Favorite Costume With Teen-Agers Sleeves P lay a D ra m a tic R ole l i v e l y C e n te rp ie c e s S erenade Cows A r e E asy to C ro c h e t In S ty lin g o f S p rin g Fashions By C H E R IR N IC H O L A S IZ f t Z' . » r x TO In the Swiss Alps, herdsm en c a ll hom e th e ir cows by p laying on an a lp e n h o m any one of 50 d iffe re n t m elodies, c a lle d ran z des vaches. which a re tra d itio n a lly used tor this purpose. N IG H T toaoiiow Aiutai DeoerwÀiÀZ« 4//*VI«ITAaifl LAXATIV! < s « t i « 4 S . » a s» »ss«* AS *0 U»' 0 *1 > V a- r i'- ) * ) • 5 6 3 2 • >’ Please d o n i be angry at us if you can't a iw a y , get Sm ith Bros. C ough D rops. O u r output is still restricted. Soon, we hope, th ere'll again be p h n ty o f Sm ith B ro th e rs ... soothing, delicious. Black o r M e n th o l, 5«. SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS ft TSADtl O L BLACK OR M E N T H O L - 5 « mark H i I S S î V * f kÀ. -ï" '« O k w w ith . i 11*11 Blue Ribbon D o ily . TJ E R E ly is a b e a u tifu l crocheted *■ * doily th a t’s a blue ribbon w in ner in any lan g u age. T h is 21-inch centerpiece is a s trik in g co m b in a tion of the popcorn stitch and the classical pineapple design. Y o u ’ll find it sim ple to do, too! • s • E L IG H T of e v e ry teen-age mis« is the d irn d l s k irt and guy pensunt blouse. Ju nio rs who sew th e ir own can m a k e this outfit in no tim e a t u ll. B eading w ith n a rro w ribbon run through high lights the blouse— the side-button s k irt has tw o rows of ric ra c for accent. W e a ra b le and tubbable. • • • P a tte rn No. 8887 Is d e .lg n ed fo r sizes 11. I I . 13. 14, 18 and 18. Size 12, s k irt, l ’ s ya rd s o f 38 or 3 » ln e h ; blouse, l ’ k y a rd s of 38-lnch; 4 ya rd s ribbon; 4 ya rd s rlc rac. Send y o u r o rd e r to; S E W IN G C IR C L E P A T T E R N D E P T . 78» Mission i t . . Ran rranelseo, Calif. Enclose 28 cents In coins for each pa tte rn desired. P a tte rn No. size___ N a m e — ___ __ ______ —— — A ddress- To Save Money, M ix Your Cough Belief ot Home So Easy! No Cooking. Quick Relief. Even If you're not Interested In navlng good money, you surely want a really effective relief fo r coughs due to colds. Bo try mixing It yourself. In your kitchen, and be ready for a surprise. It's so easy to m ix.a child could do It. Make a syrup by stirring 2 cups of granulated sugar and 1 cup of water a few moments, until dissolved. No cooking Is needed. Or use com syrup or liquid honey. Instead of sugar syrup. Put ounces of I ’lnex (obtained from any druggist) Into a pint bottle. Then All up with your syrup. This makes a pint—about four times as much for your money. I t tastes good —children really like It. It lasts a fam ily a long time, and never spoils. But what you'll like most Is the way It takes right hold of a cough. I t loosens the phlegm, soothes irritation, and helpsclearthealrpossages. Eases soreness, and let's you sleep. You'll say you've never seen its superior. Plnex Is a special compound of proven Ingredients, in concentrated form, well known for Its quick action on throat and bronchial Irritations. T ry It. and tf you're not really de lighted, your money wlU be refunded. —Adv. Hi False Teeth Wearers what bothers you most? ■ that is right to wear now under the coat and on into spring. Its wide- armhole sleeves herald a sm art spring. L" ACH year one feels quite sure that the new print fashions for spring ■re prettier and more eye-thrilling than they have ever been before. Spring 1946 is no exception to the rule. Dainty flowery frocks and chic two-piece suit-dresses styled of Intriguing prints to be worn under fur coats now are setting a new fash- Ion pace for spring and summer that seems to out-glamour all that has gone before In way of charm and novelty. Perhaps the most outstanding fea ture about the new season's print costumes is that they have definite ly and most d ram atically put sleeves on the map again. Certain it is that the new print fashions have a way of making you more sleeve con scious than you’ve been for many a spring and summer past. Ideal for im m ediate wear under the fur coat are the new spring prints it) the illustration. Each model In this trio of gowns, presented in ad vance showings by Fashion Indus tries of Chicago, brings a message of new sleeve and shoulder tre a t ment. It will be spring from now on in the heart of the wearer of the charming sm artly sleeved pastel print gown to