S O U T H E R N O R E G O N M IN E R T H U R S D A Y FEBRUARY 14. 1946 J tu res.” Through its teachings, lead in worship with a selected See the Youngstown A ll Steel Starts Sunday at the Varsity Theatre the promises of Jesus are made anthem. The Senior and Interme­ Kitchen at Marshall-Wells Store, i as available today as they were diate Methodist Youth Fellow­ on the Plasa, phone 2-1231. at the beginning of the Christiun ship groups will meet in their era. respective rooms for worship at E ntitled The lecturer then asked, Whut 6:13 P. M. The evening sermon RHEUMATISM Christian Science? And be ans- is at 7:30 on the subject “A Little Christian Science: Its ' 1 is wered and ARTHRITIS that Christiun Science is Honey,” The mid-week Bible j the Science of salvation. It Teaching and Its I suffered for years and am so study and prayer service is each ; traches divine law It interprets Thursday evening at 7:30. Dr. G. thankful that I found relief from Practice God to man and sets forth divine W. Bruce, Minister. this terrible affliction that I will H PALMER LEWIS, C S B. rules for the demonstration of gladly answer anyone writing me i universal harmony. <>f New York City FIR ST C HURCH OF CHRIST. for informatio'i. Mrs. Anna Pautz, Christian Science is founded Mr.^Lewi« opened his lecture SC IEN TIST P. O. Box 82o, Vancouver, Wash. with tile following words of on the teachings of Jesus, his Adv. Sunday, Feb. 17, 1946 Christ Jesus ¡is given in the ele­ apostles' and the prophets, Ml'. Sunday Morning Service at 11 venth chapter of Mu 11 h <• w: Lewis affirmed .One of the Ten­ o’clock. Subject: SOUL. — F IL M S — "Come unto me, all ye that lab ets nt the Christian Science Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. DEVELOPED A PRINTED our und ure heavy laden, and I ch'irch is "As adherents of Truth Wednesday evening meeting, 6 or 8 ex. 18c per roll will give you rest. Take my yoke we the inspired Word of the which includes testimonies of Double size 25c upon you ,and learn of me; for ,,ible as our sufficient guide to Christian Science healing, is held 5c extra of Panchromatic. All I am meek and lowly in heart: eternal Life" (Science and Healtl at 8 o’clock. fine grain developed. Reprint» unit ye shall find rest unto your P- 497>• Reading Room open daily from 2c each. Double size 3c each. souls. For my yoke is easy, und The lecturer declared that it to 5 P. M. except Sundays and Deckle or plain edge. Guaran­ my burden is light.” f remained for Mrs. Eddy, th< Irene Dunn a nJ Alexander Knox find each other pleasant company in 2 holidays. teed work. Enlarging, coloring, New Hampahlr« /his nene from the hilarious romantic comedy, "Over 1 1 ” costarriny How welcome is that promise' duughter of a Ncw The public is cordially « invited farmed, Mirk Baker, and Mi «*» i r'"" ....~ ~ ......r,."', o Y - T om . « « a to mankind in these times, for wife Abigail to discover the me- Charles Coburn with feff Donnell. Loren Tindall, Lee Patrick Phil to attend these services, and to copying. Low pricee. Send to—; ECONOMY today, in a disordered, war-- thod anti science of thcMastcr's llroun^Cora Witherspoon and Charles Ecam. ' use the Reading Room. PHOTO FINISHERS shocked world, there is sweeping Bex 1978, Station D Meeting. over humanity an irrestible urge teaching und explain his mission. “Faith Temple” She practiced and gave again to Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMahan of cordial invitation is extond- LOS ANGELES 7, C A U F. « for spiritual enlightenment. Undenominational eVi.,yOne to attend these It is only stating u fact, he said, the world what centuries before Council, Idaho stopped for a ed Jesus had given ,to mankind in Located at the corner of 5th and brief visit at the Miner office, services. to say that there ure thousands of East Main St. people in the world today pre­ ancient Palestine. This gentle Wednesday afternoon, with Mr Leo C. Wine, Pastor pared to testify that this yearn­ New England woman gave h er, and Mrs ' Wines. They were on THE FREE METHODIST Church Sunday School 10.00 A. M. Nexa Sunday a great day. Sun ing to know God und experience discovery to the world under the their way home from California INSURANCE and planned to visit Wednesday day school at 9:45 A. M. Help us Bonnie Conrad, Superintendent, His protective care has been gam name of Christian Science. For years this devoted woman night at Grants Pass wherje they swell the number to 100. We Classes for all ages. ed through the study and prac­ have room lor you. The Evangel­ Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. tice of Christian