KEEP ON cZ4e Papal *1liat Same/hitty £ ay--/Ind Say 4. 9t! with VOL. XIII ASHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1944 lill> AMI I ILA I «H.B • < i«e tniilur: sllictiur evoisoippi.ig japs an ue«ug «eoi to their ancestors al accelerated rate. a a A Uncle Zeke nay« he a in favor r ol u Ul lie h lend ly c(>iii|x*tlt .on a- IllOllg the United Nations to I which one'« auny gets to Beilin mat. New Scout Leader lo Arrive March 1 WAR BONDS Number 5 Attend Chamber of Commerce Meeting Fortnightly Club Horner Billmg«, president of the ' Hears Interesting local Chamber of Commerce, and Alice Patterson, secretary, at­ tended ibe State Chamber of Com- Reviews Monday rnerce meeting at Eugene last Tile Selection Commit vee ol toe (.'later Lake Area Council, Boy S< outs ol America, headed by president loiriy Schade, an- iMiunccd today the selection of Mr Gurdon D. G-I more of Spokane, Wusii , as Scout Executive lor this territory. Gilmore will succeed the ixisllloii belli by Chalies B War­ ner lor one year executive for the local group. The new executive will come to Medford on M irch 1 Ills famllji will follow later. Gilmore, 43 years of age, born In Valley Springs, S. Dak , and was a member of the Boy Scout organization there, reach­ ing the rank of first class. He attended school at Dayton. Wash , uml took Ina college tr i riing and graduated from Whitmun College in Walla Walla, Wash He has a broad Belli of business experience, navlng been employed for a num­ ber of years In the insurance and bond business in Portland, Ore., where he was a district agent for some time. For the last three years Gil­ more has been the Assistant Scout Executive of the Inland Empire Council with headquarters in Spo­ kane, and the area the southeastern section of Washing­ ton and a portion of Idaho. He is mart led and has two chil­ dren. a girl, 14, and a boy, 11. The new lender has had some excellent training, having attend­ ed the National Training Schl of Scout Executives at Mendham. N J., making an excellent record for himself there as well as in his chosen profession of Scouting in his first field of employment in Spokane. Mr. Gilmore met with the Se lection Committee of the Council in Medford recently and was unanimously selected over a field ul other candidates being given consideration. Accuidmg to Schade ne will take a few day« lo gel acquainted in Medford and lhen win cunlacl the rest of the coun- «11 over a period of several weeks Tentative plans have alleady been made tne l'laiunug Commit tecs of the Crater Lake Council lo continue an aggressive prog ran, of activity following the gains mode m this locality in Scouting ,n tne last few year«. 'lue meiuoers ut tne koruogntly Study Ciub met at the home of Mrs C. C. Vail, 285 Liberty Street on Monday afternoon, February 21st. Heir cabmen ts were served A a A irom an attractive tea table cen­ Senator Geotgr of Georgia, on tered with a large crystal bowl the floor of the Senate, describe' ox red, wane and blue carnal! ns. Drew FMuraon, newapapei col- Mrs. C. D. Elhart and Mrs. K. L. uinniat, uh a “skunk' and a "liar", Crosby served. Phew! what a display of senator- Tne regular business session lai dignity! was in cnarge of Mrs. Wrn Rice, AAA vice president, tn the absence of We need iiriiilcs. tanks, und air- Mrs. Geo. P. King, the president, planes, blit above all we heed ------------ o------------ ine roll call was responded to by iu«m, who live above the fog of Urge Cooperation in members from assigned subjects. confusion, strikes and erroneous The short topic was given by opinions. Our greatest sei vice to Long-Distance Calls Mrs. A. I. Minck taken from the our country is to keep awake AAA me starung uuie ol tne mgn. Hygeia and other magazines leuuceu iale period on intrastate aeaung with the subject 'Penicil- This is a funny world. ¡ung-diMtauce cans in Oregon will uum", which is vitally interesting Its wonders never cense; ue advanced Xrom 7 to 6 p. m., in these days. She told of this new All 'civilized' people are at war, eliecuve March 1, F. A. Dressiar, drug discovered by Dr. Alexander All savages at peace AAA Oregon vice president and gen­ Fleming in 1929 when at work in eral manager of the Pacific Tele­ his University of London labora­ On the