Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 21, 1946, Image 1

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Thin euitur sinceieiy uupm uiat
Ashland residents will turn out
tor the Engle Scout Court of
Honor thia Friday evening. The
winning of even one Eagle Scout
budge by a troop in an event in
the life of uny troop ,but to have
three uil ut one tune, and with a
fourth only u few months ago,
makes the locul troop an out­
standing organization.
Scouting is very strong in Ash-
lund, und could be even stronger
were the trained udult leaders
available to take cure of them.
The boys are willing but the
adults generally are not, und us a
result only two troops are main­
tained in the Ashland urea.
To those unfamiliar with the
scout work, it might be pointed,
out that to attain an Eagle Scout
rank, a boy must pass through ull
the stuges of tenderfoot, second
and first class ranks, have two
years of service in scouting und
have earned u minimum of 21
merit badges. If uny one thinks
thut it does not take a lot of
work to do that, we ask them to
try it. There are very few adult
scouters who have had the per-
serverunce and patience to win
such a runk, ulthought the same
rating is available to adult scout
A lot of credit is due, to those
heading the scout movement in
Ashland ,to Dick Trites, as scout­
master and chairman of the dis­
trict, to Allen Byrd us scoutmast­
er of Tioop 14, and to the troop
committeemen of both troops.
They give up a lot of evenings
and time to help out in the work.
A good turn out would certainly
be an act of appreciation for then-
efforts atyl a vote of confidence
in the boys. Let’s go!
Announces Sale of ¡ ^ FUihuWart Court of Honor
Whited Jewelry “ was Arriving
in eretoLlve
Ashland last week,
an English war bride, Mrs. To Award Three
Another chunge in 'business Mrs. Andrew Johnson, whose
ownership along Ashland’s main former home at Hanover, Eng­ Eagle Scouts Fri.
street, was effected the past land. She arrived on the USS
week, with the announced sale
of the Chas. A. White Jewelry
Store, the new owners being D.
D. Sheldon and G. S. Green, late
ly Brigham City, Utah. The sale
bl ings to a close 21 years of ser­
vice to the Ashland community
by White’s Store.
8he new owners took over ac­
tive management Monday and an
nounced that the store would be
closed until April 1 for altera­
tions and repairs.
For the present time, Mr. Shel­
don, Mrs. Green and her son will
operate the store. Mr. Green is
a mathematics teacher and is at
Preston ,Iduho, and will come
here in June.
Mr. Sheldon is an experienced
watchmaker, being a graduate of
the Elgin Watchmaker’s college,
and was for eight years an in­
structor at the Elgin College. He
plans to odd a watch and jewel­
ry repair department to the sale
of jewelry.
Mr .and Mrs. Sheldon have
bought a home at 555 Beach
street. They have a son two years
Washington some weeks ago, aft­
er a rough trip, then came on to
San Francisco, where she was
met by her husband, Andrew
Johnson. After visiting and sight­
seeing in California, they return­
ed to Ashland and will make
their home in a brand new house
on Van Ness Avenue, built by
Eric Johnson, father of Andrew.
- - - «-
Signal Honor Will Como to
Troop 12 This Week
by Presentation
Volunte vu, Number E
wed! Junior-Senior PTA
Robert Mullin, Ashland Cham­
to Meet Thursday
ber of Commerce, manager and
O n T h u rs d a y e evening,
v e n in g . M
Mrs. Mullin attended a meeting1 n,Ont,Thursday
, ..
, ,
, ,
. .
21 the Ashland Junior-Senior
of the Jackson and Josephine p r A win meet in the Junior
county chamber of Commerce, H h Gymnasium for a business
iast Wednesday ,n Grante Pass. mectin
,al activities
at which the new officers were program by the clubs of the Jun­
installed for the coming year. ior High.
The meeting was in the form of
All parents of the students of
a dinner and was held at the high
two schools are especially in­
school in Grants Pass.
