SOUTHERN OREGON MINER till NG A I 11IE I.ITIIIA 11 JJifi -MON.—TI ES. i Treasury Department Employee* Subscribe Largely to War Bond* Thursday, February 17, 1944 Bazooka Berkshire SOUTHERN 0ICEGON MINER Ninety-five percent of all em­ ployes in the Treasury Depart­ ment, numbering bl,573 through­ out th«; country, an- participating in the pay roll savings plan. An average of 11 1 per cent of pay roils is b»-ing invested, according to the Treasury Department. Employ« in the Office of the Coinpt roli- i ut the Currency have the highest participation with 98.2 per cent, while the Division of 1'« rsonnel is investing the most with a percentage of 12.3. It was pointed out, however, Dial the two offices have a small number of employes 83 for the Personnel and 992 for the Comp­ troller s Off.ce. The Bureau of Internal Revenue, which has the highest number of employes with 39,41b, has 97 5 per cent partici­ pation and an average of 11.3 per LOS ANGELES, CALIF. — No cent investment under the pay roll Arkansas Razor-back is this grand plan. champion at the Pacific National ------------- o Berkshire show purchased by Bob W. D. Chipman is able to be Bums, motion picture and radio I out again after an attack of comedian, at 11050 for his Rancho Bazooka. Burns, who is famous lumbago. for his wild tales of Arkansas hill Mrs. Clay Davis is improving folk, and the guttural rumblings of his gas pipe Bazooka, is an ardent from an attack of the flu. admirer of fine livestock and spends much time at his ranch Every mile our boys win means near here. longer communication lines. These mean greater expense, more en­ -SHELLING” EGGS I ergy, more of everything from all Do you find it irksome some­ of us. times getting >ie shell off a hard- cooked egg? Mrs. Julia Keene, director of Westinghouse Home Economics Institute, adds salt to the water in which the egg is cooked. This makes the shell harder and more brittle and so much easier to remove. Published every Thursday at 167 East Maia S .. Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruin Giffen. Office Phone 8561 Subscription rates: *2.00 per year Entered as second-class matter is tne post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15, 1935 under the act of March 3 1879. h ‘ IIMAIIAIU I tool oMIIAIIMi Molili 0» A Muom» ItCOUOIlM MAI HIM COMAllltO II JOMA I UMOllr IM CMKAfO Alili It) 000 MOUtl Of IAI0I OVUM! IMI IA1I MIMI HAH All MIA» I mi homi COMIIOll OMUA'IO Itou IMI CAI M Mt«.I I RITE < IIAPMAN UAUI IM Will II MAMO COUtllH IM nui mm . ito rwMtn iuam MIMMI • uu au in II II lAlMO AI 1)0 000 ••IIEKTROYER” AAiljOADS MOW I tttt Of AfOUl IOUUUÜ MU Ml A AMD il»if tout ntfil AS ft AMI AS tifoni Itti MAA < l\ II. SERt l( 1. HEEKJ4 SENIOR KENT APPRAISER MOI All AS HIM MtAMMin AMt> AttOMi OMAIOtS Of A I UMS SMQI MAMf tfQH »M fOVMD MOUSIS SHOOS ItHtMl MOUSIS. ItiliMl IF AMDS At lui, St A! IQMS AMO OM ft AIMS '«« tulli UAtlI lUttll •ult UU.UAMKAI OMUCIKIMI a> un curor tot hai uicmicam homiii ini itoti iau * ai •tour ni cium io im tiuui li ut ohi a tu am locououn '« OMIAII IMI •»HI tUUtl Dotili IMI lAUIUMll «IIOClftlION O» ****** ♦ 4 ** * Can you use a typewriter? * »Mil <*H u liiitOAOt 1H Applications for the position of Senior Rent Appraiser, for the Offic«- of Price Administration, l«os Angeles, Calif., is being 'ought by the United States Civil ::< rvice Commission. The salary for th'< position is *4426 a y«ar, Including overtime There is no written teat and no maximum age limit. Complete information and forms for applying may be obtained from first or second class post offices Applications will be ac­ cepted until the needs of tpc serv­ ice have been met. l'A(hl\(i roiNTKKN In mailing mote than a ton of cookies in individual two-pounil boxes to men in service cutups, Mis Julia Kiene, director of the Westinghouse Home Economics institute, found they arrived flesh and more "shapely" when packed thia way; Wrap each cookie sep­ arately in waxed paper. Line the inside of cookie box with waxed {taper. Pad bottom and sides of I m > x with shredded or wadded paper or excelsior mats. Pack cookies loosely in box to prevent crushing. Place top on box, and it cook.c box is mude of light­ weight cardboard put this box in­ side a heavy corrugated box for protection in mulling Tie secure­ ly with heavy twine or seal with gummed tape If gummed tape is used, mark box "May be opened for postal inspection." o —— Bombs aren’t falling on yqur street, so you feel safe Help keep it that way. ^JAN YOU do clerical work or accounting? Have you ever worked In it store? Can you drive a car ? The Army needs all kinds of skills In the WAC. There’s a chance for you to improve a skill you already have, or learn on«* you’ll find useful all your life. Today find out about the opportunities that await you In the WAC the im|s>rtiuit job, the interesting life, the chance to serve your country in a vital way. APPLY nt the nearest U S Army Recruiting Station (your local Post Office will give you the aildressi. Or write: The Adjutant General. Room 4415, .Munitions Build Ing, Washington, D C. BE AN Allea Of KESY IN THIS aSY-TO «.”i C1"En’'.L C uinmr Ooornts DRY SLABS PHONE 5751 GUNTER FUEL CO INSURANCE m /7/2 in S weden '"Riat you can depend on" AUTOMOBILE FIKE FEBRUARY HAP30 CAYS ,1HE EXTRA CAY I WING BEEN ADDED TO ADJUST HER CALENDAR TO THE JULIAN — ************ S trangely enough S weden wd not ADOPT THE PRESENT CALENDN? UNTIL 41 YEARS LATER WHEN IT DROPPED II DAYS TO BRING THE CALENDAR IN ACCORD WfTH THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR NOW IN USE — _________ DO YOU KNOW that UPSIDE DOWN MEAT PIE you expect to be paid for damage to your home, your household goods, or your auto­ mobile, be sure to get your insurance before a loss occurs. Tie World Calendar of 12 month and equal quarten in ate will give tn February the exact number of 30 ANT to be an angel of mercy? Your nearest hospital needs you as day*. comparable with the other 7 a volunteer helper In your spare time. An easily laundered cham­ bray coverall that buttons up the back is the perfect costume for month of 30 dayi; the tint month setting up trays and spreading sunshine. Direction sheet. "Suggestions in every quarter will hate 31 dayi for Sewing Quickly," may be obtained by sending a stamped, self- and five Sunday*. That, itrangely addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper, enough did Sweden 231 yean age luecliyins No. B 2565 hate a February of 30 day*. W This * «st — d mii-s fea^vre in Hut «pp&w h 1U W«rW Csfaedw A smm MB *» R*b A-enue. M Y. C J The Ingredients Brown 1 cup sliced onion in 2 tab! icons lard. Add 1 lb. ground beef. Cook until crumbly but not hard. Add ’« teaspoon celery seed, 'i teaspoon pepper. 1 teaspoon salt, and 1 can tomato soup. Simmer until thick. Better have your in­ surance checked NOW by this agency Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 «1 Eaat Main ASK I OK MT. ASHLAND M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA BOILED CUSTARD To get a smooth, thick boiled custard this is what Westinghouse I home economists advise: Cook slowly over a low heat, stir until custard coats the spoon, then re- move from range and pour into serving dishes, Should custard curdle while cooling because of too-intense heat, take it off the range immediately, put in a pan of cold water and beat with a i rotary egg beater. Butter & Creamed Cottage Cheese AS ALWAYS THE VERY BEST IN WORKMANSHIP AND THE MOST COURTEOUS TREATMENT AT YOUR GROCERY OR MARKET We appreciate your patronage ASHLAND CREAMERY WARDROBE CLEANERS "What is made in Ash lan a makes Ashland BOLTS-NUTS HEALTH & ACCIDENT On the Plaza Phone 3281 i.... Any Kind, Size Or Length Making the Batter Make a drop biscuit batter as fol­ lows: Sift together 2 cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder and 1 tea­ spoon salt. Cut in 4 to 6 tablespoons lard until mixture has fine even crumb. Add 1 cup milk Stir well. Pour over hot meat mixture. ★ * * IN MEDFORD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BUSIEST BLOCK Iron and Steel orders up YOUR FAVORITE CUT-HATE *10.00 require no priority. X The Finished Pie Bake in a hot oven (450’F.) for 20 minutes. Turn out on chop plate. Serve hot. To complete the meal, serve a vegetable, a relish tray or mixed vegetable aalad and fruit Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop * i gelatin«, CAKE PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS VITAMINS SUNDRIES TOILETRIES TOBACCOS CIGARETTES STATIONERY WESTERN THRIFT STORE 30 North Central Phone Medford 3874