anniv«»rsary of George phone ana telegraph Company an­ tory. One of the most exciting Washington of cherry tree fame, stories of all medical history is nounced today. President Roosevelt smote the Designed primarily to spread the development of this drug. t w o-a n d-a-quarter billion dollar the evening traffic load and to I Scientists are oonvinced that in tax bill with his veto axe In his assist service men and women in ’ pénicillium they have the most veto message the president sxid- tneir night long-distance calls, potent weapon ever found against “It is not u tax bill but a tax with a resultant annual savings a number of diseases. Supplies of relief bill providing relief not to Oregon telephone customers es­ the drug are still very small. The for the needy, but for the greedy " timated at ,40,000, the extension ; Army has already asked for many Congressional tax leaders will of the night rate period in Ore­ times as much pénicillium as is make an attempt to override the gon was taken following the ap­ being currently produced. It is veto. proval of George H. Flagg, Stale already clear that pénicillium is AAA Public Utilities Commissioner, and an unparalleled weapon against Finland. unwilling victim of the is in line with a similar step to death and will rank as one of gigantic struggle between Ger­ be taken nationally March 1 on the greatest accomplishments ever many and Russia, is making a des­ made by medical research. It has interstate telephone calls. perate bid to get out of the war "Moving tne start uX the night saved the lives of gravely injured and square accounts with the reduced rate period one hour will soldiers when everything else had rest <>f the world. AAA result in definite advantages from failed. “We Thought We Heard the A Washington correspondent a service standpoint,” Mr. Dress­ write,: "Senator Charles L. Mc­ iar said. "At present the heaviest Angels Sing,” by Whittaker was the book reviewed by Mrs. C. V. Nary of Oregon stixxl the rail- load is handled between 7 Mary Marjorie Powell traffic Cary, the story of eight men cast rXshland W. S. G. ling of early morning garbage and 8 p. m. and the spreading out in mid-ocean on rubber cans undvr hi« Mayflower hotel New XV AVE Recruit of this heavy peak-hour traffic adrift At Medford Meet rafts. First she gave a short his- suite window« as long a« he could Newest WAVE from Ashland is should assist in expediting this tory of the life of Captain Ed- The members of the Wesleyan and then got a policeman to say Service Guild of the local Meth­ Miss Mary Marjorie Powell, traffic movement, particularly ward V. Rickenbacker, who was lo the garbage man ‘Touch not odist Chui ch were guests of the daughter ol Mr and Mrs. Benja­ over present congested routes, bom of German parents at Co­ until nine am.”’ Medford Guild members at the min L. Powell, 196 Nutley Street, This step is in accordance with lumbus, Ohio. She told of ins a a a Methodist Church parlors to Med-( reported Recruiting Specialist our policy to do everything pos- many thrilling escapes from death. Warning« by melancholy Jere­ Herbert W. V1"*1", to charge at sible to assist the service men and In World War I Rickénbacker told last Sunday afternoon. miah« again«! ‘over-optimism* are Mis. Beulah ¡•'uber presided the Medford U. S. Navy Recruit­ women with their telephone calls ' shot down twenty-one German tx-coining tiresome. ov, r the meeting. She asked Mrs. Ing substation, which handles and we are confident that the pub­ planes. She told of his advance­ AAA C. A Meeker, formerly Miss Ruth WAVES applications in the Ash- lic in its sympathetic understand­ nient from racing driver to the That dry ice project appear« to ing of our efforts will, in this new Esther Wheaton, to introduce the land area. airlines. have been "frozen” for the dura- step which we are taking, assist head of the ------ ——--- Q — received Miss Powell formally speakers of the afternoon. She The eventful story of the im- lion. us further to save from. 7 to 10 presented Miss Marion Leia Nor- the WAVES oath at the new j portant secret mission to visit the AAA Soldiers to Appear WAVES enlistment headquarters p. m. for the service men.” ri, secretary of the National Guild ' battle fronts where Army fliers