X zf PofL+l o4 THAT (lb <>l.l> TIMER) io twr Editor; Hi Valentine’s Day, February 14, is so coded after u Christian martyr of the Roman period. » » * ’1 lie cus.om of esUialig.ng mis sues is laiieveU to flave nomicU down Horn u Homan Uvut, wmii names of mollis UllU uucmlors wcie put , We read thul George Washing­ ton never celebrated his blrthduy on February 22 Born February 11, he was 2U years old when the colonists adopted the Gregorian calendar which added 11 days to his uge His first birthday party on February 22 was given by friends and wua celebrated ul Valley Forge in 1778. * > > The Germans, says a dispatch, ate now using liquid air as an explosive. But when it comes to their radio propugundu the Nazis ure still depending on I hut old- fashioned hot air. A A > Without guile ami with pure purpose, let us renew our trpat ill G»d. and go fotwurd without tear u'.d with manly hearts. Abraham Lincoln. > > > A pipe dreamer on the Tokyo radio envisions rocket-driven Ber- lin-to-Tokyo trains after the war. By that time there won't be either a Tokyo or a Berlin. > *1* &CUp—¿ln > Uncle Zeke says the average residents of any big German cities have discovered that to find out how the war’s going there’s no place like home. > > > It would be n good thing if those who would deify Lincoln would practice some of his hum­ ble virtues. > > > It looks as though the Russians will be the first to reach Berlin or what Is left of It by Allied bombers RI-PARTY TICKET URGED The fourth-term nomination oi Franklin D. Roosevelt as a bi {»arty candidate, With an out- standing Republican as his vice prudential running mate, wax proposed today by the Buffalo Courier - Express, an Independent newspaper, in a page one editorial. Urging a "complete holiday from national party politics in 1944,” the editorial calls for Roosevelt's resignation when a European armistice has been signed. Elect Officers at Presbyterian Meet The Women's Association of the Presbyterian Church met last Thursday for the regular meeting with Miss Cora Mason as guest speaker. She told of the work of Miss Mary Young, former Ash­ land resident and a former miss­ ionary to Korea, who is teaching at the Sue Bennett College near London, Kentucky. She also spoke of work among the migrants. Election of officers also took place with the following people elected for the ensuing year: Mis J. W. McCoy, president; Mrs. Ella Garrett, honorary vice- president; Mrs. Clyde Smith, vice- secretary; Mrs. J. A. Lang trey, treasurer; Mrs. E. A. Olden bei g, secretary of literature; M IH .1 i1 Edgar, secretary of missionary president; Mrs. Dale Berkhlmer, education; Mrs. F. F. Whittle, membership sicretary; Mrs. J. C Whitsett, stewardship secretary; Miss Ninabel Emery, secretary of "Overseas Sewing.” Number 3 FEBRUARY 10, 1944 Fine Program Given t Ixieal USO Sunday 15 AHS Boys in Army Air Corps Fortnightly Club Meets Monday Pfc. Jack Dickerson, 46th F ield Hospital, Camp White, was mast­ er of ceremonies at the Ashland The Fortnightly Btuuy i>iub met Evidently, the boys of Ashland USO Opeq House program, Sun- on February 7 at the home of ill uie uot "draft dudgi.'is. Ail aay and introduced the following Mrs. Mabel White, who served of our iellows Who ure eligible lumbers. dainty refreshments at 1:30, wit.rr seem to be anxious to get into Pvt Al Velerai! of the 96th Mrs. Cora Bruce and Mrs. Ethel .mine branch of the service, !• or L4 vision, sang in the Mexican K.ng pouring. The tea table was example, last week 17 boys took manner “1 aper Doll" and "Cle- centered with a large silver bow) an induction test into one of lilo Linda’'. cle Sam’s greatest forces, of red carnations. The Valentine Cpl. Joe Mills of the 80th Gen­ motif was carried out in the way Army Air Corps. eral Hoap.tal favored with "Pistol of small favors. Upon passing tills, which most Packing Mama" and "Put Me in Mrs. Ruth King, the president, of liicm did, they weie entiliqd >our Pocket”, • was in charge of a short business to a three-day trip to Portland at Carlos, the magician from the session. The roll call was respond­ the expense of the government 381st infantry, 96th Division, ed to with fifteen members pres­ Of course, this waan t just u tooled his audience with quick­ ent. Mrs. Cora Bruce gave the pleasure trip, for the boys had to fingered legerdemain. short topic. She had chosen “Let­ .ake a physical exam and if they Pvt. Harold Fuhrman of the ters from Famous Men to Their passed they were ,n. Those who 96th showed a quick-fingered Mothers" taken from the book, are now members of the Army sx.ll equal to prestidigitator Car- “Dearest Mother” by Paul Elgag- Air Corps Reserve are: Ricks, ios, in his piano rendering of Vln- en. She also gave some history of Deisman, Kerr, Miller, Powel', nt Lopez's arrangement of "No- the lives of the parents of these Richardson, Riddle, Ring, Rober­ ” and "Josephine". son, Ross, Waybrunt Don Wil­ famous men. This volume of let­ A large crowd surged in and ters from famous men and women iams, Marvin Williams, Dick Fla- out the USO portals as the two to their mothers reveals the minds narty and !• red Kannaato. programs began and closed. (From The Rogue News) and hearts of their writers. Peo­ Present during the afternoon ple, who were writing them in 0 were Mr. Lawrence Johnson, As­ times of crises to their mothers, Many Ashland Grads sociate Regional Director and give a most direct and intimate West Coast Mobile. Service repre­ expression o f their problems, Service Casualties sentative; Dr Richard P. Saund­ sometimes seriously, sometimes Although there are bu ers. Build.ng Counselor; and Miss humorously. Ashland High School men in the Mary Ross, Regional Publicity i Mrs. Nella Rice reviewed the service, 15 of them have either representative, all from San Fran­ I book, "Thunder in Heaven”, by been killed or ure missing in cisco, Armine Von Tempski. The story is tion. Ashland's percentage --------- o of a particular romance, myster­ casualties is over twice the Mrs. I). S. Lacquement ious and passionate, of the Hawai­ par cent estimate released Islands. It tells of a young A i my und Navy officials, Guest Speaker at Meet ian red-headed doctor Graham, a bril­ The most recent men to be In­ The regular meeting of the liant New York specialist unfair­ eluded in this toll are Lt. James W’omen’s Society of Christian ly barred from practice at. home Curtis and Donald Warren, sea- Service met in the church parlors of Hanka a half-white plantation muii, second clues. Lt. Curtis was February 4, Mrs. J. R. McCracken doctor, and Wilde, doctor of a ieported missing in action alter presiding. a raid made over Germany on rich and powerful island family. The morning session was de­ While carrying out their plain junuary 5. A B-24 bomber p4"i, voted to reports of the several duties Graham and Kanka work ne was seivaig with Bth U. *. committees and to the discussion secretly on the cure for a disease Air 1* orce in England. Warren of the various projects which the which for centuries has been rav­ was on Uie CSS Lutcome Bay al society has in view for the com- ishing mankind, leprosy. In the the lime of its sinking Kent Ashcraft, George Best, ing year. vast shadow of Mana Loa the was served at noon tale unfolds ranging from lusty John Harr und Joe Wurzer, all Army-Navy Tests Ashland Gives Shrubs to Luncheon a goodly number, and the aft- humor to tragedy and embracing graduates of AHS in recent years, To Camp White ernoon session was opened by de­ a whole host of characters. It is nave previously been reported To Be Given at AHS missing. Among the Ashland serv­ The third Army-Navy College Camp White has recently con- votions under the direction of Mrs. a novel of love, sacrifice, and de­ who have given their I (qualifying Test for the Army ' (acted the local USO in regard Robert Lytle. This was concluded votion. The next meeting will be ice men l .IVes aie Lean Ashcraft, George ■Specialized Training Program and to donations of shrubs and plans by a solo sung by Mrs. Lucille at the home of Leah Vale, 285 Best, , John J. Clark, Wayne Corn- the Navy College Program V-12 to help beautify the camp sur- McKay. Liberty St., February 21. »cal. Robert Farlow, John Pratt, wuicb will, lie given throughout-round jigs. Several local people 1 The guest speaker for the aft­ I ------------ o------------ Dale Hoss, Carl Winkleman and the country on Wednesday, March have contributed rose ! bushes, iris, i ernoon was presented by the pre­ Lee O'Haria. I 15, at 9:00 a. m., will be admin- quince, holly trees, wistaria, I siding officer, she being Mrs. D. War Bond Premiere (From The Rogue New») I littered at the Sen,or High School trumpet vine, and many others. Nets 28,000 in Bonds ------------ o I Mi. Robinson announced today. A • « Sgt. Lucas, the gardener, and Celebrate Fiftieth leaflet of general information his assistants take care of dig­ Lacquement addressed the meet- j The War Bond Premiere held winch contains an adnilss:cn- ging the shrubs and transporting ing in a very interesting and im­ at thé Varsity Theater last Wedding Anniversary pressive way on the subject, Thursday night was responsible iuentiflcation form may be ob- them to camp in an army truck. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dickins ' allied at the Senior High School, Among those donating were •Meeting Life's Adversities.” She for the purchase of >28,000 in celebrated their fiftieth wedding ’’■'his form properly filled out will Mrs. Lena Phillips, Mrs. A. B. stated we should be prepared for War Bonds. This is $1000 more anniversary at their home, Mon­ admit to tu" test students be­ Anderson, Mrs. J. M. Wagner, conditions to become worse and than the amount turned in for the day. During the afternoon many tween the ages of 17 and 21 in­ Mrs. Alice PeiJ, Mr. H. Hosier, cited the fact that casualties Third War Loan at the theater ■ rieuds and relatives called ex­ clusive who are hgh school grad­ Mrs. Albert Leonard, Mrs. J. would be greater, shortages more program. tending their felicitations. They uates or who will be graduated Lindsay, Miss i E. Cunningham, acute, and a disintegration of The film was “Sweet Rosie received many lovely gifts and by July 1, 1944. Intent to take Mrs. W. S. Stennett, Mrs. W. D. character. She urged that we O’Grady, starring Betty Grable cards. Including a card from a lhe test should be made known Jackson. should be on the alert preparing and Robert Young with Adolph grandson in the service in Eng­ immediately to Mr. Robinson in Sgt. Lucas stated that all con­ ourselves to meet these situations, Menjou and Virginia Grey. The land. order that the necessary test sup­ tributions are greatly appreciat­ not trying to evade them. She picture was in technicolor. Ill the evening a special dinner, plies may be ordered. ----------- o------------ ed and that he will be in Ashland quoted the editor of the Christian featuring a large Golden Wedding The same examination will be from time to time with an army Advocate as saying, "The years CHORAL CLUB SINGERS AT cake, was served. METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY taken by both Army and Navy' truck to pick up shrubs that any­ are packed with destiny.” Their children/- Mrs. Blanch candidates. The examination is one may have to donate. In closing she urged that we The Ladies’ Choral Club of Martin of I-os Angeles. Morris designed to test the aptitude an 1 Anyone wishing to contribute meet adversities with the spirit Ashland will sing two numbers at H. Dickins, his wife, and her general knowledge required for may call the USO, giving name of Christ, and she then led the Methodist Church next Sun­ mother from near Eugene, and the program of college training, and address. audience in the singing of day morning. Their selections are Mrs W O. Frost and two children and all qualified students are Chinese chorus, “I will not “Panis Angelicus’’ (O Bread of of Ashland we're present to make urged to take the test. At the Mias Jennie May Conway of afraid.” Life) from Messe Solemnelle, by the celebration an enjoyable fam­ time of the test each candidate Lakeview is visiting friends and ------------ o ■ Victor Harris; and “Bless this ily gathering. Robert Gillmore of Portland, a House’’ by May H. Brahe. Mrs. will be given a choice of service relatives in Ashland. ----- o brother-in-law of Mrs. Dwight John Koehler is the director of preference, but taking the test Wallace Stearns, son of Mr. and does not obligate the candidate merit expense. Patterson, visited in Ashland sev­ this group, and Miss Elene Doug­ Mrs. H. A. Stearns, who Is ill in to enlist in tue service. The Navy College Program alBo eral days the first of the week. He las is the pianist. The pastor will the Norfolk hospital, is reported The Army Specialized Training enables students to continue reports that his son, Gordon, who give a sermon on the subject, to be improving. Piogram is aimed to meet the academic training at government has been in a critical condition in "Thy Will Be Done on Earth as Mrs. James T-ennox left Friday Army’s needs for the specialists expense. Successful completion of a Portland hospital, is improving It Is in Heaven.” morning for Covina. California to and technicians in certain critical the prescribed courses may, fol­ and can probably be released ------------ o — ■ visit her daughter and faanily for fields of study. Academic work is lowing further officer training, from the hospital in a couple of Let’s All Back the Attack: Buy at the college level at govern- lead to a commission in the Navy. weeks. a few weeks. More War Bonds. r NELDA WILLIAMS and Companion Arc Invited to Be Guests of the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER to see at I he VARSITY THEATRE (Friday and Saturday) “NAZTY NUISANCE” PLUS “THE KANSAN” i or (Sunday. Monday. Tuesday) “THE GANG’S ALL HERE” Please call at the Miner Offic* for Your Guest Tickets y Sgt. Samuel Jones, Jr., Wilkes- Barre, Pa., has been a doughboy for four years. He was wounded during the North African cam­ paign by enemy machine gun fire. Since his return he has aided greatly in the sale of War Bonds apd buya plenty himself. Sgt. Nicholas Miller. Paterson, N. J., won the Silver Star for res­ cuing two comrades under tire at El Guita. Ills knee cap was brok­ en and the cartilage torn out and at present cannot move his knee. Halloran Hospital doctors are try­ ing to correct thia. He buys Bonds. Pvt. I.ouis Bielmeicr, 33. of New York, was worn1 :l l.y n.' trial shell during the r- ■>. pal.tn. lie l:as a tre her In the Marines. I’-a;.ic i ' r- r r.mi his wife and brother are buying War Bonds regularly. Are you do­ ing the same? Pvt. Clarence Clark, 21, Swamp­ ers, La., has two brothers in the service, one in the Army and the other in the Navy. He was wound­ ed in the right leg and both .jet tn the North African campaign and is now at Halloran General Hospital. He buys War Bonds. Pvt. Pasquale Gaieiia, New York, went through the North Af­ rican campaign without a scratch but was wounded during the inva­ sion of Sicily and is now in trac­ tion at Halloran Hospital. He has a brother in the Navy and haa War Bonds and is buying more.