ot $i.oo PER YEAR Spring Music Will Be Held Here April 5th The Southern Oregon College, Ashland, March 28—The south­ ern Oregon unnual Music Com­ petition Festival sponsored by the Southern Oregon College will be held Friday, April 5, activi­ ties running through the day from 9 a m. to 10 p.m. A tentative program for the event was plan­ ned by members of the executive committee which met recently with Dr. Elmo N. Stevenson of the Southern Oregon College: I. A. Mirick director of intrumental music in the Medford schools; Jack W. Francis .director of in-, strumental music in the Ashland schools; and Wallace Sapp ,in charge of music in the Southern Oregon College. The committee tabulated classifications for the participating schools and an­ nounced the following towns wil be represented by one or more musical activity, including band, orchestra glee club, vocal and in­ strumental solos, and ensembles: Klamath Fulls Medford, Marsh­ field, Coos River, Grants Pass, Lakeview Rogue River, Roseburg and Coquille. The meet was originally plan­ ned for two days, Friday and Saturday ,but because of the housing situation the committee stated that they had spent a good deal of time devising a schedule that could be run off in one day so that few participants would be obliged to stay ovvernight. The Festival, which is being revived after having been discontinued because of war-time restrictions on travel, promises to reussume its old-time color and interest, ac­ cording to the committee in charge. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH THREE SCOUTS FROM TROOP 12 Dr. L. A. Woods, a member of | the University of Oregon faculty, GET EAGLE AWARD FRIDAY EVE 'Congressional Candidate Here was visiting democratic partyof- ficials in Ashland Wednesday. Dr. Woods has recently filed for nomination as Congressman from the Fourth district ,and will make the race on the democratic ticket. In the primary, he will be unopposed on the ticket, and will run against Harris Ellsworth in the general election in November. Dr. Woods is well known in and around Eugene as he has been at the state university for the past 21 years. He has four academic degrees and has writ­ ten five books on history and ec­ onomics. Three Members of Troop 12 Get Eagle Scout Rank At Ceremonies in Junior Hi Royal Hawiian Evangelist Coming Volume i j , Number 6 Rew Trailways Bus on Display Here The new West Coast Trailways intercity passenger bus, one of a fleet just delivered from the fac­ tory of the ACF Motors Company at Philadelphia, will be displayed at Bus Depot, at the Steak House 397 East Main. It was announced today by Trailways agent W. L. Harris. This bus features definite improvements in design, such as lower center of gravity for safe­ ty and more comfortable riding, improved vision, increased bag­ gage space, colorful pleasing in­ terior treatment ,and many other modern refinements On March 26 ,the company in­ stituted three round trips per day in each direction between San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle, using this new equip­ ment. Officials emphasize that the company wil loperate first- class bus transportation to these cities, as well as to many inter­ mediate points. Chief executives of the company are Gene Allen, Operating Vice Presiedtn ,who has spent years in the organiza­ tion of large transportation sys­ tems throughout the country, and W. C. Simpson the lines’ Traffic Manager, also a veteran in the transportation industry, who has recently returned to civilian life after serving as a Major in the Army, on ovverseas assignment in Australia and the South Pac­ ific. On tour through the northwest displaying, the new bus to the public are operating and traffic officials of that company, as well as officials of its connecting car­ riers, Burlington and Santa Fe Trailways, members of the Nat­ ional Trailways Bus System. “The public is cordially invit­ ed to view the new bus, Agent Harris said .Information on its many advanced features, as well as details on schedules, connec­ tions, etc., will be available at the local office, 397 East Main. ----------- o----------- - It seems that California IS spreading out more and more. A year or so ago .they had spread out enough that maps had Crater Lake in California, but this week it seemed that