Some venturesome souls have at Methodist Church I Office, New York City, and Miss tor Oregon at 735 S. W. Alder I are Jn action to make a study of to make garden. started : all aspects of air fighting, is high­ Cnapluin Roy H. Boldt, with a | Gertrude M. Hutchinson of Al­ Street, Portland, with Lt. ( jg) SOCE Assembly AAA hambra, Calif., western jurisdic­ Lucia Brown officiating. ly interesting. He and his seven There was a time when comic gloup ot soldleis bringing thell Miss Powell graduated frorfa Enjoys Address tional representative of the W’es- companions left Hawaii at 1:30 guilat and accordian, will give a strip« were funny Mrs. Geo’ge T. Gerlinger of a.m. October 21, 1942. The plane prog lain of religious music and leyan Service Guild. They spoke Ashland High School. She was gospel message in tile Methodist interestingly of the Wesleyan active in school affairs as a mem­ Portland spoke to assembled stu­ which carried them was forced C. of C. Notes vuuich next Sunday evening at Service Gudd work, mentioning ber of the Campfire Girls and dents of the Southern Oregon Col­ down at sea and he and his com- lege of Education Monday, Feb panions floated for twenty-one The general ballot for the elec­ i :30. Thus group of men includes projects supported by the Guilds Girls' Athletic Association. Since 1933, Miss Powell has 14, her subject, "The First Ladies days on rubber rafts before they tion of officers for the Chamber Pvt Haielson, who plays the and giving helpful suggestions for of Commerce is ready. All mem­ guitar, and Pvt. Smidell, who euriying on the local organiza­ been manager of the Mary Powell of the White House.” Mrs. Ger­ were picked up. linger 's address was a running bers are requested to get their playa the accordian. Chaplaui tions. They stated that the Wes­ Beauty Salon, Portland. The next meeting of the club She has been active in war work story of the lives of the wives of will be on March 6th at the home leyan Service Guild is responsible lialiot« in by Saturday, so that Soidt will give the sermon. the results may lx- tabulated be- Following the benediction, the foj $135,000 of the $3,000,000 as a member of the Civilian De­ the Presidents of the United of Mrs. A. I. Mi rick, 90 Fifth States, with interesting and amus­ Street. The book review will be lore the first of March. group of soldiers and the young budget of the Women's Society of fense Council. Miss Powell is a member of the ing sidelights and stories. Mrs. given by Mrs. George Briscoe, and people of the church will retire Christian Service of the Methodist Methodist Church. Ashland. Gerlinger's research in this hith­ the short topic by Mrs. C. C. Vail. Soldier ballots may be secured lo the parlors of the church for Church. -------------Q------------- « Following their addresses. Miss erto neglected field has resulted at the Chamber of Commerce Of- refreshments and a social hour. in a valuable collection of Amer­ Pvt. Rolley Smith of Camp lice. Before soldier« are entitled The Women's Society of Christian June Will.ams accompanied by W. Worthington Has icana which she is putting into Adair, who has just returned to ballot, they must present their Service will provide the refresh­ Miss Loree Tho'mas favored with Birthday Anniversary the form of a book. several vocal solos. discharge papers. from a furlough spent in Mich­ ment«. The Medford Guild served a de- j Tuesday, February 22, was the Her address was illustrated by igan, visited Sunday and Monday licious lunch at 5 o'clock. Those ' 89th birthday of Mr. William H. colored slides showing a panorama with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc­ The new angling laws for 1944 are available at the Chamber of Chief Lockhart Talks attending from Ashland were Me»-" Worthington, who lives on 121 of models in the costumes of the Cracken and Mr. and Mrs. James dames George W. Bruce, J. R. Laurel Street where he has made different first ladies, thus show­ Lennox. Commerce Office. At SOCE Assembly McCracken, Ralph Billings. Jere his home for the last 23 years ing a chronological picture of ----------- o------------ , i.o------ — Chief Petty Officer Ted bock­ Torrey, A. H. Preston, D. M. Mrs. Worthington prepared a fashions as well as personalities. Cpl. Paul