Science, as giv­ struggled to teach this truth to at one time lived. F ire - A uto - T heft ist will speak at 11 a.m. and Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 en to the world by its Discoverer humunity. She had discovered again at 2:30 P. M. A big mass F U L L GOSPEL TE M P LE evening. The young peo­ and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, the spiritual laws taught and i STANDARD COMPANIES meeting. Come and bring your Sunday (Assembly of God) ple are in complete charge of this in her texthixik, “Science and practiced by Jesus. friends. Christian Science does not ask 485 Siskiyou Health with Key to the Scrip- See The closing service at 7:30 P service, and a very spiritual time one to believe blindly, Mr. Lew­ Rev. Gordon Lindsay, Pastor M. Do not miss it. Be sure and is had by all. is pointed out. One migjit be­ Sunday Services: Evangelistice S ervices, 7:30 J. F. EMMETT lieve in the multiplication table, 9:45 Sunday School. Bring the hear these Singing Evangelists Sunday evening, the music begins but unless he understood it, it Ph. 8 }6 i 167 E .M ain entire family. A class for every Prayer meeting Tuesday night AUTOMOBILE Church of Christ could be of no real assistance Jo age group. Mrs. Geo. Icenhower, at 7:30 E a rl F . Dow ning, M in is te r him. Christian Science usks that Supt. Bible Study Thursday night at Second and B Streets MARKET you seek, study, and learn of 7:30 Bible School, 9:45 A. M. Class­ 11:00 Morning Worship service, God; strive to understand Christ es for all ages; nursery for the ian Science; then, through its ! Sermon by the pastor ST B A P T IS T C H URCH Junior Church will meet dur­ tiny tots. Mrs. L. U. Gresham, FIR First Medford, Oregon teaching and by your practice & Hargadine Sts Supt. you may prove the mission of ing the morning service for those 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. Hen­ Junior Church, 11:00 A. M Christ Jesus was not in vain. You between the ages of 5-12. Mrs. ry S. McNair, Superintendent. DEALERS IN USED CARS A service for children under Jun­ may demonstrate to your own Schak, director. 11:00 A. M. Morning worship. ior High age. satisfaction that the power which 5:30 Orchestra Rehearsal. 6:00 P. M. Senior Youth Fellow­ Morning Service, 11:00 A. M. Jesus of Nazareth proved to be 6:45 Christ’s Ambassadors Hour We have cars for every pur ship pre-prayer time. Sermon, “What the Open Bible present on the hills of Judea and A service for youth. 7:30 p.m. Evening Gospel Ser­ pose. See us first when buying Teaches About Jesus Christ. upon the shores of the Galilean 7:30 Evening service. Evangelis Evening Service, 7:30 P. M. vice with special music and a or selling a used car. Sea, is as present and available tic message by the Pastor.' The male quartet of Northwest message by the pastor. here and now today, to you, as Week Day Services: Christian College, Eugene, Ore- We extend a cordial welcome to it was to him nineteen centuries Wednesday 2:00 p.m. Cottage Located on the corner of 6th ! gon will sing several numbers. attend any or all of these services. PHONE 6751 ago. Truth never changes. I prayer meeting at 502 Allison S tj f o " ¡¿rvke "will' close" w ith‘ a Wednesday 7:30 p.m, Church and Martlett, Medford Ph. J919 In conclusion the speaker stat­ Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Mid-week | brief devotional on the Twenty- Fellowship hour. We extend a ed that the world needs “practi­ service conducted by the C. A. s. Third Psalm. GUNTER FUEL CO. cordial invitation to all. cal, operative Christian Science” Wednesday 8:45 p.m. Choir Re­ Medweek Service, Wednesd a y Leland I. Wilkinson. Pastor. (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 207). hearsal. 8:00 P. M. With it, one may say to the Friday 7:30 p.m. Victory Night Gospel Meditations, KM E D weary and hcavyladen, “Behold, A service for Bible study, praise Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 P M. the tabernacle of God is with and prayer. men, and he will dwell with Presbyterian Church them, and they shall be his peo­ Neighborhood Church 130 North Main S tr e e t' ple, and God himself shall be Friendly church for thought with them, and be their God. Congregational ful People.” And God shall wipe away all Rev. George M. Shuman, C orner of B lvd. and M o rton ‘you can depend on” [ - tears from their eyes; and there Clarence F. McCall, Acting Pastor shall be no more death, neither Minister. Sunday, February 17 sorrow, nor crying, neither shall 9:45 a.m. Church School with 9:45 A. M. Church School for • Automobile there be any more pain: for the draw near to God in the spirit all ages. Mrs. W. M. Poley, super­ When you have an automo­ former things are passed away.’ of our common Master, intendent bile accident you will be • F ire (Rev. 21:3, 4) 11 A. M Morning worship. The dent. glad you carried complete Mrs. John Barker as Superinten- choir will sing a special anthem. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce, with ganist The service will be conducted by insurance protection. Ralph Stevens, Mrs. Maude Mar- This church extends a .heart*' the Rev. Harry Hansen of the Then your insurance com­ ske, Mrs. Ben Willard, Mrs. Mab­ to all neighbors ana First Presbyterian Church of »z ON THE PLAZA el Lowther drove to Medford to welcome pany, not you, pays the friends and visitors who wish to Medford and the sermon will be attend a meeting in the Metho­ 11:00 a.m. Morning worship ser­ preached by him. A nil attend­ claims made against you ThouronJi of men ore now onl'jli'.-i] dist Church on Monday evening. vice. ance is urged to hear this visiting In the Prgulor Army. Join now ana for personal injuries t o A. J. Riley, who has been a mis­ 7:00 p.m. Pilgrim Fellowship to pastor. , sre T H I JOB THROUGH I sionary of the Methodist Church which all you 'g pebple are cor­ 6:30 P. M. Young People’s Soc­ others, damage to the pro­ C H O 0 1 C Y O U R B R A N C H O F S F R V lC C working in the Philippines for dially invited. NEW MATTRESSES ieties. ANO O V E R S E A S T H E A T E R perty of others, and also many years, gave the main ad­ 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Choir FACTORY TO YOU 7:30 P. M. Evening service. Re­ Trovil • Education • Security • Career damage to your own car. dress .Mr. Riley spent around practice. Mrs. C. H. Wines, Direc­ ligion in the News and Sermon OLD MATTRESSES MADE Fo r fu ll in fo rm a tio n c a ll n t three years in the Japanese pri­ tor: Miss Margaret Ramsay, Or- by the pastor. LIKE NEW Consult!, thin. agency!. for U. S. A R M Y R E C R U IT IN O O C F IC C son camp, and during the even ------------ o------------ further information. ing related many of his exper­ NEW BOX SPRINGS POST OFFICE BUILDING Methodist Chureh iences as a prisoner of war and Church of the Nazarene WHILE THEY LAST ROOM 1 Rev. A. J. Edwards. Pastor Corner of North Main and Laurel gave reports of his work as a Medford, Oregon missionary. The newly appointed 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, T. S. The Sunday School is a potent REED’S factor in the building of good suerintendent of the Cascade dis Wiley. Supt. ♦ oo-o< 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship character. The Sunday School trict of the Methodist Church MATTRESS CO. REAL INSURANCE 7:00 p.m. Junior Meeting, Mrs. meets in this church each Sun­ was present and made brief re­ 93 N. Main Ph. 6271 Pbeoe 0781 «1 Ea»t Mata C. M. LitwlHer, Supervisor. day morning at 9:45. The morn­ marks about the work of the dis­ 7:00 p.m. Young People’s Ser­ ing sermon is at 11 o’clock on the DR. E. N. TERRILL Ashland, Oregon trict, vice, George Zickafoose, Presi­ subject, “A God of Outpoured Chiropractic Physioian dent. • Power.” The choir, under direct­ Subscribe for The Miner today. 8:00 p.m. Evening Service ion of Mrs Bill Weber with Mrs. Specialising in the Non-Con­ 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer 1 Annabell Davis at the organ, will A Lecture on Christian Science Guardian« of \kioiy Automobile Losses Paid For You Insurance Burns Agency Billings Agency fining Treatment of Hemorrhoids (Piles) Office Phone 4371 Lithia Hotel Building Ashland. Oregon C jy i w e Ä W n o w fc rÆ /m e c u iity , too! For Better Flavor & Satisfying Goodness ASK FOR MT ASHLAND Butter & Creamed Cottage Cheese At Ashland Groceries and Markets ASHLAND CREAM ERY CLINE’S STORE LOTS OF GAS, BUT CAN YOUR CAR TAKE IT? Jacksonville, Oregon POST TENS PIE CRUSTIES & BISKET MIX With all the gas you want and the urge to hit the open road stronger than ever, only one question remains CAN YOUR CAR TAKE IT? Before venturing on too long a trip, drive in and let tis check your car. “Our Reputation Is Your Protection” A shland’s Plym outh, Dodge and Dodge “Job-R ated” T ruck A gency Large Assortment of Coffee Golden West — N estles Royal Club — Maxwell CHASE & SANBORN CAMPBELL’S PORK & BEANS Fine Selection of CAMPBELL’S SOUPS CHICKEN FEED EGG MASH (W heat and barley) PHONE 5311 CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE Call your orders in: F ree Local Deliveries once a day. Phone 281 AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) W hat is m ade in A shland, m akes A shland IV *