PAGE F O U R S O U T H E R N O R E G O N M IN E R T H U R S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 14, 1946 turns pasting 48 gold stars in the several weeks. Wanda Oden, the compunied by Lois Downing. It blue field. In our sand table we class secretary, read Miss lluger’s ' wu- decided to have another pro- have a “Vulentine's Land seem note. Lois Downing was selected1 dram at the next meeting, which we are completing. In to purchase and deliver a gift. I Published Every Thursday at 167 M ain Street, Ashland, Oregon Music this month we expect to j A program WM |ven t,R. S.c the Youngstown All Steel S t a n l’S i n ? * firs."’ "C T m room at the ,ust ‘’L s meeting Kitchen at Marshall-Well. Store, By Ruth Taylor B,e“ lTad Evatt brought bis accord,.,,,, on the Plase. phon. 2-1231. We re-learned one important A m ir ic i” CarryfR. & Marion C. Wines, Editors-Publishers lesson during the war years. It The Third Grade began work- Du,e Cullop and Bobby Baseyj was a lesson, the application of Entered as second-class mall m atter in the post office at Ash­ ing on maps of Early Oregon in Si,nk a duet, Dick lhornton and whut made this country great in land. Oregon, February 18, 1935, under the act of Congress Geography class today. We color- 1 *,a,n'1’ Smyth played on their the past and gave the world a of March 3. 1879. new goal of prosperity and free­ ed our maps, marked and named bumpets, Bob Myrick plnved the • dom at which to aim. This lesson all the boundaries, located the 1 P*nno> W illiam Tozier recited u Cascade Mts. us well as the Col- , P°e,n> Gurnet MeCourrey, Betty or greatly reduced by new, aim- was that there is no subsitiute umbia, Willamette and Snake ^renner, Betty Clary, Pauline pie device. Send 92 to Sleep-Well O P E N Y O U R EYES for hard work. nnd Carole Oviutt sang, ac Box 223-E, Beaverton. Ore. few people today have any conception o f the important part the A wise man once said that Rivers. Then we located Portland , The Dulles und the site of the Bible teachings played in the business progress o f the United States or ninety percent of what men call first trading post ut Fort Astoria. the creation of our government. America was founded on man’s con­ genius is only a talent for hard Richard Whited und Bet t y work. And he was pretty near sciousness of God, man s daily labor and the fruits therefrom. right. The great discoveries, the Blatter are back again with our A ll over the world, during the past two decades, political teachings great invention, the great deeds Third Grude, ufter several days absence cuused by sickness. which aggrandized an idividual, have taken the place of Bible teach­ we acclaim were done by men Mrs. A. 5. Watrus, mother of with an infinite capacity for tak­ ings. Equality, freedom and religious liberty have been lost in nations ing pains ,by men who were not Jimmy Watrus, one pi our Four­ which glorified individuals rather than principals. easily dlscou|agvd, who went th Grude boys, was a visitor in our room last Thursday, January In our own country, strong factions are seeking to tie our future right on working even when they 31st. didn’t want to keep at it, who progress to all-powerful government. People are losing sight of the fact Room 8 just wouldn’t give up as long as Several of the pupils of Room that America was not built on this basis, but was built upon a Con­ there was something to be done There isn’t any other way to 8 have been absent from vaccin­ stitution that embodies the teachings of the Bible. ations. I t is high time that we came to our senses, and, instead of aping succeed. Success must have a The children are getting ready firm foundation if it is to be per­ foreign governments that criticize our country but turn to it for men manent and that firm foundation to write a class poem. In art period the pupils have and money to settle their everlasting quarrels and poverty, renew takes energy and labor and coin ­ been making Valentines. Some age to build aright pur respect for the spirit that breathes behind our own Constitution, During our prosperous years, of them are very good. We have based on ideals which have given us liberty and blessings bevonc we sought too often for short also been modeling clay. In language lesson we wrote a ' those enjoyed by all other peoples. cuts to what we wanted. We let letter to Miss Hager. We are our wishes govern our actions. And don t let any foreign or domestice politician trv to tell you We hunted madly un Aladdin’s planning to buy her a gift. he has a system under which government will do for the individual lamp which we could simply rub The children are getting the what the individual cannot do for himself if he keeps government his to make our wildest dreams materials ready to make a book­ come true. We indulged in snap let of Lincoln and Washington. servant rather than his master. courses. "Learn without effort”, We hope it turns out nice. Room 7 ’Reduce without exercise or diet­ Romp 7 has a new’ boy, his j ing.” “Easy jobs at good pay" were our slogans. We didn’t want . name D is Marvin ,, . _ Robeson, he is to give up to succeed - but sue- i 4 P*T