Thursday, February 3, 1944 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER SOLDIERS SPEND MUCH FOR To the People insurance and \\ tit BONDS So you think THE CHURCH OF THE of this Community CAMP WHITE Tile National I-eague of Women Johnny Doughboy is a hair- BRETHREN lot CAN AfflNUI IT USO tomorrow celebrate* its Votera will hold na uiemuil « You cun uitord to buy Extra third anniversary with 2809 clubs vention in Excelsior Spring*, Mo , brained youth who shoots liis pay Ashland and Medford Wur Bondi during thli Fourth Ward E. Pratt, Pastor and other service unit* in opera­ from April 25 to 28. it was * 1- check in the nearest crap gume Wur l.oun Drive by Ruth TUylor and says phooey on the future ’ * Everyone in this community tion in the United States and nounced today at league head­ 10:00 - The Church School. » Guess again For instance knowi income* are higher than Conventions are the hall marks hemisphere base*, according to a quarter* tn Washington The con Topic: "Divine Help for Human 1 f ever before Sold.era of the itdth division of civilized Uvsig They are the j report received today by Charles vention will bring together del­ Needs." that both have among them the colossal worker» and Graded lessons for the children. iraftic rules which man has , I. Barnard, preaident of USO, egate* from 35 states and 600 lo­ furmer* huva adopted lor the better conduct oi which is a member agency ot the cal league* to appraise current amount of $97 million In National 11:00 - Worship Service more caih Service IJfe insurance coverage Message: "Remember your Cre­ his life. Their observance is the National War Fund. needs and to plan the coming two than ever be A report thia week showed that "Three year* ago. USO was years' activity two years that fore. Every­ ator." A number of young people card proving his right to member­ 95 per cent have some more than one know* ship m civilized society. only a hope ki the hearts of a will round out a quarter century will take part. that more Insurance, with the majority hold there is no law agauist pushing handful of men and women," said Evening services in Medford at of activity for the Ix'ague of than one muxmum amount of Ing the your neighbor aside ill the street, a message to Mr. Sprague from Women Voter*, and that league member of 60s S. Oakdale St. hundred* of famdle* are income 7:00 - Group meetbigs for child­ but if you do so, you prove your- ! Mr Barnard. “Today it has close members recognize as possibly the $10.000 earner* and everyone know* That means they sock away ren, juniors and the BYPD and self a boor. There is no law to 3000 ojArating units serving moat crucial years in United States Inert**** In wag** aod close to $70,000 a month In pre­ uric* have fur outstripped rlwtng agauist eating peas with a knife - the fighting force* and the forces adults studying the Acts of the h'story. miums Throw in the huge amount price*, and incrcaaed luxe* You but if you do, you mark yourself behind the lines all over the West­ -------- -- —o----- Apostles, Chapter four. cun uitord to buy Extra Wur that goes home In allotments 8:00 • Evening worship. Mes­ ill-bred and unused to the ameni­ ern Hemisphere. And the troupes I SO <’> ices if "Practically all Americans have Am-ng other business plans for ments, and It makes friend FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, of people you want to know. you wunt to help win the wur you Conventions are designed for joined in making the USO what the USO birthday celebration were Doughboy a pretty thrifty eus- can’t ufTotd NOT to buy War SCIENTIST tomer Bond* It you want to help that the protection of all. The common it is—a people's service to its completed The council as a — ■ - — -o „ boy in the service, you can’t af usages of society are ingrained m fighting force* by giving gener­ group Is the sponsoring organir.a Pioneer Ave., South fold NOT to buy Extra Bond* Sunday morning service at 11 children from their earliest con­ ously to USO. Every dollar USO lion Mrs Will Dodge, chairman, FIRST DISABLED VETERANS ,o..i it you want « gib eiige.i in t ENROLL AT OREGON STATE vestment for your own future tacts with those around them. We has received has come as a vol­ slated that celebration of the o'clock. security, you can’t afford NOT Tile vunguard of what Is ex­ do not condemn a child himself untary contribution from the Third Birthday and Open House Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. to buv Extru Wur Bond*. American people, made through pected to be an Increasingly large for his bad manners, but we do D n’t iu»t do the expected— has as large part of its purpose evening m eating, Wednesday >1 the Bond* you can. such organized effort as Oregon group of student* at the Ore b a tribute to USO volunteers who, wnich includes testimonies of comment caustically upon his THE EDITOR War Che*t. gon State College have registered home environment. friendly, sympathetic and tireless Christian Science healing, is held "As USO observes its Third An ­ for the winter term when three temporarily replace in the mind* To those conventions with at 8 o'clock. Born to Mr and Mrs James Reading Room open daily from which we are ail conversant, niversary, it gratefully acknowl­ of servicemen the “folks back disabled veteran* of the pienrlil World War entered at the ex­ Brennan on January 21. a son 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and should now be added a new one. A edges the support and c«--opera- home." pense of the