the left. The print In itself is most interesting In that tiny black frogs deslgnfully hop, skip and jum p all over a pastel background. However, it's the new modified bish op sleeves that hold the spotlight, with their extra fullness and their deep, smoothly fitted tight cuff given finesse with little pearl buttons up the side. The m otif for the candle-light, candle-bright print centered in the group is exactly that—little candles printed all over a dark background. This is an attractive practical print Rainy Day Glamor D on’t t le t these annoying annoy loose-plate troubles m ake i£ ] £ H r h ,e. a n o t h e r day I Instead, be g ukled u t_____ by __________ tb foiio.l e oiperlence of g ra te fu l • thou- lie wrirt va ■ sands w ho’ve found « . . . plete d e _. com n ta l-p la te b Htaze— in th s e rem ara- ark- w lth ahi» d e n tis t s discovery th a t doee w h a t no ogwder even claim . p?.” 9 ir « ’ en c la lm s l I 1. H olds nlatos com fo rtab ly secure— not foi lu s t a few hours, b u t a ll d a y - or It costs 4 you n o th in g , a. Q u ic kly re lli ’ Ilevés and help« prevent sore gu m s due s to loose Platea t h a t s lip -------------------s lip a and n _______ chafe 3 3 Reels , around p la te edgea to keep c _ r t Ir r l- ou ‘ »‘ "W mod particles. 4. Id e a l ■ for , troublesom e lowers, uppers tool . »n easy-to-use tu b e o C H taze a t your druggist today. You 11 be com pletely s at- uned. or get your m oney back I es FEEL OLD? BACK ACHE? ... S O B f TOM E brings quick relief fer muscle pains due to fatigue, exposure, colds or overwork. Con tain! methyl salicylate, ef fe c tiv e p a in -re lie v in g agent. ____ F Il Money-Bsch Gusrantte Mid» by McKstton t Dobbin» Fot t i l e by your « m a r iti 666 COLD PREPARATIONS LIQUID, TABLE T5, SALVE, NOSE DROPS CAUTION-USE ONLY AS DIRECTES H ere’s one way lo be glamorous in the rain. THis Koroseal (an am az ing synthetic m aterial derived from coke, limestone and salt) waterproof rain suit, which defies moths, mildew and most acids, was Introduced in a recent fashion pageant sponsored by the N A M for the Congress of A m er ican Industry. It is beautifully styled, and being a Jacket and skirt twosome it bears no resemblance to the traditional raincoat. It is really something! The skiht is a wrap around. The jacket can be worn separate with a tweed skirt if you want just a short rain or snow gar ment. The wing sleeves and the handsome antique metal buttons put this rain coat in the very forefront of the 1946 fashion parade. To obtain com p lete crocheting In s tru c tions fo r the B lue Ribbon C en terpiece (P a tte r n No 5632) send 16 cents In coin, y o u r n a m e , address and the pa tte rn nu m b er. Pineapple M otif. A F A V O R IT E p a tte rn w ith cro- There is much being done in way * * cheters is th e fam ous “ pine of designful shoulder treatments too, a p p le ” m o tif. T his one takes only this season. See to the right a most th ree balls of cotton th re a d — is 16 attractive shoulder effect artfully inches across and is a c h a rm in g worked out in print with plain for com bination of pineapple designs, a beautifully styled afternoon gown. p a lm leaves grouped around a cen The print? Why morning glories. If te r diam ond. « • « you please, ram bling over • dark To obtain com p lete crocheting In stru c background in colora so lovely they tions fo r the P in e ap p le D o ily (P a tte rn almost outrival nature’s own. No m atter how long or how short the new sleeve may be it Is sure to feature more fullness in some way or other. You see thia in the shorter types, some of which are animated puffs gathered in very full at the armhole. There’s the flutter of pleated cape-like short sleeves, or circular flares about the shoulders in the short sleeve types and there is wide use of self fabric ruffles, too, and fine pleatings galore. A pleasing gesture in the styling of this season's prettier-than-ever print frocks is that of short pleated sleeves with pleated peplum to match. Speaking of pleatings, they will be everywhere In the new print fash ions. They w ill be used in tiers, for all-around finely pleated skirts, for peplums and the new cape sleeves. Fashion is certainly saying it in pleats this year, which all goes to show that there is a bright future for pretty-pretty dresses. The two-piece suits in print is In line for a tremendous vogue when the spring season gets in full swing They look strikingly “ new" with their