Icenhower, who Is WORLD DAY OF PRAYER hart of the Seabees spoke to st u- Brower, Chas. M Giffen, Eric lovely three-course dinner, topped Mrs. Gerlinger, Republican na­ stationed at Camp Haan and plays AT NAZARENE CHURCH lents assembled at Southern Ore­ with two beautiful, delicious tional committeewoman, was in baritone in the first band, re­ World Day of Prayer services gon College Wednesday morning, Weren, Alice Willits and the birthday cakes, lighted with tiny Southern Oregon in connection i turned Saturday after a visit with Misses Gladys Whitson. Voda will be held at the Nazsrene discussing with the humorous out­ candles. Brower, Cora Mason. Carrie May with the visit of Wendell Willkie. homefolks. Church at 2 o'clock Friday after­ look of past perils his experience Invited dinner guests present Smith and Jeanette Smith. I noon. at Henderson Field and other were Mr. and Mrs. Charley Rec- ------------ o------------ Three ten-minute addresses will points of construction in the Pa­ tor, Mr. and Mrs. I>eo Jammer- NEW MINISTER ARRIVES be given on the following sub­ cific war area. thal and Dr. and Mrs. G. W. IN ASHLAND jects: “Christ, the Hope of the Chief Ixx'khart concluded by Bruce. During the day ni|mbers The Re\ J. Howard Rees. Mrs People;" "Christ, the Hope of stating that his convalescent leave of friends tvent to the home to Those in Spiritual Darkness" and expires at the end of the month Rees and two small children ar­ bear birthday greetings. Mr. and rived in Ashland last week from "Christ, the Hope of the War- and it wax "back to the Navy” Mrs. Worthington celebrated their Litchfield, Ohio. Rev. Rees is the Torn World.” for him, a return which he ap­ fiftieth wedding anniversary a Besides the addresses there will peared to anticipate with interest new minister at the First Con­ I year ago last December. gregational Church He is a grad ­ be good music and an opportunity - .<)---------- ■ o----- ------ uate of Ol "rlin Seminary. He held for meditation and prayer, I. Z. WALKER TO GIVE his first service in Ashland last S. S. Ranier Launched I'EMPERANCE TALK SUNDAY Sunday. r Tuesday, Feb. 22 Evangelict J. Z. Walker will be ----------- o ----------- F. S. ENGLE Swan Island's 54th tanker, the th«« speaker at the Methodist Frank King, son of Mrs. Ruth S S Rainier, was launched Tues­ anti Companion Church, Sunday morning at the Arc Invited to Re Guests of the Sunday School hour. He will dis King, left Tuesday night for day, Feb. 22, at 11:30 a. m., ded­ North Carolina after spending a icated to the American Red Cross SOUTHERN OREGON MINER cuss practical measures for the week's furlough in Ashland. He Volunteer Workers of the State to see churches to use in a crusade to was recently graduated from Reed of Oregon. at the VARSITY HIEATRE make Aahand dry. J. F. Emmett, College, Portland, where he was Over 400 Red Cross workers in (Friday and Saturday) Temperance Superintendent of the a student in meteorology Enroute uniform attended the launching as “Victory Through Air Power" Methodist Sunday Schoo), plans home he visited with his sister. special guests, and a luncheon was PLUS four temperance programs a year, Miss Ninon King, who is a stu­ served at the Swan Island Dormi - this being the first in 1944. dent at the University of Oregon, tory Lunchroom at which tribute “FALSE COLORS” -----------o----- - ------ Eugene. to the workers was paid. or Mrs. C. L. Bergstrom returned -----------n I < Rwndnv. Monday. Tuesday) froi i the Osteopathic Hospital, Supt. T. J. Norhv Dr. Arthur William Pyle, who has been "SWEET ROSIE O’GRADY" Mer ford, Tuesday. She will spend visiting his sister, Mrs Reba P S Taylor, and C. R R. Bowman Please call at the Miner Office went to Klamath Falls. Satuuav several days at the Eric Weren Kelsey, returned to his home in for Your Guest Tickets ) I home convalescing, Redding Saturday. week. Gov Sneli and Dean Morri« of the University of Oregon were the principal speakers They dis­ cussed plans for post-war read­ justment and commended the Chamber of Commerce organiza­ tion for their cooperation in such planning. In addition to other routine business, the election of officer« tor the State Chamber of < Com- rnerce organization was held. to attend an educational meeting.