Ashland was there too. Our genial justice of the Peace .Mrs. Nelle Burns, receiv­ ed a shipment of a few dozen blotters from her insurance com­ pany headquarters, and imprint­ ed with her name was her ad­ dress and listing it as Ashland, California. The matter was taken up with the city authorities, the Chamber of Commerce and oth­ ers ,and it was decided that Ash­ land was still in Oregon. Mrs. Bums stated that she was staying with Oregon, even though her address is listed as being in Cal­ ifornia. Three Ashland Boy Scouts were honored last Friday night at an Eagle Court of Honor, when they were presented the Eagle Scout Rank, scouting's highest honor at proper ceremonies held at the Junior high school. Crater Lake Council officials from the Medford office were present to make the presentation, and included Don Newbury, ad­ vancement chairman for t h e Council, Seth Bullis chairman of the Medford District and Gordon Gilmore, executive secretary of the Council. A large number of parents and The Lithia Bakery, managed interested people and the Lions by C. G. Wolf, reopened Wednes­ club, which sponsors Troop 12, day morning after being closed were present for the occasion. the past couple of weeks for re­ Awards for various other ranks modeling and the installation of and advancements were made to i new electric oven of the latest members of both troops and were type. The entire front of the given to the following members oaKery has been remodeled in of the troops: Awarded scouting’s highe s t the process. Mr and Mrs. Wolf of took over the bakery some badge were Bruce Smith, Frank Mr. Sol Hopii, of Hawaiian months ago from Mr. and Mrs. Hile ,and Jack Farmer, all mem­ Opening day of the general steel guitar fame, will be in Ash­ bers of Troop 12. Mr. Newbury trout season for the state will be land, Monday and Tuesday of Fred Buehling. called the three boys to the plat­ Saturday, Arpil 20 ,and not April next week and will render one form and then gave the three 13, it is announced by the Oregon of his spiritual musical concerts mothers the medals to present to State Game Commission. Inquir­ each evening, April 1 and 2 at their sons. The three scouts had ies received at the game depart­ 7:30 P. M. in the auditorium of Tuesday evening was ladies been given a smaller pin and ment office indicate that many the First Baptist Church. Mr. Sol Hoopii is of Royal night for the Ashland Lions club these were then pinned on the anglers are under the erroneous impression that the earlier date Hawaiian blood and was connect­ with most of the members and three mothers by the boys. Dr. Stevenson of SOC talked prevails. Printing difficul t i es ed with the motion picture indus­ their wives in attendance at the regular meeting in the Lithia briefly to the scouts, commend­ have delayed issuance of the of­ try in Hollywood for 18 years. He ing them on their work and per- ficial synopsis of the angling re­ is lecognized as one of the Hotel Coffee Shop. During the evening, Miss Mari­ «erverance in staying with the gulations but is is hoped that dis­ world’s leading Hawaiian guitar­ lyn Young, well known local scout work long enough to re­ tribution can be started soon to ists and is famous for his many all license agencies. Until the recordings and his radio work. solist sang three numbers, with ceive the awards. Second class award: Troop 12 April 20 opening, costal waters A little over six years ago he Cay Hufman at the piano. Two guests were introduced they be­ Arthur Ostrander; Troop 14, are closed to all angling for trout was converted to the Christian regardless of size. The season is ministry and is now devoting his ing Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hold- Richard Reedy. First class: Troop 12, Carlos open, however, for salmon and entire life in giving sacred musi­ ridge, guests of Herb Huston. steelhead twenty inches or more cal concerts in churches up and Following the dinner meeting, Schmidt; Troop 14, Pat Sollee. Merit Badge Awards: Troop 12 in length. the District Governor A. C. down the land. He has a fine Firemanship, Locally, the trout season will lyric tenor voice and his manner Gregg of Bend were introduced. Richard Adams, Mr. Gregg talked for a few min­ Safety. Gerold Davis, Handicraft open April 27 in the Rogue river