JOIN VZte 4 Scupi, 9t! Pupet 'litui cJlat Sosneílusiq, *7a VOL. XIII REDCROSS ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1944 Number 6 11IIS AND THAT (l*> OLD 1'IMKK) 'lu ihe Editor: Allow us to nuggest imu in the post-war plunnlng loi Aanlaml, Al u neid in aietiioiu Im- muuei ol a rvcieaUon celltei Next Tuesday, March 7. marks tne fifth anniversary for ''Chip­ for young iolks be luken (LC'iowi A great deal of credit should be given Harry Chipman for the Ing need l!,. MU Ashland has I up to date soft drink fountain and a recreation room for his many ■Iglli d a quota of $k.UUU in a wiioiesomc maimer. young friends and customers, this paper gave him a few words of is pertiiunent chuirmun j > > praise. We feel we again should ♦--------------------- Tne national objective la |200, Fountain occupying a floor space Mankind, according to an us- compliment him on the "Wooden 25x75 ft. tronomer, will disappear from the 000,000, and it is urged that the Anniversary" of his business. This American people will respond to In an advertisement elsewhere cai til ii billion years form now does not license his wife, however, in this paper, Harry extends ap­ However the way the world I» the limit ot their ability to reach to throw rolling pins or stove preciation to his "many custom­ getting knocked mound it will lb.0 goal. wood. .. o ...» i .. ers". All the credit should not piolstbly vanish long before that THESE TWO GREAT Sincerely we feel that a young be given to us, his customers, for > > > man, carrying the physical handl- MARINE CORPS OF THE «- his fair dealings and pleasant re­ Saving fats tor Uncle Sam is cap that Harry does, should be WORLD...THE ROYAL ception have always left a "come a peculiarly Individual contribu­ riiven credit for self support, During tnc wet, oi cvbiuar^ igain” feeling. MARINES AND UNITED tion to the war effort In Hitler* meh less build-ng up a business 14-19 the Hi-Y club spom-uri . The Miner, in behalf of our ianu swashbuckling Nazis stamp STATES MARINES... established in a 6x9 ft. room tag days with the proceeds going readers, wish the same success­ into kilclh-na to see that not an with a few dollars of borrowed ful progress to "Chip.uans" in all HAVE SIMILAR INSIGNIA to the Frlsoneis ot War I* and A ounce of fat Is lost. noney to the fine News Stand and UNIFORMS AND DUTIES total of $34.20 was taken in will. the years to come. > > > What’s getting Tojo down these a profit of approximately $30., ...EACH IN THEIR RE­ days is tnc fact that no mallei which is turneu into the iil-Y SPECTIVE COUNTRIES the Ui'Stinuliuii ol Jap supply headquarters in Portland. The HAVE UNPARALLELED snips may be, they nearly ulway» Y.M.C.A., sponsors o, this acliv REPUTATIONS FOR Mrs. Faui Byers was hostess to wind up at the same place - ty, use the money for purchasing the W.C.T.U. last Thursday after­ ainielK equipment, i uppnea, anu DEVOTION TO DUTY Davy Junes locker. noon at her home on Mountain The possibility of a new eve­ simple luxuries for Amcricuii men > / > AND BRAVERY. ' Avenue. Mrs. Earl F. Downing ning course being offered by the in foreign prison camps. Goering, we rend, seldom flies ed the devotions, using I Cor 13 Southern Oregon College of Edu­ Each lag was numbered and a unymui e. With all those medili» as the basis. cation is being considered by druwmg was helu during assem ­ lie piobably can't get off the The program was on narcotica President Walter Redford in pre­ bly on Friday First prize of a g round , with Mrs. Reba P. Kelsey, Mrs. paring next term's schedule of box of candy went to Joan Mowat, > > > i Clarence Brettschneider, and Mrs. classes. This would be a course second prize of one dollar in war look« buck Hitler No doubt O. F. Carson, participating. Mrs. in art, figure painting and indoor stamps was won by Arthur Phil ­ occasionally to think that house Unique In military annals are the strong bonds of friendship that Vern Cary and Mrs. George Bruce and outdoor sketching, taught by painting and paper hanging wax- lips, and a third prize of 10 free Miss Marion Ady of the art de­ cokes al Broady a lnug Stole exist between the Royal Marines of Great Britain and the U. S. sang a duet. n't such a bad Job after all. was taken by Yvonne Miles. Marine Corps The mutual understanding that exists between these i The county