SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, February 24, 1944 TALENT NEWS NOW PLAYING! Mr. and Mis Crawford of Tule I Lake, California visited Mr ami Mrs. Fred Rapp Sunday. Mrs j Rapp and Mis. Crawford are sis­ ters. Jonah Barrett of Merrill spent Sunday in Talent with friends Miss Lottie Beswick of Bellview and Mrs Sarah Clark of Ashland called on friends here Sunday. The Talent Community Club I sponsored a Red Cross sewing , unit at their regular meeting. Feb. 16 after a talk on produc­ tion needs by Mis Fred Pankins. executive secret* ry of Jackson County Chapter. Mrs. I. C Will- lams. president and Mrs. . Jay Ter­ j rill, secretary, made i arrang e- meats with Roy Parr, school superintendent, for the use of the high school lunch room iind home economics equipment. The unit will have its first meeting. Feb 20 from 1 to 5 p in Each Tuesday they will meet to sew on articles for camps and hospitals for ler- vice men. Mis. I. C. Ottinger and Mrs. Roy Levunder were appoint­ ed on the committee to go to Medford for training and supplies at the Red Cross production office *ln the County Courthouse Mr. and Mrs. W. Childers of Oklahoma, who had spent the greater part of the winter here wun Mr. and Mrs. William Chil­ ders, returned to their home last Sunday. Jack Kelly, who has been em­ ployed at Copco, California for the past two years, returned to Talent to make this his home. U. S. Marin« Corp« l’liuto Delbsrt Goddard, who has been a patient in the Community Hos- I Seabee«, members of a Naval ConsirucUan Battalion, completed the Guadalcanal Division of the "G. pital at Ashland, returned to his <& T." (Guadalcanal, Bougainville A. Tokyo) Railroad in three day*. I’lmto» show one of the line’s g«'- powcred engine«, a »pur nearing completion, the diviaion'* tint train and the ''la»t «pike" ceremony. home last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Roy Unruh and Mr. and Mrs Wayne Cowdrey and > The W. C. T U is meeting this T/S Arthur L Hamilton family of Prospect spent the week New Jukebox at I afternoon at the home of Mr» Camp Murphy, Fla . was visiting end in Talent. 1 Paul Byers. 425 Mountain Avenue in Ashland Iasi week Floyd R Schmitt, Field Sup­ Ashland I SO Club I The Ashland USO has a new ervisor for Farmers automobile, of Los Angeles. California, was a jukebox which is giving the ut­ business caller in Talent. Satur­ most satisfaction to soldiers and junior hostesses. According to day. Mrs. Elizabeth Cusforth of Eu­ these devotees to this type of mu­ gene is visiting her mother, Mrs sic. the new instrument has no M"7 Hggins and sister and mechanical faults, a virtue which other-in-law. Mr and Hrs. Har- 1 they sum up in “It never gets ew facts stuck." Ilamilton this week . about eeing New records of the latest pop­ The fire department was called N ight flying is t early Friday morning to the ular music are received regularly developing new me of Mr. and Mrs. C ' F Ellis once a month from USO head­ understanding Senior e mile south of town ,ii. n was quarters in New Yofk OF HOW THE •npletely burned dov. • ft“r the hostesses report that the current t EYE FUNCTIONS. favorites, juuging by number of lis family had gon<~ tn eork. ESPECIALLY e fire was discovei. by a times heard are: "Shoo-Shou UNDER DIM Baby,” "Pistol Packin’ Mama," ighbor, William Hart. LIGHT. FLIERS Talent and Rogue P played "Oh What a Beautiful Morning." 