full gathered • in - at - the - top sleeves, many of which taper down to bracelet length. The new sil houette defines a small waistline, accents hips with a peplum flare and the skirt is softly styled with front fullness. No. 5186) send 16 cents in coin, yo u r nam e, address and the p a tte rn nu m b er. Send yo u r o rd e r to : S E W IN G C IR C L E N E E D L E W O R K 709 Mission St., San F ran cisco. C all!. ♦ Enclose 16 cents fo r P a tte rn __________ No Nam e- A dd ress. Rastus Sure Knew What Platform W'as Used For! "Souvenir or no souvenir-you leave that h e rd " On a tra in going fro m one cotton p icking jo b to an o th er a couple of colored boys w e re ta lk in g politics. R astus, who w a n te d to see one of the lo c a l incum bents re -e le c te d , w as g ivin g his frie n d , S am , a red hot sales ta lk on his fa v o rite can di d ate. „ “ W e ll,” S am ag reed a fte r lis tening fo r some tim e , “ ah guess he’s a ll rig h t — but ah sho don’t like his p la tfo r m .” “ P la tfo ’m ! ” s -n o rte d R a s t u s . “ P la tfo ’m ! Say, don’t you know d at a p o litic a l p la tfo ’m is jes like a p la tfo 'm on one of dese y e re ra ilro a d cahs— h it a in ’t m e a n t to stand on, h it’s je s m e a n t to git in o n.” ONLY A M EM ORY n o w -th e days when you had to take "sec ond choice” flashlight batteries —or none! For "Eveready" Batteries are back! You can buy them. Ask for them at your dealer’s. T he more im p o rta n t your flashlight is to you, the more this news w ill mean. For the world s largest-selling flashlight battery has never had an equal. . iXTRA I •a rra a r/ un T i e w o rd "Eveready” it a regittered trade-m ark o j N atio n a l Carbon Com pany. Inc. R eleased by W estern N ew spaper Union. T w o D is t in c t T re n d s I n N e w S p rin g S u its Sore Gum s?.............................□ Chewing Discomfort?.................□ Food Particles tinder Plates? . □ Troublesome Lowers?............□ USE frgsh A z/Evereadyzz Batteries 5 1 8 6 8887 It is very interesting and style significant that the newer suits have longer jackets. Just as interesting and style-correct are the newer suits that are playing up shorter jackets Which goes to show that there are two distinct trends in the new suits for spring. Suits in general are looking ever so sm art in their new longer-length Jackets and the Inch or so added to the skirt. Take note of this when you make your suit selection. However, the longer jacket tells only one side of the suit story. Qther side has to do with a and fascinating suit type introduced this season which makes a d ram at ic display of the little jacket it is called. These brief affairs cut off at the waist or a little below. It Is the basque jacket that is making conversation in the fashion world today. It makes an instantaneous hit with the teen-age and college g irl with its saucy little waist depth jacket, buttoned neatly up to the neck, its skirt with fullness In the front, the entire tailored of the smartest wools of the season. NEW FAST ACTING FLEISCHMANN'S DRY YEAST 4 W /Vew Styles Feature Lace, Embroidery, Bright Prints Lace and embroidered organdy appears again to frost both gray and navy spring outfits with that usual springtime charm. Boleros take over with a new contour emphasis. Belts are going around everything Prints are big, bright colored and conversation starters. The first arrivals among dazzling all white suits and dresses prom ised for summer are going south They’re sleek, cool and flawless for a summer wardrobe. Every model is simple and so detailed as to make the most of the fine texture—which is also specially treated to be crease resistant. N e w G ra n u le Form S aves T im e! S tays Fresh! Scores N e w B a k in g Success! • No more being "caught short” on baking day with no yeast in the house . . . no “ spoiled batch” because yeast weakened before you could use it. IF Y O U BAKE A T H O M E , New East Rising Eleischmann’t Dry Yeast lets you make delicious bread quick ly . . . any lime you waul lo. Easy-to-use—Fast-acting—New Fleischmann’s Fast Rising stays Full-strength for weeks on your pantry shelf— ready for quick action whenever you need it. Use New Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast next time you bake. It will be as potent as the day you bought it. A t your grocer’s. Just dissolve Now Fast Rising Dry Yeast according lo directions on the package. It’s ready for action in a few minutes. A c t , et