Governor Earl Snell was the vited to see the exhibits of the
speaker of the evening. The clubs and see a number of skits
Grants Pass Cavemen, a booster by the club members. A number
organization, invaded the ban­ of clubs have planned exhibits
quet room armed with clubs and around the floor of the gymnas­
bone knives and dressed in furs ium. The program for the even­
and hides to ask Earl B. Saye of ing has been tenatively set as
the Oregon Higrway Commission! ows
Opening number by AJHS
for his passport to enter the Cave
men’s domain. Mr. Saye is the Swing Band
How we put out the Tatler, A
new manager of the Oregon
Caves. Gov. Snell was also asi, ¿d JHS school paper club.
for his draft card. Mr. and Mrs.
The purpose of our Athletic
Mullin report a good turnout of Club,
members and a fine entertain­
What we are doing in Charm
Demonstrations by the Basket­
ry Club.
Àshland Grocery
Demonstrations by Model Air­
Gtores Sign Union
plane Club.
Work in the Craftsman Club
Contracts Last Week , Musical
selections by AJHS
Eight leading grocery stores in Girls Ensemble z
2 222 x
Ashland Tuesday, March 12, sig-1 Work in the sportsman Club
ned contracts with Retail Gro-1 Work in the Sewing and Need-
eery clerks union, it was onnounc lework Clubs
ed by Don Stansell, secretary of Ehort Skit by the Dramatic
the Central Labor Council. The Club
clerks here will receive the same
Exhibi on of work of Pastello
wages as those received by clerks Club
in Medford and Grants Pass
Work of the Library Club
What is being done in Pep
“The store operators were most Club
rative >and the meeting was
Closing Number by AJ H S
harmonious and cordial,” Stan­
Swing Band.
se„ gaid ,.The retail
The club program at the school
clerks with two years or more
is designed to bring about the
experience , will receive $40 a development of worthwhile hob-
week ,and the women clerk with b|es am
students The
two years experience will receive clubg meet for ont haif hour
$35.20 a week. Those with less
Monday and Wednesday.
experience will receive less.”
these that
clubs many pupils
“This gives the grocery stores J find interests
of the three larger cities of Sou -
se,ectlon of a vocation in the
protection, Stansell said. “All future
them Oregon 100 per cent union
The Junior High wil lnot spon­
have union contracts except the sor an open house this year as it
smaller stores in the small towns. would be too similar to the even­
ing planned this Thursday. Par­
ents are urged to come out and
discuss school problems "With the
teachers and principals at these
Parent Teachers Meetings.
Troop 12 of Ashland ,is sche­
duled lo r an Eagle Court of Hon­
or this Friday, when three of the
members of the troop will re­
ceive their awards as Eagle
Scouts. From the Crater Lake
it is learned that this is
Spring Term at SOC
the <rst time that three such
Starts March 25th
awards have been made at one
Southern Oregon College, Ash­ time in one troop.
land, March 16—Registration for
Those receiving the Ea g 1 e
the spring term at the Southern Scout awards will be Jack Farm­
Oregon College begins Monday, er, Bruce Smith and Frank Hile.
March 25, according to M. E. All three boys have been mem­
Woodell, registrar.
bers of Troop 12 for at least two
A wide range of beginning years and have between 30 and
courses have been planned for 50 Merit Badges to their credit.
Vern Smith, chairman of the
veterans and other new students
wishing to begin their college troop committee of Troop 12,
stated that quite elaborate cere­
training this term.
Regular courses in secretarial monies are planned for the oc­
science, teacher education, and casion, which will be held in the
junior college will be offered as Junior High Gym. beginning at
well as new courses in Personal eight o’clock. A delegations of
and Family Relations, Crafts, Council officials will be present
Mathematics, Clothing Construc­ and will include Don Newbury,
tion and Selection, Industrial Council advancement chairman;
Arts for the Elementary School, Seth Bullis, chairman of the Med­
Ashland Man Is
Physical Science, Foods Nutrition ford district; and Gene Thorn­
I ,Tew Deputy Sheriff and
Cookery, French ,and Social dike, Council treasurer, and oth­
De Leigh ,of Ashland .last Dancing.
In addition to the presentation
week was appointed deputy sher­
of the three eagle scout awards,
iff, to succeed Elmer Sartain, 3 P Lifts Ban On
whose resignation became effec­
will be
. other awards and
tive March 16, Sheriff Howard Sleeper Reservation
advancements. Ned Starnes, who
Gault announced last Saturday.
