k ©©ifaasM >2. »o PER YEAR Reception For College President Set For Feb. 25 Dr. and Mr«. Stevenson will Ba Welcomed at Gatherinq Plans arc being developed for a public reception honoring Dr. and Mrs. Elmo Stevenson and members of the college faculty at what promises to be one of the outstanding affairs of the winter. * The reception is being sponsor­ ed by the Southern Oregon Col­ lege Association and will be held the evening of Monday, February 25. at the college auditorium. A varied program has been planned to which educational leaders of southern Oregon and Northern California, several civic officials, newspuper men, alum- ini and members of the associa­ tion have been extended an in­ vitation. Dr. Walter Redford, re­ tiring college president, will be extended the appreciation and gratitude of the community for Ins muny years work at the col­ lege. The Southern Oregon Col lego Association is made up of the members of the several Ashland civic groups, and V. D. Miller, is chairman of the association. Monday, Chairman Miller an­ nounced the following decoration committee: Mrs. L. E. Stone, chairman, Mrs. John Daugherty, Mrs. A. M. Peters, Mrs. Fred Homes, Mrs. G. W. Bruce, Mrs. Henry Enders Mrs. Henry Galey, Mrs. C. H. Wines, nd Mrs. C. M. r a » - Ashland Man Files for County Judge HiGH school band to present ¿vied lord Democrat r i»es ror sheriff C C Forum Dinner Baize of Meoiord, filed CONCERT TONIGHT AT JUNIOR HIGH for Dick the ottice of «heriit '1 ueauay, Monday, Feb. 18 Ralph Hillings, well known Ashlund farmer, joined the race Monday lor County judge by fil­ Ashland H ig h School band w ill entertain at a concert in the ing his candiducy with the coun­ Junior high school a u d ito riu m to n ig h t, Thursday, February 14, unde» ty clerk. He will muke the race direction of M r. Jack Francis, instru m e ntal director. F o llo w in g is 011 the republican ticket. Mr. Billings is a member of the program to be presented: I the Masonic lodge, and the SottM Grange and several other farm El Capitan March organizations. He has long been T cbaikow iky interested in county affuirs and Finale o f Symphony in F M in o r has served us county commiss­ N o. 4 ioner of Jackson county. Billings candidacy makes the Herbert third for the race of county judge V ic to r H e rb e rt’s Favorites M arch o f the Toys the other two being George Car­ ter .present county clerk and J. I t Happened in N ordla nd B. Coleman, incumbent. Because Y o u ’re You — <> Man’s Body Found on College Campus VOL. 13 NO. j2 .T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 14, 1946 ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON s. \X'hcn Y o u ’re A w ay 1 C an’t Do The Sum I ’m F alling In Love W ith Someone oeing tne first Democrat in Jack- son county to tile in tne primary election corning up in May. Mr. Baize has a wide circle ol acquaintances in Jackson coun­ ty, as he a a graduate of Med­ ford High School, and for the six years has served on the Med­ ford police force He also was a dejputy sheriff under the late Syd Brown. His activities as Commander of the American Legion post in Med ford has brought him into con­ tact with a large circle of World War 1 and 2 veterans, has made him known over most of Jack- son county. Mr. Baize is a World If veteran having seen service with the Seabees. Mr. Baize was the first Jackson county Democrat to file for any office, but party leaders stated that several others are expected to file within a short time, so that the ticket for the primary McCallister election will be complete. Annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner Will Feature Ex-Gov. Carr of Colorado. Plans are progressing rap - - ----- sident of Nampa, Idaho, and had First games will be callled for, attended the meeting from Ash- Robert Mullin manager of the a brother living there. The body Sceptor o f L ib e rty Olii aJoti the afternoon of Wednesday, land Dr Terrill is the secretary- Ashland Chamber of*Commerce was shipped to Nampa for burial. March 6 with every team entered treasurer o£ the society. C oncert March and Frank Hull, Manager of the scheduled to play. The tourna- Medford Chamber of Commerce Shoe Shop Open Grieg ment will be so arranged that a H uidigungsm arsch ...... are in Portland this week, a t-t team must lose two games before Dr. Stevenson Speaks From Sigurd Jorsalfar Suite tending a meeting of managers After Remodeling being eliminated. at Medford Kiwanis and presidents o fthe various The Knox Shoe Shop is open Trophies this year will be a- Prokofieff Marche Oregon Chambers of commerce. again this week, after being clos­ warded to winners of first, sec- i Southern Oregon College. Ash­ The two drovve up by auto and | ed several days for remodeling From Love o f the Three Oranges ond, third, fourth and fifth places land. February 6, 1946—Presi­ plan to return Friday. and for installation of new equip­ “Jackson and Josephine Coun­ dent Stevenson of the Southern ment was removed last week by ty coaches have expressed a de­ Oregon College spoke to the Ki­ Harry Firvin Stewart was fin­ its owner and Mr. Knox was able Col. Scott To Be Guest Superintendent At sire to have certified officials wanis Club of Medford Tuesday ed $2.50 and costs in justice court to get other machinery to replace used throughout the tournament" February 5 upon the topic of charged with passing without suf it with. While the equipment was Speaker Before Lions Portland Meeting •■•Mastering^ of. Living”. Leland P. Linn, Superinten­ McNeal said, “and it is expected He brought out the need for avo- ficient clearance. He plead guilty being exchanged, complete re­ For Next Week' that the Southern Oregon Offi dent of the Ashland Public to the charge Thad Charles modeling of the plant was under­ At the regular meeting of the Schools, is attending the School cials Association will furnish ! rational pursuits in e«- then added, “Those who have Mrs. Henry Galey, Albert Joy, and the First Methodist church went thered for making these gather-; 446 miles we presumed we were ¡11:30 A. M. No change will ba preceded us and who fought so and Mrs. Alice Piel of Ashland of the made in schedule of southboun 1 valiantly for higher education in spoke briefly on activities of the to Portland Tuesday to attend ings more and more deeply spir-1 within the requirements two meetings this week. On Wed­ itual. Every young person, not order. ¡train No. 7. Also, as already ar Southern Oregon have left us a 'Old Normal School,” (1895-1909) nesday they attended a meeting connected with any other church, j The ODT has ruled however nounced ,we will on March I t magnificent heritage we cannot Mrs. Alice Applegate Piel who of the Oregon Coun c i 1 of is invited to attend any of these; that the line of sleepers which j re-establish standard sleeping escape. We of the present gener­ was in charge of the teacher­ churches, which was presided ation must be indeed unworthy training in the institution is a over by the president, ex-Gover- meetings. The next meeting is to ■ we proposed to re-e »ablish was car service between Southei n if we fail to improve and expand granddaughter of the pioneer nor Charles Sprague. On Thurs­ be held in the Presbyterian operating between San Francisco ‘ Oregon and Portland on train the date to be announced j and Dunsmuir at the time of can No. 329 and 330. their heritage. To us is given not surveyor of the old “southern day and Friday, the two minist­ church, later . 1 cellation. We regret the misinformation alone the responsobility but the Emigrant road” over which the ers will attend a meeting of the - - - 0 — - -- j Since the distance San Fran- which was given to the public in high privilige of continuing to first wagon train of 42 wagons Oregon Pastors' Confere n e e. Col. Clyde Young after a four cisco to Dunsmuir is less than with the establish­ build upon the foundations laid reached the valley just one hun­ Main speaker at the latter meet­ year leave from his duties in the ¡350 miles we are prohibited un- connection ment of sleeping car service be­ down by Southern Oregon’s pion­ dred years ago. ing will be Dr. Adolph Keller, Ashland post office, was back o n : der the order from re-establish- tween Southern Oregon and Son eers in higher education." A group of college'girls, Gloria of Switzerland and Dr. Charles the job again Monday. He has jing this service until March 1, j Francisco, but I assure our go< Then referring to the present Preston, Medford, Yvonne Moore F. Whiston of the Church Divini- seen action in the Aleutians. Sai- Ormandy continued. According | friends in Southern Oregon th i) college McNeal dramatically said, Medford, Georgia Taylor, Ash­ ty school of the Pacific, Berke- pan and several other Pacific ;s- to the ODT order on March 1 we it was purely a misunderstan >- ‘The opportunities offered to land, Jean Dver, Myrtle Creek ley .California. . ¡lands and scenes of fighting. He will be permitted to re-establish ing of the order. Incidentally Southern Oregon College today and Nanette Cuddy, K. Falls, in The two ministers plan to re- has worked for about fifteen service where the distance is copies of the above ODT ordei are far greater than those offer­ costumes of days long gone by,1 turn to Ashland Saturday. years in the post office before greater than 250 miles. The dis- are in the hands of our South ed at any time in the past. To accompanied bv Meryl Potter, I ----------- o----------- going into the service. tance San Francisco to Dunsmuir ern Oregon representatives in tb< transform these opportunities in­ Medford sang a group of songs M onum ent« and marker«. See ----------------------- , is 293 miles. We will, therefore. 1 ev e n t anyone in terested should Hoop Tournament Plans Progressing HISTORY bF SOUTHERN OREGON COLLEGE REVIEWED IN PROGRAM SOUTHERN PACIFIC POSTPONES PULLMAN SERVICE UNTIL MARCH 1 to helpful realities will require of the 1890 period. Burn« Memorials. On tha Platt. Suhecrlbe for The Miner today, on March 1 be permitted to r e -1 wish to see it.