving ments, all of which are now oc­ maintains order in Yokohama, ing the heavy flow of GI trucks
Japan’s major port city and seat and jeeps that are constantly
World,” and "We Know Today:
cupied. As soon as tenants can if the headquarters of Lt. Gen. on the move through the city’s
Each year the pupils of the the Red Cross our school had re­ What is Tomorrow.”
be removed ,the church will start Robert L. Eichelberger’s Eighth main thoroughfares.
Elmo Stevenson, president,
Ashland Junior High School fill ceived. I am not sure anybody
remodeling the building for the Army.
“The number of Japanese ve­
more than 50 gift boxes to be we had received some boxes from
Cpl. Conley is one of over a hicles is so small that they pre­
“The Fountain of Youth,” and parsonage for the Rev. Gordon
sent overseas to unfortunate peo­ your Junior High School. In be­ “Science: Man Insignificant Yet Lindsay pastor of the church. The thousand men who serve under sent no problem,” Lt. Van An-
church had owned a house on °rovost Marshal. Col. James A. del said. “The big difficulty wltl
ple. These gift boxes contain half of the poorer children in our Master.”
such supplies as soap, pencils, barrier, I am extending to you
Arthur Taylor, associate pro­ Sixth street, which has been sold. Casteel, in policing this indus­ the Japanese is jaywalking. Pre­
pads, tooth paste, rulers, cray­ and to everyone who have con­ fessor of social science,
trial city, the home of 800.000 viously, the pedestrian was al­
ons, puzzles and other things tributed for these alft boxes, our
“The Meaning of a Liberal
The Neighbors of Woodcraft Tapanese.
ways right in Japan. The driver
that would make some unfort­ heartfelt thanks and sincerest Education,”
Operating with the efficiency of a vehicle which hit a pedes­
met, Monday night at the I.O.O.F
unate very happy. In addition regards for the kind thoughts
“New Doubts and New Duties," hall at 8 P. M. for a business f a large metropolitan police trian was automatically convict­
to the numerous gift boxes the you have accorded us.
m eeting with a good attendance. orce, the 519th MP Battalion, ed under Japanese law. As a re­
students have made lap boards,
“Much more than before, the and "The Citizen and Oregon The April birthdays were ob­ commanded by Lt. Col. A. Hen- sult, walking In the middle of
games and clothing to be sent Philippines have served loyally
Wayne Wells, associate profes­ served. There were two large ierson. covers the sprawllntr the street is an old Japanese cus­
by the Junior Red Cross.
and we have felt much closer sor of science, “Frontiers in Sci­ birthday cakes. The table decora­ ity with foot and jeep patrols tom.”
This week the students receiv­ to America. We Filipinos would ence.”
Cpl. Conley serves as a Com­
tions were pretty with spring equipped with two way radio
ed a letter which made them not like to lose that kind of bond
Marshall Woodell, executive flowers. Mrs. Anna Hull and Mrs contact with headquarters.
pany Clerk. He cames overseas
feel that the work should be we had made In war. We have secretary and registrar. "Are You
One hundred and fifty GI
Orpha Lender were the table I ’flatfoot,«,” walking in pairs and in May, 1945, and served with the
continued with even more fervoi. many things to thank America Becalmed?”
American Division in the Philip­
It was from a school teaher In for, and we have not lost uui
This leaflet I? Dut o” t annua’- committee.
armed with nightsticks and 45 pine Liberation Campaign be­
the Philippines. It read as fol­ sense of gratitude.”
caliber pistols, cover their beats fore his present occupation as­
lv as a service to the Lith school?
Baseoolb and soft balli a-iti around the clock, working in signment.
of the state. Already fifteen re­
Sincerely yours,
hour shifts. Another one
“In our teachers meeting yes­
quests for sDeakers from S. O. C. giovai to match. At Marshall '
Evangellna A. Galipot.
His wife, Mrs. Wanda Luree
terday, our principal mentioned
have been filled. Mnnv more in­ Walli itora on tha Plaia. Phona | hundred and fifty patrol the city Conley, and their son, Lyndel,
Sant Cruz, Laguna
in Jeeps.
a point about the supplies from
Philippine Islands.
vitations are expected.
live at 26 tavrai street, Ashalnd
Concert Here
Dated for April 23
Bali Team Has
Sunday Practice
War Bride Here
From England
Dr. Stevenson
Participates In
Douglas Parley
SOC Educators
Gradaute Speakers