A. Ormandy, Southern Paci­ last fall, received his Eagle scout
> > >
De Leigh is a veteran of World fic J. passenger
a r d .will be presented the
agent, of Portland, d bronze
Mr. C. H. Wines, Editor
War II, having served with the who was in Ashland
palm, given for five mer-
last week it badges
Southern Oregon Miner
86th Division for four years. He stated while here that the
above the Eagle Scout
Ashland, Oregon
saw action in Germany, and re­ ern Pacific was lifting another! award. Several of the boys of
Dear Mr. Wines:
troop 12 and of troop 14 at Bell­
ceived the Purple Heart after
When a civic or service being wounded by a land mine. wartime ban this week, that of view will be advanced in rank
group, or individual, accomp­ He also was awarded the Bronze not accepting reservations for and ‘ several merit badge awards
lishes a meritorious achievement Star. He has had considerable more than two weeks in advance, wil Jalso be made.
in furtherin gthe community's law enforcement experience hav­ so that it is now possible to plan
Dick Trites, scoutmaster of
welfare, that group, or individual ing been on the Ashland police reservations for any length of trocg> 12 and district chairman
shouuld be given full commenda­ force and on the Medford police time
j in . . advance.
. . Under , the new
i urges all parents of the scouts and
trips may be plan- th* blic at la
to attend these
force before joining the army.
ned and tickets purchased locally ( ceremonies. “This is an unusual
Such acclaim is due the Ash-
Ian dLions Club for their recent Lilburn L. Muth, gunner’s for the entire trip.
1 i hortbr, and we hope as many as
successful drive to securq funds mate,
mate, second clasp. USN> 446 Al- .•« . . .
1 Rouble will turn out to see the
to supplement activities of educa­ lison
ison St., Ashland, Oregon, serv- t>PCClHl UOU1*8C a t S O C presentation," said Mr. frites this
tional value to southern Oregon ed
•d aboard the USS Columbus, at- L l U e r g ’d l C y T e a c h G F S Iweek- Richard Byrd_hdads the
youth under the direction of the tached
boys of Troop 14 at Bellview as
to the Seventh Fleet in
Southern Oregon College
Southern Oregon College, Ash scoutmaster.
the North China Sea.
The Invitational Basketball
Commissioned too late to parti land, Oregon, March 18, 1946—
Tournament of last week was one cipate in Pacific action, the Col The Southern Oregon College is
The honor roll for the fourth
of the activities partially sup­ umbus is one of the largest and offerin gemergency teachers and Linoleum and Shade
six weeks of the school year has U of O President for
ported by these funds. Other act­ most modern cruisers to join the others in the southern Oregon Shop Opens Monday
recently been announced at the Commencement Talk
ivities to be assisted are the Mus­ fleet.
area an opportunity to meet cer­ A . brand new business opened Ashland Junior High School. In
Dr. Harry K. Newburn, presi­
ic Competitive Festival on April
tain State Certification require in Ashland, Monday, with the an order for a pupil to make the dent of the University of Oregon,
6, a possible spring “Cave Man”
ments by making courses in Ore­
roll it is necessary that is scheduled to give the com­
by Carl P. Wysong honor
meet ,a forensic drama contest,
gon History, Oregon School Law nouncement
maintain a grade of mencement address for the Ash­
athletics ,and publicity enter­
and Oregon System of Education that he was open for business in 2 or better in his work. It was land Senior High School Wed­
available during the Spring Quar­
that the list for this six nesday evening May 29. Pres.
Transfer on Oak street. These noted
The college administration
weeks is the largest of the school Newburn is an able speaker and
C. R. Bowman, Jackson County
and staff extend their deep ap-j
year and contains the names of this will be his first appearance
preciation, through your news­ Miss Nelda Marie Williams, School Superintendent, will in­ novated and made available for more pupils than any previous in Ashland. A senior committee
paper, to the Lions for their fine daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy struct in Oregon School Law, use.
record this year. Also noticed consisting of Joyce Colvin and
work ,and the two-hundred three E. Williams of Ashland, Ore., be­ and Dr. A. S. Taylor will give
was the fact that a large number Shirley Wilcox worked with Supt
Ashland citizens and organiza­ came the bride of T/Sgt. Wm. R the course in Oregon History. Special Services at
were kept off the honor roll by Leland P. Linn in securing the
Vary ,son of Mrs. Catherine Both classes will be held Satur­
tions, for their contributions.
being below 2 in one subject.