government These ------------ o------------ person who condemns another not tion of millions of friends.” holiday*. The ""report to Mr. Sprague 8 Sgt Bill Huffman has been Mrs Joe Carlisle of Eagle first arrivals are Willoughby Ed­ The public is cordially invited ’the groups from which he comes. to attend these services, and to as an individual but because of shows that the American public Point, who recently underwent a wards, lainglols, former N'avy transferred from Peterson Field, should be considered as guilty of contributed $14.000.000 in USO* major operation .is recuperating man; Robert T Sim*. Portland, Colorado Springs Colorati« to use the Reading Room. former infantryman, and Norman Rapid City. South Dakota. bad breeding as he who transgres­ first year to operate 554 units; at the home of Mrs Jesse Lilly —V— $34,000,000 in its second year to J. Kennedy, Twin Rocks, from the ses any of the other more mater ­ The Miner for Quality Printing SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Born to Mi and Mrs Merle Air Corp* ial conventions It just isn’t A- operate 1615 units and $61 000,000 in the third year to operate 2809 All were disabled too seriously . CHURCH Wilkening on January 27, a son college courses If the curriculum merican. and it just isn’t done by to return to duty so are here chosen will lead to definite em­ ladies and gentlemen in America. units Cor. 4th and C. Sts. ------------ ------------- | The Squander Bug will get your under the auspices of the Veter- I ployment op|M>rtunltles Tile first We should hold it is important to Sabbath School 9:30 Saturday. Born to Mr and Mrs Irving money if 4th War Loan Bonds ms' Administration Under the two chose agriculture and the be kind as to be courteous, to Worship, 11 a. m. law *uch men are financed In third forestry speak fairly as well as truthfully, Hanscom on January 26. a son. i don't. AT THE CHURCHES, BEING WELL-BRED Convention Dnte Set For League of Women Votera USO Celebrates third Birthday Topic: "A Great Revival.” Sunday evening song service at 7:45. Sermon al 8:00 on the topic, "The Origin. History and Destiny of the Devil.” Evangelist J. Z. Walker will conduct both the ¿Sabbath morn­ ing and Sunday evening services. —V— CATHOLIC CHURCH Sixth and C streets Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor. Mass Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, Sunday Sch*ol after Mass coi>- ducted by the ladies of the church —V— FREE METHODIST CHURCH to respect our neighbors’ beliefs as we respect his possessions. We are now entering on one of the most trying years in which material life - a year in which the crescendo of war will mean greater stress upon our own tem­ pers, greater strains upon our mental balance as the casualty lists roll in, in addition to the bi' wi fight of a national election. iSet us resolve to conduct our- se ves as well-bred people during th s trying time. Let us be good A: lerican ladies and gentlemen fi it and set a seal upon our Ups, A to his present Second and B Streets position. He has traveled exten­ Earl F. Downing, Minister sively and comes well prepared to 9:45 - Bible School with E. H. present a message for the world McGee, Supt. today. 11:00 • Morning Service. The choir will lead the singing Subject: “It’s Fun to be a and offer an anthem. The Senior and Intermediate Christian if you Take it Serious- .Methodist Fellowship groups will ly.” Junior Church at 11:00 A ser- meet for worship at 6:15. The ^evening worship hour is 7:30. The vice for the children 12 years of ’Presbyterians will worship in.the age and under. 6:30 - Christian Endeavor for Methodist Church. The sermon Juniors and High School age. subject is "A Love That Never 7:30 - Evening Servlet Fails." This sermon will be given The fourth service in the aeries, by the pastor of the Methodist ‘Ten Nights in God’s House.” Church. Midweek Service Wed. 7:30 p.m. The mid-week Bible atudy and —V— - prayer service is each Thursday FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH evening at 7:30. Gordon C. Griffin-Pastor —V — NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH. 9:45- Bible School, C. E. Corry, Superintendent. CONGREGATIONAL 11:00- Morning Worship. Comer of Blvd, and Morton 6 j 30 - Young People's Meeting 9:45 - Bible Scohol with Mrs 7:30 - Evening Service Glen Prescott, Superintendent. 7:30, Wednesday- Mid-week fel­ 11:00- Worship Service low ihip hour. Sermon by Mr. C. F. McCall. —V— —V— THE METHODIST CHURCH FIRST PRESB-YTERIAN CHURCH Talent, Oregon Dr. G. W. Bruce, Minister Nortn Main at Helman Corning sermon at 9:30 on the Sunday services: subject, "A Love That Never Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m Fails." The Supday School meet* (Junior Church meets at the same immediately following the sermon nour at 10:30. The superintend­ hour.) ent is Clarence Holdridge. 'The Youth Meeting, 6:30 p. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship meets Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Study, 7:30 for worship at 6 p. m. The mid­ week Bible study and prayer serv­ p. m. A warm Invitation Is extended ice is each Wednesday evening at 7:30. to aU. REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY AND BOLD \ 6 ★ WAR BONDS 1 You lend your country the money it needs to win the war! You put your money in the sound­ est investment in the world! You build a nest egg for your and your family’s future needs. BUY MORE DONDS ANY RANCH i FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND