Thursday, February 10, 1944 AT THE CHURCHES, QN MINORITIES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Gordon C. Griffui-l'aator 9.45- Bible School, C. E. Corry, Superintendent. 11:OU- Mornuig Worship. 6:30 - Young Peoples Meeting 7:30 * Evening Service 7.30, Wednesday- Mid-week fel­ lowship hour. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER By Ruth Taylor A lot of thoughtless people are HM ARE IMPORTANT asking today. “Why ail thia clam­ There is no such Uung as ■ or for rights? Don't minority "little ' investment in the Fourth War Loan groups know when they are well Your $25 or $50 or $100 Extra off:” War Bond may not have great But have you noticed bow importance in your mind many of the people who say that, in making up are those who have never met with a 54 billion —V— discrimination? They have never dollar total tor individu­ THE CHURCH OF THE moved outside of their own par­ als. ticular orbit, but the barrier that BRETHREN But multi­ has kept them back has not been ply yourseil Ashland and Medford by 130 (XX). (XX) that of restriction-' or “discrinl- Ward E. Pratt, Pastor and then you ination.*' Instead it has been lack see in real perspective how truly of money or desire that restrained 10.00 - The Church School. great each citizen becomes in massing national strength Theme: “Jesus on me Mountain them. As individuals they knew against trie Nazis and the Japs. they were acceptable anywhere. and In the Valley.** Capt Maurice Witherspoon. Before you condemn minority Navy chsp ain aboard the Car­ Graded lessons for the children. rier Wasp when she sank, tells pleadings, just think how you 11:00 - Worship Service ot a rescued wounded sailor, Message theme: Can We Find would feel if you weren't wanted who. as he regained conscious­ ness. asked “Did I do my Release in God?” or 'Does God —not AFTER having had a chance I best?" to prove' your worth, but before Still Forgive Sin?” That's the only question you. Evening services in Medford and regardless! too, have to ask yourself when Remember that America was you decide the extent of your at 60b S. Oakdale St. 7:00 - BYPD personal participation in the studying the Acts of the Apostles, founded by men and women who Fourth War Louu There undoubtedly will be Chapter 5. Group meetings for were annoyed by restrictions on large single purchases of War children and juniors. 8:00 - Even­ jobs, in lands where trades de­ Bonds in this community, but ing worship with race relation scended from father to son; on yours if it is vour best" will religion, where no man could hold deserve equalh the red. white emphasis. Message: Can Chris­ and blue shield you are privi­ tians Do any th mg about growing office who did not adhere to the leged to display In the window creed of the State; on speech, race Prejudice?” of your home where the secret police dogged So "lei’s All Back the Attack.” —V— THE EDITOR. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, the steps of those who thought for themselves- and so on. All of SCIENTIST us who are “native born of na­ tive born' are descended from Measure your sacrifice. Are Pioneer Ave., South those who objected to restrictions. your burdens really heavier Sunday morning service at 11 Can we, therefore, be anything than those borne by boys from o'clock. but patient ana understanding of this community now fighting In Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. those who are trying to achieve Wednesday evening meeting, wnat we have been bom to— far away foxholes? Let's all back wrnch includes testimonies of equal treatment as equals, the the attack. Christian Scieuce healing, is held rights of being judged as indi­ I. O. Edwards of Hilt. Californ­ at 8 o'clock. viduals. not labeled as a minority Reading Room open daily from and held outside the common life? ia was a business visitor In Ash­ land Monday While here he called 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and These minorities want to be­ at the Miner office. holidays. long. They want the same rights The public is cordially invited we possess — the right to work to attend these services, and to and be useful, the right to eco­ use the Reading Room. nomic security, the right to free­ dom from want for their families, —V— and, most important of all, the SEVE.NTH-DA Y ADVENTIST right to participate on equal terms CHURCH in our common life. Perhaps these Cor. 4th and C. Sts. minorities don't all think as we do, nor act as we would act— Sabbath School 9:30 a. m. Sat­ but have we given them the op- urday. Worship 11:00. Sunday evening, February 13. p 'rtumty to learn our way of Mrs. Moffet, returned missionary tl ought, our way of life? There is no such thing as equal­ from Africa, will speak Subject: “Reclaiming Africa's Black Dia­ ity of possession—but there must monds.” Song service and motion 1 bo equality of opportunity. We can provide the education, tradi­ pictures. Battle for Tarawa and tion and background to give every historic meeting of the Big Four o e a chance if he has what it , Starts 7:45. Everybody welcome takes. As the stronger it is up i This is a change in program from tc us—but we must do it by un- ' that formerly announced. d rstanding and friendliness not —V— CATHOLIC CHURCH Sixth and C streets Rev. W, J. Meagher, Pastor. Mass Sunday morning an 9 o'clock, Sunday School after Mass con­ ducted by the ladies of the church. JAMES L. KRAFT RECEIVES AWARD To the Peopie of this Community , 1 One thousand Protestant church leaders throughout the country have selected James L Kraft, Chi­ cago industrialist, as the winner of the first national Russell Col­ gate Distinguished Service Ota- i lion for his "outstanding contri­ butions to the advancement of Christian education through per­ sonal leadership and Influence '* The award was made by the International Council of Religious Education at a fellowship lunch­ eon In the Stevens Hotel here, February 8, during the 22nd an­ nual meeting of the Council, it tias been announced by Dr. Roy G. Ross, general secretary. Ax a memorial for the late Russell Col­ gate, president the Internation­ al Council until his death in 19-11, the citation consists of a haud- lettcred certificate and a medal, which was presented to Mr. Kraft by Dr. Arlo Ayres Brown of Madison. N J., chalrniun of the Cbuncil. "The selection of Mr. Kraft for this honor is a distinct recogni­ tion of his personal leadership for many years in Christian educa­ tion,” Dr. Roas declared In mak­ ing the announcement "Religious educators of the United States and Canada know Mr Kraft as an un­ tiring worker in Christian educa­ tion and as a staunch lay friend Rolling Posters Boost Bond Drive ft S the U 8. Treasury launches another nation wide drive to Increase the sale ot War Bonds the outdoor poster facilities ot the nation have been mobilised in u mighty effort to keep the campaign constantly before the eyes ul the American public. That effective slogan "Back the Attack!” has been followed by an other "punch line" **Let Etn Have It—With Extra Bonds'” This, with a picture of an Amerl can trooper in the act of tossing a grenade, la the message of a slr(k Ing new poster designed by Douglas Leigh, famous poster expert, now Mr und Mrs C 8 Butchart of Dallas. Oregon spent the week end with the former's parents Mr and Mrs James Yvo Mr Yeo Is improving from his recent ill­ ness being displayed on the 16.00(1 trucks ot Itailway Express Agency through out the country The apace for these “motion posters'* has been donated by that company 19H will witness the most tre- 1 mendoua conflict in human history I (Jenera) Elsenhower has declared | that It will bring Victory to the UliltiMl Nations and complete de­ feat to Germany It will tubjecl Japan to a mighty offensive that can only result in the ultimate downfall of that enemy. Buy more bonds and more after that* Hack up the men on the fight­ ing fronts' We cannot, we must not let them down! Goebla Is called our Flying Fortresses "Flying Coffins'* We need more of them over Ger­ many Let's All Back the Attack Buy .More War Bonds by restrictions or discrimination. | FELICITO KATHERINE DIEU Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Fe- 1‘eite Katherine Dieu, 66, of Con­ cord, California She was a former Ashland resident. —V— Survivors include six children, FREE METHODIST CHURCH Mrs Martha Harrison, Emiilienne Charles E. Brown, Pastor Broux, and Mrs. Harriet Quince of Concord. California; Margaret 9:45 - Sunday School. 11:00 - Morning Worship. Luthke of Portland, Morris Dieu of Napa, California and Mrs. 6:45 - Young People. 7:30 - Evangelistic Servic i. Pauline Maggard of Benicia, Cali­ 7:30 - Tuesday, Cottage Gray­ fornia. er meeting. 7:30 - Thursday, Prayer Meet­ us”. Dr. George W Bruce of the ing. First Methodist Church will give - V — the sermon. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Wednesday: ♦ Prayer and Bible Study, 7:30 Corner North Main and p. m. Laurel Streets A warm invitation is extended Dr. G. W. Bruce, Minister to all. —V— The Sunday Church School TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCM meets at 9:45. The morning sermon is at 11 on Rev. A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar the subject, "Thy Will Be done 8:00:Holy Communion on Earth as It Is in Heaven.” The 9:30- Church School Ladies' Choral Club will sing two ll:00:Service and Sermon numbers, “O Bread of Life,” from —V— Messe Solennelle, choral version CHURCH OF CHRIST by Victor Harris; and "Bless This Second and B Streets House," by May H. Biahe. Mrs. Earl F. Downing, Minister John Koehler is the director and Bible School, 9:45 a. m.; E. H. Miss Elene Douglas is the pian­ McGee, superintendent. ist. Morning Service, 11 a. m.; ser­ *Ihe Senior and Intermediate Methodist Youth Fellowship mon, "How’s our Eyesight?” Junior Church, 11 a. m„ for groups will meet for woranip at 6:15 The 7:30 preaching service children of beginner, primary and V/ill be held in the Presbyterian junior ages. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Church, and the sericca subject Junior and high schpol groups. is “The Changeless Jesus.” Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. The mid-week Bible study and prayer service is each Thursday Fifth service in the series, "Ten Nights in God’s House.” This is evening at 7:30. "Sweethearts Night," both mar­ —V- ried and single. Sermon, "A Hen- NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH. Pecked Husband Who Was Fright ­ CONGREGATIONAL ened by the Gospel.” Comer of Blvd, and Morton Midweek Service of Prayer and 9:45 - Bible Scohol with Mrs. Bi le Study, Wednesday, 7 j 30 Glen Prescott, Superintendent p. m. 11:00- Worship Service —V— Sermon by Mr. C. F. McCall. "*HE METHODIST CHURCH —V— Taient, Oregon FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Dr. G. W. Bruce, Minister CHURCH The morning sermon is at 9:30, North Main at Helman and the subject is “Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is in Heav­ Sunday services: en.” The Sunday School follows Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. immediately after the sermon pe­ (Junior Church meets at the same riod, at 10:30. Clarence Holdridge is the superintendent. hour.) Youth Meeting, 6:30 p. m. The mid-week Bible study and 7:30 - Evening Service, prayer service is each Wednesdiy Subject: "The Changeless Jes- evening at 7:30. a