of presenting his testimony of the Funeral services were held utes on the growth of Lionism Carpentry. Frank Hile, Art, Ma­ and its tributaries. Other streams power of God will be a blessing Tuesday afternoon at the Litwil- around the world, and told of the sonry, Forestry, Drmaatics, Dog will open on May 20. to all who hear. lcr Funeral chapel for James B. recent visit of Dr. Callazo of Ha­ Care, Public Speaking. Jerry Traveling with Sol Hoopii is Edwards, who died Sunday at his vana, International Lions presi­ Langer, First Aid. Don Robeson, Ray Odegard of Salem, Oregon, home 125 Eighth street. dent ,who was in Portland a few Handicraft Bruce Smith, Weath­ a talented pianist and cornetist. Southern Oregon College, Mar­ er, Carpentry, Physical Develop­ ----------- o -— The Rev. Eearl Downing of the weeks ago. ch 22, 1946—Dr. Elmo Stevenson, ment, Music, Public Speaking, Churcn of Christ offici&ted and President of the Southern Ore­ A rt Ned ’ Starnes, Woodwork, Mrs. Earl Ladd sang during the gon cdllege ,spoke to the 4-H Weather, Prin Printing. Dog Care, Post Commander Jake Lahf services. Interment was made in I Club Leaders’ Conference in K la­ Hog and Pork Production, Arch­ ’one has just received word from Neil the Mountain View cemetery. math Falls last Tuesday, he itecture, Beef Production, Schol­ Morfitt, Department Commander The deceased was born May 28 spoke on the subject “Developing arship. Ted Weitzel, Public Health of The American Legion, that an 1858 at Oswego, New York, and Athletics. Harry Baker, Wood agreement has been consummat­ That the Ashland School D is-, Leadership”. is survived by his grand daught Wednesday Dr. Stevenson ad­ Southern Oregon College, Mar­ Carving. Richard Smith, Handi­ ed between the Veterans Admin­ trict is completely out of debt er ,Mrs. Betty Lee Hartley of ch 22, 1946 Dr. Willis A. Sutton dressed the associated students of craft, Public Speaking, Health. was pointed out by Leland P. istration and Oregon Physicians’ Ashland. guest lecturer for Reader's Dig­ In Troop 14: Merit Badges Service for the furnishing of loc- Linn, Superintendent of schools, the Grants Pass High School on est .Educational Department, will were presented Sam Bell, Cook- alized medical sejrvice to veter- in talking to the Rotary Club the topic of “Your Future Task”. address teachers .students, and ing, Farm Planning. Jimmie ” ans throughout the State of Ore­ last Thursday at their regular He also talked to the Medford citizens of southern Oregon on Grossman, Basketry, Painting, gon. Under this program, male noon meeting .The finances and Lion’s Club on “Getting the Most the subject of “The Battle o f ' Dog Care,’ Poultry Keeping. Dale census on the district of the last Out of Life.” Papers to incorporate the re America” nexj Tuesday night in Landing, Poultry Keeping, Per- veterans will be entitled to local­ 15 years was shown the club by ----------- o----------- cently formed Y.M.C.A. have the college auditorium at 8:00 P jsonal Health, Reading, Salesman- ized medical services for service- a series of charts. By means of a connected conditions, whereas been filled out and are being fil m. Dr. Sutton is a distinguished ship, Basketry, Public Health. female veterans will receive I uniform financial program, the ed with the Corporation Commis educator _ j _» , j i Awards went to Jerry these localized medical services' bond indebtedness was reduced havin gbeen president sion accordin gto John Billings of the National Education Asso- Langer, Troop 12 and Dale Land­ for service-connected ailments, each year until the entire debt Funeral services were held president of the local group. The ciition ,and Superintendent of ing of Troop 14. as well as most non-service con -. was paid off .Superintendent Tuesday afternoon for Clinton H. Board of Directors is meeting Schools in Atlanta, Georgia for Life Award went to Ted Weit­ nected conditions. The rendering Linn pointed out the fact that Dunlap who died Sunday. Ser­ every Friday noon in its attempt twenty-three years. He has won zel and Richard Smith. of these services requires indivi­ the money from the state income vices were held at the Litwiller to complete the organization of national fame as a public speak­ Eagle Bronze Palms award dual authorization in advance tax amounts