À Thursday, February’ 10, 1944 V arsity NOW PLAYING! K sdhne Rood-Builders! RICHARD ARLEN JIAN PARKER BILL HENRY PAT O BRIEN in KNUTE ROCKNE’ Friday and Saturday DOUBLE FEATURE with RICHARD DIN SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 11 ll Cpl. HowarJ Lockwood, s.a doned at San Francisco, ,s home on a th lee-day furlough. H. L. Richard of Aiediord w.ut a caller in Talent, Saturday. Mrs. Alice O'Byrne of Ashland called on friends here Saturday John Sutten, who is employed at Sun Crest Orchard, visited atives In Gold Hill Sunday Jack Kelly, who has been ployed at O>p, Calif., for last three ye.irs. has returned to inc Valley tO live The W. 8. C. 8 met at the Methodist Church last Thursday s' an all-day meet ng At a covered dish luncheon served. An all-day meeting held at the church the first Thursday of each month, and a Tible study on the third Thurs­ day of the month. Mr. and Mrs. (toy Unruh of Prospect have purchased proper­ ty In ’Talent and were In town Saturday. Mrs Bell Skeeters and Mrs Pittha Hu igale were shopping in Meuford Monday. Billie Beeson, son of Mr anti Mrs Everett Beeson, has entered the field artillery OfflOkr c null Industnal Firms Avenge Bataan Day date school at Fort Sill, Okla, upon completion of the 17-week Responsible for 20% Observed Tuesday course he will be commissioned j A telegram from the Oregon a second lieutenant of field ar­ Fourth Vvar Loan tillery in the Army. Industrial firms in Jackson I War Finance Committee indicat- | ed that plans were made t'oi the Mrs. Charles Skeeters and An­ County will account for $432,193 I celebration of "Avenge Bataan nabelle Riggs visited Mrs Skee­ in Fourth War Loan Bonds, Oli­ ters' brother, George Thrasher, ver Gustafson. Medford, payroll 1 Day" on Tuesday in Portland. The War department records and family Sunday near Granta savings chairman, was advised to­ day by William A. Bingham, state show 17 Oregon soldiers known Pass. dead in Jap prison camps and 11 Ernest White of the Valley director of payroll savings. This is 20 per cent of the coun- civilian prisoners The army be­ Locker Plant returned home last ty's total Fourth War Loan lieves that the men were tortured I week from San Francisco, where quota. Most of this money will be to death or died of HI treatment. he has been the past three months invested in E bonds, Gustafson I Pfc, Melvin Ring, Goldhill and as instructor in e. mechanical Cpl. Wayne V. Coonu of Talent i school stated. Mr. and Mrs George Phlefer Industrial quotas were based on are among those reported dead. stat.stics compiled by war finance Civilian Mildred Bartlett. 494 who operate the Talent Market, statisticians. A total of 9000 in­ Fairview St Ashland, are among are having their store reniod« led dividual statistical studies of Ore- 1 those reported prisoners. People | and redecorated Mrs Gilbert Hill visited her gon business establishments were thruoghout Oregon avenged Ba­ made, according to Bingham. They taan on Tuesday by buying War 1 parents. Mr and Mrs. E T New- 1 bry, last Thursday, and with her represent a total of $23.392.580 Bonds. ------------ o------ mother attended the W C. T U. which war finance officials expect I meeting in Ashland to come from workers all over OREGON SCHOOLS BUY Mr. and Mrs Dave Bradley are ie State. Approximately 307 MANY WAR RONDS moving to Prospect in the near rms in Jackson County are rep- Oregon schools are well out in •seated in the total. front of the nation in purchase of future where Mr. Bradley will be Quotas are based on January E bonds, Philip J. Coyle, consult c- ­ employed. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of ryroll, amount of regular pay- ant to the education section of the >11 investment and estimated war finance division. Washington, Glendale. Ore., spent the last klity of employes to inVest D. C., told Oregon War Bond of­ month in the Valley with their "This is the first time in war ficials last week when he stopped daughter and son-in-law. M" and 1 aancing history that individual in Portland during an official Mrs. Archie Estes, and o’her rel atives They returned to their t iotas have been established," tour of western states. me Monday. 1 jigham stated. “This is a fair Oregon is one of very few c id equitable means of dividing states whose school children have A birthday dinner was given at t ie state's $99,000,000 quota and pledged to assume a definite the home of Mr and Mrs Archie jives everyone a chrnce to do his quota in the Fourth War I »an. Estes Sunday honoring their full share yi helping the war ef- he stated Oreigon schools have «•«ughter, Mrs. William Sommers fort." pledged to raise at least 3 per Those who enjoyed the occasion ------------ o------------ cent of total E bond quota, ac- were Mr. and Mrs. Estes. Mr uid Mr. and Mrs. Bliss had an en- cording to Mrs F W. Blum, state Mrs. William Sommers and two joyable visit last week with their schools-at-war chairman, This children and Mr and Mrs Jem son, who is home on furlough amounts to JI. 140.000 Smith from the army Mr. and Mrs. Bliss accompanied him north to visit other members of the family. W Moss, agent for Peet Min- feeds, was a business visitor in Valley View last week. J. *R. McCracken left Monday evening for Salem, Oregon on buisness. On his return trip he will attend the State Dairy Con­ vention at Eugene. ClUMOAR ÖOOITIES KELP HIM GET THAT LONG Continuous Shows INSTANCE SATURDAY and BIG TIME RACKETEERS VERSUS THE LAW OF THE WESTI ■ 1 I■Ti iï? < I 1 1 Si DON RED'' E nglishmen bed by T he G regorian calendar L eaders of the G uilds A Säga of Wild, Reckless, Thrill-teeming Times! 