SOUTHERN OREGON MINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14. «94* PAGE EIGHT . Hen- and C W. Glime Jr. left Monday' College HaS Largest I. Dr. and Mrs. G. W Bruce hud' Mr.* und Mrs. Vernie M as their week end houseguests | ducks und sohs. Kichuid uin for a two weeks trip to Texas. ” Mr und Mrs. David Rei-1 and Charles of Vancouver,- Washing A Moving Picture show is be- Enrollment Since ’41 ing held euch Wednesday night i SOUTHERN OREGON COLL daughter Veda, from The Duiles, ton spent the week end at the at the City Hall. The show begins EGE Ashland. February 6,- Hn Oregon. Mr. und Mrs. Reid u ie home of Mr. and Mis. (uillon . ..........’ , J „. among the leading members o i' Abbott ut 784 Ashland S tu d . Mi , at 7:15 p p.m. TALENT, February 12 Talent February 14th at 8 p.m. . Mr and Mrs. William Bates al registration figures for tlie the Methodist Church in The' Hendricks has been working ut Grange met in regular session, Talent H. E. C. was invited to (have sold their place to Hughi winter . term at . the Southern Ore- Dulles, und Veda has lieeiF the shipyards in Vancouver, hut a larger en worker in the church there most he and his family were on their February 7th, with 51 members attend the next meeting of the Uauldtn and are going to reside j rollment than at any uine since of her life. The Reids have been way home to Elkhart, Indiana, present. The regular business Bellview H. E. C. to be held in in Medford. the spring of 1941-1942 according in California for a vacation dur after quitting the work ai \ art meeting was held with reports of Ashland this coming Wednesday The Dance Saturday night Will Elmo N. Stevenson, Pusi ing the winter months, anti now (couver. Mr Hendrick and Mr standing committees being given. Members wishing to attend are be sponsored by the Talent to dent. The balance of the evening was to meet at Gelberth’s service Grange. . . ,, . ... are returning to their homq and Abbott are boyhood pals, and the M.,. two dtiy8 the visitors kpent | in given over to entertainment fea- station in Talent at 11:00 am. Donald Kerby left for Seattle,, The winter enrollment this businegs Dl, and Mrs luring Lincoln's birthday and Wednesday. where he is to report for further veai of 15< students is un in- ved the Methodist Chinch Church at The 1/unuand was ple.ibui.ioi l.V p-tssed • crease of 136 percent over the i>a||vs just before coming to Ash in renewing und recalling old Valentine s day Activities were Talent Garden Club met at Uie orders from the Navy Dept. The Talent Poet Office is to be sa,n‘ Pvr“M? " * « “■ Women i„nd ,n ,940 and „ V,.IV Wlun Hvcnw,. Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks directed by Mrs Norma Adrian, home of A n . Dorothy Barnes A dehghtful skit was present- February 6th. Roll call was ans- moved soon to the building own- '«wreased 36 percent and men friendship has grown op between left Sunday morning and will ’’JH percent Seventy-seven per- tfiese two families. • leisurely drive back to Elkhart, ed by a choral group consisting wered with vegetable favorites, ed by Mr. Manning. of Margaret Hamilton, Norma "Need for Continuing \ ictory Talent Extension Unit will cvnt oi al1 «"•« enrolled at the I s<e th. Youhqstown All Steel visiting along the way through Adrian, Helen Wisner, George Gardens" was given bv Mrs. hold a meeting in the City Hall college are veterans, most of Kitchen at Marshall Weils Store “ New Mexico, Texas, Kansas und other states before arriving in Hartley, Clarence Matthes, and Wild. The round table discussion Wednesday at 10.30 a.m. topic to whom are attending under the G. on the Plata phone 2 1231 ' | Albert J. Schock of San Fran Elkhart. Harry Hamilton, accompanied by was on 'Preparation and Use of be "Main Dish Meals." Anyone 1 Bill. Mrs. Talbot. Members of the Hot Beds and Cold Frames ”, interested is invited to attend. ( Students enrolled in Junior, cisco, California was in Ashland group dressed in costumes of the Dainty refreshments were serv College offerings and the Secre- Friday on business See the