to over $40,000.00 Funeral Home and Interment the association and to adopt er for his wise, inspiring and wen to Ned Starnes of Troop 12. from the Veterans Administra­ for this school year which has was the Mountain View cemetery new constitution. humorous message. tion. It is understood that the reduced the property tax by that The deceased was born at Cole­ The Battle for America is the new medical service arrangement amount. This year’s school cen­ ville, Colo., but had been a resi­ continuation of Hastings, Runny- for veterans in Oregon will be sus shows that there are 783 girls dent of Ashland for the past 45 mede, Waterloo, Yorktown, and effective on and after April 1, and 741 boys between the ages of years and was employed at the Gettysburg. It is a battle for County Clerk George Carter 1946. 4 and 19, inclusive. This is the Jansen Lumber company as fire­ Southern Oregon College—Reg­ freedom of religion, for an un­ announced Monday that copy for Under this program the veter­ largest census figure in the last man for some time. istration at the Southern Oregon shackled press, for individual lib­ the primary ballots for the elect­ an will be enabled to obtain au 15 years and represents an in­ Survivors include his wife, Ef­ College begins Monday, March erty, and for civil and individual ion on May 17 was in the hands thorized medical services from crease of 170 over that of a year fie; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Car- 25. All veterans and new stu­ rights. It is a battle for farm and of the printers in Medford. The his family home town doctor, in ago .The enrollment in the Ash- son, Ashland; two brothers, Fred, dents should register at that time field, for the life that made our ballot this election will be short most instances. Oregon Physi­ Ian dschools has increased 16% Butte Falls, and Frank of Eugene New registration however, will land a success, for the ideals that for both major parties, on the cians’ Service ,the medical ser­ in the last 5 years .The superin- two sisters, Mrs. O. R. Miller and be accepted until April 15. aided our people to succeed, for county and state tickets. vice plan sponsored by the Ore tenednt lamented the fact that in Mrs. R. E. Gearhart .both of Ash­ Courses ip Secretarial Science, the ideals by which we shall con­ The ballot for the democratic gon State Medical Socitey, main­ too many instances parents have land. Merchandising, Teacher Educa­ tinue to live and to grow in phy­ party w ill contain the names of tains a current staff of approxi­ allowed students to be absent tion and Lower Division are be sical and in spiritual power. It John B. Gribble for county judge mately 800 physicians and sur­ from school with very poor ex­ Mr. and Mrs. John Pointer ing offered. Beginning courses is the battle for education and and Dick Baize for sheriff. geons located throughout the cuses. He believes that there is from Portland were in Ashland are being offered in many fields for giving all citizens all possible The republican ticket will have State of Oregon, and with affi­ a high correlation between the over the week end. and students interested in pre­ advantages. the names of county Judge J. B. liated physicians in every city attendance and the quality of medical training, pre-forestry, Coleman, George R. Carter and and town in the State. This list work accomplished . pre-law, pré-engineering educa­ NEW LUMBER YARD Ralph Billings for county judge; of affiliated physicians and sur tion, art, music, physical educa­ A new lumber yard is being. w illiam Perry for county corn- geons is being augemented stead tion, science .Social Science, Eng­ established the past week by A. missioner; sheriff Howard Gault ily ,due to the return of many ATTENTION: ALL MEN WITH lish, should call at the office of A. Monroe and George R asm un-|and Verne Smith for sheriff and physicians from th e a r m e d PREVIOUS SERVICE IN AN the Registrar for complete infor­ son. The site Is on the Klam ath, p aui b . Rynning for county engi- forces. Southern Oregon College — ARMORED UNIT mation. Falls highway, just east of Ash- neer This new development in med­ Housing facilities are urgently Your services are needed im­ In service teachers wishing to land a short distance from the On the state ticket for