0 JOHN WAYNI MARTHA SCOn ALMRT MX KER GIORGI HAHS WEDS. & THU RS BARGAIN NIGHTS' S. S. ‘Crater Lake’ Launched Friday Matinee Saturday ( ontinuous bunday Subject Chosen for 19i t Beckman C ontest Crater L^ako National Park was Tlic Oregon Historical 8oc ety honored Friday. February 4, al the has selected "The Oregon Bound­ launching of Swan Island's 51st ary and Settlement" as the sub­ tanker, the SS Crater Lake. The ject for the 1944 Beekman essay ship was «¡xmsored by Mrs Pres­ contest, and not "The Oregon ton C. llief.eld, wife of the | Trail" as previously announced aisiant superintendent uf the erec- I All students between fifteen and lion department al Swan Island i eighteen yeuis of age, attending and the guest of honor was Miss ' educational Institutions within the Jeane Steele of Medford, repre­ stale of Orcgun, are cilgib.e to senting the Crater Lake National enter this contest Four prizes of Park, Miss Steei* la the daughter $60, $50, $40, and $30 will be of the late Will Steele, for many awaided Each winner w.U receive years chief forester in the Na- a handsome bronze medal. Uonal Park, and oftentimes called (Flom Tile Rogue Newt) the "Father uf Crater Lake. oo ---------- -O_---- — ■ -o---- STRANGE (XHNCIDKNCE INFANT (II ARLES 8. CON NOB (XI TILS 1\ ESGLAND Funeral services were held Three y.ars ago R.ehard Mart­ Tuesday afternoon for Charles in, grandson of Mr. and Mrs II Stephen Connor, infant son of H Dickins, went to Canada, where Mrs Dena Connor The baby's he enlisted He was sent to Eng- father wax killed in a mill acci­ land, where he married an Eng- dent last August The baby is lish girl last October survived by his mother and two Tht* English bride took her sisters, Kay Lynfreid and Karen husband to call upon her special Lee. his grandparents, Mr and churn, who hail likewise married Mrs Lee Connor and Mrs Ruth an American. Imagine their sur­ M Solle of Ashland prise, when they discovered that ... — _ —-— .. the chum was married to Chuck Mrs Howard O. Eddy and Childers, also an Ashland. Ore­ daughter. Miss Virginia Eddy, left gon resident Both young men are Friday for Portland, where they graduates of Ashland high school. will reside for the present Mrs They plan to bring their English Eddy has accepted a position at brides to Ashland after the war, the Veterans' Hospital, and Vir­ where they will make their home ginia will enter her second semes­ 1 o - ter at I-ewis and Clark Univer­ J F Emmett attended a din­ sity. ner meeting In Medford Saturday o night of the Northern Life repre­ Subscribe for The Miner today sentatives of this district. SOUGHT TO EXACT 11 RAYS' EXTRA RAY FOR THE TIME LOST OVERNIGHT----- DO YOU KNOW that The World Calendar of 12 month» and equal quarter» can be introduced on the old date, December 31,1944, which become» the extra Saturday, World Holiday, December W, 1944. Thi» date will be followed by New Year’» Day, January 1, 1945, of The World Calendar. No day» need to be dropped or added with the change. This it ON Mdvtrva TaoEvra In fhfc nowspop«, copyri^Ma^ o«4 wppliad by Do WorW Colandw AtwooKoa 490 EM Aranw. K V C TONIGHT You can do it by not using Long Distance between 7 and 10 P.M. except for urgent calls. Those are the night-time hours when many service men are off duty and it’s their best chance to call home. St MICE Buy War Bonds for Vieto ry lea KEITH bada JOHNSON Sunday — Monday — Tuesday THROUGH SEPT.2e,l752 AWP AWAKENED -rue HEXT MORNING TO FIND IT WAS SEPT. 14, BECAUSE THE JULIAN HAD BEEN REPLACED BARRY 0 CALL SUNDAY YOUNG ADULT GROUP ENJOYS DINNER-SOCIAL Twenty-eight young people from the newly organized Method sc Young Adult Fellowship met for a dinner-social evening in the Methodist Church last Saturday evening. Mrs. Steve Moss, the teacher of the class, in the ab­ sence of the president, Mr. Mit- tag, acted as chairman. The games of the evening were in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Messenger, It was one of fne most lively and interesting social gatherings of this group. Plans are already laid for an­ other dinner-social evening for March 4. This group is composed of young married couples, and they meet each Sunday morning at 9:45 for the study of the Sun­ I day School lesson. I \ EHEIES Git«"