Youngstown A ll Steel gay nineties and presented songs ed by the hostess, Mrs. Dorothy Elabore Set Built for | tarial Science curriculum ac Dewey Peterson of Medford Kitchen at M arshall-W ells Store, of that period. Lincoln s Getts-1 Barnes assisted by Mrs. Bennie count for 64 percent of the tofSl was in Ashland looking after on the Plasa. phone 2-1231. burg address was presented b y . Breese College Play Mar. 15 I number enrolled. bi siness Tueftlay. A'i in h°nOr °f L‘n‘ Mr. and Mrs. Devere William- Il L. Moore and Luke Davis colns birthday. (SOn. Mrs Arnu, Fmn and Mrs j _______ ___ ______________ William Benson and Al Hoi made a business trip to Grants Monuments and markers. See Southern Oregon College, Ash- Borns Memorials. On the P iasi. Cakes and coffee were served W Williamson of California are land, February 7, 1946—The play i ”'es' oi '^e A & B Sport Pass, Wednesday in the dining room which was visiting at the home of Mr. and production class at the Southern ®h°P wft late Wednesday even- gaily decorated for the occasion Mrs. Joe Williamson. Oregon College is constructing Int! to drive to Portland on Talent H. E. C. met at the George ConnoiT Herman Can one of the most elaborate sets ' ‘)usiness ti«p. Mr. Benson will re-1 home of Mrs. A. B. Colver, Feb non, and Bob Leming went on a ever to be seen at the Southern turn by bus this week end, while' ruary 15th. A covered dish lunch fishing trip to the Illinois River Oregun College. The set which is ,ln?eS co9^*nue on eon was served to the thirteen last week-end. They report no being constructed for the produc Seattle on a further business trip. members and two children pre fish but plenty of snow, tion “Guest In House." to be pro Sgt. Bernard Krug, son-in-law , sent. Plans were made for the Mr. and Mrs. VanTress and Mr. duced at the Southern Oregon of Mrs. Nelle Burns of Ashland, Valentine card party which is to and Mrs. Mills and family have College auditorium, March 15, is at oFrt Lewis this week, re-1 be held at the Talent City Hall leased their ranch to Harvey and 16, portrays the living room celv,n6 his discharge from the Maxon, and are returning to of the Proctor home, and ¡nvol- Krug..V,“3 sta" California. ves construction of a large stair- at amP White the past QUICK RELIEF FROM Rose Ditsworth has opened a way and balcony effect. . 1 , three years. Upon his return S ym ptom s o f Distress Arising fro m shop for dress-making and alter The play production crew i n < the separation center, he in the Valley Locker Co. eludes several ex-service men : Krug. wlU leav.e A° T STOMACH ULCERS ations building. whose experience in construction( i.UJ 1 Pennsylvania, Krugs With 25 foot extension cord. DUE TO EXCESS ACID Ralph Hamilton of Medford, FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat formerly of Talent, and recently M ust Help or it Will Cost You Nothin* discharged from the army, was court for violation of the O r « r tw o m illion b o ttle , o f the W ILLA R D calling on friends here Friday. T R E A T M E N T have been sold for relief o f He was arrested Monday. Mrs. Wayne Bradley is able to Sym ptom s o f distress arising from Stom ach The crew includes the follow- rule. Ery. A. Hart was also cited to and D u o d e n a l U lc e rs due to E icess A d d — be out again after an attack of ing: Sur D lc e s tia n . S o u r or U p s e t S to m a c h . the flu. appear in city court for violation C n i i n m . H e a r t b u r n . Sleeplessoess. e tc ,, James Glenn, stage manager, of the basic rule. duo to Excess A d d . Sold on 15 days' trial 11I P. J. McAbee. C. W. Glime Sr. Louis Lee Earl Wallace of Coos Bay was A s k for " W i l l a r d ’ s M e s s a y e '* which fully xx„.„ Lemire, n r- Electrician, _ ■ ----1 explains this treatm ent— tree— at • Carbureators FieWs’ DP ,S’ iiD° nC * fined $1° and 52 50 costs a»d g«v- EAST SIDE PHARMACY Fields, Medford Car. lin Rfre ’a c °? en a f*ve*day sentence in city • Spindle Bolts anne I . War™ f a ° m Suz' ; court- charged with intoxication. . a e of Ashland. The jail sentence was suspended • Shackle Bolts inup 4 Dl a provided the fine was paid and • Clutch Plates, etc I i»IL A EleCtS he promise to return to his home. Rmrrl Ot Directors I Yi The Neighbors of Woodcraft Board Thimble Club will meet Ut the NOW SHOWING! The fifty organizing members home of Mrs. H. L. Moore, 292 of local Y.M.C.A. have turn- Liberty St., Thursday Jan. 14 for KOMANCLttith a SOCK! ed the in their ballots and have elect-1 a covered dish dinner at 6:30. NOW PLAY ING ed as their Board of Directors The husbands are especially in- the following people: Roland vited. Ends Sat. Nite Parks, John Billings, Homer Bill Hie W R. C. will meet Sat V M L jA u th ö N z e d D e a le r- ings, Leslie Grant, Mrs. P. H. urday February 16 at the Parish. Stansbury, Eric Weren, Rev. House for a 12:30 luncheon fol George Shuman, Leland Linn, lowed by a business meeting at Joe Fader, C. M. Litwiller. Roy 2 p.m. The February birthdays Ashland, Oregon Peck, and Frank Van Dyke. The will be observed. Mrs. Carrie first three alternates are: C. H. Hersey is chairman of the table Wines, Dr. G. W. Bruce, and Al committee. lan O. MeGee. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Babston tran The first meeting of the newly sacted business in Klamath Falls elected Board and the above al Tuesday. ternate members will be held on Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wilson Friday, February 15th at noon at were transacting business in Ash the Junior High School cafeteria. land Saturday. ^Meeting with them will be Mr. James E. Maxwell, Executive Secretary of the Pacific North SPORT SHOTS west Area Council of the Y.M.C. from A & B S P O R T SH O P A. and Mr. Dwight O. Welch, Associate Secretary. The latter is successor to Mr. Everett Harding, who has been Associate Secre "ARREARS” tary of this area for a number of "Brother and I both hate to years. In addition to getting ac wash in back of arrears," said quainted with these executives, the little boy. That's natural, 1 hese modern locker boxes for the the meeting will include neces just as i t ’S ' natural io buy out presei’vation of fruit, vegetables and sary organizational steps. SU N D A Y gun and fishing tackle repair ----------o—-------- meat, will soon be available to res H. Wooten and L. L. Stanphill service, the better buy. made a business trip to Klamath idents of Ashland and vicinity. We. Falls, Tuesday. News from Talent JUST ARRIVED! Inside Control Spotlight $10.95 Trouble Lights $3.89 Additional Auto Parts Constantly Arriving LITHIA BIG SAVINGS! Get our prices first I JA M E TiTTiA U K H T^^I COME S ' O UT YVcnern Auto Su O d I v C o . Now . . . A BANDIT-BUSTER! Place Your Name on Our List For a QUICK-FREEZE LOCKER BOX K1HNNY MACK BROWN STARTS SUNDAY for 3 Days r S H IV E R W H IL E YOU LAUG H! Elmer Cooper of*Lakeview was in Ashland Saturday. A & B SPORT SHOP r i F SM Am fA M U y TOR S»HG' A are taking the names of those who want such facilities, and “first come, first served.” If vou want one of these latest-type food preservers, drop in and have us place your name on the list. BOULEVARD MEAT MARKET “Plenty of Parking Space” AAf y «40« resi.. ("iraints (tgir iicaaiii t 1 ’ Plus . o & u ’« ’ “ 1 " A DEE-LIGHTFUL ...D E E U C IO U S ...J B lo n d e ^ J "S U R E , it ’« not only a smart fam ily but a grand family, too. Look at them — having funt ^That's John Smart— the father— 'm aking like Nelson Eddy; that’s Joan— the mother at the piano. And the kids— Tom, home from service and now at college— ane, she’s in high school— and la l— look at him, now— he’s singing ear from ear— and him . so serious when he’s on Safety Y Patrol. Ye ip—they have more fun and more friends— and in i all my years on this beat— I ’ve never had to w orry when people come out of that house— they don’t have to have any alcoholic stim ulation to have a grand time. i MATINEE SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SUNDAY Diamond Bridal Sets We have a nice selection of matched sets or individual rings from $ 5 0 to $ 4 5 0 All Kinds of Jewelry Repairing HAYNES JEWELRY