Hicks of Battle Creek, Mich, at a day morning at the College, and the Church of Christ
Sincerely yours,
At each six weeks period the
will run from 8:0 Oto 12:00 a.m.
Elmo N. Stevenson
Earl and Evelyn Ladd, out­ list of those on the honor roll is
noon, March 15th.
Registration for these courses standing young evangelists, who posted on the large honor roll Ashland-Medford
The delegates from the Meth­ Miss Williams wore a diess of will begin at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, held a very successful meeting plaque on the bulletin board in
Youth for Christ Rally
odist Youth Fellowship to the pastel blue, with corsage of pink March 30.
about a year ago at the Church the main hall. Following is this
A large group of young people
Youth Conclave in Eugene last and white carnations. She was
At a noon luncheon meeting, of Christ have been secured for periods list: For grade 9: John
week, on Sunday gave a most ex given in marriage by her father. Tuesday, new officers were elect­ a week’s meeting this year. Mr. Beare, Kathryn Decker, Eldon from many of the Ashl a n d
cellent report of the Conclave.
Miss Betty Williams, sister of ed for the Ashland Chamber of Ladd will do the preaching and Duhham, Jerry Geisler, Donald churches and from Talent and
Medford will gather for the regu­
They reported there were about the bride, and Miss Arwilla Ar­ Commerce, with Dr. Walter Wel­ Mrs. Ladd will sing.
Kerr, Betty Lou Kerby, Virginia lar bi-weekly Youth for Christ
400 Methodist young folks in at­ nold of Medford were brides ler, elected president for the
The special services will begin Lilly, Laura May, Barbara Mes­
tendance coming from Methodist maids. Pfc. Wm. J. Williams, coming year. Jake Weitzel was Sunday morning and be held senger, Venita Roberson, Carla Rally on Saturday, March 22, at
Churches all over the State, Bis­ brother of the bride was best elected vice president and Robert each night throughout the week, Sears, Margaret Wagner, and the Baptist Church. The rally this
week is featuring Medford Night
hop Baxter was one of the main man.
mullin was elected manager to J The night services begin at 7:30 Mary White; For grade 8: Harold- with many of the special musical
speakers. Those who attended
The ring ceremony was read succeed himself. Earl Newbry is P. M. The public is invited.
yne Arney, Joanne Downing, numbers, part of the large youth
from the First Metaodist Church by Rev. Alice May Wooley of retiring president and presided
Anne Fullerton, Helen Johnson, choir, and a group of other young
of Ashland were Bill Bissell, Mar Talent, Oregon.
over the meeting Tuesday noon.
Garden seeds, tools and wheel Barbara Riley, Richard Wilcox, people coming from the neigh­
idine Hughes, Geraldine Hughes,
Dinner was served to 12 guests He thanked the retiring directors cultivators, Marshall-Wells on Norma Jean Gwinn; For grade
boring city for the evening's pro­
and Jeanatte Kinney. Mr. Frank following the ceremony, with the for their loyal service.
the Plaza, Phone 2-1231.
7: Patricia Bailey, Dale Dieck gram.
Davis was sponsor for the group. bride and groom cutting the wed­
man, Jerry Langer, Bernice May
Mr. Earl Ladd, of Eugene, Ore­
The next meeting of the Sub- ding cake.
ben ,Patti Schaffer, and Carol gon will speak on the subjec
Mrs. Vary has lived in the val­
Cascade District Methodist young
“Youth at its Best.” His wife,
neople will be held in Roseburg, ley most of her life and is well
It is quite noticeable that the Mrs Evelyn Ladd who teaches
April 29-31. A large representa­
lower the grade the fewer the vocal music, will bring a special
The groom was formerly stat­
tion of young folks are planning
names .This is due in part to the attraction in song. Mr. Ladd’s ap­
ioned at Camp White with the
to attend from Ashland.
newness of the situation. The pealing personality an dspeaking
Col. Preston B. Waterbury of units in a greatly improved men seventh grades who come to
91st Div. and has Just returned
ability met with popular appro­
Dr. G. W. Bruce, pastor of the home after serving 21 months in Ashland, was presented the Leg-1 tai and physical condition. His AJHS get into a situation very val when he spoke in Ashland
i°" Camp’ White S T S Ä ' * * »
V‘Vld applled imi“ different from their elementary last year.