president, Mrs. Min- partment, the class to meet once > > > (From The Rogue News) two bodies of fighting men is based upon an understanding and asso- ent and also addressed the group, a week, the evening and place to The way the Russians can count ■ "* ■■ o---- — elation in far away parts of the world through many decades Each nie Bryant of Medford, was pres- be decided later. The course killed and captured Nazis, ulong Refreshments were served to 25 would carry full college cerdit, iias a healthy, wholesome respects--------------------------------------------------- - with communities recaptured, guests by the hostess assisted by and the cost would be the min­ er of the globe. During World and lor the other ’ s abilities must miikr adding machine man­ War II, through extreme sacrifice Mrs. Vern Cary, and Mrs. Henry imum registration fee. achievements under arms, ufacturers Jealous. "Everyone needs recreation and The regional conference of Eie- rough! Side By Sale and characteristic heroism, they Newton. > > > --------------- o-------------- relaxation, especially during war mentary School principals will be have added many new honors to A recent issue of Headquart­ It might lx* a good thing foi time," Miss Ady stated, comment­ held at the Southern Oregon Col ­ famous colors. their ers Bulletin, oilicaii Marine Corps the public school» to "freeze" the ing on the proposed course. "If publication, relates how these two Unite Against Common Foe study of grog rapii y for the dur- lege of Education, Saturday. such a class is organized, the work The conference will open at During peace time, in foreign ' iamous Corps have fought side ation. 9:30, and the theme will be by side, against pirates iu the ports, the members of the two i The Pacific Telephone and Tele­ will be planned to give opportunity > > > for individual .expression and will Whut thia country nceds is “School Finance." Jackson, Klam­ West indies slave traders iu English speaking Corps gravitate : graph Company is contributing be varied with each student to fit ath and Josephine Counties will $130,000 to the 1944 Red Cross toward one another when on liber- I Al rica hostile natives in Samoa fewer orders and more invita- his interests and abilities in art I m * represenled. War Fund, according to an an ­ ty. A conspicuous act of friend- ’ and Boxers in China. During lions to ordinary unity, says f World War 1 men of both Corps ship was the presentation of a nouncement, by N. R. Powley creation. The adventage of such Uncle Zeke. > served together in the North Sea. bulldog mascot "Private Paget" president, just received by R. B. class work will be the added spur of group interest with the oppor- In United States ports, Ameri­ to the American Devil Dogs by Hammond, manager here. So should we live . tunity for professional inst ruction “ Our contribution exceeds by the Royal Marines several years can Marines make it their indi ­ That every thought and every deed , and criticism." ago more than 50% the $85,000 we vidual and collective business to Muy hold within itself the seed If the course is organized, gave last year." President Pow ­ Today, 'down under, ’ memers of see that their British cousins en ­ Of future good and future need. ui Adoipn Ueinziri, proicasor joy the.r off-duty time. In Eng­ the two Corps meet again—and ley said. ’ In contributing $130,- classes will start the third week Lowell > > a! t’ublic Health ami i'leveimve I land. and throughout the Colo­ once more as allies they join for­ 000 this year, it has been our ear­ in March. Whether such class Is offered depends upon the response The odds still favor a GOP tick- Medicine, university ot Oregon nial ports where His Majesty’s ces against a common foe— a 1 nest endeavor to subscribe as received from would-be students. combat combination that should liberally as possible to assist in on dical School, visited the South ­ vie with one another to see that et of Dewey of New York and Those interested are asked to tel­ I meeting the added needs of the and is proving lethal. ci n Oiegun College ol Euucat.on American leathernecks are made Warren of California ------------ o—- ! Red Cross as expressed by its in­ ephone or write the Southern Ore­ reuruary 21 and 22 in tne inter­ to feel at home. gon College of Education, since creased budget for 1944." Royal