'CONDITION’ THEIR eir finals of the anr a 'ackson "Time on My Hands” and "Shake eves BEFORE >1 bas- Down the Stars." C >unty class B higl The new jukebox was supplied TAKING OFF AT Z.'dford k< tball tournament .t by the local firm, Mountaip States NIGHT Music Company. DOUBLE FEATURE Humphrey BOGART Ida LI PINO LITHIA FRIDA! — SATURDAY LOOK WHO’S HEBE! V^A DUU Guadalcanal Railroad Built by Seabees in “HIGH SIERRA” and LUPt VELEZ LEON ERROL Friday and Saturday OISWS er*"5' STOW V ictory THROUGH AIR POWER ir jicanceiea Based M the fameus book by Hajar De Seversky Seeing is Relieving N S > Coming Sunday, Monday, Tuesday High gym Friday night. Victors of the two teams were Centra. Coach , Point and Jacksonville. Roy Parr's Talent quints beat ths ' Central Pointers 26-13 by virtue of the strong second half. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morris of Prospect were in Talent, Friday on business. Mrs. Alice O’Byrne of Ashland attneded the Talent Grange. Thursday night. Local ISO Receives Gifts and Service Continuous Shows I I \ Roy Roger* I’hoto (àlveo to tlie llrnt 111 » •»«- “Secnt Service in Darkest Africa” .Shown ul Flr*t Show* Only Each Day Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Camp Rhythm” WITH (»ale Storm and plus Right to the CHINESE-FIRST TOWEAR SPECTACLES they were first SEEN IN CHINA IN 1275 BY MARCO POLO ACCORDING TO THE BETTER VISION INSTITUTE. R B oger acon 0214-1294) a FRIAR,WAS AN OPTICAL PIONEER. HE WAS THE FIRST MAN TO UNDER STAND HOW GLASS BENT THE RAYS O c LIGHT SOON AFTER SPECTACLES WERE DEVELOPED- YOUR EYE IS EQUIPPED WITH SHOCK ABSORBER/ BLOWS ON THE EYE ARE RENDERED LESS DAMAGING BECAUSE OF THE LINING OF SOFT FATTY TISSUE IN THE SOCKET OF THE SATURDAY and £ O Riot <>f Mirth and Melody The Ashland USO has received the following aid during the past IÄ I week: Magazines— Mrs. Ward Pratt, rrfLZ Lure Me shock ABSoeaen Mrs Ernest Rogers, Miss Bertha nero eiKiH I H tight. Cookies baked or contributed: Junior Civic Club Mrs. Mollie Nell, Mrs. Leah Kerr, Mrs. Jua­ nita Hains. Presbyterian Church Mrs. »John Langtry, Mrs. Klein- I hammer. Army Wives Mrs. Irene Gregory, Mrs. Helen Hazard, Mrs. H. C. Emery and Mrs. W. S. Sten- A Deputy Collector of Internal o nett. Revenue will be in Ashland Feb. Bulletins distributed Paula Os- 24, 25 and 26 to assist people in strander and Margaret Wagner. making out their federal income Mr. and Mrs. Eric Weren vis- i ------------ o ----- ---- tax reports There will be no ited with Mr Weren's sister, Mrs. ( Mrs Homer Billings is ill with charge for this service. C. L. Bergstrom, at the Osteo­ the flu. pathic Hospital in Medford Sun­ Born to Capt. and ^frs. Jencel Mr. and Mrs. S W M om »pent day. on February 18, a daughter. the week-end in Klamath Falla. ROSIE O’GRfiDV • TO Johnny Downs I ------------ o------------ IIÀNCII Brenda Joyce AM) Joseph Allen Romance, Action and laiughtrr Matinee Saturday ( out in nous Sunday WEDS. & THU RS. PARGAIN NIGHTS SUNDAY IT Miss Lurline Brady, Lincoln school teacher, returned from the Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford. Sunday afternoon and is con­ valescing at home. NEW SPRING COATS AND SUITS ) Coats and Toppers in Bright Shades to Warm Your Spirit $10-95 TO $16.95 I Be Sure and See These Eveiling New Suits in Fascinating Shades. Priced from $9.95 to $I4.95 A Few Suits for Children