Methodist Church of Ashland is the Pacific area.
ai camp wnue last ruesaay, gination
Binatirin nnri
ah,lr,^ar,» enthusi­
to be in Medford afternoons and
and abundant
Instead of one room
The Youth for Christ move­
March 12 in the office of the asm obtained outstanding results schooling.
evenings three days during this MRS. WILEY UNDERGOES
and one teacher the student ment is attracting wide attention
week. He will be assisting Dr. OPERATION IN IDAHO
and whole-hearted cooperation. changes each period. Much of the and great crowds at itsSaturday
Mrs. Thornton Wiley under­ tion comes as a reward for the
Louis C. Kirby of the Methodist
Co| Waterbury’s program stres study is done independently in­ night meeting in this country
Church in Medford in a visitation went a major operation last week Colonel’s physical training p a ­
Rnes> strengtb. aggres- stead of the supervised group and overseas. Five leaders of the
evangelism campaign. The Rev. at Nampa, Idaho, friends and re­ all reolacement school and com-is,ve ^*ve.
sPirit> team-work, confi- study By the time a student has work are flying to London this
^enbrenner, pastor at latives here were advised the
and endurance
Dlan reached the ninth grade he has week to counsel and advise youth
trainin geenters.
enourante. The
ine pian
Grants Pass will also be assisting past week. The Mayor and Mrs. mand
at learned this routing of mdepen- leaders who are setting up rallies
in this work. The Methodist Wiley were at Nampa, where Mr
and responsibility. Al­ in Britian and on the continent.
aniP Cr°ft; S C., and Camp dence
Churcn is out to win for Christ Wiley attended a meeting of the ton B. Waterbury rendered ex- 9 Roinson,
though the pupil loses some Meanwhile, two servicemen in
ri<<rin-T the n^xt year one million Board of Regents of the Nazar- ceptionally meritorious conduct at all replecement schools ground in making this adjust­ Manila have asked for their dis­
j in the performance of outstand-
scouts, and these three Churches ene church.
ment he will make up for it in charges in that city to keep on
_. _ Mr-- Wiley is reported as being | ing services from March 10, 1944, command training centers.
are just ___
now beginning
their r part
later years when his ability to with the work under Youth for
Col Waterbury .tarted his mili- think and do for himself will be Christ there and to travel for it
in the great movement. A three'ns well as could be expected” at. to August 23 ,1945. He developed
dav campaign of visitation evnn-' the Good Samari'an hospital in | and expanded a physical training tary career in the Kansas Nation primary prequisites for success in the South Pacific. A move­
gelism will be carried on in Ash- Nampa.
.program that materially contri-1 al Guard, then in the U. S. Infan- in life
ment is also going on in Tsingtao,
Mr ----
and -----
Mrs. William Miller
land at a later date.
----- buted to the war effort in that in- , try where he has seen 30 - years
, I
China. In Japan and at other
and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Patter- j dividual replacements through-1 service, with all ranks from pri-
J. j. Kamrar of Portland, re- ! places around the globe the ral-
Garden leads, tools and wheel, ton, members of the family, left I out the entire replacement and^yate to colonel. Col. Waterbury presenting the Loyalty Group of .lies are being organized and are
cultivators, Marshall-Wells on'for Nampa upon receiving word, school command trained under js now making his home in At h- insurance, was a business caller gathering large crowds of young
the Plaza, Phone 2*1231.
I from the Wileys.
Ibis system joined their combat, land.
i in Ashland .Friday,
people of many nationalities.
Junior High Honor
Roll Pupils Listed
Wedding Friday