Mannes, like our own Tile soldiers' vote isStill a f > > tie adui eased the assembled atu- largely as shock and assault for­ -------------o - apportioned, based on the rela ­ uents in the moinlng oi reb. 21 ces. Their record, since 1664 an How are you making out with tionship of the county quotas to NEW DIRECTORS ELECTED on Uie History or development ot impressive one. is studded with ted and blue tokens? I the total quota, to the counties IX>R CH iMBER OF COMMERCE medical or lieaith knowledge, in battle honors wou in every quart­ I New directors recently elected which it serves in Oregon, Wash­ uie al lei noun ol tile same uuy he •IT’S AN ILL WIND Ln the Chamber of Commerce are ington, California, Nevada, and spoke to tne lacuuy on meuious THAT BLOWS NO GOOD’ ol Local churches participated in Idaho. On this basis Jackson coun­ Earl Newbry, Sid Reed, Paul presenting tu stadenls certain Hurry Chipman, acting editor, aspects of social iiygience. un the World Day of Prayer services ty's allocation was $350 and a Beare, and Bob Ingle. Gerald is giving the Paid up Subscriber» 1 uesuay Dr. Weinziri addressed Al the altars of the First Meth- by meeting together at the Naza- check for this amount was turned Wenner and Paul Finnel were re­ of The "Adings something read­ dlllci ent gloups ot senior atu- ÜU1SI Church next Sunday, mem- rene Church last Friday after­ over to the Jackson County cam­ elected. These elections are for able without too much guessing ber» will pledge rededicatlon of noon. Mrs. T. S. Wiley of the paign chairman March 1st by Mr. two year terms. Directors holding dents. ut what it means, while the real over for another year are Homer Lr. Weinziri was accompanied "self .service and substance" to Nazarene Church presided over Hammond. editor and civic pillar is In Wash­ by Mis. George Moorehead, field the wartime tasks and opport uni- the meeting. ----------- -o------------ Billings, Harry Morris, O. N. ington, we suppose, instructing secretary. Special addresses were given by LEAVE ON FURLOUGH Wray. Henry Metz, Harold Merrill ties of Christians, as the culmi- Congress and advising the war The work of Dr. Weinzirl and rutting feature of the denomina- ■ the Rev. Earl F Downing of the Cpl. and Mrs. Norbert C. and Lloyd Selby. department of the early termina­ I Mrs. Mui ehead is a part of the I tion’s nation-wide second annual Church of Christ,, The Rev. W. Krause left Monday evening on a Directors, whose term«« expired tion of the war, due to the Daily i Slate's Victory Corps program, Week of Dedication, Feb. 27 to R Wise of the Nazarene Church, 15-day furlough for Bloomington, were C. M. Litwiller, John Daugh­ Tidings and the Ashland Business Ils objective being 11) training March 5, it was announced by and Dr. George W. Bruce of the Illinois, where they will visit Cpl. erty, Dr. R. E. Poston, Clyde Cat- and Professional Interests United youth tor active participation in Dr. Geolge W. Bruce, pastor of Methodist Church speaking re­ Krause’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ■ ton. in All-Out War Effort. He'll get military service, war production the church. spectively on the topics, "Christ, H. C. Krause and his brother, The new directors will be in­ • the president's ear, when he ex­ and essential coniniumty service Methodism's "mobilization OÍ the Hope of the People," "Christ, Elmer Krause. Enroute they spent stalled ai the first meeting in plains the ABAPIU1AOWE is all I occupations, and (2) providing foi its spiritual resources" will cul­ the Hope of Those in Spiritual a day in Portland with the C. D. March. neatly arranged Ln alphabetical uctive participation of young peo­ minate on March 5, when men, Darkness,” and "Christ, the Hope Bayhoffs, former Ashland resi­ ------------ o .... order. The Fortnightly Study Club ple in the community war effort women and children will make of the War-Torn World." dents. Mrs. Krause is the former George will probably convince while they are yet in school. Dr. personal commitments of dedica­ Missionary topics were present­ Shirley Crosby, daughter of Mr. will meet with Mrs. A. I. Mirick Roosevelt that he has no chance V. D. Bain, Assistant Superin­ tion and contribute to a sac r if I ed by Mrs. Glen Prescott of the and Mrs. R. L. Crosby. at 90 Fifth Street. Monday after­ to keep on