both ical service arrangements in Ore­ complete requirements in Oregon junction of highways 66 and 99. parties will be listed the names gon is in accordance with the an­ needed by the unusual number of mediately in the armored forces. School Law, and Oregon History The new yard will be known as of candidates for governor and nounced policy of the Veterans veterans and students who art On or before midnight, 7 April now pre-registering at the South­ can take these courses on Satur­ the Bellview Lumber Yard. On the non-partison judicial Administration in making local­ ern Oregon College. The admin 1946 .you may enlist for any per­ iod of time up to three years and day morning from 8:00 a.m. to secretary of state and members ized medical services available to istration urge citizen« who have be directly assigned to General noon. Registration for these Dr. G. W, Bruce of the local of the state legislature, veterans throughout the country courses will be held on Satur­ Methodist Church motored to ticket for the Jackson-Josephine in all states wherein medical ser­ a spare room or available house­ George E. Patton’s division, the keeping quarters to notify the famous 2nd armored now located day morning, March 30, 1946. Grants Pass on Tuesday evening county district Circuit Judge Her vice organizations are available college office at once. at Camp Hood .Texas. During ----------- rv---------- accompanied by Dr. Louis C. bert Hanna is the only candidate. for functioning under such a plan Temporary housing of many the war its record was second to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodgins Kirby of the Medford Methodist It is believed that veterans in sorts is being considered for the spent the week end in Portland, Church, to assist in the Visita- The city police department call Oregon will appreciate the op­ fall quarter. The joint housing none ,and it was well named “The Hell on Wheels Division”. where Mr. Hodgins attended a tion Evangelism Campaign. T h ey' ed attention this week to Section portunity to obtain these medi­ Remember the opporunity to meeting of managers of the Cope will work with the Rev. Ed A s-1 42 of the city ordinances regard- cal services in their home towns committee, consisting of E. J. La- land Lumber yards. As Mr. Hod­ chenbrenner for three evenings ing allowing dogs to run loose, under the provisions of this pi o- Marre, chairman, Bert Miller, serve with this proud division gins has been manager only a of the present week. A similiar The ordinance prohibits female gram, said Public Relati o n s Bill Briggs, Don O’Bleness, Bob expires midnight 7 April 1946, if . - . . -------- Mullin, and Dr. Stevenson, is more than 90 days have elapsed short time, this is his first trip campaign is planned for the dogs to run loose at any time ! J Chairman chairman of Post 14 .Ashland. ¡working on plans to house sev- since your discharge, you will be to one of these annual meetings. Methodist Church in Ashland and during the months of April,• -------n ------- I eral hundred students, mainly enlisted in a grade appropriate to during the month of April, then May, June and July, all dogs are | Miniature Refrigerator s f o r veterans ,by fall. your service and experience. For D. D. Sheldon and Mrs. G. S. the Methodist ministers from prohibited from running loose, picnics, camping, or for fish e r -' _ _ _ _ ___________ Geen were business visitors in Medford and Grants Pass will of- 1 This is an order intended to pro- men and hunters at Marshall- Monument» and markers. See full particulars see your local Re­ cruiting officer, postoffice Bldg. Portland the first of the week. fer their assistane». tact gardens and flowers. Wall on the Plata. phon«2-1231. Burns Memorials. On the Plata. Medford, Oregon. Lithia Bakery Opens Wednesday Game Department Announces Opening Date Fish Season Ladies Night at Lions Club Meet Tuesday .. Services Tuesday for J. B. Edwards Dr. Willis Sutton > Talks at College Vets Administration Arranges for Home ¿¿own Medical Service Dr. Stevenson Talks to Klamath 4-H Rotarians Hear of School Finances YMCA Directors (incorporate This week Services Tuesday For Charles H. Dunlap Spring Term Registration Starts Primary Ballots Arranged For Housing Urgently Needed by Students Army Wants Men for Armored Force