keeping on without he tendent of Schools, Oregon State cial, voluntary offering. The Rev. Congregational Church, Mrs. J. noon, March 6 at 2 P.M. Short turns G.O.P. Born to Mr. and Mrs Robert topic by Mrs. C. C. Vail and book Department of Education, states, Grover C. Ammons, executive sec W. McCoy of the Presbyterian ------------ o - . — review by Mrs. George Briscoe. in regard to the work: "Y’outh retary of the Committee for tht Church, and Mrs. Delbert Loree of Spayde on Feb. 26. a daughter. CURTIS NAZI PRISONER thrown suddenly into the turmoil Week of Dedication, states that the First Baptist Church. Mis. Nan Curtis of this city has attendant upon a country and a the offering will be used to carry At intervals during the service, been notified that her son, Lt. world at war a modern, dead­ on emergency war projects, in prayer was offered with the fol- James Curtis, whose plane went ly, all-out war needs health, eluding the following: Expansion lowing leading Rev. J. H. Rees of down while over German teriito- strength, vitality, skill, self-teli- of missionary work in Latin the Congregational Church, the ry. and who was reported miss­ Mice, social balance, moral stand­ America, aid to missionaries in Rev. C. F. McCall. Mrs. Arthur ing is now a Nazi prisoner. ards and stamina, as it has never invaded countries, spiritual minis­ Peters, Mrs, Bowman, and Judge -------------o-—.......... . ' needed them before. Social hy­ try to members of the armed ser­ Presnall. Dr. and Mrs. George W. Bruce giene education is imperative il vices, relief for war refugees, new Special musical numbers includ­ were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. our young men ami women are t< bu.tilings and workers for Chris­ ed a solo. “God's Tomorrow" by tian services to "dislocated" fami- Mrs. Boat of the Assembly of God and Mrs. Leo Jarnmerthal. achieve these qualities,” ics in war industry communities, Church, duet. “Peace, Perfect f and special aid to Methodist Peace" by Mrs. L. A. Merriman I'I’L. RUSSELL WOI XDED Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Russell of schools. None of these projects and Miss Eva Griffin of the First MRS. E. C. FORTIER Bellview have received two mes­ ire provided for in the regular Baptist Church; duet by Mrs. and Companion Ward Pratt and Mrs. Bruce Lin- sages from their son, Cpl. Leon F 'httrch budget. Arc Invited to Be Guests of the At the noon hour, immediately Inger of the Church of the Breth­ Russell, stationed in Italy. One SOUTHERN OREGON MINER was a telegram stating that he following the morning sermon, the ren, accompaniad by Mrs. C. M to see was allright; the other was a let­ •ongiegatipn will gather in the Litwiller; duet by Mrs. George W. nt the VARSITY THEATRE ter informing them that he had dining room of the church for a Bruce and Mrs. Robert McKav (Friday and Saturday) been wounded and that two opera­ overed dish dinner and program, with Mrs. Allen McGee at the HACKGROUND TO DANGER tions would be necessary. As yet, which is a part of this church­ piano. PLUS -------------o------------- they have received no notification wide program. The general theme for discussion at this program is •ITRATES OF THE PRAIRIE’ Sherman Hensell of Garberville, from the government. "The Church and Its World Task." California was transactin’- busi - -----------o------------- or Every otje is Invited to bring a ness in Ashland, Wednesday. Mrs. Chuck Jandreau left lust (Sanday, Monday, Tuesday) week for Ix>s Angeles, where she covered dish d'nner with tnblc “CLAUDIA •» Mrs. Belle Schweln ls vW»*~ Please ch II at the Miner Offici will visit her parents. From there service and attend this dinner program in the Interests of the she will go to Colorado to visit wlth Mr. and Mrs R. C Robert- for Your Guest Tickets her hu«band, who Is in the army. world-wide task of the Church. aon in Arcadia, California. 1 National Red Cross Drive Underway Chipman’s News-Fountain Has Birthday Anniversary March 7 SOLDIERS Me SEA fag bay Draws $34.20 For Prisoners ol war ♦VCTU Entertained at Paul Byers Home U. S. and Royal Marines Similar Principals Meet at SOCE Saturday Telephone Company Gives to Red Cross II. of 0. Professor Speaks at SOCE Dedication Service at Methodist Church Local Churches Observe World Day of Prayer Services Evening Course in Art Planned